The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 27, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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    ACT NOW, SAVE $1 ;
- . The Statesman's annual
bargain ; period ends ,li (
more days. Order bow; one
Cloadr todav sad Thi
' day, moderate .temperature j .
llaz. Temp. .Taeaday 64
)Ua 89, rler -.4 foot, rata e
,01 lach, clear, - .
. more da;
year byi
? Oregon..
nail $3 anywhere ia
Offer ends Nov. 1,
Salem, Oregon, Thursday Jlorninff, October 27, J932
N0.1S5 i
Boyer Mandamus Is Refused
By Supreme Court, Vote
Now Impossible
Early Ruling Upon Legality
Of Bonds Hoped for by
I Attorney Trindle .
The state, supreme court Vester
dar again refused to grant a ma
damas writ which wosld compel a
rote November 8 by cltlsens; of Sa
lem on the proposed repeal of the
$2,500,000 water bond Issue. The
court sustained the opinion ot
Judge L. H. McMahan who last
week refused a writ of mandamus
against U. Q. Boyer, county clerk,
which would hare forced Boyer to
put the water repeal measure on
the general ballot . .
' City Attorney Trindle, . pleased
with the- decision, which con
formed to the court's decision of
'Monday refusing a mandamus
against Mark Poulsen,- city re
corder, immediately- announced
that he would now proceed to
push tor an early and final deci
sion on the legality of the chart
er amendment, adopted December
15. 1931, by roters of Salem. Un
der this amendment the purchase
of construction of a water plant
by the city was authorized.
Trindle said he looked for an
early decision by Judge, L. G. Le-welling-
on the second amended
complaint filed by the city asking
for a declaratory judgment on the
charter amendment. Opponents of
the charter amendment, repre
sented by Walter E. Keyes and
John H. Carson have demurred to
the city's ' complaint In circuit
court and the demurrer, baring
been argued. Is now with Judge
Lewelling for a decision.
Appeal to Supreme '
Court Next Step -
Should a demurrer be sustain
ed, Trindle expects to appeal to
the state supreme court and thus
get a final determination from
that court on the water bond issue
vote. - . :v
Meanwhile anothe4aiV-o-rest
- the validity ot the charter amend
ment Is pending in federal court
in Portland. The opponents of the
bond issue are plaintiffs In that
suit which is before Judge Alger
fee. ... ' a - . ' - :
The state supreme court ruled
Wednesday that the water repeal
measure could not go on the gen
eral . ballot November 8 because
the petitions for the election had
been tiled too late and because
the certification made by Record
er Poulsen to County Clerk Boyer
are likewise tardy. The court held
the 45-day limit on filing placed
(Turn to page 2, col 1)
A search for Nancy Irene Bu
ehanana, three-year-old foster
daughter of - Mrs. Violet C. Bu
chanana, wealthy widow, - was
started tonight by city and coun
ty authorities who said they be
lieved extortionists had kidnaped
the child as they had threatened
to do in "a series ot letters to
Mrs. Buchanans. . " -
The child, police said., disap
peared from her crib In the nur
sery after a nurse, whose .name
police withheld, had placed the
Infant in Its bed for an afternoon
nap. Three men and. one woman,
whose names police declined - to
reveal, were in the Jiuchanana
home daring the day but could
not exnlain the disappearance.
Two Investigators. Harry Cline
and Charles Harworth. of tbe
district attorney's office, said
Mrs. Buchanana had received a
aeries ot. threatening letters, de
manding $12,500 to prevent the
kidnaping of tbe child. .
Child oi Seven
Is Human Torch;
Burns Critical
PORTLAND; Ore., Oct 2
CAP) William Farrar, 7, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Carrol H. Farrar ot
Portland, ws seriously burned to
night when a playmate poured
kerosene over him, then ignited
his clothing, police said they were
Informed. -
The lad waa taken to a hospital
here, where his condition was re
ported critical, with paa ouras w
his legs and face. The oil. was
taken from a road construction
lantern, police said. .-.-
Portland Police
Veteran Retires
PORTLAND," Ore.,' Oct It
IAP) John T. Moore, the only
man ea the Portland police force
with the rank of Inspector,! was
given a farewell luncheon here to
day by Leon V. Jenams ana ie
lellow officers and friends. ; In
tpector Moore will retire October
tl. after completing 19 years of
terrlce on the Portland force.
Along With Student
Rioters in
They Demonstrate" to
One Faculty man, Then Disturb Court
With Pleas for Group Held
"VTEW YORK, Oct 2ft (AP)
lege of New York two of
night while demonstrating in
on t4tn street, near .Broadway.
Several hundred students had gathered to protest
against the arrest of Prof essor Donald Henderson and three
fellow students earlier tonight
Reiliy Pins Kaplan While
Referee is out but Abe
' Finally Triumphs
PORTLAND. Oct. 26. (AP) .
Abe Kaplan of New York, defeat
ed Pat Rellly of Boston, two falls
put of three in the main event of
tonight s wrestling card hare.
Kaplan weighed 220 and Rellly
They had divided the first two
falls, Rellly taking the initial one
in less than four minutes with a
flying body scissors and Kaplan
getting the second in IS minutes
with a winglock.
Rellly bounced Kaplan around
the ring several times with flying
tackle butts in a strenuous at
tempt to take the third fall. Sud
denly Kaplan ducked and Rellly
crashed head-on into Vern Harr
ington, Portland, referee. Harr
ington skidded through the ropes
and Into the orchestra pit, and
didn t come to for several mm
utes. Meanwhile, Rellly slapped
Kaplan down with a body scissors,
and held him some 30 seconds,
but there was no referee to award
him the decision, Kaplan jerking
loose before Harrington returned
to the ring. The official and de
ciding fall came to Kaplan in 11
minutes with an arm bar.
-BobMyers, 184, : Tillamook,
won two straight falls from Sail-
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 26.-
( AP) Franklin T. Griffith, pres
ident - or tne racinc isorcawesi
Public Service company, will
leave tomorrow for the east to
confer on questions affecting the
financial' affairs of the Portland
utility and its subsidiaries, the
Portland General Electric . com
pany and the Portland Traction
He will visit Chicago, New York
and Washington, Griffith declined
to comment on his trip, other than
to say he has a great many things
to discuss which cannot be dis
cussed publicly now because of
the Intricacy of details.
The Oregonian tonight publish
ed, the presumption that Griffith
will make a complete report to
the Central Public Servic corpor
ation, holding company for the
Portland Utility, concerning 'the
lengthy hearing State Public Util
ities Commissioner . Charles. .
Thomas recently conducted into
the financial relations of the Port
land Utility and its Chicago par
" -
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 28 -(AP)
Harry L. Gross, Portland
attorney was acquitted here today
of a charge of having advocated
the bribery of Mayor George L.
Baker in connection with the
selection pf a certain site for a
Portland public market.
Circuit Judge Jacob - Kanuer,
unon motion of defense counsel.
directed a verdict of acquittal.
" The Portland attorney had
been eharged with having nrg
ed other persons to offer Mayor
Baker $10,000 for his favorable
vote on selection of the. market
site. " .
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 28
(AP) Allen Axel Stanton, 11.
was ' sentenced by . Circuit J udge
Hall S.Luskf today to three years
in the .state oenitentiary and - a
in iiigii on
fine of $1000. Stanton last . week-t
waa convicted by la Jury on a
charge ot involuntary manslaugh
ter in the ; connection with tne
death last April of Daniel Tuil In
Portland. :
Stanton's automobile, testimony
nresented to the Jury purported
to show, was traveling ever the
Burnslde bridge at a high rat
ot speed and struck Tull as it
entered the first street intersec
tion at thm -wpat annroach of the
I bridge. " ' ""
is Jailed
New York
Protest Dismissal of
Sixteen students of the Ool-
them co-eds. were arrested to
front of a magistrate's court
at & demonstration in the col-
-olege library. '
as tne stuaenu swelled in a
chorus of "free our students" I
free Professor - Henderson",
Magistrate August Dreyer ordered
the courtroom windows closed.
The din continued and was so loud
that court was halted,
The magistrate ordered all
available policemen Into the
streets to arrest the students.
Professor Henderson Is the
sponsor ot the college's liberal
club that gathered early tonight to
demonstrate in front of the presi
dent's home, protesting against
the dismissal of Prof. ' Oakley
Johnson, economist and writer,
The students adjourned to the
library and the assistant librarian
called the police. Forming a "fly-1
lng wedge," the police forced the
students from the library and the
professor and three ot the demon
strators were arrested and
brought to the downtown court.
Cniiota TMnnAi4 UfU
uiiuoicu men uaHycu viiigii
They Attempt Sale to
Ostensible "Spy"
HONOLULU, Oct. 2 (AP)-
Two enlisted men were under ar
rest at army headquarters today
eharged by department officials
with" stealing- aonf id en tial - 4ett
meats and then attempting to tell
them to an agent whom they be
lieved to he a foreign represen
The men who had taken a cot
tage at Waiklkl beach, were ar
rested there last night by Hon
olulu police and army authorities.
They were held today while au
thorities investigated the case.
At army headquarters it was
announced officials missed the
documents from their customary
place and started an inquiry which
,lur."""11"' ""euVw"u
woraea in me aocumeni rooms.
took them.
An army official approached
the men in the Waikiki cottage
and representing himself as the
agent of a foreign power offered
to purchase the documents which
included some maps. He made an
appointment with the men which
was kept last night.
At this meeting the men turned
over the documents, authorities
said, and In return received $100
from the army official in marked
money. Police then entered the
cottage and the arrests were made.
-The names of the men arrested
were withheld. .
(AP) Leror McQuirk. former
Oklahoma A. ft M. college mat
star, and Ted Travis, former Ore-
ton Stat, fnnthair nla-vaf w.M -
ed to a 80-minute draw here to -
Harry Gross Acquitted;
Probe of Lodge Sought :
Meanest Thief Spotted
Death Driver Sentenced
Defense counsel Indicated a
mouon ior a new inai will be
filed. - -
rw w.l
awouuwau. Win, vCl.
lAri- ouis oeuur o. u. Knar.
!FnC n -:!fTT,.UfmtloiB V1?
affairs ot ' the 'Ancient Order ot
Unlted Workmen in Oregon. The
. v m
cwuurai- yvuc7 siui.
me vregon jaruttjeuon ot iiui
fraternal insurance order, the
poUcy holders have been advised,
has been Uken over by. the North
Dacota jurisdiction ana . ajs-esa-ments.
totaling nearly 80 per cent
ot the face value ot the policies
are being levied, they said.
! PORTLAND.;: Ore- Oct 2 8
(AP) The meanett thief, whose! Charlie Chaplin won again to
depradationa are : variously re-
ported throughout the country,
popped up in Portland today in
the person of a 80-year-old un
shaven man, . deputy sheriffs re
ported.. - . r .; ' ;.: V
The man jumped from the
bushes at the edge of the city, J Jr., 7. and Sydney Earl. Chaplin,
attacked . seven-year-old Johnl (, was ' denied after the noted
Crocket, and robbed him, . of 25
eents,;the deputies, said. The lad
was on his way to the store for
his mother. - s ..
Occupied Buildings are not
Threatened as Heating
Plant is Damaged .
Starts in Sawdust
Conveyor; City Force
Fights Over Hour
Fire startinf In the sawdust
boiler room at. 8:80 o'clock last
Bight did damage estimated by
William Einzig, secretary ot the
state board of control, at between
$4500 and $5000. The flames
were brought quickly under con-
trol and at no time menaced the
ward buildings a block away.
Inmates, however, could see the
fire and many peered through the
barred windows at the sight un
usual In their routine existences.
'As far as Dr. R. E. Lee Stein-
er, - superintendent, could ascer
tain last night, the fire was cans-
ed by a burning belt in the eon
veyor shed, over one of the steel
furnace fuel bins. He said the
night watchman had checked in
from the boiler room Just five
minutes before the fire was dis
covered. The flames spread
through the conveyor housing
over the storage room which joins
to the boiler room on the east
Engineer and Crew
Keep Plant Going
TtSrlHtt S?Sf I
the flame from without, the hos
pital engineer and his crew work
ed in the dense smoke within to
i flood the burning sawdust and
i at the same time keep the fires
going under the boilers.
Five hose lines were directed at
? The hospital well sup-
piy, water tower and emergency
reservoir back ot the main hospit
al building were drawn on to sup
ply the lines.
Hundreds of persons drove to
the scene, forming a steady stream
of traffic Firemen were engaged
an hour and a half in fighting the
William O. Davenport. 70, was
found dead In the bus station at
12th and Oak streets at 8:30
o'clock yesterday morning by
I Frank seheibner. 148S South
commercial street. He had shot
tnrough tne ngnt xempie
with .22 calibre revolver. Cor-
I Bird on .nald deaoon-
dam. annarentlv waa th- eanae
nf the ant -
! irnnai imiMi win h hM
I inmnnns a ftapTi nnn 1 so
! o'clock from the Chanel of W. T.
Rigdon A Son, with Interment in
City View cemetery.
Davenport is survived by six
children, Mrs. Olive Hauk. Mrs.
Blanche Miller, Mrs. Mildred
Schaller, William R., Glen L. and
Orvllle J. Davenport.
Written, on a small piece ot
letter paper. Rigdon. found this
message from Davenport; "This
Is all I can do. I have no home.
Goodbye. Dad."
The elderly man cams here
from Iowa about IB years ago, ac-
cording to J. Dale Taylor, deputy
coroner, and at that time had a
siaeable fortune. He purchased a
Urm and assisted his sons in ao-
1 nnlrina nmne orchard. All the
(property was lost In recent years
Mrs; Ruth Kane
Found Guilty oi
Slaying Rancher
FLOYDADA, Tex., Oct. 28
(AP) Mrs. Ruth Kane. 31. was
convicted of murder with malice
I and her nnnishment was fixed at
I five, years in the penitentiary by
la iurv here tonizht. She was on
'or the sUying of J. A. Cun-
IVIllaiT A rtrtl mrlttt an
n tt.. n.A v. ,-v
nfents, apparently . was unmoved
and Mrs. H. H. Stephens of Gra-
Utm and ner n.yeM oId aaQgh.
te'. Edith McComas, were in the
I pnnrtrnom at the time
I s f i- T17MM
V,naplin Winner J
Says Film Work
t t . rr . f
Isn t Healthful
day in his legal argument against
the desire ot his former wile, Llta
Gray Chaplin, to place their two
- 1 small sons lit motion pictures.
- 1 Her petition for the right to en
iter into a contract on behalf of the
I boys, Charles Spencer Chaplin,
I comedian had testified .that '"pic-
J tare making Is hot so healthful as
I it was in the old days of the open
- t studio." - ' : .
Will be Nurse
Desiring; to make herself useful
rather than ornamental te soc
iety. Miss Betty Offield, f Chi
cago, granddaughter of the late
William Wrlgley, chewing gum
tang, plans to become m viaiting
nurse in the Kentucky mown-
taina as a member of the Front.
ier Nursing! service. Mis Of
field ia a millionaires in her
own right, being; the possessor
of a fortune exceeding. $4,0OO,-
Sailors Point to man who
"Knows too Mucfi" About
Kidnaping of Child
SEVILLE. - Spain, Oct. 21.
(AP) Acting on information
from the American consulate, po-
nCe today detained a man who
gave his name as Jean Saul, for j
questioning in connection with the I
aianaping or me Ldnooergn oaoy. I
mn. a a. j a...- I
They said he had admitted he
knew something, about the kid
naping and the distribution of the
I S 0,0 00. ransom paid for the
child' return, but he bad refused
te answer iurther questions until
hey conld .face .the American, po
lice. The name Saul, police said.
probably is an anas, nor were they
certain of the - man's nationality,
He was apprehended after the
American vice - counsul had re
ceived an anonymous note from
two American sailors who said
tney naa talked with Saul la a
cafe here and that "He seemed
to know entirely too much about
the Lindbergh kidnaping."
The vice-consul asked the po-
lice to InTeatlrat. ., it ... w
covered that Saul's identifleaUon
""t't""" -
".. e" w Jnsaria ior "renn
After attending a preliminary
examination the vice-consul an-
I nounced he had withdrawn from
I the case, leaving it entirely ia the
hns of the police, although he
will forward a complete report
to the embassy at Madrid.
One hundred and thirty Masons
gathered in Masonio temple last
coming banau et of Si lem Lodre
M?"" A-v"."1,?,
7 J
UewlyHslected grand master of
"eW,yleCie5 tTana master OX
Oregon. William P. Ellis served
as' toastm aster.
Judge George Rossman of the
state supreme court, eulogized
Mr. Winslow's work in Masonry
and discussed "the place Ma
sonry should hold in this day of
: E. L. Wieder, grand comman
der of the Grand Commandery of
Oregon, spoke greetings of Salem
Lodge No. 4 to Mr. Wlnslow and
Milton L. Meyers did the same
for Pacific Lodge No. 80.
Three 50-year members of Sa
lem Lodge -No. 4 were present:
E. M. Croisan collector of cus
toms, Portland; W. D. Mohney
and William Fisher.
OiaXomb Kills
7 Wounds 25 in .
Hongkew Sector
! SHANGHAI. Oct. 27 Thursday
(AP) The fighting between
the Chinese .. and Japanese last
February was recalled in. ghastly
fashion today when a group of
Chinese in tbe densely populated
i uongaew secuon nnwrwea
unexploded shell. T , ; -
As they were working on it, n
exploded. Seven persons were
I killed and about 25 Injured. Most
- lot the victims were children.
Bids Sought lor e
Postoil ice Sites
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 8 '(AP)
- Bids - for postofflee sites ta
Hlllsboro and Hood River, Ore
will be opened November 21, the
j treasury announced today. ' The
1 postoftices are to be built under
the emergency relief act. . v
Teresa Zach Describes man
Who Holds her up With
. Gun Near Mt. Angel .
Not Injured Though Rough-
: ly Treated; Clues Held by
State Troopers
t.V MitM MmiiA ti,. vm. I
nni inr prRnn i
rill l.r Tr UHI.I1 IT
and timber near Mt. Angel Ust pa t President Hwyer told an
nights for- a . man who atUcked Audience here tonight thaT dis
miss Teresa Zach. 21, daughter Jress ould be ineTeased by Urn-
of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Zach, who
live northeast of that city. They
failed to find the man but an-
nounced they had clues which
might lead to apprehending him
today. I
In an almost hysterical condi-
tlon. the young woman at her
home told officers that as she
was walking homeward on a side
road a short 'distance from the
Mt, Angel-Woodburn highway.
the man. masked with a white
handkerchief, crept up from be-
hind, poked a small revolver In
aw oaca ana oraerea ner to stop. I
Tnen, said Miss Zach. her as
sailant bound her hands behind
her back and forced her into
brush at the roadside. When au
tomobiles passed, he grasped her
tnroat to keep her from calling
When the man unbound her
hands, the young woman strug-
mwrm-m f,Am Vim A
home. There half an hour later
she called the police.
in the struggle. Miss Zach was
roughly handled but not injured,
state police reported. Her clothes
were badly torn.
Tne man took no moner from
me woman. Officers are Inclined
to believe he intended to u.mii
her. I
she was able to give only a
meagre description of the man. I
He was of medium build and wore
. ... I
a macklnaw-like coat.
As soon as the alarm was sir
en, three state troopers rushed
to the Zach home and a posse
was hurriedly organized to seareh
for her assailant.
SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 21
(API A. R. Shumwar. nraM.nt
oria. macule uram urowers,
"7 ,!!5Ionai rketlng agency.
criticised the reconstruction fi-
nance oorooratlon for falllna- t
u . - tihinmnm w,.,t
act on the proposed Chinese wheat
deal after his organisation had
agreed to endorse Chinese notes,
in a telegram sent tonight to At
lee Pomerefle, president ot the F.
R. C.
The telegram also opposed a
suggestion that the American.
Trading company ot New York
loan the Chinese government mon
ney to complete the purchase ot
1S.000.000 bushels of wheat, say
ing any profit it would make
must-be paid by wheat growers.
Explaining his action. President
Shumwar said Wilson McCarthy,
a member ot the finance corpora'
tlon board, had auereated hla or-
ganlxatlon would proceed with ne-
gotlations for the deal if the
North Pacific or the Farmers' Na
tional Grain corporation would
endorse the Chinese notes, which
action was taken here yesterday.
G. 0. P. Rally
Slated Tonight
SILVERTON, Oct. 28 A big
republican rally has been sched
uled for Thursday night at 8:00
o'clock, at the Eugene Field audi -
torlum. The principal speakers
will bo Frederick Steiwer and
James Mott, Ssecial musical num -
hers are also being arranged for.
Saloon Days
"The Saloon as I Knew It was
the subject of an address given by
Dr. Levi T. Pennington, president
f. Prf. Mllre of Knwhnrw.W,-- 7J " ..r. .'i iv-.I--.
" " "v . ,v; ;w
last night before the North Wil
lamette district Methodist Men's
council meeting held at Jason Lee
Memorial church.
Dr. Pennington - denied the
truth of . statements that things
are worse now than in the. days
of .the saloon and that more li
quor is being consumed . than
when saloons wero'open. Ho said
"I wonder it the people have
forgotten or Just don't know, or
think . that I hare forgotten or
don't know." -.;- i..;
- He said that according to gov
ernment statistics the total .pos
sible liquor consumption otlSSO
was less than St percent ot that
of 1914. Dr. Pennington " also
eaued - attention to the moon
shiners ot the saloon times." He
said that, there have always been
moonshiners . and bootleggers and
that perhaps there always will bo.
..At the close et the address
Bourbon Victory
Means Increased i
Distress, Claim
Arthar M. Hyde, secretary ef sg-
fltalture, bespeaklaK the reelec-
u rci" l 1
to dmocru at this time,
"History proves that while we
ean have depressions under pro-
Ya ww B ?,VZVZ a
wlthont protective tariff." Hyde
"""v .....
" u?,meM1 weicn oem-
competitive tariff Is sound, then
loie"r all the nations of the
arui 0Bni w oiuie ir,
Tnat WOttW mt? 5b
,eTel or " Bncs eaien
dowa to the lftTel of tne cnP68
War Is now Recognized as
Everybody's Concern,
Stimson Declares
International cooperation to
preserve peace, as demonstrated
in the Manchurlan -dispute, to-
night was termed by Secretary
Stimson evidence that "after cen-
tunes oi enort basea upon oiner
. n a. a v
and more backward theories, the
world is now moving forward
upon these lines."
Addressing the council of the
Methodist Episcopal church of the
TmlirH ara. Rtlmmon said the
- : r - TL .77" i-T-.-V
nise.the fruits of aggression oh-
talned by treaty violation in Man-
talned by treaty violation
ehuria - was - "a new milestone"
along the road to peace.
He saw "new orientation of
7?d, !fc?!t'?"vCfJ fH! L!1 "ff
that "war anywhere is of concern
everywhere" in the interpretation
of the Kellogg-Briand pact and
of the covenant of the League ot
W.:. '. L ICT " ,"7 -ZTTi. 7i.r:
moTed to nrevent war in the far
moved to prevent war in the far
Recent years had been a "par
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
LOS ANGELES, Oct, 28. (AP)
E. B. Thomas, former superin
tendent ot the Redondo Beach city
school, who waa Indicted by the
county grand Jury Tuesday on
charges ot forgery, including
$788.80 ot school funds, pleaded
not tninr today and hla trial was
George Penney, attorney for
Thomas, who perpetrated a kid -
inn nr mnMar km, and waa
foind In Washinaton .tate from
where lie retain ed TolonUrlly,
1. Una .UK Th.n.aa tnrmm- Am.
in line with Thomas' former dee- -
laratlon that he would plead
guilty, the not guilty plea probab
ly would be changed when the
case comes np for trial.
The attorney Informed the
court the not guilty plea was made
to give Thomas time to assist a
1 county auditor in locating school
I warrants on which Thomas eon
I fessed, police said, to forging the
1 names of the Redondo Beach
'school board.
Much Worse
Tells Group
there was a lengthy discussion of
the eendWates for the. coming
election. - Fred Toose, Jr.. presi-
dent of the Marlon eounrv Chris-
I Itvl"." r.TT.r'
about the various candidates. He
sail that James Mott was an out
and out wet, and that the feder
ation was favorable to Harvey O.
Starkweather for representative
to eongreas. Others recommended
as most favorable to . the drys
were Frederick Steiwer. senator
in' congress: William H. Trindle,
candidate for district attorney for
Marion county 'and ' A. C. Burk,
running for sheriff, for Marion
county, t ' ; .-,---."-.'-.-
L William Miller, ot Dallas, rice
presldent of the association pre -
sided. Musical numbers Included
a duet by -Harriett Adams and
E enema Edwaraa ana a vionn
oust ny jeaneiie enuio ana jean -
ette Scott. - - . -
nans ir
t The eouncumen . wsre dinner! line plunges and end runs. The
guests of the Jason Lee Brother
hood, the dinner being served
dor the direction ot J. Burton
Will Talk 22 Time in
Three Days; Torch
Parades to vie
Shortcut to Beer is
Outlined hy Smith
In N. Y. Speech : ;
PollUcl addressee which
be heard by radio today
eiuae one by Theodore
elt, Jrn a Hoover supporter,
from Manila, P. 1 ever KQW
at Portland at 8 pjn.; mm m
detnocratle address by Alfresl .
IS. Smith over KOIN at 12:13
President Hoover today eoar
pleted plans for two whirlwind
political journeys into the mid
yest aid along the Atlantic sea
board that will carry him be
fore 22 audiences in eight state
within three days.
Denying himself to visitors, the
president spent the day In the
Lincoln study of the White Houc
principally at work on a major
address to be delivered In Indian
apolis Friday night
He gave consideration also.
however, to his eastern swing et
Monday that now calls for four
scheduled speeches and five rear
platform appearances. He will
speak for about IS minutes ' ia
Baltimore and again in Philadel
phia, deliver a nearly hour-long
open air address in Newark, New
Jersey, and an even longer speech
Monday night in New Tork
Madison Square Garden.
Plan to Outrival . - ,
Ritchie Reception
During the day the chief exe
cutive received reports from re-'
publican leaders in Indianapethi
that they were attempting out
rival a democratic rallr fn the
I woosier capital on
of Maryland will sat
.f7 T"1
They reported that a torch
light parade la the old-time po
i"! , V . V, , "
litical style had been olamed
and tney
'or him, replete with hand,
and bugle corps.
NEW YORK. Oct. 20 (AP)
A11 smith struck eat te-
I the method of ratifying eoastJtu-
I - " J. L 7 . " ' JTT
ed a -quick way" of ameadinr
the Volstead act.
The former New York gover
nor spoke at a testimonial din
ner-' for Mrs. Charles H. Sablx.
head of the Women's orgaaiza
tion for national prohibition re
form. Reveals Method to .
"Get Beer Right Away
smith said the Wlekersham re
port "speaks about the unfair
ness of ratification by state leg-
lslaturen," and. added:
"The legislatures of enr states
are not so constituted as to re
flect popular wHL" '
He suggested the Volstead act
be amended by the addition of a
section reading:
"Nothing herein . contained
" m w appiy io mare-
1 . ... .
I w
f.1 riM;away.- he continued.
I "Un aW AM't t an M Ma m mm mmm.m .
v aawas s aaeaw a,t yM PVU
of it"
1 Jn8t the WW dOOtU t ap
apply ta
Jvater to Those
Paying No Taxes
CHICAGO. Oct, 28 (AP)
The city council today took dras
tic action calculated to break the
"tax strike"-by. denying munici
pal services to large delinquent
taxpayers. .. ' .. '
The council . adopted - without
debate a resolution calling upon
the city water department to cut
off within 10 days the water
supply of any person or organiza
tion which owes $10,000 or mere
uxea and Is able to pay.
The resolution was' aimed
I - , , '
I nn - ianpnye,. jib wponsnr.
I Alderman John S. CUrk,
cause 80 per. cent of the nnpaid
$200,800,000 taxes , for -19M.
112$,. and 1120 Js' owed by per
sons paying more than $10,000. a
year. ! - , r. :
I j PORTLAND.-Ore- Oct. 28
; Late Sports
I (AP)-Jefferson high school f oet--
I ball champion of the Portland ln-
! terscholastie league last year, eon
I tinned 1U drive toward a second
I championship, tonight, defeating
i Grant high school. IS to 0.
1 - jtil . marched ; 8S yards to a
I touchdown la the first period on
- i second touchdown came In the
nn - 1 fourth neriod. the Jeffs arain ad-
Ivaneing the ball from mldllell by 1