: I The OREGON STATES21AN SaIgix OrcgoiwSnay lanin October 23, 1932 - enesssasjBBj''ensa " ' . - . . . C !.'. . - ., . ... r Aii Li nvu era. a - w-e sa rw e. a- Statesman Classified Ads ' - Call 9101 Classified Adfertlstag; ; .; j Single insertion per llne.lOe i Three Insertions per Hoc a.,....,..... 20c " 'Six Insertions per line. .30c ;On month per Una. . $1.0 9 -Mlnlmom charge .... ,.2S Copy for this ; pace ae - eepted until f:39 the even-' . In j before publication .for classification. , C o p y re - cetred after this time will be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. '", The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED An exp. solicitor, 485 Center Street. MEN WOMEN 18-56. $105.00 to $250.09 month. Steady government life Jobs. Many post-depression vacancies. Prepare Immediately: Lirt positions and particular FREE. Write today sure. Franklin Institute, Dept. 383 G, Rochester, N. Y. - . " 81:46-13000 TEAR. Government life lobs. Jeany post-depression vacanciea Men women. 18-50. Steady work. Lsrt positions; sample coaching and full partlcularsT-FREE. Write Immediate ly -today sure. rBox 1283 O, -care , Statesman. .,... HELP WANTED MALE; Old established manufacturer will finance responsible man in a perman ent business. Must .hare A-l referen ces and car. Starting average ,,M weekly. Steady increase up to 1100 for right man. No slack season or lay offs. Write promptly McCONNON COM PANT, Dept. B-2I10, Winona, Minne sota. Distributor for real seller, Box 83, Statesman. HELP WANTED FEMALE 1 Good opportunity' tor lady with rar, that can meet the public, call at 417 Ferry. - - SALESMEN WANTED nrru-ijtrtrirori'- i ae Earnest worker wanted, man or woman to distribute religious lltera mmmnnttr. Steady work. ciA n.v UNIVERSAL. BIBLE HOUSE, 1010 Arch St. Philadelphia. SITUATIONS WANTED University student' wants to earn board and room. Experienced to "tore, garage, construction. Upton Bickford, Y. M. C. A. - FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE 014 para 10. bun dle. ' Statesman ornce.' m.. aaia in full swinir - at Tall' mans. Used pianos, $35. 50,rf3, $87. $123. Easy paymenta 193 S. 12th, near & f. aepoi. l-nn rat.K Ladies brown cress coat. Urge beaver collar, like ow. : Be 17. Price reasonable. 1080 No. 15th at. ir.tnv ornamental shrubs, trees, plants. Geo. Schrelber, 2060 Neb. Ave. Big blue grapes for sale. Just right now for jeiiy or juice. drive out Garden road. R. A. West, well-driller. Concord and Sweet Water grape Stoddard. 1 ml. on vf auace - nrsnnT! "FARMERS MU TUAX." Insurance company. Sound and dependable, low annual cost to farm ers; See Wm. A. Persey, excluslv 8a lm unt office 8S7 K. 20th, near Center. Phone S2S1. . . . 1 ii II rinr.nn"iinir . ' LADIES full fashioned silk hose, Mn.re.. 1 Mire tl.OS. tjoatpatd. Sat- Isfaotlon guaranteed. Economy Hosiery Cm Asheooro, n.-. Annie. Evan plaee. miles east Ralam. Pen road. Tel.- F4 evenings. TRADE MisceHancoua -o.4 mAmr naata. trad for gram. W. E. Miles. Aleea. Ore. - Ford truck good shape, good rub ber. Trade for posts or milk oil Enrr.nt. near luoerxr. w o,. FOR SALE Team black horses, with harness. Price $120. Will take to cow er pigs. nrinn rnnl Service corpora- oQ 1 1 I I " .tir as nart Ttavment for fine 20 acre tract of land. 13 acres of ymg Royal Anne . cherry orchard, balance pMU.ro. Located mile, from Salem. Price $4,000 Address P. a Box R04. Palem. Oregon. - : WANTED Miscellaneous .mwwvwri'i'i' - - .-iri . . " All kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguns, eld gold -ad Jewelry. Condition no lact. nun roar iinwv REINER'S EXCHANGW ISO N. Commercial . j-.-. an -i a . uwn ITal Mual IB X- change ra radios, phonograph, or far' .Vturi H L Stiff Fwmlfure Comtmat --inn nnnrrrrri- - . . mm wanted Up t two tons dry bean a Phone 1023 evenings. Old and worthless horses. Tel. 4t. '; . MISCELLANEOUS Kodak prints I for 25 and ep at Skew la ever Penney 'e store. efctniin. MtrnmtfiT repair paint. kaisomlne, . SmaU ; Jobs appreciated. Call 6211. v.r ii lnanra where strike expect' -A in 'is dava Xavetitlgate, Box 14 Statesman. - ' ' '. : FOR RENT ROOMS Koomfl, S9S Court St TeX 4505. Sleep, rma reaa. S2S State St. aft . POLLY AND HER --jZ . I ITS JUST A. . y - 1 " - V I OK ITS FAR FROM MODERN. UT ) JO - vsS--":' FTOWOP'VOO) PKJI07I DONT') DEAR5BWWI ItSAREWr no financial responsibility for errors which, may ap pear in advertisements pub liahed in Its columns, and In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in . which the , typographical mistake occurs. -. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tlonal advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the v proper classification. FOR RENT ROOMS i-i-ii-nll-iniuulJULM FOR RENT Steam 'hmmtm-A Hot and cold water. Exceptionally low monthly rate. State Hotel, 478 State on ecu UOOM AND BOARD . UTJ-.1.-LTUI Ltxtf toom, twin beds. Tel MIT. wmw. ........ i-irirL-.-i.-uaA Heated room, and board. Tel. 4378. i. .-."n ..i i. i Room, board, araran. TTrnn. . In modern home. $27.50. Box 28, Statesman. - Room and board in Phone 8588. - FOR RENT APARTBIENTS nice rum., apt., 690 union. 'Well' furnished 2 -room r,irtm,n 3261 HaseL Tel. 7664. . - - - ,-,n nnnjyn nnj- Patton apartments downtown. nii Patton'a book store. ..... ,IM wmAft rrin.i-un i Large duplex apt. 639 Center St. Furn. apts. Tel. 8294, 1580 Center. Lovely 1 R. ant GreaOv reduced rate. 1589 Center.' 4 -rooms vnfurn. with bath, electric range, frigidalre and garage. Heat fur- nisnea. zvit Nebraska. - . .. ---- -i-i i i-i--yyw.ru'vui Heated mod. apt 1335 State. ........ .ivmfiiwvwwuwmji Close in modern steam heated ante. at special low winter rates. Phono 8490. Lovelv court buniralow furnlshd. fireplace, . hdw. . Ore., garage, elec range, $20. Phone 6164. aaeeae tmaum Myw---M-y-M-lj-LjJ-)j-Lj- Prescott apt.. S rms.. well-furnish ed, private bath, furnace beat, garage. 2B. in. uax at. ..--. -- -- -- - - - ,-ii-i-inj-u-irLTLn Small' furn. apt., 658 Center. FOR RENT HOUSES" u 88. BUIU UHiUI II. EiVUBJCZv. XU Jk. Forknef, Hit K. Cottag:. Tel. tSiM mm, l A c... a. . a 5 R. rood Owaer 1171 N Com'L ? R. moflenl, close In 540 MUL Unfurnished three room house. Largo porcn ana sleeping porch. Garage. urepiace ana furnace. 114.00 Der montn. me ui Bt Phono 641S. i -i ii .1 i --Miiarin.fXi-iruarLn 1150 N. 19th, strictly modern. Apply f. it. JlL TCI. 9878 Or 7162. aeojeej m m mm mm mt. MJVr -j FOR RENT Small modern horn for two or three furnace, fireplace, garage. Wry., water heater, coils, etc., szf.ee. mentn. immediate possession. 189 North High Street " mmmm0m0mmfmmmmmmmTmm0mmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mwm Will share sightly furnished homo with middle aged couple or woman for my board. Ret required. Write Mrs. I. Statesman. Five room unfurnished modern house. 92S N. 6th. Tel. 1425. Mod. bungalow. 806 K. Cottage. Ideal for two. See Mrs. Fred Lang, Box 220, Garden Road. Mod. t R. boos furn. Water, gar age. Adults. Something different 346 S. I7W. Large house, well located. Good ia- come property, pnowe &, FOR RENT FOR RENT 8 aero trait tract, I mites soat of Salem in Liberty dis trict good 6 room house on place. plastered, well and spring, small barn and chicken bouse. Cheap rent tosw poiible party. Phone tiWl. WANTED TO RENT Farm stocked and equipped en share. . W. Magee, Rt 1, Silverton, Oregon. Wanted to rent small building for lunch counter or will buy going bus iness if reasonable. Box 67, care Statesman. 6 - FOR SALE Real Estate Good semt-modern borne surrounded by beantiful shaded grounds, fruit, nuts, berries, grape arbor and gar dena Six roama fireplace, basement lot 120x136, garage. Kenr Junior high and ' grammar' schools, Paved street nice view. $3560, terma might accept some carpenter work on deal. Owner 765 Rural avenue, phono 8854. Wo have a 4 room house, garage, pared street, sidewalk a several fruit treea largo lot tor only $600.08 on easy paymenta ' - - - 849 aero stock ranch. 6 room house, 3 good bants. 90 acres tillable, running water, good road, will exchange tor city property. A good (0 acre farm, fair Improve ments, running stream, some timber, SO acres under cultivation tor only $2,-600.00.- McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 109-10 U. S. NatT. Bank Bldg. 17 acres, good building site, creek, $S09, terma 4 acres, good buildings, largo fruit treea tine land, to trade for larger acreage, R. A. FORKNER 1610 K. Cottage . Phono 30SL PALS FOR SALE Real Estate Salem property to. trada foe rmarf property. 71 a ltth. , . . ....-...... ..... .f.-irarij1JxnjlJl ; - SPECIAL ' Extra fin T room house em large corner lot in North ' Salem, walking distance to school and business dis trict, beautiful lawn and shroba Priced low for. few days at $7500. Will accept smaller bouse or land as -part. ALSO: f room modem English type home well located. Owner wants hoine in Portland. - SEE Mrs. Ellis with"' - ? LEO N. CHILD3 CO; Realtors 32State Street , Phone 70t. ssSTiswaejsiijee ' ' A BARGAIN H : ?'" 6 room house, basement furnace, fire place, east, front corner lot 66x1.12, paving in and pd-, double garage, a' so 4 room house, bath, lights and garatf, both for 32000. Take good car ' as down payment . T room home in N. Salem,' in good cdeaiUon, basement, furnace, gars go and paving pd. $2350. MELVIN JOHNSON ' 275 State Street . Phono 6716. Toasoas .. n-.iym.fm 90x150 ft creek lot. rood a iwn house, full basement, furnace, . H price, some trade. 1986 State. ..... - ..M-i-wi-inxruvuxa LOTS PRICED TO KKIJ. Good lot E 0x1 00 feet InratmA In KJngwood Park. 1125.. terma n. itn st 60x187 feet 8176 Mus N. Capitol Bt. cor. lot both sta paved, $875 cash. tsnaae sc lot 40xo feet, nice trees, uu., pavement paia. W. H. GRABENHORST A Ca 134 South Liberty Street NOW IS THE TIME TO. BUT TOUR HOME 696 8. tilt st. $1000 buys a good i room house with garage, on paved street Only 83 down, balancV , $10 per month to include interest - ' 1225 N. -tlst ST. 12659 buys f room homo -with one- nait acre, nice shade treea paved street oast front $800 cash, bal ance years at 7 per cent interest 146 BKLLEVTTra ST 94000 buys an t room brick homa Lo cated 4 blocks from the buslns district All nice largo rooms. rt water heating plant, hardwood floor a $1000, balance $500 Jr year, tnieren per cent 1890 MARKET ST. $2850 buys a Tory attractive modern 4 room home, basement, furnace. fireplace, hardwood Copra $500 a own win panaie. - 1126 8. WINTER RT. $1200 buys a S room plastered bunsa- iow, ooumo garage, very nice jot wun east front $50 down, balance ii per month. - SEE W. H. GRABENHORST OJ- KiAJUTUKS 134 South Liberty Street ' n r LnnrtrLAJiiji SPECIAL Good 10 room house, oak floors, fireplace, hot water heat, tile bath room, corner location. Will accept smaii rouse as part or assume on good subdivision tract see Mra Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO, REALTORS 330 State Street Phone 6708. Clear Income property at Long Beacn, -uai., rented ror 388.00; value $12,000.00: also $4000.00 mortaaira payable $50.00 a mo. plus i int. to tal $18,000.00: exchange for clear farm same valua S nice acres close to Salem, eloa lights add water evstem. mndarn house. 6 rooms unfinished attic moat- ry in cnerriea Soldiers Bonus loan or $2650.00; exchange for bouse In Sa lem. ' Stocked and equipped ranch, very good buildings, lota of wood and wat er, mortgage $8000.06. Trade equity ior nouse in saiem. a M. EARLB 208 No. High Phone 9678. 8 acres on Paclflo highway, wen onprovea. oaiy szTS0.es. 24 acres good location, small hoase. lots or rruii. iitee.eo. Terma J. LINCOLN ELLIS, 462 State Street FOR SALE Our noma 351 N. Cot taga Will make price to net 16 per cent or netter on investment EXCHANGE Real Estate A. X bm. oast town, 6 R. hoose, largo bars and other bnlldlnn. an fa cult H A. strawberries, family orcb ara. jtot eaio or root or trade for 4 or 6 R. house. Call at 1046 - H. bnuroo. . a. ...-.-- -n a 1-i.n.ianjan 47 A. 3 mL from Shsrld&n. Ore. far aie or traae zor nouse in Bali lair improvements running fruit Phono 6268. Apartment furniture complete, xor sale or trade for farm equipment or very reasonable rent on building. SEE mo about this and any other trades you might have. My list is com- pieta H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. .... ... -.-,-,-ir-ifvxruxa.fxnjiJxrui EXCHANGB Give us your Portland listmga Wo specialize in Salem to Portland and Portland to Salem oxchangea LEO If. CHlLDa CO., Realtors 320 State Street - Phone 6708. Modern five room bungalow. weU located, no encumbrance, to exchange ror suDuroan noma Box 65, care tatesman. WANT SMALLER RANCHES If-you have a ranch from 10 to 100 L and want a larger one you might trade lor one of these: 168-acres, large barn, 8 9-A.- of good river Dottom tana (aitaira or bops) Kiver and creek on dace. 189-acrea good tmorovementa 130 A. cult, 12-A. timber, trade for small er place up to 84000. 142-acrea fair improvements, 110-A. cult, f : A. -of walnuts, . 7-timber, sprtogarv7ant smaller Dlaca v 160-acres, - good lmprovemonta. .126 cult Take a house In Salem or small aereago. It you wish to trade your nouse or your rancn, atzxi . - sx- J. D. SEARS, Realtor lis soutn uign street : WANTED REAL ESTATE 40 acres stocked and equipped. tk A. alfalfa. 6 A. pasture and timber. family fruit 6 rm. hoose. furnace. bath, electricity, class B barn. 66 ton of hay In barn. $7000, Owner needs smaller aereago or largo cheap house In Salem. :T WINNIE PETTYJOHN - 175 South High Street "Days Not Beyond RecalT' ACREAGE Arrowhead Ssrhra, 8 A. rood ranW. I llV llMn. .hu n . . I. ?toe.ad. Scotte UiUav J. W. Magee, R. I U SUvertosL FOR SALE lOf acraa. all caa be pioweo. is muea b. or saiem. sis. tier crvv weii locaiea, ra goea roao. W. H. GRABENHORST COL 214 South Liberty Street ' DO NOT PASS THIS UP 28 A. lost outside city, fine I A. park, about 2 A. garden ground clear ed, bal, easily cleared, well, some lorn-, ber, good road, easfly divided, no trades, snap at $2500. $500 cash, dla- oouac i or au casn. u C J. JACKSON, 841 State St 10T acres, well Improved, ftps creek, 1 plenty timber for own use. A bargain at J SOW. Will trade tor nmaU acre age or city property. A strictly modem four room house and nook, corner lot, streets paved on rwo sioes ana Data. A sna at suee. Good Income property.' Will pay forljuarton Liberty Sta, use lx, ana rurnisn you a name. . xrue is oiierea far below present . values, Income 8100 a month. Price 86000. - A" highly improved dairy ranch. Fine clover and alfalfa land. Buildings all nearly now. Gravity, water system, stlo and everything for a complete dairy farm. Price $45. per aero. 808 acrea wanted : $3000 loan on good dtylply of the species mentioned in Drooertv.- If you have anything to trade ten us about it Oh yes, and wo write all kinds oz Insurance. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 326 State Street Tel. 86.78. Business Opportnnltlea BIG MONET ; ' I changeable ads. Nothing like ft on I new auvvrusuui tiut wiui ihutuu i market. First man out earned 8124 I 1 - . - . 1 pany . offers- exclusive advertlsiag proposition. Unlimited uosslbllltlea Protected territory. Eerperteace uqneo- essary. saectno AO-Clock company. 65S West Jackson, Chicago, iu. MONEY TO LOAN rKlUNwJlu UMftB I MADE on furoltura eara smUrfes 1 or other good eectrrlty. Repayable I monthly. When tn financial need soot GENERAL INVESTMENT - I corporation I First National Bank Bldg. Phone 8583. i ptcTmr. ivsra llmuht tiMs 1 STATE LOAN - COMPANY lit Oraaroti Rulldlna. and Floor. Office turn 18:00 A MVto 6:30 P. U. Telephone 7783. State license No. S-165. "MwaAMwMMiaaaiMaMWWw 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN daily ring out a loan service that ts really. .. really different. YOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 tO 8300 Beneficial Loan Society nr siT.rrM Room 119 New BllgbBldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE - 618 State St - TeL $)-- MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments You keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 4783 Salem. Ore LOANS WANTED assssas6s0lai WANTED Loans on - real estata 81100 and 31300 good security to of fer. Address P. jl Box, 666, Salem, ure son. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Buff Orohurtoa eockereta breeatlneri or meat, see to 91. is. Tel. nni. FOR SALE WOOD Old Or 16 la lUt Paoae TS6. Call Saggle for dry fir. oak, ash sad mapla Reasonable pricea Phone j ST IS- I MMw.iMaUiaAMi CUARANTBED DRY TeL 600e Si lies Fuel Ca Trada A Cottaga Dry wood at Traey'a 8986. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal Sad fuel eO. Call e ee for pricea Wo give gone eases ere, gooa Quality anu rood eervtca faARMER TRANSFER STORAGE Teleofaono 8131 M.W m. V vw.w, a in &ir, . v.... wood cut any leiMrth. 897 N. Conn. FOR SALE USED CARS 1937 Hudson Coach. 31T8.06. 1996 Paige sedan. 8110.00. Both bt shape with Ucensa 681 M1U St, vlH- iamette uaraga Bulck Touring, Is good shape. Cheap 1 ror casn. ibs Front St. FOR SALE USED CARS 9laaPaksaiaaa McKAY8 USED CARS WITH AN O. XL THAT COUNTS 1334 Ford Coupe I 36.66 1938 Overland Touring ... 18.00 1938 Durant Coaoh' r-- ' ,, 168.66 1638 Ford Roadster - ,- -138.66 1936 Ford Sport Roadster 876.66 I - -- CHEVROLETB : 1934 Delivery ew. tiros . f 66.661 1936 Tourlng- dandy - 9is coupe , 1936 Coach 1931 Coach 1933 Coach 1938 Coupe 193T Cbev. Truck 276.001 3 00 1 es. STS.ve ; 676.64 T6.06 1936 Graham Truck 198.66! 1929 Char. Truck, onlr 13.606 miles, 836.66 Wo have a 1931 Ford Victoria tor 345.66 and a 193T Paige Coaoh for 116.96. Both are good ears aad worth the money but cave not rot been seid. The boss says son 'ore before Nee. 1, so here's your ehaaea. barsjala. asat- ora Make us aa offer. Terms aad trades accepted. McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 833 Center Phono 3189 430 N. CeraT FOR SALE USED CARS , MV i HHilfc Mm . fe f Operated By VALLET MOTOR CO. 1928 Butck Standard Coup .$385.06 isis uuick 4-pasa coupe 193 6 . Chevrolet Sedan . , iza.ee 345.00 l!Stt 1930 Chevrolet Coach 197 Chevrolet Coupe, '88 Ua - 60.00 1926 Chevrolet Roadster ' 136.00 124 Chevrolet Sedan, 'if lie. ' 46.00 192T Dodgs Coupe, '33 11c. 95.00 1930 Ford Coupe ' 275.00 192 Ford Sedaa - - ' ' ' A 828.0O 1929 Ford Sport Coupe - , - -. nee rora btanoara woupe . iss.oe 19 Ford Phaeton T 1936 For Ceoch, '33 lie. 60.0 1936 Ford rj-tp. vs aa 1934 Ford Tudor like new 66.06 ires Kasu special 6 Sedaa 90.09 19rff Olds Coach, '38 He. 49.1 SO 1926 JStudebaker Tow. '38 Uc. 86.00 1929 Plymouth Sedan -145.00 FOR TERMS TRADES JIM OR CHARLIE Phono 7916 I Sago of Salem (Continued from paga 4) their sill. Beyond small sup- the liquid meagure. tables we bad no gills. Which helped only some what. Any port in a storm, yon know, and any till in a foe. And those were degenerate days, Our-captain caused the boat to be anchored and erdered the whis tle to be blown at abort intervals. I A nerleet'of these measures' be I t.vt i. ...... n,. . . .... . . . & caiasiroune migav eoMO la gpfXe t thenv, WhlCo, OI . . . . . . . aoorse, pat everybody mte cheerfni frame ef. mind. . Our Immediate party discussed the congreftsional race coins on between Kibble, the present in cumbeat,, and Dapple, tha eon- tender, who was a proficient liar and a friend et liars, aad was be- Herad hv honMt nan. as la rre- .V- ' - J m. .1 uuu.r s.c w eumsiances. Wasa't that like life? . Happy ZT "... 7. ..." . No codf ishinr. No more gills la the bottle. Nothing but gloomy po- Htical talk, eoppy with tec. i waa too young at me time to do little but listen. My compan ions were aeaaoaed voters ef the 'for God and home and native land" variety Said Abe: "I've stood by Kibble till now. bat If what I beard yes terday is true I'm done with bun, I've been feeling doubtful aboat bint for quite some time. Do yoa knew. I asked him to send me some hollyhock seeds last spring. and be seat me spinach seed. What kind of a congressman, I ask you. Is that?" Said Bea: "Kibble baa been treat disappointment to me, . The weather has been terrible most of T Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN ft D Barton BatteHea Start er and I generator work. 648 Chefneneta st BUILDING CONTRACTOR New buUdlag and altera tiana Ex- pertenoed and reasonabta Estimates rree. TeL Ttsi xor appointment. u - CHIMNEY SWEEP Tst?wne M80 R - Kmttmeea CHIROPRACTORS FLORISTS iCTJT' - fjooeta 'weddtRF bowreets-" funeral wreatna ttseorationa u. w. RreUhatrpt, florist,. All Court street. TOL tO. ALL kinds ef floral erork. Lots Flor- t 1tH A Market. Tet 9698. FLOOR CONTRACTING Oleeu Floor Co Tel 9111. INSURANCE BECKE A HENDRICKS 169 H. HHrh Tet a90T LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . TUB WEI DER LAUNDRY - Ut a High ; TeL tilt - CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY We Wash Evenrtiting is Lux" iTefeohooo Sl6 1964 Bmedwev LAWN BIOWERS ShVDoBod aed reoelred. Also iradea ft VT. Bcott I4f & ComX Tet 4616. AlATTRESSES I Mattresses from factory to spring mattress - 16.66. Renovat ers end fumtgatora Capital Bedding i ce, ' TaW 4068. soso North CaslteL New mattress made to orde& eld Mattress remade t oaroet cleaatng. eis- mct clufr rua weartog, Salem snuff Rag Mattress Factory, M. istn . Wilbur. 'Tel 84 L Otto F. Iwlcker. Est. 1911 MUSIC STORES . OEa 'C WTJT-P!anem, granba sewtng eaaehlrtes, shoot musk- end eiaao otudioa 8epatrt a hose graph aad sewuap msthlnea 488 c. mini -. the time since ba went on the Job. He doesnt take" an engaging pho tograph. : He reads hi speeches: Also, he is a bum wisecraeker. We need a change." Tie la an able man. isn't bet" This wag X, asking to know. sea tossed a raeeiai ef -scorn at me.. "What's that got to do wita it?' lie demanded. The candidate of your party. tent her T-yeg. bat r The talk odsed along like this. eft and on. until the darkness .of night merged with the tog. Sud denly bells Jingled In the engine room." The anchor chain rattled. 'There's the light on Rooster Point." The captain pointed. "Dim, but there she Is. shining through. The light on Hen Island doesn't .show tonight; too. far down; doesnt get Us bead out of the fog. The am art boys at Wash ington are trying to abandon the Rooster Point light from what they call motives of economy. They'd bare done it before now If it hadn't been for Congressman Riddle. And now we'll be going home." -Har-ray for Riddle!" croaked Abe, his teeth chattering. "M-me, too!" shivered Ben. To street erossers: The bump moat to fear is the one from the rear. ' A new fire-cent cigar appears on the market every day or two. Which Is one reason, perhaps, why we see so many wrinkled noses. ;i reckon w wouldn't hare so many colds It It weren't for. the fresh air enthusiasts. Chilblains should be coaflaed to the feet. Tha Imagination la no place for 'em. The current. Stayton Mail carries- good news. Two excellent wella hare been located lxw that town by means of "water witch es." Just wait till X find that guy who told me It couldn't be done! Jones Takes. Lease On Filling Station RALSSYlLLS, Oct. 32. Homer Jones baa takes a two years' lease en tbe Wenatchee camp ground and filling station en the Pacific highway formerly owned by A. J. Mathls. Roy Marken and email son Don ald returned to Seattle Friday af ter spending a few days with bis wife and getting acquainted with the new baby daughter. Mrs. Markhara is staying with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MeMll- Ion. T Directory MUSIC TEACHERS Piano instruction SSo. One free les son. Lauren Cree, 1776 Front St MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuoa aad Sat 3 to 6 p. Be. 148 N. Commercial. PLUMBING and HEATING PL-XMBtNa and general repair 166 Sa Liberty work, Ore her Broa TeL 8896. PRINTING FOB sTPATTONERT, cards. sts ercerrenva nooks er any ertnring, call Tbe Statesman ins Department Sli a Cwxnnereia- Teiettnnne eiei. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Steves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. AH kin do of woven wtre feme, fancy aad baskets, nooks, logan hooka. Fence aad Stove Works. - StA Chimeta Tel 4TT4. R B -Ftetef TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 338 SUte St TeL TT78. DlstrtboUrtg. for warding and storage our specialty Get our ratea FOB local er ' distant transfer stor age, enU 6181 Larnwr Transfat rroclre to ertmwd tvtfxy. i WASHING MACHINES - All Makes Rented, sold aad ronalrod. Easy. A. B. CL. Maytag. Coo tea. Meadows and Antomatio. 816 end ue. liOOQ BROS. - W. O IdANaCU.' Manager f 181 M. High . Tel. 633 Real Estate 'Directory.. BECKS HENDRICKS: ' 186 N. High Te. 4lt a. M. auui S34 N. fUgh St. TeL 8178 SOCpLOFSrY A SON ' 864-8 First Nat. Bk, Bldg, TeL T6i A F. uuuca 831 State Street . Tet, 86T1 HOMER D. FOSTEB REALTY CO. 874 Atate SC ' TeL 1 613 W, tt GRABENHORST A CO, 186 48. Liberty Bb . TeL 4468 By CLIFF STERRETT -.aa, mmr . a a SIEIfS BUD AS LAT.1P EXPLODES Kitchen ' Furnishings . De stroyed by Fire; Bridges Club Elects. SCIO. Oct, M--Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Shelton of .West Sclo barely escaped serious Injury or possibly death at their. noma Thursday night when a kerosene lamp ex ploded la , the kitchen of their home.; They were both In flames as soon as the explosion occurred and - could not . attempt to save anything in the kitchen.: All dishes and kitchen furnishings were de stroyed and. both Mr. and Mra. Shelton .were burned severely about the face. At a business meeting of tbe Sclo Bridge club Friday night at the home of the president. Mra. Rolla Shelton. Mra. Vilas Phlllpp! was chosen president for the en suing year. After the business meeting bridge was enjoyed and at a late hour a luncheon, was served by the hostess. The first regular meeting of the club will be held Friday afternoon, October 28, with' Mrs. Edwin Holland aa rhostest. ' Xebza Services Hebj . Funeral services tor. Anton e J. Kabza. SrM a farmer near Sclo, were held at the Z. a B, J. hall in Scio Friday afternoon at 2 O'clock. Willard L. Marks of Al bany officiated. Burial was In the Franklin Butte Masonic cemetery. Mr. Kebsa is survived by a son. Anton. Jr., of 8aa Diego, who at- icnasa tae lunerai. A large number of friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Merrttt, who were recently mar ried at the home of Rer. Ernest W. Ralston, gave the newlyweds a rousing charivari at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Merritt, Thursday night. They will make their home in the Jordan vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gill, former ly of Sclo but now of Washington, D. C, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. Gill's brother. Frank Gill. MONMOUTH, Oct, 22 A. N. Bingman, 87. died early this morning at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. J: B. Hill In Monmouth. He was born July IS, 184S In Ohio. During the Civil war he en listed for service as a member of Company I, first Ohio heavy ar tillery. Alter the war he went to Iowa where he married Mary Meadenhall, a schoolmate of bis youth In. Ohio, on October 12, 1S8T. They celebrated their ftth wedding anniversary this month. For IS years Mr. Bingman earred as post commander at tha CL A. R. In 1101 be mored with Minn DFW10UHIDIES Gross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE rr pir : ""P17" " 6 rm -- 22 2-2 z z . lIIZZIIfl"l cau ryi cZA , 2 auu -h i i n VA n. i i i . HORIZONTAL 1 declaring T renewal ' IS-j-aaetef three 14 longer used lrtrer in East Africa 17---unctaoua 15 mora horrible 1 portal t everturn - 22 offer tl hue : : 24 ribbed , labrie 2&-amll spot T7 airy 29 modified 23 a fastealsf U-4oor.load sound IT a raadous fxinc SSeuapene1 leparse ., ' 9 ounda' N --- ; ' which caa -' .- be uttered without a consocAtt dl-xbirs 42 email tract . .- ef ktnd aurrouudol by water' -It-a-nrrexata -: 48 craft 47 Joined' V 45 pig pea t oscillate ti rest -1 aS place ef , ! worship 85 eldp, as -. atone oyer water 61 water craft 82 seizes 'with tha teeth 6t- the most comrfTon metal 5 erudition 65 place of publk contest , 7 flexible fa beseech CJ expands . rvarncXL 1 stockier ' S-kiB . Herewith .ia tie eolctkm to . - , Saturday's puzzle. v je-te-"" EaSEBIIESi2l bsrHcvitrL8MrtMSf-w . f his family to. Oklahoma, and jn isle came. to Folk eountri They have been' residents of Monmouth' most of tbe time alnce V Surviving are Mrs. Bingman and seven children: Mrs. Hill and Harry Bingman. Monmouth; Mrs. Minnie Smith. Salem; Mrs. Carrie Jenninga, Wichita. . Kens.; . Mra. Edith Keen. Campo, Colo.; Mrs. Nina McKlnley,- Ames Iowa; and Carl Bingman. San Francisco. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p. mJ directed by Smitb'a Funeral chapel. Rer. W. A. Elkins of the Monmouth Chris- tian church will officiate. Burial will be In Belcrest Memorial Park.. saiem. LDDHIUSU mvonnettE WALDO HILLS. Oct, 22-- Voters In the 8. Silverton precinct will not go to Erergreen school- bouse this year to cast their bal-" lota. The place baa been changed! to the Waldo Hltta . community club bouse. The ETergreen school- , nouse has been the polling place In this precinct since 1884. W Esther Rue. eldest daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Rue. left Frt- - day for Paulsbo, Wn on Paget -Island. For two weeks she will be relief nurse at the Old Peo ple's Home there and after that! wfil take op ber duties as matron ; oi inn orpnanage in tne aame v town. Both institutions are under the Lutheran board of missions. Miss Rue was graduated two years ago from a Minneapolis hospital and worked there three months following her graduation." on returning to Oregon aha was connected for, some time wltb the Silverton hospital and then did private nursing. The first meeting of. the Wil lard Women'a club that had been scheduled for Thursday, October 20 bad to be postponed owing to . the Illness of O. H. Ottoway, fa- - ther of the club president. Vera . Ottoway. Mr. Ottoway is Improv-. lng following' an emergency oper-- -atlon at the Silverton hospital. Thieves Suspected But Chickens Show - Up as Good Alibi MEHAMA. Oct. 22 A very odd and unusual happening occurred to Mrs. Phillips yesterday when her chickens which she had given up as stolen retured to their own roost at night. In the morning when she went td teed them there were only fire and at night, ex pecting to feed the remaining five again, she was plessurably sur prised, to find the dozen mlssftig hens, also. Evidently they bad not been, taken rery far away; at any rata, this goea to prore tbe old saying' that chickens come home to rooeUV Kublns bad several men em ployed Friday to atart harvesting potatoes en big upper place. S. Burdick will atart sowing fan oats on the Wilson place Saturday. . SHEFFER Z-4m the - SI 4ried ..- matter with , leaves of 4ono who j far Eastern . trifles . . . 'ahrub . . '5 foxke sSght 23 a food tub bow 25 process el . d fluent efts riyta. 7 bar&boollxs ' with metal grass -. . 8 go astray ' mass ef : ' -. . east metal ; 10 SmaU giass bottle . ; 11 a female . ainginc 2 ind-tatea 28 one who -'falls ta -.-: keep -. S3 one of set i . ef anuZL ..-. -plane .. -surfaeee --t-; SI e, meetinx - 83 wanderer , S3bsca tbir.'.s 14 an inser u ties ' -8llVil Kliaa, ! It lookiar ; - f obliquely 15 pnshea v xarward .IS rurroend - f, ' 41 fAbia. 'r 4S anvbassadof -d despotm - rulers - f 47 encrfca . '. S perforaeit ' , 5 Sa-fcrigata - S3 a sodal , - creup - f - e-Tin - bird.. J H our . 5$ tmcleaa ".ab5tanoa . -It confioea' t open space 1 3 ahape e bleat -'t V 3 juice f plant