The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 30, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ical NfeMrsl Briefs
rami u or
Start Schick Jest Schick
testing of grade school Duoils In
Salem will be begun tomorrow;!
V i T" . nrmi . - . . f
ur uv. r imam ievin or tne.
state board or health. Clinics'. lib
d by the rcoufcty: health depart
ment, are' fti r follows TuesdayU
ali tiajr school clinic at Silvertoji
by Dr. Douglas; Wednesday
general Clinics Ja Salem schools,'
children of the first. third and
fifth grades at Richmond school
who hare snot-' been examined
since the first ot the year;, Thurs
day rural schools eHnie at Tur
ner by Dr. Douglas, baby clinic
at health center; Saturday 8; SO
to 10 o'clock, regular toxoid and
vaccinatum clinic, also tuberculin
.tests.-, s -
I am not responsible for any debts
contracted by anyone but myself
from this date. Signed, A. M.
Lockhard. ' ' ' '
Magruder to Broadcast Dr. F.
Magruder, professor - In Oregon
State college,' will speak over
"KEX under the auspices of the
Citizens Committee :ot One Hun
dred. Monday, October 31, at 9:15
"a. m... on "Why Oregon Should
"Not Repeal Its Prohibition En
forcement Law.
October list will be the final day
ot The Statesman's annual Bar
gain Period -- The Statesman by
mall anywhere In Oregon, for one
year, only $3.00. Regular rate of
$4.00 will apply after the first of
Bishop Better C. P. Bishop,
confined for a number of weeks to
his house by a serere injury to his
leg, was reported considerably
better yesterday, the cast having
been partially removed. He is
feeling in good spirits but is han
dicapped in getting about.
Argo dining room today for a real
treat young roast turkey, cran
berry sauce and mince pie.
Gray Demurs A demurrer was
filed Saturday in circuit court by
R. D. Gray, defendant in a suit re
cently brought by T. D. Trick,
Gray alleges the plaintiff in his
complaint did not state sufficient
facts to constitute a case.
Hallowe'en danee at Mellow Moon
Monday nite. Decorations balloon,
nolsemakers, hats, features, Wood
ry'a band. "It's a big nite," 25c
"Accident Driver Arrested C. I
W;Beekett, 2425 Hazel avenue.
pr5ay; night after his antomo- Many Attend Missionary
bile hid? struck a machlre driv
en by Margaret Purvine, 55 Unl
tersity street. Drivers in the two
other minor accidents reported
juiIbJ.. txt . . . rat....
111 North High, and Iter r
age. Norway street, at High and " ' T, i L'-w
dentlfied woman driver, at Com- IT . 7. 1Z,Z
Sessions ; at t Albany
On Friday, Said
mercial and State.
at Albany; Friday aU day. 'Nearly
100 -were fa attendance from 13 j
rvtnhF sit will he the final dav I auxiliaries. Those coming the
Af Th (itmia'a annual Bar-1 greatest distance -were- Rev. and
gain Period The Statesman by Mrs. Phelps from Yachats.
mail anywhere in Oregon, to one The committee in charge of the
rear, onlr $3.00. Regular rate of I program was Mrs. J. F. Ulrich,
$4.00 will apply after the first of I Salem; Mrs. F. E. Fisher. Day-
Xomng Events
October , X9 Willamette
vs. Callege of Paget Souad.
night football game. "
November 1 - Dr.tDaa
Poliag addressee prohlbitkm
rally at Salem armory.
November 4 Willamette
vs. LfnfleUL night, football
fame. -.
November 8 Oeorraw
November 10-11 Amito
tic day . celebration ls
charge of America Legion.
December -7 Wester
Nat Growers aaaociatlo
' aal meeting, chamber of
commerce. - - "
December, T- Oregoa
Stat Horticaltarll society
coat ereace, chamber of commerce.
ifest -Saleml News ;
ton, and Mrs. Will Scharff, Mid-1
Ladles hair cutting Bayes A Can- Mrt Cecil Embree and Mrs. Vie-
neia, miui uray ueauie nop. tor Ballantyne were the devotion
al leaders. Special masjo was ren
dered by the Albany ladies' quar-
1st Natl. Bark Bldg.
Parrot Dealers Called All
proprietors ot pet . shops and com
mercial breeders of, parrots, par-
rakeets and canaries are request
ed by Dr. -Frederick Strieker, se-;
tett and Wilson La uner.
airs. U. is. -rnompsoB tuiiuuti
ed a round table on "Organixa-
Color, 4 Music, and Stunts
Planned for 'Night m-
i Spain' at Armory V v
Starting tomorrow Lions club
members and their : wives will
wade deep into busy days of ar
rangement-making for their
-Night in Spats' charity. - ball
: which will be given at Salem ar
mory next Friday night at 3:30
a- ,i i honsa Friday afternoon, with pa-
B,TZ. ""' At the special called council
ICT A. new man. Imttn h m ltall Tkara.
Tomorrow Madame Who, myt- T.w r,vT irz "
terlons senora who will attend !!L.5-t'.wht-m.aJ.a
come,:eo?. Lovemberr14'
tuna ana appears, to me person , - v wA
if"AH"!K,r TLiir residence cc.pied by Mrs. M. Bur-
Thar may be a democratic rally
at Jibe Community hall Wednes
day night. November t. Definite
announcement will be made lat
er, whgn worL. Is secured front
Hugh G. . Black, county clerk, ot
Dallas ' and another republican
rally will be held Xrldayr No
vember -4," with -a umbef of
prominent speakers present,- The
publie Is invited to attend these
poUtleal- meetings.-- ' . : .;
Over :a score- of guests par
ents and. friends atteaded the pro
gram of ' plays and 'Hallowe'en
entertainment. held at the school-
two serious convulsions .due te
stomach trouble Friday night, but
is improving now. - . . , x s i j ; . . -. j, i
At thA'nartv held far the T.n-1
worth leagae In. the baaementj MOTC SemC Given,. SayS?2
OE lae eaurcn rriuaj Toaiaj. mi -... " a ".Y-r-.J-
ur.v nui, Announcing
committee , consisting .of v the
Misses Rath Englehorn, Jose
phine' Tandy rand Ruth Maers
were in . charge of ; general ar
rangements. Mrs. Al C Heaaing
sen and Mrs. C. L. Dark assisted
the young, folks la (heir reor
ganisation project Juniors -at
Association Meet
3rP u k.;, jX I' Klwood aV.nue. moved
Mr. .and Mrs. Thornton Goes
were called to Portland because
of the Illness and death of Mr.
Mrs. -Margaret E. Headrick, for
tion aaf Admintttration."-An ad-Mi yar a resident of Salem, died
a a . . . m i iinaaB -na r mw m ninaa -wtf niitau bb awa muuic -m war Aiwa sa i ira iasv
airVm. " f4.. The.tanwUl her at t Ua Uvd at EoU
Vernon X Douglas", county health Bertha Magnesia returned mis- -wta b. held at Klgaoh's
ociicer. A cneck up is aesirea io ,tlr I M : v ... ' wUl grace with her presence thU
HVSS "or" paJrot ir fn "tE Hng'adiresV on tk. ' "ouUook of arT. Ts .V. safnu "fjp "SFrZl Go" -"her uTt weVk.
.7.1. mJ T-J- w. IJt Our Missionary Interests." Miss her maiden name beinc Margaret ?lllJ0eiud: ..Kwa1 I?y'l Dark to Preach Twice
-' ' w - - i .. . t.ii.. i . . i tit. w. K. m nil ' tenia rr. weanea- i n n
covered In Marion county. . .w " K0W.1"?' wnen sna was w r.--- i w .; .-
i lnieresiing reaains; on nomm years old tne laauy removed to 1 " " ' i t7I.7J-rv . -. ri. 1 Lr-T wui preacn at w eat ouem.
r,..t..i a vv.,.A vkam ..j r.n. I i- t, . I day, M. cuirora Moyninaa, uons, t v- ,m nrth shJu ti
omwj . -r . , miuut u dwuu cuaiu;. .,,. n.m ninntl mi I ' " . . . . ' T
5891. I A pot luck ainner was servea i she was married to A. L. Head-1 . . . 1 t&e montn. He nils tne paipiia ai
In the church hall at noon, rfc at Alsea. They moved to Sa- wli , . IT tv I Summit and at Oak Grove Sun-
Defeadaat Answers Answer by I Thoa attendina from Salem im in iten tt.i. t... .i... I The Lions assert a nat on Frl-1 d. moranri --a West Sa-
iuagar .iiams, ueieuuaui
filed recently by Peter
waa filed in circuit court
day. Ham. claim, he was only 18 0ugh7 Mrs. A. Hilfiker. Mrs. An- haV tonaV. " UStM 2UMt ' was aided to hi. pastorate, so he
" m " I IHtl a-Faaaavaa, Mt v. AAatetJ CXallUi CIA BDrTlTD . Mrl. I . . . . I " W " v
. v?!1.!!" Wikof, Mrs. Hulda Maves, Ralph Cooley. Salem; Clifford H, STiSSL 5,.th eTnl
Michael Arensteln, cellist, Madri
gal club. Lillian Scott at First
Christian church Tues. 8:15 p. m.
Lnswerby Those attending from Salem iem In 1800 and this has since , Ta. rt0?" 1 , . day mornings and at West Sa-
in "u were Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Petti- been the family home. Her bus- dLnigbt 'vW . 3L th ntan. and thto Is
r Knfner, cord Mrs r mrlcX Un, Vic- band dled thre years ago and f1"1 lLelM bttH JS the first month to have five Sua-
irt Satur- tor Ballantyne. Mrs. H. McDon- Mr8. HeaSrick conUnutl to mike Attb if' P" tn charp
ough, Mrs. A. HUilKer. Mrs. au- ner home here . 7 . . , 1 WM aauea to nu pastorate, so ae
gusta Smith. Mrs. O. Bewley. Mrs. Three children survive: Mrs. T1!1 eoMlst, f 8palal1 ' i wUI tk mornla d
r.r.. wivrf. Un. Hulda Maves. oi" l o.. " . rai-? specUlly-oonsUucted bal- Uieht here. In the eveniac Mr.
Mrs. Robert Seegar. Mrs. S. d! setUeT W T. Tf B. em' twosU. T7' orch"tr1 -eVftions. accor- Neu Btlck M lntere,t.
Cooley. Mrs. G. N. Thompson. ?ers Mrs Tkenry HawleV Alpine- n. ,umf,?' redlBS JZ..11" ! Ulk.
Mrs. W. R. SUttouv .Dallas was ffi W!a7patuS!; 2ttle miU' "d wfcrdIn of Little LaYern Do Lapp .uttered
the place chosen for the next In
stitute in the early spring.
'Fine Remitted George M. Ap
ple, was fined $50 in Justice court
yesterday when he admitted driv
ing an auto without license. The
fine was remitted, but costs paid.
and Apple placed on probation for
a six months period.
Dr. Wonderlick, M. D. office over
Steusloff market. Phone 8491.
a brother, Ed Rowland, Sheridan;
four grandchildren, Margaret and
Ralph Cooley, Stanley and How
ard Price, Salem.
PIDI C nniiiunii IT
With the selection ot the home
room representatives the business
organization of the Girls' league
at the senior high scnooi is now
Prises will be given for cos-,
tames, formal or Informal; entry,
and identification of the myster
ious madame.
Lions auxiliary members al
ready have mailed out between
500 and 1000 tickets to the ball.
The affair Is being announced in
all cities between Portland and
Eugene and Lions and their
friends are expected here front
throughout the valley
v The Marion county health de-'
partment now Is operating at less -
expense than la v previeas years
tending wero the. Misses Susie n giving more aeryice. SUff
Crow, Ruth Maert. Eleanor Me- ttmbers are dolns mlwjort. -Canley.
EUsa Petrasso. Dorothy Such was the statement of Dr.
Bayder. Ruth Englehorn. Mona enn.k
Yoabargh. Catherine Applewhite. te Marion couaty PaWIe Health
Josephine Tandy. Ada Clark. Vel- association yesterday la an- -
ma Kelso Margaret Kaster. Reba aoancmg a ainner meaung oi oi-
Clark. Rath Kuha and Wlllard tlcera and commute chairmen at
Wells. Winston Gosser. Homer U orgs nlia tion and health t-
Kuhn and LcRoy Wells. Mrs. partment staff members, to be
Charles L. Dark and Mrs. A. C.laM o'clock Tuesday eve
Henningsen acted as chaperones. g at the Bohemian restaurant.
Committees were arranged, to I Tne purpose cz tne meeting is
confer with the other Leaguer Jn j to lafornt the association leaders
regard to groupings of the young I tally concerting- the health de
folks.- - - ' - v V partment activities and 'costs rn
Jlnv Roy Fiaater, Miss Roberta order that; they toay gpread this -J
Peterson ad Lyle Thmas were information lav the districts they .
the general committee on ar- represent Dr. Vernon A. JDoag-
rangemeata that' had entire! las, ! county- health-, officer, will
charge of the masquerade party speak on this subject. j- 1 "
tor the Senior Leagae held at the) - Mr. Dabar to Speak
parsoaage Thursday night with Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar of Port-"-
Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Dark hosts. land, secretary of the Oregon Tu-s-
Mrs. Dyer and Miss Bennett as- berculosis society, will speak-
sisted the committee on arrange- about the annual seal sale to b;
meats. Delicious home made I started after ThanksgivlBg.
candy and apples were served I Officers and committeemea ot
for refreshments. I the health association are:
Those attending were Messers Dr. Hill, president: Mrs. A- L.
and Mas dames Lyle Thomas. Jtoy I Strickland, Aurora, vice-presi- -Fluster.
Arthur Hathaway, dent; Rev. S. Darlow Johnson. Sa- -
George Lathrop. Emmett Dick- iem, secretary; Mrs. W. W. Alle, "
son. Carl Finster and C. U Dark, Mill City, treasurer; T. M. Hicks,
tne Misses trata uennett, noner-i nuance; Fred Thielsen. educa-
ta Peterson, cnariotte Lauue.i tion; c. F. McElhaney. Salem dis
Ruth Thomas, Ruth Bntler, El- trlct: Robert N. Goats silvartn
varta Mintoa. Mrs, Catherine Dy- diatrict: Mrs. John D. Ballantmn.
er. Mrs. Wilina Grets aad Ger- stlrertoa, health center; Mrs.
aid Mintoa. I ath Rulifaoii. loan elnm- Mr '
Strickland, membership; Mrs. W.'
A. Schults, seal sale; Mrs. Coble
deLesplnasse, Hubard, publicity, -
and Mrs. V. R. Griggs.
Two huge truck loads of vege
tables, canned fruits and garden
trnAlr 4aina anil talllM aanitwlh
Following the ball, the Lions ii-. w..
and their wives will hold a ban- triDttted to tne Associated Chart-
Wednesdar. November 0. will I euet. The losing side in the ticket .. .(.,.. -.u. nrn
complete. This group will function 1 be onen house dar at the senior I sale contest will eat beans, the v Vn a.i .n j
for halt a year and at the end of high school, at which time parents winners turkey. Arthur Gardner iountrv veaterdav morning
The Spa
50c Roast Turkey dinner.
SILVERTON, Oct. 20 (Spe
cial) Frank Coffam, caught Fri
day night peeping into a window
at the residence ot Lloyd Ken
nedy, night policeman, was taken
to the county court in Salem Mon
day, from where he was commit
ted to the receiving ward at the
state asylum.
Considerable window peeping
has been going on here lately, but
whether apprehension of Cofran
will put an end to it remains to
be seen. He has been unler suspi
cion for such prowling off and on
during the past year or more
When taken by Kennedy to the
citr hall Friday night, conam
could give only har.y reasons for
his actions.
Coffam was employad with iberhtmhar tr 1 TC?
.m,. ntrirt- work for Vcmi w ' -
years. He had been In the asylum Aft Communities 1
that time new members will be and friends ot students and teach-1 Is captain of the Red, Robert
selected. These otrieers must pass ers are invited to come to the Crawford ot the Orange team.
on all the" business of the league iCbool and visit classrooms. Spe- Proceeds from the ball will be
at the semi-monthly cabinet meet- eii programs will be arranged for placed in the Liona club cheer
mgs. the day. I fund
Thoseierving for this semester Thf. lt In connection with the
are: Joan Doolittle, Floris Busick, annual openheuse week of Salem
Emlyn Griggs, Margaret Engel- pubiic schools which will contln-
bart Mary Elisabeth Kells, Luclle oe from November 7 to 11 Dur-
Kety, Haxel Strang. Margaret Ing thlg time all th0 BChool ot
uoege, Lucue ioauer, xaccu the cUy wnl deTotft at least ons
Worth, Dorothy Ackman, Maxine dty T!Bltor8. movement la
mw 1 ft. .1
juariun nviw I xAnnia p.ovu t rAnn Hroaa aw . r : . . T
If you enjoy home cooking, the ---;--' -
Marion hotel Is now employing , ,,7 " I7. ' T American aaucauon asso-
nine for my
through the two special matinees
held at. the Hollywood theatre.
"We cannot express thanks suf
ficient at the respoase given ns
for call for vegetables and fruits
through the benefit matinees,"
Mrs. May Caraon, executive secre
tary ot the Charities, said yester
day, adding "This quick response
is evidence enough for us that the
people ot Salem want to see the
Associated Charities carry on lt.
work a. it has done in the past".
The Charities the past week se-
Barbara Walker, Helen
oianon mie Shultx. Ludle Hackett, Geneva ZLt," rTVh- amaV- t-.T- The Charities the past week se-
rhltl W w-A Uto"e75" SSS. Rtn Pw-Wft. Rtt JiS. to to littS Tn "aal Sturdajr rB'h f0r eed 2500 pound, of potatoes for
inr breakfasts from 15 to 75 v TTm d.a.h 4n purpose is to onng oeuer un - w. i widaaca it. niur .nrv t m!iir nut mM
cents, lunches from 35 to 60 ne0t 25 1 ' frta,. to7r "i. Ucket. ft on nilrV..
cents and dinner, from 50 cent. LVdegraf. Jean Anunsen. All- ""Lff being granted at the county clerk's .
to one dollar. We are also mak- ' " t . t. n.n. siaers an insiae view 01 tne scnooi ... Tv.
X wS' lliYXZ Department One,
Circuit Court, to
Open on Nov. 14
C0TT0;i (MILS -y3
. ctio wm meet
Willanvette chapter, American
Red Cross, soon will be able te j
provide needy persons with new
ready-made garments and cleth
tor garments, as well aa with food.
Miss Thora V. Boesen, executive j
secretary, announced yesterday
that she expects to receive 7000
eotton garments and 4900 yards r total 3C.
The first meeting of the year
of the Home Economies club at
Salem senior high school will be
held Tuesday, November 8, for.
the purpose of initiating new
members. New members this year
of cloth in the near future.
The garments, made from cot
ton given the Red Cross by the
federal farm board, were made by
manufacturers in exchange for a
portion of the raw cotton.
Anticipating receipt of the cloth
Miss Boesen fa calling tor dona
tion ot all sorts of patterns, but
tons, hooks and eyea, so that no
money will need be spent for
these articles.
The club will sponsor a basaar
and style abow later In the year'
as has been the custom of past
years. At the present time it is
conducting a candy sale.
to one dollar We are also mak- J rM. 7? "work
u. anaoiai tn mnntniv rates I . .. . , , I ana lis won
--' V I creecn, jueru urace ana rTeiya
on rooms io pwuiaucut sww. nr.rarrn11
i Argo Hotel ummg ivwiu
A real treat today young roast
A real ireat louay yuuu i -
turkey, cranberry sauce, mince 0 N eW MeWDerS
Added by Future
Mies Ada Ross, vice-president
of the Salem Teachers' associa
tion is chairman of the teachers'
council which will be in charge of
the program for the week.
Divorce Sought
. Anew by Woman;
$1000 Requested
Twenty new boys have been
added to the local Future Crafts
men of the high school this year,
and the organization is becoming
Th inhal chamber of commerce particularly enthused over the
Resume Program I
Craftsmen ClublHiram Johnson's
Bolt Disgusting
man, to Lillian M. Hehfuss, 20,
route 8. Salem, a teacher.
Orwell Erban Berdan, 37, 079
Jones street, Berkeley, CaL, a
augar operator, to Marcella Alice ;
Caspell, 37. 810 Shipping street
The November term of circuit
Salem, a stenographer. Rev. Hngh court la department one here will
McCallum was scheduled to marry pea Monday, November 14, it
them. jwas announced Saturday. Cases
U.n T. nir.I 9 Imllf ..I tkl. mrm-
DeCiareS StOZ frmer Sllsabeth Patten. 18,1 November 14, Black vs. Voget;
m Buwunyni I aSta, oauLia Ta. HGbioea; inn,
Alden Dnmler, 28, 411 silver I King A Pederson vs. Amalgamat-
Hiram Johnson's sDeech Thnrs-1 . "T ' '"V ; ' I ' "Vmjr:
:";- j.fa. m. a .visltlnr ntlook for the rear. Most of the .vi.e t. n-nfT. I siraei, BiiTar., . mw. w -.-- ed Mining company; inn, can
! wtit riwik nri-1 m mmhr from last rear have 1 nuann ci- ...tawt.. .i.n waleM Williams, is, til suver
i:tiiuiii iLLUca - wuv m a ar - - - i atMaiwaa, wkvsa m vjaaa w aiiii m tm on mmmm a aa -- - -
' .r ....A.ltl.. Mtr., TnlHatlMr fnr th naif 1 v. v. Kv- .. . euinwii, iiitm
grams lu w Uf vuuuuumw. ivhutuvu &u.m...wM -- ; i ua a whvb 4uoia whv. mvh
in the county this season. This I boys will be held some time In the .party ranks war termed scoua-
carries on the project started last l near iuture. I drels. Stols said yesterday ha waa
Suit for a divorce from Alvlnn f year, when about 20 communities The group Is already making thoroughly disgusted with John-
w i- t w.a nnMf in ma visited and urograms given plans to go to tne state conT en-1 i0n f0r his "rotten" address.
circuit court Saturday by hisl by members of the local chamber. I tion of the organization la Port-J i haT several people
wife Alice Lockhard. Who l&Sl Tne cnamoer IS aiso uaaisa - I jai wm u a yrvsrenira iwyuB-
lslatlon have they favored, what
spring dropped the first suit tor canvass among its members f of year.
divorce she filed alter ner nus-i orators ana musical
band effected a reconciliation, urges all who can contribute to
She claims nowMt ts Impossible such programs to do us,
for them to get along togetner
because he treats her cruelly and
la unfaithful.
She asks $30 a month support
hmit for their only son. $1000
a limn sum alimony and the
household goods and automobile
. which belong to her and ar nus
Kanii fii eounle married in
Jane, 1020. x
Republican Rally
Slated, Chemawa
Hall, Wednesday m
nick vs. Engi; 18th,-Fitta vs. Olm
sted; '2 1st Estes vs." Schuske;
2Jrd,' Jaysef vs. Kelso; 25th, Ran
dall vs. Southern Pacific; 28th,
Weatherp vs. Kitchen; 30th, Harr
vs. Etkins; Dec. 1, KeUer vs. In
dustrial accident cemmiasion.
Legion Council .
For County is
Formed Friday
Died, at the residence 45
North Cottage street, baiuraay,
October 29, Mrs. Margaret E.
Headrick. age 70. Survjvea oy
three children, Mrs. Ralph Cooley,
W. P. Headrick, Salem, and Clif
ford H. Headricic, Seattle; two -
Childs Handles
$34,000 Deals
In Exchanges
A'SISS !klu Talk is Slated for
111 haaWaswaied rnir mmrnrntUm. Wednesday night at S OdOCk
t" h" ?iw!vaJ-aQ!M.U at tha Chemawa halL Members of
dOBBWU. Bat joi vua.MKt i r uri.. . . , 1
tiers; selfish, egotistical men. te- 'SL wT,!
Chamber Monday
aV t a . a aV a , m at
vauaaty ox pvwar 1 .lftI. f, .TI rr. t that T..VCXZ ZIZ"tiZZ
the aecomplishmenu ot the pros- ' T t.,a k "B 81 ma m-rrt wu
ldent." to lUmd "fd Urj al acheaU wlU he presented at
Arguments oppoatag consoUda-
The Leo N. Childs company, lo- I ldent'
cal realtors, have announced three
real estate deals in which proper
ties were exchanged. Deals were
handled by Mrs. Ellis.
Mrs. Ida E. King exchanged a
modern horn At 381 LeaUe street
for J. Earl Alley's property at 447
Eaat 2 2d street North, Portland.
Mrs. Arneson in
Valueless Checks
the Monday noon luncheon at tha
chamber of commerce by Judge
Lawrence T. Harris. The other
ering la expected.
Mala . speakers, who will dls
cnas election Issues and measures.
Wa Mr, TTavaal, Uarttn an A I w . .
m - i f aide oi u queaxmn . wa Baran
Jail on Charge of almek " I lwo by c&rrlllM
Jadg Harris Is a native ot Al
bany. and has served as speaker
of the bouse of representatives
aad was a member of the state
supreme court from 1915 to 1924.
County. Attorneys
a a a
Urn iwlaw AvhfirM TnsBi rMl I aa.. .La-t ta '
ters Mrs. W. W Chessman, Port- dftne; at ni LcsH gtreet as part t ondeT falM prMftMa through PpSS ReSOlUtiOttS
lahd, Mrs. Henry Hawley. Alpine. ent on a uleTtt fara In ' inr aaveral ehacka ' of no AGWMULAUAia
one brother, Ed Kowiana, Men- polk coumty Be4r Buena VIsU. ' 'u Mvrtla Arneson
am: ionr irauucuinm.u, i wMh nm narenssei irom a. li- 1 1 v& v wtit tt..
I ' . . jt o, I " ' l uiuu&u. itbwi w nuts ami n-j
.-i.w f Wnodbum was I et ana KICnara OOiey uu -t.w i McClaln. - Arm -raatarH.v mnrlnr Kfc. aV-1
aarned resident and Irl S.- Mc- and Howard ice aaiem. x consideration ot an tnree prop- ,4 Bonri tlias ln whlck Btr
ci..m nt RalMi. secretary, of
For Jim Heltzell
-ervlees MondaT. Oct 31. at 3:15 1 -rtl involved 334.000
FZZ "rJ f Ler on at Rlgdon's mortuary. Concluding
HMWB " ."""V",- ,- . '..... u r-.. ihhnB- M -r a-
posts, at a meeting new a.v- ' - even more uemo
ton Friday nlgnt to torn. w"" i w"--
n uam Hnmnhrer of Stay- i . . .
ClfUUVU. --" j 1 tFi
t ln. I . . V .1 .
:I3r.7a th. ;OUn- ' At tha residence. 745 Columbia
t Sn- treet. Oct:28. Ernest Westaged
Salem will be held at wooaourn mg eniiaren; .
?,eu1'. - . n tba I r.Mrt Owen of Salem. Mrs. Mll-
?ZrlL u also contemplated. A dred Leiftstelt and Dr. C H. West cal headquarter, of the Roosevelt
- . i - , i viim WMt or i n- vrikaiitant oiii n a meauiii was
committee ot ft" mm cn 7 17iT:-.V oda on Thnrsdav
Resolutions ta memory at the
:;". 4T.T ri "T." late Jamas O. Heltsel, Salem at-
fJtf. aaalU JBU Va--uaaba,ivsaaa wma i . . i-,a
Issued when she failed to Mrn- VW wbo ton'
Ish 2250 bafl. - I August Toted at the regu-
il,v ,., liar meetlag ot the Marlon County
- Bar association : held at Hunt's
v I . , U. -1.. a
tor a memorial service, have yet
nir t ia n-t a schedule I LillXl DofT Catcher On I Election ot a president was
Rallies Slated at
Towns in Pol kLe"a com'w
for the democratic rallies In Polk
county has been posted at the lo-
Official Visitation! SiltnaiiRoT Huuid
MILL CITT. Oct 29 - Real-
..nnn for the council mem oersmy. i Bretti-Si..tu,1.Cu. .
-r i n-a in !aim vears. j nnerai i ten aanee.
aS VtfVS kWW-k-a aa,r a 7 '
Herman Iafky and Roy Harlaad
i were introduced as new mem
bers. - .- , "
Don't Forget-
We are ln a position to meet all
competitive prices on Lumber,
Lath, Shingles, Composition
Rooting and Mlllwork
Hansen & Liljeqmst, Ice.
Dealers la Lvmbcr aad
Balkling Materials
Oharch and Mill - TeL 1S1
Salem's Oldest and Reliable
Lnmber Dealers and llaaafac-lareis.
Students Loath
To Buy Tickets,
Salesmen Aver
Considerable reluctance to buy
Associated Student Body tickets
by high school students has been
encountered by those trying to
sell them this year. So far only
258 hare been sold as compared
with f77 at the same time last
year. Price asked is $2.00.
It is thought that although
some students are loath to part
with the money, the main reason
tor aot being able to sell the tick
ets Is that some do not have the
amount necessary.
Salesmen include Howard
Cross, Lynn . Martin, Joe Baker,
Betty Parker. Rath Johnson. Mar-
garet Hauaer, Jack v Bush, Bob
Plckeat. Bob Burdetta, Jane Fish
er and Francis Barnes.
Bring your prescription to
us, and it .will be filled im
mediately. We have all the ingredients
on hand, and three compe
tent, registered pharma
cists to assure yon of
prompt service.
Drag Store; '
IAS K. Cemmercaal-. Dial S197
Th Orlrlmtl Tellow Fnat
Gaady Special Store of Salem
by the official dor catcher ot tha
Independence Pug
Staging Comeback
After1 Bad-Defeat
.M-Tlcea will be held Saturday, I ane oa.ea lor .ma i--u-.- i " ZZ ll' II,TT T
9 h m from the cna- I rallies ai
" r 9 I . . . . y- nI . Vnv.m..
net nf W. T. Rlxdon and Son. in- I ner si; cuoj,
more dollars for the county or
else giving the owners the priv
ilege ot bavins' their dogs aot '
terment I. O. O. F. cemetery.
her i: West. Salem, weanesaay.
November 2; Rickreall, Thursday,
t . raa-. - aa4 !-
Forbes ; 1 iNOTemDer rwn-wij,,
it.!. at. ivMnw nt a h t 1 NoTember 4 z iBaepenacnca . sax-
- iu buia vv p w-.-.v w . - . - -v.o.. r.M
Frank Forbes, need, 83 yearsrFa-lurday. November 5; DaUas. Mon-
.aTvT - n- -h- mm ..,, . r-t - s n fiiatr itr WAtn.iaiT. u?w-nw --fcs
Jackie Killeena better known as oUrn. A native ot. Iowa, Friends wlU begin at I p.m.
Jackie wauenoerger " ' . , . o - " A" "C f POINT. Oct. 20 Mrs.
in a four rouou , tm. w a. TftS Shamberaex entertained
' talat ohmrorro, , xa:- a, , W"a-.-ralK with a shower eadaT compll-
haxer from caicago, uneiai nuuis, m ,.uii. i .-v,, t;-. Tuatar
DOX5.r " iZ - .,.T-i, : in i uTAAhnni oom. mentlng her sister. Mrs. easier
DlKUw al . V - I wa-a ' "
r,i.Tid. The bout -was ft tea- etry. Rev. W. C. Kantner offl
tare match of tne evenms. cuting.
lurk la was hit oeiweea o?
a Ckarn for Oaasattattoa
aTtgaa aad XHy OaOs
Dr. B. H. White
QtaaytMa yarsteU m
Filai .a Xztanml Cnetr S-av4
, . . -with lfeaiehi
flfflM! S&S Varta Casttal ttrast
Tslsvb-ae O0S0 - -. aaitav Ongm
la the first round, ?mf "!b i f
c v.. tamnorarllT. About the I
f ,-jt round he I O
J mawlr;.nt out This Wlado
? U VaU,aV srsr--
Fischer. Those bidden to the af
fair were -Mrs.: G. A. Shamberger.
Mrs. David Shamberger, Mrs. Roy i
"Williams and daughter Evange
line. Mrs. Jrvin Shatto and daugh
ter Ruby. Mrs. Marlon Roberson,,
,t Mr. and Mrs. Le-1 Mrs- Galen Mlshler, , Mrs. Ed
TvTrr-vr,' 1
' ' .on the Special - -1 i :
Sunday OUC Dinner :
rnociea w-. 2, a 7H I Blocher, Miss Mary snamDerger.
shows that Jackio is ginp a reai iumi wmu t. . I Mrs. John ' Shamberger and the
j.fat last spring in Mexico uty. i a uaKiuw -
guest; MrsV Flsherr- -'C
Wfthant OparUos ar Lms at Tune ''
t0 Orasaa Bla.
Call CO 10, Caed Faraitare
' ' Departmeat
i 191 North DJgh
Croquinole Ringlet End
Permanent . .
" complete
Open Friday.
Evenings by
Castle Permanent
Waver Co. :
' 10T First NatT Bank Bldg. -'
TeL lilt
Braach at Castle Pieaeer Per
manent Wavers. Portland
Modern Conveniences
Your Protection
With a turn of a switch
your lights go on. With the
lifting of a receiver you
are, .connected with the
outside world.
Modem Conveniences Add .to
Your Comfort end Protection.
Use Them - Appreciate Them
' Your Druggist is at your'serrice
He protects you and your family
with properly filled prescriptions
ordered by your physician. , v
V .
Oar Prescription Senr- - ,;
ice is the best service we
Expert Truss Fitters t ; .
' 'Gt6s?e
- 405'SUte Corner Libtrtr '
- Phase S11S-J. B. Y!Iktt
'"j V-