The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 26, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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, . ueanesaay jiornln October 26. 1932
n n m. . H -
oca! News Brief, PmiWOME
12 Are Baptised - fitnif.m.i
tivc ror u members nf
Clear Lake Evangelical. 'chart
congregation were held at the Cal-
apusi church here 'last
nlitht, with the Clear Lake pastor
H. R. Scheuermaa, conduct-
u services. Three of the It
were Immersed, the others eboos
ing to be sprinkled. Of the three.
wer' ther tad his young-
-speeder riuiiM ....
C. Jefferson 0f Silverton rout
T iil..pyeV nw "r .enly at
id striking- speeding automo-
u ' T . n,caiae driven by Clara
1' Ahe. reM f the 'Jeffersoi
anvers reported to city
Police yesterday. No ope was In-
1 3
Special feature clever entertainer
uow uoon dance Wed: nite.
Federation Meet a At.-,.'.,,tJL
of the repeal of. th
a - . nub . uciuk
wea ior and against the repeal
f1 meeting of the Chris
i ,1 cueruon oi Marlon county
he d last night at the W. C. T TL
nan. Pred J. Toote. Jr.. i presi-
vt mo ieacration
W" Urge
i-i7 1 inquiries for sample
eounty clerk's office here. Sample
"0tVre be,nS distributed
through the Tarlous election pre
cinct, n tBe county to wh,ch
...oia were mailed this
October J 1st will be the final day
or The Statesman's annual Bar
sain Period The Statesman by
man anywhere In Oregon, for one
year, anlv S3 nn .
0 Tm Bppl7 ftftr th t of
Get Title The sum of $2507
was received In a sherifrs sale
, mad here this week for the Ben
jamin Franklin Savings & Loan
complaint in a claim held against
Margaret Shafer, and others.
f ? tJ fetur cler entertainer
at Mellow Moon dance Wed. nlte
riW" ?Uhta Beauti
I weather came to' Salem
on Tuesday and brought smiles
. aiwr a coia morn-
IIs thf ,1,ht f0 brok and
the sky was bright and cheery.
Con tinted
ary bearing in the case f ClaV
DotV-f 1.7, oonginj to L. Jeffersoa, waa continued i
- jitsuce eourt yesterday
wvrainr .- be i a
List Includes . Gardening,
Histories; H are
For Children
Sixty-one new honVa v...
Silt1 t.0.wtta blTe the Salem
Publle library reeentlr. roartaea
are books adaatd n hu..
wimess raileato appear.
wm..wu issued for the
" qsestion, who failed
to appear or the hearing both
" Ba TU?aay mornings.
October 31st nt v ti.1
of The SUtesman's annual Bar- new l!H contains a wide rari
gala I'eriod The Statesman by f,ty ,of.Iatortl. Including a par
mall anywhere in Oregon, fer "cularly good assortment en rar-
M'onT ,5 00- Rewlar rate of v?S,B? " eI1 " number of
$4.t will uddIt aftp th. histories. The comn1t iit ti-
M tL. - ' . . . '
w.ii . . Aldrlch. "Prudence Palfrey":
" W WIH I II I W . X7 T I ITNllail tw. '
amonn tUken In for Y. M r a Hmmft w.rrenul.
tff?? tt11 r.ePOrt; W Morgai .Th.i7oU;
V?n,4.AB A'.the luncheon yester- I K a m o n r o": sth..
wlt reported. Total for Crock 'of Gold". k
toe da w. ttn .-ut- ... ri i .v. T....zr.. '. r-"
w . . iv.sii i vt rums Bireczer Aool
taken in altorether for J I -DiarTrin X t..V,. Z?K7l
iii aeiiea mi ana
"The Work.-Wealth and H.hnil
nesa of Minting i. v vc.
-;, wh
roes is ana Km At v.h
American Birds . ;
Briscoe. "Hardr Banir
vat ion . RBTidoM pv. .l.v.v-i
WithFederal Data
. ... .
Ht iuuc,
Household furniture for sale. Seel
ia ;wSoh BWlT.
.w ... 4 ci. llli. i t
t- ou , Sanders, -The Alphabet
u , wwaa. 1UB
Mail W,... v.. uaraening;
"MOO pieces of .lec'tio,. maTer: "OW" G"d.en- Drn. For-
riLta..f. bd1 throSh SSfSJWa.Wf:
UV I lid TVlBTai a. Jl a A ..I
:;.TiT: 7 "V" uu1 "? "e Them
xrune and Propagate
Utehouse to the train, twl iL 8w d
saTing much tim- ki' ir umyauon"; Sanders. "Vi-
vauiauaB. i siisaai afiii n.f .
Sweet Peas. How to Grow and
Auxiliary Invito ru
i ... . """"ws
"ary or the Salem Le
gion post are extended a special
A the meWj
ouBra auxiliary at
it place tonight. It wa
nounced last n!ehtfnnA i--
vA.. . . .
.vxic cummnnicauon from the
nvuuuarn auxillanr off t
- ----
uisni Lull a riwui a
maae tne trip.
miuuuuis management .
Miner, -stunt Night To-Night"
Showmaker: 'Choie ni.inv..!
Wise, "Yearbook Of Short Tl.w-
r. .
oeoea :. Markham. "an-
ouu ouinn ii V M ft T..
An Autobiorrann nf im
Bryant. "Outdoor Tr.r.c.. t '
rca 91 inaustry"; Rus-
sell. "On nnn4 v .
S1V!.?2 9- Srt " f-- Wor, "Eand Tf
viu a liiiaa nriinMrva i iiuuiori -
Gents 5c, Ladies 15c. Pound. -NatlTe sto?r
Make Elkho Tr4. 2Lth,.AmerLc Spf Seen in
Hardinr ";u' vnanotte Bronte. 1118
v an. s-a n r i iaisv" r i
work, made a tHn CIZZ ""S"" "Charlotte
The silTer serricc tray present
ed Senator McNary by other mem
bers of the U. S. senate before ad
journment of congress, was put
on display in a local Jewelry store
window In Salem Tuesday.
On the serrice side of the tray
la en grayed an appropriate in
scription and on the reyerse side
the names of all the senators par
ticipating In the presentation. The
inscription reads:
"Presented to the Honorable
Charles L.- McNary, senator of the
United States from the state of
Oregon, upon the termination of
the first session of the seventy
second congress, on the 13th day
of July, 19J2, by the senators of
the United States whose names
are on the reverse side, as a slight
token of their appreciation of his
ability, of his devotion and loyalty
to his county, and his courtesy
and many kindnesses to them in
dividually." .
yesterdav t in. "v . r ' - penological Study":
thert in progress. v - -'. f nougnta
- 4 "uwen u,
"Larrv. -rhnnK.
w - v.t. - e."t ui
a u u a. " ' i " m i
T .
ttooseveu as president. He said
.e 5unnd 1,1 "thla Roosevelt many
AF tha at a m a a 1 1 ....
Dauio Biening qualities of
courage and leadership that
Ieaajr to tn American
In the campaign of 1912, Colby
made just such a western sneak-
CamhrMir I n.i Tri-'
SdSoJli ; ?nmond' "Southern
?p1mi!S onSece"ion"v; Cleland.
Pathfinders"; f!n "nu t ...'
Children' Rnnlr XT.
Atkinson,-"Johnny Appleseed"
That New York sUte expendi
tures, debt and taxes under ad
ministration of nnv.r...
Roosevelt and his ri
Ooveraor Smith show a startling
and damaglnr contrast vnit-fi'n
of the federal rortrammt anM,
President Hoover and Coolldge.,
I revealed la a study mad nublte
by tha non-partisan Engineers'
National Hoover committee.
in making, public the report,
which has attracted vii tt.
UonJa engineering circles, John
v. D. Reyndera, nationally known
steel maker and brldr hnii
and; chairman of the commlttea i
Uted that -time of stress brln1
all of a face to faea wts t.
which every engineer habitually
has to face in hia vorV v
the facts of our management of
government must now be faced by
the electorate."
stationary.- Th drop Ja tax eol
lecUoa during th last two year
of both New York and Federal
government records Is pointed out
aot as a result of lower rate, but
of . redoeed . tecome dartag
srorld depressloa for which nei
thr Governor Roovlt nor Pre
Ident Hoover can la any way be
held responsible, v , v
Declaring that "newspaper,
,adlo. or campalgm speeches ean
ot speak with th fore of the
record shows by th books, which
reorda th accomplishment and
not th promises," th report sur-
S?!"?1 record
th thought it deserves la th
easting, of rote for th man wtio
has to bring thla coantry out of
th depression.
Expenditures In Nw rn,v
state, according to th findings of
the report, show a continually up
ward swing, reaching as high as
325 per cent since 1920. in which
th pronounced upward turn of
expenditure during th last two
years record of the Roosevelt re-
gim -is particularly evident, and
this daring time of ni kistent n.
cessity of government economy."
"While New York state expens
es wer rislnar in nrnendlnl
fashion. Federal outlays were wa
ning fn 1931 at 35 percent under
the 1921 level. Official atatiatioa
r 1931-1932. not yet avaUable,
will show Increase arlslnx from
emergency relief measures with
out, however, affecting the dis
torted contrast shown by tha rec
ord of New York state versus Fed
eral costs of government."
Ing tour io;wwi:;ri ''lAzorr
a. m . usiv'. T . . . -t "
. xjs now matins for the demo-1 '."nn' "WicoIIna"; Brea-
t.f.Vf, m,nee' n! at that time IfJ AiTen.tare Peter
" rLX'JT 7T Snared per-
v., . u t iao aepot to hear
his 10-minute rear platform ad
dress Tuesday morntng. He sum-
aa J-ae ma,n polat of the
address he delivered In Portland
and Mrs. J. Jimmerson and daurh aT?,, T S., .? DUcOTeries of
""-Muigars"; McNeer.
Mia -; oicott, "Bible Stor-
wm O'Shea
Old WOrld WondMr RtvrlA. .
LaFontaine. "Fifty Fables From
'Th s nan . Daglish,
The Smaller Ri. tv..h.v
Fishes and Sea Animals"- Nida.
What promises to be one of th
moit iatrestlng Chdmeke-
tan trips this fall will be 'taken
this weekend. Th destination will
be Wilhoit springs. Persons go
ing wiu leav in cars from th
Senator hotel Saturday afternoon
- at I o'elocJt and return Sunday
ugac to way will lead through
Scotts Hills from where the signs
win a roiiowed. -
A turkey dinner will be served
Saturday night and two meals on
Sunday. A lively seasonable party
nas oeen arranged for Saturday
nignv xoiiowea by a four - mile
blk to on of th nearby moun
tain peats Sunday. .
All ciun members and their
friends ar invited to enjoy the
trip. .Registration must be made
at th Seaator hotel by C o'clock
Friday night.
the commnnltr g,tn.4..
the Macleay district, near Salem.
n ' "r, .a W1" oe employed
- mui iarm.
'"vuma, uci. za (AP) A
"'"8 license im.j t.
t ' w cre
-u uoiuia i-ence, Salem, Ore.
county roads and state highway
work were provided 21 men ye-;
u. w. uotson, assistant
manager of the U. S.-Y. M. C. A.
5-fmeilt bttre. reported.
Two other men wer sent out at
r;. ,moor nd one at wood-
X ordr
luiio s uay"; Richards, "Tir
ra Lirra"; Gordon, "Around th
"una in song
Colby Compares
it . T. n ' r
. ii opeecn a ere
Balnbridge Colby, secreUry of
state u n a r President Wilson,
came hack to Salem Tuesday after
20 years', to recommend to voters
here the election of Franklin D
Coming Events
October 38 Republican
rally for county; Senator
, Stelwer speaks here.
October 28 Salem i high
vs. Astoria high, night
football game.
October 29 Willamette
va. CoHeg of Paget Saatd.
Bight football , game yv . -
November Dr. Dan
PoUng addresses prohUrftloa
raHy at Salem armory,., .
; November S Genera,
lentiosw ' . T ":
Kovember 10-11 Arsnls--tlo-
day celebration, in
charge of American ' Legion.
; December -7 Western
Net Grower association n
aaal meeting, chamber of
commerce. :t 3v ? y- ' y-y ;,.
December" ' Oregon
Stnte Horticultural society
conference, chamber of com
me rce. ; . -. - -...
Friesen Winner
Over Holmes in
Damage Action
DALLAS. Oct. 25 Jarr
heard th ease of Cornelius B.
Friesen vs. Harold TTnim.. At..
brought In, a verdict for th
piainiui ltt Sum Of SEOo Trio..-
vj . - . ' ' -..WW
"a auea I or sisoo damages as
result of iniuriea snstain.ii
automobile accident on th Dal-
ias-saiem nlg&war a year n
T. O.-Powell was foreman of th
Judge Walker exeuaed tha inr
uuwi tainaiT. vim a
laugncer. trial, stata -n wu
iiams, wiu ooen. Will la ma w.
At Spokane. fVtnK c I uriver of th car Involved la
Clara F.-Buckaer, aged 8 'years fccWut fa which MInni BIrks
9ni . . ? u years, i i.t v, -
-"' or uiDrntnr, Mm t i
S. Lauchead of PortUnd, Miss
r . lr ot "?oiju, a uuiiias-jrresiaenz
aj aaavxaessr nr a i
bonne. Ore. H. n nnvn.. of-fVfvV Cm...
lem: ikt.rL u e".T' W'.'-V1UW UUUU&UUUK
m . . . " kiBu vramoen
"' ?rMh- ,n srandchUdren. Th. n.IL.,,...
" " 1 ICDIUCUfc C1UD
on tha Willamette campus will
sponsor a rally at th nubile 11-
Drary tonight at 7:30 o'clock,
when Rer. Lynn Wood ot Lebanon
win gir an address on socialism.
Th rally is educational rather
runiral announcements later by
. M . VU
fc wry.
a few weeks ago.
Cooper Ta Mr. ami vn r,- I than political, accord (nr tn rinH
dor Henry Cooper, Olympic memDers n open to the
aparimenu, a boy, Theodore Ho- PnDUC
ratio, born on October si t s. 1
lem General hospital. OLK HOVDK IN HOSPITAL
DyerTo Mr. and Mrs. Samuel BiCTiiANT, Oct. 25 - Friend
Kenneth Dyer,, a boy. Ken- f"8 saddened her Monday when
neth Ross, born on October 15 at hejr letrBd that Ol Hovda,
th residence. IonsT time resident, was reported
Cox To Mr. ami ir- a I to be In a very critical condition
Cox. 915 South lxth .tr.lf . t.i I at th Immanuel hosnital at
Janice Yvonn. born on October Portlnd' 'oUowing a second op-
20 at Salem general hospital
xicxjreraid To Hp -,a ar.
Charles William FItzmraM nni.
If ht, a boy, Charles William. Jr.,
bora on October 18 at th residence.
Clark To Mr. and MrV
nard Lee dark, 22C9 Claude are
na, a girl, Dorothy Elatn rvr
on October 20 at Salm
hospital. TC r
erauon Saturday just a week af
ter hi first major operation.
TALBOT. Oct. 25. Mrs. L. M.
Harding who spent th past three
weeks with her son 'in Portland.
is visiting her daughter. Ms. E. J.
Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. John
Koekler, and daughter Arlen. of
Canby, spent th weekend visit
ing relative her.' . ." .
: r aLSf "4-
$3762 Due City
From Payments
On Bonds Nov; 1
Orar 800 notice of !nstilmnt
and interest payments coming da
November 1 on Bancroft Improve
me5 have just been mailed
by City Treasurer C. O. Rlc. Mon-
frt ,v th th month
bonda- hlch hat
been, to finance sidewalks, street
St!1?? "d ?ers, amount to
payment this
ha bean glow.
i- .-. " niamaasaBa "
In New York state and federal
debts the report discloses similar
conditions in which tha atata
debts under the Democratic pre-
luenuai aspirant reached an In
crease or 74 percent as compared
with the decreasing trend of debt
Jreaeral government.
waer jreaeral housekeeping,
conaaciea on the pay as you go'
basis shows an actual redaction
of 31 percent la national daht
sine mzo.
TQ Engineers eom&ttti
points to taxea as th Inevltabla
resuu of th "notorious incom
petency of th Roosevelt adminis
tration. Fancy phrase", said Mr.
nvjHuers, can t oiiar mum
from th hard tact that th bur-
aen of taxes under which Naw
York suffers reached it peak ot
? " I j
- - JSPICH !!
271 percent of thos of 1Mb na.
aer tne administration of Frank-
un D." RoosevelL Whil Federal
tax Collections ramatnad naarlv
--This Week's Spedal
WhOe They Last
15 Venetian trained mir
rors and . some beautiful
etchings on wood at
Hansen & LOjeqoist, lac.
: Dealers ta Lwmber and .
- Baildlnw ifatariala
C&arch and MIO. Tel. till
" Call CO 10. Csed Furaltar
7 t Department '
. j 151 jiortn Hish
Tiloving - Stormg : Gartrag
Larmer Transfer &
;. ; phone 323a - j. v
We Abo Handle Fuel Oil and Coal
Prohibition Leader Speaks
At Armory Against State
f Dry Law's Repeal
Swooping Irom th air, : Da
tr iuiii. proniDiucm leaaar ana m-
uar, wutiand In Salem Tuesday
November U to speaje at tha ar.'
mory at t n, ra Tho meeUnr la
held Jointly nnder the auspices of
ia ciuiens commute of On
Hundred and th Chrlatian Tad.
ration of Marion eounty. Such la
th announcement of Fred J
Toos. Jr., chairman.
Fuinillnr his nromlsa
again to Oregon to speak tor stat
prohibition, Dan Poling is to talk
in th principal -cities of Oregon
making aU his dates by alrplan.
"If they succeed In calling - a
ot on repeal of th Oregon dry
law. I wUl b in th fight person
ally a a citisea ot Oregon," was
Dr. Poling' declaration months
ago, befor the initiative petition
had been sufficiently signed to
mak a vot certain.
Says Sdaay Misled
By Propaganda
Th Oregon Citizens' Commute
of On Hundred, of which J. R.
Ellison. PortUnd. I chairman,
sponsor this campaign of educa
tion for voters of th stat.
or. Poling bUre that there
ar many sincere peopl who hav
been misled by wet propapanda
Mi hex wants th opportualty of
Utlig th cas t them as wU
a tw ardent dry. ; H wUl deal
with th ntir Oregon itutlon
and will .tell just what, repeal
wouia mean. . ..
mm TUESOlf
Marring . license kulim
boomed Tuesday at th county
elerk'a of fie. Four licenses wer
granted dartag th day.
William M. Hamntoa. II. if
Wast Lefelle street, obtained a
license tO Wed Alien Blaka. Rntz
legai, North Summer street.
Th data t for th wedding is
PhU Wlllir. 4t. ISt North Li
berty street, Salem, a laborer,
obtained s license to wed Adalln
Nicholas, 41, Jilt Lexington.
Kansas, a housekeeper.
Martin Schmidt. 27. ronta fonr.
Salsm, farmer to Alga Garner,
22, rout two. Turner, a house
Edward J. Ribl. 2 . Shawl
farmer, to Mable Archibald. 22.
Shaw, a housekeeper. c
P. GE. Reduces
Rate to State
By 15 Per Cent
Th Portland General Electric
company yesterday cut its power
rate to the state an additional IS
per cent, effective July 1, 1H2.
Th agreement was signed ky rep-,
reseats tire of .th company yes
terday and presented to th state
board of control. Tha annual sav-
fngs are to e 1400. . . 4
. With this cut. the annual atate
expenditure for power will b re
duced from $11,000 two years ago
to about 122,000, WlllUm Elnzig.
secreUry of th board of coatrol.
told th board. Mora than a year -ago
Elnxlg effected n saving of
about 110.000 under a master me
ter system, and with th present
IS per cent cut th redaction ha
been - brought dowa to th new
figure. ". ;-. -
- Lex Ballock, a sophomor can
didate, for center at Illinois. Is a
son : of "Matt- Bullock, for 17
year tralaer of Illlal athletes.
Today's Paper
ouNosm last
Offer Good
Few More
! Days! i
Today '
By Mail
-4 AH
S3. O.
One Full
Year ; '
In Oregon Onl
By the Clock
News When It's Fresh:
News is one of those commodities like i hot waffle
A few hours sreatly effects its quality. That's tht
reason morninjr papers the coantry oyer, are sought
by rural readers. Their press dispatches are the
latest; their valley and city coverage encompass
those late afternoon hours and the night period
which cannot be covered in earlier editions. Here
m the Salem territory, The Statesman is building
consistently in the morning field because it is to
day's paper today!
Free Sample Copy
To The Oregon Statesman,
Salem, Oregon
Date .193.
, Please send me three copies of your
paper without further obligation. I
Want to acquaint myself with your
paper. - -' . '
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