- pa en FOUR 1 The OREGON STATESMAN, Sa'em; Oregon, Saturday Morning 'November 5, 1932 - V 1 - poms . Tatar Stcay 17; No Far SkOJ Aw" . ' ' . , Prom First Statesman, March 28, 1851 1 : ! i THli STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. . fCHAJUXS A. Snucux r - ' '"' - Editor-Managtr ir Sheldoh i Saceett - - - Managing -Editor Member of the Associated Press . " Tki Asaoeiatad Ptwm to axcluatvaly oUUaa to m for publica tion ( aU aawa dispatches crdJte4 a it or not otherwise credited, Is thia paper. . . ' . 4 PvrnA Henraaentatlv v " - .- Eastero r Advertising! Representatives V Bryant CrttntH' li.JBrwaon. JaJChlcaxiV New Tore, Detroit, ' i - . Boston,' Atlanta. .,.., 1 Enured at th Pvatoffict at Salt. Origan. Setynd-CUu Matter. PuMiskad aver -naming xeyt; Monday. Buiintu affke, S15 S. Commtrcial Street, , ' -' yZxj - jA? SUBSCEIPTION BATES: -V - Mall Jtrtwaipttbo Rates, in ASvanea. Wthln Oregon: Daily an BundarfTi Ma. nt: I Mo. SLi5j I Mo. l2t; 1 rear flOO. SUaewbee 60 eants per Mo, or for 1 year la advance. By CIU" Carrier: 4 Aetata a month; IS.00 a year in advance. Per Copy S centa On trains and News Stands f eenta. .r-v Recommendations on Measures -, .f..VV:-,-v-. :..,"- F ACCORDANCE with past custom The Statesman submits here with lUrecommendationsfor voting on the state constitutional amendments, initiated and referred bills aad tbe charter amend ments proposed tor the city of Salem, all of which appear on the ballot for next Tuesday's election. 4 On some of these ft is easy to arrive at a decision, on others it is very! difficult, not for fear of causing offense to on side or an other, but to determine Juit what Is best tor the state at large. "These recommendations represent our' own best judgment; but we urge voter to study a$ measures thoughtfully and exercise their own Intelligent choice inthe various propositions. ' ; : : f . Taxpayer Voting Qualification Amendment - . The Statesman! has consistently opposed efforts to limit the suf frage by property qualification. The incidence of taxation is so spread nowadays that virtually all are taxpayers. We recommend SOI X No. J AeadWiU AutlierixiBg Criminal Trials Without Jariea by Consent ' f Accaaed ; j., :. This might be dangerous in some large cities where the judiciary is corrupt and under control of gangsters. Fortunately that condition dees not prevail in Oregon. The adoption of the amendment may expedite trials and reduce expense. We recommend 80S X Yes. !' r : 1 Six Per cent Tax Uaaitation Ameadinent There should be no opposition to this amendments It will not per mit increasing expenditures a cent, and may make possible some decreases. W recommend 804 X Yes. , Ole margarine Tax Bill Oregon Is a dairying state and the prosperity of the dairymen Is of vital Importance. We cannot however bring ourselves to the belief that 'this method Is sound. Nor can wo overlook the fact that the ones who might be Injured (aside from the oleo makers) are the low wage consumers of butter substitutes, persons least able to bear addi tional burdens of living costs. We recommend , 807 X No. A Bill Prohibiting Commercial Fishing on the Rogue River Two years ago this paper opposed the closing of the Rogue river. Wo are changing our view this year because there seems to be a marked, change of sentiment in the district immediately affected. Even at the mouth of the Rogue many people have come to the con clusion that the stream is better for a tourist resource and a game 'fishing stream than- a commercial fishing stream. Now is a good time to test out the opinion, with salmon a cent a pound. We recommend , 808 X Yes. Higher Education Appropriation Bill r This bill was really killed when the referendum was filed because the period for which the money was appropriated is now about gone. We recommend ' I 811 X No. ; Bill to Repeal State Prohibition Law Of Oregon-. Repeal of the Anderson act without touching the state constitu tional provision against prohibition would leave the state without any power to control or regulate the liquor trade. Then in case federal prohibition Is overthrown this woald open the state to liquor manu facture and Sale without any restraint. We recommend 818 X No., ' "I: v . The Freight Track aad Bos Bill We believe the people of the state are tired of making trackways out of the highways, that the; prevailing fees do not begin to cover the damage to highways which these vehicles cause together, with their fair share of construction cost The whole subject calls tor fur ther study and additional legislation. Meantime we recommend 314 X Yes. Bill Moving University, Normal and Law Schools, Establishing Junior : Colilegea - j, If you want to save taxes without regard to damage to mueb. public and private property, vote for this bilL The Statesman believes our educational problems;, canbe worked out without this drastic change. We recommend ' , 817 X No. l j, :- J."- : Tax and Debt Control Constitutional Amendment The legislature should have power to legislate on financial affairs of subordinate units. Another reason we favor it is that the amend ment give the legislature authority to regulate accounting practice to require an audit. We ave long fought tor this supervision. If we had 'had it many of our towns would not be in the predicament they are now. We recommend -318 X Yes. Tax SnpeTvi; ing and Conservation Bill This Is the second of the tax measures recommended by the gov ernor. This commission Is of rather dubious value. We do not think , it will do much harm: ut are so unconvinced of Its virtu that we 321 x n; : V "x.t Personal Income Tax Law Amendment Bill ! -This catches people at both ends of the income scale. However it does not increase the sum total of taxation, merely relieves general property further. A haed dose to take but we recommend Btt Water Powier and Xfrdroeleetrte'AknarlintlAMi AmmAuM Dangerous because it permit win uue wnnoui any luirner vote 835 X No. . : COT , CHARTER A3IEXDrENT9 Putting PoUe Under Orfl Service " 1 reasoft. why the police should not havo civU service the same as the firemen. Bnt th u i. km .... f ... - j . . .. . m- nMq cnu service for firemen. Better let it have further trlaU Wa rMAmmMi r let it have V . It . 801 X No. . Two Measures: Amending Sectiona 83 and 2 and Redacfag Engin eering, etc. Charges from 20 Per Cent to 10 Per Cent Companion meaaurei, the first applying to tidewalk. the second to street Improvements. Ten per cent ought to be enough to eover overhead charges tor such work. We recommend " . w aou ov4, jl. xeau WaiAfftf. dttf ut - guarantee not to lick about th banntJ-Jro S.TympTti7oV.tiy Jrnwalait J0ld W'ttf Wll, but th dlVOW t hU dropped. A license is cheaper than a divorce; and times are -hard". lo wonder Reno banks are In troubles. , ,r ara . ' ,A man named Cay was put la Jail la a downsUte eountr for drunken driving. It was the Kayo tor Cayp. Okart ; - .! , ; ..; 4 ; owwther is th vstreamUn wedding ring. Styled for the streamline figure, presumably. - ' ' , I0T m The R. F. C. has loaled I SJ0.09S to Bowliag Green. Kentucky, -for a sewer system. SelMiqaldatlngi . ' - . . Issuing 85,500,000 in bonds against oz tne people. w recommend Cold in on and a half days' work, grub. j " owt to market. It carried a ThM f Port,f B4 01 If They DO Yesterdays ... Of Old Salens Town Talks boa The States man of Earlier Days November 0, 1007 The two steel xanza which hare been workinx toward each ether between Tualatin and this city, on the Oregon Electris railway, drove th last snikea batwaaa these two points last night. Only two ana one-naif mile of track remain to b completed. PORTLAND Aa luat onrran. cy based on Oregon products and redeemable February 1. is A a win be Issued by the Portland clear ing house associated banks. The base will be wheat, e-rnln annii fish and lumber actually sold, and oiaer marxetable products or bonds approved h th financial committee. 7 The S20.00S brlelr hncnif.l Chemawa is fast n earing comple tion unuer xne airectlon or Con tractor F. A, Erlxon. Upon the completion of the new hospital, th building used at present for that DUrnOS will be innvrtA into a domestic science halL yNovesnber 5, 1823 With the reitrt nirmtnt t city liens amounting to fSSIt and taxes aggregating flxlf, th accumulation of many years against th Parrlsh Grov prop erty,, th last remaining tract of th Parrlsh homestead in th ge- srapnicai center of Salem, has been released to homebullders In max rapiaiy growing section. DALLAS Marr Metealf. th last surviving member of th old Daily Health Talks By ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. THERE are lots of ways to get scared, and a very common one is to imagine yon have heart trouble. It It really exists, heart trouble requires sensible treat ment, out tt it exists only in th imagination it creates great and needless na happiness and worry. : . Fearing heart disease, many persons rush ett to heart clinics. Hast of them happily ar told they have no heart trouble. . Others assume SX. L. 1 because of vague aad ancomfortable sensations around the heart, and their worry serves to increase the Eaia and discomfort t yet they heai it te get medical advice for fear of being told that they really kave heart disease and snust diiicontinue their, work. -j , j . ;. Km Caaae f r Alarm I do not mean to give the tmpre slon that pain or dkcamfcot about th heart should be disregarded; but I wish to impress upon my reader th fact that paiu aronad th theart does not of necessity mean heart disease. Th heart is supplied by a very complicated network of nerve. Worry, anger, emotional diatresa, excitement and fatigo can stimu late and irrttat thea nerves and produce unusual sensations around th hearty At other times the Jieaxt will beat rapidly, and the sufferer describes the disturbance by saying Aruwer Ilcaltk Queriea R. H. Q. What ahduld a girl t 19, S feet 6 inches tall weight Aat I too tall for my age? 8 What do you advise for dry sklaT : - A., She should weigh about 112 pounds, This is about the average weight for one ef this age aad height aa determined by examiaatioa of a , - iff i. , .a - " ff :. . . ' " Get Hold oi That Garage Key BITS for BREAKFAST -By R. J. HENDRICKS Myth of retaliation: Is Likewise Roesaveltrrett m Ditto democratic dipsomania, dishwater, hooey and horsefeath ers: From his kick-off acceptance speech to th waiting and expec tant throng staying . ever la th convention hall at Chicago for the Hearst - McAdoo bargain blessed candidate, fresh out of th air all the way from Albany, but with Al Smith and his Tammany cohorts departed from the tumult From thlsnectle beginning, the candidate of the party hoping to profit from th woes of th world depression has continued to assert, wherever he has found or mad occasion to refer to the subject of th tariff, that th preteadedly hated Hawley-Smoot law was so unfair So unfair to foreign nations "b Aa to excite retaliation on their Grand Ronde Irfdiaa tribe, died this week at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rigga on th Grande Road reservation. Mrs. Metcalf, who was a young women when th Rogue River Indian war was fought, was mor than loo years old. CHICAGO Wheat underwent a moderate setback In pric yes terday. Closing Quotations were: Wheat December $1.15, May, $1.11 S-S. "my heart Jumps in my throat.' Sometimes the heart will beat rap idly and then stop, skipping a beat. This symptom is seldom due to any organic disturbance ef the heart. Many of my readers ask about heart murmurs. There are two kinds of murmurs, the organic and the inorganic. The organic murmur requires medical attention. TLj in organic murmur is usually tempo rary, and disappears with rest and ear. This type is met frequently among children, and I desire to as sura the worried mother that its praseae need cans bo alarm. , ; - -Jf CoaefJt Ywr Physlclaa ' A permanent murmur, aa orgeat murmax. an the other hand, is ins portant, but with car the fiict4 rrson may live to a rip old age. knew f many who have heart murmurs tot continue with their work and interests in life. So, while this disorder requires attention, it need not frighten itx victim. ; Those who have organic heart murmur should practic th rul of moderation in all things. Sudden and strenuous exertion sanst b avoided. It la wis t guard against exposure to cold and dampnasa, overweight, underweight and aa deraouruhment. A quiet, well-rt ulated life U acisabla. . ' If yon' at wonted about yea heart, coasctt with your vhyslciaa. Modern methods of aiagneais. such aa the use of the X-ray, fluoroscop aad electrocardiagraph, anabt the physician te determine accuratetr th condition of th heart. There need be n aaxiety or doubt. If after a thorough fexamieataoa, yo are told you have no heart ducase. Th doctor can be very positive ia his decision. -r:r : , 1 - i targe aamber of persona, A few pounds abov r belew th average a a matter ef little or n eignifU eance. 2 You are taller than the average person for year age, Avoid the use of soap aad use a good eold cream, - - - tSH. part, with th result ef "destroy ing our foreign trad." a While Roosevelt has pussyfoot ed whenever he has rua .up against a plea from a section or Interest concerned with any item in that law, pussyfooted with weasel words every time and la every plae whither his breesing over the country has taxen him. though committing himself to nothing but glittering generalities, with the hop of garnering votes W While he has whispered hope here, there and yon indiscrimin ately, to the cattl men of Arls ona, th lumbar men of Washing ton, ad infinitum, ad absurdum, ad nauseum a S Every time, early and late, he has given th bogey man of the Hawley-Smoot tariff th anatnema maranatha th doable curse and the double cross, albeit with his fingers crossed la the sight of any scared man or company of men fearful for his or their own indus try or Job. S Other democratic leaders have been singing th same tune, all of them from Newton Baker to Cac tus Jack Garner of Texas each ia concert asserting that in the two years since th present law was enacted 100 or mor retalia tory tariffs have been enacted against It. But aa there are only about 60 Independent nations in the world, this democratic estimate would (Turn to page 6) The Safety Valve - - Letters from StatesmAn Readers I ahould like to say a few words in regard to the proposed amend ment under ballot numbers $01 101. This appears to m to be a very dangerous law. It would be quite a convenience to the rick criminal. No accused person in his right mind would decide for trial y Jadge unless he knew how the Judg stood," and it would be the duty of his counsel to find out. It certainly would simplify mat ters.' The accused who had appro prlated public fund would mere ly have t split with th Judg. hi counsel and possibly the dia triet attorney. (By th way, how ia th district attorney going to get In on this? Th bill does not mention aim. Ar w voting for bin as it read or for It as it MAY read after it had been tin-, kered and tampered with by some bodywo don't know who?) Th very fact that th sponsors of thla amendmeat suggest th consent of th district attorney b obtained, shows that they see th danger of r..If the provisions of this Mil torn Inadequate we will do well not to pass It, Trial by Jjrry is th beat method' of obtaining justic and la these times of unemploy ment ft gives a few citizens a tew days wages and some lawyers a fob. I have heard that the lawyer oppose this blU. Well, we cant blsim them - for. not wanting U stand aside i merely licking their Daily Thought Tht DaS&fatr Af n.r.nn.1 nallsa is not a. great calamity, it has cost . as soma picturesque characters and if w ar served With a leas trenchant fl editorial, there are compensating advantaerM tw tt .... K " V.F ... "H CHAPTER XXXIV i Phyllis was a girl out oi a book; a childhood book, a fairy tale magical! v moaldiaa iato mc beinr every quaOty Ted Wynae had ever ureamea into ms tdeaL- . .-. 'Beautiful ia demurs " bruarH iashioa, with rich brown eyes that saone uxe jewels f serious thoMght: contemDlative. razia fan. oa the world she saw witlr a qukt uiquisiuon; .tpngbtly, : bantering with PIdgs as thoagh lie were a younger, rather than tlirr brotVr- intellectaaL amazingly cagrossed ia philosophy, poetry And art lor one so (ar oa the tender side, el twenty. Turned to. th last second on laibJou latfccai r " A . priaccss and her castle; gar dens which- mast be eachantiag Ia summer, even now crusted with s3- ver jcc; airy yaras away Lake trie poanded endlesslv si time and the sands; four cars la the garage; speed boats aad a canoe hung up for the winter: his own room ht. ter appointed than anything he had ever seen in the most luxurious and comfortable football hotels. And Pidge talking about food. "Let's go down and put the feed bag on, boy all that fresh air .makes me want to eat the leg ofi a wolf Pidge's father and Pidge called him Father, rather gravely, in ad dressing himwas handsome in a dignified manner; a big man with shoulders slightly rounded; much gray hair; speech geared to a con templative attitude. Pidge's moth er, now ample, had undoubtedly been a beautiful eirl hi fcferV eyes, charming smile, warm man ner. Aad Phyllis ia a gently flowing dress that trailed from white shoul ders aad arms to the point of misty silver slippers; a black dress mo destly draping her legs except here and there; but Ted Wynne did not look his princess had no legs. Eyes demurely dropped; rising respectfully while the men talked, surprised into shfctiag admiration. "James tells tnt that you have worked at the Riverside,1 the father said. 1 am interested in your rea soa for leaving." Ted told him. "But I go back aad work vacations,' I like to do that I always did like th men, aad cant help feeling sorry." "I'm interested ia why yoa feel sorry for our men." "Well, X used to stand before a furnace, make up poetry, think of football plays anything to keep from the monotony of growing old er billet by billet; but I had some thing to think of; what have the others? Women, Cqoor, comedy, hate. Work, eat and think about those things; aad never grow ap intellectually then, some day, die." Phyllis was watching. "Have yoa a remedy, Mr. Wynne?" "Yes, sir. I know you can't go to them with a lot of Y. M. C A. stuff; but you can accept thera as they are and direct and improve their nataral channels of thought Mill men are as curious as any neighbor women oa back fences; give them something constructive to think of; youll make their own lives more pleasant and probably make it asier for their families." "For instance?" "Organize sport horseshoes, baseball, mushball; a plant maga zine; even a daily typewritten bul letin; something which wSI bring chops while the judge fares sump tuously. But It they are opposed why did they not write a negative argument? If they have read the constitution they must know it is unconstitutional, for in article S, sectloa S, clause S of that docu ment we read "The trial of all crimes, except In cases ef impeach ment, shall be by Jury." Neither would the expense of grand Jury be saved sine that Jury would have to sit in either case, wheth er trial was by judge or by Jury, for In amendment B of tha TJ. 9. constitution we read "No person shall be held to answer for a capi tal or OTHERWISE INFAMOUS crime unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury." Is the constitution obsolete? Some would make it so Tha con stitution does not "imply" that it may be set aside at the will or convenience of any group. This loose interpretation, it continued in, will some day wreck our gov ernment and cast us adrift upon a sea of lesser lows. "Back to the constitution!" . There la a dangerous tendency today on th part ot politicians to tak power from th many and plae it in th hands of the tew. Let us wateh onr step and vot SOS X No. A word about the city ordinance which , would put the city police under civil service.. It looks Ilk another effort to concentrate pow er, a schema of th "ins" to en- What is your opinion oa th4 ireixm xrucx tna nm hiiiT t. was tha nn Mt inn vai m....... by Th Statesman staff. Blarioa Gus" Moan. !W secretary: "I think It should b lnvestlxared. I have lumber trucks to soma extent and I know how hard they ar on th highways. I think that they ahould b mad to pay as much xa proportion as cars which do not us the highways to such aa extent" - .' T. Ren FV UTm. nrin T'm favor of cutting them out They anouia oe , regulated th same as our railroads; Tax them; The valuation of th Tattroads has been i reduced; I ther ahould -be some effort mad to tax the tracks and busses to the benefit of real; property.".-! 7 ft R. - W. rUrkil- farm.'- "T'lr- been against It up until1 thla very flay.-but after hearing mm nnf A Football Romance New Views - . It, V" . . vmw aioeicouia d vasuy won than they fvii?k -thr ,- WD- m8rlt -'I" r- Ton are borrowing thunder IB bill. '.-.: 'fwim 1. T . U DD Phyllis was a giri out of a book; a them to the bulletin board every day; give them gossip, comedy, personals a Broadway column for every plant and you can put over your safety propaganda and other policies without blasting at them." "Boy you're hot" Pidge ex claimed. "L guess I've been talking too much." Ted laughed apologetically; but the girl's shining eyes said no. "Your point of view is fresh. Mr. Wynne." th father replied, "k is sot often I get frankness. I would suggest that when you return to college that you sit down and write me a letter including all of your ideas on this subject In the mean time, do yoa think James might profit from a summer on the fur naces?" "If you can keep the Riverside running through next summer both of ua will be right there, eh Pidge?" -Yea, Father," Pidge replied en thusiastically. We lost four games last year and we've got to make a comeback. We're going to go in the mill and be men of steel and nothing can hurt us when we come out" "I'm giad something has inspir ed you, James," his father com mented drily. Ted caught a smile as it caromed off his sister's lips when Pidge took the rap. I m going to surprise you one of these days, Father." It has become quite difficult James." - "Father, you're unkind." Mrs. Pidgin objected, "Jimmy has been doing well, hasn't he Mr. Wynne V "Very welL He's football cap tain "But you should have been." Pidge added. "There's only one thing about him which should worry you, Mrs. Pidgin," "Lay off, you bum," Pidge warn ed. "Oh, what is iir Phylhs cried trench themselves behind a wall and keep the "outs" out The "ins" should not be exempt from the civil service test. If we are go ing to have civil service let ns wipe the slate clean and start fair and build up the force under it. Otherwise It merely insures the ing a life-time Job. The system is better as it now is. It Is well to have public official! accountable to somebody. A VOTER. UNCLE SAMMLE'S RAMS UNCLE SAMMIE had some rams Which vicious seemed to grow; But every time these Rammies cried: "Let PROHIBITION go" Old UNCLE SAM (a wisey manl) Enforced th Shepherd's rule; It wouldn't do to let these Rams Upset th whole darned school; The welfare of the FLOCK must be The rule that ruled all breeds; Especially when th VOTERS cast Their ballots for their NEEDS. So every discontented ram Was toll to "shake hi fleece," And Uke'hlmseU to other fields. Or cease .jhis - senseless, lawless Plels; ! r .: : .. His breed must not Increase; A dangerous menace to the flock. And paradox, par se. For a sheep to claim h upholds th laws Yet LAWS THAT BE, b bunts and paws; . ' (Then laughs la scoff-law glee.) Yet UNCLE SAM has sheep Ilk Who bleat for "LIBERTY- Claim BOOZE will bring the flock all bliss; . But they cant tool yoa or me! Their logic lackaV whit ot sense; Their bonnet hath a BEE! So let them brows around th . fane. . . Or bunt or climb a tree! - , , EDGAR FIELD. - SALEM. Nr. 4fTi ih. val. tor) In th beginning ot thla sons who had upheld Hoover who wer saying: -It la tlm tor ehang . . w bar had enough of Hoover; - It could not bo any worse,', and so forth, ; A th day and weeks have gone by some ot thes- well lntentloned persona hav been asked "What rh country or nation ta la better con- I iHHa. . tt . ,.. By FRANCIS WALLACE it 11' childhood book, a fairy with sparkling eyes. "He's a heart-breaker." The girl laughed heartily. Ted thought the parents were secretly pleased. "I took enough riding around here," Pidge exclaimed, "let's get going." Dancing. . . . Phyllis enveloped him with exot ic perfume; numbed his senses, She danced with magic slippers that trod the velvet clouds. He looked ia her eyes and lost th world. "You're so brilliant Mr. Wynne," she said rapturously, with eyes suf fused by wonder into a darish pur " pie. "I have never seea Father so impressed. ..." Dancing. "Please tell me Just how you happened to write Maa of SteeL I was so thrilled by it How en vious the girls at school will be when I tell them I've met yoa at last" ' Talking; eyes melting; coatrol going away. "You know, we are so grateful for everything you've done for Jimmy. . . . You dance divinely. Mr. Wynne . . . It's so surprising to discover a man who can do things and feel things too" She was a soft evanescence sur rounding him with filmy, adoration. "Did anybody ever tell you," he whispered, "that you looked like Janet Gaynor?" "Oh, Mr. Wynne; really? I'm so flattered she is a true artist And" shyly "I hardly expected you to notice me at all . . . Girls dream, Ted." He saw her wondering eyes, heard her soothing voice, was con scious of a delicate perfume and a slim body. He felt half a god and half a fool; but he talked, talked, talked. They discussed the Ideals and lbs Higher Things. CT Be Coattmni) our president who has done wise ly and well In keeping our nation from suffering dire results from conditions concomitant with this universal depression." Many have looked a little, deeper as th thought continued to harass them as to what conditions might be it . Hoover were defeated and ' the U. S. A. starts backward, and now intend to vote for Hoover. Friends. Just look yourselves squarely in the face and consider well before voting. Think about temperance, civilization, progress, prosperity f, right and righteousness. - -FRANK L. BCELL. Editorial Comment From Other Papers tale MALOVEY T9. BALONEY Opposing Rutus Holman on th ballot for state treasurer Is J. W. Maloney of Umatilla county, pio neer stockman and farmer, former county Judge and later banker. He has been prominent In civie aad public lit tormany years. His ia--cerity, honesty and Integrity "ar unquestioned. There Ta not a stain on his escutcheon. He Is amply qualified for the Important office r h seeks., : - -- - "-. , Mr. Holman, as ho has glvea ' abundant evidence of, Is th most egotistical blowhard fa public of fice, th greatest I am". in nnii- tics. He nrferatea ta iitmsair n th economies that Governor Meier ana effected,, while at the sam time his own bungllnr Interefer ence has proven costly to th tax payers. He always seizes the spot light to lnflat la. , j Mr. Holman is a meglomanlae, bombastic, arrogant and quarrel aom by nature and cannot get along tactfully with anyone long' His chief weapon Is personal abuse and appeal to moronic prejudice. H has ever been a symbol of dis cord. He has been denounced by every newspaper la Portland, tha Oregonlaa branded him a liar, the Telegram dubbed him the halitosis -ot Oregon politics, th News ao eased him of attempted bribery and the Journal was almost as un-T complimentary. ' . - . UTbougk Mr. Holman is on the republican ticket, republicans aro under n obligation to vot tor him, as he is not only a bolter bat has don hi9 best to defeat the party In stats elections, ; As Sip puts 'It. th treasurer contest Is between Maloney and' Baloaey t and we hav already -been fed up oa baloney Salem" - vapuKi JOBrnau , - " ? j. I