The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 27, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local News Briefs !
Tamer Troop Starting : Ap
plication for i a charter for
' 'Turner Boy Scout troop, ' to be
known as No. 17 was receited
by Executive O.P, West at Cas
, jcade Area headquarters ' here
yesterday- The troop -la belns
sponsored by tbe .Turner Com-
munity-elub?- It will start with
, a membership of 10 boys. Waldo
, A.Rlches will he the scoutmaster
- aad Walter Peterson, assistant,
v Troop 'committeemen wtU be:'. D.
,. B.v Partes, Ivan Hadley. Henry
Ahren. John R. Cox and Robert
F.-E. 8ehaefer ;
October S 1st will be the final day
,ot The Statesman's annaal Bar
gain Period The Statesman by
tmail anywhere la Oregon, for one
.-year, only ii.oq. Regular rate of
v 14.00 will apply after the first of
November. .. r :
S ..Accidents Reported Three
minor accidents were reported to
, city policy yesterday. No Injuries
r were yeported. Driver were as
, , follows i Alden Adolph, ItO North
. 14th -street, and "Dowd Franklin,
. oi unemawa. at High and Court;
- A. n. Brassier, Salem route six.
.-. and Earl Cochran. 14) S Caurt, at
. , state and 12th; Max probe, 1715
North Winter, and A. A. Wheian;
14S0 Broadway, at Hood and
, Winter.
,t Coart Opens Monday The fall
.- tern of the atate supreme court
for eastern Oregon will open at
Pendleton next Monday, it was
announced by Arthur 3. Benson,
clerk. There are 12 cases on the
M docket, and the term probably
..will be completed not later than
. .next Thursday. One of the most
.Important eases is that of the Wa
,,pinitla Irrigation eompany, et al,
..against water users of Juniper
, ,v .. Hold Hearta Friday The
v state public utilities commissioner
, will bold hearing at Hood River
, Friday on the protest of eitlsena
of Parkdale and Odell, lnrolring
.. toll rates of the Oregon-Washing
' ,ton Telephone -company. Com.
-.'plaint against the-'company was
, tiled In the offices of the utility
v eommiaaioner two weeks ago. The
.,. hearing will be conducted by Her
, bert Hauser, secretary of the com
.October 3 1st will be the final day
f The Statesman's annual Bar-
'T gain Period The Statesman by
, man anywhere in Oregon, for one
year, only f 3.00. Regular rate of
, $4.00 will apply, after the first of
. Davis Case Reported The an-
nual report in the case of Valera
' A. Davis, incompetent, was filed
,ln probate court Wednesday by
. John Porter, guardian. Income f 6r
.,the year including a earryoyer
'amounting to $1452. Ontgo was
.$577. The remainder of the es
tate is 87, a portion of which is
. held in the liquidating liabilities
of the First National bank of Sil
verton. , . ,
Scouts to March ! The Salem
Boy Scout' baild win' march in
the Armistice day parade, accord
. Ing to Executive O. P. West. This
will be the first major public
. appearance, of the organisation,
started in July. The boys are
practicing marching and playing
at Dlinger field every. Saturday
. morning. Twenty-four boys con
stitute the present membership.
Influenza Prevalent Twenty
cases of influenza were reported
in Marion county last week and
these constituted the majority of
communicable disease cases, ac
cording to the state department
of health bulletin. Other diseases
. reported werei Measles, five; tu
berculosis, pneumonia, chicken pox
and mumps 'two each.
i ,.- . . - -. -
! Crossing Applied -For The Eu
wana Box company has tiled' ap
plication in the offices of the ptfb-
. lie utilities commissioner for Dtr
mission to construct a railroad
crossing- on the Klamath Falls
Lakevlew highway In the vicinity
lot Quartz mountain; The date, of
Drcm Corps Assured Assur
ance that the Salem drum corps
expressed desire to participate in
the possible Inauguration parade
of Candidate F. D. Roosevelt bad
received his attention and would
He "considered at the proper time"
wa received here yesterdar in a
letter directed to TomJBllI, manaK
ger or the drum corps. The letter
bore Governor Roosevelt's, name.
Hoover oa Air President
Hoover will be heard over static
KGWw Portland, three times with
in the next five days. Political
talks scheduled for him are at
5:20 o'clock Friday. , o'clock
Monday and 5:20 o'clock Tuesday.
Monday has been designated as
Hoover day throughout Oregon.
Trast Company Named The
Ladd as Bush Trust company was
yesterday named administrator of
the estate of Ralph Herbert, de
ceased. Appraisers of the estate
designated In -probate court -are
Elizabeth Hayter, Roy "Nelson and
H. R., Crawford; -li " V
Rummage Sale, today., Frfc and
Sat. 143 N. High. Br First Christ
tan cnareb. -.-
To-HoM Pirtt The Blaek
Dragons, men and women's- senior
life-saviag corps at the Y.M.CJU
wm tioia a Hallowe'en party at
the T building Friday night. This
win be followed by a party by the
Junior. life-saving corps Saturday
aigni. .
Ring Baitt The boxinc class
at the T. M. C. A.' has arown so
targe unuer the direction of Clyle
Grewell that it has been necessary
to construct a boxing ring In the
mail gymnasium upstairs. This
ring will also be used br the wres
tling eiasses.
Wanted, used furniture. Tel. 1110.
To Give DfltMutratkm An
exhibition of the game of handball
may be seen at the T. M. C.
Saturday afternoon at 1:20. when
Don Spears aad Bernard Zobel of
Salem wiU play M. B. Ships and
partner from the Portland T. The
public is invited.
Mores Office The Associated
Student Body headquarters office
at the senior nigh school has been
moved across the hall to the room
formerly occupied by th secre
tary to the school superintendent.
Anderson Estate Valued The
estate of Leo H. Anderson, de
ceased, has an appraised ralue of
2232 according to a report filed
in probate court yesterday. K. E.
Graves is administrator.
m ks .
Registration ? Exceeds ' 1 928 1
By 44,185; Grant, and
Crook to Report ;
vember . election, . exclusive " . of ask . how .the ' population at the J sTOTernor secretary and
Grant and Crook counties which I end of State street the nenlten-I assistant secretary, Mrs. 8ack
are yet to report, exceed these for j tiary would Tote Warden - Jim) Md Mrs. Tyson, yesterday
tne entire 31 eountlerin 1! ZS. by I Lewis said he bad not polled bis ; were, uneat tor m me-ever
44,185. It was announced at tbe boys there nor did he believe 1 . tn lt7 w aa open alrpUs as
stite department here yesterday. I they would be let Put election I te of tb tslos " Oil com-
The regUfrt!a for the" 3 4 d7 lo roi-
.Total. registrations for the No-:
INCE politic appear te be the t figure i "nmeh less than it was In
big issue of: the day some-11'23.
one . got the : Inspiration to;
told tbe ocber day l an Eng.
liabmasi to the .effect that tba
daring messenger had Jast rid
den ap i front Portland with
valaable , paper and ' had had
his pony shot eat from ander
hint, while trytag to pass the ;
large - suaa of - Chesaawa la-
rtlaas lacated aortk mt Salens,
He bellevetl the story. Tbe idea
Is not to disappoint visitors who
expect wild western Oirulsy
counties received by the secretary
of state up to last night totaled
480,265, as compared with 428.
180 for tbe 36 counties four years
ago. Democratic gains in the.' 24
ectunties this year was 35.803
over the total registrations for
this party in 1928. The republican
gain In the 34 counties, compared
with the 30 counties four, years
ago, wa 1M01.
rot si republican ; registrations
mil counties this year was 315,-
9T, as -against -205,26 in 26
Bat perhaps we can set the '
rarions party mtad at ease
by ' stattag that no doubt the
eonvicta vroaM vote aboat like
lot people say they are
going to. In other words they
woald vote - to pat - tbe "las'
oat. And more, .after-that was
done, - they, certainly woaldat
vote, to pat themselves back rfm -
again. , JU '.-".
paay.-TTe dMnt aee them wheel
they Came'; hack, bat ynTre
tney eaase back all right. They
make flae leoklac avlat rices.
8ILVERTON, Oct. 26. Sgt. O.
W. Olsen of Company I of the Ore
gon National Guard has beea busy
this week at the Silvertoa armory
doing some repair work and build
ing additional locker in the sup
ply room. The lockers are for the
use' of non-ebmmlssloned officer
of the company. '. '
mi in nnnn
b mm
A talk descriptive of Colombia,
where he spent -14 years in mis
sion work, was made to Rotaiians
Wednesday by Dr. Grover C. Birt
chet, pastor- of the Presbyterian
church. In recent year that coun
try has shown much change and
advancement. However, illiteracy
still abounds, schools are restrict
ed largely to upper castes. Natives
live almost in serfdom. en the best
plantations. There are tew hospi
tals, although the poorer classes
fie receive seme medical attention.
. Investment In Latin America is
just a gamble, expressed Dr. Birt
ehet. Those who put, their money
in South America may get It back
and maybe not. There Is no gen
eral banking system, each bank
cashing only cheeks drawn on It
self. Military service is compul
sory. ? iu.-j. . " ' "
Violin numbers were rendered
by Marjorie Warner, j ; '
, JEFFERSON. Oct. 26 Mrs.
Maude Rogers of Enterprise. sUte
president of the Rebekab assem
bly of Oregon, will pay an official
visit to ML Jefferson Rebeksh
ledge -on the evening et Novem
ber 1. ' -
Jim 'Lewis -baa a fine nletnre :tha governor's aides. - were : tbe
counties n 1923. The democrats hanging in hi office at the state women to ride In his fast
this year registered 152,612 la the I penitentiary. , It la one of Jaek pune.
24 counties as . compared with I Dempsey. Jack sent It ta Mr.
116.809, in 36 counties four years I Lewis after' tbe former' visit to
Just prior t their trip Wll-1
11am Elnxlg and A news heuad
were Uken to CbrvslUs aad back
In less than 30 minutes. The pl-l
lot of the speedy craft wa War'
ren Carey, of Lo Angeles, while
Ace Myers ef. she union Oil com
pany .from'-' Portland Invited the
. w -.S
parties tfor . the : ride. - Carey . said
the Institution several months
ago. On it is written "To my
good friend Warded Jim Lewis,
Jack Dempsey. The remem
brance must have pleased Jim a
Other Parties Labor
There wa a marked decrease
this year in other party registra
ttons, when compared with those
in 1928.
Counties reporting to the sec
retary of atate - yesterday were
Wasco and Harney. Wasco was
the only county In Ortgon to re
port a decrease In Its republican,
democrat and total registrations
for. 1922, when compared with
four years ago. The Wasco regis
tration for this year totalled 6.-
681 as against 7501 In 1923. Tbe
1922 registrations Included 4882
republicans, 1722 democrats.
three progressives, is prohibition
1st, eight socialists and 52 mis
cellaneous. -
Harney county showed an in
crease of 200 registration thl I terday passed the 480.000 mark.
year when compared with four I thus increasing by some 44,000
years ago. This registration of I the number of Toters ta tbe state.
Harney county for this year was I The two counties yet to come.
2748 a compared with 2548 In I both small, are Croek aad Grant
1928. The 1932 registration in-with a combined vote ef about
eluded 1436 reoubUcans. 1272 5400. This will bring the ln-
demoerats, two progressives, twolerease to 60,000,
prohibitionists, nine socialists
aad 27 miscellaneous.
It weald be fin for Ota 84
lens dram corps to bead tbe
fnaagaral parade ef Franklin
Roosevelt, tf nad when, bat
the hoys better net plaa too
mnch on' the trip nlssa they
are asewred speeches by Al
Smith are not broadcast. Peo
ple are wandering stow hew
snack the republican eofasnittee
paid for that address the ether
Evidently ' . Geateral Thoaaas
K. Bile has beard that Mrs.
title knows whn the yavng
women was who neat Ton tbe
" lone qneea of spade. For what
ether reason woald he stay In
eastern Oregon, apparently
afraid to come home .to learn
the worst. Torn went over there
to return Wednesday night.
The latest informs Uoa la I
wont return now natll Friday.
Ne vso. pntttng It off, Toaa,
yoaTl have to face tt Jast as
noon as yon get back anyhow.
con . : ' v. , . .
ujEnnnEDD mm mmm
cff ctvietiiofL
WelL Don here goes. And we I
got the dope from Oliver Hus
ton of the motor Tehlcle division ;
of the secretary of atate' of See,
who sent the letter conveying
with n Miu t t I ins uuonaauoa wmca bu aaa
nnrt nrcrnn'i nrlit ratio thu 1 7 wuniou llr u iou. k
o I x v . 1
o omi uiu u, Jwa, nut w 1
enjoyed your curiosity.
Rummage sale Thurs. 456 Court.
Bound Over Clay Cornwall,
accused of larceny of an automo
bile, was bound over to the grand
jury following hearing in justice
court yesterday.
Make Denial An answer in the
form tf a general denial was filed
in circuit court Wednesdav hr
Pranks Due
On Monday
'Let no one say It could not
be worse.'
Instead of Hallowe'en being thl
weekend, as one anxious woman
surmised, the exact date is Mon
day night, October 31, the eve
This column has previoasly
alluded to Doaegaa Wiggins
as a national authority on fire
arms. Gans of vnrions lands
are often seat to him for clas
sification or to be added to hi
largo collection and when he
carries oae of these formidable
weapons across the etatehonso
grounds aad at the same time
carry inj: a brief ease full of
valuable papers, the combina
tion naturally excites commeat.
three defendants in the case of of All Saint's cay which accord-
Oscar Lee, executor, a plaintiff. '- iS to pflicial pronouncement la
- 1 m.. a ; v 1
Community Club Will wSSSSSSSS7S
Meet Soon at -'Green S".'clal 0me," ' th
I want to go away for the
weekend, in fact have been in-
Tbe comparison Is made over
the- registration for the prest-
deatiat election four years ago.
Other comparieone show that
S8 out of the 84 counties re
porting had larger registra
tions. Twenty-one of the conn-
tieo showed Increases in the
republican list and all but I Stale employes have been
two reported gains for the dem-1 known to take advantage of the
ocrats. gullibility of effete eastern visi
tors and nass oat aoma larra
Bat the comparisons still how-tories a. to the reason for the
the republicans more than two gun It u reported that one story
limes greater man me aemocraia wag to the effect that Donegan
aitnougn tne aemocraia gamea 1 WM earnrlng the sayroll from
3 times aa mucn as me re- tne treasurera office to
irubllcans. The figures to date the ,tate building and was armed
give 316,997 repuDiicans, ioz.siz against racketeers.
aemocrats. ana 11,7 1 iisiea
from all other parties.' The latter 1 However, tne best story was
aaSclutc in the co&tld Seta
it exclusively ffamt
Flving more than 14 million miles a year, United Air Lines
again places its yearly order for Standard-made motor fuels.
It has never used any other kind.
Ariation gasoline must be good-hence, United bays from
Airplane gasoline for United Air Lines is made by Standard
Oil Company of California with the same care and workman
ship that goes into the refining of "Standard" Gasoline.
Try a tankf ul of "Standard" the favorite of Pacific Coast
motorists. On sale at Standard Stations, Inc., and Red White
and Bine Dealers.
HAZEL GREEN, Oct. 26. The
community club will hold Its first
meeting of the year Friday. Oc
tober 28, at the schoolhouse.
Leonard Rutherford, the new
president, will be in charge. A
business meeting will precede the
program, to Include a reading by
Beulah Graham of Salem: solo.
Virginia Burger of Salem; songs
by school; whistling solo, Mr,
Mark; jack o'lantern by primary
O hi t
vited away but I dare not leave
my property If Hallowe'en comes
while I am gone," the Inquirer re
"Please put the exact date in
the paper and please warn the
marauders and vandals not to do
as they have in other years or
at least not to start Hallowe en
until it comes."
The Statesman, remembering
that on one occasion it reported
Hallowe'en a day early ana made
a situation almost as pad as : tne
four-day -premature armistice in
1918, issues today due notice of
the Hallowe'en date. - '.
At the residence 965 Nort
Fifth street. Wednesday, October
26, George S. Smith, aged 71
VA Mi Om wtwAit ft. l .4 lf..M
the bearing l,en .A-
Scout Coart Tonieht - The I TT amna 01 Wisconsin; several
nieces ana nepnews. irunerai ser
vices will be held from the chapol
of the Clough-Barrick eompany, '
Saturday. October 29, at 2 p. m.
Tavehner Will -
Receive Honor
Society Plans
' monthly Linn county Boy Scout
' court of boner- will be held at
v Albany tonight .with nine boys
appearing for awards. Judge Nut-
. ting of Albany will preside. F. D.
White. Albany f scout eommis-
sioner. is in charge,
Fraternls Meets Tonight
F. Buckner, aged 8 years. Sur-
vlred by daughters, Mrs. J. iU
Entertainment for tdnigbt' meet- J Lauchead of Portland. Miss Daisy
A committee consisting of H. B.
Johnson, principal of Eugene high
school. R. U. Moore, principal of
lliut.M . I uaiiwMij ui&u vi cjukcub, mum
At Spokane. Oct. 25. Mrs. Clara "uan, principal of Spring
ing of Fraternls club, at The
Spa at f:30 o clock, will eon-
sisl 01 01a lima music pruviuwu
, gram scheduled ror tonignt was
' Iufer Talks. Radio Oyer ra
' dlo staUon KOAC, state college
at Corvallia, Em est Iufer of 8a
. Jem will speak on the subject,
"Rock Garden, at 2:10 o'clock
1 ' this afternoon. Iufer is noted for
' his floral productions aad rock
garden plans. .
'Get Jadrment A default judg
ment was lasued Wednesday in
circuit court here ; to : the Mer
' chants Credit bureau against the
Stayton Woolen Mill. The Judg-
' ment cills for S3 5 2 together with
Buckner of Albany; sons. Fred 12.
Buckner of Honolulu, Howard IL
Buckner ef Terrbonne. Ore., H. II.
a trio. The ladies bight pro-J Buckner of Salem; sisters, Mr.L
Sarah Camber of Albany, Mrs. A.
E. Randall of Albany, Mrs. IL
Judson of Pullman, Wash.; niae
grandchildren. Funeral serrict
from' tbe chapel of Clough-Bar-
rlek company, Thursday. Oct. 2T
at 2 p. m. with Dr. W. C. Kantnor
officiating. Interment Cltyview
Coming Events
October 28Yonng Re-
pnblican dabs of state dine
here. Senator, Fred Stelwer
speaker. '.- "
-October SS Salem high
vs. Astoria high, night
football. game. ?y ;
Ocrtober Willamette
v. College of Paget 8onmIf .
night football game. ,.-' .
November Jl . ' Jr. Dan
Poling addresses prohibition
rally at Salem armory. ;
November Genera.
sJfrtlonr ?.i'-r.';'"r '
November- 10-11 Armis
tice day celebration In
charge of American Legion.
December 6-T Western
' Nnt Growers association an
nual - meeting, chamber : of
commerce. ,-".;
December 7-9 Oregon
State nortlcnltural sody
conference, chamber of com
merce. - 1
In this elty. October 26, WiU
Uam Orvule Davenport, aged 19
years. Former residence 107 f
Rural avenue. Survived by chil
dren. Mrs. Olire Hank, : Mrs.
Blanche Miller. Mr. Mlldren
0Ahalla TnTllilsiWi TP ' nlaun T. esfVit
ovuauvt f at-. uvn m att
Orvllle J. Davenport: even gran-
children. He was formerly of Iowa.
I Funeral services Friday. October
28. at 1:30 p. m. from tbe chapel
of W. T. Rigdon ft Son. Inter
ment City View cemetery. :
o- i : o
field high school was appointed
at the state high school princi
pal' meeting here last week to
formulate a plan for the organis
ation of honor societies through
the state.
The original plan which was
suggested to the association at
the meeting was turned down aad
the necessity of developing some
such system before tnother year
led to the appointment of the
Any plan decided on will prob
ably be sent to R. W." Tavenner,
assistant principal or Salem high
school, and If feasible, will bo
put into ess Immediately, stated
Tavenner yesterday,
Barker To Mr. and Mrs.
John Barker. 2609 South Sum
mer street- a girl, Nancy May,
I born on October II at Salem Dea
coness hospital.
.Cammln To. air. and Mrs.
Ray ' "Emerson Cummins,- 38
h 17th a eert AonlpUhthetia,rlg
South 17th street, a girl, Ramo
nn May,, bora : on October . 2 S at
Salem Deaconess hospltaL
Ringlet E a a
Open Friday
Evening by
' appointment'
3 0 7 First Natl Bank Bldg.
Tel. SfCS ' , ;
Branch of Castle Pioneer
.Permanent Wavers. Portland
Witaoat OsaratiM er Lsu'of Tum
r pianos t6
'.;v:,;; rent-:,'
i, . ,.. ..... .. . . ,m ... , . -
Call CO 10, Csed Farnltare'
Department -191
Korth High
law t !
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"Nature in the Raw" as par- ,
trayed by the lyaxtatdmal painter,
Paul Bransom inspired by the
tatstral ferocity of "Bag-heer,"
the blade panther isi the famous
"Jungle BooYJ Nature in the
Raw is Seldom M04w and raw
S: t '
No "ravv7 tobaccos ill Luckies
buy the finest, die very finest
tobaccos in all the world
mellowing, arc then given the
benefit of that Lucky Strike puri-
- - but fP5 MiP '
"folks" 5evVaywr Ths V3
Strike arth , why folks in every. dtyft
: fntU rhnt riMorrW tn tr RaW ; Cigarettes. r . :
; is Seldom it
tobaccos, after proper aging and : - - Thst pack?- cf ttd tec?
lT .-I --
i -.