? PAGE Toirtt vs .i-mie-OREGON' RTATESailAN', Salem, rOrezoh; SunSar BIoraiiir.AOctaber 1: ID 32 t. i; Oughtiio be AbliaVndeihd Each Other) A Football Romance By FRANCIS WALLACE M HUDDLE ) . ' M Favor Sway U; No Fear Shall Atca" From First Statesman, March t?, 1851 : ti'!'.'T&fSTATOSMAif PUBLISHING CO. Crasxxs A. SrxAcrjg . - .. Editor-Manager Sheldon F. Sackbtt ,-...- - - Managing Editor r ' Member of the lAssecfetcd Preea ' 'The Anaactttad Praar la eschraivaly sntfttad te the use far public Ilea Af aii news atapatchea credited to It or not tberwiM credited 1 - , ADVERTISING ' Portland Representative , ; :.l Gordon B. Bell. Bacurtty Saaates, Portland, Ore." . , -, i - ; .Eastern , Advertising Representatives ; - .Bryant, Griffith A Brunaen, Inc., Chlcr. New York. Detroit. r . - - .Beaton. Atlanta. - . Entered mt the Pootoffice at Salem, Oregon. m$ Second-Clot If otter. Published every morning except Monday. Bueineet . office, SIS S. Commercial Street. .- " ' - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: HaH Subscription Rates. tn Adraooa. -Within Oregon t Dafly en Bandar. 1 Mo. ntt; S Mo. Mo. SS.25; 1 year $.0. SUaewaere 10 casta per Mo, or 5,0S tor 1 year In advanca. .' Br City Carrier: 45 cents a raoaln; tl.01 a year In advanca. Far Copy 1 cent. On train and Naws Standi i cents. Chicken in the Pot DEMOCRATS have poked a lot of fun at Pres. Hoover be cause of his campaign utterances of four years ago when he referred to the prevailing prosperity as'a "chicken in ev- ery pot" and "two cars in the garage". That was the condi tion which then gave promise of continuance. It did seem that poverty was well on the way to abolishment. The demo crats at that time were not any more gifted in prophecy than tbe republicans for none of them foresaw the business crash. , , We wonder however if Roosevelt, should he be elected, will not have a harder time making good his assurances to the workless. In a letter to a New Yorker named Shearon, Roosevelt pledged his support to a program of public works "to urovide employment for all surplus iabor at all times". Alas, how that declaration enters the white house. That is an inclusive assurance, "all surplus labor at all times"; and in his calmer moments Roose velt must realize that he can't make good. As Pres. Hoover says, the problem is to get men back at work in normal oc cupations ; public works can care for only a limited portion of the unemployed. It is easy enough to make promises of jobs and prosper ity. Ramsay MacDonald headed the labor government which was designed to bring comfort men of England. One of his first strike. There have been bad strikes in the coal fields and tex tile centers while he has been premier.. Even now, though it ' K U a conservative rather than a labor government that Mac Donald heads, London is having its hunger marches and riots. In other words the great economic forces in England were bei'ond his power to control. Montague Norman, governor of the Bank of England, v- Tiolding the most responsible position in finance of any per son in the world, recently spoke one of the rare ones in which quoted: "The difficulties are bo vast, so unlimited, that I approach . the whole subject not only in ignorance but in humility. It U too great for me." We incline to this opinion that Franklin Roosevelt would quickly find the problems of the depression too great for him, and that like Ramsay MacDonald his hopes which he extend ed in promises, will prove quite impossible of realization. Why desert Herbert Hoover who is acquainted with the problems of the time, who is face to face with reality for one I whrt will have to snend months he ii to command? "A Vote for XI7E have been favored with ? f plied by the democratic and we hope the local democrats us to run all three pages. For will give the titles of the ads: "A vote for Roosevelt is a vote for repeal" "Vote for Roosevelt and repeal" t rr n l t -11 a; a ; ."u" a:ii-hukj w xiiiu nearly every line of the copy is ae voted to urging peo- i ole to vote for Roosevelt because he stands for reneal of uro-1 hibition. The return of prosperity is evidently conditional fva t,;k;;. I xt V t-"-"-v-. f ... . . Not a word about solving the problems of the depression. I Not a word about Roosevelt's stand on the tariff ; per-J caps lor fear he would change Not a word about the candidate's stand oh the bonus, on war debts, on disarmament. Just repeal ... and booze. I What a barren appeal to a or great national crisis. Good Old flFTE recall reading in the spring about the migration of a T f group of Finnish people Russia where they were to have nke jobs in the logging camps. Nowwe read in dispatches from Aberdeen that one of the families has returned, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Saukkonen and son Eric. They say now: The remainder of the news story is : - Low living standards with families crowded into uncom . j fortable log barracks and the severe climate were the principal objections voiced by. the Saukkonens, who predicted that many of the several hundred Finnish people who moved to Russia . ! throughout last year will be returning to the United States. Sauk- konen, who worked in a sawmill in tha soviet stata of Karelia, : i on the border of Finland, said wages were generally higher than , paid in the United States for similar work, but living conditions . were much lower. Work is plentiful, he said, all industrial plants in Karelia operating six days a week with three seven-homr shifts. ' When we get right down good place to. live in, even in brother 7 , Tomorrow night Is Hallowe'en. town to hare outgrown the ancient erty, often the persons picked on have enough to get along. Tet their walks or fences may be dam aged by hoodlums who think list October glres them a special li cense to -play the dsTil. If parents herd their young ones properly cue wnoie job wm not fan on the room xor tun on Hallowe'en but Papers are full of stories about delinquent taxes; but the chan ces are if yon go to the tax collector's -office in this county yen , will have to stand in line to be waited on. There has been a steady rash at business in payment of taxes, and while there ia some de llaquency of course, a good many people on the other band are taking up 1930 and earlier taxes. Marion county Is going to carry n. i - - . 'J m. . , t,,um1 column reports " lioa department as estimating that 12 of the regis tra- 4 hii ttea"V On Not. m wits. L'lkftiAS.?0"14 eHef 1 hiii Tw il . i "r-yo" toy still JovvSnT - revival . fh.f Zr u ouaK bm contributed $100 to GOP. Bet he got twice It. .r more toT SUteTcpost article, so he is still practicing ' tf Roosevelt ahonlil nin ftA L.. &torS Norrt LaFoUette, aal Hlraat Johnson would be stab blag btm front and backt . -" " - - may rise to vex him, if he to the impoverished working jobs was to break a general as follows, the occasion being he permitted himself to be learninc th battle in -which Roosevelt' proofs of democratic ads sup- national campaign committee ; can raise enough money for fear they can t or won t, we sa u before the ad was printed. distracted electorate in a time U. S. A. from Grays Harbor .country to "Give U3 the United States." to it, the good old U. S. A. Is a hard times. Isn't that right, , . .. , . . Salem ought to be a big enough rustic practice of destroying prop are poor old widows Who barely police force. There m plenty of none for vandalism in a city.- Dare O'Hara of the secretary of ttn we can tell whit percentage are the doleful news of the day comes U tattnr London by storm: There ; urthtt country. And is ping pong 'V"- ""'V ?-.r :y;;-";'r k. vsit. t i . Early Days In Oregon Collected bj H. O Porter of AnmsTiIle from the Ameri can Unionist of Salem. September 21, 1868 New Ads Bn Holladar. C. Temple Emmet and 8. C. ElUott hare formed a co-partnership tor the construction of railroad la Oregon and the adjoining states ana territories, it as becom a maxim that whateTer Ben Hoiis- taxea noia oi soec inrouga. iteugions ids mjpkuimutb Assembly consumed a good part of tb last two days in duenna ing the propriety of prayer mt opening observance fa tho two brancliies. Ia the senate. Via Treritt thonght that the body was past praying for. aad In tho hoaso Tim Davenport tboaght 1 m useless waste of devotion to pray for any democratic legisla ture. Medical Department AtUa tion is called to the, adyertisemeat la tha unionist of th department J?" .lVJ tod WaRamet Unirerslty tor tha year 1S68. Tha third costs of lao- tares will commence on th 4th of November, and an opportunity will then bo offered to all who wish to gain a thorough knowl edge of medicine and surgry. The professors are composed of ths most talented men in their sci ence, that the state or coast af fords, and the course is thorough and complete. All letters address ed to the dean. Dr. H. Carpenter, wm receire prompt attention At Fort Benton, on the night of Angtut 18th, the Tigilaat hang a Colonel George Hynson between the tripod gaUows. He had been ahooting rather loose ly, and as protection, they hung him. Large Kiln The foreman of the state penlteotiarv brick-yard finished burning a brick-kiln yes terday, containing over 700.009 brick. It is the largest kiln yet burned in the state. There are Ci convicts in the state penitentiary. Bound Over Yesterday, Benjamla Blaaton was boand over to appear at the next term of the clrcait court, for stab bing a ntaa named Jones, at the race track, some two weeks ago. Bonds, three hundred dollars. Surgical A. M. Smith, from Yamhill county, , last week brougbt a little son over to this place to have a surgical operation performed la removing his tonsils. which had become very much en- ; urged. The last one was success fully removed yesterday. The lit tle fellow displayed considerable pluck, we thought, during the painful operation. Tie Tour Sacks Yesterday, as a wagon was going through the street with a load of wheat, one of the sacks became untied, and the owner thereof lost about a beuhel ef good wheat. MA stitch la time, etc. MAX'S rraofAxrrr to max Mny and sharp are. the numer ous ills Znterworen with out frame: More pointed still, we make our selres . B egret, remorse and- shame: And man. whose haven-erect face The amllea of love adorn. - Man's Inhumanity to man. uaxea countless thousand - -mourn. ; Robert Bnrt. Daily Thought Caaxtaar Vav Tack HaralaVTrtaaaa BITS for BREAKFAST -By R. J. HENDRICKS We must fight en aad em la The article la thia column of yesterday's paper contended that no Salem district voter of all oth ers, for his or her own good, has any right to support a man for president holding the views of Roosevelt, or for Garner, or for other than a republican running tor a seat ia either house of con gress Because our Industries on the land need all the protection they have gained after long years of struggle; and more in some items than they have, partly owing to the depreciated currencies of com peting countries off of the gold standard n And because they need friendly help in Washington in keeping what they, have, too, against the constant onslaughts of selfish in terests before the bi-partisan tar iff commission of three democrats and three republicans And because they need friendly and honest administration el tar iff laws by appraising officers in the custom houses, and on the bodies to which appeals are made from rulings of appraisers ea both classifications and values. W We must fight on and on. Take two cases oat of thousands, to il lustrate the point: some readers will recall the case of tomatoes. As fruits not specially provided tor, tomatoes would be free. As vegetables, they would pay a duty. saipioaas ef tomatoes came from Bermnla, aad the appraising offi cer ruled them dutiable. The ship pers appealed, it costs only i to appeal. This sares the shippers tne use of the money Involved. ofter for months or years. In the New York custom house there are always 3000 or more cases on ap peal. W Tomatoes were called vegeta bles and frulta alternately all the way up to the United States su preme court, and that body fin ally by its decision put them. in the class of vegetables. Officially, the tomato la a vegetable. But it Is still the "poor man's orange, with its citric acid content there fore, to the consumer, a fruit, or at least a trait substitute. The McKinley tariff law made skins free., and nut a dntr on aio.ee. wnac was a sit in, what a hideT Whom did a calf become a cow? All the hides of runted cat tle, in Senth and Central Amer ica aad elsewhere were coming la xree, classed as skins. Trfls was earing the New England and oth er shoemakers: $7,000,900 a yea?. it was depriving the . American cattle growers, mostly of the west ern half of the eountry, of that much protection. An appraisers conference In New York, after assembling the testimony or some 3509 tanners. maae rulings, on wet. wet salted an dry and flint dry hides and sxins, etc., and recommended promulgation on its findings a promulgation . intended ' to honest ly take S7.000.oeo annually front the tanners and cIto it to the pro ducers of hides. The promulgation was accordingly made, by the as sistant secretary of the treasury. . i ; , n Lyman -I. Care -1 ls9?.io wa3 then secretary ef the treas ury. He was on a vacation: It was summer. When he arrived at his desk, he revoked the promulga tion, ana tne shoemakers saved tneir 37,009.000 annually, and tne -producers lost it. The shea- makers were organized. The pro- oucers were not. such a deal coald no. bow oe put oyer. But it was pus oyer ana tne Bits man was O? TtmitzJtt tho. ,roaIftrt?fg-aa(Tiw;hla a, few ycsr,.hy si! carried the report to Washington, therefore speaks from experience. It Is nearly always Americans who fight other Americans In tariff hearings before conrress. the tariff commission, the custom houses and in the courts. Take eggs, again m American firms preserving and drying eggs in China hare been the "poor consumers" making the tights against the producers. That is, their paid lobbyists, factors, at torneys, etc, have so represented. What have we seen latelvT We have seen these same men. Dartlv licked in their selfish fights. building plants at Spokane. In Texas aad at other points and in other states, to take care ef some of the trade lost to their Chinese plants. Thua American labor, American banking, etc, ete are receiving benefita from the victor ies of the egg producers of this country, or half victories. n The same story la true bf the operations of the paid lobbyists of the linen mills of Burepe and aiong tne Atlantis seaboard la this country. They hare fought for fair protection in the one ease in the higher braeketa aad in the other, or both (ter some maaafae- tarers have plants ia both Bar ope aad tha United States), they nave rougnt against any adeauate protection at all in the lower brackets; that is against the grow ers of flax for the fiber, all af whom are our own Salem district farmers. We must tight on and oa. This goes tor our poultrymen, enr flax growers, our owners of sweet cherry orchards, our producer of walnuts and filberts, and nearly all other men on the land. We have the most at stake of any sec tion ef this eoutry. and we are weakest fn number, aad in numer ical strength la congress. H S It ia Americans against Ameri cans; section against section hon esty, zairness and decency against selfish greed. It is all wrong. Bit it is tne condition. W Tariff making has no place In congress, with log rolling, intri gue, ignorance and base selfish ness. No other leading nation does it In this way. All the rest leave tariff matters to experts, noa po litical and disinterested excepting for public welfare aa a whole; committees in council, with, aow- to make new schedules and new rates, and put them into force otot night, w S "a The . American statesman., af whatever party, who finally leads the way te this reform, will de senre high praise from all oar people, present and te follow aftar them. V V " ' As matters stand now, again, the writer declares, oar voters owe undivided allsriaaoe to re publican candidates, .who reared sent the party of protection, and the principles of Washington, Jef- ierson. Jackson. Clay, Calhoaa ? J11 all the great leaden of the past Clay and Calhoun ealled It "the Americas system." It Is more so than ever nowro - ua"'t prcaerva mo American markets for our own people m .-V.--.;;,;-;...r Aad refusing to follow the will o'the wisp of foreign markets, able to take only ? to 19 per cent of what we have to sell. V b Sb-'V."'. 5 Better to wipe out every for eign debt, snblle and nrlvata: ta clean the alate absolutely sad ir revocably, than to give up to ruinous- foreign competition any part of the SO to 13 par cent, which can be increased to 190 per cent. Tel Wynne left hie paction- ia she BeQpert stent taCi to work his way through OH Posainiesi Cottage ae he aright he the eqmt ef the weaHfay Barb Roth, He stacsceds creditably. Coach Barney Itack makes Urn a tnartcrWch ee U na tionally known Blue Comets. The trst year they lose one gams' only, tor which Tom Stone. Ted's rival in tare and football, blames Ted. Barb Tareaks aa appotntrnest with Ted in favor of Tom. Hart, Ted deckles to teach hef a lesson aad ignores her. Ia the company ef beaotif id steeaSe Downs. Ted forgets Barb for a wbOe but hack at school she holds his thoughts. Softened by a summer of farced leisure and after-effects of a hand Infection Ted i not fa. Ws usual form. The team la also handi capped hp the absence of Captain Jim Davis due to aa injury; Having lost twice, with four more games to go; the Brae Comets are "blue." Never before had Old Dominion made such a poor showing. Then comes the Army game. Barney springs n surprise when he enters Captain Davis into the contest de spite bis injury. The boys play a thrilling game against great odds and win. Old Dominion tradition carries on. That night Rosalie visits Ted. CHAPTER XXIX Central Park. "Boy, you were marvelous. I was so proud of you I told the girls I was coming to kiss you aad had to give them the slip. How you're aot going to make a liar out of me, are your "111 make a crushed Httle rose of Rosalie," "That's a theme song." "Aad this is a fadeout." No hps tike Rosalie's; no girl like Rosalie: her eyes, whoa they opened, Were sleepy aed moist He gated into her happy smile turned his-bead quickly. "What is k. nouerr "Nothing. A lot of things. I don't know." Tenderly she placed his head on her shoulder, smoothed his hair, spoke softly. "I know Jf that game. Yon fust go oa and cry, honey let k some eat aad you'll fed better." I'm aa right" "Sure, you are." The motor hummed, fights bliaked by. Rosalie crooned a low tunc Rosalie" after a while "did rou ever thick of the terrible final ity in that last whistle?" "Tell me about it" "Well, we're battling all day aad finally get somewhere; when we think it's all over and get ready to celebrate, Cagle goes by aad if Pldge badnt caught htm Then the battle all over again. A death bed scene with eighty thousand people looking on." "YesP Time runs out the whistle. Hope, so alive the moment before. Is stifled. It's all over; it's history. Its just like life; when it's over, what's been the use of R alir "I don't know; it must be great to win." "Somebody must lose." "It isat jast history, though. You helped to make tradition to day. lf steel boy made a little mark ia dhe big world; you're get ting somewhere." "But it all seems foolish unless something follows." She spoke softly: "Is It nothing. Ted. when yon wla and a girl comes to teS yon hen proud? Were you so high QM4 Olympus r "I cried." "That was' a reaction from the fame." No that was you." . "Yoe wouldn't Ue to sne, Ted? Wherein the Desire' for Change Is Found to Be But Skin Deep nanansaaananasannanBaianut By D. H. Talmadge, Sage of Salem O' ,NB time back ia the bottom lands Pete Gldger hired Cal Prouty to fix the root of the Gldger family residence, which root leaked somewhat more than somewhat In numerous places, but mostly, o at least so it seemed, in places directly above the fam ily beds. Pete was an easy-going man, a passive votary of the well known Arkansaw system or plan, which system or plan is Just In case you dont know, although It Is rather more than probable that you do embodied in a simple statement: It Is not necessary to tlx a root when tha weather Is dry. because in dry weather the roof does not leak, and It Is not desirable .to tlx it In wet weather, because In wet weather the weather la too wet. -Finally, however, Mrs. Gldger lost her. temper. Ordinarily, she was a peaceful, somewhat angelic woman. When such a woman loses her temper It Is usually a great loss. Having lost her temper, ehe announced la hard aad bitter tones that she had gone to bed wearing rubber boots and with a dish pan on her stomach tor the last time. - . . . "Get the roof fixed. she said, "or .me and the children quit, Ain't that right, children?" The children said It was. The eldest daughter acted as -spokes man for the children and she said a large and shocking!? irreverent l wor aarronnded by a number ef I BUKUmr wvw. Pete knew, that this settled It. When the eldest daughter used a word - stronger than "darn" no knew tha point for : arbitration bad been passed. So ho sighed deeply, took a chew of tobacco, bitched up his pants and .'lowed he'd .'tend to It right smart - He went through the rain to Cal Prouty's shop aad set forth to the . doctrines of Wasbisrtan. Jefferson,- Jackson and the other upstanding fathers and defenders i-or our republic. " - - 11 Jw.'Vi: iir- 5vrV-- i The girls grew bright-eyed and careless. You know I believe you because you ve said things." so many unpleasant "Why Ue about things? You can't dodge the truth." "But people do it; it spreads an oily calm over life." He sat up. - "Your being here makes it a perfect day, Rosalie." "Thanks." "I feel like philosophizing; aad you're Minerva." "Oh, that's it" "Minerva and Venus." "Better, Ted; but you cant mht your goddesses that way. A wo man must choose; whence comes the aaytag, beautiful but dumb. "Same way with athletes. If you're beautiful you must be dumb; otherwise they think you're some kind of a freak." "X doa't understand." "I wrote a sonnet a dime-a-dozca from the bespectacled boys who weigh less than a hundred and forty. Because a football player wrote at, it became a phenomenon. "It wasn't a dime-a-dozen. Our English teacher raved over it; and so did the girls. They'll never for give me for holding you tonight" "How many of them are with you?" Three."' "Suppose I-get three of the boys and we nave a party before our train goes?" "Ted I If you would r RosaCe's friends, brushed like thorobreds, were all under twenty and tremendously excited. "Mr. Pidgin you're the one who stopped Cagle. What was it he said when he got up I just know he was swearing. "Mr. Davis you were wonder ful! and your arm is stul in a cast girls, I have the grandest idea- well autograph his cast" Jim patiently submitted to the autographing. "Now," Pat decided, "well auto graph his ears." "Mc Moystent You are posi tively cruel. Who was the one without a head guard? He looked Just like a Greek god." Pldge ho-hoed. "Step right up, Mr. Moyatoa, take your bow. Show the ladies D. H. TALMADQE tha, situation to ' caTV It required considerable time and a sight of uicnnrug, out at last Cal gave la and agreed to tlx tha roof in such a way .that tt would be leaklesa permanently for a while anyway u ivai oi ue rain. sum xeii an tnet, week. Cal climbed to tha Gldger roof every uay wun a nammer and a tew onus ana some shingles and an um0ruiia,sna ae aid a heap of tapping around.- but he didn't seem to help the root much for K w ona Job. At last, however, bavin ally become acquainted with the roof and Its weakness he began to get the better of the Imv . it happened just at this time that Pete's patience ran out, saoetlr because ana of his teeth had be rra to at&ev 4- --. s- - Txa goitt to get another ntaa to Vs that rooLT he growled ene wet wornlng. -Cal ain't . gettln no! v Rosalie handled the boys as they just how a Greek god bows. Would roa prefer him to bow from left to right or right to left?" And of course," ridge con tinued, "you've met old rin-tin-tin, the Man of Steel?" "In person, not a sonnet" Pat amended. "Girls," one of them squealed. "aren't we lucky I All of the heroee." The more distinguished of the New York alumni were holding forth at the Rita. It had been designed as n very private party with good liquor from Doc Reedy's cellar but had gradually become quite public with reinforce ments from a Forty-ninth Street speakeasy. v But the good doctor prescribed well for his favorite patients. "A private parlor for your party." he told them, "with radio and good liquor; you needn't be afraid of it When Barney comes well tip you off aad yon go out that door. Now relax. You take a drink too, Wynne; itU do you good." , "Thanks, Doc" "Bless you, my children." , The good doctor was relaxing. Pat dulled his edge until he got a bit thick. Pidge was talkative and Jaughing, Between drinks Jim Davis was summoned into the outer room so that each new ar rival, aB friends of the doctor's, might autograph his cast The girls grew bright-eyed and careless. Rosalie handled the boys as they came, neatly, graciously. They liked her. Rosalie was a good scoot, a regular. The boys were regulars, too. Everything was all right Ted was glad Stone wasnt there Tom had been all right, lately, but he had different ideasf he was more ruthless and grown up. These chaps were iust big kids. Rosalie came to Ted with S highball in a tall glass. "For feflowship. Buddy." she in vited. "Just a sip." "O my goodness, no" Pat laoghed. "Not Volstead." Ted took the glass and drank it down quickly, , j "There." Fat commented, "be gins a mint Efc" (Te B Coatiaard) ( where with it He's a rotten roof fixer." He blustered around aulte con siderable for a spell, the exercise seeming to ease the pain In his tooth. Then of n sudden he sort of wilted. Mrs. GIdgers block eyes were snapping, and her voice was like a tile on steel. Ain't the man never coin to get no sense?" She directed the ouerv at the eldest daughter, and the eldest daughter shook her head despair ingly. After he's paid a man to learn how to fix the root, and the man almost got to where he can tlx It, he wants to pay another man to learn how to fix It!" abe shrilled. "Pa's a worse washout than the root if Pete ahnddered. "Cal stars on' the ir.v . clared Mrs. Gldger, ber hands on her hips, "or wo quit. Ain't that right, children V - Sure. Is. ms. hoomM d chorus. . " .. I ain't got no soeclal lava tor Cal proQty,- added Mrs. Gldger. out he's as good as anvbodr else yon conld get, and he's the man w iix uo root now he's started. Its. plain common anna Warti gee results onleker with Tnim n the Job than we would with some- eooy eise." . , : - - : . Pete hitched up his pants, took a chew of tobacco and-a Inn breath. "I was sort o hopla you'd see It that way.- he said meekly. Jroarooned Until '33 Harvest Festjval j Held WEST STATTONV Oct, 21 r.woma ot th Growers dab fb'SJ6?.!.11 wwk Postpone their fall baxaar until next falL whea It will bo held In cenjune tiott with the annual faU harvest, also sponsored by the club. Contests arranged by the'sur eomialtteo, Mrs. Robert Sr. n m,toa cy and Mrs. WlUlam Royse, featured the pro fnm t the. meeting this week. i aeetlng wlU be Novem ber with Mrs. Elmer Asche. The fTroA Erown. - r b at S"-. Con- ...-..., "'" warn umCTi- . r