The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oresron, Saturday Morning, November 5, 1932
Society News and Club Affairs
:uuvc oi. uoak, oocteziqaauor ,c
Wedding: Date Set
At Pretty Affair
In Portland v
Ot unusuat Interest to the uni
versity '.circle of Wlllai&ette,. uni
versity' and also of Salem- social
circle -will -be: tbe annoaaeement
of the approaching mtfrrlage of
Miss Ltfulso Nana to Hugh Mc-:
GUvra. Both were . unusually
prominent In i uaiYersUy circles.
Miss Nnnii is affiliated jwltn Beta
Chi sorority and Mr. McGUrra Is
affiliated with Kappa Gamma Rho
fraternity, "i '. - - -y
The following- article? taken
from the News-Times' of Forest
Grove will b of interest:;
"Th anoroachlnt marriage, of
Miss Louise Nona of Salem, Port
land executive secretary ior vP
Fire girls, to Hugh McGilvra, edi
tor of the News-Times, was an
nounced at -a. bridge this Friday
night at the home of Mrs. Ru
dolph Knots, nee Lorna Lbrelt. a
Beta Chi sorority, sister, 5 6 Ken
iiwnrth avenue. ' ..
The date of the wedding; De
cember 31, was revealed y ciever,
little diaries which marked covers
t the refreshment tables. Guests
I included: Mrs. Charles Redding,
Miss Grace Whit. Miss Winifred
Tebben, Mrs. Fred Peters, Mrs.
Joe Ruble and Mrs. W. LaBar, so
rority sisters' f the bride elect,
and Mrs. Oury Hisey ot Chicago.
Miss Nuan Is the daughter , of
Mrs. Jennie . ?unn of Salem and
a graduates! 'Willamette univer
sity. She ' nas been associaiea
with Camp ' Fire work for two
years and tor 18 months waa ex
ecutive secretary of the Portland
area, second largest in the United
States. She resigned from her of
fice In August. Mr. McGilvra
graduated from Willamette uni
versity in 1928 and on June 15
became associated with. the News
, Times as part owner. He is secretary-treasurer
of the Newn-TSmes
Publishing company and editor
manager of the paper.
Members of the Portland coun
cil. Camp Fire girls complimented
Miss Nunn at a luncheon Tuesday
at the Campbell Court hotel. Cov
ers were placed for 35." .
Saturday, November 5 .
Regular meeting Women's Relief corps; Inspection
of corps; 2 o'clock.
First Spiritualist church, bold a public circle at
residence ot George Stoddard, &4 20 North Fourth street,
8 o'clock.' ' ' r -"'
V Mrs. Frank Churchill entertaining younger students
.and parents at musical at 80S North Winter street.'
Zontas' Straw Vote
Favors Hoover
D. A. JR. Luncheon
Smart Affair
An interesting feature of the
Zonta club dinner -meeting at
tha Marlon "hot !' ThnrdT nlzht
was the straw vote taken with a! An event of smart prominence
result of IB to 1 in favor of tor Chemeketa chapter. Daughters
Hoover. I of the American Revolution, will
The meeting was" mostly g4ven b "t luncheon being giv
.1.1.1. i. en today in compliment to the
rtn .n incrnxtiw.. iv - I state regent, Mrs. John Y. Rich
" uiWfVMl. ...... I . . . , .
flower arrangement and color rawa w.rwuwiu,
harmonies In flowers given by The affair will be at 1 o'elock
Miss Irene and -Miss Helen Brett-1 in the Marlon hotel. Mrs. Homer
baupt. Miss Irene Breithaupt gave Goulet, Mrs. Aides D. Hurley,
the talk andthla wast illustrated Mrs. E. EL Hotfnell, and Mrs. U.
by - Miss Helen Breithaupt. Mrs. G. Shipley are the committee In
Clifton Mudd gave a well re-(charge of the general arrange-
ceived and timely political read- men ts
ibg and Miss Nellie Schwab sang This will be the official visit of
a group of numbers, each a hap-1 Mrs. Richardson to Chemeketa
py harmony with the flower I chapter and she will make an ad
talk. i drees during the luncheon hour,
An executive board meeting Mrs. C. C. Geer will report on the
is called for 7 o'clock at the I progress of the organization.
home of Dr. Helen and Miss "Children Of the American Revo
Dorothv Pearce Tuesday night lution", and Mrs. V. E. Newcombe
with Miss Helen Louise Crosby will report on the rummage sale
given in October. Mrs. A. E. Aus-
Spectal guests were Mrs. Mudd tin nd Mrs. W. H. Byrd will give
and the Misses Breithaupt.
Loclge Officer is
Willamette auxiliary No. 2081,
Fraternal Order of Eagles, met
Wednesday nigt at Fraternal
temple for its regular business
Mrs. Lufille Tumbleson, secre-
a resume of the state board meet
ing held in Corvallls and Mrs.
Jsmes Heltrel will report on the
Willamette student loan fund.
Reservations made today in
clude Mrs. H. T. Love, chapter re
gent, Mrs. Seymour Jones, Mrs.
John Carkln, Salem; Mrs. John
Allgood, Mrs. J. E. Sibley, Mrs
Oscar Hayter, Mrs. R. Y. Morri
son, Dallas; Mrs. Katherine Pow
ell, Mrs. Howard Butterfleld,
Woodburn; Mrs. John Harbison,
Stayton Following a .short ses
sion of lodge work members of
the Eastern Star and their friends
spent ; an enjoyable evening at
their ball Tuesday. Various card
games, pool and music were en
joyed as were the Refreshments of
cookies, doughnuta, cider and cof
fee, j .
Among those. present were: Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Hari Mr. and :!rs.
Roy King. Miss Estell King. Mr.
and Mrs. Vernie Scott, of Union
Hill; Mrs. Ruby Kaufman and
Mrs. A. Abrahams, Silverton; Del
bert Hill, Mill City, Roy Phillip!.
Mehama; Mrs. Elsie Potter, Port
land r;Mr. afld -Mrs. S D. Brown,
Denton Brown, Mrs. Thelma Sur
rey and Mrs. Vclma Adams, Ly
ons; Mr. and Mrs. Sprungman and
Mrs. Arthur Tucker, Marion; H.
E. Lafky and V. R. Griggs, Salem?
Mrs. Edna Sloper, Mrs. Mildred
Tietec.Mrs. Ellen Reynolds. Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Brown, Mr. and
Mr. T. L. Sanders. Don and
Ralph Sanders, Miss Elone Grant,
Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Korlnek, Mrs.
Hattle Ficklin. Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Neibert, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Wood,
Mrs. Mae Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Wendt. Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Ad
ams and Mr and Mrs. O. E. Gard
ner. it-
Oak Grove. The Sunday school
enjoyed a colorful Halloweten par
ty at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Blaffas with Mrs. Blaf fas and
tary, was honored during the so- Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Mrs. C. C. Clark,
cial hour w ith a surprise birthday Mrs. B. L. Steeves, Mrs. C. C.
shower. Geer, Mrs W. F. Fargo, Mrs. C C.
Beside the honor guest those Best. Mrs. Homer Gouley. Mrs. U.
attending were Mrs. Julia Smith, g. Shipley, Mrs. Herbert Ostlind,
Beta Chi Mothers
Plan Welcoming
1 Tea Event
One of the colorful events "for
next week will be the smart "wel
coming" tea for which the Beta
Chi Mothers club will be hostesses
at the regular meeting to be held
Tuesday afternoon at the Beta
Cht sorority home on State street.
There is now a membership of
IS mothers In the group and invi
tations have been extended. to 17
more eligible mothers to attend
this meeting and tea. . . .
The group win be. entertained
by a talk by Mrs. Grover C. Blrt
chet on the state ot Colombia,
South America; a reading by Miss
Dorthy Dalk and Miss Josephine
Albert will be soloist.
The invited guest list includes
Mrs. Arthur Glbbard, Mrs. George
Alexander, Mrs. Hoy H. Mills,
Mrs. M. R. Savage. Mrs. Henry
Cornover, . Mrs. Arthur Uppston,
Mrs. F. M. Wassam, mil of Salem;
Mrs. C. H. Fleming of Falrvlew;
Mrs. Martha K. Brown of Stayton:
Mrs. F. R. Elliott. Mrs. W. P. Mil
ler, Mrs. N. L. Guy, Mrs. C. O
Hawkins, and Mrs. D. F. Wiens,
an of Dallas: from Portland. Mrs
J. C. Ghormley. Mrs. Fred C. Tay
lor, and from Vancouver, Wash.,
Mrs. Ray Matlock.
President's Luncheon
Drawing Attention
One of the much anticipated
events in Salem Women's club cir
cles is the "president's luncheon'
which will be an event of Satur
day, November 12, at the Salem
Women's clubhouse
At this time Mr. Charles Bilyeu
state federation president will be
the guest of honor. An elaborate
covered dish luncheon is being
planned under the direction of
Mrs. F. H. Crosby, and an execel
lent program and special music
will be featured in the afternoon
Mary Talmage was the violinist
for the Russian program of music
Mrs. Ines Holbrook, Mrs. Margar
et Filsinger, Mrs. Rachel Lants.
Mrs. Edna Seofield. Mrs. Fern
Crosier, Mrs. Malinda Parsons,
Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs. U. G.
Boyer, Mrs. W. B. Johnston, Mrs.
W.- J. Wilson, Mrs. D. H. Looney,
Mrs. George A. White, Mrs. A. D.
Be Hostess '.".
Mrs. Marie FDnt McCall will be
hostess for a breakfast party Mon
day morning with covers placed
for Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook, Miss
Bertha Beck. Glenn Adams and
Mrs. McCall. '
The affair will be at the McCall
home and will precede a- trip by
this group to Hlllsboro Monday
where they will attend a grange
Mrs. McCall has Just returned
from a trip to eastern Oregon, with
Ray W. Gill, state master, and
Miss Beck, state secretary. The
trio left Portland October ,27 and
attended meetings and Pendleton,
where Pomona grange was held;
at LaGrande, where the first sUte
conference was held,, and also at-
tended smaller grange meetings in
nearby districts. Mrs. McCall re
turned Sunday night to her home.
Dinner Party Precedes
High School Musical
Miss Helen Purvine waa host
ess for an attractive dinner party
at the home of ber parents on
University street Friday evening.
Covers were placed for Jean Mc-
Elhinney, Frances Ellis, Edna
Savage, Martha Sprague, Helen
Trindle. Julia Johnson, Helen
Worth, Margaret Doege, Eleanor
Trindle, and Miss Purvine.
Following the dinner the group
attended the high school operetta
given In the auditorium of the
high school.
The Ladles Guild of the Amerl
can Lutheran church will be en
tertalned at the church begin
ning at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon. This will be a thank
offering service and special feat
ures are being planned for the
Mrs. George Fake will lead the
devotions. Miss Arbutus Rudie
will be soloist.
Hostesses are Mrs. A. M
Calsse, Mrs. A. C. Meyers, and
Mrs. Henry Reinwdld
RIckreall. Mary Oliver enter
tained her classmates at a de
lightful Hallowe'en party at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs
A. V. Oliver. The rooms were ap
propriately decorated with yellow
pumpkins, black cats and witches
and yellow and orange fall flow
Those bidden by Mia Mary
were Jeanne Coville. Helen
An "attractive" evenlntf at the
studio otMra," Frank " Churchill
will be the. informal musical for
which she and her . younger stu
dents will bo" hosts ' tonight. Par
ents are being invited as special
guests. A social hour and refresh
ments will follow the program
hour.. ; ,
Rebekahs Plan For
'Harvest Home
All Rebekahs and their families
are getting together for a "har
vest home" dinner at 6:30 Mon
day night at the I; O. O. F. hall,
under the direction of Mrs. Lenore
Kreisel. Each family is to bring
a hot dish.
Mrs. Kreisel's assistants for the
evening ar Adrona Pratt, Clara
Roberts, Carrie" Jennings; Agnes
Cohenbarg. Ella Smith, Coral Mc
Neil and Bessie Edwards. Bread,
batter and coffee are to be fur'
nished by the committee.
given at the C. A. Sprague homo Brown. Betty Pence, Edith Brunfc
Thursday afternoon. The name I Virgil Parker, Robert and Arm
was erroneously given as Thomas, and Brown.
Labor Suit Taken
Under Advisement
SILVERTON, Nov. 4 The la
bor ease of Jenkins suing J. Inge
man for wages was completed in
the court of Justice Brown Friday
morning and judg Brown will
hand 'the. decision down either
Saturday or Monday morning.
The dispute was over work
which Jenkins claimed he had
done for lngeman on the later's
Lane county farm and for which
he claimed he bad not been
paid. The plaintiff asked for $147
in wages. . .
lngeman and Rex Albright and
Frank. Alfred represented the
plaintiff. Mr. Jenkins Is the fa
ther of Roscoe Jenkins, the pro
prietor of the Jenkins Grocery.
MONMOUTH. Nov. 4 Several
faculty members ot the Oregon
Normal school have been accept
ing Invitations to speak at county
institutes held throughout the
state in recent weeks.
Dr. Stephen B. Jones of the ge
ography department, was a guest
of the Benton county inctltute at
Corvallls where he spoke. He will
address the teachers ot Polk coun
ty November . 10, at Dallas.
J. F. Santee, ot the education
department, spoke at the Joint in
stitutes of Wheeler and Gilliam
counties at Condon on "What is
this Thing called Education?" At
the Benton county-teachers' meet
ing. Mr. Santee's subject was
. Miss Ida Mae Smith, primary
supervisor, has appeared as a
speaker at ' Linn, Yamhill - and
Clatsop county institutes. Miss
Ann O'Neill, primary supervisor,
addressed the Benton county in
stitute November 17, and- th Til
lamook Institute on October 13
and 14. She will also attend the
Polk county meet November 10.
Miss Emma Henkle, of the ed
ucation department, has spoken
at Yamhill '. and Linn county Institutes.
Play is Feature
Of Entertainment
By Young Pupils
RICKEY. Nov. 4 The primary
pupils were -entertained Friday
afternoon by the upper grade pu
pils. A short play "Ten In One'
waa put on after which refresh
ments were served.
Taking part in the play were
Haxel Dell Sheridan. Gladys Crabb,
Lula Jasmer, Margaret Spllde,
Edna Hehsel. Blllie Clearwater,
Willis Horner, Haxel Magee
180 Loggers Corning
Out to Cast Votes
gers of the Silver Falls timber
company will be given a holiaay
on election day eo that they can
come out of the woods to vote.
There are approximately 180 men
at Camp 16, which Is close to 30
miles southeast of Silverton.
Ta onentheaostrilaand
promote clear breathing
use ltemnoiarnm
night and morning.
Mrs. Frances Hoyt. Mrs. Rose Hurley, Mrs. John Gallager, Mrs
Harland, Mrs. Hazei .warsnau, W- c Conner. Mrs L. W. Potter.
Mrs. mime i.ewis, jus. r.sieu Mrs. Georee McLeod Miss Helen
reruns ana .Mrs. asn itooens. Ditchfield. Mrs. A. R. Hnntir.
Denciout. reiresnmems were nx-, R P Aivn Mr H n
served at tee Close qi tne pieasani Sraith Mr8 H M Buckf Un w
evening. w Radehalsrh. Miss Ola Clark, all
of Salem; Mrs. Marguerite Loo-
o xt i . 1 ney, ana Mrs. ivari sieiwer 01 jei-
oigma iNu vnapicr ferson
Tvi-ii I r i
win near or vnina
, I Silverton Mrs. Roscoe Rams
The Sigma Xu chapter of Del-IbT n,.!. th donr nrii
phians will meet for the regular at tne Royai Neighbor club card
meeting at the city library Mon- DartT ved Wednesdsv tftunnAn
day afternoon and at this time at tne ROTai Neighbor hair. Sev-
wlll hear a talk by Mrs.
J. Vincent Scotl who will talk of
her personal experiences of life
In China. The Scotts spent about
10 years in this latter country
and have many and various ex
periences of rich narrative value.
Topics will be taken by Mrs.
H. O. White, Mrs. Claude H.
Glenn, and Mrs. Hal Hoss.
Talbot The borne of Mrs
Addle Davidson was the scene ot
a cleverly arranged jniscellaneous
Shower Ttfesday aternoon, in
honor of Mrs. Delnar Davidson
who lost her home , by fire re
cently. Miss Virginia HSelknap was
In charge of the entertaining
en tables of cards were in play
This party waa a part of the
contest which the Royal Neighbor
club is holding to raUe funds for
the club's benefit work. Mrs. A.
J. Lathers and her "division were
in charge of the Wednesday par
ty. n
The Rbyal Neighbors were
hosts at a delightful Hallowe'en
party at their hall Tuesday night.
This party also celebrated the
anniversaries of members whose
birthdays fell In September to
October. About 3 0 were present
at this party.
At the Tuesday night party an
invitation of the Modern Wood
men was read, inviting the Royal
Mrs. Gardner a. hostesses. Games I" to be guests ot the
contest, and ghost storie were en- '0f WJ Woodmen at a party next Wed-
Joyed by the older folks as well 0 . nrnt were the honor
euest. Mrs. H. W. Cooley and
Mrs. Marvel Cooley of Albany;
Mrs. Helen Doty, Mrs. Charles!
Lynes. Mrs. A. E, Cole, Mrs.
Frank Brown. Mrs. J. D. Farr, I
Mrs. A. Krentx, Mrs. Geo. Potts,
Mrs. R, H, Farr, Mrs. Chas.
Lynes, Mrs. A. E. Cole, Mrs.
Frank Brown,-Mrs. J. v. rarr.
Mrs. A. Krentx. Mrs. Geo. Potts,
nesday night.
Cloverdale Mrs. John Shill
ing entertained the local W.' 0. T.
U, at her home Wednesday. A
delicious luncheon was served at
The business meeting was pre
sided over by tbe president, Mrs
L. E. Hennfes with devotlonals
in eharge of Mrs. A. A. Lnm-
beck. Reports of the state eon-
.R-,"- Fa' "Vl? Ueion at Salem were given by
as the young people. Late in the
evening refreshments were served.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Seth
White, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Districts Mr. and
Mrs. Fra Plcha, Mr. and Mrs.
ClydePic&a and daughtess, Tbel
xna and Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. Emll
Stevens and daughter Lois, Mr.
Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Far
mer, Mrs.Florence Ragsdale and
- . . TTM 1 l. II,.
UBS, MfS. I t T V nHr,,r. Mr,
m J atr I lajlVi. i tax M-ru .
warren Alien uu uviSuier, uu, ' .,j v. Marlott.
Irene and Lyle Knower. Maxlnei Mj? Sarah Taylor, ft " reta Dnmbeck
v..v vunt nna Woll. I Cuavan auu virsinia KiiMif. Th nrn w.
W WiaM UlUVVf V V .1 v
Mr. E. XcRm Mitt O. EhilHnf of
A group rwn'M u mi. J. Jiorns, Mn. JU Juniii, Mtt. A,
Ver- I A. DnnMek. Mr. 8. Dncer. Mn. T,
Seluffcrar. Mr I. U. B. Henniet. Mn. X.
HenniM, Mrs. T. Withad, Mrs. C.
Stealer, Hrc B. Wiper, Mn. E. BkUUajr,
Mrs. M. Oaracr. Hrt. T. rUr. Mr. L.
Heaaie. Mn. A. Kank. Oraea Smitb.
Mildn4 Schifftrer, Ida Feller. 3Ut Kaa-
; Caral 4m ana Hreld Di BtanKT.
Mrs. Betty Drager, Mrs. Ger
trude Hennies and Mrs. A. A.
Billle Fawk, Katherine Fawk, Mr.
and Mrs.. John Blaffas and Mrs.
Bridge club met at the home of
Mrs. A. E. Horton, for a charming
afternoon at: bridge. .Mrs. Horton
friends complimented Mrs.
. . A uuu n.u.i. - - -
inaepenaenc--ine: weuueauaj negday afternoon with a shower.
' Those nresent were Mrs. Jonn
Amort. Mrs. Joseph Sherman, Mrs.
v..i itrAlVa Vn TIL' tin 9 m HnTd.
was nigOj poiai. winner oi me an- i n tyan Putman, Mrs. Frank I an4 th hostr Mn. J. swninf,
anuwin j! Mcmnr airAaeot were: i .. - l . .
" r. -ix--rs.-". TIl. ZJ: I UOOOin. MTS.AA"CO MSionej, r.
William Berg,. Mrs. McReynoMs,
Mrs. W. L. Fettit. Mrs Rowland.
Mrs.'" Lloyd Kene, Mrs. Edward.
Gilbert,' Mrs. Fred Gilbert, Mrs.
W11a Hfra Jnhn -Ratllner.
vi. salt).. Mr. crrle West of Canby to Miss Carol Arch
son, Mr. Z. A. Kimball, and Mrs. Mrg; Charles McAUister. t of Portland.; student of the
Wicki Mrs. Grace Hill, Mrs. Arthur from theNofmal last June and Is
..Li-,-i' fii. I now teaehinjc at Boring where the
provement dub 'held Ita-aullting .. ;-. -5 ' m Cummingi.- Mrs. couplo will reside. He was active
Babe Needham, Mrs. saerman I . .tu.ue MU,U
Mrs. Hortoffli Mrs. ?R. M. Walter,
Mrs. S. B. Walker, Mrs. G. G.
Walker. Miss Myra ; Montgomery,
Mrs. M. C. Williams, Mrsi A. L.
Thomas J Mrs. B. F.; SwdpeV Mrs.
G. G. Godfrey. Mrs! A. C. Robin-
Mon mouth Announcement.
was made on tbe campus of the'
Oregon normal school this week ,
of tho marriage Saturday in Van
couver, Wash., of H. C. (Tim)
I::ttA rp V furs; ravricsi
Jlk Fashionsl-- -MMM
ymfm Here toy1
I fm pftBfe&AJt jM nf pensive coat with the expen- I
111 i'" ''jSfefefcw JSC' sive a muc hifer I
H C ln?Crv'BC -wiXid " priced garment! A special feature to- fl
H day in the coat shop. 2nd floor. ,
" i4 ? 11 " l$k ' " Fashion correctness! Fashion's high-
lights! Fabrics. that are unusually
IP W W ""Uri wanted browns, blues and, of course,
I ? M black. Sizes mostly 38, 40, 42, 44.
I W ' - FURS Another "special feature 1
II 4 WOLFE . in coats . will be shown
Barry and the honor guest, .Mrs.
Rickey. Mrs. R. Clark and
Mrs, M. M. Magee were hostesses
I to members of the 4-M club at an
beoWeidnesdar when a miscellan
eons shower, was given for Mrs.
ma. UU SJimm iwma ,
Present were ' Mrs. T. Stblk,
.' Mrs. F. Hammock, Sr.. Mrs. O.
Garner. Mrs. J. O'NeaL Mrs. Pet-
'set Mri B. ClemehtrMrs. J. Balr,
Mrs G. Smith, Mrs. R. Smith. Mrs. I aiiiay meeting at the Clark home
F. Hammock, Jr., Mrs.. Hlllman, - Wednesday. , Fall . flowers were
Mrs. Baker. Pearl Baker and Mrs. 1 napd about the rooms. At noon
1 Eck Dutoit. Visitors were Mrs. Ma- f dinner was serTed at two long
;t son, ana. sirs, roorman oi sim. i tables. :
:! J I .- ' - I At the business meeting, presid
I r Marlon.' Miss Wilma Schu-I ftT, Vr Mr. C. Baker, it was
! macher entertained - her'; teacher I voted ta redaee club -does and to
and group ot classmates at her I baTd a Christmas tree at the De
- bom Hallowe'en night. Games in I comber -meeting,-to bo held at
i keepitfg with tho day were enjoy- i Macleay hall.. a nv-hoBt affair.
ed nntll a late hour. . . ?. M :; ' Y y Bnrbank and ' his aririnatloa
J Present ero Mr. Gardinler, the LWM the si u4y subjectOther num
teacher: and Caroline and Walter! K&ra ii .tlia 'nrnmm were, short
Qlson,;Dorrts 'an. Zona; Highber, talks by"A..H. ruestmadr-J.vF. C.
i Thelma .McDonald, Ether Winn, J Tekenburg and George .Meising'er
.-Tviartml RTrnrmari. Henry DUlara. l - '.
v . rrrti Prabtrpa. William Berry.'
t- "'The Junior Guild of St. Paul's
.-i, .,;.Ji ''";i4r;,lEpiscoparhttrcn,:Ul meetfwitbr
J Miss Margaret fearago ' will be Mrs; U. Qt Shipley at hot homo on
ho&tess' for aR'aUracUTe'bridglFairmount HiH Monday afternoon
afternofoji Modajv" '.'-f--'--- : y-. at ti3t 0oek." - 'S
the Normal school, being especial
ly clever in presenting character
TONIGHT - 9:00
1 Hear '.
Mr. Jay Upton
' Bend Attorney f
of Prohibition Lawa -
. '. ; Under : Auspices ot
Women's Organization Ftr :
National Prohibition -
Reform- :
?.i 4-7 Sanday, 9 p. Hear -
yir. DUlne Hallock, Baker -""Monday
-aW" Hear
' -Jcfeneral Cha. ,H. Martin
f iwL jv.I-lr:o;irj'.:Kt
- Mrs. Dirii Ha7. Caaiwtaa
lS Slerm rartlaaa. Ojsal
Sheer Silk Chiffon
$1.35 pr.
rirst in Salem ; . the ni
non-run, called. Kahtrun
Omct silk chiffons In full
bshlocKd all'sQk top ban.
Art you believing? Well,
Miller's are guaranteeing
then against runs, teat
that sufficient evidence
that these are truly non
run? All tbe latest shades
; . . oft black . . . brown
black . . Light broT. n ; . .
Deep brown-. . . GunmHal
. : . Dark taupe.
Sale of Rayon Gowns,
PAJAMAS $1 .98
Sir ! .-'; " r- - :1 u-J Z- '- - ' .u'iin w-v..
'' -J 11-" :
6m ji aa';weii sleep in
tyle when sleeping gar
ment! such as these fine
quality rayon gown
with lace trims and plain
tailored effects as well
as, one piece and jacket .
pajamas "are" offered at
this low price! Patel .
shades .new! Lingerie
shop 2nd floor.
.'j it-
: VKD1 FlOOm
School Girls
Black and Brown
Scotch Grained
Roll soles
Men's Short
All sizes
?f(i tSfe .2.98,:4.9g-ii
Men's Rolled
All sizes
Ties, Oxfords
Silk Hose
45c pr
. New colors
Women's Silk and
50c pr
Women's Silk
; Large Assortment
.Women's Outing
Good quality : : :-
Men s Wool
Good styles
iiVi.-rt Children's