The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 28, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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    ; : RUSH .
" 'The Statesman's annual
- bargain period -ends in 4 -
more days. Order now; one
? . year by mail $3 anywhere In
Oregon. Offer ends Nov. 1.
i rh' today- and Satsrd&y; '
Max, ; Teinp, . Tharday 62,
llixL 89; rirer .S foot, paK- -ly
cloudy,-westerly winds, -rain.
, j
FOUNDED ' 1 051
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning October 28, 1932
No. 184
',''.; k - ; , , - .
Head of Urge Firm Backs
Administration due to
Protection Policy .
Other Business Concerned
. In Threat of Flooding"
" ; Of U.S.Marlcets -
That the wooigroTrera of the
went have astakn in'lhe Breslden-
tlal election and should Vote tore
tain . the protectiTe. tariff by to-
electinj President Hoover is tne
rist of a, letter-written by Charles
W. Eyder ot the wool firm of Ry
der & Brown, Boston. The letter
was written to President Hoover;
and S E. Purrine, who Is western
buying agent for this firm, has I
Jnst received a copy. Mr. Purvine
eays that this firm, of wool mer
chants suffered serions losses
through the decline In values of
wool and through the wrong mar
keting methods adopted by ' the
wool cooperative . when , it was
started with government money;
but still Mr. Ryder believes that 1
President Hoover should . be re
elected and is working actively in
his behalf.
The Ryder letter to -President
Hoover is as follows:
- Boston. Mass., ; Oct. 13.
The, President,.
Washington, D. C.
My dear Mr. President:
On Tuesday evening, October 4,
over the radio, I had the pleasure
of hearing your opening campaign
speech at Des Motnes, la., and
want to tell you how much I ad
mired your - masterly handling of
the situation. I sincerely hope that
yon can make several more equal
ly convincing speeches between
now and election time as it seems
to me, as I talk with men in rarl-
ous walks of life, tnat, a great
many misunderstand the situation
and a great many are trying to ex-
cuse their attitude on the grounds
that the conditions could not be
any worse although in your
great deal worse. They Jnst 4o't
seem to understand, and it will
take a great deal of explaining.
between new and election time, to
get the voters to fully realise Just
what the conditions are. what they I
-Siave been, and what they might I
be under a democratic admimstra-1
tlon, I
I am sure that you have been I
entirely sincere, and have worked completing its plan for the soli
wonders, considering the. difficult citation this tall. Preliminary
times through which.we have been work has met with generous re
passing, i
A areat many people would iiae I
to blame you with the fact that
you did not stop the depression on I
av scheduled time, as they say you I
promised to do. This, of course, is I
an absurd attitude ror mem to i
take, but nevertheless, they think
It could have been done and that
Ton should have done it. -'
One particular point mat snouia
(Turn to page 2, col. 1) i
Judge John Slegmund. in a ae-1
cree yesterday, unraveled the tan-
a-led matrimonial wen woven oy
the late John A W. Heideeke, in-
ofar as the ownership or xau
of property left by him Is con
: eerned. ; '
Heldecke was twice married but
Instead ot securing a divorce from
his first wife married In 1888 In
Pennsylvania, he proceeded 4o
marry the present Georgianna K.
Heldecke In 1828 in Oregon. She
did not know of the first marriage
nntll after her husband died.
Judge Slegmund awarded the
two daughters of the first Mrs.
- Heldecke, 'Ruby Clark and Grace
Brown J equal "dower, rights with
the second widow in Heidecke's
real property. This means each
.will receive one-third, along with
the widow. The Judge awarded
, Helen Flcke, daughter by the sec
ond marriage, $10 as provided in
Heidecke's will, which had .pro
vided In Heidecke's will, which
. had provided that all the property
gave minor requests, go to the
wife he married in Oregon.
; The .court awarded to the Ore
" ron Mrs. Heldecke "twoXhirds of
the personal property and a one-
- sixth interest to eacn or tne iwo
daughters" by Heidecke's first mar
riage. They live in the easu
Joe Baker Head
Ol Hi-Y Grou
For Salem High
- Joe Biker was elected president
of the Balem Hi-Y club last night
' ' at the regular meeting at the T
s w. C. A. building. Other officers
elected were Jack Bush, vice-pres
ident; Phil Browneli. secretary;
rnn Pence. treasurer: ; Clinton
Vincent. Berseant-at-arms.
The meeting was adjourned ear
W so that the boys could Join the
rally through i the
Garnle Cranor and Vesley Boe
der ara leaders ror tne ciun.
- Wolf, Salem . high prtneipal, was
Lett "Waiting at the Chmcji" ,
- But it Might
Miss Sylvia Wilson of Seattle was,
. lag at tne diurcn by the supposed E. T. Sherwood who reore-
... .
sen ted himself as a California
taining a marriage license at Kelso. But Miss Wilson was fortunate
that her rauiM didn't nrnereri in further, tnw fihmonil tximvA
out to be ElUott B. Thomas, Redondo Beach, Cal., school super-
fnni.. i.. mj - v. .i i. . ITU.
wawvuwi-maw naav J bot&u mm acaaa.7
im fiifl flrat rliiCLArntflrnnoi from
k if- .
warrants against the Redondo Beach school district, which he Is
alleged to have cashed to finance his love affair in the north. -
Service to Start
Solicitation Soon; to
Give General aid
Community Service. , the body
which was organized under the
sponsorship of the chamber of
commerce a year ago to handle
solicitations for charity funds. Is
snonse from employers and em
ployes. with the realization that
demands for organized charity
wm be greater this winter than
before. Cooperation ot business
houses, banks, professional men
is assured the community ser-
vice, states S. E. Purrine, the
president Members of the board
of directors are. In addition to
Mr. Purrine, w. w. Moore. . se-
cretary-treasurer, T. A. Wind!
shar, Douglas McKay, J. N,
Chambers, B. E. Sisson, Harry
Levy. Earl L. Fisher.
The committee handling solid
tat ions Includes Tom Wlndlshar,
I Sam Chambers, Earl L. Fisher,
B. E. Sisson,
Community Service last year
raised substantial sums of money
inA distributed them for charitv
nnrooses as carefully as It could.
jt closed the year with a bal-
i anee on hand, which it has used
during the summer for hiring
woodcutters, putting up fruit, etc,
"This winter, Community Ser
vice, cooperating with the Mar
ion- county court and with the
Red Cross intends to organize so
that no worthy person or family
shall lack the necessities of life;
sys Mr.;PurvIne."'Our Idea Is, to
take care of all need, but to
handle the work economically so
there will not be waste."
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
PORTLAND. Oct. 27.--UP) -
No "clue to the disappearance ot
C, harles Marsh, former Umatilla
county Judge' missing slnce-Mon-day
when he left Portland "by au
tomobile for. his Pendleton home.
had been found by police late to
night, i ."- ' V-T' i
. state trooners and county offi
cers admitted they had come to
the end of every available leaa
without , finding a trace of the
Judge or ot his automobile, a 1J15
Franklin sedan, painted a con
spicuous yellow-green. - j
(AP) Jean Rogers Meenan
today filed suit for divorce from ;
Kenneth Mteenan, former norm
western aniverslty backfleld
star. '.
The couple were : married
- early this year while' Mrs. Mee
nan, daughter of Klamath
Falls banker, ' wae attending
Northwestern. Mrs. Meenaa, a
formei" University, of Oregon ,
stndent, charged rrael and in
hamaA treatment, desertion and
non-sn pport. -
Have Been Worse
. t
figuratively speakins. left "wait-
" I
broker. He dianneaml afr nh.
ajuiuiuuuc v uuuscii v wfva I
TtArfnnritfv vAW h Tim Wn fApHn
. . . Z-t I
'n.iMMM n
ru. iv uc cystic, uu.iiu.u t
Convention Here Today;
Steiwer to Speak
Forty members of Toung Re-
publican clubs from .14 .counties I
In Oregon and a llxe numoer irom
the Marion county club are ex
pected to attend the state conven
tion to be held at the Marion ho
tel starting at 3:20 o'clock this
afternoon. The purpose of the
meeting Is to perfect permanent
organization for the state.
At the business meetinghAj
afternoon, Edward Sox of j?8rt
land, temporary state chatraan.
will preside. Officers will be eject
ed and plans made for organiza-
tion of a Young Republican cen- I
tral committee. jacK a. Jonn- i
..m.. ,. ir.n
county elub, and Walter Fnhrer J
u uuiiaw ivvw cfe.vo. . i
Senator Frederick Steiwer will
be the main speaker at the ban-
quet which will he held at the
Marion at :80 o'clock this eve-
nlng. Other speakers will include
Hal K. Hobs, secretary of state,
and I. H. Van Winkle, attorney
reneraL "Meet the man for whom
you campaign" is the club slogan,
" .
Stewart Weiss of Portland will
be toastmaster. He has been ap
pointed by the national republican
clubs tor Oregon.
The aim of the state group is to
effect an organization to function
continuously, rather than solely
for the coming general election.
WJUWlflUlw, UCt. i rj
New millions
in reiiet loans
handed out today b the r
struf tlon corporation as it
eht'new resources through a
sought new resources through
big bond issue.
1 n
Marsh Clues Lacking
. Co-ed Seeks Divorce
. Picker Is Found Dead
- Dalles Lad Is Shot
GRANTS PASS, Oct. 27. (AP)
The body ot C. A..Potter,i.78, ot
Crescent City, CaL. was found to-
iiun..uu u..., . .
coasreity. authorlUes here wen
notif led.; ; .v; :2i, j
renew: their efforts to. And - Pot,
1 ne piscovery a Bearcat, w
ter's wife, missing since last Fri-
day,when tne coupie stanea ouii
to go nucaiDerry. picaing. ;,
Relatives' of -the man are he-
Ueved to live in tne state or wasn -
inpoa un ui an. rguw, bwi
Rosehurg.. t U'tjZ& ij." j
m m a n a - -
. killed late i yesterday, In :, the
' Three Mile district while he and
hi brother.-? Elmore, were
banting plgeona "t' ;r :"
. Elmore -was nsing Gordon's
shoulder for a brace when sud
denly the rifle slipped and was
discharged, police said "they
were Informed. The bullet en-
tered Gordon's Iwad.- He died
. before be. could btt placed on an
operating . table at a hospital
here. .
14 Ships Stranded Aloft
With: Fuel ' Dwindling;
Two are Damaged
Mail Plane Leads. Last two
To ; Safety; Airport Is
Lighted by Autos
' 8 AN blEOO.' Calif" bet. t T
(AP) A stlrrinr and nnian kir
drama was played out in- an Im
penetrable fog here tonight after
14, navy . airplane ' had j, been
stranded with dwindling gasoline
supplies in the sky, and at its
conclusion every aviator Involved
was safe. -
Eight additional nlanes. aloft
when the fog appeared, managed
to beat it to the landing field.
As a result. f the long series
of emergencies which developed
as the fuel in the 14 stranded
planes ran dangerously low in the
pianes, one at a time, one plane
was demolished, another was
badly damaged, one caught fire
and several others turned over
and were slightly damaged.
Mail Plane Leads
Two to Airport
At 8 o clock only two planes
remained aloft, and they circled
niessiy aooui over me cuy
M 1 . A. .
watching for a break in the fog.
They carried no radios and could
not be told that the navy's . call
npon the cltiiens of San Diego
for assistance had sent scores of
., , , . . i
avwow i uOUn vxuiy
ny mesa to light up with the
headlights of their cars an un
used airport there.
The United airlines night mail
plane, piloted by C. F. Sullivan,
was enroute from Los Angeles
to San Diego. It carried a radio
telephone. At the request of the
navy, Sullivan was asked to fly
i .v. a i ... iv.
irouna uo. ug, i.w
two planes and lead them to
auip ntaruj.
tr I
r. a a a i - i
"! ".r Tn "r
ZiT V, V-Ti.-. .n
yi & aTd a d"asn
v a van, vwwa s
tbem tney were to- iouow mm. i
The three in this I strange cava.-
oad MiphH tha abandoned armv I
' b i.ndl there in. aaf etv
amidst cheers of several hundreds
of persons.
City is Made
Grid Minded;
Rallies Held
Two separate campaigns co i
make Salem "football minded-
were under way Thursday night I
and will continue today, prelim-1
i . .v- p.i n.1. .ti.
Astoria at 7:20 tonight on Sweet-
i.iiu woiu, dviu uiu .kuuou.
staged a downtown serpentine and
will follow it np with additional
stunts today.
The hlghlighU of the Willam-
ette university crowd's demonstra-
tion. in advance of Saturday
night's game with College of Pu-
get Sound, in wnicn the Nortn-1
i . t tit
west conference championship will
be at stake, will be a chapel rally
Just before noon today, with Pres
ident Carl O. Doney the princi
pal speaker.
A committee headed by Prof.
W. C. Jones has kept this game
before the public for several
days. The university band toured
the streets ln a truck Thursday
and will do so again today. A ser
pentine Is slated for T o'clock to-
,ht tt,, vi, fftothall tlv.t f.l
i m.v. . at.t. mi T.i.rf
ToSiy wd
Tn hM
I r .v ,,
K.on nnminoful
at all of the service clubs and oth-1 west of TamhUI, here today fori Eugene, Ore., will be host to I tween uaroin, m interior asan
er gatherings this week and the I the two "young children of Mr. J the Daughters of the American ehuria, and Manchull, near the
Cherry City announcer car has
carried the newa far and wide. A
number of other means of adver
tising have been employed.
Police Continue
Their Quest for
Girl's Attacker
HtVansV V fffteMaaaaefnl - ! Ilia
eareh ye8terday. state police an-
?--d they would continue to
i miTir tat ina nuiM min vno
Wednesday night held up and at-
tacked -Mte. Teresa Zach. 1 21. ot
i Mt. . Angel, on a slderoad
fPom ; the:.woodburn-Mt. -'Angel
j highway.
ApparenUy - unharmed y the
.UtUck. Miss Xach yesterday re-
tm iAhrwrk at the lit An -
1 gel creamery. She Is the daughter
i0 ana jr8. Emu. zaen.
ODOUSe 01 Noted
1 - -
a ,m rT
AUthOreSS UieS
i ? ?
WASHINGTON. Oct. 22 (Fri
day) ( AP) Dr. Stanley Marsh-
all Rlnehart, - husband of Mary
Roberts Rlnehart. the- anthoress,
: I died at "his home here early- to -
Jday; ""
Dr. Rlnehart, who was years I
old.-had been In. Ill health -fori
some time. He first was strkken
about a year ago with, arthritis. -
Hoover Will
Speak From
e w.
, President Hoover's -Indianapolis
address tonight will be. broadcast
over the NBC network and KOW
at 5:80 p. m. Hiram .Johnson will
deliver an address for Franklin D."
Roosevelt over, NBC. and KEX at
8:15. ,. ..
Turning westward tonight foe
the fourth ' successive time In 25
days , of ' active campaigning.
President Hoover looked forward
to addressing at least 12 audiences
tomorrow on his way to Indian
apolis. , , : ;
.Today' the hief, executive took
time oft fronr preparations for the
addresses only for. a brief round
of conferences and picture taking.
Late In the day. White House aides
announced . that an even .more
strenuous journey had been - ar
ranged for the,president than or
iginally announced. Four more
stops werg added to his itinerary
Hamden and Oxford, O and
Liberty and New Palestine, Ind.
Reports . come- to the White
House from Indianapolis that the
chief executive and Mrs. Hoover
could expect to ' find the Hoosier
capital in . a . political buss upon
their arrival at 4 p. m. tomorrow.
Governor Ritchie of Maryland
will speak there tomorrow night
also and rival torchlight parades
with all of the old-style political
trimmings which have been plan
ned by the democratic and repub-
lican leaders.
n. . t, g . n 1
Distant tOUSin 0t UemOS
Standard Bearer Heard
Across Wide Ocean
MANILA, Oct. 28 Friday
lArj in me nrsi campaign aa-
w'-i- we
i1rM tirnnrht Iit radln iivnu thail..' .
: ,r Tl.Vi. r
Aniriean pouuci
inrr. l nwwi nm kivimt r rnvar. I
"- ".fr"" I;
nor ranari nr rna b-tiiiititiiti mm in. i
i Vrd the lSo .
ldent Hoover, whom he character-
M man "capable of facing
-. i
v J"","1 ,
,,ln 0f
to the
hat hit
ul Ul
cum oi
- .j a. a aa
aemocrauc canaiaate.
Un D. Roosevelt, rose early
morning on Tiaay nere mat nis
woras mignt be carried tq. tne
Afars fw flmaMaa mW TV n a law I
. ....
I ." "
After Undine President TToo-I
v i
... . Im . t".:
.it Mni.iiiii.ji -tth "fArVi,. mA
of the nation we must elect Her
. v. .... .w. . a
bert Hoover,
"The United SUtes Is still
American and la going to stay so,'
he told his distant audience.
"That is the issue ia the campaign
and we will flrht It ont nn tnn
-w. aa not ur ennntrr
to b mad a 1awirafnrv , trr
wholesale exnerlmenta in rovern-
. " .
or eurrencv inflation.
1 HO not ICCUs IDS SeiuOCrillC
.tandard bearer of advocatinr all
these theories. However they ar.
all held in a lesser or greater de-
rea Dy component elements of
the group that , Is backing him.
and iy sensible ildlvidualknowi
that when you marry you do not
merely marrr vonr wife but her
i . "
1 family as well."
McMINNVHiLE, Ore., Oct. 2?
I (API A nosse orranlzed tv
snerirr Manning was searching
I the hills abOVO MOOre Vallev.
I ana ssrs. unns iseison, Henry, , j
I and Mildred, 5.. ,1
The youngsters had been miss-1
lng. from- home since 4 'p.m.1
today, and it was feared that If
they were lost in the Moore val
ley they might be in danger of I
The mother, Mrs. Nelson, had
gone to a nearby school building
to do' some work there.; She left
Mildred in her bed apparently
asleep. At 4 p.m., Mildred, and
I liaa hvAtfia Wawa sldkAWt . Avl fltsa
road near their home. When they
tailed to ret.rn. .ercher.track:
m t n.m two miiH irom , iui
place, then lost the. trail. They
had discovered , no further . evl-
guardsmen ot .MeMlnnvWe were
preparing to 'Join the search.
rl IrL T T2t. J.
1 LieO 1 dX DciLImEU
By Speaker Jor
! Dirv Interests
f "".,
!' ' -
I Gve mora aairy zarmtrs op -
I Prtnnlty to 'operate, declared
u, H. -ruiienwieaer oi vtriton,
Ore- president of the -Oregon
- 1 Dairymen's association. In speak
j lng for the : oleomargarine tax
measure at the Lion club lanch -
1 eon yesterday noon. - "Oregon Is
1 the only state tn the northwest
Ithat does not glv its dslryraen
protection. v ; J . I
Taxing Oleomargarine will not!
I Increase the price of butter, he
fl averred.
Conventiori Outcome Didnt
Suit him but That's"
Party's Problem
Refers Affectionately to
'Frank"; Hurls More
' Shafts at Hoover
hs Slinfr JR JZZSr,
mmwu I
He told a crowd estimated by
police at 15.000 he had Uken
. xt I
. v V " .v ' , .. I . ,
"ask for the unqualified, full and
complete support of Franklin D.
, .
iu wmuioi . up nis aaaress lo I
gave him their electoral votes in
1928 and supported him to the
end of the Chicago convention,
he declared:
I confidently believe the sai
vation of the country In this crl-
sis . . . lies in the success of
the democratic ticket under the
leadership of Frank Roosevelt
and JOhn Garner."
Speaks Affectionately
Of Convention Rival
Frequently throughout the ad
dress, which was punctuated
with the crowd's roars of approv
al, he spoke of Roosevelt as
Mosc ox tne aaaress, wnicn
Smith delivered In a booming
Most of the address, which
voice an nersnlraMon .t clal) A highly favorable Impres- letter said as quoted by the Men
H rSlrf.ti TSioa was made7 by Senator Fred- treal star , . .cheques should be
uZkinw' rZbZ LZ In
leading republican senators and I
Smith aid h m niin!Mnn
,M repuoucans in me preaeni
campaign were attempting to Mre-
. . . .. .....
vivo me religious issue wim
. w
w",w! L."
'rir. w .-Vol"
t"he Tef "cntee
iv. two yicoiuvuviki uvuiiuauvn
e,.Aia: . . ... .
' 1 W" not satlsfied with that
Chlc con!nt!?n,l ,kB0W
f,f wer Blt,,,U!f 6dttt "7'
1ftanrl Wa Will emftlah. "IhAtA trA1t
" saidi
ll8ten w gettl0 -these trou
awaa w mw n aaa aviw w w a
blp, our party-
. w
He declared some re
n bkwwi ome repuoncau.
T- J - t . ... I
a,a as a.. a- - Ata.
waav-ssi mm w t mmm nrin sr in praa raw sn rt ii i
' . T T . V
Iwllflln me aemocrauc party no-
i mr
i n w r mm n bii i mrv v am ram raw nBa
OM ?f outcome Tf the de-
imamtIa nnv.ntlnii
I DaMr fieuerrei BUHver wm
-tM. "ernjL.v!
I .V... V. ..t. VI..
iri -.It: TYl !rr". " VT;
nTrhtt, Vuverton Senator SteU
l rJm.rvIS .ht t LS$T
Wv,r. 7 V? . i5 Toward
S Mtuf? Lr toward
ii wv. aao people felt
.JZJZPl e-"
' .V"
i rnn. vtnw n am lAnLimnni nu
Igon, now the sentiment has
..It tli. Can MVaik.
pie are now conceding that Ore-
gon wui go xor Hoover, it nas
been on of the swiftest-changes
in sentiment I have encountered."
Senator Steiwer Is a native ot
Marion county and has. many
friends In the valley. He is a can
didate for re-election and ia lour
ing the state ln the Interest ot his
own candidacy as well as of Pree-
ldent Hoover.
I iLHlMV. Ore 17 fAPl
Revolution at their next state con-
ference. The decision was reached
yesterday by the board of the dl -
rectors at a meeting here.
Caesar Had
; Roosevelt
' "Caesar had his Brutus, Charles
I J??.1S
tt his Cromwell and : Franklin
- . .
eSblr. at m
ent of West-Salem, who spoke for
Roosevelt. -
The treat leader ot the demo
cratic party have been ln favor of
a protective tariff Thomas Jef
ferson. . Andrew Jackson. Jonn
S?AUt??7-??7i d i-
uennncas, in aeienaing me tr
publican tariff. '
1 "in tne f yearn in repuoiican
j party has been ln power, w bav
i naa prosperity ana in m omer
I years we hava had adversity. he
- 1 went on. . . W should hold to
I the republican tariff, 'America for
1 Americans' . ". . I believe no on
I having an Interest ln Oregon and
J the Willamette valley . has any
I warrant to vot for anybody else
at this time bat Herbert Hoover,
- Colonel ' Robertson, asserting
that he waa a republican by fam-
I Cy . tradition, said this year - he
road f or
Hospital Boiler
To be Repaired ; ;
Damage is $2000
Pian were being prepared here
toaay preparatory to repairing ine
f2Sf " i5.f!f
ut Wednesday night. Dr, R. E.
Stelner. superintendent, esti-
mated the damage at appro xi-
mately 12000.
rZ Vm Juk .ut.f tt.
repairs win be taken out of tie
Funds with which to make the
atate restoration account.
A awm? AMtae an4K Avlvlna tha I
1r h. ,t t.
repairs will be made by the sUte
board of eontrol at its next meet-
Makes Pleasing Impression
In Silverton Address;
800 Attend Rally
SILVERTON, Oct. 27 (Spe-
erlck Steiwer when he made the
nrincipal address at the republican I
eld lr knight. Discussing
' tar,f, ,.rm
lief. Senator Steiwer, candidate
for reelection, held the undivided
..... Af hi. ndl. f hnt
a-v. art . w vi, I
a v,i j i
Steiwer a. -tbo greatest issue in
e greatest political campaign,
? " f!5 itf - ! '
Because of present world condi-1
tions, it is "a social and human
ion; it is concerned with the
sundard ot living, of education,
ot family structure, and with the
... . -
tions, it is "a social and human
isva MsrkA a a w t & a " i
very life of the American people."
tlon9 ln Europe Mr. Steiwer said
I t anotner point:
Ksniv nninvn im msiiiiiiiiH.iirK
-Onlv thronrh the maintenance
ot an adequate protective tariff.
I.. . . ...
can candidates to congress and the
" - "
presidency, can . this longer be
Mr. Steiwer stressed the differ
ence between the republican and
democratic attitudes toward the
tariff, and mentioned emphatic
ally the lumber tariff in which
Silverton is directly concerned.
The meeting was opened by
Charles Johnson of Silverton, pre-
dnct committeeman, who intro-
i w w.
county central committeeman, as
W . e7,enla-
KmmoM or S16"1 discuss-
64 work and plans of "the
Young Republican club.
t W.HtWlia V
2.' Ato.tlet "0.rBe7-. nd JmM
also spoke briefly. Mr. Mott was
. . . .
I w. Moil, canaioate ror congress,
i -v .
aeiayea ior some usii ann tr-
Kowit kept the crowd interested
i while waltlnc for his arrival.
I Greetings were sent by Secretary
1 of State Hosa. Treasurer Holman
and Attorney General -Tan Win
kle. The school band and Elvln
Almquist, vocal soloUt, provided I wr to be given. It waa na
music. derstood here yesterday that wide
MOSCOW, U. S. S. R Oct. 2T
(AP) Communication was re
ported entirely cut off today be-
i aoviei ooraer, uu w wmuw
Chinese soldiers opposed to the
1 Japasene-sponsorea uancnnauo
government. .
His Brutus,
His Al Smith
test from other grounda than Ue ' Just knick knacks, but ael
tarlfL,H sUted hhad known I Id.Taluo nkJ will b -on sal
President Hoover and Roosevelt
personally for years and added
that he had found Roosevelt "a
man who has never been weak.
Europe. Is framing us, de
clared- the colonel, saying he had
Just returned from Europe where
he talked with the national lead
ers about the United SUtes.. -Ev
ery country ill the world Is pass
ing out the most 'frightful . prop
aganda against the monster across
the sea,--"" " :
"Before the war we were one ot
the greatest debtor nations of the
world.. During' the war w took
their: gold through high , profits.
Then credit was expanded and this
government never raised a- finger
to stop it.' TTi orgy in Wall !
street is the cant ot this depres
sion." - - -
.His reason f or making a pro-;
test vote. averrei the eolonel. was
that 1S billion . dollars of oar
money ha gon out to foreign na
tions on unsound loans and this
government did nothing to stop
Unprecedented Action
; Claimed; Montreal
." LetterlJuoted: .
Government Oblizratetl
If Roosevelt Wm
Is Conclusion : -
The republican national com
mittee tonight issued a statement
ttyln' " ,tem Ia the M1
stl. ,. "6caA- that
Star had
that ths
committee naa "apeaied to ror-
lnterMts for finance to heir
overturn the republican adminis
tration In the United States."
"The item printed in the Star
of Tuesday, October 25, the
statement said "says that James
A. Farley, chairman ot the dem
ocratic national campaign com
mittee, wrote to an unnamed Mon
treal shipping man askisg fer a
financial contribution to the dem
ocratic campaign fund. As quoted
by the Star Mr. Farley wrote the
Canadian that the United States
needed a change in public admin
istration and that the only way fe
bring it about was to elect Gov
ernor Roosevelt.
'It you are sympathetic with
this view we shall greatly appre-
elate any financial assistance yoa
may be willing to accord us the
drawn to tne order of treasurer,
'democratic national campaign
hnrMi i-nrrH...
national History
"This appeal to foreign later-
Mfe for assi-tanc In finiTiriar
a..- m-.m.i ..,ZZ
nmhiM. u Hthrt.,f nWMiM t
our political history. It wouW be
w ar -
very interesting 10 Know te aow
lng for similar financial aid. He
I snould make public the name of
those foreigners to whom a dem
ocratic administration would be
obligated la the event that the
I present governor of New Terk ia
W -
It already has been disclosed
(Turn to page 2, eoL 2)
Local republican headquarters
declared disappointment yesterday
f-1 "BOJL"tm"Ul!.
v. ..(. .t . . . . .
. " --",w"tf.Vr7"ir
falo 7pe Satdav had aae.
"Bn,t" J ilLTE
ef,J. "f?""y " J1. t
SS5S nd.Jw!
SSa4ls? SS iSJl
I Oregon and had stimulated werh-
I mrm mm Yin A ha
i "l I""""
i . v.uv .
I onmn s engagements wera
I oelled by national headqnartera
I of the democratic party. No e
pianauon was issued beyond a
statement ' that the broadcasts)
spread protests from democxaUc
leaders in the nation caused te
cancellation along with the jabfia
tlon caused ln republican raaksv
Dollar Day Will
Be Featured at
Stores in Salem
Dollar day Is here again, tha
annua fall occasion when Salem
merchant offer Mr. : and . Km.
Buyer attractive bargains each
tor the price ot one round "cart
wheel-, or a single greenback. To
morrow they will feature thee
items la their sales, advertised to-
I day and tomorrow.
I s
Only 4 More Days
To Secure This
Paper ior $3 , " z
; Next "Monday mark tha
end of the annual bar-gab
period for- rural reader mt
Tha Statesman. Despite ex
isting bnainese : condltiowa.
the loyalty . of Statesmaa
reader has been e7ldewa
and renewal of long-Uaae
nbacriber 1 gratifying. '"
: Thus far 4SO new fane
Hie have been' added t
the. last. five week to The
Statesman family, which 1
ateadliy growing, both te
the conn try and ia the city
area. If yoa have not re
newed, do : SO BOW. . - Oady
fonr days remain. r The
Statesman by mail, one year
for fS in Oregon.
6.0. P.
: t
'. 1
. v also present.;-