vA: ' MS t ; i - - V .Tha OREGON STATESMAN,' Salea, r Oregon, Tuesday Montlng; November 1, 1932 PAGE NINE Economically, r:Here . -r 3 - . CIi4-re "Mr.IPlAr4 A 1 '. 1: Call 9101 V CTtoM.?f4 Advertising : Blogl tostrtloa per liar.) 0 Tlire inaertloM pr " Els ,tDarUooi per Un..30c Oa noatk per Une. .fl. Minimum ehr . . .2ie Copy ; lor thlt pase e- eepted until 9:39 th Ins bfor publicattoa for elassKleatlon, i Cop 7 ; r celted after, this tlm will bo ran tender tbe kemdlng Too .Late to Claeslty. The U teaman aaaames SALESMEN WANTED ' fteeoonslble maw wanted aa auperrt- aor for Salenti district. Collection, in- I Teetlgatlon, Special contact work. Exp. I nrmec rnn. . run nm, iruoa Write & A. KROSCHKU SO? Guardi an Bldg., Portlanl. Orejcow. SITUATIONS WANTED ..... ,. - i w n, i Dreasmaktna and remodel mg at rea sonable prices. Mrs, Hsrtman, M9S: S. Uberty Street, Saleaa, : Ore. : Baajolat wishes . dance iSSIt,: I t " Jobs. Tel. Roof lesJde carpenter repair, paint. kalaemlne. phone 591S. - FOR SALE Mlscellaneoaa SaSstaSiaSSSseSSSSjSjSsJSSBSSSaSaes FOR SAUC-uOKl paSera te e btm oia " StatrenMiB ofrVe. trtriiLftjMm.ririiiioir ir " " . Ptano sale jte full swtn at TeJl na. TJsed pianos, $3J, ISO. Its, 1ST. $125. Easy payments. 195 & 12th, near & e. aepou Oreron Sweet Water STrape Juice, apectal SSo gaL Puritan uiaer woraa, ; West Salem. 1 Winter applea Jte boav; Walnuts .ISo lb. Mra, Wriht, 4 mi. Wallace rd. ssjjoijojxoJesriXiJtrijnjrsj'ar FOR SALE Cheap, new 4 wheel trailer bonaa. rt W. High Orapes I Ss per bu. R. A, West, well driller, uarsen Hoaa. ia.niM. K. iSnlea, Others, ISIS & - - w el if'aeer fWefrV "T " m ', Cottage. I w - SV.l I Black dirt TSo yd. deUvered. TeS. I iote. ? I .wvfi o 1 T.tTVnlilnae mndel Majestic 1 and table model Atwater Kent, lie w. i Lincoln. v. FOR 8 AX Mowing machine, drill, two-horse cultivator, binder, wagon and box, 4-section barrow, two wood ranges with colls, same as new circu lator heater. 191 Ford R5ff r. All articles tn first class shape. 1845 Mar ket St. TeL S24S. ...... - -. - . .... 11 I FOR SALliJuru. nuui made to orders TeL 5970, Cedar posts for sale or trade for lav or Brain. TeL 48F8S. ti -u.ririnnrn ' -- ' Terrier pups, male 1 1.00, femaU SSo each; call 9541. . - :- Pekingese for sale breeding pair . TtlJ,. r)V.hrn BtOCk. all fOT 3.00. as SZtni : ! Chemeket 8U Salem. TRADE Mfaeellaiieons mj-iuuMwiiTii-n-'i- - ' " " Cows, wagon, and cream jwarator. to trade for eats or barley. First elsss jt emiHttL. for sale. TeL 89ot. WANTED Miscellaneous All kinds ef rtnee, ptstoja, shotguns. I 1 gold -nd Hwelry. CoodJUoa ae so- 1 emJA Vst taaaewasn Wnm9 nHfaW- T RelPfER". EXCHANQR 150 K Commaretal , UUi n ii rw utn n nn n n WANTED Used PWoa to ox shanse e radios. phODoaTsphs, or fur JVturl a LTsuff Vurnirare Comaany tnjl i i i iTH---- ill IMW Old ftrrn. stoves, ete. TeL8598:t BilSCELLAN EOUS mwmwwowmwxii. i . Kodak nrfeita for 25e and up at Skewis ever Penney'e store, eisnsi1aa sHtraAtl. TexL 4190. iX'lii riji"Ln-niri.njTmnri - ' Shoe repairing. . good work, low prices. Jacobt Voet. 979 S. Com L I FOR RENT -R0051S TLTcn n.w.nAjrwyionrii-,-ii"i-i"'- i Rooms.. 595 Court St. TeL 4505. nj-i-.rj-.u-irii--i-- -- 1 1 ." 8 warm sleeping rooms, 909 Cheme- keta. Phone 5689 .. aSSaasjeaaSa1SaSSjeawsae Fura. room 87T & ComT. TeL 9584. FOR RENT Clean, furnace heated sleeping room. Tel. ST24. ROOM AND BOARD j-.ri i r -i-i -Y- ----- - i . mi j Large room, twin beds TeL SS17. aa. -a- n l.B.riin.rsT i Board and room, ateam heat. . for I gentlemen.-SZ. Jmone e. ... ,. ,. n - . . .ji, j-, i--....rii ."r,-i-- - nm )..m mr tnslness women. Home prrrilegea, Close in. Heaaonabla, Pbone tnjn 1 1 m --Jt tmA with noma nrtv - tlemiwiuTa quiet elderly couple. 1598 a Liberty Street, - v?r ranrliAPAIrTM15NTSl i watl" 'furtlahed. ioom apartment. '"'"i -- V.-"..."Ar..nt.aowntown. Call . aa a ma S .1 Patton's boo I? . " Lovely sij H, apt. Qreauy reaucea h.-. m a A iseAoVsise (.--- rStlSss. f vw.w.; m. --4 m at anta. sfsaeaseseeeo" .t .iwhi i low winter rates.. Phone .:"" --,v-...:,; Fura. apt, tl3 per mo. lOIOLesUe. POLLY AND HER """"'"""""" land raraae. 111.50. SIS! NT 10th. vSSlSHgftr Cboots-O S?r 'ST--- tmlir-' ; ' ;v;l..cit tw ,f,eswati,? fau Ji Airvjgi . : ' pfJXsX y&M --:--i;--jBr .ijJ- ;; rg SSfeSr-'- bo- flnaneiAl respoailbllUy for error wblca may tP pear In 4ertiiement pob- -Usbed la Its colamna, end 1 In eases where this paper Is St faatt will reprint that part of an sdrertlsement to -which :f the .typotraphleal olstske ocenrs. Toe - Statesman reserves -the rltht to reject objee- -tlonal adTertlslnc. It far- -ther reserves the rltht to classify all' advertising un der the proper elassiflca- -- tioo. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Lovely court bungalow fami8hl. haw. flr sarnxe. dec. ranee, J20. Pbone H54. Clean, reduced, furn. and unfnrn. 1 TeL TtSS. I . I i ..... w I SS4 V1UL T. CL Albert. I I lunuagea ul xieac iienie. water I I Apt. Oarage $12.60, 891 N. Com'L 1 wwwwwwwi.. wmm,mww J -room rum. apt. lAgnvt, neai, wai- I $15, also apt. 1S. Phone 4494. Small furn. apt. S5S Center. Two rooms unfurnished, IS. 00 month. Tel. 95St. close In, Furn. duplex apt. 639 Center. ' PRESCOTT apartments, s Bice rooms, well furnished, fin kitchen. S2rSlM leSTStl" fireplace, garage, good lot. t.-1 , ults, & P. bus Itne, 20. 1014 Oak St. I JB0 xerma I ' Hoij FOR RENT SES Ssssssekeeasesa.wyssaa eei seafeael . Oo4 f VL houaee 4TS & Winter. Furn. and anfurn.. hossea R. A. ! Forkner. ISIS N. Cottage. j Tel. SOIL Fura. mod. bouse. Tel. I42S mora. ' S R. house on 8. Church. Fruit trees. large garden spot. I IS mo. TeL SSST. Nice furn. cottage. 591 if. Cottage. SmaH furnished hoose. Inquire oer-1 viJ swusvtc im savusft iemsaa svssw f UI UiOUCU tVUI SWISS wuuoiu Mvwirvt M, North jsta. Inquire a 1540 North iTtb. i Furnished fear room modern houae ; .,ie ne.r state house. Furn. houses newly decorated, lift M lis. Phone ST25. t R. boose and bath, partly rur nlshed. per mo. inct water. 92S N. Church. 225 N. 24th Street. rooms, nook, . in.,v. mnm ' t?s no 1 burnt., flrenlaca. garage. 825.00. Ili wmaunr . , aonoi. ptumbing. modern, 825.00, 1459 N. 19th Street. X bedrooms. modern tn every way, 825.00. 1T05 Fir Street, S rooms, garage, r'Il belU aos tj. a Bank Bldg. ,.m I Phone 7151-9578 FOR RENT Well located business location, Ideal for barber shop. Rent t reasonable. SEE us i . j.v.n v mruis CO.. Realtors 829 State Street Phone 0708. FOR SALE Real Estate' Good semi-modem Home surrounded bv beantifnl shaded rrounds, fruit. I nuts, feerrtea, grape arbor! and gar- &M fireplace,! basement ,ot t,0xm fwx Near Junior high and grammar schools. Pared street. I nL. mimmr siBea. hmni mu-nt aeeenc 1 some earDoatar work aa deal Owner 785 Rnrai avenue, phone 8554. We have a fine 40 aore farm. R. house, good barn and ether buUding, running water, fine pasture. sme tlm- : equipped, 9 miles Salem -owner wants I Splendid 5 room Salem residence ana I ..l,-- ..n im. I ornTai jnae m. tor wni tiandla. J MoGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 809-19 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. BV9aJ'JMap Sell or trade for Salem residence. Urge lot at Newport, has five fur nished cottages, clear, box 7i, t Statesman. , : GOOD BXTTS IN CLOSE IN ACREAGB ' New and ready for oocupany. A neat I doseta, plently of buUt! ins. good 4 room plastered cottage; wttn hook. Diumbing. electric lights, ! drove garage and woodshed. 1 aero on pave ment, close to dty llmlta Price 12,- Toe, ease fies, bl moncniy to suit. i acre tract mues oui on iwo read, 4 room lionse, garage and wood- shed, elect no lights, drove wen, pmcx- en eoona foe SOS hens, rabbit hutches. Price f 1859, cash 550, baL mon&ly to suit . j : LF.O N. CHTXDS CO.. Realtors I 820 State Street fnone S70s I f room nlastered bungalow, not old. j In good condition. 8eU at sacrince. "i2 . Je- , ww eavs oy em sj,-uiiiuv avcaaew a,sw dairy and stock farm with fine bulld- hm 111 nil hnnmnA RtlvtraA sag eonumed at 85. ser acre. . . 1 gf m hooM and tots onad r and paving paid. Price I 12JWU. ACIIlJk a fine 75 acre-stock and grain farm. I AU under cultivation on main rocked i mm Iim. f tnn 1rlM. f KQflB terms. i is scree near- i iffmf. :- - -v . M- . . fV wane 4eaaVfw. aw I a-JVTS. assp SAS j rvws wsvaa jwui samm i I nroblatna. 1 Remember we write all Unds tasur- i n . Clrich col 125 State Street Telephone 857L PALS EXCHANGE Real Estatt "n iiTi"iriiiiii'irinioririrvii'innnrin : II nil la ealt, t mL M. of B- telf, fair Md&, atociwd aad e4olrPd. OwBr-wlU accept trade. Qnlr fl.0 , ' , H. C. SHIELDS ' : OrftseB Bid - TL - SMI. wminwiiwwioM"iMw TRADE FOB" A GOOD RANCH 1 Ai-acrei, ,au in cut, srooa aprtnt. all fenced. Fatr ImproToments, price 11009.00 : trade for city property. ' SS-ACRES CLOSIS IN--Trado for clear .8akm property. Modern houae, good dairy barn, lo nouse, - nen nouse, onir -i muea from city llmlta. Prlco t?s Trade for city property, - - 100-ACRES DAIRT RANCH AU In cult, X5-A- clovtir, i-A. attal- Trim.i V.- I rJl ,.riiUS3S Chevrolet Coach """i.TiV f"-- ?r " 1 rr -Icms siias I . ... r- k.: i... . H3f cnerroiet Beaan, -ss na. . bouse, barn? IS tanchione. S i poultry hnnuK mlalU MUWL TTO.Ha far flflUl. i " or acreage. ' - J. D. SEAR3, Realtor - IS 3 SouthHlfh ACREAGE 415 acres; 100 A. cleared, f eaced, nia- cadam road. 14 mlluon ft. timber, f room house, barn 00x60, other bid. well, aereral aprlnsa, family iorotiard. si,oop. Traae zor &&iem or roruma .10 A. H4 mL east of Salem. S room house, cood barn, family orchard, S A. J itrawMma. ii. iTwia ir aw. in Salem. ! 71 a iu tnv rrom inaenenaence. rn- i cod with woven wire, fair farm bid., 1 cleared, macadam road, bbQOO. wiu I rent xor izo a year, I MEL.VIN JOHNSON iiss Ford Sport Roadste-new tlrj J Street Phone 79lSOod paint runs like new It- I 37S fit&te Street PbOnS S79S 1 II A. XT In curt. S A. oeaveruam, i mnA mrinr. S A. berries and Other I J?n? r,rv ,S u.w. " " . ni n, Rnlf.m IT acres line sou wiib creea, . i IIOS down. ... I New s R. aouae, ruu atawn, w- R. A. FORKNER I Hit N. Cottage Paoa 1011 J l-,ww,.7 ' I 10S acres of excellent so!X one-half J bottom land. Tt aores under cultrra-1 tlon. IS A. hops, S rnv mooera aouae, i large barn for dairying, creek, prlos 913.500. will laae sroauer cnH tiMMtrtr. WTNND1 PETTYJOHN ITS South High Street Business Opportunities Tkanttv nm and service station. 8 pp rep&tr shop. Rest rooms, wat- or system, cood S R. bouse with bath. garage, large, tOxSS chleen nouse. i -acres land. Derrles, ruoerra, waurav-, Pacifle highway. Traao ior naui i ranch or lanca sheeo ranch. J. D. cKAJKii, Meaitor 122 South HUrh Street MONEY TO LOAN PERSON At. LOANS I MADE oa furniture, cars, eeJartes or other aooo sacurwy. xusimjww" monthly. When in ftnanclal oeed j us before closing a loan. 1 GENERAL. iNVKsratniMY mRvoaATiON i First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1558. pKBsnwAL- installment jOANS I " e?T tl" s Fs M oinee nra - o 1 state u)am juxi-Ar 1 State Ucense 'No. I Telephone T78X State Ucense we. s-165. - "r i 'BellS 01 Harmonjr Heard over KOIN daay 1 rtng out a loan servico that Is really, really dlfrSrent. TOO GIST TUB FU1X AMOUNT OF LOAN TiM CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST miff oonficv i quick and cottrteous service ON LOANS $1 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Roof a New mighB 8nd lleer I Its State St - - - MAS, . TeL S-t-4-S MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced 1 arrange xo reW""-" I akiker I tuTZS Twrr I rliNQ WAfJTTCTi I lAJAJSo Xj AXkEU 1 if to, awuh, . , w TatvTaPt Want 8(000. 8 yra. houie valued at 180,1 SOS; BOX IS, Statesman. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY liwwl Kmww wArlr Inn aa far sal. as trade for good cow or beifem One mile north Aumsvtue ecnooinouse. Aug- ust BaaL Pnnltrv wanbxLT Salem Poultry Co.. 855 XL Killer. Phone S70L We retalL Qaseeesan0Saasas FOR SALB Black team, ' weight eves frfm, sic uS tit. Cecil Saraent. i near Liberty, R. S. - ' ' I a FOR SALE WOOD cmi bnt. for -ow fir. oakr ash and maple. Reseopabie pricea Phone S7I9. - ' quaran',t4ced''"'drt ' erooooai TeL see. Salem i Fuel CO. xraaa m Cottage, i . i m Mum. ItlS nov trm a un niK tvnnn. nai and fuel ell Call o. oe for prices, Wei I give good ZZS'ST -ia good Jjrjfe A J,- - I e-aaa . w Teleonone Sill . i -r Old growth fir. TeL--8887. I Dry oak 4 ft 4.80. Phone 87SA LOST AND FOUND I '''? iJ8Jnh, IE2r? honS brtadle. Catt at 428 Court or pbone 7548. -f- :'--A:.'A .-." !' - . 't Plrst" kAyri'm-', By VlAtt SikMKt.ll LOST AND FOUND LOST Ttre a rim sad ceavas, twcea Alaany and Balsas, ZUward. Rt Box s, a. BrondWsa. 1 UOST Btack and WlUt fewaU bull dor, about T no. old. Call SMS Sunday and aTMilnca or lili vtck dara. - LOST Rhinestone : aboe tackle at Subscription- club dance Masonte ball Fattmtay nlrtit Phone SS25. FOR SALE USED CARS SALEM XJSm CAR. CENTER Operated By VAIXET MOTOR CO. iszs Buick Standard Coups f ISSS Bulck S-paea. Coups llf.OS 1S3T Chevrolet Oraine. '11 IWl IA.SS "2" Cherrolet Roadrter 125.0S SSTtSSS- I7S.S0 192S Ford Sedan - JJ5.00 1 1921 Ford Sport Coupe 19I Ford Standard Coupe 15.00 19S uiw srsseWWi .e...-aew I192S Ford Coach, t lie, ASl m.a i wtlttel TA.aV . ' 4 a ST AA 10S.00 so.os 75.0S SOS 19 J Ford Tudor like new 1321 -Nash' Special S Sedan 1 1925 Olds Coach. "11 He 1 192S Studebaker Tour, 'tl lie 95.00 1929 Pljinouth Sedan 145.00 FOR TERMS TRADES xpt OR CHARCJll Marlon Liberty Sta Phone Till MeKAY TJSTO CARS with an o. . k. that couhti jjj Ford Roadeter new tires,: cood paint, fine mechanical condition 1 cenee - f a-rA ltsl -potA Ooune 6.60x17. low pres- i a to lra&lnnktf and rtma like rrrr - - .LZLV," a u,, www, - lid, miA nVlrv Ilka new nerf ect meebantcal conffltlon- nss oaiy .run 9209 mtteslioeasa, speelal a . jX9 Cbev. Track o . speea overload iprlnga factory body good tires excel lent i mechanlcal condition .t uses iiillia III ensa ISSS abwr, ears are an guaranteed and are In the finest condition torouao- JJJ? " TT TERMS J; TRADES McSIAT CHEVROLET CO. ts center Phono 1189 4S0 N. ComT WRTT VOft YOUNGSTERS ttvtrrartjl! Oct. XI Mrs. Lot- i ue Fry gava "uwVvr.i I hTraS" : thrVm atVh. sehoolus.rFrldaf afternoo.V Barbara Cornell and Mary b 1 Hendry, Hardy Dlmick..and El-1 ttl -.rl j-w tka I Vrendenburg the best eos- LOB ireaUMIIUI ,ov.,. 1 - tnmes. jjT TUB DISTRICT COURT OF THB UJIITKD STATKS X1 THE DISTRICT OF OREWH lYnrxrtVA- In Hlfl i.twJl Sandberr. Bankrupt. To the, creditor, of Artnur Waldermer Sandberg, of Mill Cltf, . .. r t. ti. in the County of Marion and Dis trict aforesaid, a bankrupt. KOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 25th day of October, Sandberg was duly adjudicated i . tv. amI moot 19 8 z. tne saio Anaur wwumui bankrupt and that the first meet- i oanarup tau 1 ling of his creditors will he held 1 Ing of his creditors wiu oe sua at tbe County Court Room tn tn. Marlon Couaty Court House la the City of Salem. Oregon, on the loth dar of November,-11 at I I .'clock in the afternoon, at which time the .aid creditor, may at tend, prove their claims, appoint E trustee), examine in. Dxnarupt and transact such ether besiness I M may properly com. before .aid meeting. WXLLARD L. MARKS. Referee in Bankruptcy. N-l. 'I' I ii ; ... . i : ITS THB . DlSTBlOT OOC1W OF THE TJN1TETJ STATKS rUH THB DISTRICT OF OREGON" la tha Matter f Dan. J. Rich ards, Bankrupt . m To tha creditor., of David 4. Richards, of Salem, in the County of Marion and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE- 13 HEREBY GIVEN that OR the llth day of Eeptsnr- per, 19S2, the said David J. Rica- I ayds waa dnlr adjudicated hank- I : -. -- . . . . . T . e U.rfna vwuniy vwaxi. wv County Court Hons. Is thaiCiOr I ki eeinn, -v.oswj, :'"- dsy of Novemoer, us a, w i; o'clock in tbe afternoon, at which time th. said creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a trustse, examine th. bankrupt j and transact such other business i u ma.j properly com. peiore gala meetlngv- A V ' r WILLARD l. marks; Before in, Bankruptcy. Ni-1. NOTICE OF APPonmrENT , ! OF ADMINISXRATRIX : ; Notice Is hereby siren that th. nnderslsned has been duly ap- i pointed, by the County Court of I th. Stat, of Oregon, lor ta. coun - I w ' 1 ty ef Marlon, as administratrix Of t.t. 7f Rmarv M RaJlBT. ty ef Marlon, as administratrix of tha : aetata of Emery M. Bailer. deceased, and that aha ha. -duly i sasimea as sucn sumuuiuuu. I all nersons having claims against the estate of said decadent are no- 1 j .mu ..I I Ronald . a Glover, sny attorney. "",V' itoaw 204 uregon ouiiuiag, osmmjx, uiv gon, within six months from the date of this notice. DatM a SSiem, Oregon, tuis 4th day Of October,, It It. ,t SARAH M. BALLET,: Administratrix or tn. Estat. or Emery M. Bailey; Deceased. v RONALD C. GLOVER, I Attorney for Administratrix,! Qregon; O-4-ll-lt-K N-l iiiwsesiiT- SI.PiUL6JHe ST.' PATJU Oct. Jl St Victor ia's Court of the lAdy Foresters held thetr monthly meeting at the 3r if, Schneider, Tnars- dsy, with the president, Mrs. Pe ter ;MeDonaldv president. Mernhhrs present were Mrs. Ger ald -Connor,. Mrs,. L. P. Gooding, Mrs. James P. iTJaTldson, Mrs. Ross Colemsn, .' Mrs. . - Maurice Smith.. fr J Jnhn TJuvlflenn. Mra. fitere kerten,nMrs. Henry Ray mond. Mrs. Maurice Merten, Mrs. O. :-Cl ..DaTldson, Mrs, Claude mlth. Mrs. Peter Kirk. Mrs. Ed ward Davidson, Mrs. Carl Smith, Mrs. 'James Gdodlng, Mrs. "George Hlller. Mrs. Basil Stuprel, Mrs. Louis Sltsoil, Mrs. . Mary Faber and Mrs-. John Schneider, the hostess. After the business meet- lsg "5 00" was In play. Mrs. James Geodlng recelred the first prise and Mrs. George Hlller recelred consolation. Mrs. Frank; Buckley of Dundee wilt be hostess to the members of the court at! the. next meeting No vember 17 at the . home of her mother, Mrs. 'Peter McDonald. A Hall owe en party was glren by Mrs. Mar Raymond for , her kt. J. .n... daughter Kadlnew The following girls spent a most delightful even liar rinrnfV Vah.r Maria rtrtw her. Coldle Lawrence, and Berer- ly Lambert. .Telephone Trouble At Lyons Near End, At Least for Time LYONS.' Oct. 11. C o n s I d- rahle trouble on the tale- phone lines has been encountered i the past week, hut Saturday raorn- ing it was disc over od that where I-T-i; 7. J-.T. I,",."-. v.T.-1 when newsuUUU PutTaTt Oiat 50.5.11 better. Bnaentiy the rem nsa wasnea t insulation from the wire, causing vf. tin. ti he, rrnnndAd. I 1 Mrs. Floyd Martin and Everett 1 Lewis of Ada. Ore..- and Mrs. Soxia Trask and Wlirrad lwis of Grand Ronde, arrived PrldsyJ to be with their rather who is seriously 11L Mrs. William Bldwelljtnnd is the present master of the ot arrived Saturday. Mr. rlocai grang.. .Lewis ha. been In tjoor heath fori . some time and has suffered partial stroke recently. OLINS RETURN 8TAYTON. Oct. SI Mr. and I urg, Herbert OUm and baby J0Ua formeriv ur-A her. but was l.t , m ' i a-i. i are moving- sack to btayxon. juter transferred Salem. i I T J I Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN a, n BarfMi rtttTfa, fttartar and Iganerator work. S45 cnemeaeta st. BUILDING CONTRACTOR New bun dine and attentions, Sx- Mrtemed end' reasonable. Estimates free. TeL T49T for appointment. O. H. Thompson. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44S9. a & NortbJM CBmOPRACTORS 11- . LJZZT DCkTS sweVteisSSeSaw I ttt aTBigh. TeL Rea U7t. FLORISTS 1 111 ftnaail wedding aooqoete - . ej sne- 1 J deeoratlona. OL F. grnTftorW " m crt eet i m save.. au. irfiiSa o floral work. Lots Fler- tst isth A afsrket Tel 9599. FLOOR CONTRACTING f Otsra FVor Ce. Tel. lilt INSURANCE ttvtrnrai a fnENDRlCKS 111 It Hlrh Tel 4S4T LAUNDRIES THH NEW SALEM LAUNDRT- 1 . TH H WlUUiSIS LaS U ATK. g 1 ... . Hlgtk Tel. 9185 I Ar . .rn-T I CAPITAL CTTT LAUNDRY W. Wash tBvarvthlna tn Lax use wnwiiwiy LAWN MOWERS I - ww"1 TC1 W "!J:r I r " - " MATTRESSES ------ mno Ssn tsillHa l Snrlne mattreae 8 L00. Renevat- lore and famlgatore. Capital Beddtaa 1 MMt Biursss mAde to erder. etd - 1 mattress remade l. carpet eiesjlng, ln i fluff : ran - areavtaa. Salem Rag A Mattress Factory. 18th Wilbur. TeL S44L Otto F. Swlckar. Est, U1L RUFLEA1WS TO f j rerfeasa IS eras tbeSoath Sea atmosphere tha troeleal nights or Aba laty serf powndMg aver coral reefs. Anyway, this dog, Ceeeanta,' i swned by Peter Kelsey, S, developed an mnswsal canbse appctito far ' MSnas wbQe vacattonlnr tn the Semth Seas and almost refused f ' to eat anything eta. Election Slated For Next Meeting Silverton Grange SILVKRTON, Oct. tl Mrs. Hannah Martin spoke on tha measure, eoming nt the Sr LJSLf. " 3T iWJ JLSa! berly. as lecturer of the grange, arrange ior wi ovemag . . , grani. At the next . meeting ox tne grange the annual election of of fieera will Uke puce. dwin urer- Teachers Schedule Hallowe'en Party For School Kiddies WEST 3TAYTON. Oct A I Hallowe'en party was given by the ..hnAi (Miin M! Bntcher. t Directory MUSIC STORES am C WILL Pianos. Pboae- grapha, eewmg macJimee, sheet nraeto. and piano atudtea Repalrtag pbow grmpae aa. sewing macMnea w State Street. 8alm. MUSIC TEACHERS Plana Instruction 2 Sc. One free lee- am. fnmll Cie, 1TTS Front 8L MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hour Tuea and Sat. 8 to 5 p. m. 148 M".- C lWW4BTC!.l " '" PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repatr 144 So. Uberty work. Oraber Brae. T1 SS90 PRINTING FOR STATIONERT. earda, lata nraarania. books or any SnTet oiintlnc call Tbe - Statesman Print- ins Department 815 A Commercial THerHowe tl1 STOVES STGVE3 and stove repalrtng. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. AO kinds ef troven wtre fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooka, logaa aeoxa Relem Fane and Stove Worka. 242 Chemefceta TH 4TT4. R B Fleming. iTRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 110 Stats St TeL TTTl ptstrrbettng, ror- wardlna and storage our .specialty Oat our falsa. FOR local or distant transfer stor age, call 8181 Larmer Transfer Oa rracks to peruana nauv. o . -o Real Estate Directory Bl(V?mi AV BKMTJRICKfl ttt M. High TeL 4947 . ' A 8C ttARLJB 824 M. High BU Tel. 9478 : RnrvvrvniKT SON 804-S First Nat, Bk, lda. TeL t807 J. F. DLRICH 828 State Street Tat, S4T2 HOMER a FOSTER REALTY CO. 9 State St TeL 7528 W H RRARENHORST A CO. 114 A Uberty SL TeL 45S EAT vl.; 5 ?' ' :' ;- V . Miss TJna Lewis, and Mr. Jensen, for their pupils Friday afternoon i at tha school bouse. Wayne Hard- I fng, Marion county .Four-H club j leader, was present and helped the I seventh and eighth grades la their I fun by giving a mental ability contest tor the seventh grade and an agricultural test for the eighth grade, Iran Royse was the winner m an "apple aatlng on a string eon-1 test. The seventh and sixth grades were winners from the fourth, fifth and eighth grades In a mow- ing contest. Teachers served re- freshmeats. Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE ft 12 13 H 15 I 0At 17 16 R olu 6 cA 72 23 "f 36 37 37 HO ?3L2 " m H5"H6 "HI ""T 222 57 i i i i vF 1 1 i n i HORIZONTAL ! 1 What Sicilian shepherd b the repated inventor ef bucolic poelry T S La what French city was a poace pact, reaoaacing war as ' aa inili amaal of national pol icy, eigaod by the pleoipotoa tiaxiee of IS aatioaaoa Aagwst , 27, 1928? 10 Den of a wild animal 11 What American city is noted as a divorce center? It Place 141 To classify IS Notable period IS What speeJos ef Indian madder is weed to Madras for dyeing turbo as red? 18 Scholars 21 Part of "to be" 22 A stripe made on living flesh by flogging 24 Greek Utter 25 Siamese coin 27 What Is the missing name I The Treaty ef .... was drawn op between! England, Holland, France, and Spain, to 1S02? 2 Sodium: chemical symbol 32 What Norwegian viking was the first dnke ef Normandy? AXArfnlt drnnu females 38 Bream University is located to i which ef th U. S. (ebbr.)T 88 To re-encircle with something S9 Body of water J , 41 River in Ireland 42 Other i -44 TowaTd higher place "SK Mired ! ' 48 What eity ol Chaldea was the ! ', home el Abraham! u CHiinese pageda 51 Balow ' . 63 What Is he salsstog werdi , Texas is rtee nickname no Slu" Atotat SH Wh wat the) eldect ee ef taaat : . . - g7 nerraan noat and mlsceSaneotu nrriter - S3 What Assertcaua essayut euennerdard raEXla, HUBBARD, Oct 31 The first issue- of Hubbard Hi-ways la off the press. It Is' the first time the high school has had Its own news- ' paper. It Is a combination of the students' own work of hand draw-. tag and coloring, typewriting, and ; finally duplication of eoplee by a "ditto- outfit. It Is to be nub- : Ilsbed bl-reekly. 1 Tho editorUl staff is: Crawford Bates, edltor-ln-c h 1 e f; Anna Knight, assistant editor; Marion Carl, manager, Garfield Voget. sports editor; Helen Paulsen, so ciety editor; Dorothy McKey, car toonist; jokes, John School; liter ary editor, Betty Brown; assist- , ant cartoonist,! Marjorie Woller; typist, Betty Brown; and advisors. Class reporters will be appoint- ! ed every two weeks. Those for this weekrs issue were:, seniors. John Patten; Juniors, Betty Brown; sophomores, Claude Gant end , Boyd Brown for the freshmen. l Tbe teachers of the lower grades will report lor their rooms. ' Ballot, Measures Talked by Farmer Group at Talbot 7LBOT. OcU 1 Tha regular meeting of the Farmers' Union SO held at the Talbot school kouse Friday night. Mr. Warner, nrnsident of tha conntv union, and and Mrs. Mathls were guests. After the regular business session tbe time was spent discussing tne different measures to be voted on November 8. A fruit shower was given Mr. and Mrs. Delmer David- son who recently lost their bom. by fire. Members to serve on the enter- talntnent committee for the next I regular meeting ar. Aerni Bros., Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Belknap, Mr. I and Mrs. D. E. Blinston. Mr. and I Mrs. Calavan, Mr. and Mrs. X. B. J Cochran,. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson, snd Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Emmons. ' T SHEFFER talist i 13 Davy Crockett, Aaaerieaa fro tieremaa, was killed at what saaaeacre daring the Texas wat for ' iadepeadeace froea Mew ice? IS Club 17 Rodent 19 Skin 20 Meant Aceacague is located es what coabaoat (abbr.) 7 23 What large French oaiversitj . . . a . a y was eaterea oy cue Mmt saaas to 1914, who ware drive " out by the British to October. 1918? 28 What ts the idiom spoken to eeerthera India and 2avU.7 28 And not SO Amazement 31 What American general wee defender ef Fort Sumter! 34 Was Indebted for 25 Follow 37 Who Wae Empress ef Constan tinople 1780-802)7 38 To purchase back 39 What town -to Belgians waa headquarters ef the Ceraea General Staff from which or ders to sign the armistice tersss impoeed by the AUiae wore Ueood Nov, 19181 40 Jewish month 42 Terminate United sL 44 Which ef th United States ie i aickaamed Beehlve?t 48 A figure hounded by two arc I of circle. 47 What Is the laagaage ef th Scottish HigUexdce? 80 What U the salsstog smaeei f .... Bab wae th her ef P... Th Ferry Thieves' to the AraUa Nighta"? 52 Four wheeled passenger- . . . ahicle (eeUoi f f Preposition - 68- Land-mesrare .1 Herewfth is th. solution to yes-