The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    -AGE TWO
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning October 23,1932
Oak Point Plans to Handle
Own Work This Year; v
: ; Club has Meet ' "
Point P. T. A. met at the school
Thursday night witk. Mrs. Hugh
Roger as president. The program
: of music anoTa talk by Dean Walk
r on consolidation oi schools and
- higher education -was greatly 'en
Joyed. Mr. Walker does not favor
consolidation; of schools. He says
It has been tried out In Michigan
and California where he has vis-
Ited and from an economical and
educational standpoint it has not
proved satisfactory.
Mrs. Edward Harnsber ger,
' chairman of the program commit
tee, announced that this commun
ity would take care of - its own
charity work this year, and' that
Mr and Mrs. Byron Ruddell, Mrs.
Charles Whipple. T. J. Primus
and herself were a committee to
- handle the work.
Last year they joined with la
dependence in charity work.
Plaae Big Meet 10th y
On November 10 the next reg
ular P..T. A. meeting, the Polk
'county council his been Invited
for" an all day meeting here. The
children of the school will hate
their school fair that day. Chil
dren In' dub work and those not
wiH exhibit nythlng they hare
raised-or made or canned, and
ribbons will be awarded as prises.
There are S3 pupils enrolled In
r the. school, now, with Mis Pearl
Eyre as critic, and Miss Mildred
Lelghton of Salem as supervisor.
TJie student, teachers- come out
every day from Monmouth in a
school bus and the parents are
much pleased with the new sys
tem nnder President Churchill.
' Return From Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ruddel and
sons Clarence Ruddell and Rod
ney Bardman returned Sunday
from Herosford, where they went
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Rud
delUs mother, Mrs. Uattie King,
who passed away Oct. 12. They
. , also visited Mr. Ruddell's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ruddell In
While here Rodney went hunt
ing nd got a four-point buck.
They returned through the Wap
initla cutoff and at Mt. Hood
loop ran into a snowstorm. Her
father, L. D. King returned with
them for a short -visit.
- Exhibits at P. I.
John Clow has four pens of his
prise winning Lincoln sheep at
the Pacific International Exposi
tion taking them down by truck
last Friday. John won the sweep
, Uakes on Lincoln's at the Oregon
state fair this year.
, Mrs. Grove Peterson had a tele
gram Monday from her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. John Bell of Lind
say. .Ontario, that her grandmoth
er,; Mrs. Carnaby Thursday, g,
Uad passed away on Sunday.
TURNER, Oct 22 The local
.Jlebekah lodge was hostess Wed
nesday night at the close of a
short lodge session, for a Hallow
e'en party. The decorations were
in keeping with the spirit of. the
occasion. Guests were met at the
toot of the stairs by a witch and
ghosts, who formed aa escort to
" the lodge rooms. A short program
vas enjoyed: recitation by Lor
line Bar net t; reading by Mrs.
Jester Crume; Impersonation by
Mildred Bones, Stella and Loraine
Barnett; reading palms was In
, -order and ram eg were nlaved ha.
fore all adjourned to the dining
room xor luncn.. Decorations were
v la autumn leaves and fruits ar
ranged br Mrs. SODhia Robertson.
Mrs. Gayette Barnett, Miss Mable
waixer, miss Muriel Salisbury
. and Mrs. Lucille McKInny.
. Member and gueata present were:
lira. . Martha Barnett. Mrs. Chin
Bones. Mrs. Susan Girardin, Mra. Lu
ellla McKlnney, Mrs. Mary Bell. Mra.
Hester Crume. Mra. Sophia Robertson,
Mr. Nellie Hamilton. Miss Mabla
Walkar. kflaa Ifurl,! Uoli.K,,..., v..
gayette Barnett, Mra. Stella Miller,
Aim Mabel Tucker, Mr. and Mra. Faye
Vebb. Mra. Herman Lewis, William
caien euiener, a. K. Robert
tpm. Mica F!lln Hdva H, ani m
Fred Moore. Mr. and Mra. Wallace
ftichea, Mr. and Mrs. H. C Bear, Mas
cuuicv "ivtii, hat. ana ira. n. ener-
man Hawk- Uln Xtamrt
Misa Katherine Hawk. Mfas Lucille
' - BanM. John Hlr aihr, nnlin
' 1 ton, Keith and Bobby Ball. Bonala
. "ih Mwni ncoo, oiena ana uomum
'. . I
' Walnut Harvest U
.: Cause For Lowered
Club's . Attendance
CLEAR LAKE. Oct. 22 The
Ladles Improvement club met
Wednes day with not very good at
tendance. Several are working in
the , walnuts and couldn't come.
Those who attended were Mrs. T.
Stolk, Mrs.B. Dutoit, Mrs. Orrel
Garner, Mrs. Lawton Girod. Mrs.
Art Baker, Mrs. John Balr, Pearl
Baker, Johnnie Garner, Clifford
Girod, and little Ruth Bair.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony O'Neal from
Seattle are here visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Neal.
Tony has a garage In Seattle.
1 Thee Stalk returned from Cor
rallis Tuesday where he has been
visiting his daughter Mrs. W.
Jones. .'. .
Silver Fails Mill
Resumes Operation :
Shut-Down in July
SILVERTON, Oct. 22 The Sil
ver Falls mill will resume opera
tions, Thursday morning. The
plant has been shut down for the
past three months. The first logs
since the shutdown 'last July,
,X&T brought down last Monday.
' The planer mill which has been
running all ' summer,: was closed
down and will not start until next
Tuesday.' v-
mn n npmnnr
Constance Bennett Teamed
' With Hei! Hamilton;
Support Good ! -
There is nothing ealm about the
sets when Constance - Bennett
makes a picture. The Marquise
de la Falalse de la Coudray has
inherited too much, of her father's
colorful temperament to trade a
lot ot dullness tor a little dignity.
So it turned out that the War
ner Bros.' stage where Miss Ben
nett and Neil Hamilton and eon
siderable ' cast of players -were
making Two Against the World,"
under the direction ot bouncing,
boisterous Archie Mayo, was a
noisy place, full of hard work,
pleasant associations and many
good natured arguments.
, There are other lets on the
same studio grounds, equally effi
cient, where the atmosphere gen
erally Is the exact opposite. Ruth
Chaiterton's picture, ."The Crash.
for example. It is almost painfully
quiet. -,
- Ttio Star Fighter x
The hushed feeling Is mere no
ticeable than, on a set where
George Arliss ta working. Miss
Ckatterton is severely aloof. Mr.
Arliss Is a mild gentleman whose
quiet Insistence is always lacked
br friendly smile. Miss Bennett
Is not aloof and the Is not quiet.
She tights for her opinions openly.'
In front of the assembled cast and
crew. '
Miss Bennett and Miss Chat
terton are probably the two most
interesting women. In Hollywood
today. They frequently work In
pictures that are of the same gen
eral "type." Yet they are as dif
ferent from the studio" workers'
standpoint as two people could be
and both are popular in their
own way with: the studio staff.
Miss Chatterton Is always cool
and calm.-Is she argues about a
scene or a line or a situation and
she does sometimes it Is in a far
corner of the studio or some pri
vate office and her Irritation Is
expressed most often by a mere
slight tapping of a dainty toe.
Miss Bennett, on the other
hand. Is almost never calm. She
blows up" en occasion, blows UP
completely and whole-heartedly
goes all to pieces with a splendid
abandon. She does so In "Two
Against the World," her latest
Warner Bros, pirture which is
now showing at the Elslnore. But
after she has blown up she Is apt
to grin and go and do exactly the
thing she has blown up about do
irg. When, she argues, as she does
often, about a scene or a line or a
situation, she paces the floor In
front of the players, the technical
workers, the electricians, hair
dressers, carpenters, grips and
property men, emphasizing her ar
guments with generous gestures.
Shades of Richard Bennett tell
ing an unresponsive audience a
thing or two!
Mrs. Roy Black is
Hostess to Sewing
Club From Pioneer
PIONEER. Oct. 22. The Pio
neer Sewing club met at the home
ot Mrs. Roy Black Thursday after
noon. The time was spent in so
cial converse and sewing. Dainty
refreshments were served to the
following by the hostess,' Mrs.
George Curtiss, Mrs. Frank Dom
aschofsky and daughter, Mrs. Tom
Keller and Mrs. John Keller and
daughters, Elsie, Dorothy and
Shlrlie, Mrs. Frank Dornhecker,
Mrs. Andrew Thiess, Mrs. Roy
Klnlon, Anna Ladstock, Mrs. Orie
Harrington, Mrs. Clyde Robbias,
Marie Thiess and Mrs. Roy Bird.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. Tom Kellere.
Reece Robbins was honored
with a birthday dinner at the
home ot his brother, Clyde Rob
bins. Reece has been here from
Pasadena for the summer cutting
pulp wood on their SOD acres of
land on the LaCreole. Other guests
for the affair were Mr. and Mrs.
K. E. Burke and two sons ot Dal
las. The community club is plan
ning a Hallowe'en party for Friday
night, October 28. An evening ot
tun is contemplated and appropri
ate refreshments will be served.
Ben Claggett is
Speaker at Meet
Of Popcorn P. T.
A 6:50 o'clock supper preceded
the first fall meeting ot the Pop
corn Parent-Teacher association
Friday night .
Ben Claggett. state game war
den, gave an interesting talk on
a proposed game reserve in the
neighborhood of Mt. Jefferson.
He represented It as a primitive
area with no roads, only game
trails, as in such a. setting wild
life would thrive. I
Mrs. Ed Forgard ot Salem gave
two readings, the Misses Dorothy
Southwlck and Ora McDowell a
vocal duet and Walter Thompson
of Salem a novelty musical num
ber on the piano and harmonica.
Mrs. H. R. McDowell was appoint
ed chairman of the refreshment
committee tor the year and L. E.
Reed was appointed chairman of
the program committee. -
Moving - Storing - Carting
Larmer Transfer &
PHONE , '."
We Also Handle Fuel OH and Coal
a r liiii f eaiui:nisV:
'.V f.
' -? -'--. '. :
1 ;
Constance Bennett and Neil Hamilton in "Trro As&inst tho
World", now ihowing at the Elslnore, ',
'- '
Ramon Novarro and "others"
'Huddle" now showing at the Houjwood.
1 ii r- t ''
Ricardo Cortez and Helen Twelyetrees in a scene from "Is
My Face Red?" now showing at the Grand.
The Gall
Board .
Today Constance Bennett
in "Two Against the
Wednesday Joan Blondell
In "Big City Blues."
Friday Robert Montgomery
ta "Blondie of the Fol-
Today Ricardo Cortes in
"la My Face Red?"
Tuesday Arizona Wranglers
on stage; screen, Tim Mc-
Coy In "Daring Danger."
Wednesday Douglas Fair-
banks,. Jr., in "Love Is a
Racket." '
'' ' "
' Today Ramon Novarro In.
"Huddle.-. .....
. Wednesday Regis Toomey
In "The Midnight PatroL"
Friday Jackie Cooper and
"Chic" Sale in "When , a
. Feller . Needs a Friend."
a a a
Connie Bennett
Appears in-22
New Costumes
. Constance Bennett, voted by
many the smartest gowned wom
an in the world, wears 22 origin
al creations specially designed tor
her by Hattie Carnegie, famous
New York and Hollywood stylist,
when she comes to the Elslnore
theatre today, in "Two Against
the World." her latest Warner
Bros.' production. -
While the gowns were made to
display , the personal beauty and
superb figure of the star, several
have the additional interest ot
being created to set new styles,
and Miss Bennett, womanlike,
while turning the picture, many
times expressed her Joy .at the
new creations.
l l ll i , I hi , , , $ ii , ,
! t
In a hnddle from the film
The Ansona'Wraiglera aad the
bnenir, heard regularly over ra
dio station KNX. Holhrvreod. vltt
be in Salem Tuesday only, at the
urans ror a stage performance
The entire troup will be oa
ha&d. The Sheriff, vhnu vital
name is Loyal Underwood, will be
master or ceremoniM la hf
stage performances. Uncle Iron
Tall, Dynamite, Nubbins, Sleepy,
Hungry. Shorty and Slicker will
au De on nana and will give
their renditions of the popular
old ballads of the west. Musical
numbers, wisecracks, aad a col
lection of their best radio stunts
will be presented.
Real westerners from the
plains, these performers got their
start playing and singing for Sat
urday night dances in small Ari
zona towns.
SilversirJes Catch
Made at Siletz by
Group From Labiah
party of local fishermen return
ed yesterday from a fishing trip
on the Siletc and . were able to dis
play several fine specimens of sll
Tersidesv Those la the party in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wein
man, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kurth.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Starker and
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Leedy of Tt
gard and Lake Labish. They were
away for something over three
Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Daniels have
been visiting at varans north
western points the past two weeks.
i 1
v : ieTw
ft-. ... wtm .J
k a v - , w-
B Caiidraaf
f a
A 4
Statesman' Serial Story Is
: Adapted ? for Screen;
': Starting Today ; .C :
- - ' ,Vi'f - v i -"'-
Plenty ot. punch and smashing
action make "Huddle" the most
Time story in which Ramon No
varro mas erer appeared. This
fast-moTing picture ot modem
American unmtity life win open
at the Hollywood today. This is
the same story that is appearing
In the seriol form in The States
man. - ' '
From the minute he has his ter
rifle fight with a laborer la the
steel mill until he wins a big var
sity game for Tale, Novarro Is In
action constantly. His , character
isation as Tony Amatto la entire
ly different from atything he has
yet attempted and gives him. a
genuine ability at handling Tar
led types, ot roles. " r
The football scenes show such
famous all-American and , noted
gridiron stars as Ernie Plnckert,
Marger Aspit, Jess HIbbs, Gene
Clark. Dale Van Sickel and. Don
Hill In action. Plays used by lead
ing American universities fmblg
games were filmed with a special
"telescopic lens" which enable
observers to follow the action
eloselyv- - . - .
Cam fas f'stmosphere" shows
many actual Tale scenes filmed
by technical expert from the
unitersity. Reprodactlon of the
many famous buildings and quad
rangles will warm, the' hearts ef
"old. grads" and many thousands
who have visited the institution.
In Novarro' supporting cast is
Madge Evans in the . feminine
lead and TJaa MerkeL whose amus
ing southern drawl is rery muck
In evidence when she is exercising
her wiles on the college men. .
Lighting paragraphs, the devot
ed love ot a chorus girl and the
hopes and disillusionment of a
multitude eomblne In the making
of a spectacular film coming to
day to the Grand theatre.
The picture Is R-K-O-Radio's
"Is My Face Red?", with Helen
Twelvetrees. Ricardo Cortes, Jill
Esmond. Robert Armstrong and
Arline Judge la the cast.
, It hares the soul and the activ
ities or a high-pressure columnist
wrecker of happiaess; a rol
licking imp of Satan, who slings
his darts at high and low, irre
spective of feelings, blasted hap
piaess and ruined reputations
Tearing the Tell from the mys
terious origin ot Intensely per
sonal gossip, the film accompan
ies the eolqmnlst on excursions
into dives and speakeasies. It ac
companies him backstage In
Broadway ahow palaces and into
the homes of the socially elect. It
pictures him at work in his off lee
and traces the innumerable tips
which pour la oa him. And It
show him before the radio mi
crophone Ireadcasthig the secrets
that sear the souls ef seme er
elate these who crave mention.
GETS s-poiirr BUCK
MONMOUTH. Oct, 11. J. O.
Aadrus returned this week from
a hunting and tacation trip to
southern Oregon with a two-po!at
buck deer weighing IS 5 pounds
which he bagged in the Looking
Glass region near Roseburg. Oth
er Monmouth folk who are hint
ing this week Include Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Price and aoa Robert
and E. w. Sttats who are at Pals
ley in Lake eonntv wbena thv
will Tirft Mr. and Mrs! Clair Price
en route.
For a .
We have maay of the cleverest
Hallowe'en. BoreUles fmr yoor
; " A. A. Gaeftroy ,
16S N. Commercial ' ...
hmm 'HP
, j i0LLIdilQ0D
a. . -
Steady Enrollment Increase
Beported to P. T; A.
-J:,"-. by Principal : jl ; .
SCIO, Oct. 21 During the
past few years,' the 8do schools
hve been growing steadily la en
rollment, according to F. A. Gal-
legiy, principal speaker at the
P. T. A. meeting Thursday night.
He stated that last year on
the first day of school there
were Tl grade pupils and lITdxh
school pupils; this year 12 grade
students and 100 high school stu
dent registered the first day.
At present there is ah enrollment
of IS la the -grades and 10T in
the high school. Of these there
are S2 boy aad 41 girl in the
grade and 44 boy and 42 girl
in the high sehooL.
Many From Owtslde
Ot the 107 in the high school.
80 - are from outside districts.
Four busses and one private ear
bring these student to schooL
One bus travels 11 miles; one
31 mile; 1 IS miles: aad the
fourth.. 24 miles, each -twiee
daily., '
Mr. Gallegly stated that Mia
Edna Flanagan, county nurse, j
reported the health conditions tnl
the fide schools -were Tery good, j
After Mr. Gallegly concluded
hi talk, B. P. Caldwell, seventh
and eighth grade teaeher and P.
T. JL . secretary, introduced the
new teachers,- the Misses Doris
Clsrke and Mildred Gardner.
Other numbers oa- the program
were: vocal seioe "Just a
Wearytn' Tor Tom" and "My
Mom" Mrs. Asa East burn; piano
solos Ruby Rosprafka; comedy
skit "Hi Best Seller," Mildred
Gardner, La Tana Gardner and
Earl Bartnik.
Mrs. Thayer Chairman
Preceding the program there
was a short; business meeting.
presided ever by Mrs. Jerry Hole-
cnex, president. Mrs. Ben Thay
er was appointed chairman of the
membership committee.
Miss Doris XliedL en behalf
of the P.- T. A. presented Mrs. K.
T. Phillips, last rear' president.
wun a plant.
The November meeting wm be
held Thursday erening. Nor. IT.
125 Women Attend
Sub, - District Meet
'' Of Aid-at Dallas
WOODBDRM. Oct. 22. Tha
sub-district Ladies Aid rally held
at. Danes Thursday was attended
by about' 121 women and pastors
from Salem. Woodbum, Indepen
dence, fitayton and Sllverton.
Tbose attending from Wood
burm, were Rev. and -Mrs. Glenn
Hartong and Glenn. Jr.. Mrs. .
N. Hall, Miss Ina Bonney. Mrs.
sua uoss, Mrs. F. W. Settiemeier,
Mr. C A. Parr, Mrs. O. W. Wa
terburr. Mrs. Jennie Anstln and
Mrs. J. H. Livesay.
A CTous of matrens matornA ta
Newport - .Wednesday afternoon
wnere tner oiaa to snend a
week's vacation at the cottage of
sirs, a.- vercier of Salem. Includ
ed ta the ecrtr were Mrs. v. T.
Gibson who Is a danrhtnr of Mra.
herder, Mr. Charles McCarter,
Mrs. M. c. Petty, and Mrs. B. B.
Home of 25c Talkies
Today, Moeday it Tuesday .
Costinuous Performaac -Sunday
2 to 11 P. M. '
JliH-Hand Who Becomes a
College Hero . It's Thrill
lnr, Different!
. . 7
Ir.'.-'-' T .
"I'm no college Sr '
hero what I -ei-.'-:v
did, I "did because I love
you V , t; ? : 7
thrills in a real
'American drama
A SAM WOOD prodactioa .
11 ft
Music Needs
To be Filled
By Students
TURNER, OoL 22 The Tum
or grade school children hare de
cided that man has four needs;
Food, shelter, clothing and music
Therefor a . mail department
ha been organised through the
school. Aa orchestra of piano, vio
lin, drums, trumpet and harmon
icas, Is busy practicing. .
. The intermediate room has or
ganized into an Indian tribe' with
Eugene Harrison as chief. The
tribe will make a study ot Indian
Instruments and - music Indian
drum ot logs, "pipe of Pan" and
rattle are being made1 for an
Indian orchestra. This will colab
orate with the unit of Indian
work being done In the room,
The advanced grades have
shown much interest in music by
developing a glee elub - called
"Pirate' Chorus,", with Vamal
Den hem. . president: LaVerne
Whitehead, vice-president; Elton
Ball, secretary; . Geneva Barber,
treasurer. Besides regular glee
elub work at school the chorus
will meeet once a month at the
home ot members. The first soc
ial time will be at a Hallowe'en
party. .
The prise winners in. the re
cent art contest: Winning ffrst
place for the most original color
chart Nellie Savage. Aleta Bdnes,
Leatta Catterson, Stella Barnett.
Charlotte " Parr. Rachel - Riches,
LaVerne Whitehead. Mrs. Agnes
Booth primary teacher, has charge
or the musle and art work In the
grade rooms.
V i
Card Club Formed
To Meet Monthly iii?"
Waldo Hills Area
Waldo hills, act. 22 a n.
clal card party was held at the
clubhouse Wednesday nfrbt.' Th
group voted to organise as a card
ciuo u wui meet toe third Wed
nesday in each month, AU club
memoers are eugioie and may
bring friend. Jake Doerfler was
chosen general chairman.
Present were Mr. and Un jv
Doerfler, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Al
ien, Mr. and Mrs. Edsoa Comstock
and Janet. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hab
erly and George and Phyllis Jean.
rrea ana Einei Knignt. Mr. and
Mrs. William Krenc. Mr. and Mra.
Ansel Soils, A. A. Geer, j. w.
ueoassecnt and Edna-and Helen,
Burnett Haberly and Ferd Rue.
Li L
imcu wjv" jEvtwc 1 9 rui m
IMvt MOftf
iiar than
; .it
", with
t 1 aa
A r,D rrT) r 7TI n
; i ' t- HIDE TM BOSKO" Cartoon .
TALBOT Oct. 22. The Sidney
Talbot Farmers Union gave a pie
social at the Talbot schoolhous
Friday jalghL A large crowd at
tended and 215.25 was realized
from the sale of plea. A program
was much, enjoyed, especially the
pleasing number- given - by the
Marlon orchestra. A hog calling
contest was won b7-Frank Brown,
and a pie eating contest furnish
ed much amusement. Mar orie
Cole won firft prise and Anita Cil
mour second. . 7 '
, Other numbers were Recita
tion, Mlse-Colgan; duet. Mrs. Cal
avan nd Mrs. Js'elson Gllmour;
recitation, Kreta Calaran; duet,
Ida Belknap and Virgil Calavan.;
recitation, Ilene BHnston; health
play br first grade; saxophone
solo, Mrs. Melba Colgaa; comic
skit, Ernest Cochran; recitation.
Dale Turnidge and Keith Brown,
consistent with the times
: Ou store is stock-,'
ed with an abund- -ance
priced at a new
LOW level , that
- win please Vou
Courteous and Efficient
Court at Libertj
(Formerly Woelpert Jt Hast)
What were her relations
Vktorylindlay prior to
s . ....
; . his ntorder? Why did her broth
' er confess to the crime?. Whf did
de d. a. appotnt her ssoectKcart
to coodact the invesrJjpuioa?
ninnni . j
3 ..
scores her biggat success fa
her latest Warner Dro. hit