The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 30, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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iHallowe'en Domination in Society's Realm
Bows to Thanksgiving and Christmas :
. Charity and Social Events
Uneasy Spirits Whimper J3acle to Dust of Ages This Weekend - arid
Social Favor Turns to Charity Ball, Home Comings and Vacations
. . IT1HE color of Hallowe'en fades with the weekend and turkey and Pilgrim take the place
-X of its colorful decorative symbols as the great national fete day,1 Thanksgiving, ap
V preaches. " ' ' ' . .'
This has been a gay Hallowe'en time, with dances and masque parties in high favor.
' Gala events of the weekend were inspired by the ancient legend and its many symbols. One
-of the very smartest affairs of the early winter season was the formal Hallowe'en dance
: for which the Subscription club was host at the Masonic o
.temple Saturday night.
, A group of delightful dinner parties preceded, this af
. fait. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith o . .
and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cox en
tertained with an -Italian" din
" ner in the basement of the Smith
home. ' Here ravishing color ef
.' ',. f eets and unusually clever deco-
, V ratlve schemes made the setting
,v.on not to be forgotten soon by
V f'tke 40 guests bidden.
; Several large no-host parties
were enjoyed at distinguished
homes, and a large group of the
youngen set were guests at the
. George Weller home with Miss
v Marie Churchill, Mrs. Weller, Mrs.
i Ilex ' Adolph, and Mrs. Don Prit
. thett as hosts. Dr. and Mrs. W.
. ' A. Johnson were also dinner hosts
: "to a small group of intimate
friends. preceding the dance.
V. The guest list includes:
- If r. and Hxs. Victor GripSs, Mr. and
iin. Paul Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Hoi
lis H. HontBtoD, Dr. and Mr. David
Uenaett Hill. Mr. and Mn. Thomas W.
Helroaa, Mr. and Mn. Ralph Hamilton,
.Mr. and Mr. Gus Hixaoa, Mr. and Mrs.
- ilarry M. Hawkini, Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon
"JTadley, Mr. and Mr,. Ronald Jones, Dr.
: , rid Mra. W. A. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.
.'altar Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Ercel Kay,
r is :.'r. and Mrs. Edwin Keeeh, Dr. and Mrs.
M. H. Lytic, V. 8. Lamport, Mr. and Mrs.
. . C. Leeka, Mr. aad Mrs. T. A. Li-esley.
t :ir. aad Mrs. J. H. Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs.
Vayae Lodcr, Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Mott,
- Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Maison, Mr. and Mrs.
,1'almer MaeDonald, Mr. and Mrs. 'Dan
I'eClstUa, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mar
, alt, Mr. and Mr. E. V. MeMechsn, Dr.
- Mra. Vers Millar, Mr. aad Mrs. Carl
.. ? rlaon, Mr. aad Mrs. Jerry Ovens.
' Mr. aad Mrs. Keith PeweX of Wood
; . .arm. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Phillips, Mr.
, rod Mrs. Edrar Piarea, Mr. and Mrs. C.
V,'. Pantos, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power
:'r. and Mrs. William Panlns, Mr. and
ilr. W. P. S'aormaa, Mr. and Mrs. Don
i rritchett, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Quiienberrr.
:. .'-. and Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mr. and Mr.
t .'rthur Rahn, Dr. and Mrs. Charles 6.
' i. Uobertaoa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons,
.'-.. and Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mr. snd
.Htu. Frits Blade, Mr. and Mrs. Linn C.
; -jr.Smith. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Slater, Mr. and
v .ilrs. Braxier Small, Mr. and Mrs. W. K.
4kandlias; af J'ortland, Mr. aad Mrs. RU-h-v
,rd Stall, Dr. and Mrs. James Sears, Mr.
a-nnd Mra. Shtiidoa T. Saekett, Mr. and
W Mrs. William 8. Walton, Mr. aad Mrs.
Jvaaaeth Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Georfs
. .Waller, Mr. aad Mrs. James Tovas;, Al
; bert Ef an, Cnrl Oabrielsen, Clifford Ir
. win, John J. Robert,.
Mr. aad Mm. Rex Adolph, Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Backs, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Brady,
Mr. aad Mrs. Br, 7 man Boise, Dr. and
Mrs. Jerald Baekstraad, Dr. and Mrs. W.
Kw Boren, Mr. aad Mrs. Cnrtis Crass, Mr.
1 aad Mrs. Joaa Carton, Mr. and Mra. Vr'al
laea Carson, Dr. and Mrs. Dolph Craif,
.Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Chapman. Mr. and
yJCrs. H. A. Cernoyer, Mr. aad Mrs. Ches-
1. ,r Cos, Mr. aad Mrs. J. H. Callaihan,
. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joha CangheU, Mr. and
, v rMr. AUaa Carson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Coa
,, -sell Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Deeke-
.kacb, Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Dackebach.
v. Mr. and Mr. 3. J. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs.
f .DeTid W. Eyre, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Ed
. i swards, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ef an, Mr.
Vand Mrs. Asel Eoff. Mr. aad Mrs. H. E.
. . Eakia. Mr. aad Mrs. Daa Fry. Jr., Mr.
, aad Mrs. Bart Ford. Mr. and Mra. CIU
' v,,tard Farmer, Mr. and Mra. Walter Fnhr--rr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Dr. and
VrMrs. J. H. Gnrnjobst aad Mr. and Mrs.
' i. 1. Griffith.
A second large party of the
-wee&ecd was that given at the Sa
; , lem Golf club by a group of one
. of the younger sets of the city.
; -The guests were masked and
dancing was enjoyed during the
. ' evening hoars spent In a gala en
;vlronment of Jack-o'-lanterns,
' ' "haunts" and all that accompan
f a les weird Hallowe'en festivities.
, Mrs. Malcolm-Smith and Mrs.
Clyde Kaiser had charge of ar
f .rangements'.
' . Guests Included:
- Mr. aad Mrs. Ralph Bentler, Mr. and
, Mra. Goorsra Grinaell. Mr. and Mrs. m
J . saett Sammerrille, Miss Dorothy Wilion
; of PortUnd, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mills
4. aad Mr. and Mrs. K. J. BirchfUld of Al
'j-.taaay. Mr. and Mrs. A. Vaorhn of Oreron
. t City, Dr. aad Mr. J. Lynch, Mr. aad
Mrs. Clyde K. Kauer, Mrs. M. Snapp.
K. Armatroag, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Me-
. Millan, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Phillips. Mr.
v aad Mra. Ray L. Bender, Mr. aad Mrs.
4, Malcolm G. Smith, Mr. and Mr. Clyde
V a Betts. Mr. and Mr. Harrey w. Par-
her, Mr. aad Mrs. Robert B. Brenaan.
. jit. ant Mn. U. Doaald Wsfner snd Mr.
.vnd Mrs. Hemer Lyons.
v Another group to enjoy a Hal-
' lowe'en masque party was that
, it for which Mrs. Carroll Ford and
" Mrs. Edwin Morris were hostesses
- . at the Ford home Saturday eve
ning. Bridge and dancing fol-
,: ; lowed by a late supper hour made
p the evening hours.
- : 1 Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Douglas of, Dallas. Mr. and
Mrs. Ashel Fish. Mr. and Mrs,
Mervin Fldler, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
.wln JCby, Mr. and. Mrs. Robert
4.1 Uriscoll, . Mrs. Kathrya Driscoll,
. George Todd, and Mr. and Mrs.
f vFord and Mr. and Mrs. Morris.
- t Many other parties. Informal
; , and Jolly, mark the last hoars of
;:,2Iallowe'en celebration. The
x Toung People's Forum of the
' .First Methodist church will en
' .tertain at the home of Miss Helen
rBreithaupt and Miss Loretta Var-
, v -ley Monday night and - another
event of that night will be the dln-
fc- ner and card party at the Red
i Lantern at which time one of the
t bridge clubs will entertain. Hss-
H bands will .be the Invited guests
Mrs. . George Hug. Mrs. Charles
r K McElbinney, Mrs. A. D.- Adkisson
- t .and Mrs. T. T. Mackenzie are the
-- committee in charre of nlahs.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith Jr
. wiu la entertain Monday night
. fir:ne liomer smith. Sr., home
-""w - gay Hallowe'en nartv.
S Hallowe'en passes Into the
; asi ana Thanksrivlnr and nhriat
festivities begin to dominate
t ne social sphere. - -
The spirit of t:histmaa', With its
.::rw'rWB- 01 mng and
vuuusui xor inose that hava 1...
4. ! re,in ned h-at the very door
Of Salem With thai larr.
-rnartly original "charity- ball for
t iwnicb at least 10ft . Inviutlons
t nave been issued hw th i.ta'a
i elab, sponsor en of the idea.
r The armory will be the scene of
the affair and Its title is "A Night
! l Spain". Color music, dancing,
encessions in which local men
Ball Holds Mt
Miss Anna Nelson of whom
business and professional
women may feel justly proud.
An errand girl to start her
career she has just been made
a member of a fashionable
and women will become fascinat
ing Spanish vendors, a program of
gayly planned Spanish numbers
excitement and fun will mark
this ball the proceeds from which
will be used for the annual char
ity work of the Lions club, an or-
ganization which does ' its share
generously for the aid of the
Many guests from out-of-town.
Lion club representatives from
near-by dabs will swell the num
bers of Salem people who will at
tend this delightful affair and
most of them will be In costume.
This affair will make a splen
did preface to the large amount
of charity work which will center
the attention of Salem people for
the next weeks. Sewing In elubs.
knitting la groups or individual
ly, for the women, community
service work for the men and
women too, all will be a vital part
of the time from now on until
several weeks following Christ
In the meantime plans are be
ing made by college people for the
first real vacation since school be
gan and many are the guests an
ticipated In Salem and many are
the trips being made from Salem
to points scattered as young peo
ple make their way home for the
Thanksgiving dinner'.
Home coming Is also being
planned In college circles. Wil
lamette will celebrate homecom
ing November 19. . A big football
game, the annual home coming
play which this year will be the
famous play "The Rivals" by
Sheridan Is under production and
parties and entertainment are be
ing planned by women and men
of the university : for. the many
guests who will return for visits
at this time.
Winter has come the spirit of
holidays reigns. f
Dorothy Murphy
Hostess for Party
Miss Dorothy Murphy entertain
ed with an intimate bridge aft
ernoon at her home Saturday aft
Miss Harriett Hansf and Miss
Evangelyn Miller held winning
scores for the afternoon.
Guests Included Mrs. Harriett
Hanson, Miss Edna Savage. Miss
Betty Smith, Miss Evangelyn Mil
lard, Miss Frances Ellis, Miss Dor
othea Corey, MUs Martha Sprague
and the hostess. Miss Murphy.
.. VVk a.
S, y .
Monday, October 31
Rebekah lodge regular meeting; program te fol
low lodge session.
Executive meeting of W. C. T. TJ. at , hall, 9 : 1 0
o'clock. v . jv .: . : :
Tuesday, November 1 : - j
Regular meeting of W. C. T. V'. 1 o'clock la hall
at Ferry and South Commercial street; S o'clock, Helen
Louis Crosby will speak concerning November ballot
measures. - ,.:
- . Wednesday,' November t .
Leslie Ladies Aid, ' 1 : 1 o'clock, dinner' and pro- '
gram at church In evening.
Mrs. C. K. Fake, tit South 12th street, hostess to.
Woman's Missionary society of First' Congregational '
chnreh. , ; -
Friday,' November 4 - - -
Business and Professional Women's dab, with Lota
Ohm art and Helen Smith at Ohraart home , on South
Commercial street .
i - .
THE regional convention of the
Oregon Congress of Parents
and Teachers will convene in
Portland November 1 and will
continue through November 2, In
the First Presbyterian church at
13th and Alder street.
Delegates from Salem Include
George Hug, Fred Wolf, Mrs. Dor
othy Daugherty, Mrs. . Bernlce
Skeen, Mrs. LaMoine Clark, Mrs.
John Carkln, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Minier, Mrs. Dan McLellan, Mrs.
E.-'V. Woo ten, Mrs. A. L. Llnbeck,
Mrs. Ned Endlcott, Mrs. V. A.
Douglas, Mrs. Al Adolphson, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles McElhlnney, Dr.
and Mrs. B. F. Pound, and Mrs, R.
L. Wright
An address on a legislative pro
gram of .the National Education
association', will be ' given by
George Hug, legislative chairman.
Dr. B. F. Pound, ehairman of the
state legislative committee fflr the
Oregon Congress of Parents and
Teachers will conduct a confer
ence round table Wednesday
morning. Mrs. R. L. Wright is
vice president of the Congress of
Parents and Teachers.
The different schools from Sa
lem represented will be Lincoln,
McKinley, Leslie, Tew Park, and
the high school.
Recognition Comes
To Salem Matron N
Mrs. Viola Pierce Franklin has
received notice that her name ap
pears in the new book, "Principal
Women of America." just off the
press. The names -were chosen ac
cording to the preface for "emin
ent suitability to be termed a prin
cipal woman, or was Included on
the strong recommendation of per
sons oi greatest repute. In no case
was she asked to pay any fee to
purchase a copy."-
Mrs. Franklin has also just re
ceived a eopy of "Prlncioal Poets
of the World," published by Mitr
tress, London. This book contains
biography, bibliography and a po
em of about 600 leading poets of
the English speaking countries."
Among the distinguished Ameri
can poets to appear in this book
are Edmund Markham, Case Hol
liday, Ben- Field, Arthur Truman
Merrill, Louis Untermeyer, Harry
Noyes Pratt, Edmund Vance
Cooke, and in addition to Mrs.
Franklin, from Oregon is Howard
McKinley Corning and Ethel Ro
mig Fuller. -
Miss Edwards Bridge
Party Hostess
A delightful evening of bridge
was enjoyed at the Edwards home
on State street Friday night at
which time Miss Benietta Edwards
entertained with a Hallowe'en
party. Gay decorations made the
guest - rooms -. a charming back
ground for the evening of bridge
and for the Informal refreshment
hour which followed. Miss Har
riett Adafcs assisted the hostess
at the supper hoar.
Guests Included Mrs. Dorothy
Clemens, Miss Elisabeth Clement,
Miss Marian Brets, Mrs. Irma
Wells, Miss Bertha Babcock, Miss
Mildred Miller, Miss Beulah Cra
mer, Miss Dorothy Eastrldge, Miss
Harriett Adams, Miss Bernlce
Cramer and Miss Edwards, host
ess. '-
Mrs. Ida M. Andrews, art su
pervisor of Salem schools talked
before the teachers of Polk coun
ty gathered in McMinnvllle tor an
lnstitnte meeting this Friday. Her
subject was Creative Art in the
Public Schools.
Amonr arrivals -in Salem this
week will be O. W. Emmons who
is expected to return from the
east Monday.
S 'v- . t", tw'-'' :
14"-' -N
.4 v - A V
I tvnu) rat-t I
Weddings Add to Charm
Of Early W inter
Season Plans
BRIDES are of especial interest any time of year but the
color and cay excitement of pre-nuptial events and the
weddinnrs are especially welcome
are enough winter and late fall weddings for Salem this year
to give delightful interest to the routine of society.
Several circles have been un-O
usually busy the past fortnight
complimenting Miss Marcella Cas
pell, Miss Kathryn Elgin and Miss
Margaret Davidson all brides
elect Miss Caspell became the bride
of Orwell Berdan of Berkeley,
Cal., Saturday night In a quiet
home wedding at the residence of
her sister, Mrs. C. E. Bowen. Rev.
Hugh McCallum read the service
at 7 o'clock before a small group
of intimate friends and relatives.
Mr; and Mrs. Berdan will leave
this weekend for. their new home
In Berkeley. Mrs. Berdan has
been a member of the state house
staff for some time. Much enter
taining preceded the marriage of
Mrs. Berdan.
Miss Elgin and Miss Davidson
have each set their wedding dates
for November 10. Parties in pro
fusion are complimenting these
popular brides-elect
Miss Elgin will marry Clayton
Foreman at 4:30 o'clock In a
church wedding at Knight Me
morial church. November 10. Dr.
W. C. Kantner will read the
Miss Davidson and Carl Noeske
will be married at 9:30 o'clock of
the same' day in St Paul, the
home of her parents. This will
be a church wedding also in the
St Paul Catholic church, with
Rev. Thomas V. Keenan officiat
ing at the nuptial mass.
a a
Mrs. T. C Bates
Fetes Daughter
Mrs. T. C. Bates entert lined
Saturday afternoon in compliment
to the ninth birthday of her
daughter, Jean, at the Bates home
on Lefelle street
Hallowe'en in all its gay spirit
motivated the games and decora
tion scheme. Prises added festiv
ity to the afternoon which preced
ed the colorful tea hour with Its
Hallowe'en birthday cake.
Mrs. T. Morris and Mrs. T. R.
Godley assisted Mrs. Bates at the
tea hoar. '
Guests in honor to Miss Jean
inclnded Ardeta Tomllsan, Rath
Tomilson, Betty Scott, maces
Murray, Kathryn Godley, Betty
Jean Morris, Auramary Perevola,
Btllle Perlich, BUlie Pettlt and
Jimmy Ritchie. ., ,
Monmouth Miss Edith Clark.
Monmouth high school teacher,
accompanied a group of World
Wide Guild girls from here Fri
day afternoon to Lebanon to at
tend a district Baptist Guild rally
there this weekend. The affair In
cludes a Friday night and
business meeting with program
Saturday. Each guild furnishes a
program number, - Monmouth's
contribution being a vocal ' solo
by Miss Jane Craven accompan
ied at piano by Miss Pauline Mot
laa. : . :
Those going from here are Don
na Sivier, Lureae Burbank, Thel
ma Ailor, Pauline Morlan, June
Craven, . Mary Jane Cochran and
Miss Clark. Mrs. H. W. Morlan
motored them' to Lebanon. i
Mrs.. W. H. Williams enter
tained In compliment to the birth
day anniversary ef Mr. Williams
and Tern MathJa with a birthday
dinner Saturday night Covers
were placed tor the honor guest,
and tor , Mr. and Mrs. ,W. H. John
son, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nash, Mrs.
Mathis, and Mrs. Williams. jx
-. ; .' x -- .i .
: - ' . i. '- ' :.; - .
Miss Golds. Wheeler cnter'tahiea
Thursday night with a pretty Hal-
a . m. . a a . - .
rawe en oriage . evening compli
menting i an intimate . group of
friends. - t"-:'.' - .-' -
Miss - Florenoa . Power : waV ait
other hoateafl for a. . niiiaws'n
party at her home Friday evening.
Oregon, Sunday Morn inc. October 30, 1932
,. J. - ...... ,; .: ,, :- P - -I
l"-i:r:::f-17Ti; hi lv - : . - -y . . :"T..". : ' "
A modern maid
celebrates a mod
era Hallowe'en
' as a very mod-
;'- ern and 'fearless
r.; witch. Nancy
Carroll Is the
witch and what
she plans for to
morrow night
will keep any
number of peo
ple guessing.
as winter events. And there
Dramatic Club Will
Present Play Monday
Chemeketa players will open
their season with a presentation
Monday night of Laurence E.
Johnson's farce-comedy "Back
Seat Drivers," which- had a run
on Broadway.
The play is under the direction
of Perry Reigelman, who produ
ced "The Mummy and the
Mumps" two seasons ago for the
West Salem Community club, and
who presented three original one-
act plays last spring in the high
school auditorium as a Creative
Theatre program.
Chemeketa Players was organ
lsed this fall by a group Inter
ested In producing three-act plays
and was a development out of the
Creative Theatre section of the
Salem Arts league. Members of
the organization have been busy
the last three weeks rehearsing
the play, building a scene set
painting and decorating the set.
and studying the various produc
tion problems that arose.
Friday night "Back Seat Driv
ers" was presented In dress re
hearsal at the Boy's Training
school at Wood'burn. That the
play is rich in amusing lines and
situations was proved by the
laughs that stopped the players
many times.
The cast that will play compris
es "Pat" Peterson, Greta Seho-
fleld, Lillian Potter, Laurel StohL
Frank Torgerson, Vernon Stool,
Harold Huhs, Victor Williams,
and Ervln Potter. Torgerson was
formerly associated with the Los
Angeles Civic Theatre and the
Producing Artists association of
Hollywood, and also played in
Fox films. "Pat" Peterson la a
member of a national college dra
matic fraternity. The others have
had experience in amateur pro
Monmouth Dr. and Mrs. L.
E. Barrows were hosts Friday
night to a dinner party followed
by bridge. v Those . enjoying the
affair were Dean Helen : Ander
son, Dr. mad Mrs. L. E.- Forbes,
Dr. and Mrs. Verne V. Caldwell,
Dr. S. B. Jones and Dr. and Mrs.
Barrows. Card honors fell to Dr.
Monmouth Coming as a sar
prise to their friends was the
marriage Saturday of Miss Mary
Lou Abersole, foster daughter of
Mrs. Virginia Maruney, of Mon
mouth, to Robert M. Ashby, son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ashby of Sa
lem, which .occurred at Dallas,
with Rev. Bruce Lett officiating.
Margery Van Nice and Roy Ben
jamin, students of O. N. S. were
the attendants. The bride and her
mother- moved here from Salem
this. fall. Ashby-Is proprietor of
the Wolves" Shack confectionery
near the- normal school campus.
He Is a graduate of Salem high
school, and. an ex-student of both
Willamette university and O. N. 8.
He plans to complete his. normal
school course later la the year.
r .. -,. '. :
. . Uisa ' Jean Marshall was host
ess for an attractive Hallowe'en
party at the home of her parenta
Saturday ? night r Dancing and
eards .were enjoyed.- hX.
Used Typewriters
We wtn pay" eaaV for
Underwood and Keyal Type
writers. Machines must be s
good shape, so. they, may, be
reconditioned Jor. sale te stu
dents for practice aaachinea..
v- Atlas Book Stor -
MS 8tate ft-:."-
We SH. Sent aad Sepetr AB
ITilkaa ef Typewriters
Michael Arensteia to Play .Tuesday't; Firs t
Christian Church in Brilliant Program;
;: S e ho ol Q p e re 1 1 a A 1 s cxEvent
High Schodl ,retta Will beEvsnt of . This
1 Musical Events in Salem: Program Promises
A MUSICAL program of distinct artistry a nd brilliance will be jriven ;-Tat th First Chris
A. tiaa church Tuesday night at .which time Michael Arenstein, first .'cellist with Port
land Symphony, and an artist of recognized genius -the country over, 'wflT; present three
movements from the superb Greig Sonata for piano and 'cello. X 1 - : :, : .
This number which requires an hour fo r playing tells its story in -that; majestic com-
bination of melancholy minors
D. A. R. Plans
, President
OP interest to Daughters of the
American Revolution is the
. announcement of the "presi
dent's" luncheon for Saturday aft
ernoon at 1 o'clock. This will be a
no-host event complimenting Mrs.
John T. Richardson of Portland
and state regent
Mrs. Homer Goulet Is chairman
of the committee on arrangements
and assisting her is Mrs. Alton D.
Hurley, Mrs. E. M. Hotfnell, and
Mrs. U. O. Shipley.
The affair will be one of the
outstanding events of the chapter
year and -a large attendance is ex
pected. Reservations should be
made with Mrs. Lewis Griffith,
Mrs. Goutet or with Mrs. Shipley.
Girl Reserves Form
Active Program
The Girl Reserves are launched
in a busy schedule of events for
this year. Their week's calendar
Is filled for the coming days and
much more activity is planned for
the next months.
The high school Reserves who
enjoyed a Jolly Hallowe'en party
at the T. W. C. A. with Miss El
oise White, advisor, and Mrs.
Elizabeth Gallaher, T. W. C. A.
secretary in session with them.
The Parrish Reserves will also
meet Monday afternoon with
their advisor. Mrs. Fiord Miller.
They will 'study the Reserve code.
Lsue Reserves will have a reg
ular class meeting at the school
Tuesday afternoon and Miss Ros
etta Smith, will direct this. Wed
nesday the seventh and ninth
grade Reserves of Parrish have,
invited the eighth grade Reserves
to meet with them for a "health"
meeting at which time Mrs.
George Boyd, graduate nurse, will
speak to them on the care of the
skin. Miss Helen Prang will also
present a special study of music
at this meeting.
The Garfield Reserves will meet
for a "travel" discussion Thurs
day with Miss Virginia Wassam,
Saturday at 1 o'clock the advis
ors of the Girl Reserve units and
the members of the girl's work
committee, all told about IS wom
en, will meet in the Y. W. C. A.
rooms for a program discussion.
Miss Helen Brelthaupt will pre
sent suggestions to be used In
connection, with World Fellow
ship week, and Mrs. Gallaher will
present a discussion of construct
ive programs Jo be presented for
Girl Reserve meetings.
Brilliant Tea Will
Be Event of Week
The Women's Alliance of the
Unitarian church will entertain
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. C. S. HamUton with the
third annual autumn tea spon
sored by the Alliance.
These affairs have come to be
anticipated by the women of the
city and this one especially will
be more than ordinarily attract
ive. Before this the teas have
been given in the Emerson room
of the church, and the change te
the Hamilton home this year will
add charm to the event
Mra. Hamilton is being assist
ed as hostess by Mrs. MUton My
ers, Mrs. L. c. Marshall, and Mrs.
W. E. Feldman.
Autumn in all its color will be
used to decorate the guest rooms
and tea table where Mra. Eggles
ton, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Koch
will preside.;:
It is requested that those at
tending make reservations with
some member of the committee
if possible before the day of the
tea. Both contract and auction
bridge will precede the tea. hour.
- . . .
Mrs. Marlon Mulkey assisted by
Miss Eloise - Wright . entertained
with a. gay -Hallowe'en party at
her kindergarten studio In the
Nelson buUdinr Friday morning.
"Cyn - Cronise a
Artistic Lighting, ; . . V ' : ::
v . . Kataral Expressions'
Ballroom Dancing
aow organising at the
Nelson Building
- Wednesday Evenings ; ;
. r Begiunera t:o P. Ji. '
n i'.- Advanced .O- FyMC;.T-;
under direction of'-'.r :
ri-. - ' - - -
; ,;of Portland .;ri-
5 . For Information Call the v
Barbara; Barnes Studio - 1535
ana siirrmg, powenuiflorus
ha mooter tnnramA i hfl Acccmna.nisi: woo win iaKe trie cni.
i r i ' L 4-V. T im MMivwvflifiAn will rw T? tith Pvaam
Keiser, well known to Portland
1- 1 '11 .
. i -.
K r Vi A ytA
Miss Peggy Moffett, young
society leader of New York
City shown as she left St.
Bartholomew's church with
Jay Carlisle, Jr. prominent
clubman of New York City
and who had just become her
Farewell is Gala
Evening Affair
Entertaining for Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Kelson who will leave soon
to make their home in Tillamook
the members of the G.K.P. club
and husbands were hosts for a
Jolly farewell party Wednesday.
The affair began when Mrs.
Nelson was kidnaped and "taken
for a ride" which concluded at
the K. H. Pickens home. She was
brought Into the house and con
fronted by a houseful of friends
who had aided fa the kidnaping.
The evening that followed was
informal and Jolly. A gift which
has been repeatedly presented to
various, members of the club dur
ing the course of the past several
years was amid much gaiety -presented,
to Mrs. K. H. Pickens by
Mrs. H. S. Glle.
Mrs. Katheryn MIddleton gave
an original poem which won much
warm commendation.
Those complimenting Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Included Mr. and Mrs.
K. H. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Pickens, O. H. Pickens, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Dale Taylor, Mr. an! Mrs.
B. E. SIsson, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Roen, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Raffety,
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Harms, Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Foster, Mr. and
Mrs. H. S. Glle. Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
BUleter, Mrs. Kathryn Middleton,
and special guests, Mr. and Mrs.
M. R. Irish of Eugene, and Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Bingenheimer.
Special Guests For
PastrMatron's Dinner
TbVd1nner meeting observed
by. the Past Matrons club Friday
night at the home of Mrs. Ida
Godfrey was honored by the pres
ence of the founder of the club,
Mrs. Mable Settlemler of Wood
born and by Mrs. Mary Keller of
Turner, grand, chaplain of the
grand 'chapter.
Covers were placed lor these
special guests and for 21 club
members. Hallowe'en marked the
decorative motif for the table.
Following the dinner hour a bus
iness and program meeting was
held. An impressive memorial was
given tor Mrs. Josephine Vaas.
Anecdotes of events during each
matron'a term was recounted by
the matrons present Mrs. Monnie
Hauser, president presided over
the business meeting.
Change of Studio
Bin. Frank Iilburn's'
. Blusical Kindergarten "
- formerly Nelson Bid, v
, Now Located at '
Barbara Barnes
Dance Studio : ; t
Moadara, Wednesdays and
Fridays, to ll:SO A. H.
CLEVER . . ;
As anything Santa'a" men
ever turned out are the
toys and noveltiea mad
at 2S4 N.' Commercial by
- Fred Blatchford
See)"- these original .
: novelties at ;
? Senator Giftery
airs. H. C Scbaaemaa
224 N. High -
"Distinctive GUhsaTt"
ui.wuu yicusr aiyuc ocms j
and Saleirrinusical audiences.
' Tha nrixTaia-will ooen with tha
lladrigaleiulnglng under the
baton of vProt,. E. W. Hobson,
Clockev'g.itictnresane Indian Ips-.
end, "How -Summer Came." Diffi
cult and highly interpretative mu
sic follows to spirit of the words
which tell in characteristic Indian
manner - how an Indian bov
through - shivering cold finally
found the secret ot summer. Miss
Ruth Bedford will be accompanist
for this number which will be one
of the most difficult to be under
taken by the Madrigal club.
Miss Lillian Scott accompanied
by Miss Bedford will sing the aria
"Spring ong of Robin Woman",
from Cadman's American opera.
"Shanewin". This. too. Dromisp
to be a delightful contribution to
the program and In splendid keep,
lng with the Madrigal number.
The program in full Includes:
"How Summer Came" by Clock
ey, Madrigal club. Miss Ruth Bed
ford accompanist
Sonata for piano and 'cello, by
Greig, Michael Arenstein.
Aria, "Spring Song of Robin
Woman" from "Shanewin"' by
Cad man, Lillian Scott.
Variations .on a theme of ''Ro
coco" by .Tchaikovsky, Michael
Arenstein.vj.v. ViV
The program is a benefit one
given ,in order l, aid in buying
music for.a spriMf festival of mu
sic which. as.rbjelng planned by
Prof. Hobsos,Aiidrihe singing or
ganizations of which he Is di
rector. .
Friday night the first program
of the season for the singing
group of Salem high school will
be presented under the direction
of Miss Lena Belle Tartar.
The operetta la "The Bells of
Beaujolals" and Its theme Is both
dramatic ftdsjausing. with pleas
ing musie jto-fiarry it. Much in
terest Is being displayed In the
development of this first offering
of the -year by this young singing
Woman's Bible Class
Is Entertained
The Women's Bible class of the
First Methodist church were en
tertained Friday afternoon at the
home of the president Mrs. O. W.
Emmons. Mrs. Fannie Penn, a
former teacher was a special
guest Mrs. A. A. Lee spoke appre
ciatively of the work done by Mrs.
Penn during her residence In Sa
lem, and then presented her with
a lovely flower tribute.
Miss Hetta Field gave a talk
concerning the issues upon which
votes are to be cast this Novem
ber. A social hour and refresh
ments concluded the program.
Present were Mrs. Fannie Penn.
Mrs. R. K. Ollng, Mrs. J. S. Green.
Mrs. F. Al Legge. Mrs. George
Moore. Mrs.- Charles Fessenden,
Mrs. Orin Stratton. Mrs. H L.
Steeves, Mrs. L. D. Waterman.
Mrs. N. S. Savage, Mrs. Roy V.
Ohmart MrsE. Lamb. Vn ryp-
delia LeBace,-Mrs. James Taylor.
Mrs. ,B. BUlchford, Mrs. C. H.
Birav-Mrs, J7 Lenon. Mrs. F. F.
Stolbelsev MrevEHis Batson, Mrs.
A. A. Lee.-&tTSA. T. Jnh
Mrs. W. ,A'. tnrgle, Mrs, C F.
Breitbanpt,mHt. Almlra Hale.
Mrs. Mettler Sahram. Vla Ma.
garet Schreiber, and Miss Hetta
Mrs. Adolsh Kittll ion nl.
talned Friday with a one o'clock
inneneon for the following guests.
rs. m. Aspinwall, Mrs. Royd
Hawler. - Mra. Edwavrd n!.,.
Jr., Mrs. Louis Falst Mrs. Mao-
rice uunnlran and Mrs. Im
Warn pier a
Roait Turkey
on the Special
Sunday 50c , Dinner
ONLY trained phar
macists can. till ,
your doctor's pre-.
scriptlons . accurately.
We are HONOR
BOUND to fill his or- -dera
EXACTLY as spa-
elfied. -
and LEGG
:SCvrtwKf Ernctesit -
IScrvice" ; ' r"'-
Court, at Liberty '
:a iiFormtrly-WooIpert
Weeks lenclar
to bemoiHous or