The OREGON STATESMAN rSaicm: -Oregon, tiato rday Morning. November 5, 1932 PAGE FIVE fcocal News Briefs; Ministers to Meet The Salem Ministerial association -will have tw matters -op tor consideration at .it meeting Monday, morning. These are the exchange of auipits an4 teacher reception, both of which vera inaugurated last year la addition there will he a diaeus lon on the place ot the church tn depression, the subject to bo con sidered from the epiritnat angle. The pastor meet at the T. M. C.La at 19 . m." -j ' Opening!!! Cot Rate Floral Dept. Metropolitan Chain Store, US If. Llhertyt. rirethorn, paphne, Ca melias, Atallaa & other hrbbry; Three tor llv Frn Ite g ;up, Cycleraen 3k primroses In bloom. To Tie Knot Rev. P. W." Erlki sen, pastor of the American I.utb.4 eran church here,,wm be- is; Caija as, Wash.; Sunday hlght to- per form the ceremony at the wed ding of Rev. Andrew Engeset bt the Zion Jjutheran ehurch at.Cara as and Mrs. f Mary Markart ot Portlands Both bride and groom are friends ot Rev. Eriksen. The . 111 l. .JIAV VWt A A (n IAV Eageset's church. . : I; V Given licenses Two licenses to marry were secured yesterday at the county clerk's office. They went to Cecil A. Edwards, 11, 2315 Fairgrounds road, Salem, a Bhdemaket, and Margaret McCoy, 19, 2345 Fairgrounds road; Salem, a stenographer; Oscar F. Beet man, 21. 1060 Erixon atreet, Sa lem a Janitor, and Ruth Rockile, 18, 840 Hood street, Salem, a housekeeper. One Death Reported There ias one fatality in Oregon due to ir.Hn.trUl accidents during the. week ending November 3, aecord- lnt to a report prepared oy tne ttate industrial accident commis sion today. The victim was vu liam W. Fleming, edgerman, of Lakh Grove. There were' 454 ac cidents reported to the' eommw . sion during the week. .Special prices on all Shrubs Sat urday. Warren's Nursery, 24 Court St. Pep Up AttendanceA series ot programs being glvelL at the Che meketa f lodge ot Odd Fellow meetings ax doing a great deal to build up Vegular attendance, of ficials aay. ; Wednesday et next week u Rehekah will be Invited guests, and the Oregon Loggers will put en a snappy program. Last Wednesday 'Tandy ; VUMna tarnished the entertainment . Wanted; used furnitwe.Tel.5 UM V Dentists go to Y Members ot the Uarton-Folk-TamhiU Dental society gaTe up their usual meet ing time last night to attend the meeting at the T. TttV C. AT where Dr. Charles A. Sweet, child special ist from Oakland, Calif.; delivered fcn address. The dentists regular bnslhess session was ' postponed untn next month's meeting1. ' DOuEY opposed to K6 COLLEGES Willamette President Says , State Institutions Al ready too big Grand-Silver to Reopen in Salem In Near Future A reorganization of the F. W. Grand-Silver stores and the Me tropolitan Stores of Delaware has been effected, and a branch of the new .organization will open in a short time In the Roth building on Liberty street. This was the location of the F. W. Grand-Sil ver store in Salem, but the goods were closed out under the receiv ership which caught the former organization. The fixtures how ever were not disturbed and the new store will open up for busi ness as soon as merchandise now oa hand and in transit may be opened np and displayed. The new manager of the local store win be a Mr. Lincoln The national chain has been re organised with fresh capital, and with new operating policies and agreements which are expected to enable the store te carry on under changed conditions. i Form New Triangle A new I Cjirl Reserve group has been or ganized at Englewood school, with about 30 members. Officers are Virginia Watson, president; Pat ricia Ryan, ice-president; Shirley Watson, secretary - treasurer. Helen Ralph is advisor. The elub will start a world fellowship pro ject, climax of which will be a playlet. , Kays Not Resident John W. Smith, arrested for operating a motor vehicle with Improper lic ense plates, pleaded not guilty in Justice court yesterday and trial will be November 17, at 2 p. m. His car is held as ball Smith claims he Is a resident ot Wash ington, and for that reason Is us ing Washington plates on his ear. Case Under Advisement Judge L. G. Le welling yesterday after noon took under advisement the case of Lamour against Giese. which concerns the foreclosure ot a mortgage. Counsel for both sides held up argument on the partition suit of Giese against Moshberger, pending determina tion of the first case. A. A! Clothing Co. Inc. announce openinr new store 335 State. Fea turing Wilson Bros, Haberdash ery. Bound Over Myrtle Arneson was bound over to the .grand jury after a hearing In justice eourt yesterday afternoon. She Is accus ed ot obtaining property under false pretenses. She is said to have floated a number of bad checks, one of which, caused her appear ance 4a justice court. She furnish ed 1 2 5 0 property .ball. O'Hara Explains Measures to be Voted Next Week David O'Hara spoke te the Sa lem Ad club yesterday, expound' tag the various legislative meas ures to be voted on Tuesday. He also told something ot the work of his division in the secretary ot state's office wftich handles all the election work. President Newmeyer of the LI on's club introduced the mystery girl, Madame Who. as publicity tor the Lion's club's charity event of last night. Dr. Carl O. Donsy. president ot Willamette mnlversity bore Thurs day added his protest te scores of ethers issued ia. opposition to the Zorn-Macpherson merger bill. He termed the proposed shaken? in higher education ; "extremely, expensive and educationally less efficient Dr, Doneyaald his state menl was made as an educator and not Jn hi official capacity-as head of Willamette. ... : -.X, ... The statement follows: "I believe that had Oregon or iginally centered its work in high er education in one institution. It would have been wise. Under the present conditions, I think It i would be extremely expensive and ! educationally less efficient to eon solidate the university! and the college. I do hot think the union of the two schools on one campus would reduce expenses land I am strongly convinced that it would not -be to the educational adran tage of the students. Under the direction of a wise chancellor, ad vised by a careful board, the two institutions can be gradually brought together in policy and or ganization and made to function as an organic unit. To throw them together forcibly, expecting there by to create a unity of efforUand objective is simply impossible. A number of other states have two or more Institutions ot higher learning that are operating under arrangements which are eeonom leal and educationally satisfac tory. I mention Pennsylvania! Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and Mon tana. Moreover, most -of, the In stitutions with very large enroll ments are forced to recognize a definite weaTtness in their educa tional program because of the sla of the student group. They are seeking to overcome this serious defect by breaking the student body into small grous, employing something like the preceptorial system of Princeton, the freshmen group of Harvard, of Yale, etc. Why should we in Oregon make matters worse by placing two large groups upon the same cam pus when they now are too large for the best educational results?'' TODAT is .the tost; day ot the series ot holidays tor Novem V.. VI. -,vtn A 1 Ct&jJi mxv&& Ccssfj iii - war i game at cervaius. rouncuas. who now are coasting - toward election , day should swen .. the crowd at tbe gtme if not the gate receipts. CorraUis is so clow, that the half holiday at the stateaouse will, permit many te go. ';; ; The. game wW be played dev sjiU the otorm . wunlng;. wblclz went up along, the Ore- j, goa and Washington ooasts last ' night. And football fans are fanny that way, too. As long ne they can get ticket and go to the game, anything like a storm 1 too insignificant to stop them. The team that wins will be the best muddlers or surpass a real Oregonianv Governor Julius L. Meier add ed his forces toward the election of Hoover last night. Speaking at 10:45, he presented a clear pic ture of why the president should be re-elected. The governor spoke ia those terms for "tbe interests of Oregon, her people, their wel fare and prosperity. And tne governor is no novice In business knowledge. And still Oregonians nave not forgotten moratoriwns. Now it has been suggested an election day moratorium on li cense plates be issued. The governor shonld grant it If they vote intelligently 1 and naturally Hal Boss, wonld agree, because that would saean bis name wonld be tncladed in that list. years. When", tne . tenravaatten canto to the pain ot, ssktatf whom to veto for, ea cbJ9Ul aid to th other: Tni gtrtaj to rote for Ho. The other earn back with Mthoa I'm ge, lag vote tor cow. 25.EQ VISITORS Homecoming ProgramJo- day! Includes big: Game And Banquet Affairs The . paper continue to com' mnt 'Is that chUd Z a, - ceaiusT What this country need is more hoeees and cow and 'for a small child to realize it while the rest of u rav and rant around about intangible economio iafluences that rule the world. Ought we to be ashamed . of - ourselves.' Hal no doubt would suggest the word hosses be capitalized. A New York dispatch yester day was of vital interest In Salem. Earl Saade, famous jockey, was operated on for appendicitis, and was getting along well, the dispatch stated Sande's toother resides here and he also hae a sister tn the employ . of Hawkins and Roberts. The budget commissioner be lieves in going the board of con trol one better. After' the board had reduced the estimates of ; the 11 state institution million dollars under two years ago. Hen ry Hansen worked on it and; cut It almost $300,009 more for con sideration by the legislature. These cut were all mad ia con formity with the . recommenda tions of Governor Meier. OREGON STATE COLLEGE. Corvallls, Nor, 4 -An elaborate Hemeeomlag dish with the annual O. 8. CvOregeu football classic the sin ingredient bat User ally fla vored with. ' other " entertaining events, 1 ready to serve to up ward ot 35,00 visitor and local student and townspeople expected here for this traditional celebra tion tomorrow. Heavy, late ticket reservation for the gam Indicate that a good- l-r nnmhar af Mr. and Mrs. Oreroa and the kids are preparing to for get bitter bickering ot a strenu ous political campaign for a day and enjoy a brief pre-election re spite by renewing acquaintances and participating in the many camsus activities here prepared by a host of hardworking student ana alumni committeemen. Headed by Merritt Nash ot Marshfleld, these Homecoming worker have arranged a compre hensive round of events designed to appeal to all visitors whether or not they are graduates or ex students ot the institution. One special group for which provision has been made is the editors of the state, many of whom wilt gath er for a no-host dinner in the Memorial Union building Saturday noon, and later be seated in a body to rlew the football struggle. The executive committee ot the state editorial association will hold Its semi-annual meeting here in the forenoon. Here are a few of the other highlight ot th week ni for the guidance ot those, who can arrive somewhat in advance or stay a while after the big game; v'-.-. Saturday 10:00 Crew racing . on Wilhtm- otto river.., 1:1 0 Xlckott O. 9. C.-U. of O. football game. -:20Alumal banquet followed by annual. balL . -. r smnday - 0:00 Annual phi Kappa Phi - Homecoming breakfast. ; Open house at- frateral Y.tles. sororities, club and . chmrehe all day. POLICE III FAVOR S C K That the city charter amend ment providing, civil service for the police department,; which will be voted on here next Tuesday, is desired and sponsored by the po licemen was asserted by Chief Fraank Minto yesterday. He is sued the following statement: , "City police officers working tor the amendment to place, them under civil service have met many persons who did not know the of ficers themselves want it and are promoting it. They are seeking civil service because they believe It will improve efficiency of the department, and take them out of politics." The officers have been waging a vigorous campaign -in favor ot the civil service measure, which is identical to that voted for the fire department last May. They have been speaking at meetings wher ever possible, handing out cam paign cards and posting placards, bearing their slogan, "Take the police department out ot politics.- Extracting a Tooth Ip Surgery Matter Avers Zimmerman - - , . -v Extractlng teeth should be con-' sldered a surgical operation, to-. oirlag surgical precautions, and : net a mere ryanungl. tae tootn , out with ' forceps," asserted DrN. -. u. Zimmerman or Fortiaaa n ao dressing members of the Polk- TamhiU-Marion Medical and Mar- ion-Polk-Tamhill Dental societies ; at their Joint meeting In the Ma soale temple lodge rooms bere ; Tbursday. .rirty practitioners at--. '; tended the lively meeting. Dr.-W; W.- Baum, secretary Of the medleal : -' group, reperted. other speakers were Dr. Lyte S. ' Klegery et Portland and Dr. C.X Sweet of Oakland, CaL, whole in Oregon under auspices ot the state board ' of dental examiner eon ducting a campaign in. preventa tive dentistry tor children. ! SBnfrralbo I; I Camellias t each .. J . Saturday Only 25c Up J Erergreen shrubs ! rearcy Bros, i Nursery 207 K. Chnreh St. . Between Chess. A Cesrt, , 3451 AUOJTIONS win Obit uary . Zimmerman At the residence in Hayesville, Thursday, Nov. S, W. H. Zimmer man, aged 72 years. Survived by widow, Henrietta Zimmerman of Salem; daughters, Mrs. C. D. Dan iels of Rlaeda, CaL. Miss Bertha Zimmermann of Los Angeles, Mrs. H. L. Stoy of Spokane, Miss Hen rietta Zimmermann of Waverly, Iowa, Mrs. Elsa Trey of Salem; sons, T. H. of Tacoma, Fred of Oceanslde. Cal., F. W. of Port land: brother, Jacob Zimmermann of Minnesota; sisters, Mrs. F. Os termann of Philadelphia, Mrs. Christine Ahl of Amboy, Minn., Mrs. Bertha Fritzchel of Minne sota; nine grandchildren. Funeral services Monday, Nov. 7, at 1 p mC .at Christ Lutheran church un dt direction of ciough-Barncx company with Rev. MInneman of ficiating. Interment Belcrest Me morial park. Material Going -Out Material on the republican side ot the na tional campaign is to be distribut ed this week end throughout the city under the auspices of the county organization. Pictures ot the candidates, pamphlets and of ficial statements are included in the material. W 3. Pictures for Church At the Amlerlcan Lutheran church Sun day at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. J. Vinton Scott, who spent many ylars in the! Orient, wfll show a series ot special, pictures on China, tbe showing to be accompanied by ex planatory lecture. . Xon-Support Arthur Bcran of the Gervals section pleaded not guilty in Justice-court here yester day to a non-upport charge, and will b glren preliminary hearing November ft at i p. n, He fur nUhed l00tcash ball. Petersen alstato In The estate ot the late Andrew Peterson wa admitted ft j probata here yester day. AndrW: Pederaen i to be ad ministrator. J Jteal property left has an estimated value of f 2500; personal broperty 500. . :- ImoroiMer ilJghte--George Jack son, arretted for operating a mo tor vehicle with but one headlight, stated in fjuatlce court that he was 10 years old, and o wa certi fied to the juvenile court.' Drake HereJune Drake, Sil verton photographer who has a state-wide reputation tor nis ex cellent photogrph ot the Silver Creek fall area, was a. business . visitor in Salem Friday. Woodward At the residence on Rt. 9, box 69B, Newton Woodward at the are of 83 years. He was an Oregon pioneer having crossed the plains In 1859. Survived by two ennaren Ruby L. Woodward, route 9, and L.;T. Woodward of Orenco, Ore Funeral services will be held from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Sou Sunday at 2 p. m. with Kev. S. E. Long officiating. Graveside services at Dallas cemetery at 3:30 p. m. There are 35.000 less licenses this year than lastf If all ot these were nut in use on election day &d oaeh bring three voters to me noils, what a tremendous power rauid be wielded br the one who would declare the moratorium u he should do s. But tf there is a moratorium, there will be no strings attached to it. An article ta the aregow City Enterprise proves defin itely that interee tn polities fa spreading, even o little tot. A Canby resident, ao the story goes, was discussing politic within the hearing of his two children, aged two and three ML ry zv vross jDienainq : MED Bf PETRIE OREGON STATE COLLEGE. Corvallls, Nov. 4 Winning of the Oregon section of the Atwater Kent radio foundation vocal con test by Ted Gilbert, Albany, senior in commerce here, gives the col lege department of music a record of three state winners, a regional winner and one second place na tional winner in the six years these music contests have been eon-ducted. Young Gilbert has been training under Professor Paul Petri, head of the music department here, ever since he entered college, and has gained a high reputation for his work in operettas, concert ap pearances and as glee club soloist. The first student ot Professor Petri's to win state honors in this contest wa Ted Roy, t ""singing blacksmith" from PilotL ;ck, who placed first in 1927. Helater won the western Btates regional con test, and took the $2000 second place prize in the national finals. He is now in California in radio work and is heard regularly over the Shell Happy Time hour. Gilbert's victory entitles him to compete in the regional finals at San Francisco in the middle ot November. dedicated to the Salem corps. The i Miami organization has been na tional champion tour times, occa sion for the broadcast wan th third anniversary ot Miami sta tion WIOD. Drum Corps Honor Program Reported Not Heard Locally Toxoid Treatment Value is Proven by Tests Given Here The worth of the toxoid treat- meat for Immunising persons to diphtheria wa demonstrated in tests made this week by health de- nattmeat worker and Dr. wn- Ham Leven ei tne state uepsn- meat ot health. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, county health officer re- ; ported yesterday on receipt or a preliminary report of ur. jueven-s findmra. All but one of the non-toxoll treated persons given the .Schick test to determine whetner or not they were immune were found uscentlble to diphtheria. Ot those who had received toxoid, all showed a negative reaction to diphtheria. Health nurse and Dr. Leven gave the Schick tests to 210 per sons. Davis Will Case Occupies Court Here Thursday ; Comng Events 'November: Oenem. station. l November 10-ll-Armi-tice day celebration: in charge of American Lgioo. , November 18 Willam ette vs. Pacific night football j-ame. November 19 WllUm cite vt. a Whitman - college, afternoon football -game. . December -7 Western Nut Growers' association an nual me tins, chamber of commerce. . December, T- Oregon CtatA Horticultural society conference, chamber" cona- Many Salem citizens were dis appointed last night at not being able to- pick up the radio program expected to have been broadcast on the Pacific coast by the Miami, Fla.; Legion drum corps In honor ot the champion Salem corps. As : far as is known, the program was not heard here at all. M. Clifford Moynihan. former Bnrzhardt At the home on route 1, Shaw, November 4, Peter A. Burghardt, axed IS. Beloved husband of Anna Burghardt; father of Mrs. Kath- U,; corpg manager and at pres erlne Schabb of Shaw, Mrs. Agnes 1 an th rrmbiii wiarars. Schell of Montana, Mrs. Barbara yesterday received a letter from scaneiaer oi oaiem, mn. i MlamL statin that the corn Dash of Portland, Mrs, France Dash of Portland, Alva Burghardt of Salem. Edwin .Burghardt of Shaw: brother ot Mrs. Georg Et- zel of Stayton, Mr. Barbara Haf ner ot Portland, John Burghardt ot Kansas, Casper Burghardt of Portland; also 21 grandchildren. Recitation of Rosary at the home, Saturday, November a, at S p. m Funeral service Monday, Novem ber 7 at a. m. from St. Boniface ehurch at Sublimity under th di rection ot ; the Salem mortuary. S4S North Capitol street. O un -- - i O there wonld broadcast programs Wednesday night and last night Contest of the will involving the $135,000 estate of the late I Cornelia A. Davis of Turner, ana whether the money shall go to create a home for the needy or go to J. M. Sharp of California, sole survlvlnr relative, occupied th attention of Judge Lewelllng ot the Marion county circuit court here Thursday. The contest hinges around the matter of a i trustee. Mrs. Davis had provided that the estate shonld co to create the horn, but in drawing the will sh fail- ed to nam a trusts. Th coat- tant allege that the will 1 In valid because ot : tbl omission. -' ""- ."." " "X I m V 's j .,.y.: vv.!j.Sv.v.'A.v, ,:' might lain it tni explain s wot. . . I Births I! -o Brewer To Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brewer of 1230 State street, a seven-pound daughter, born No vember 4 at the Bungalow Mater nity horn. Myers -To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ceorze Myers. Salem rural route,. a girl; born October 2 3, at Salem genera hospital. Mv . SE1E1ES1P The price of Buddy Ward's" Boys' SulU was, through a typographical error, incorrectly quoted at 14.95 ta the Montgomery Ward advertisement in Friday morn ing's Statesman. 4 TUE FOLLOWING IS CORRECT ( Ward's "Buddy Ward" BOYS' SUITS 98 : Hospital Beds to Rent-x. f. -- it'- i .- . ' "? , . - , ,-, ji," jf."--, .-'rat y CuU 0910, sed Faraltare j Department " ; ISi tforta Ulih . IS f tetfe rjr yonVo painting cloud. Twiire got yowpr!ffleJoT her -m the peiettav. But joe hnren't tho clouds tmtil joahlend certain colore Into the tpecial tone you want i frThl le yery gnach what happen ta xaakiaj a good et-trette. And I gather that what Cherterfleld racani bj Cro-Dlcnt!lng la what aa artist does yrka colon. Their Do mestic and Turkish tohaixoe ninny wejrietlee ef eeh--rw the primary colore. They blend and cro-Wml these tobaccos until they get the tpecial tone they wantIn other words, the Chesterfield flavor. And just as each color yon nse act os the others .to change and enrich them, o each Chesterfidd tobacco partake of the e qualities of erery other. Tou Sreld different kinds to get a better kind. That' Croaa-Blcnd- ingr . Extra LonsieslLOO - . Ia gray, tan or Woe We've examined and studied suits . hoa dred ot them . . . then we wont 1 work to produce on that would out-value them atll We'v succeeded! The Buddy Ward suit la tho anwrl Mt will glv longer wear . . . look smarter . . C sad It price is unmatched for. equal quality. Sites to If, . :r;o;iTGOLinY vard. a co.v 275 N. Liberty St. ; , Salem; Oregon. Tel fi774 r ............ ...... .-. . p -. - -. - - rv ..... -' .... ... .... ... . " ; ' .. :- " ' ' r't - ' - ' " ' . j ;' V ! k . . . - . .... .. ... : s". . . . ' . . . -- . - v - - ..'. ,".v .. . - ' i ; , thofswit tic: TASTE DETTE a tiocrrr Uvu ToMCbeCOto. DETTEO merce ':-tLmi! fv- 3P 4rasjj"Vjrfe"'' r' 1, ? i