The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    Te OCi:i,DN STATZT. : Arf. r?rv Qrwr. r"-y -r 21. If 5
fPAG" nvc
Local News Briefs
Cyclist la jnred Melvia Crow, i
395- Chemeketa street raportsd to j
c(ty polfe-yesterday that his an
toniojSetruckand injured Nor-
villa fcleaibiv 21, if 2S3 Maple
avue,teyeMstrt state aad Win
ter streets Friday. Gleasoti suffer
ed 'cuts . aad bruises about the
:head. HU bicycle was hadlv 'ifum.
aged. '. Driver Involved fa other J
misnaps- reported yesterday " in
cluded:,, Mrs. Myrtle Byers of
Rainier, whose cor etrucl; an Ore
gon Electrle train at Liberty and
Milt streets; Charles Tindalf and
a moforist named' Cummlnga on
Liberty , street;: Clark M Smith,
route .nine, .aad Otto SkopIK.Sa-
- iem Lauaary, on High street; C.
' K. Logan,! SlfrxJadaonanda
' freight truck driver named t Hol
Kate; on the Pacific highway at
cr Brooks. Logan's ear aideswtped
: the truck trailer ' '" '
Dr. r Wonderlick, ' Physician and
Surgeon.- New ; of flea over Steus-
Biinkhorn, Marion county dairy
v and food Inspector.- Friday night
. Attended the annual- meeting ' of
j tha Oregon Dairy Milk Inspectors'-
association; held at the Multno
mah hotel, Portland. He partici
pated in diseussion of enforce
ment of the standard milk ordin
ance. Officers elected werer I, s.
Leech, state department, of agri
culture president; V. L. Morgan.
. chief dairy Inspector of Portland,
n vice-president: A. E. Tuny, state
: department of agriculture, secre
; tary-treasurer.
October 31st will be the final day
- of The Statesman's annual Bar-
- lain Period The Statesman by
u mall anywhere in Oregoa. for one
- year, only 15.09. Regular rate of
,. 11 DA will nil. 41. nt .
Not ember. "' ;
- -i? .
Water Applied For Emily K,
? ; Bard of Portland has filed with
; , the state engineer here applica
tion to appropriate eight second
fet of water from Slick Rock
rcreek. tributary of the Salmon rlv-
er, for a municipal supply In Lin
coln county. George McCarty of
- Portland seeks to appropriate two
- second feet of water from Thomp-
- son creek. McMuUen creek and
. Deer creek, tributaries of the II-1
v linols river, for the Irrigation of
-100 acres In Josephine eounty.
Household furniture for sale. See'
Mr. Cheer, 21 Oregon Bldg..!
10 to . TeL 7783.
At Lutheran Church At
. the American Lutheran church
. Sunday, special musical numbers
- will Include- a solo by Leon Jeu
nison at the morning worship
hour; and at night an organ solo,
: Batiste's Second Ste. , Cecellan
Grand Offertory, played by Mar
tin Anderson. At 7:30 o'clock P.
W. Erlksen will deliver the sec
ond lecture' In the series on An
glo Saxon Israel.
October 31st will be the final day
of The Statesman's annual Bar
; gain Period The Statesman by
, mail, anywhere in Oregon, for one
year, only 33.00. Regular rate of
34.00 will apply after the first of
Three Licenses Issued Three
couples took out marriage licenses
. at the county clerk's office yes
terday: John, Jr., Henry, 24, of
Brooks, and Jennie M. Dutton, 22,
549 Ford street, Salem; Robert
M. Ashley, 28. of Monmouth, and
- Mary Abersble, 19, of Monmouth;
Jacob Ringler, 34, of Sheridan,
- and Jessie Broyles, 18, of Wood
burn. Portland "A Capella" Choir tn
concert, Presbyterian church.
-Monday, 15c.
Sale Confirmed - Order con
firming sale of 'real property of
. Blanche B. and Clarence Hoffman
. and others has. been filed in clr-
. cult court by the Prudential Sav
ings :and Loan association; also
of sale of property of Ralph J.
. . Stevens and others.
Sale Authorized Martina M.
O'Brien, executrix of the will of
Albert O'Brien, has been author
ised to sell a note aad mortgage
belonging to tha estate. -
. The Spa
60c Roast Turkey dinner.
.Hotel Arffo Dining Room '
Roait Chicken and Virginia
' Baked Ham, noon and evening.
.Marion Hotel i . ;
It you enjoy home cooking, the
Marlon hotel is now employing
' white women cooks and fa serv
- lag breakfasts from 15 to 75
- t. cents, lunches from 35 to CO
cents and dinners from 50 cents
. to one dollar. We are also mak
i lag special low monthly rates
, : on rooms to permanent guests.
Coning Events
October 2 1 Willamette
vs. Albany, night football
game. .? I v- :c
October 21-22 Ore g o a
American . association of
University Women.
October 21 Salem chant
ber of commerce host to
lesriosi drain .corps, : p
-v - October -SS KcniibUcaa .
rally 'for 'ionntyr Senator
Steiwer speaks .httiy- .
V October." 2 Salem .high
TtvMstorla-ffblgX-'' rgh'
football game. ; -s.
. Noreenber .Ji :Dr. Dan:
Poling addreasea prohibition
rally at Salens armory. -
November . benera.
atertioa. - '
. December V7 Western
Nat Growers association an
nual meeting, chamber of
commerce, r -' - - ,;
December T- Oregon,
State Horticultural society
conference, chamber of com
- Builders to Meet Directors of
Salem chapter, Oregon Building
coa srcss, will l hold their; regular
meetins In the U.7 S. National
bank building tomorrow night.
The -maUer of federal f construc
tion contracts will -be -further ai-
cussca. -: .
KsUie Worth S13.nOO-ThA
Ute nf Magdalen Mayer, deceas-.
. sas neen appraised at f 13,-
5S3.S3.. -Tblt -aTvnrait;! was iyk.
mttted to probate eourf yeaUrdat
ny u. Aianch.-Tm GalUway,
and i; B. MClard.f .",.? C
Vetch Seed. Recleaned but some
oats and barley lea in, Prica 1 He
per lb. In sack lots. 2 c in smaller
tuantities. B. Al Rhoten. Seed
stored at Salem Seed Implement
Co. Front-& Stato St. , , .
Hcaripg Dte SeWDeceiaber 3
has : been set as-i data for final
hearing on tha astata of Wllha
mltl HIrxalefen.' PurmtniAn fca
been srantrd -th
mortgage property of the estate to
pay. claims against It;..- . ;K
-Would Dissalsa U. Brown and
Mv t Klorf ein. defendants, have
moved tor dismissal of the com
Dlaiat brought aralKat
cult court by Business Men's Ad
justment company. -
Vogue Shop, expert modist charge
of work room. Prices reasonable.
Tel. Mrs. Forge, 4533 for appoint
ment. -
Day Im Set Data for hearing of
final account of tha estate of Mar
garet Anne Waterhouse Warm,
deceased, has beh set at Novem
ber 32. Y
Estate C3oae4 Tha estate of
Helena Undeken, deceased, yes
terday was declared closed and
tha executrix, Helen Wageman,
Paris Dressmaking Shoppe. Fall
sewing and remodeling. Work
guaranteed. Phone 8415 Koim n.
Hale, 41C Oregon Bldg.
Fined SI Carol L. RiVard
was fined a dollar fa itf
court yesterday when ha admitted
ariring us car with but one
Hamilton Answers C. a Ham.
ilton, co-defendant In a suit
brought by Associated Stores eom
pany, yesterday filed answer to
the amended complaint.
Dramatic Clab dance, Moo. Oct.
ztn. m. josepn s Hail, Adm. 25c
RLtdoji ta Vimnl T.I
Rigdon yesterday was appointed
administrator of the $459 estate
or, ueorge E. Salmon, displacing
Dolphia Demos.
Although no vaeanc!a nn ihm
city tire department staff are Im
minent, the civil service commis
sion yeiterday announced that ex
aminations for promotions to cap
taincies and position of chief
would be held at the city hall on
December 5 with Alderman W. H.
Dancy as examining o t f I e e r.
Chairman Paul Johnson explained
that the examinations are to be
held in order to obtain anutiA
candidates to the of flcerships In
event or a vacancy. Only firemen
with a three-year service record
are eligible.
. In Hne with its recently enacted
rule, the commission voted to re
Quest City Recorder Mark Poulsen
to notify it at any time a fireman
Issued for moner owine or hi
wages garnisheed, It is against
the civil service rules for firemen
to permit bills to run unpaid. "
Tha first Monday of the month
was set as time for the commis
sion's regular meetings.
At the residence on route 4, box
31, October 22, Roscoe C. Day,
aged 49 years. Survived b-r widow
Helen M. Day of Salem: daurh-
ters, Miss Gleen Day of Salem,
Mrs. Leah Henry of aJefferson:
sons, Harold and Grant ot Salem;
one' firandehild: mother. . Mrs-
Mary EL Dar of Minnesota sta
ters; Mrs. Thomas Danks ot Min
nesota, Mrs. Jane Danks ot Mich
igan: brothers. Fred and Francis
of Iowa, Gordon, Wilbur and
George of South Dakota. Funeral
services from tha chapel ot tha
Clough-Barrick company, . Mon
day, October 24, at 2 p. m. with
Key. S. Darlow Johnson officiat
ing. Interment Eelcrest Memorial
Park. .. ..-
' " , : -: ' ' '
' - ' Peterson i 'f
John B. Peterson, of 1635
North 19 th street, passed away
Oct, 21, at the age of 68. Survived
by widow; Mrs. Ida Peterson and
tha following; children: Mrs. W.
M. Overgard, Salem; Mrs. Byron
McEIMnney of Macleay, Gladys
Peterson of Salem, Andrew L. and
Charles J. Peterson, both of Sa
lem. Ha was a member of tha
Woodmen of the World and I. O.
O. F. lodge. Funeral services will
be (held Monday, Oct. 24, at 1:30
p. m. from Rigdon'a mortuary,
latennent In Stayten cemetery; :
- "' X Cfearg foe Coasultstloa
Dr. B. H. White
Ottsspsthls rayslciaa aad SurfMa
PU sad SkUraml Caaetr SomiH '
with ' i
Ome: S33 KrU CasUal Stmt f
Tetopboas 6031 Salon, Orsgu
. Witaent Operstloa r Lms f Time .
R Orrq Bids. rtara S509
cms s,t en
? ... . u.. :. ? j
Ridehalg'h Estimates' State
Saving Will' Amount to
Over $30,000:
Reduction of travelinr exoenses
affecting state officials and em
ployes will save the state ot Ore
gon between 839.000 and $40,909
annually, according- to an estimate
prepared by W. W; Ridshalgh. su
pervisor of stata' transportation.-
' Vouchers receives by Rldehalgh
recently ladicatedf that virtually
all department heads ' and em
ployes are keeping wen within tha
expense limitations, with the re
sult that not mors' than' a dosen
of these accounts . have . bean re
turned for correction during the
past month. ' '
The order of tha board of con
trol limiting expense accounts fix
es, the maximum price for. break-
fast at - 40 cents, lunch 50, cents
and dinner 75 cents. Tha east at
rooms is limited ta $2. Prlorrta
tha issuanca ot this order .many,
officials and employes submitted
expense accounts aggregating, as
much as 37 for. tore meals ad
a room. :
Car Allowances
Are Redacad
Pressure also has been brought
upon officials and employes to re
duce- materially tha coat of tart-
cab hire, and ellmlnata entirely
the operation of state motor ve
hicles other than on official busi
ness. Allowances for tha operation
of privately owned aatomobiles an
state business also have been re
duced by order of tha board of
control. Garage atoraga for stata
operated motor veliicies has been
limited to 35 cents a night Instead
of 59 cents as undw tha previous
Rldehalgh declared that a sur
vey of his records shows that tha
large expense accounts were tiled
by officials aad employes of so
called fee-supported stata boards
and commissions. In numerous
cases these officials aad employes
presented expense accounts In
which they charged as much as $1
for breakfast, 1.2!i tor lunch and
31.59 for dinner. Taxi-cabs were
charged in some Instances in ex
cess, of 93 for a single day.
"All of these excessive expanse
accounts have beaa wiped out."
Rldehalgh said, "and both offi
cials and employes are now keep
ing their traveling costs within
Members of tha chamber ot
commerce will pay honor- to tha
Salem national champion Legion
drum corps at a dinner at the
chamber banquet rooms Monday
night at 8:45 o'clock. Sharing
honors with the drum corps will
be the American Legion Auxiliary
trio, which won national honors
at the convention also.
The dinner takes the place of
tha regular noon meeting of the
chamber that day.
The drum corps will appear in
uniform and numbers by it will
open and close the evening's en
tertainment. The auxiliary trio
will sing the songs that won for It
national honors.
The entertainment will Include
also short talks by several promi
nent leaders. Including State Com
mander Jack Eakin of Dallas.
Douglas McKay, president ot the
chamber of commerce, will pre
side.. Mrs. JE&kln will be a special
McNary is First ;
Voter in Oregon
To Cast Ballot
senator C. L. McNary has tha
distinction of being tha first Ore
gon voter to east his ballot at tha
general election. McNary took ad
vantage of tha absent voter's law
and east his ballot at tha county
cjersrs oiiice nere yesterday.
Senator and Mrs. McNary, who
nave oeen spending tha summer
at their country homo north ot
Salem, will leave for Washington
Monday. En route east, McNary
will stop off at Chicago where ha
will give a radio address tn behalf
of President Hoover.
Women's G..O. P.
Study Club Will
Meet Tomorrow
Mrs. C7- P." Bishop, chairman of
tha Women's Republican club ot
the county, announces a meeting
of the study club Monday after
noon at tha republican headquar
ters In the old Bank of Commerce
building. Congressman Hawley
win address them.
Tuesdsy morning at 9:30 Mrs.
John Ferguson will address a
gathering of republican women at
headquarters. Mrs. Ferguson ' Is
sent out by the national commit
tee. ' " '.' ;- , '
Lumber at Special Prices
: ;- ; t (Limited Time) ? . 'rr ::- -
6'Cominoir Ceilinfr, i
. Flooring,' SheatIuno;v,.:
' i: $6,00 per M.,V!
,k . - - :
" 1" x;6' Corarrion Biding; f
1" x 4" dear Cefling
per IL-.-
' Sbiirwln-Wllllams Faints DePoe Day Shinglea
849) Bo. ISth Street. Tel. 743 - -
SasKhw attraettva
aatttasl ta
that aha urns
Cteerge Dsvlisaa. 33.
Mctaa far tha Fs
ended hkBlaiy
Sheaalslha fhiisliasl iakgher.
alia was abeaa ta Hea has
Having pedaled .23,809 m;Ies
en a bicycle since July 9. daring
wnien Uma he has visited 41
states, Fred MeKInney ot Chica
go was a visitor In Salem Sat
urday on his way to Seattle
where he plans to pay his re
spects to the Seattle Bicycle club.
In the course of his wander
ings MeKInney has met a num
ber of notables and has tha sig
nature of the next president In
his autograph book, for both Her
bert Hoover and Franklin D. Roo
sevelt have their names Inscribed
there. ,
MeKInney carries a 50 pound
pack wnich includes nine spare
pairs of .trousers. Ha Bleeps- out
doors and works for his meals.
and has it on tha "gasoline
tramp" in that his vehicle re
quires no motor fuel. He plans
to visit five mora atatea that he
has not previously entered, before
reaching Chicago again.
Runaways From
Indian School
. Not to Return
Mrs. Nona M. White, eounty
probation officer, yesterday was
holding In custody, two of three
boys who escaped from Chemawa
Indian school Friday. Tha third.
James Logan, 15, was returned
to the Oregon State Training
school at Woodburn, from which
he had been on parole. Edward
Case, 15, and Nikolas John, 14,
win De returned to their respec
tive reservations by George Bent,
Indian scool disciplinarian, who
said ha could no longer keep
them at Chemawa.
When arrested by elty police,
the three boys were charged with
theft of bicycles.
Olympic Cham p.
Actor Are Sued
Eleanor Holm, Olympic swim
ming champion, and Antonio Mor
eno, screen actor, were defend
ants today la a 315,909 damage
suit resulting from an automo
bile accident. Tha damages ara
claimed by Olive Worum, nurse,
and Pearl May Tnmarkia, aged
six, on charges that tha swimmer.
driving Moreno's ear, struck them
down last August. Moreno was not
In the ear at tha time.
Roast Turkey
. on tha Special
Sunday 50c Dinner
"Net a Bed lief
Tour Friends Admire
Good Taste. For your
next gift for bridge
prise choose one made
In Salem by - .;.-.
Fred Blatehford
See these Clever
. Things at -
The Senator Giftery
V Senator Hotel Bid.
l'roc;3? Kor Gear.
" FlooriniT 4 to 9 feet -v-:
cci nr.
'per. If-;:
$15.00 perM.
1" x 8 No. 3 Common
Boards and Shiplap
J $7.00 per M. .
hfra. Ceaaea
Mil 11 Ell
uppcrcraaaCrganue for
Ba3;51Tiisj?-; Classed v-
Are Started "- -- A
SALEM HEIGHTS. Oct. 1 2. .
Tha seventh and eighth grade pa
pUs have organsed aa indoor base
ball team and ham selected Ce
eila Wlegand. principal, a their
-coach, Those who will compose
tha team are Cantata. Ceorre
Wright, pitcher; Catehar.' OrvUle
Beardaley; Crst base, Paul Siffaj
ecoaa ease, v;nesier McMamara;
short, Robert Zinser: third base,
Allan Batlett; right fielder, Fran.
as lis li ; center, Ramona Nixon;
left fielder. Arthur Miller. i
In tha agriculture class Friday
afternoon a desaonstratlon of
tongua grafting was given by Or
rille Beardsley aad Cleave Bart
lett. .. . :c
Tha kirla basketball team nnl
der tha dlraetle of Hylda Foster V
ara doing their practicing at noon r
aaa recess and have elected Alida
may rautter as their-eaetaln. aad
Helen Eashbargas maaagsr.
rupiis. who hate enrolled in the
violin class ara Be Fortaer, Dor
etaoy Jones, RholU LaDuke, Bob
by BohannonBlUna Vegt, Allen
caruotc v BChayier Gila. Harold
Biles, William Trudgen. Dorothy
Burger. Vivian- Jonas. KnnUa
Wright and Betty Biles. Soma ot
tha advaaced pupils la music haTe
form a six-piece school arehestra
aad tha players are: Marlet Rob-
tnaon. Irene Fischer. Snvria
Seotti Gertrude Brooks. Orvine
Beardsley ' aad Cleave Bartlett.
Tha Vlolia ' class and aehaol nr.
chestra ara both conducted under
tn aaparvislon and teaehinr nt
Waada PhilllM.
Miss Dorothy Dutton'a Camofir
UUls held a Hallowe'en nartr at
cna noma of Helen Ramey, Fii-
oay night. Bach girl lavlted a
a en aaa mere were 20 toih
zoiks present. Tha decarattv
scnasna in tha homo was ot tha
Hallowe'en motif, Gamea ware
played, songs sunn, stories told.
attar which refreshment wn
Ladd& Bush Sue
C. F. Beyerl to
Collect on Notes
Suit to collect on four promis
sory notes aggregatlar $11,295
was med In circuit court here
yesterday against C. F. Beverl
by Ladd ft Bush. Tha complaint
uieaeu mas ue notes are over
due and largely unpaid and asks
cnat blocks of Western Paper
uoarertmg company stock pat np
as collateral bo sold to meet
judgment on the notes.
Western Paper Converting
company and Zell Brothers at
Portlsad are named co-defen
Mrs. Bert Keller Is seriously-III
at ner some. Her mother. Mrs.
Swan Anderson, ot Falls City. Is
nere assisting: in her care. Mrs.
Keller's condition was reported as
mora favorable last nlahL
PERRTDALE. Oct. 22 Mr,
and Mrs. E. H. Letticken and
their granddaughter Viola Houk
left Thursday for California for a
two months vacation and visit
with relatives.
At YOUR Neat-Clean TEXACO Station
when we ask to drain A J
Your car represents an investment worth
protecting. Proper lubrication, at the right
time, more than any other single factor can
. insure it against premature old age.
So wo repeat. Say YeaM when we re
mind you to drain summer-worn oil. Let us
drain and refill your crankcase today with
Tune la KCW 6
Be D. Woodrow-
Texaco Sapsr Service Station
Court at Church Sts." ,
Floyd McClellan
Texaco Service Station
I0W & Commercial St.
TO 4 SCORE b-arldently
Jinx for Oregon Stata
when It plsys Washlaztoa
State. Last- year this .was i tha
score that defeated tha Bearers
and yesterday It was tha same
score which wrought an tha. ha
roe. "Somehow Oregon Stata can't
surmount that . score; And 4 the
Cougars came" off victorious. '
; Bat; that was
a good game
at Corvallis at that, aad there
lot of' Salens people
ta sao It. For a wet field
there . was '. plenty ,ef actiosw
Bat Orefoa Stata lacks' aoaea.
thine, and after welching- them
repeat la almost every faUvre .
that marked last -year's game
ae can't help hat agree thara
tat ba tha coaching. 'm
After Oregon. Stat 'had spent
a waelo wtek drilling ea a -pass
d ef ens sth a Cougars looled. them,
and shot but one- pass which waa
completed. Only- One 'pass while
Oregon ' State-shot ... plenty. And
there ware soma tunny plays too.
And there were some funny plays
tea. We perhaps ara a little, pre-
yadleed, but area so . Oregon
State should have doaa a lot bet
ter. ... . . :
This appeared to bo ahont
only game of tha three)
played oa tha- const yesterday
srUch wasat aa upset. Califor
nia set the Haskles back ta a
nam - coWeressee chasapleaship
ear, whOa TJ. S. C came oat
cat top ta feira Pep Warner's
tricks and aWld Stanford score
leas. It waa a great dap for
Canst foecban.
Aad we hare a' lot ot other
thlags ta write about hero too,
but tor the moment, after work
ing- In tha press box In Corvallis
For years, the n
cupied more ofthe
for close visl
signed to give
distance. Th
"jump" and
eyes. Let us d
oi . -i-L, '
(cl-ViVcK i-J-J: .'.(Trtol? (o)i
0 P. M. Tctcday and Hear Fire
Lyle Rains
Hollywood Texaco Station -Capitol
St at Fsrgrotmds Eosd
Elmer Wetsel Iv v :
Texaco Service Station "
um at IOssIcb sts. .
OOTj -'fr.'S-
for t. more than f ear hours. foot
ball seema to be tha only thing
which is aateriag our minds,
m - tha - meantime " Tarn's ; mys
tery -of the Queen of Spades still
waits to be solved, and Don Wig
glna still perhaps Is a little wor
ried: But that must ot necessity
mem rsfi
PAYS Fill OF m
. .-Conleyc , Shelton. McVIlanvtne
truck driver, wheua a ally traffic
officer-arrested here Friday oa a
charge at reckiess drrrlaxi. after
Shelton once ran away from hlnu
Yesterday pleaded r guilty before
Maalcipal Jadga Mark Faulsea
aad paid a 215 flat.
When Crst stopped by tha offi
cer, Shelton suddenly started up
his track and sped away. Tha of
ficer overtook him near West Sa
lem and halted him oa threat at
shooting. Tha officer later
ehanged his charge to ono ot
driving under the influence of li
quor. After conference with Chief ot
Police Mlato yesterday, however,
tha charge waa reduced ta reck
less driving, city motorists report
ed that Shalton's truck narrowly
missed colliding wlt several ma
chines on downtown streets.
A brother of Sheltoa. whoso
first name police did not learn,
was arrested an a charge at be
ing Intoxicated, after ha had come
to headquarters after tha truck
driver, then started abasing offft
cars. He was released oa $10 ball.
y different
bcals has oc-
eye required
ocals are de-
reading and
lly, reducing
before your
& Keene
rhdtns cart ofvif
lens than the
on. rxew hui.vuii hif
j : r
petter vision for both
cv are, battarnntigi
avoiaine rsdrSbowsT
cinunatrate mesevim
either ,Crack-Prtx)M Texaco the golden
oil. that flows freely at zero, or Waxlree
Hsvoline the 100 paraffin-base motor oi)
premium priced 1 Te,n minutes at the
most and you will be on your way. Then
your engine will indeed be ready today for
tomorrow's colder weather!
Chief Ed Yi'jnn
aasHsaHuisBnb -
R. T. Gordon
Texaco Service Station
Front and Cesler Sts.
Blilt Steward
Texaco Service Station
HO Edrewster St
m stiit suits
i. . Alleging that she waa fraafln
Iently induced to marry Xf. I. Glf
ford, Mathilda Lents la a com
plaint filed in circuit court yes
terday asks that their marriage of
r4 e. . saaa aisaei a- mae -
uiwi m w aaa a. area an eaaaaaaw
She claims that TJitfordt indsced
her to marry, htm despite the tact
that cha v llrMd m rriiA
asserting that aha could obtain a
divorce within six weeks la Utah
The complaint states that no such
law existed la that or other states.
tinted a divorce suit against Ern-
est H. Craig, to whoa sua waa
married la 1S1T la Iowa City, la.
She alleges that ha treated, her
cruelly, oxtea became Intoxicated
and Jipent money for Intaxlcaata,
depriving his family of aoeessl-
Uas. She seeks custody at their,
three minor children. IS a month
allmoay aad attorney's fees. !
lag order to keep the man from
abusing herself nnd the children, -
tsuuaing Ferniits :
I Amount id $3700
Eleven building permits were
issued here last weak tor Joba
amounting to a total ot SSTM.
But oa a was. for new construction,
that for a bouse to aa buiU
at ITS North 15th street, forC.
new variety, tha cranberry
bean. Is being grown successfully
la Michigan this year. .
Acklm Bootery
- m n. high srarrr
Opposite court Boose
Thia Week'a Special
While They i-ast
15 Venetian framed mir
rors and some beautiful
etchings on wood at ?
Hansen & Liljequist, Inc.
Dealers la Lambrr aad I
Bnlldlns; Materials
Church aad Mill . TeL tlil
Croquinole Ringlet End
Open Friday
Evenings by
Castle Permanent
Waver Co.
57 first Natl Bank Bldg.
TeL Sffs
Braacb ot Castle pteaeer Per
manent Wavers, Portland ; '
There are times when drug
f store serrlee' becomes
.. most important
At such -times, would 70s not
much prefer being served by a
skillful, experienced pharma
cist.. . particularly one with
the responsibility of store own
ership . . . who will take a been
personal Interest in your be
half, and In1 wbosa hands your,
wants will be given every at
tention, -v. ., :
This is an independent drug
store, where tbe owner Is con
stantly oa daty and entirely at
your service In any emergency.
Even after tbe store closes, ha
can be reached by telephone,
should some sudden and urgent
need arise for his services.: -Make
and how . thoroughly satisfac
tory, yon will find everytbisg
connected with it . t . .,
: " Drug Store '
1SS N. Commercial - Dial 8197
The Original , Yellow Front
Candy Special Store of Salens
- Card Table arid
:-; CKairs to Rent i
-j ;
Call 6& 1 0. Csed Faraitare
151 North Blgh
map a) an