COMPmONjDEPREES WiEM FRiEIGHT STEBIENTjlPS R AL L Y Australian Harvest is reared ;;Canada -: -Art . t . , CHICAGO, Oct. M-(AP)-Ia a 'dramatic last mlnut ' flnrrv ' wheat fell today to the lowest price ver recorded her for fu tur tteHverte. . . Th coliaps followed a cable flash that the lt harvest of southern hemisphere wheat had hegua tir Australia, and that of fering from xelow th equator were pressing-at Liverpool, toro ehadowlng' fierce world competi tion. Aeompanytng were price break at Winnipeg showing: that Canada was parallelise the down ward course of United States quo tations. ; . . Almost unprecedented dearth of tmmedlats arailable burins; demand tor wheat rather than unusual urgency of sellers dis tinguished the overthrow of val ues.. .:. . , Wheat closed prostrate at near- If the bottom most point reached. 10 1 cents lower than yea terday'a finish, corn 8-8 to 8-4 down, oats unchanged to 1-4 off. , Today's closing- quotations: Wheat: Dec. 44-44 1-8; May i l-z to 5-5; July 50 to 7-8. Corn: Dec. 24 1-4 to 3-8 May Z? 1-8 to 1-4; July 30 -8. Oats: Dec. 15 3-8; May 17 3-4 to 7-8; July (no trading). Genera! Markets Salem Markets Grade It. raw 4 saHky co-op pool pries, aiJSS per: hundred . -.: ' Surplus fiae. (Utile faa4 cm atal-taaatalv AaUartat avara.) ButterfUt, sweet, 22c : Batterfat, soar, 20o y ' TBTTIT Awn naxTAKixm - friet paid ta frvwf by Balaaa taim Tka ri blo. anDDlial V a. Uttl Crocs, ar latimira ot th daily mark t nt frnt br Tna EUtaaninal Ot00 nnmW , 1ft HihtM enevatbara. cumm ctkr. -., a' V'ITM, HOI. t BeaU. local, do. Taruipt, local, 4m. Greaa tepnara, lb. cannaee, itek Radiaaea, do, banefcea Oaioaa, dot. bunches . w potato M to .IS 2S 04 , , a SO .so 8 treat Botatoaa. 10A lba. Celery heart, dot.. Local celery, dp. L Lcttaee, crata Spins en. crate . Tomatoe. tag Tomatoe. bu. Can talon pe. crate Onion. Walla Walla., Oaiaa. Labiah. 85 lba. ricklinjt onion (wholesale) Daaiah aqnaaa. dox. Huckleberries, retail, lb. concord irrapea. utg M to 1.00 S-fiO 80 , ao 50 7 ' i SO ". .88 ' .20 04 V4 45 18 H III! at Pine aranefrnit. retail far .S Parsnip, hundred , ? Apple King, an. a Fpitienbtrri a BPl PKODUCB EXCHAHQB PORTLAND, Or., Oat. S. (AP) Produce exchange, net price: Batter, extra 31a. ataadarda 20 He. priau fireta 39e. ftrat 19c. Kg?, freeh axtraa S0, freah aaediuma 23c. OrUaya Jonathan Debcloa 65 -.65 SS CaaliQowat. So. 1. eratau SOPS Too. 1932. lb. Top, 193 U lb .1.00 .69 Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, Oet. 29. AP) Wheat Open Hiirh Low Cloaa Kay 4ii 4 49 49 December 44 1 44 43 43 Cah wbsat: Big BeaS bloeetem S3; oft wbito 43 Va ; weatera white, aorthera prtn 41H: bard winter 43; wtra red 41; feari. winter, 12 per seat. 50; bard winter, 11 per cent. 4$.., Oat If, a whtita 117.50. Corn No. 2E yeltow S18.2. Millran Standard fll.SO-. Portland Produce POBTLAKD, Or., Oct. S9. (AP) Bntta Print. 2 cor or better, 23 lie. atandard 2 3-2 Sc. Egg Pacific Poultry Producer ell inf price; freab extra 36c, atandard 24c. medium 23 o, pallet 17e. Country meat Selllnc price to re tailer; coaatry-killed hog, best botch er, uader ISO pound. 5-6e ponnd; veal rs, 89-100 ponnds, 7-7e; lamb 9-9 He, yearliot 5c, bearr ewes 3c, eaaner cow 2-2 He. ball 4-4 He. ' Mat Oregon walnnta 15-19c pound, peaaut 10c Braiils l'i-14c, almond 15 19c. filbert 20-22e, pecan 20c. Caieara bark Buying prices 1932 peel, 3c ponnd. Hop Kominal. 1932, 16-18 ic Butterfatt-Direct to skippers; tatiaa, 10c. Portland delivery price, harain cream 19-20c ponitd. sweet rem higher. Lira poultry Net baying -price; heavy hen, colored. 4H pound. 14e: do me- dinuil '1 lo, lirhti r, prini, colored. 14- lSe; all weights, white, 10-lite; old roos ter 7e, dock, Pekint, 10-lle. Oniof SeTliag price to reta!!er : Ore gon T0-75 eeatoU Yakima 69-65e cenUl. Potatoes Local 75o orange box, De- ehute Gem 9c-l, Yakima Gems 60-8 5c eAitfal- Weol 1933 clip, nominal; WUtamett rilley 12-15e ponnd, eastern Oragoa 10- liar Burin art ee from producer; al- ail-1 U.50. .elor S9-9.50. eattarn Oreron timothy $17-17.50. oat and vetch 110-10.50. Radio Ptogi ams Bxtraa Staatfard Uediams Pullet BOOS Buying Prlcs JSH .is Colovod hen Medtam ban Light hen rryer . CHICKBmB .34 Jt .SO -14 Turkey, lira GRATJr SJTD RAT WVeat, western red , Whita. No. 1 Barley, top. too Gate, whita, taa 11 08 .12 and .14 11 to. 14 4 -44 .14.00 .14.00 ..20.00 Oats. tray. ton. ton Ry. bavtaa orieea Oate and v jteh, tan T.00 to 7.50 -Jlalla. valley, lt cntting9.00 ta 10.00 Lamb, top rtoga, rop HKA.T Hog, first ent Steers Cews Heifer Dressed veal, top ureaaed hog Medium Coarse hlohair . .03 to ..01 to .02 to WOO- .4.00 8.75 .8.50 .04 .OS .03 ,06 ,05 .14 .10 HTJTS Walnuts, orchard ran -. Filbert, fair grade no market 40 ta .14 ..i J a a . ' - : v Liquidation fails to Appear, Rails Lose ,2 Points . NEW TORK. Oct, 21 (API The -weeklr report of fr-dxkt car loadlas. ahowlna; a sUs-t dee 11b after tljp weeks ot -rains, sipped a rather feeble rally ra.tb otoek market todar. . ... ..x . .. mporuat liqalOauea faned t appear, ot small early- aias were lost after pnWIcatioa of tne report, and In lead toe Issues, fractional net looses preralled at the f inlsa. with koma down as much ak X to 2 points. Today transters were only S 5 9,8.0 shares, making It the smallest Saturday tarnorer since OcL 1. The weekly report of the more- Saent of rerenns frelrht. carm-ine fthe period ended Oct. It, show ed a toUl of C42JL7S cars, only 8.405 below the previous week, and with the. jexceptlon of that week, the best of any week this year. Union Pacific, Santa Fa and Lackawanna, lost about 2 points, and rails off a point or so In cluded Chesapeake and Ohio, Great Northern Preferred, North ern Pacific and Southern Pacific inanstnais. oic a point or so included U. S. Steel, Allied Chemical, American Tobacco 'B', Liggett and Myers 'B', Case, Na tional Biscuit, Corn Products. United Aircraft and Westiagr- honse Electric. International Business Machines dropped 2. Meet in Cervais The Marlon Cotfnty Council ot Parent and Teaehera will hold their, annual fall, meeting Novem ber,! at t p. nt. rn Cerrsia. I Or. O. P. EUer of Hubbard wtU (address th4 croups on "The Tstk I ItP tlla tiu mmA T-aV.- TV. w m . a wwypi . B. F. PoanJt will givtva report af the legislative wort: of tho Oregon Co tress of Parents and Teaeh era. Tha different- P. T.' Ai pres idents Of the county will giro re ports of their work. Music will be tarnished by the Clduajh,- Bsrriek Quartette of Sslera. Ladles trio of Woodbmrn and Teachers ' quartete from Stajton- and- AumsTille. Mrs. ' -Jl." B. Bradley,: county president, will preside. Mrs. Necla Buck, national W. C T. TJ. organizer, has Just returned from a speaking; tour of Wsahing- ton. Mrs. Buck spoke at the state convention of the W. O, T. U. held recently in Kennlwick. Mrs. Buck will speak at Jason Lee-chureh this mornlns; at 2:48 o'clock; at Pratum at 11 o'clock; again at the Sarah Oliver W. C. T. u. group in Brooks at 2:20 o'clock; at the Church of God In Salem at T o'clock and at 8 o'clock she will be the speaker at the Ford Mem orial church. - A busy day Is being planned for Wednesday by members of the Leslie Ladles' aid. An afternoon meeting at 2:80 o'clock will in clude the regular meeting and this followed by an apron sale tor which Mrs. E. J. Tucker is making arrangements.. At 5:20 o clock a dinner Is being served under the direction ot Mrs. Mason Bishop end Mrs. Ralph Thompson, and this will be followed by a pro gram at 7:30 o'clock. ews an Club Aff airs aoiroAT, octobsb sa BLOW Portland 820 K. S : 00 Organ. . 9 :30 -ABtrlcaa Lfgion prograiB. 10 :00 Symphony concert, X&O. f 11 :00 Wayna King' oreheatm, KB0. 13:34 National Sanday rottua, SB0. 1:00 Jaaa Vroman, KBO. 1:1S Highlight of the BiMe, KB0. S:00 World ot BeUgioa, NBC. a ;oo Wiilanjatto nlverity Philhar moni choir. S: Out ot th lusk. 4 ;00 Donald Kovis eed archeUra, BC. 4:15 Book Chat, Richard MontgoaietT. 4:30 -Great Moments is Hiatory, KBO. 6:15 Alfcv-m o Familiar Music, BO. 7:40 Oranra bilL 7:43 Beth Parker, KBO. 10: IS Ooacort quartet with Alired Lou. j 1:00 Eal Taharin orchestra, &B3. 11:15 Organ. KOIS ParUand iiO Kx. 9:00 Salt Lak Mtahrna-.l progTam. 10:00 National AdvUory eenncii. CB3. 10 :90i Columbia Chnreh of th Air. CBS. 11:00 Commnnity Canter' Faculty a- eital, CBS. il :45 rh Hooaier Editor. CBS. 1J:00 New York philhanuinia archaa tra, CBS. 8:15 Rabbi Magnla, t ?:30 The Foreign lgioaT CBS. 1:15 Concert Vignettea, CBS. 4:00 Dr. Joliua Klein, " World Boai- ne,' CES. . 4:1( Now World Symphony. CB3. 5 :00 WiUiasa . Yineant - Hail, , baritone, T:00 Brnert Hatcheon, cencert pianlit, CBS. - t - t:so Commnnity Cheat feature. -0:00 KHJ Marryaakara, DLBs. j,.aa rr . W il srw - - 1 tV.VV - ...... Mil TEMPERANCE RALLY SLATED FOR ISLAND GRAND ISLAn, Oct. 29. Tuesday night, No-ember 1, at 7:45 o'clock there will bo a tem perance rally held In tho Metho dist church. A short program of home talent will consist of two readings, by Mrs. Mary E. Fisher and Mrs. Docia Magnes; two quartets, one male and one la dles" will render several selec tions. The main address ot the ere- ninr will bo given by the Hon orable L. E. Lange of MeMlnn Till, who is a pleasing and f orca- ful speaker. Party is Monday The Dayton Civic club Is spon soring a Hallowe'en party to be hold In Demary hall Monday, Oc tober 31. Admission to this fun party will be one cent per foot and one cent for each additional Inch 'of height. Refreshments and other articles will be sold. The Dayton Methodist Episco pal church is holding a special musical service Sundsy night, Oc tober 30. A heart-warming con gregational song service will be conducted and musical numoers will bo given by the Dayton Jun ior mandolin orchestra, under the direction of Mrs. D. C. Clara, among which will b "The Lost Chord." Mrs. Clark will play a mandolin .solo and Mrs. C. O. Morris will sing "If I Could But Tell All the Glory" (Filmore). The pastor, .Rev. C. G. Morris, will sneak on "The prohioition Situation and the Way Out." Btlvexton Mr. Arthur Hea ter was hostess at two tables of bridga at her bom Wednesday eight. Bits score prize for1 tho evening went to Mrs. A. W. Kleeb wane low soora priro went to Mrs. r. M. Powell. Present were Mrs. Heater, Mrs. Kleeb, Mrs. Powell. Miss Heine Stiver, Mrs. Robert Goets. Mrs. Lillian Heald, Mrs. Martin Waarwlek. Mrs. Clara Klimmek. Sublimity Wednesday morning at f o'clock nuptial high mass sol emnized by Rev. Father Sher- bring,. occurred the marriage ot Miss Mabel Archibald and Edward RobL both of . Union Hill. Louise Hafner acted as bridesmaid and Gregory Robl. brother of the groom acted as best man. Tho bride was dressed In white with wreath and veil and bouquet of whit carnations and pink roses and the bridesmaid was dressed in pale green. 1 a Bethany Mrs. Oacar Satern was hostess at a delightful little tea at her home here Thursday afternoon. Guests wero Mrs. Sam uel Torvend, Mrs. Henry Torvend, Mrs. Silas Torvend, Mrs. J. C. Lar son, Miss Viola Larson, Mrs. M. G. Gunderson, Mrs. C. L. Fobs, Mrs. L. H. Meyer. Mrs. Hans Jensen, Mrs. Martin Hatteberg. Mrs. L. O. McDonald. Mrs. Ole Satern, Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs. Victor Madsen. Silvertoa One of tho larg est groups ever attending a Wed nesday afternoon meeting of the Triple Llak club met Wednesday with Mrs, C. A. Gay at her Mill street home. Mrs.' Clarence Reed assisted th hostess In enter taining the 58 who were present. At the business meeting, over which Mrs. F. J. Roubal presided. a decision was made to prepare several quilts for the Odd Fel lows home and for local charity. The debate trio representing Trinity college. Dublin, Ireland, will meet the University of Iowa debaters at Iowa City In November. Women Plan Thank Offering; Meeting I ! 4 t :Th 'women f th First Con i regaUoaal ; churck are '"planning, an extensive thank offering meet ing, and program at the home of Mrs., C. Fake Wednesday aft ernoon. . - -; Rev, Edwlo Kellogg- ot Forest Grove and a returned missionary from China will 'be speaker for the afternoon. Mrs. Earl Pearcy wia ti-tvioist. 'f yi - Assisting hostesses for tho aft emoon" will be Mrs. E. J. Donnell, Mrs. Fsnnio Carthew, Mrs. E. W. Myers, Mrs. Fred L. Wales, Mrs. M. H. Cable, Mrs. Mary Cauthora, Mrs. Sam Orr and Miss Edith Hazzard.' Jefferson Miss Anna Wright entertained a few friends at th hem of her 'parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright on Ferry street. Four tables of rook were in play daring the evening. Mem bers of th Wright family enter tained with . musical numbers. Bernard - McClain of Lebanon gave several piano numbers. Re freshments were nerved at a late hour. . . . nuftsts for the occasion were Miasea Bettv and Florence Me- Claln, Esther Turnldge, Mertia and Merle Buchner. Delavan Burkhatt, and Bernard McSyOn of Lebanon: Margaret wau. it vln Lloyd, John, Lee, Haroia and Mina Wright, Mr. and . John Wrlaht. and the hostess. Miss Anna Wright. a Silverton Six tables of cards were In play at th delightful nartr at which Mr. and Mrs. Al Cole were hosts Wednesday night. The door prize went to Mrs. Nel lie Amundson. Present were Mr. and Mra. Thomas Reiling. Mr. and Mrs. Poseph Ehll. Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Dressier. Mr. aad Mrs. William Fry, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kline, Mr aad Mrs. E. A. Domagalla, Mrs Nellie Amundson of Seotts Mills, Al DeRyke, Rer. John Dunn, Rev. Charles Raymond, Mary Ehli, An navllla Bowen. Marion Bowen Juletta AbeL Edward Lambert, Edward Miller. Hazel Green Bishop Ida - D Warner of Artland, Rev. R. V, Wilson and Mrs. Wilson ot Salem and pastor Rer. Clark M. Smith and Mrs. Smith and son George, were dinner guests at the G. O Looney lfbme Thursday. Mrs Smith assisted Mrs. Looney. OWtWDOAK, Society Editor i. M. Blaaaener, . - Jef torso Mr. - Karl Dallas Mrs. f Portland has accepted the ap pointment as chairman, of th de partment of legislation ot th Ore gon Federation of women's dabs. Mrs. Blumauer . has long been Identified with welfsre work la the city of Portland and th Council ot Jewish Women and has had a wealth of experience la leg- is la tire matters. She expects to contact the clubs of the stat Immediately following the meeting of th stat executive board,- th .teatatfr date for which has boon set for November 19, In Portland, at th Heat-man hotel, where th Fed eration now has an office In con nection with th Clubwoman mag Gervais Mrs. K. D. Coomler and Cecil Manning took crises for high scores and Miss Ethel Martin and A. DeJardla for sec ond, high at the community 500 club meeting Tuesday night. Sev en tables of the game were played. Mrs. William Allsup. Mrs. F. H. Cannard, Mrs. DeJardin and Mrs. Sumner Stevens served. Marigolds formed seasonable dec orations . both m the card room and on the tables. As the" next meeting date falls on election day it was decided to forego that meeting. Mrs. Coomler, the Misses Amy Harding and Marie Mangold and Mrs. 8 D. Manning are to b hostesses for the next meeting which will be tbo fourth Tuesday night In November. a Woodburn Officers ot the women's auxiliary unit of the Woodburn American Legion post No. 40 were Installed Wednesday night at a regular meeting held in the armory. The officers had been elected several months ago. Those Installed were Mrs. Edgar Dodge, president; Mrs. Stanley Adams, first vie president; Mrs. Gerald B. Smith, second Tic pre sident; Mrs. Frank Bentley, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. E. T. Sims, chaplain; Mrs. Rae Gib bons, historian; Mrs. Richard Yates, sergeaat-at-arms. Gervais Bans were said at Sa cred Heart church Sunday for the coming marriage of Miss Eliza beth, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Messer to John Brodes- ser of Mt. Anzel. They will b married at the church November 3. Rev. Father Walsh officiating. They will live at Mt. Angel. Steiwer; and Mrs. V. D. Looney were host esses to the Jefferson Woman's club Wednesday afternoon at the country home ot Mrs. Looney. Mrs. A. B. Hins read the scrip- i tur lesson. Horn science waa the topi for the afternoon study. Oth ers who took part la the program were Mrs. D. T. HammlL, . Mrs. Robert Terhune, aad Miss Mar guerite Looney. V- Fir new members were accept ed: Mrs. J. A. Riehardson, Miss Myrtle. Myers, Mrs. Rex Hartley, Mra. Geerg Palmar aad Mrs. J. Stan Wednesday, November 9, ia the dat for th next meeting. with "Mrs. Robert Terhnne and Mra. John Terknn as hostesses. , . 0 . . Kelxer The Kelxer ladles aid spent a pleasant afternoon .with Mrs. Harry Oldenburg. Thursday. Each on brought, their own hand work. Th hostess assisted by Mrs. Walter Oldenburg served a luncheon.- : Present wer Mrs. Robert Me Clay, Mrs. J. C. Ackman, Mrs. Joe Bartruff. "Mrs. Ben Claggett, Mrs. Roy Melson, Mrs. G. N. Thompson, Llrma Keeter, the special guests. Mrs. Minnie Wood and daughter Mrs. Walter Oldenburg and the hostess, Mrs Harry Oldenburg. The next meeting will be No vember 10 all day at the home of Mrs. Ben Claggett. There will be held the election of officers. A full attendance Is requested, a a a. Aurora Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Fry Invited the past and pres ent teachers ot the Aurora grade school for a pleasant evening ot "500" recently. Mrs. Church and Mr. Fry carried oft card honors. Present wero Mr. and Mrs. G. J Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bon Stonor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Logo Snyder. Miss Eat lnger, Miss Hurst. Miss Kitts. Mrs. Johns and Miss Johns- ot Portland, Albert Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Fry. The regular meeting of the Sa lem W. C. T. U. will be at t:00 o'clock In the "hall at South Com mercial and Ferry streets. At o'clock ill3 Helen Louis Crosby will explain the measures to ap pear on the November ballot. a a Woodburn C. J. Espy, a local banker, will be the main speaker for the afternoon when the Wood- burn Woman's club holds its regu lar monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon, November 2, in the public library. Mrs. Espy's 6peech will concern the. coming ' election i with frank i' discussions on the various mens-1 urea aad bills on which th peopl. will rot. , There will also be spe cial music for th meeting. - . Hostesses are: Mrs. E.' J. Allea, Mrs. S. W. Maupin, Mrs. J. J. Hall and Mrs, Maude Mochel. Members ot the ' hospitality commltte are : Mrs. H. L. GUI and Mrs. A. E. Austin. . .. 'v -ii.-'i-. . , Cloverdale Miss Olga Garner became th brid - of Martin - Schmidt . at - an v Impreasiv cere mony Wednesday afternoon at t . o'clock at th horn of bar moth- i er, Mrs. Mas! Garner. Proceed ing th ceremony Mrs. Jean Pear- ' ey played and sang "Oh Promise - Me", to the strains of th wedding ' march : - the coupi took their places before a a altar decorated with white-and a delicate piak -banked with fall flowers lor or chid and whit and ferns, where they were united In marriage by ' Rev. Sherman Hawks ot the Tur ner Methodist, church. Th ring -ceremony was used. Mrs. Schmidt ' was lovely , in a gown -of orchid georgette and carried an arm " bouquet ot orchid fall flowers. A reception was held for Mr. - and Mrs. Schmidt and guests. - Those witnessing th ceremony were Mrs. Jean Pearcy. Atlee - . Pearcy, Salem; Mr. jind Mra. James Craig. Keizer; George Gar ner, Clear Lake, Rev. and Mrs. Sherman Hawks, Kathryn Hawks. Turner; Glen, Alvin, Rachel and Florence Garner and Mrs. Garner. Mrs. Garner was assisted 'at the reception by Mrs. Craig, Kathryn Hawks. Rachel and Florence Gar ner. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt will ho at home to their friends on their farm in tho Rosedale district. Hollywood The Hollywood La-" dies Social club met Thursday with Mrs. W. F. Starr. Members spent the time sewing on the club quilt. The rooms were attractive- ' ly decorated with fall flowers mingled with Hallowe'en decora tions. Mrs. C. L. Allison won first prize and Mrs. D. J eager won the booby prize in a pie guessing game. Those present were: Mrs. A. A. " Mnnson. Mrs. C. S. Thomas. Mrs. C. L. Allison, Mrs. V. M. La Doe, 1 Mrs. D. Jeager, Mrs. W. W. Fish er, Mrs. O. A. Forgard, Miss Flor- . ence Kleeman. Mrs.Lester Starr, and Mrs. W. F. Starr. The city of Belie Fourche, S. D. , planes to spend 153,000 on a flood protection scheme involving construction of levees. Damage totaling 3135,000 resulted from floods In 1924 and 1939. . MICKEY MOUSE The Tiring' Squad' By WALT DISNEY M h 0J?f A?Sr?H1M' ( GOODEVENIN-, GEM-MEN! AH JUS' Vffr3l tk mLlLMfx WE- JWtpvto Xflj '( Kw cV I thought ah-o drop in an- If W JSBrflir A )l i rimJ V NE BE bothered ) 2 shoot yJOn I lA TOV -X? invite, vo all. to dinneh! Y,Jd riPfSM 77 7 il Ill oo HHals -Uooiu ' I SCOWDAT. OCTOBE SI ' K -KOAt-rOeVni--60 Ke. ' f 00 Moramr Kaditatiana. laA ay , B. W. Harrinfton. , :0O Marninr canrart. " 10:00 Homa eeanomien Obrvar. 11:00 Uncle Sam at Xaur Sarvic 11:00 Farm a-r. a 'oo How a Cnil t Talk . Dr. E. W. Wall. a so Aa Ton Mk Ir Antaonf Eawar. . 4 :oo rarm markat rtparts. 6:10 F' hr. T:30 4-H elan ateatlst. ... t;l5 Or-faa Poata ffiU Lfc S:30 Scianae Kwa at tba VVaa. KOTlf rartland S10K. :00 KOIN'i Klk. :45 Farm pariad. Organ concert. a-sa T!laabU Bevna, CBS. . 10:'0 Madias atrinf Tbl rVo ioO-NaUaaal Stnda.t f.os, CBS 1 1 : Aa-.c. -"T " .-?' " 1Z:80 aa rim, v"t 1 :oo Tha Book nt lit. . J:00 H 8a O B-nrara, JDLB3. a.nniirioia " Myatanan . CoUtmaUi rehaatra. CBS. n.'Viri T irnDHl. "Myatariaa .nrsI.MatriT-L B&rtonr ni Q.MnsT nrfiksU y w- m. "10:30 Etuda KU-wpian J5 ?i TOfi xri---. ."r. n( at r I -no Ta Coakiov a ot-. la ':0O Jack aad JiU's Invar aeb-u vtwst.TTi tVOnlvEHS CALL TURNER. Oct. 29. Miaa Nova Lyndos, county health narso. ana Mli Thora Boesea of th Red Cross, were In Turner ity Tuesday making calU la th n it CHEMAWA; Oct. 29 Th of ficials of th Ohemawa Vocational school bar arranged for tho appearance- of the - - world tamoua nnartAt rrom me -uca iHwru and Induetrial Institute of Missis sippi, at-:- Saturday vening, November 6v These Jublle Sing ers ar under the management of the Ellison-Whit bureau, and are graduates of the TJtica Insti tute. For the nast several years they hav had extensive entertainment engagements throughout tho unit ed States and on the leading Ra dio stations of th country for continuous Urograms. They made two trips to Europe and war en thusiastically received throughout Germany, la Vienna, Budapest, Paris and London In 1927. and thair trio of 1910-21 consumed l months and they wer heard ta 21 countries. Their recttala war glTen la suclf well-known musical Maters as Milan. Paris. Barcelona, Brussels, Bar It a, Am-terdaxa. Warsaw, Pnigue, Stockholm aad OslO. , v '? H?. . :C' : VTher ar considered unique la th world 6r musical art, retain ing all the 'native freshness and daej feeling so charactorliUc ot theft sonrs'whan sung la their naUr Hannts. They preserve the atrikinaT rhythm which mora tnan anvthina elt sets negro music THIMBLE TITCATRE--Starring Popeye Now Showing The Rarer Choice By SEGAR GOT THtM V JftVe LFE-PREVER5eRS MB oar, oscar ?j JjtR you ioot: ir-'s. T-rr iss-x .i m - ssjr .SBBBawT 'N rrs y rXW.HE S CRfXXVi ILL USE rV7 UWN IT'S f DERM SKaHT ErSStEH TO FtNO WOKEN THfH IT rS TO FIND LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY I t " - .... .w .asssn. t . - at y--p; i TTind Justice By DARRELL McCLURE P05TPOA1EL t' lSHAU.HAVelTb ASK VOUTO "The. CAse,voue honor -tmc cmld has A SIJCHT COtO - NOTHING DAklSEROUS ZCALOU5 JW GUAEZCHNG THE TOOTS AND CASPER COLONEL HOOFER HAS C5EQ4 , TRV1N6 TO TALK MS INTO 6ETTTN4 A JOS FOR HIM.TOOTS, BUT ILL EST HS VVOULtaT tT0W0RlPlKXJN3 A PLACE FOR HIMf HS 6CT5AVERT 5MALL CHECK EACH MONTH FROM SOME ESTATE AMQ SATISFIES HM HE'S I r-nas coJzr r3 pieaseo h ceam U vjeu,we chjujeo X17 vjl weke ujckv S I Vr gee. x got the wua-wams it i - ' I TKM" VTOJOlXyTVCGWTl5ITDeTHE. I THE VOX OVEK W THE OUOCCnaaaXVOu J 1 DOrJT TEU. tOTSA UES TO TIE 7UDGE.) I BEST INTERESTS OF TME UTTUE GHZUr 1 ft iMacr FDOC& ASZE A KMO.TCKOER. 1 UKE MRS. AAEAMV wtaMT5 ME. TO J h - aw-?A "HEAONG POSTPONEOl J ISt CVfcSI GUARDtAM - IP HE i I SavSHES GOnnA HAME 'fJY ,' P. gfessga. I irW---' Av F40S0UTXFFXITJ 1 yOOSHOTAXlPeMEDOES J . I . ' II f TCSVAOOUf YOU Y TOtVET A SSQOOaO I CONSIDER ITt WA7 1 7, f AT TJC JU1.? - h ?f COLONEL! HEIXK JV AYEAR EXECUTIVe V SP 2LA LA StrVS&S1 V OOrrTTELLMS il I ! tLAOTO5TAT l JK3 WB FOR $EaO ) "XT&hSl. f-H SShPIS J AraYMORS ABOUT I iL MXJTO WORK AT I A WEEK.SHR1MP! I THE OETAlLSt J I 0Rhi AT H rtl t CCIaT ) I j j H - "aTl tian il. .ltr S Rvr TTf rlfV Rfimmrif mr . t vavaraTa a interest' oT-taeEr-rorx.