PAGE TEN Tfcs OUTGO:? CTATE&1AN, Cslta. Oregon, Tuesday Mornlag, October 25, 1932 At West Stayton; Bazaar May be put off; Club Enters Contest WEST STAYTON, Oct. 24 The past week has marked a number of social events in tbis commun ity. - , " ' .. Tuesday evening a smait group assembled , at the Elmer. Asche horn to organize an orchestra. Those present were Ed Schunke, pianst; Wilbur Harmls, trumpet; Robert Wiens,'ba3s; all of Salem. Miss Gladys Burgess, violin; and Miss Neva Ham, pianist; both of Aumsvllle; Roy Hendry, trumpet and Dorothy Asche, saxophone. Visitors were Walter Wien of Sa ' lem, Mrs. Ham of Aumsvllle and Mrs. Roy Hendry of West Stayton. , The group , practiced several late : modern musical numbers. They decided to meet again at the Asche home Wednesday evening, October 26. Birthday. Club Meets . Wednesday afternoon the Birth day elob met at the home of Mrs. Howard Gilbert. The afternoon was spent n. visiting, , Thursday afternoon the wom en of the growers club met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Asche to dis cuss plans for the bazaar which they were hoping to this year. There was no sewing done aa they were not . eertain whether It would be given. Mrs. Robert Goss, Mrs. Owen Lacy, and Mrs. William Royse were ap pointed to confer with women of the Community club and see .if they were willing to help with the bazaar, as they were not the com mittee will probably postpone the bazaar. Health Play Given Friday afternoon the interme diate grades' gave a health play "Milk Instead of Coffee", in their room. Friday night a special meeting of the Community club was held at the school house. The purpose of the meeting was to decide if the club would enter the contest -for the community clubs. Mr. Jensen, principal of the school made a report on the history and music divisions of the contest. It was decided that the club enter the two divisions. There were only a few present. The next regular meeting will be held at the school house, Novem ber 4. There will be a program at this meeting, given by the school Children. last Year's Lou J J Tld$0ne'sMcan9J Hunters May Atier - ; ? . . -. - . ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Oct. 21 Loral dee? Iiar.t-. er reached home Friday eveniz-g from lite Lake county mountains. The hun ters were six in cumber and they brought home six" fat bucks, the largest of which weighed 131 pounds. One of the unheals bagged by the ; crowd had evidently en Countered big gam hunt ers before as he had, in ad dition to three sound legs, a stump neatly covered with hair, indicating that the In- ; jury was of long standing. Men in the grenp were Larkfn . Griee, Jim Best, George Doran. Lester Up pert, Glenn Afkey and Am nion Grlce. - coLuiBurar& H MEETS G1S Taken to Hospital; Farewell Event is Held for Coonse Family PLAY SHED WILL BE BUILT. CLUB VOTES BRUSH COLLEGE, Oct. 24. The Initial fall session of the Brush College community club was held at the schoolhouse Fri day night. Mrs. A. R. Eweing, newly elected president, presided. Other . new officers are Charles Glaze, vice-president; A. E. Utley, western Washington. Norman Par. secretary, and Mrs. Jonn scmna- son, raui i own sen a ana MISSION BOTTOM. Oct. 24. William Collard is being treated at. the Willamette sanitarium, for burns on his leg, received when a lighted cigarette started a fire on some gas that had been spmed on the ground near his gravel truck. A farewell and card party hon oring Mr. and Mrs. Jessie P. Coonse and daughters Pauline and Maxine, was given Saturday night at Chemawa grange hall. The Coonse family will move in a week to Adam Lapins' dairy ranch near Blaine. Mr1, and Mrs. Theodore Jeld erks, of Mission Bottom, attend ed a dinner given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bierward, in Ger- vais, this week. The occasion was the 85th- birthday 6f Mr. Bier ward, grandfather of Mrs. Jeld erks. . " ., v Suffers Fron Paralysis , Mrs. William Pnntzel ';ia with her mother, Mrs. Johnston who is suffering from paralysis. 'Z " Mr. and Mrs. van O. Kelly re turned recently from a combined business and pleasure trip through TolMcians' " Strew Dope Over School HUBBARD, Oct. 24-Th civ ics class has organized Into the two political parties. Last week the members- held .conventions modeled after the national con ventions.. They Intend to have political - campaigns ' for their candidate after which the high school and eighth grade mem bers will vote on the candidates and measures to' be considered at the general 'election -at a polls conducted by the . civics class. " . ; .r .The losing side in the school election will give a party , for the winners on election night where all will listen to election returns over a radio. Crawford Bates is leader of the demo crats, and Betty Brown of the republicans. ROBERTS TO EM COUNTY CONTESTS RicHss New Clerk -' AfrTurner j jWoman ; " I f Is Found Stricken TURNER,' Oct. 14 . .At the special school -election of school district No. 7 . Saturday, D. 8. Riches was elected school ; clerk te fin the vacancy caused by the resignation ef Mrs. Mabel Mar tin... - ' : .; Mrs. ArleU Steele, who is II years " old : and who prefers to live - alone, "was ; found a few mornings 1 ago - unconscious and ently been stricken before rttir ing. Neighbors saw her light at an unusual hour and found her on the 'floor where shjs had ap parently been all night. Her only near Oregon relatives are Omar Eetes,' a nephew - of McMinnvtlle and Mrs. Oris Welch ef Clack- partly paralysed, having appar- amas. WAinncrs hate gtrl HUBBARD. Oct! 2-A baby girl was born te ' Rev. and Mrs. Wanvig at 'their' home in Ro&e burg. This Is their third child and first girL Rev. Wanvig was for merly the pastor of the Congrega tional church of Hubbard. A ler, treasurer. A general discussion of plans for a" playshed at the school was held and decision reaehed to build one in the near future. Opening the program was an In strumental piano solo by Mrs. C. L. Blodgett followed by an in teresting talk on the consolidated school bill by Johiah Wills, Polk county school superintendent. In Mr. Wills' opinion the bill would cause greater taxation and a call for other schools would follow. O. D. Adams, head of the Smith Hughes organization in Oregon, detailed account of the ROBERTS, Oct. 24 The Rob erts community dub, at the meet ing Saturday night, voted to enter six different numbers in. the Mar-. Paul I ion county community contest: at- Jones returned Friday night with tendance, use of talent, Improve one deer from a hunting trip to 1 ment In use of talent, community Meecham. CUSSES IT Sli' in HAZEL GREEN, Oct. 24. The Sunday school has revised Organi zation in tie tin a enntmii Ktartlnr gave a detailed account or tne "y.' i -i7i. work. Four small girls of the pri- ?Tlmb" ' 51?.! "5.01' ? Mm th the pregon conference and a eon- test between the classes of the school, based on percentage. Points will be given on attendance at Bchool and church; new pupils' home study and on reading 25 chapters of the bible or reading an inspirational book. The senior class of young people met at the parsonage Fri day night for a social and to or- mary room of the school, Ruth Smith, Myrtle Meiers, Clementina and Gertrude Folk gave a vocal selection. Committees appointed for the next meeting: Program, Mrs. O.' D. Adams and Mrs. Charles Glaze; refreshments, Mrs. A. E. Utley and Mrs. John Schindler. Mrs. A. Ewing and Mrs. John Schind ler served refreshments Friday I nUe The off,cerg elected were have been living on the Winnie MEN UNO WOMEN S CONTESTS MED BETHEL, Oct. 24 The Bethel Community club got away to a good start at the first meeting of the club year Saturday night. Rev. S. Hamrlck, president, and Mrs. Carmalite Weddle, secretary, con ducted the meeting. The club de cided to hold the annual contest programs. The men and the wom en competing to see which group can put on the better program. A committee was appointed to arrange the details of the contest. Rot Marchand. Mrs. J. G. Lander- back and Mrs. J. M. Nichols. The flower committee of last year was retained: Mrs. J. M. Nichols, Mrs J. G. Lauderback. Mrs. H. H. Boles. . The November entertainment committee isGeorge Bahnsen, C. A. Boling and O. L. Brubaker, and the refreshment committee is Mrs. O. L. Brubaker, Mrs. H. H. Boles, Mrs. W. L. Creech. The club members unanimously decided to enter the contest of community clubs competing in club history, appearance of the homes of the district, appearance of the club meetings. Victor R. Griggs of Salem ad dressed the meeting, discussing the measures to be voted on and giving a fair, Intelligent and lm nartiat talk. Mrs. George Bahnsen and Hil da, Mrs. C. A. Boling, Elsie and Eliaor Boling served 4 refresh- - stents. ' Woodburn Kinsmen Join Party Looking For Joe Nathman,-Jr. WOODBURN, Oct. 24. Law rence Nathman,' brother of Joe Nathman, Jr., who was reported this morning lost in the snow and woods near Eugene, and C. R. Duncan, father of Willis Duncan, with whom young Nathman was hunting, left here this morning to assist in the search for Nath- drama, community history and general improvement. A contest was planned between the men and the women, two pro grams will be given by each and the losers will have to treat the winners. The men will give their first program the second Saturday In November. A beautiful picture, painted by Mrs. Alice Coolldge, and framed by the women of the G. T. club will be sold. The following program was giv en: Opening song; reading, Doro thy Salchenberg; solo, Helen Brown; recitation, Dorothy Brown; skit, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blankenshlp; cowboy songs, Jan Ice Hlggens and Neomia Crouser, accompanied on piano by Mrs. Forest Edwards: skit, Roseann Goodrich and Francis Blanken shlp; reading, Mrs.' Alice Coo lldge; farce, Maxine Pettyjohn and Will Pettyjohn. G. L. Frost and family who NWH OCCASION FOR FETE president, Mrs. Clifton Clemens; vice pesldent, Eileen Clemens; secretary-treasurer, Nora Ruther ford. CImmltteea ' appointed were devotional and missionary, Guy Allen Looney; lockout. Alice Cook; social, Mrs. Julius Sluttum. Rev. Smith, teacher, Mrs. Smith, Pettyjohn farm, are moving to Aumsvllle to make their home. RIVERVIEW. Oct. 24 Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson were I at the G, surprised Wednesday evening by I night. The elass elected officers: friends and neighbors who gath-1 Lucille ward, president Lucille ered at their home to help them I Dunnlgan, vice-president; Edna celebrate their golden weddlnr 1 Rutherford, secretary: Kenneth anniversary and Mrs. Johnson's I Luckyr teasurer. Miss May Smith birthday which were both the teacher. Mrs. Edward Dunni- LIBERTT. Oct. 24 The Red Hills grange will observe Hallo we'en with a hobo party announc ed for Friday evening at the hall. This will not be a meeting open assistant. The class will meet at to the public but the grangers will parsonage during Sunday school I invite tneir ramuies. hodos snouia hours. I bring their own cans from which Junior high class held a social to partake ef the mulligan stew. G. Looney home Friday I Tnose not coming a la bodo as to sartorial guise win oe iinea, me committee states. S : n. 0 ITTtvI Ji mmmm s. 3 935 S. Commercial St. rj It Pay to Corne a Long Way to Pay'n Talrit " Midweek Savings Effective Tuesday and -Wednesday, October 26 and 27 Maximum Brand Tall Cans fV700 AK 3 tor E(s Buckeye That Favorite Brand Large Can fresh & fluffy, while they last Pound Instant Postum Save 8-oz. can, each Tiger Lily An All Purpose Flour A 49-tb sack -for only Pure Apple Cider Fresh Prom the Press A Home Product per gal. BRING YOUR CONTAINER same day. Entertainment was enjoyed during the evening with several musical selections followed by a mock wedding presented by the following children: minister, Darrell Shepherd; bridegroom. Charles Milke; bride, Dorothy Uhers; flower girl, Fern Godwin. ring bearer, Robin Godwin; De- loris Densmore and Lois Coultard were train bearers. Dorothy Uhers who acted as bride hand ed her bridal bouquet to the bride of 50 years ago. Readings were given by Mar garet Densmore. Ruth Coultard and Mable Knighton. Those DarticlD&tlnK- were: Mr. and Mra, Kenneth Coultard and daughter Lola. Mr. and Mrs. James Retley. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Uhers and children. Mr. and Mrs. John Shepard and son Darrel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Godwin and children. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lelgh- ton and daughter MabeL Mr.-and Mra Joe Prokop, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Deng- more and children, Mrs. Ella Dens more and daughter Margaret, Mrs. I Jakes. Charles Mllke. Julius Johnson, Rnth Coultard and the host and host ess Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson. gan assisted Mrs. Looney sirve sefreshments. TALKS WORK AT mm MIDDLE GROVE, Oct. 24 The first fall meeting of the com munity club was held Friday at the Middle Grore school, the pres- 1 Ident, w. R. Gould presiding. The seating capacity and view of the stage from all parts of the audi torium was greatly Improved by the removal of a partition and placing of a lifting door between two ' classrooms. Much thanks Is due Lawrence Hammer for the greater part of the work. Others who helped were Roy Hammer, H. Harms and E. Barker. Projects suggested for the com munity club were placing of more gravel on school ground to make it more sanitary and practicable ior playground purposes and a drain to take care of extra water S laaSS L.eaaer8 which now forms a pond at one corner, monmotttw. ctot. 14 T I a snort program of pUyiets, Marlon countv students are listed recitations, ana music was iur- among the class officers Just se- oy ine pnpiu or me , lected for the Juniors and seniors whool. Committees appointed for j t nrnn Hnrmti ..hnni vsiiAw. the next month's meeting are: i prusram, risiuer nammer ana JeT-1 ome Sheridan and refreshments, i Mrs. La Due and Fred Scharf.. Two Marion County Students Selected I- & i U w it s - v -, -a ; - x Jri - V iiStt' - - K'xAs ? - 1- re- V X , .s ,;,, r" -A si. . -.-x '::A.7.,v,,v,?,vvw;,l ;:-;:::. v.v.--.v-v.-;v:"v. i ytjww'A.-.-.wjyfW'" ii J, , Nathman was last seen Sunday, when with .Willis Duncan he start ed hunting on the Smith ranch 10 miles east of Lowell, Lane county. The two parted, agreeing to fire signal shots. Nathman's last shot was heard about 10 o'clock that day. Immediate search revealed his. footprints In the snow, but Nathman was not found. Donald Denno Home After Long Illness VALSETZ, Oct. 24 Donald Denno. who was In a Salem noa- pltal three weeks for an appendix operation, returned home .Thurs day but will not attend school for another week. A venison, dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brooks Wednesday, with Mr. and Mrs. George King and son Robert. Mrs. Agnes Morehead and daugh ter Delories as guests. : v ; ; LAU VERY ILL STAYTON, Oct. 24. E. C. Lau has been suffering from heart attack, Hind his daughter. Mrs. - Hadie - Kaufer, - a trained nurse from Portland has been summoned,-Mrs. Lau to also In feer aealth. lng Is a complete list of the offi cers chosen Senior class: president- Vernon Wedin, - Gresham; .vice president Eunice Mauldlng, Silverton; secretary Jean Rogers, Hills boro; treasurer Joe Dolan, Houl- ton; reporter, Frances Schults, Oregon City; yell king Glenn Sweeney r- Forest ..Grove; . song queen Peggy Doherty, ' Trout Lake, Wash.; council representa tives Charlotte Martin, Portland;-Mildred Wright, Hood Riv er; Louis Blacker by, Oak Grove, and Ben Heinz. Aurora. Junior class: president Paul Schutt, Molality vice-president-Leone Baker, Portland: secretary Jeanne Proctor, Portland; treas urer Vernon Todd, Sherwood; sergaant-at-arms,'Orville Johnson, Gresham. ' W. D. Edwards has returned to his own farm, from the Lena Bar- truff place.- Mr. Stone who was living on the Edwards farm mov ed to a place near Liberty and C. Fisher has moved to the Bart ruff place from the Trubanbach farm on Howell Prairie. vv - rft&l"jjt& A THE FALL OF V . TICONDEROGA "Nature in the Rav"-at portrayed by F. C Yohn inspired by that horrxxT'fUed dawn tvhen the blood thirsty savagftfeUmEtkan Allan9 taUant "Green Mountain Boys" of ; Fort Ticonderoga fame, "Nature in ; the Raw li Seldom Mild" and taw ' I tobaccos have no place in cigarettes, '". Bethel Visitors at Coast See Rescue; Report Many Fish BETHEL. Oct 24 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carruthers and Mrs.' C. J. Lisle of Salem have returned from a visit at the home of old Nebraska friends, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Richmond at Siletx. While there they visited the life saving station at Newport and saw the i quick, efficient work of the life saving crew going out to pick up tirr.a. : Cs.i..iA man' In a rowboat who was be an r n est uiayiuiiijng carried by the tide out Into the ocean. . v A new highway , to the ocean, to be completed by the summer of '33, is under contract, from Sllets, following the river, to Taft. . The present road, almost impassable, was driven over In the dark of the early morning when the men went to the fishing docks to buy SU- Civic League New J:' For 4 Grade Pupils WEST STAYTON, Oct. 24 A Civic League has been organised in the upper grades room. The purpose of the' league - Is to en courage the. children to keep the school grounds and school rooms orderly. Officers ; are : ' President, Mark Lewis: vice-president. Vir ginia Darley; and secretary, Ima rersides and, Chinook salmon,' at ey. f j r - a cent and a half a pound. p, vommuiees are ice room lm provement, composed .of Lester Thomas, .and Roberta - Sphoon: and program, composed of Jose phine Snoddy, Carvel Gibson and DOCTOR MOVES STAYTON, Oct. 24. Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Adams will move this week Into the Mrs. Annie Adams Harald RlsheL Two deputies have I house, west ef Bfanehamn-. rimr been elected to tee that order Is store. They have been living In kept. They are Josephine Snoddy the Mutchler house on water aad Clark Downer,' street,- x" "-" I VaaacesOa, '. " " . . No raw tobaccos Luickies -r-that iiaild WEbuythcfincsiAevcjylincst tobaccos in all the world but that does not explain why .folks everywhere J reg Strike as the mildest cigarette. The fact is, we never overlook the , truth that "Nature in the Raw is Seldom Mild" -j- so these fine tobaccos, after proper aging and re so mellowing, are then given the benefit of that Luc Strike puri- iying process, described .by the worus ai s toastea . mat s why folks in every city, town and hamlet say that Luckies arc such mild dgarettes. : f " - " 's-toaste That packao of rolTd Luc?t?es 44 -J' a