The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 28, 1932, Page 9, Image 9

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Fridajr Morning October 3. 1S32
pag3 xmia
ci to fieiit mm
The chamber of commerce met for
the first time since tho summer
vacation Cor a business meeting
sd dinner la the basement of the
Presbyterian church this - week.
President Gaylor Godfrey presid
ed. Merle Ebb reported the corn
how plans to be- coming oa satis
factorily, and Mr. Hart reported
that the Bor Scouts were ) need
of i scoutmaster, due to tho res
ignation of E- A. Dunckei. i ?
The most important b lusts of
the meeting was brought op by
Deatt Weiker, disetMstes-'Of the
school moving bill. Discussions
proved to be very much against
the bill; so much so that the
cnamDer 01 commerce voted a
fund to help fight the bill which
woild be o harmful to this coav
muatty. . 3 . - ' s T
Charles Curtis, candidate for
county commissioner, talked on 1
county subjects, mainly roads, i
The charity eommittea headed
by J. H. Bart, reported siring re- i
io neeay families already.
Opening: of Debate
Season Brings Out
' Seven New Talker
first .debate meeting: of the year
was eia weanesaay. Miss Msr-
Caret "RASr xtiU h Ankara. nari
thia year. The subject Resolved,
mai ii lesai on-niir or an atata
and local revenues should k d
rtyed from other than tangible
property was -discussed and de
fined. ..j:.vy- v-?y;:-"-r
Material . was distributed to
those, attending, who - were Low
ver, Robert 'Farmer, Elaine Eas
toa, Georgo Gentemann. . Arlene
McCoy, Elizabeth Baker and Her
sel Peyree. Hersel Peyree and
Elizabeth Baker are the only vet
eran debaters, Hersel debating
one - year, and Elizabeth three
yeas. i . ,
1 r"
Local News iBriefs
E, 1L 0 'i? IP 9
Friday - Saturday and Monday
Beautiful One Piece Ray
Pajamas i..!. . 88c
Tailored and Lace
j Trimmed Slips-
New Ruffled Curtains of
flowered marqui- QO
sette, pair I.-- OOC
: Extra size Rayon Bloom
ers and . QS
Panties, two for- Out
Children's Waist Union
Suits, winter QQ
weight, two for- OuC
All Linen Crash Towel-
Wrrd 88c
$3.95 Extra large Part
t Wool Plaid Blankets 72
rPtir' $2.88
I Boys , black and brown
Ribbed Hose O
1 19c value. Pair..- OC
? Your, choice of over 400
Silk or. Wool Scarfs in
.two groups . :
II 88C and58t
t Children's Wool Sweat
v ers, values to . ? Q Q
v $1.93 at -OOC
v Cannon , QQ
' Towels, 7 for 00 C
M All Silk Canton
' Crepes '
f Regular 1.35 value. New
Fall ., colors including
" brown, wine, navy,QQ2,
black, yard .05C
49c Large Turkish Tow
three for 88c
Guaranteed Fast Q
Color Percales -OC
Rayon Bedspreads, Blue,
Rose, Gold, QQ,
Green - 00 C
Best grade LaFrance
Pure Silk Full Fashioned
Hose, grenadine and
service weights), QQ
?U9 quaUty .00C
Women's Chamoisuede
Gloves; fall colors OO
two pairs for 00 C
Women's Wool and Ray
on Hose, RRr
two pairs for OOC
Women's Stripe Outing
Gowns, fifie
two for . OOC
Printed Japanese Crepe
Lunch Cloths, new de
signs, 45 inch. QQ
Two'for - OOC
Best Grade Imported
French Transparent Vel
vet- ,v
Black" ohk-
Women's x Wool- Felt
Hats. Mostly mediums
and small fiQ
sizes OOC
Cannon Towels,
Crescila Full Fashioned
Puf e Silk Hose
leading colors, semi-service
weight. QQ
Two pairs for OOC
Elliott Dry Goods Company
' 176 N. Liberty St. Excella Patterns 15, 20 and 2oc
Open every Saturday night until 9 o'clock
Basy Speakinr - One 1 of : the
Tory busy women of Salem Is Ur
Hannah rarUB.whoiev popularity
a speaker before, community
and women's organisations keeps
her spare time occupied. Thurs
day mght Mrs. Martin spoke be
fore the Scotts Mills grange, this
afteraoos ska will, address oa ot
the women's clubs of Portland,
and tonight she will address the
Sllrerton grange: t '
AeeroTO Credit lino Recom
mendation that all members ot the
Ssless Credit assoclatloa, placo si
lias en. the bottom z eompaay
statioaery tadlcating that they a-
long to tae creeut group-was maae
at tko meetlag ol lhat body this
woes. Tha una indicated is sim
sly: 1 ember Salem Retail Credit
association. Members will do this
M new company stationery Is
printed. . ..
Directors Meet Directors of
the Oregon Pulp ft Paper com
pany held their regular monthly
meeting here yesterday. Routine
business was transacted. Directors
were informed that .all the paper
machines of the company are run
nlng six days a week on a three-
shift basis. No pries upturn in
the psper business has beea
noted. "...
Firemen Grow Spuds City
firemen at tha East station met
with success in planting potatoes
on the station property. Tester-
day they were disPlayInI ouo
cluster - of eight tubers. - They
weighed a total ot five and one-
half pounds.
Oat of Jail Clay Cornwall,
who was bound over to the grand
Jury Wednesday following prelim
inary hearing la Justice court.
Thursday put up undertaking on
11000 bail, and release from J all
was Issued.
McMahan to Albany Judge L.
H. McMahan was in Albany yes
terday where ho attended to
: number of matters coming up
court there.
Batty at Chnrcli A' social ral
ly: wiU bo held at, too American
liUtheraml church tonight, begin
ning at 7:45 o'clock, with old and
young ot the congregation to en
joy a programand fun suitable to
tho season. A fJsh poad snd re
freshments will be spedaL fea
tures.. Sunday night a rounder's
day ro gram wfU be observed at
this -caurch, with addresses to be
given by Alt O. Nelson Of Silver
ton, and Max Gehlhar, state di
rector of agriculture and a mem
ber of the ehsrchw .
.fTilii'lllE iPFBlS
Raymond Culver
Confers With Y
Group, Campus
A cabinet meeting "of the Wil
lamette university campus T. M,
C. A. group was held at the T.
building at noon yesterday, with
Ray Culver, northwest field secre
tary for colleges present. At tho
time Qus Moore resigned as tho
president of the campus T giving
as his reason that he was too busy
to do Justice to tho position.
At the oresent Culver is making
an extensive trip In the Interests
of the college Y. H. C. A. groups
, Special Meet - A meeting of un
usual Interest (o Presbyterians
wiU be- held at the Presbyterian
church here tonight. . starting st
:30 o'clock with a pot-luck din
ner, followed by- a conference on
tha "Program ot tho Church, and
tor ail who hold any position in
tho organisation of tho church.
and these are urged to attend.
fiarglar Enters Cafe t A.
Runt, proprietor, reported to po-
ueo yesterdsy that sometime Wed
nesday night a burglar entered his
cats on North Commercial street.
and stole clothing, a small amount
rtt mniDT Trnm m. hihT'o Mn 11
steak knives, a typewriter, a light
tan suit ot clothes and hat. and
two kitchen knives, :. Tha bsrglar
gained entrance by cutting a
screen and forcing open a door.
Coloael Speaks Saturday Colo
nel O. A. Robertson, member of
tho national war college, will
speak at local democratic head-
Quarters la the old Capitol Na
tional bank building at 1:30
o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Tho
colonel has spent nearly 20 years
in European countries and is weU
posted on international affairs. At
present he is spending his vaca
tion looking after his property In
terests in west Salem.
2288 Hem Registered The
22S 3th man registered at tho U.S.
T.M.CJL- employment office yes
terday tor work on tho county
read and state highway employ
ment projects. Of this number, sp
proxlmately, TOO men bars been
registered this tall. Tho remainder
signed ap last winter. Few Jobs
were available yesterdsy. One men
was sent out to shuck corn and
two to work at common labor.
Ctty-AUorney TTIlHaav H. Tt in-
die yesterdsy took immediate no
tion to push the city's test case
on iz.f 00,000 water bond tssuo
through tho courts tn an effort to
get an early decision on tho char
ter amendment's ralidity.
Trindlo took action by askinc :
Judge I. O JweUing to permit
him to withdraw tho city's second
amended eovJlaint : tiled hero
soma time ago in connection with
tho test salt brought against tho
Oregon-Washington. Water Servico
company.. .-
Tr ladle them tiled aotieo that ho
would appeal on tho demurrer
given by LowcUm to tho defend
ants when tho first complaint was
filed.' ---... v..
This brings tho matter before
tho state supremo eourt. Judge
Xewellmg held tho cltyl com
plaint -did not constitute facts.
which would make a suit. Tho su
premo eourt may uphold tho de
murrer and it so tho pending test
eass aies. if the court overrules
tho demurrer it may thea hear
tho ease on Its merits.
Two Breaks in Same
Family Are Reported
GERYAIS, Oct. IT. Lawrence
Susee broke his left aakle near
Us Joint while plsyiag football
with tho high school team at She
idaa Monday. His seven-year-old
sister broke her arm while play
ing at scnooi last week.
""'" 1 V . ; , L . : - : . ; -Yi ;
m Iff 1 - - n : . - .
Slummy In yowr teerinj L danger 61$ hair It mearis your trie and wheels txt
wt elf Uat. It Is liable to wse collisi ons or land yea la the ditch, r
TOB SAFETY CORNER", would be an appropriate nam for my shop ! -:
because I specialise In mxking your car safe to drive. BRAKES AND ;
having trouble with either and other shops have failed to remedy the
trouble, bring your car to me. Tough Jobs are the kind I like. I abso
- lately guarantee to remedy .the trouble or it won't cost yen a cent.
Drive in for a free inspection. , . :
275 South Commercial St.
Look for the Neon Sign
Father Dunn is New
For St Paul Charge
SILVERTON, Oct. 17. Rev.
Father John Dunn has arrived at
Silverton to care for the St Paul's
Catholic parish here. Father Dunn
succeeds Father Charles Raymond
who has gone to Mllwaukle to take
up teaching and missionary work.
At the reception for Father Dunn
upon his arrival at Sllrerton,
Frank. Davey,: veteran Oregon
newspaper man, gave tho address
ot welcome.
W. C. T. U. Group to
'Hold Sunday Meeting
HAZEL GREEN, Oct. 27. The
Sarah OUver union of W. C T. U.
will meet at the Brooks Com
munity church Sundsy, October
30. at 2:10. Mrs. Necla Buck, na
tional organizer, will bo speaker.
She has Just returned from a tour
of eastern Washington.
Reiser. Middle Grove, Haiel
Green, Labish Center, Clear Lake
1 and Brooks districts are Included
in this union.
Fresh Vegetables
3 heads
Cauliflower ...
medium white heads
Yakima Pota
toes, 50 lb. sks.
275 N. High St,
Phone 4111
Health Foods
... 40c
PsyUa, lb
PsyUa. lb. ..... .
Swiss Kress
Nu-Veg. Sal.
The Whole Grain Cereal 1A.
U 'i c ovarsardiues Fro; with 1-4, j Food. (Made In Salem) ...... lUCpkg.
New California ' Smjngs N c Filberts
, Baking Powder OO , -
Dates 1 12 oz. can. JOalL
, Shillings Vanflla or Lem- Larff! . 1 Cp
Best for stuff- Od ; fi OO Nuts, lb. ItJl
ing, lb. ;2 0r iZOC ,
Libby't Peacbes, No. 2J, 2 for 29c Johnson's Floor Wax
libby's Apricots Ho. 24, 2 for 29c r pints liquid 59c
Ubby'f Pears; Ho. lVi 2 for 35c 1 lb. cans S5c 2 lb. cans l.Cy
BISQUICK Chase & Sanborn's ' WHEATIES
2 Biscuit Cutters free, - no
rh.J29c -33c 4Fkt,23c
Mrea, 2ca,39c gM2 25c
Ze.pea. i 2cns 35c StoJ -3f29c
; Swamdown .- SjUl 30e f-feswlSc
4Co,-23c I ggll 15c L s.o:S- 8pu 19c
. .Saturfar Cake Special . .Satoday Feature,
Choc. Nat Fudee Cake. , AC. . . nSStljIoncd 1S lb.
, Three layer tM' Breakfast Links 20e lb.
Dramatic Group Will
Play in Wobdburn
. Chemeketa Players have ar
ranged for aa engagement la
Woodburn on the night ot Novem
ber 3, when "Back Seat Drivers"
will be presented under tho aus
pices of Woodburn Post, -No. it.
American Legion Detail for the
presentation were completed
Thursday by ths business man
ager. Woodburn post plans to
raise funds to help in promoting
Its various " activities. This wiU
give Chemeketa Players five
nights of playing the coming
Friday sight tho players will
present tho comedy la dress re
hearsal at tho Boy's Training
school at Woodburn tor the bene
fit of tho hoys. Stage employes st
ths ' school are . arranging tho
stage to accommodate the setting
of the play. -
Shower Compliments
Miss Caspell
A shower for Miss Marcella Cas
pell was given recently at the bun
galow ot tho Court Street Christ
ian church, by the LAyal Bunders'
class. Miss Caspell It to bo marri
ed shortly to Orwell Berdan, ot
Berkeley. CaL
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mr. aad
Mrs. Hugh N. McCallum. Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Olmstesd, Mr, and
Mrs. C. Garrett, Mrs. J. F. Unmh,
Mrs. Ireno WeUer Mrs. Hsrvey
Beeson, Mrs. Lee Tennis, Mrs. L.
C. Preim, Mrs. Hazel Prelm, Mrs.
Fleets YarnelL MlssVerda Olm
stesd, Miss Ella Smith, Miss Vio
let ivrurer. Miss Doris Kruger,
Basil Zell and Albert Garrett
a a
Dinner to Precede
Dancing Party
Delightful ontertaialag both
before and after tho Subscription
club dance will bo one of tho gala
teatures of this first dsnco of tho
teason tor this smart club. The
dsnco is to bo formal and there
fere formality, will mark the en
tertainment.' -- J"
, .-Several affairs sro being plan
ned and ons that is materialised
Is tho charming 49 cover "Italian
dinner" for which lit. and Mrs. I
Chester Cox and Mr. snd Mrs.
Lynn Smith' will bo hosts' at tho
Lynn Smith homo before tho
dance. Colorful and original, this
dinner presages a brilliant begin-1
ning for the evening, for these
fortunsto enough to bo guests.
Large Dance Event
Of Tonight
The first daneo of tho season
for tho P. S. P. club will bo sn
event ot tonight at Hasol Orson.
This club has aa activo season
during tho winter months and Its
parties srs Interesting and largo.
President ot ths club is Larry
Flaggy The? committee in charge
of tho dance tonight is Mrs. Belle
Nllee Brown sad Dorothy Franks.
Hallowe'en will form tho dec
orative motif and teatures for tho
dancing hours.' It is expected that
at least ISO club members and In
vited guests will be present tor tho
affair,... .. - '
'titrs. Elmer V. Wooton enter
tained members ot Mrs. Ebsan's
study club ot ths Ealstn Drama
League at her fiomojTuasiay.
Miss Alice Moors of Nevada City,
CaL, Mrs, Lnllaa Hagman. and
ilrs. B. F. Bound wero special
3 935 S. Commercial St.
Tune in 7:15 a.m. KG W Sunnyside Heights
Weekend Pay'n Takit Savings
((TCS'vo Fresh Extra
V!iL7 VZ Buy All You Want, doz.
- New Crop
At a Saving
2 lb. Bag
'an purposes' An ..
ti ft. sack
te7 lb. bag (O
Uardwheat guaranteed IHu. 3,49
Tall Cans, Save
Fancy Broken
Lowest Ever Sold by Us
3 fw fl
A local product fresh
from the press
All you can
drlnk g(g
Per gaL Bring
youg container Lv
Peaches Rosedale Brand
Salmon Chinook No. 1 flat can.
Catsup Van Camp's, Ig. bottle
. . e ;
String Beans Imperial No. 2 can.
Coffee Airway Blend, poundL.
Beans Baby Limas, 3 lbs. ..
2yt can 10c
. .10c
Tomatoes Extra Stand. No. 2 can.
Syrup Cane and Maple, Maximum, qt. jug.
Asparagus Del Monte picnic sir. , . .
llaraschino Cherries KIngsIeyj 2H ex.
.3 for 23c
'. -" 7c
One 55c Set of Betty
Crocker's Bonny ware
Biscuit Cutters with pur
chase ot 1 pkff.
Obtain roar vegetables at Payn TaUt Salem ' moat tsmpleU produce Dept.
Sweet Spuds . 1 5 lbs. 7c
Pumpkins . r " .;
TREM for tho ohildresi for XTjunre'eft, " '
1 If ncoomposdoa by parents. Sateardar Oaiy. While they Usi.
Grape Fruit . . . 6 for 25c
CaL seedlees
es... .;..per
Saleaa 8pUaeatlrirs per hoc
We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities
None Sold to Dealers
. MorrelTs Eastern Sugar J I A
U Cured, Half or Whole, lb. --GZS t
; Beef or Pork, choice lean -
shoulder cuts, lb. ; - .;- U
- - . , ; . i . ..
;LJUQC3J..J03Ufr7 -CT)
Bulk, New Pack, IbC sL3
StTf Xivr1r- r. - ' I
. on om w n w w w
: Beef, Young and tender
sH cits, lb.
Sliced, large center cuts, each
; .- Fresh, Plat'