The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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The ; Statesman's ' animal
bargain . period ends In 4'
more days. Order now; one
year by mail $3 anywhere In
Oregon. Offer ends Not. 1.
Cloudy and unsettled with
light ' rain today, Sunday
elondyt Max. Temp. Friday
M. Min. S3, river -1.8 feet,
rain JOl Inch. .
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, October 29, 1932
No. 185
ROOSEVELT IS I Hope to Romp Over Bearcats flSTflBlfl RFSTS Professional
CllLEOII 0(1 r-. SALEM H BY oution is
i llFF-GUl A A r-m-'& AFR1AI ATTACK Idea; Herrot
.--. ...... v .V-1 . . - " - ."v
Chief Executive Hammers
Opponent, Points to
Question Evasion
Assures Veterans "Real"
Money When Bonus
Is Finally Paid
(AP) President Hoover declared
tonight that Franklin D. Roose-
Tlt had directly reTersed him
self upon the question of agri
cultural tariffs, and said that if
there was sufficient time for de
bate with the democratic nominee
he could drfte him from every
position he has taken In this
"They are all equally unten
able" the president asserted.
'Perhaps I could get him to de
clare himself upon other evasions
and generalities. But even on the
tariff, he -perhaps remembers the
dreadful position of the chame
leon on the Scotch plaid,
Speaking in the 'field house
stadium of Butler university, the
chief executive said Roosevelt
had announced, October 25 "with
in two weeks of the election that
he does not propose to reduce
tariffs on farm products."
He asserted this was the most
startling shift in position by a
presidential candidate in the
midst of a campaign in recent
political history.
Mr. Hoover gave over a ma
jor portion of his address to at
tacks upon democratic policies
and upon statements he attribut
ed to the leaders of that party.
."If there shall be no change
in the strategy of this battle, if
there shall be no delay and no
hesitation," he said, "we shall
have the restoration of men and
women to their normal Jobs and
lift agriculture from Its anxieties
and losses."
Democrats Tamper
With Currency. Asserts
. Continuing a steady fire at' de
mocratic statements and .pnUf tea,
the chief executive referred to
his address two weeks ago in
Cleveland, in which he said state
ments from the democratic na
tional committee had accused him
falsely of hiring cheap coolie la
bor while an engineer
"I now have before me other
calumnies of the democratic na
tional committee, circulated in
the same fashion by Instructions
to their campaign speakers."
One of the most Important is-
sues of the campaign, Mr. Hoover J
declared, is the fact tnai tne i
democratic candidate has not yet I
disavowed the bill passed by the I
democratle house of representa-1
tives under- tne leaaersnip oi tne i
democratic, candidate for vice pre-1
sident to Issue $2,300,000,000 of
greenback currency that is un -
convertible paper money.
"That is money, he asserted, I
purporting to come from the I
horn of plenty but with thelsessed against taxpayers In non
death's head engraved upon it. I
Tampering jrtth the currency has will be helping to finance an at
been a perennial policy of the I tack upon themselves."
democratic party. . . . -
Ties Government With
Foreign Loans ' -
The chief executive deciarea
also that Roosevelt "has not yet
stated to the American people
fairly and squarely" his position
on the bonus. ...
One thing I will assure the
veterans," Mr. Hoover said, "and
that is when they are paid they
will be nald in real money."
One section of the president's
address was devoted' to what he
said was an effort "to establish
the Idea In the minds of the Am
erican people that I am respon
sible for bad loans by American I
bankers and investors in foreign
countries. -.
' "The governor has the ad-
Tantage of me In experience in j
that particular. As late as 1928
the governor was engaged In that
business for profit and actively
occupied In promoting such loans.
At that time he was chairman of
the Federal International Bank-
lng company,' a corporation or-
securiUe. ani Tbond, T to the Am-
erican people."
President Hoover asserted he
had adopted a policy of "rigidly
restricted ' Immigration,' hut saia
the democratic nominee had not
stated his position clearly upon en s uomiiory, imo a room w
thls point. - cPlel y two girls.
"It I receive a mandate from When one of the girls awaken
the American people la this elee- ed and saw the intruder beside
tion, I shall be able not only to her bed. she screamed. Trhsj man
force this democratic house real
economies, but also be able to
ttnn fnrthar raids h the demo-
cratlc party on the treasury of
r-l.: 2 2m
MUlUl&Uip All
Trouble, Report
KETCHIKAN. Alaska Oct.' St
-AP) The motorshlp prince of
Wales, which .grounded In August
On Vancouver Island but was later
pulled off and repaired, messaged
today . it was ; leaking off Foggy
Bay, a short distance south of
here, and the salvage tag Akutan
was ordered eat to meet the Tea
sel. No further details were. im
mediately available. -
v V "yr' ; Koskela Throws 'em Where
v V Y' s ' ' " v ' Receivers are, one Goes
rX Y! , For Lone Touchdown
f r--v- H : V 'n. - One-Yard Line Twice '
- -f i ' , I piMlBg IB V11KU II luu ri M I ,i r u.i
I iT" 'f' , ; - , . - , -..
Seven of the reasons why Willamette
ence championship game with College f Paget Bound are shown here; the new backfleld stars gath-
ered under Coach Roy Sand berg's banner. They are: No. 1, Ed Havel, halfback from Stadium high, I
Taooma: 2. Ole Brnnstad. halfback from Lincoln hfirh. Tieonu: a. Jama Rrook. fnllha from
Lincoln high who was regarded
Jngton last year; 4, Jack Kimball, quarterback, from Stadium; .
transfer; , Stewart Schatz, fallback and end, fr om Sumner high:
Stadium high. These men, with
the balance of power in the opposite direction fro m last year, when
game wui start at 8 o'clock on
W. U. Awaits Contest
Though Puget Sound Favorite
Non-High School Boards
Not Charged Cent on
Tuition Appeal
Denial that one cent of legal
costs Incurred by hitch school dis-
tricts in Marion county in def end-
ing in court the present high
school law, will be placed on
non-high school district taxpay-
era was made promptly yester-
day by Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson,
county school superintendent.
' Mrs. Fulkerson s statement put
to rest claims made Thursday In
the Mt. Angel News that "this
Isum (the legal expense) goes Into
the cost of runing the school and
part of it, at least, will be as-
high school districts who thus
1 Mrs. Fulkerson pointed out
that under the law, the only
litems which oan be charged as
I high school costs are salaries.
supplies, fuel, water, light and
I power, telephone, printing, insur-
I ance. stationery, repairs, and in
1 terest on current warrants. ,
She said that none of these al
lowable Items Included legal ex-
penses which must be paid by tne
various high school districts ana
I charged to general orerneaa out
I not Included In high school costs.
( page 2, eoL 2)
CORVALLIS. Ore.. Oct. 18
(A1)poliCe said that the sec-
ond attempted attack on Oregon
State conege co-eas wiuun iw
weeks occurred about 4 a,m. to-
day. An uniaentmea man. mey
bsjo, crawwa lB"" w'w"u
story window of Snell hall, worn-
i siappea ner, men yeu
tne winaow to a naicony iou
slid down a rain spout to the
wound, police said.
I Seen aouoiea, ponce oiscioaeu,
and state police are cooperating
with local authoriues in an ei-
fort to apprehend the prowler.
(Am An Indictment charg
lng Involuntary maaslanghter
against Reiahard A. Rolf of
'Central Point was returned to
day by the Jackson county
grand lory. ; ":: " -
. . - PoUce said that Rolf In a
signed : statement admitted he
shot Joseph St. Germalne, mis
taking him . for m bear, while
the two were banting, in the
Butte Falls district a week age.-
Is the nnder dogM for tonight's
as the ontstandln cr trfaver sradnated
new pair of giant tackles said
Bweetlaad field.
Championship Grid Game is Scheduled For
8 p.m. on Sweetland Field; Rallies
Precede Important Encounter
rpHEIR enthusiasm not one
X pects of a defeat tonight
it is a good deal more
than, a
ette university joined whole-heartedly Friday in demonstra
tions revealing their zest for
with College of Puget Sound and at the same time spreading
to all corners of Salem the tidings o
that the biggest gridiron contest
of the year was "just around the
The day's activities opened with
a rousing chapel rally at which
President Carl G. Doney, as the
principal speaker, admonished the
team and the students that spirit
and courage often accomplish the
impossible and that he refused to
concede any points either In these
qualities or in the technique of
the gridiron, to "those Loggers."
Neither was Coach Roy 8.
Keene pessimistic in his brief talk
at the rally, though he had pre
viously expressed a conviction
that his men would, at the best, be
fighting an uphill battle. He
praised the student spirit this year
as the best evidenced since he
took over the coaching reins six
years ago. He declared his play
ers this season reflect the same
spirit and are all working for the
general good.
A feature of the rally was a ser
ies of competitive "pep" demon
strations by the various cl ses. -1
Friday night one of the l.alieat
and best attended serpentine ral
lies staged by Willamette students
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
2nd Co-ed Attack Tried '
Bear Hunter Is Indicted
Tail Driver is Tied up
Fate of Judge is Mystery
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct, 28
(AP) An Intensive search for
three men who escaped from
Jail ' at , Monteeano, Wastu,
Thursday night was launched
by police here today when Clar
ence Miller, Uontesano taxtcab
driver informed them he had
driven the trio to Portland.
Miller told police . be was
called to s Montesaao cafe and
the three men got Into the
cab. He had not yet heard el
the jailbreak. Suddenly be felt
gun at his back, and was or
dered to drive to Portland. He
was bound and tied here while
the men escaped, and reported
to police as soon as he could
work his bonds free.
PENDLETON. Ore., Oct. St
(AP) No clue to the fate of
Charles H. -Marsh, Pendleton
business man and former Umatilla
county Judge missing since last
Monday, , was uncovered today,
though . police throughout - the
northwest were lodklng for him.
The former Judge left Portland
early Monday for Jiis home in
Pendleton. A friend saw him at
Crown Point on-the Columbia riv
er highway that afternoon, fie
has not been , seer since,: and no
trace of his -automobile has been
found. '..
all-important Northwest confer
from hlirh school ranks in Wash-
Judy Davidson, fullback, TJ. of W.
7, Carl McConnel, halfback from
some other reinforcement, swing
Willamette won 18 to 0.
whit dampened by the pros-
though they grimly admit that
possibility, students of Willam-
the impending football clash
McMINNVILLE, Ore., Oct. 28
-(AP) The two Nelson chll-1
dren are safe, their bear hunting I
expedition Into the woods near
their home in Moore's valley, -If
mllesnorthwest of here, having
resulted in nothing more serious
than cold toes.
Mildred 5, and Henry, t, chil
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nel-
son, wandered Into the woods late I
Tnurscay aiternoon, ana wnen
they failed to return, a searching I
party was organized. Neighbors
tramped through the district all
night without avail.
This morning - Carl Trullinger
of Yamhill saw a little blue cap
poking up over a log, ' and be
neath the cap he found the boy
and, beside the boy he found the
sirl. Henrr had riven Mildred his
coat and the gi?l appeared to have
spent a fairly comfortable night,
considering, our tienry aamuiea
nis reet were coia. Tney naa tat:-
en a .11 caiioer ruie aiong in
their quest for bears.
Rubber Boots to
Stop Ice Menace
In Winter Flying
rivaio nrrv r t
aatasvwjikij V A W A I
-Rubber boots for airplanes are
among the latest manifestations
of aeronautical ingenuity.
The night mail planes of the
Transcontinental Western Air will
wear the "boots" this winter to
kep their wings free from Ice.
They are now being attached
to the leading edges and the tall
surfaces of the company's ships.
Thar mav he inflated and deflated
ranldlr br means of eomnressed
. . -
air and the pulsations prevent Ice
Commerce Defeats
Benson Tech 10 - 9
By the unusual score of. 10 to 8.
Commerce high .defented Benson)
Polytechnic In their football game I
hsre tonight.
Each team gained three points
from a field goal, the fifrt to be
fr.ade in the Portland Ir.t'rs-hol-
astic league this year.
TACOMA, .Wash., Oct. 28
(AP) A marriage license was - ls -
vied here today to rred Bock of
Salem, ' Ore., and Neoma Taylor I hand as a result of his f Is tie en -
ot. Eugene, Ore. . lle
Red and Black FiQhts Hard
And Reaches Fishermen's
On the wings of a phenomenal
passing attack in which it seemed
1 each pass was as good as complet
ed the moment the ball left the
hand of Koskela, big Fisherman
fullback, Astoria high defeated
Salem high 7 to on Sweetland
field Friday night In front of the
largest crowd that has attended a
high school game here In several
A flashing toss from Koskela
which Ellas, Astoria halfback,
scooped off his shoestrings right
at the goal line, gave the visitors
their only score after an unlnter-
l rupted drive from Astoria's -
yard line in which those bullet-
like throws also figured promi
nently. The touchdown play came
on third down after Salem had
presented a stonewall defense
presented a stonewall defense
against running plays on the one-
Trd line.
The visitors' running attack al-
so was speedy and powerful, and
throughout a large portion of the
game they piled up first downs
wltn Kre" rapidity in mianeia,
but always were stopped short of
scoring territory, with the one ex
ception; and Lee Weisser's klck
I lng toe forced the Fishermen to
start their drives from deep in
their own portion of the gridiron.
Salem Twice Reaches
Astoria 1-Yard Line
Salem, on the other hand, seiz
ed a break at the very opening of
! the game, recovering a fumble on
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Thnrminh r9Bc Dinnorf
a" . . " ' L "
To Swell Legion Post
Charity Coffers
The American Legion commit
tee on ticket sales for the Armis
tice day celebration this year will
make a thorough , house-to-house
and buslness-to-buslness canvas in
an effort to sell enough tickets to
provide all the charity funds Capi
tal Post will need this winter.
Chairman Carle Abrams announc
ed after a meeting last night.
"We have over 100 families to
care for this winter," he said. "In I
this way, our friends will help us I
and It won t cost them a cent I
extra. We ask everyone attending I
celebration events to purchase I
o mmu
Legion tickets, as otherwise we night. Hector MacPherson of Al
recelve no percentage." bany, editor of the Oregon Tax-
The 2 5-cent tickets will be good
at face value at all theatres the
night of November 10 and Armls-
tlce day, a t the two football
games, wrestling match and
dances. J
Ticket sales will start next ana remainder ortne time until I tor auiomooues rurnisnea during the work of the schools the tent
Tuesday and will be carried Into U o'clock was spent by the the visit of Mayor Curley wholpering of meeting real situation
surrounding towns. Sales head-
nnirtan rllt h luat in
, Tl . S W ivVHtVU 1U UU b
office of the Capitol theatre. -
Committeemen are:
O. E. Palmateer. James Carey,
I Ri-,. n om.ii ti o ua)im
1 Herman Brown.' I B. EndIcott!
I y. w. Poorman, W. E. Vincent,
i R0y 8. Keene. Newell Williams
nd Miller B. Hayden.
Hoover, Ritchie
Draw; Both Get
Capacity Crowd
(AP) Capacity "audience inter-
I esi was regisierea ior ine causes
I A ... M
I ishuwii uu
cratlc national tickets here to
night. President Hoover delivered his
campaign address In the Butler
university field house, which seats
22,000 persons. All seats were
taken, A crowd milled outside.
Governor Albert C. Ritchie of
Maryland, pleading the democrat
ic cause, addressed 15,000 per-
I ii a it .
sous. capacity audience, m ine
C1 tabernacle.- Others stood In
1 nearoy sireeu.
Assault Charged
Against B. Macy
Rtr Wrnrt A HtinT crave because a seafaring
1 r,r Mv
Bert W. Macy, Salem attorney
and . prominent republican,' la
charged with assault and. battery
I in a complaint filed last Monday
J In Wood burn justice .court by
Fred A. Hunt, Salem restaurant
man, it was - learned yesterday.
The altercation arose at Hunt's
cafe over the price to be paid by
I Macy for a dinner held there. It I
l Is understood.
I Hunt says he suffered a broken
Cohscnptive System is Substitute Proposed
As Premier Wins Overwhelming Vote, of
Confidence; Will Present Plan
TARIS, Oct 29 Saturday (AP) The chamber of dep-
. ttHm enrlv tniiav nv Prpmipr Edouard Herriot a man-
date to present at the Geneva
Pjan which cans for the abolition of aH professional armies
ox CiUxupe euca u me uerman
short term conscriptlve system.
Ritchie is Rival Speaker
Of Hoover in Campaign
At Indianapolis
Balnbtidge Colby speaks to
day at Sri 5 p. nu, over NBC
and KEX for Roosevelt.
(AP) Governor Albert C. Riteh-
e oi siarytana saia in a campaign
address here tonight that "demo-
cratlc success will save the
"The republican administration
has had Its opportunity," he as-
gerted. -Its policies are In great
measure to blame for the unhappy
conditions which exist in this land
of plenty. Now its spokesmen
profess to fear that democratic
success would Imperil the country.
I say this is brazen nonsense."
The Maryland chief executive,
who last summer was an aspirant
for the democratic nomination for
president, spoke only a few miles
from the auditorium in which
President Hoover also made an
address tonight.
Governor Ritchie described as
"outstanding qualities" of Frank
i Hn D. Roosevelt "a great heart.
1 W Tl 1 T YTII-Sj WS W
age American man and woman
whose champion he is."
Turning to prohibition, Govern-
!f.,tf.w ".!! l'.thve. '!!.ulUcAn
ZTr: 7' "r
ceptlon and double dealing.
The democratic prohibition
plank, Ritchie asserted, advocated
repeal "in a clean-cut and forth
right way."
Both Angles oi
School Merger
Bill Are Heard
A fair-sized and appreciative I
audience listened to the argu-1
ments pro and eon concerning the I
school merger bill as presented
by two well Informed speakers at !
the Y. M. C. A. program last
payer, presented the affirmative
i side of the Question while Gor-1
don S. Wells, Eugene attorney,
f ave his views against the mess-1
The speakers concluded at 1:15
speakers in answering questions
I from th ndlnM.
I - v
I Secretary Claude A. Kells of
Ithe Y. M. C. A. stated that since
ao .mnch interest was shown this
Iweek. an attemnt would ba made
nmioN's smb
h two more speakers tyTaTlff Mllt Gc
J next Friday night to talk on some! arauo. wvr
4 or measure.
Four-Mile Run
Ends in Death
PASADENA, Calif., Oct. 28 1
(AP) Thomas Jackson, 19 year
old California Institute of Tech-
nolorr student and athlete, died
I today sTiortlT after be bad fin -
1 " - " I
iiaaea m iour-mue ran i louroa-
ment park, near his school. Phy-
slclans said death was due to a
heart attack Induced by the strain
ot the long run. dlculous. .
Seafaring Man Risks His
Lite to Save Canine Pal
PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 28
(AP) To the thrilling saga of
daring rescues written without
show by men who follow, the sea,
add the incident today that kept
Buck, a terrier, from a fresh wat-
I friend Til
valued the dog's compan
ionship above the immediate safe
ty of his own life. - - .
Back belongs to Captain E. F.
Murphy, master of the Edward
Luckenbach, having boarded the
j ship at Seattle but erery morn-
Ing it has been his custom, after
being released from his quarters,
to Join John Paul, ehiet engineer,
as he takes his coffee.
Following the usual eye-opener
ceremony this morning. Buck and
I his friend set out for a brisk
1 morning stroll along the water
the battleship Oregon
disarmament conference a
rcciciia w ciix in xvur ui
.xne premier naa uiormea u
ehamber he must hare its confi
dence before he vest to GeneTS.
He set it by the overwhelming
Tote of 439 to 20.
This action probably means
that the new French scheme, de
tails of which were officially made
public by the premier for the tint
time, will be submitted in commit
tee at Genera November S.
Just before the Tote was taken
at the conclusion of a chamber
session which lasted until about 1
m., M. Hen-lot laid he had tak
en note of Secretary of State
Stimson's Interpretation of the
Briand-Kellogg pact - an inter
pretation he said meant that neu
trallty no longer Is possible.
"The fact that there will be no
longer any Isolated wars is in It
self a guarantee," the premier
At one point In the debate Hen
ry Franklin-Bouillon, who usual
ly votes with the government ex
cept on questions of foreign pol
icy, sharply criticised Prime Mln-
"ter Ramsay McDonald of Great
Referring to Mr. MacDonald's
opposition to the war, M. Frank
Un-Boulllon said: "I think that
with this man alone we will be
under the German yoke."
Angeles Firm Claims
Young Democrats and
Speakers owe $694
A $694 suit naming Franklin
D. Roosevelt, democratic presi
dential nominee, Mayor James M.
Curley of Boston and the young
democratic clubs of California as
defendants was filed .today by
motor livery company which
claimed if had not received pay
ment for automobiles furnished
during Roosevelt's and Curley's
visits here last month.
The action, brought by the Tan-
ner Motor Livery, Ltd., was foi
lowed by a writ of attachment dl-
recting the sheriff to seise money
and effects of the young democra-
tic clubs of California In the
banking and escrow departments
of a bank here. The writ was
served, but no return was made
The motor livery company's at-
torney, D. R. Fairies, said efforts
had been made to collect the mon-
I y from democratic officials In
los Angeles ana Mew xork but
that all requests had been re -
fused. He said the money was due
I spoxe in henaif of Roosevelt Sep-
I WniMf 1 K and dnrinr t n a vtatt nf
U -
I Roosevelt from September 20 to
I 24.
Over or We'll
All Go UndeniS'xx:
HANFORD, Calif.. Oct. 28
(AP) Secretary of Agriculture
Arthur M. Hyde declared In an
address in support of President
Hoover here today that "the re
publican tariff program will have
to ro over or we'll all sro under
I Sacretar-r Hvda said Franklin
i u. itooseveti, ui oemocraue pres-
I ldentlal nominee, had "changed
fronts" on his campaign program
I and made himself even more ri
the dog suddenly romped onto a
float of Iocs. v
They proved treacherously slip
pery, and Buek skidded Into the
eold waters of the Willamette riv
sr. Several times he tried to re
gain his. footing,' but the slimy
surface repulsed him.
John Paul saw the dog was be -
coming rapidiy axnausteo. h
didn't wait to shed even the heavy
eoat of his uniform, but raced
over the logs and plunged after
his friend. He brought Buck up
gasping and made for the float.
The weight of his clothing and
the slipperin ess of the logs made! Konkle mistook rFabrick fo a
It all but Impossible for the en -
gineer to haul himself to safety,
let' alone the dog. Finally he
achieved a footing, carried Buck
to solid, ground,- then the two! mile within the Klamath count
sauntered back to ship. boundary. , 1 . --
Senator Urges Refutatica
Of Blame on President
For Depression
Ralph Emmons is Chairmen
Of Young Republican
League oi uregon
"This campaign Is not going ts -
be won on flim-flam; it Is gotag
to be won by facts. Ton snast '
know these facts; you must bring '
them home to the minds and
hearts of people." Such was tie
theme of a rousing 20-mInute ad
drees given last night by Senator
Frederick W. Stelwer to 1
young men and women republi
cans gathered in Salem from sevew
counties In the stats.
"I wish each of you would scat
ter everywhere the ref nation bas
ed on the truth, to the absurd
statement that this repression was
brought on by the president. de
clared Stelwer. "I wish you would
counteract this charge by showiag
as the facts clearly show that the
roots of the nation's trouble bar
been the economic collaps
brought about by the world war.
I wish you would meet this charge
by showing as the facts show that
the panic is past, that recovery i
on its way and while prosperity im -not
here, all the signs point to
returning trade."
The senator cited prices en
butterfat, on wool, on lumber, on
pears and other Oregon com
modities to show that the tide
of depression was already reced- "
Lumber . production has in
creased and its price has improv
ed solely because (1) a tariff en
lumber shut out ruinous dumping
from Canada and Russia, and (2)
because financial policies of ts
Reconstruction corporation have
new construction projects In mo
tion and have allowed the rail
roads to resume buying." ha de
clared. Republicans Did Not I
Forget Forgotten Man, CLpms
The senator said there had been '
written Into the records of the
last congress irrefutable rebuttal
to the charge that the republicans
sought to let the common man gs
unaided; under the S300.000.stt
Provision for loans to needy states.
no man will starve or go hungry,
Stelwer declared. ,
He said the bad banking situa
tion now seen in eastern Oregon
was a localised situation and while
most unfortunate, must be laid at
the feet of the wheat industry
suffering from overproduction.
Stelwer said the general situation
of banking in the Cnited States
I was steadily Improving and that
I the high point of bank failures
I had been passed a year ago ia
I October.
I Compliments Youth
For Entering Politics
I Stelwer complimented the
I young republicans on the organ-
I lzatlon. He said youth brought
I needed buoyancy and idealism to
politics which ofter seared men
Sand left them cynical. Given ex-
I perience and more ' Information.
youth's leadership la politics can
be marked, he stated.
1 The senator said political work
I was excellent schooling adding to.
and people. - - - . (
I T?lnh v. .a - I
amwMrmm W IT ilMIKU
l state Chairman
Ralph W. Emmons, of Salem, -
was elected chairman ef tan
Young Republican league ef Ore
gon, state organization effected
at the afternoon business meeting.
Other officers selected are:
Stewart Weiss nf Portland. m-
vweai v aan. a avrunv vutuillssnl
appointed by Emmons Arthar
Prioulx, of Chlloquln; Walter
Kropp, of Albany; Donald Van
Bosklrk, of ' Portland; Gan O. -Bennett,
of St. Helens; John K1V
kenney, of Pendleton, and 'Paul
Patterson, of Hnlsboro. A chair
man for the Bend region remains
to be appointed.
The above officers will consti
tute the state executive commlt
tee. The alm.of the league is ts :
maintain a permanent state organ '
lzatlon for young republicans that,.
win continue- in active existent
after, as well as before,. the coat
ing general election.
Counties represented at tan
convention were: Multnomah.
Washington, Columbia, Yamhm, ,
Marion, Lane and Linn.
Shooting Occurs
In Other County "
Officers Decide
MEDFORD. Ore. Oct, 28 .
1 (AP) The district attorney's" f-
nee announced today that any le-
gal action against Ellsworth Kon-
kle of Medford, who has admitted
firing the shot that killed cua
I Fabric. Sr' also of Medford.
I two weeks ago. Ilea with Klamath
I county authorities. ;
1 deer. A survey completed by the
I county engineer shows that the
I scene of the traredr In the Lodra
I Pole ranger station area, lies a
1 ?
. - j
- i