PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Satnrday Morninsr, November 5, 1932 i i s 4 W 1 1ft i I- 4 ' m us sy if SCIIUQLSTIJ MEET Roberts Group Host for Con : ventidri Tomorrow; Pro . jt gram Outlined ' - ROBERTS, 'tfovv The Red niH district Sunday school on ; - vention will , be held at Robert " for an all day session Sunday No-' -."ember t. The following program' '' will be given: ''-" -. s ... 7 .'.;..: f ewng service. Mkr. nam-. J ; mer; devotions. .-P. Brassler:- primary daas, teacher,. Mrs, Chas. Cady; : junior class,, teacher, -Mrs. J , r .. P. ;P. f Stoltzheise; ' Intermediate i v teaeheiv Mrs.; Emma Whealdon; I 111 adult; teacher sW, - A. Delsell. --.Son sendee, A. M. Hammer; talk; on prohibition J. D Alexan.- ; deti yocal solo, Mrs. Robert Wy att; morning ifiessage. Rev,' Edgar i P. 61ms.' -T" " t '.' r- r "'. -" Basket dinner at noon. 1 : 3 0 eong service, A. M. Hammer; de motions,; ; Rev. ; J. ; Lincoln Ellis; business' session;. soIq. Earnest Pearson;, number b; Liberty school ; musical selection, JSalem Heights j : character T missionary song, : Roberts; address "Ptohlb tlon", Mrs. Necia Buck; duet, Claudine GilHsple, Dorothy ;Tra- vis; address. Rem. P. W, Erlksen; 4 benediction, Mrs. E. Beckett. Miss Clara Hansen and Miss . Ardlth Caldwell gave a Hallow U e'en ' party Monday evening for a group of friends sat the home of U Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pickering. , -Guests were: Rose Ann Goodrich; . Prances ' Blankenshlp, Gerald Ehorel; Eugene Bressler, Oscar ; Hansen, .Bennie, Louis, andDsA - aid Salchenberg and the hostess. Clara Hansen and Ardith Cald-.-welLiL':..!.,','' . . ,-f Revival Series . - Will Continue Another Week ' Etangelistic meeting being con ducted at the Christian and Mis sionary' Alliance gospel tabernacle by Rer. Arthur E. Hall will coii tlnne through the coming week, ReT. W. H. Caldwell, pastor, an Jroonces. .Serrlees will be held each night at 7:45 o'clock, except Monday. Special rnuaical numbers for the . week " are expected to include those, by the gospel jubilee quar tet, ReT. A. J. Smith and family " and Mrs. Fred Tooie, Jr. The past ' week outstanding of the : special features wer,e talks by Rey. aud Mrs. R. M. Landis of Hocwl . River, under appointment to the Philip pine mission fields. . vt i A series of cottage prayer meet ' Ings are being held each morning v at 9:30 o'clock during theevenge . listic series. - , . HBitTfor Breakfast T ". . . O e . , (Continued from Page 4) t seem on-its face rather high. ; ' :1 . v . But if it were reduced to any lesser number it would ttill be : completely untrue Just as It has been untrue in eTery other case when the democrats hare raised ; ther sane ' cry as ' they have fol- towing we enactment oi eyery re publican tariff bill for the past 40 - years. :-.' , . . :::4- . : . V The- records show that foreign . "tariff Increases hare been made without any respect to out tariff laws. Proof of .that is found In the ' -intact that during the four years, ltlS23-im iong before th Haw .. i ley-Smoot reTteion was eya talk :;. :. ; ed about, 3? big and little foreign . - - ' natioas made 87 upward nrrisions in their tariffs. l:t ;:.-!-; s s : : . X Certainly they were riot "retali ' ating" against a law which was lj;. ; ';Bot yet passed. These tariff In- i ereases .by foreign 1 nations 'were ! i'saade for the same reason thai we . - : employ the tariff, ourselves, to : - ' raise revenae and to protect homo ' ' 1 Industries - . KJ:S . ;; .' -. - . Furthermore these foreign tar- 1 Iff Increases were not directed . solely at the United SUtes, but - applied to all other nations. T - - w w ''' ,The Hawley-Smoot - law- itself provides against the possibility of : discriminatory tariffs by declar ing (section 328) that In case any eountry.: Imposes directly, or in directly . 1 any unreasonable : charge, ; exactJon,V regulation 4 or- limitation which is not equally en forced upon (he like articles of everr foreikn country: or discrim- i - against tne commerce of the unlt I , ed States by administrative regu- ' Elation of customs, tonnage or port Vdnty ; to such manner'as to ,r place, the 'commerce of the United ''J.TIBUtet t a dlsadvaotage compar 1 , r; " .- ed to the commerce of any foreign j country,? therpreident' shall j b f H': proclamation specify and declare jw or aaaiiiontst amies upon me ; imotu uj. uy cuuuiry iuas uib- criminating against -American. commerce. If ; anr Americanrro- dncerfr;manutactnrer:.bel t,i ... tnetetore that he is being retall- : ated against by some foreign coun- try,' it will cost ; him only cents In a postage stamp to lay hia claim i , before the president or the tariff . commission. The fact that no sach j clahn has yet been presented is ' proof enongh that the contention - of Governor Roosevelt and other i democratic critics of the Hawiey f i I smoot law Is ntterlr without fonn- . datlon. '.-''.. ; J . The whole retaliation argument. Ja other words, is mere anthtariff - propaganda without- any , lonnda :tlon whateyer upon, which to rest: ..-It l merely bait with which ta - catch avekerj.. .':'" ."J"-1:" v - Of all , sectlona -of the 7 United 'States; the Salem district ohsbt t6 iL aW ,IVW OUJ OttVACirTlUls aa no other,' our people, with -their diversity ot prod ucU, ill Tea.firlng". -protection,- ought-, to., be too; frell informed and thus "toe: waryVt , rke to Bmch-a baiW -" i in .. CiOiVUBT XAFTJST . W. Earl Chrsn, pastor. Casr school 9:40. Xrs. W. A. BarkBa, BoprmtendeBt. Uorninr teme. 10:50,- "Vision and 8rrir ' ; duet tone by Mrs. Taylor nd air. Davit. "Mora Liks Him" (Aekler); nthm, "God U Bpiit" (BeBBett). Erasing Mrtie, 7:30, "Tb rerka at tha Road"; atla, "ia Evas 8onr" (Wil liam).. WaduadBy prarr Bad pri mVic. Thanday ehotr rcbral at 7:15, at 8:1 tha nm, "Ratk" will ba pra acntad Bjr th tara Bur. "''r ,''''''''..A1r' " f : ' riXST KBTBOOISX , : Charck aehl, :45. Uaraiac worship, 11, Mraos, "Ou Stam-TasaaA 8bip of 8tt," pr-laetia serrie Dr. B. K. Farlrer. Tc popl'a foraav, 6.' Three Kpworth ieairaea, :80. Ercaiag Berriee, 7:30, 8rBitiBaB ttnag Isaac. j 7aso "ten matositAx.' kCETHOSIST EPISCOfAl. " - Jefersoa aad Winter. . H. G. Hmnph ray, pastor Sundsr school S:45. Maraiaf worship. 11. subject "Tha Orae af Ha mitity"; chorus choir masia led by Prof. Hermsa -Clark. ETaataf warship, 7 :30, subject "The Strategy of Gideon1 a Three Hundred." Toaac people's MeetiBf :30, three rrenps, scsior, kifh School aad in termediate. ST. rATTL'l EPICOT AX. Chnrch and Chebeketa. Oeerfe H. Swift, rector. Holy communion, 7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, baptism aad seraton, 11. Charck achocl, :4i. Special avaaiaf serv ice, 7:SO p. as, with Kot. Dr. John C. Erana ot Chieato preachinj. irasT baptibt : Marion and North Liberty. Britton Ross, soiaUtcr. Bibla school, 9:45, Fred Broer. anperimtewdeat. Morninf worship, 11, special rnnsie by asala chorus; sermon. "The Second Mile"; first anniversary of tka pastor. Junior, intermediate and sen ior B. T. P. :30. Prayer neeUBC before evening serrice, S :30. Organ prel ude, 7:10, Miss Miller, orgsnist. Evenitig sex-rice, 7:90. special music by choir; ser mon, ' 'The Book o( ReTeiation The P,r erted Chnreh"; ia connection witk tha sermoa a large kandpainted chart on the Book of Rerelntion will be need. Vidwei-t day night, 7:30. Kezt Wednesday, study of 56th ckapter ot Isaiah. FIRST EyaROIXICaI, North Summer at Marion. Emory W. Pattieerd, minister. Sunday school, 9:45, I. L. Thornton, superintendent. Morning worship, li; sermon, "Tha True Bap tism." Organ prelude and offertory by Mr. Ethel Poling Phelps. Christian En deavor. a?:S0. Evangatistie serrice, 7:30. sermon, "Indifference." Song serrice led by J. H. Friesen. Special ntasio by mate quartet.- Bible study and prayer Thurs day at 7:30. COURT STREET CHRISTIAN1 Court and 17th. Hugh N. McCsllum, raster, ,1744 Cfaemeketa, phone 8104. Bibla Bckool, 9:45, Mrs. Irene Weller, superintendent. - Morning worship witk communion aad sermoa at 11, sermon, ''The Way of Christian Action." Chris tian Endeavor societies, S:80. Special sur ma a, areuing serrice. 7:30, "Tha Wet Stampede." in which pastor will bring homo some truths from his experiences in Franco,- England and AMci. Midweek trailing classes Wednesday, 7:30 and 8:15. p. m. : FIRST CHURCH OP OOB Cottage and Hood. O. T. Keal, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Erening worship. 7:30. Yonng people's meeting. 0:30. Miss Claudine Gillespie, leader. Prayer and testimony meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. ! H3GHLAHD rRTEKDS " Highland and Chnreh, Clen Rinsrd, pas tor. Sunday school. 10, E. M. Beckett, su perintendent. Morning worship. 11. Eraa gelftie serrice. 7:30. Junior C. E., 5:30. Senior and intermediate C.E., 6:30. Mid week prayer meeting Thursday, 7:80 p.n. ST. JOHN'S LTTTHERAH i - . Minsourt Synod i A and 18th. H. W. Gross, pastor. Eag lish serriees, 9:45. German at 11. Sun day school, 9, WiHUm O'Neill, superin tendent. BETHAMT REFORMED Capitol -and Marion. W. G. Lienk sem per, pastor. Sunday school, 10. German serriees, 10. English serriees, 11. Homo Mission day will bo obserred at all serr iees. Tha program furnished by the Board of Home Missions entitled "In Time of Need" will be nsed. Special music by male quartet. This is all chnreh day for November. Afternoon meetings of Con, sistery and Ladies' Missionary society. At noon a lunch will be serred ia the church-basement. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS Nelson building. Chemcketa at Liberty. Sunday school. 10. Preaching serrice, 12. FREE METHODIST Market and North Winter. J. R. Stew art, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, Emory Goods, superintendent. Mortiitg worship, 11, subject, "Sin." Erening worship, 7:30, subject, "Repentence." Young peo ple's meeting, 6:30, subject. "Educa tion," led by Fleeta Setter. OPES DOOR MISSIOK1 313 H Xorth Commercial. Serriees at 7:45 Sunday. Weekly meetings. Saturday, 10 a. 7:45 p." m.; Tuesday and Thurs day, 7:45. Boors open erery day, 8 a. m. to 11 p. m. to tbose needing help. H. W. Colon, pastor. ' f - CHRIST BV ANGELICA!, LUTHERAN State end 18th. Amos E. Minneman, A.M.. pastor. German serriees. 9:45. sub ject, "Filled with the Knowledge-of Hia will."- fcnrtuft serriees, 11, subject, "To Walk Worthily in All Things Well-Pleasing." Sunday school, 9:45. Mrs. A. E. Mionemsn. superintendent. Lather lesgne, 7, Martha Battennaa, president; subject, "Castaras Adobphas. the Sariour of Pro testantism from the Forces That Sought its instruction,- Edna Item me, leader. ORACB GOSPEL HALL " S49 North Commercial. Sunday school, lOt Special bibla study. 3 p. sa. subject, "The Royal, Priesthood of Christ." Serr iees Friday and Sunday, 7:45 p. as.' KGHTM&ORIAL Ferry and 18t. H. C. Storer, minister. Morning worship, 11. Sermoa and music appropriate to Armictice day; sermon, "World Pesce": snthenrs, "God is Oor Refaga" and "Tbera is No Death." Ere ning serriea. subject, "A Christiaa Plat form"; choir will ming Kippling's "Ra essionai" Cliarch school, 10, ,C, C. Har ris, super, Htn dent. Tonng people's meet ing, 6:45, Roy Harland, leader of senior Btoetiag.- - :. PRESBTTERIAN ' Wiatet- and A'ocmeketa. Grorer O. Birt ehet D.D ..pastor. Cbareh school. 9:30, L. M. Ramaga. superintendent. Morning worship. 11. enr.on oa world peace; "The Certaintyof World Peace": anthem. "Ha Msketk Wars vto Cease Seotl : offertory, '.T an American Soldier" Thorepion). Christisn Endraeor societies. 8:30. sub ject, "The ChristUa's Welfsre." Erening praise, 10. ; BnVi. Tb Lltrtv of (HsrkwM solo hv Xrti. rdon McUiK jhristj'FBfBito faea V ( Jahason . , sli-:'tl&ri BATT1ST , ,";" . BtvjiasTi aad lth. J. H. Bris?c. pV tor., Snadsj" ichool, Morning wof shi' 11. snbWt. "Ood's Armorb.rn." sabje Pe Special ma sic uvorriiiix sad' Bln. First Baptist Ghurch Marion and North Liberty ; Streets . ? BRITTON ROSS .Minister -i ' 11 A. M.4The Second mt 7:30 IV M. rTne Perverteti 'Great interest is maniteotod in the ttndy 4f The Book .of Hev- .71' elation. If -rod dmir at. Kpi t .BnderftandiBgot,thIa;wonderr, Mi .book, see This Chart end ;hear,lt. explained. .v. s Special MusUaC Both riif',-ov ii UM13AY the Churches " ZJLBISK ETANQELXCAI. H. B. Scherieraaa, pastor,' 1161 TJaloa. Salem. CLEAR LAKE Chnreh icheol, 10. iW. P. Collsrd, superintendent. Wor ship bear, denominational foreign mission day. witk special music aad sessionary address: offering) for foreica missioa "work. E. L. O. E, f :30. BibU Study and prayer Tuesday. 1:30 p. m. MIDDLE, GROVE Church school 10, T. r. WaV ken superintendent. E. L. C. ' :30, topi.:Varbtra tka Effects of MiliUry Traiaing in Schools t" Missionary pro grant by W. M. 8. and T. M. P. C. with of taring for foreign mission work of tka ehureh. Bible rtady and prayer Wed nee day, 7:10. -with- she - Edwarda family. LABISH CENTER Ckarrh. school. 10, W. A. Starker, superintendent. C. E. at T, topie, "What are tha Effects of Mili tary Traiaiag la Schools I" Mrs. Florenca Burr, leader. Midweek derotioaa Thurs day, T:30. - FIRST TTHTTARIAJI Korth CotUgo aad ChemekeU. Pred Al ba a Weil, minister. Chare h school.' 10. Mile H. McKey, soperinteadent Chnreh serrice, 11, sermon, "Religion in China 5000 . Tears Ago Bad Beligioa la' America Today." Mrs. Walter A. Denton, organist. . SPIRrTUAI. CHTJXCH OP DITOTB TRUTH . Velaea ball, Cheaeketa between Lib erty .aad Commercial. Gordon Fleming, pastor. Serriees, 7:30 p. m.. lecture sub ject. ."Tha Handwriting: o Jha WaH," DanierS:l-28, followed by messages. Mid week saaasage serrice, 25 X street Tkara day, p. as. . RTAHQELISTIO TABPRHACUB Ferry at'lStk. C. O. Weston, pastor. Sunday school, 1:45 p. m., R. O. Psr gasoa, superintendent. Church , service.. 3. subject, "Light for These Days." Ere ning eereiee, 7:43. subject. "Shadows of Colossal Erents." Bibla study Tuesday. 7 :45. Prayer aseeting Wednesday, t p. m. Erening devotional serrice Thursday, 7:43. Toaag people's.-serrice, Saturday, lip. m -T j FIRST GERMAN BAPTIST ' North Cottage aad D. U. W. Rutseh, minister. Sunday school, 9:45 v Sam Sehir msn. superintendent. Morning serrice, 11, folowed by tha Lord's Supper; topic, "The Prodigsl's Brother"; choir anthem. B. T. P. U :45, Henry Kenmsa. presi dent. Evening serrice. 7i30. topic "Christ ia a Lovely City." Regular midweek pray er serrice Wednesday. 8 p. m. FIRST COKGRRGATIONAL Center and Liberty. J. R. Simends, pastor, ounaay school. :45. Morning wor ship, 11, the sacrament of tha Lord's Supper with communion meditation, br the psstor, "Por Yoo." FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEKTIST Chemcketa and Liberty. Serriees, 11 s. v. sod 8 p. m., subject, "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday school, 9:45 and 11. Testimony meeting Wednesdsr, 8 p. m. Reading room at 408 Mssonic tem ple open from 11 to 3:30 except Sundsys and holidays. WEST SALEM Sunday schools meet at .Summit and at Oak Grore ehspel at 10, at Ford Mem orial ehureh, 9:45. Sermon subject. 11, at Oak Grore chapel, "Respect -for Rirfat- fol Authority." Ep worth leagues meet at rorcl Memorial, 8:30 p. ra followed by erening sermoa. 7:80, "Is World Peaee But an Idle Dream I" Charles L. Dark, minister. Q. A M. A. GOSPEL TABERNACLB W. H. Caldwell, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45, Mrs. Gilbert White, superintendent. Morning worship, 11, Rer. Arthur E. Hall preaching. Emning er&ngeMstio serrice, 7:30, including special music and singing. Cottage prayer meetings, 9:30 a. m. each day. Eraageltstio serriees continuing sr ery erening except Monday at 7:45. Rer, Hall will speak each erening. MICKEY MOUSE WlTW I " MICKEY AND CAPTAIN 1 I RUSHING HOMEWARp LETS RETUDN TO DETE AND SHYSTER. STU-L in THE HANDS OF THE . I i . ; Wfc THIMBLE THEATRE 1 r l TIIA-V PA rJVll. N J ' ii k" . m. I f- ... . I t-WA- U I S-V. IMM LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Y l SUE5S MC3. MEAMV DOMT fiUSPECT WESt HtuiN9 rtlCHT H cC m HSc HOaf CMAY6& WC.-UU MWfc. A CWANCE.TD A Lit tCO li er w abv ..Bjrrt r- cAMTrtous t-i "SSfl:iSSSSaiaHSS- TOOTS AND CASPER l - : ,1 C vJv'no 1 wmiDOBwcwrrEA ' I AR0WS OM TREES PROM THE VAY II PEW THtN&S THIS WEEK.CASPER - I , !vYto THISt APTEP OESOSmM THIS 1 1 ITO.9 rM tup da XZJTCZJT -"5Vf - WEEKVSALARV MY 6ANK 1 1 ANO I foWSttZrZZmZ. WWW 11 I -OALANCE IS ft 9QH LESS THAN V v . l-ZZZZZ? 1 SBCLtt IV HifmX-VaP LAST WEEm WE1LNEVER , I CinVxS AL wVI i??Z&2l' 1 "P1 :45ENai)OeSiTX fH I ' aa ( m z .. . r - m - - M H " . sj . ,r s.f ? . - at as.N- B . -.. v . ' -t B mjar mt-t- m B lv s I tI I T. i a - aaaas. -m k .v'll- ' i. -T Vl 13 - LESXIR MEMOR3AI, South Commercial at Mrers. SI Darlow Johnson, pastor, 348 East Myers, phono 9087. Chnreh school, 9:45, V. M. Saekert, snpenntenaeat. Morning worship, 11, ser mon, -Wanda That Help": anthem. "I Will Life Up Mine Eyes" (Harker). At 7 :0. Soath Saless rrienda church mm- operating, tkara will bo a rood eitisenship raiiy aaaressea oy m. ieri x. renning toa. Asbary leagues ia Leslie haU at 6:15 csntianiag discussion of "MeUods of Li-, juor Control' ' ; Lowell Williams, leader. Intermediate and Leslis lea rues, 6:10 Midweek prayer and study hoar Thnra dayw 7:30. Choir rehearsals Thursdsy night, junior 7:15, senior 6:15. Mrs. Mar jeria Walker Rateliffe. director. FIRST CHURCH OF THB NAEARENB Center and IStk. Fletcher Galloway. pastor, S835 Market, phone 9630. Sua day school, 9:45, P. M. LitwiUsr. sapor tateadeat. Morning warship, 11, subject, "Tho Cost of Pentoeost." Erening' wwr ship. 7:10, "A Msa Whoso Strength Be esms His Weakness." N. T. P. 8. aad Junior society. 6:80. Special musis for morning aad erening lerrice. AMERICAN LUTHERAN Church between Cheaseketa aad Center. P. W. Erikaen, pastor. Morning worship, II, "Oaa Wa Know Perfectly tha WUl of God I" j anthem by cktrfr. 'Hear My Cry, O Father" (Satar). At 7:80. moving pie tures of China, present sd ky Dr. J. Vinton 8eott, who spent many years in tha orient. Htf will explain tho pictures as' they are showa. Admission free; Special siagiag. Sunday school, 9:45, A. A. Kraegcr, su perintendent. Luther Ltague, 6:30, Ladies guild Wednesday, ::!0, derotionals by Mrs. G. N. Fake. HostesMs. Mrs. A. iC Caisss, Mrs. A. C. if eye? and Mrs. Htary Reinwsld; a study br Mrs. C. M. Byrd; special music and tie bringing of tho thank offering banks, Mrs. ft, G. Arpks chairman of this department. RICKREALL EVANGELICAL John J. Rodin, minister. Sunday school. 10 erery Snnday. Chnreh serrice, 11, er ery other Sunday; sermon topic. -"Tha Yslus of a SouL" No srenlng serrice. HAZEL GREEN CHURCH C. M. Smith, psstor. Sunday school ia charge of recently organised senior young people's class. Preaching subject, "Peace or Whatt" Children's sermoa, "A Leg end of Ceblenz." Christian Eadearor, 7:30. Kenneth Barnett, leader. TURNER METHODIST EPISCOPAL N. Sherman Hawk, patsor. Sunday school, 10, Iran Hadley, superintendent. Worship 11, sermon subject, "Contrast ed Results." Epworth lesgne. 6:30, Al bert Jensen, leader. Erening worship, 7:30, topic, "The Age Needed Church." ENGLEWOOD UNITED BRETHREN North 17th sad Nebraska. R. V. Wil son, pastor. Sunday sehooL 9:45. Morn ing worship, 11, sukjeot. "Regeneratioa The Hope of Saring Cirilization" ; solo by Deana Shepherd. Erening worship 7:90, three act -play, "Highways to Lesd- ershlp. Lsunching of Camp. Philomath camp. Young people's meeting, 6:30. sub ject, "Aa El indearorer and Team Work," Billy Pero. leader. XMMANUEL, BAPTIST Hasel and Academy. Sunday school, 10, lesson, I Samuel 19. Preaching. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Midweek prayer and tes timony meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial and Washington. Charles C. Hsworth, pastor. Sunday school 10. Mrs. Helen Fo Joaes. superintendent. Morning worship, 11, sermon, "Tha Oh-st of God." C. E. prayer meeting, 6:90. Union temperance meeting with Leslie Memorial ehureh. 7:30. Prayer Bad praise meeting and bible study. Thurs day, 7:30 p. sn. ITS NO USE. YO MAJESTY fI UWf EAT-feM, AN DAT S ALL UC.Y tS IO IT! WED BE POISONED! Starring Popeye WOE IM 5WEAK CXTT. - t o f f I ALL DfcY tS IO IT! WED BE f V I A I SIIIHfil CKLE HS OFFICERS MONMOUTH. Not. 4 Tues day night an election of officers of! sunbeam Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft resulted as follows: Mrs., D. A. Hoak, O. N.: Mrs. J. V. Moreland. p. O. N.: Mrs. Out Doming, advisor ;' Mrs. Nora Ma son. -clerk; Mrs. Ed Hamar. ban ker; Mrs. John Scott, Mrs. Chas. stanton and Mrs. Sadie waller, managers; Mrs. Harry . 8harrow, magician; Mrs. E. M. Ebbert. at tendant; Mrs. R. E. Derby, inner sentinel : Mrs. C. C. Yeater, ' out er sentinel; Mrs. Minnie White, captain of guards; Erla Mae Mur- dock, flag bearer; Mrs. Stanton, musician; Mrs. - Adeline Cal breath, press correspondent: Mrs. C. E. Price, Installing of ficer. An electric waffle iron was presented to Mrs, Mabel Yeater Pollan, recent bride who Is a' circle member. Mrs. Hoag made the presentation speech, and Mrs. Pollan responded. ! Announcement' was made that during the past. three " weeks the Monmouth Circle has sent a printed letter to every other Cir cle in Oregon, stating opposition to the Zorn-McPherson school moring bill, and asking Circle members to rote . against the measure. Vital reasons why the bill should be defeated form the basis of the letter. Kaser Gets Season High on 181 Bales; Party Given Child WALDO HILLS, Not. 4 Fred Kaser and son, Errln, prominent hop growers of the Evergreen dis trict, delivered 181 bales of hops Thursday morning, recelvl s lt cents. Mrs. Robert Cunningham enter tained a group of her daughter, Marjorle's playmates Thursday afternoon in honor of the child's ninth birthday. Present were Phyllis Jean Haberly, Lois Klnch eloe, Dellora Doerfler, Norma Wilson, Pern Ray. Mabel and Mar tha Lord and the honor guest, Marjorie. ENTERTAINS TONIGHT BRUSH CREEK Mrs. Glenn Howe Is entertaining Saturday night for her 4-H club members at the Howe home. The affair will be in the nature of a Hallowe'en party and decorations in keeping will be made. BOLXhTBSS ASSOCXITIOjT Marlon Connty . Holiness association will hold aa all-day meeting Wednesday, Horember la the Friends church at Marion, Rer. Smith, paster. "The Picnic WE OUGHT TED KILLYO" BOTH, OUT We. AiN II WHEN MEN S SO BAD DEV CAlNT BE EATEN, AN ORDINARY DEATH AIN'T STRONG ' ENOUGH! Now Showing flaking It Hot ' (ii i) n xm . si fy utN me . . V "COURSC WC12E AWTUL UlCKV Th" - .BUT MCSJtCT-X WIShT " SOME, W-y ICCOtDTAKfc tm i pen. ampul OMsry r An Easy "Way. To Saver! Water Fight Tuesday Vote SILVERTON, Not. 4 A new city ticket appearing upon -the streets Thursday, night created quite a furor, among the Toters. With the exception ot the race tor Justice of peace, no competition was being offered. Thursday night tha Water User's committee came out with a new ticket which is being widely distributed about' the city. . ' ' The new ticket ihowa complete satisfaction with tha -present se lection for city. mayor,. E. Garrer, and offers no opposition there but there Is glren choice In Jxth the councilman and the city recorder. William Serrice, who -was city re corder .before 'the present one, George Hubbs, Is again suggested oa the new ticket The circulars giving the Water Users' ticket al so gives full Instructions as to how to write in the names of the new ticket In such a manner as to assure their being legal. The appearance of the hew tick et will give considerable seat to the coming' election locally. Couneilmen recommended are J. P. Conrad, E. P. MeNeer and P. W. Nof taker. Holiness Group Slates All - Day Meeting on 9th -e. The Marion county Holiness as sociation will bold an all-day meeting Wednesday, November 9, in the Friends church at Marion, with Robert C. Smith the host pastor. At 10:30 a. m. Rev. Fletcher Galloway of the Salem Nazarene church will speak and at 2 p. m. Rev. J. R. Stewart of the Salem Free Methodist church will bring the message. Nine Candidates Seek Council Job From West Salem WEST SALEM. Nov. 4 Those signifying that they will accept the office it elected to It in the city election Tuesday, are, mayor, Guy C. Newgent, Incumbent, and Earl S. Patton; for treasurer, L. L. Sloper; recorder, Maude Mill er; for couneilmen, Fred Gibson, Dr. A. F. Goffrier, Emmett A. Dickson, A. V. Meyers, Lester Brannan, Ray J. St umbo, Peter Foelkl Clarence A. Guderian, and S. L. Burke. Grounds" YONDEH IS DE JUNGLE! NO MAN HAS COME OUT OF iT ALIVE YIT! AN' YOU TWO IS GVVHME FIND OUT WHY - NOW GIT!! V "Choice MorselsM For Annie" ' " . - i w r in u i i vvx m t rr trr . Aats . . sw . , mm u JNiaifETERDAY SAW A DRESS FOR 5X ? vi BUTlCwtrT BUY IT. AND TOD t VJAS - A LUUKlNa AT Ja L1JAT RTW I BUY IT, AND THAT MAKES A BOTH PGU( GROUPS TO ILLY Hill DALLAS, Not. 4 - Senator Fredrick Stelwer will be one of the main speakers on . the - pro gram at. the-r republican rally to be held at the court house St urdy, "; November. 5, at 8 p.m. James 1 W." Mott; candidate lor congress" has "been lnrlted to speak bUsoVT".;4 ; The raljy Is. being arranged by B. F; Swope, chairman, and. Mrs. Stella Henry, . secretary of ' the Polk; county, central committee. Lyle Thomas of West Salem will also give a short, talk. There will be musical entertainment.. - Demos Rally Too - -INDEPENDENCE, Not. . 4 The democratic . ' committee- of Polk .county has arranged a dem ocratic revival to be held at the Independence Armory, Saturday evening Nor. S. The main speak er will be- W. A. Delxell, who will speak for; Franklin Roosevelt for president, and Harvey Stark weather for U, S. representative. "Dad" -Phelps, ' who is running for city recorder, will be given time to launch his campaign. Other speakers will be: Grove A. Peterson, candidate for re presentative from this district; C. C. Gardner, candidate for eounty commissioner; Robert H. Walker, candidate for county sheriff; Hugh G. Black, candidate for county clerk: William Boyd ston, candidate for county treas urer, and Ed Dunn, candidate for county' assessor. Republican Rally Held; Census For School is Record AUMSVILLE, Nov. 4 A repub lican rally was held at the school house Thursday night, with Henry Porter, republican committeeman for this district, presiding. The speaker was Ralph Emmons, state chairman of the young republi can's league. The Hawley-Smoot tariff was his main subject. The school clerk. Mrs. Charles Colvin, has finished taking the census for this district. The larg est enrollment ever for this dis trict was this year wRa 174 boys and girls. ' TO DISCFSS ISSUES The Sunday evening meeting of the Young People's Forum of the First Methodist church will be de voted to discussion of political is sues. William DePew will lead the discussion. A short review of important current events will be presented by Ronald Hewitt. -.-AND SO WE LEAVE PETE AMD SHYSTED By . m. .sfV eo VM rr m , "f -1 1 ' m W m J BT C Baa I I I a a I South Salem , ; Churches Unite . FortBigIially '! South - Salem Friends ehureh and Leslie Memorial chnreh are uniting in a good citizenship rally to be held in the Leslie auditor? lum at 7 :30 p. m. Sunday. Dri i Levi . T. Pennington, president t Pacific college; will be the speak er, theeTening. . : - Dr. Pennington was, in his ear; ller, years,, city; editor, of dally r newspaper , in a middle .western city and from this vantage 'point saw Ufe as it was" in the ' day of the legalised liquor - traffic i ; Ia . hia unique and interesting manner he will present eome facts which are. not found-in the papers of to- . 4W.:. ,.;.;;.;.,-";.:.' - Ne wlyweds Given Royal Welcome ,by Friends,- Hubbard HUBBARD. Nov. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schmidt who recently retained from a wedding trip to California were - surprised by 10 of .their friends, who charivaried then Monday. The groom was made to - wheel the bride 'down main; street to the fire house ; where- the groom . was hoisted to the top of the fire. tower. Then the newlyweds were given a ride about town in the large red fire truck, after which the party re- ; turned to the Hovenden apart ments where the young couple will live, and were served ice! cream and cookies. j Friends attended from Molalla, i Sheridan, North Howell and Hub bard. Mrs. Schmidt, formerly Helen : Voget, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Voget, was 'bookkeeper in the Hubbarrd creamery before ber marriage. She is a graduate of the Hubbard high school and both are popular members of the younger set. Mr. Schmidt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmidt of North Howell and . has been employed for some tln?e by the Hubbard creamery. Jefferson Slates Republican .Rally For This' Evening JEFFERSON. Nov. 4 There will be a republican rally at the , Masonic ball in Jefferson Satur day night, November 5, at S:et) o'clock. Sheldon F. Sackett of The Oregon Statesman at Salem will speak on the republican issues. Mrs. Hannah Martin, nominee for representative will speak on the amendments. Other candidates will also be present. There ill also be a musical program. Ev eryone is invited to be- present. By WALT DISNEY By SEGAR I HOPE -THERE ARE CrXUrAtBMjS I -DARRELL McCLURl ByMMMlJRPHY - "Yi A Kin sjc A nn, - L1 mm imkil - . t T sale at ow.ooaooo.2 v SPJ W BUY IT, , sirS.01 IT YOUR - BaK5?FL CSS aanajcv wis a v s . , .T7.TL. . muni i " A HXKY sirUY ANO DONT ' KNOVNTT! A $