I Ill 1 ti M I A . - . - . .------ . - ' ' - ' Society Newsand lulffflisi; Large Reception is Planned for Tonight : A semi-formal j I reception has been arranged foritonight compll - menting ReY. and Mrs. Grover C. Birtehet and family in the lonely' ""reception rooms, ot the Tint Pres-- byterlan church.- Members of the session, assisted by the ladles aid of the church are acting. as;hosts ' for this affair. ! y - 2 , l Guests --will be' received by a ' line to which will 7 sUnd Dr. and Mrs. Birtehett.! Mrs: George Pearce, Mrs. "E A.Kenney, Pror. Frank ; Churchill; Dr. and j Mrs. Altman and Mrs. LT.C. Clement Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. F. IS, Churchill, Mrs.? A. P. Marcus. Mrs. Frank Powers. Mrs. ' James Teed, Mrs. I L. Laws, Mrs. John parbtoon and Mrs. TVS. Mae " Kensie. ' - ' --1 ' i Mrs. C. E. Moody, Mrs. Charles Selgmnnd and Mrs. James -Teed hare had charge of planning the social hours. 4 I , ' : A"progrsm has been arranged to be given following the greeting f the guests. A talk will be made by J. J. Fitssimmons; Miss Helen Benner will be Incidental soloist with the choir i in two number: vocal solos will be given by Miss Josephine Alhert, Miss Elisabeth Clement, and Wendell Robinson. ';' Mrs. Mary Talmage Headrlck and Miss Jeasette Scott will play violin solos and there will be a mixed quartet in which will sing Mr. and Mrs. James Teed and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott. Salem Women to Greet Guests Mrs. J. A. Jelderks,. president of the Salem branch of the Ameri can Association of University "Women, and her fellow members will 'today greet women from all over Oregon who are arriving for the ninth annual state convention of the A. A. U. W. A president's conference is one of the important events of the opening day of the convention. This will open at 4 o'clock in the Masonic temple where all the con vention sessions will be held. The evening will be given over to a banquet, beginning at 6:30 o'clock, the highlight of which is the talk to be made by Dr. Ed ward O. Sisson of Reed college who will speak on the subject of "The Crisis' in Ownership." Dr. Sisson Is an educator of interna tional prominence and his re marks will be of outstanding mer it, . Mrs. G. A. Johnson, state presi dent, will preside at this banquet. Guests Entertained At LaRout Home Mrs. N. LaRout entertained Jointly with Mrs. Effie W. Dun lap Wednesday at the LaRout home In compliment to members of the west central circle of the First Methodist church. Special compliment was paid to those guests whose birthdays are October events.; The hostesses were among those celebrating October birthdays. Two large birthday cakes made an usually attractive centerpiece for the tea tables at the refreshment hour: Mrs. . Ron ald Glover assisted the hostesses In serving. The guest rooms were artisti cally arranged with late fall flow era from the LaRout gardens. About 20 guests were present for the afternoon. ' iOLFVE M. Doak, Society Editor It Additional Society on rage 9 SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday, October 11 - : Regular T. M. C. A. lobby programs will begin at I o'clock with Miss Eleanor Moore as soloist assisted by Miss Virginia Oraham, Portland violinist. - A. A. V.' W. state - convention opens In If asonle temple. ;.- , ,' . "i. ,: : v" -. ' Salem' and Vkinlty Council of Church women, First Christian church, 11 o'clock. ".'. " .. Women's Alliance of Unitarian church, one o'clock luncheon,' followed by program. . ' ' . ; " W. W. G. with Dorothy Browning, corner ot Liberty street and Belcrest road; 7:30 o'clock. 1 " " Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, hostess to Hal Hlbbard aux iliary, for afternoon of sewing; all asked to bring quilt pieces. " $. k . -, ' - Executive hoard meeting. Business and Professional Women's club at home of Ruth Moore. , Delta Phi Tea ', Is Pretty Event The Delta Phi sorority received guests in .delightfully arranged, guest' rooms Thursday " afternoon between the hours of 4 and C o'clock In compliment to Mrs. Hal D. Patton, Mrs. W. T. Jenks and Mrs. Homer Smith. Sr., new pa tronesses chosen for this year..' At the door guests were greet ed by Miss Lola Wilkes, and Miss Madge Hewitt introduced to the line in which stood Miss Frances Laws, Mrs. Lilian Hagman, Dean Olive M. Dahl and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Jenks and Mrs. Patton. Members of the sorority assist ed in serving and about the guest rooms. At the tea table alternat ing during the tea hours were Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs. George Rhoten and Mrs. Vernon Sackett. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. El mo McMillan entertained with a bridge tea at her home compli menting her mother, Mrs. J. E. Swanson of lone, who is her house guest for a few days. Mrs. Homer Lyons assisted at the tea hour. Guests in compliment to Mrs. Swanson included Mrs. Andrew Hunter, Mrs. William Rush, Mrs. H. M. Baker, Mrs. Chester Pick ens, Mrs. Malcolm Smith, Mrs. THUrsday middy SATurdc ORI IV Perry's Drug Store 115 S. Commercial The $valiDruq Store Clark Jackson, Mrs. Maude H.4 Pointer." Mrs. 'Homer Lyons, Urs. E. Wetsel and Mrs. Emmett Sum merville. ; - " : . Theiirst meeting of the fall for the Berean class of the First Pres byterian church was held Wednes day night at the home ef Mrs. C. A. Taxk with about SO guests present. The meeting was In the nature of a Hallowe'en party and an unusually happy time w as en joyed. . . . I Seniors 'Dante t M if One 'ot the gay social events of in year zor nign senooi seniors is the senior dance. This will be an event of tonight in . the school gymnasium. Seniors and - alumni members will be included In the guest list. V Patrons and patronesses for the affair include Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Wolf, Mr.' and Mrs. Shannon Ho- Igue,; Miss Marjorie Chrlstenson, ana waiter uowman. . . c y The hours are from 7: S 0 o'clock to 10:30 o'clock and the Idea is a sports dance. v - . Miss -Ruth Johnson Is" general chairman. Miss Evelyn Haag is in eharge. of the decorating eom mittee. and assisting-her is Helen Warel. Charles Barclay, Rachel Pemberton, Helen . Trlndle, 'Grace Peters,- Phil Brownell, Francis Barnes,': Bob Reed and -; Elmer Barkus. .;-' -" .' ' Miss Betty Reed, program chair man . has arranged two feature dances to be given by Miss Mareia Fuestman and Miss Jean Adams. - Friends of Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith Sehryver are being received in the recently complet ed new home which has been un der constrnctic-B daring the past summer months. Onmatchable Values for FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY SO Inch. Striped Outing, yard .. Prices, Quality Cannot be Equalled . 10c SI Inch. Fast Broadcloths, yard ........ Color Plain ...10c Women's Non-run Crepe Celanese Hose, A&f pair fai C Women's Fine Rayon Pan ties and oq Bloomers fC Special Purchase of the famous "Cannon" Turkish Towels marked away, below present retail prices. Stock up now IS x 40 Single Irt 2S x 44 Double m Thread 1UC Thread 1"C IS x 31 Double OC 22 x 44 Extra OO Thread. S f ot JC Heavy weight OoC EXTRA EXTRA Plain Outings ST inches. Pink, blue, white. Very special, n yard DC EXTRA EXTRA Turkish Towels 11 x 30 inches with rainbow .6c border. Very Special Women's Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose. New Fall colors. pa Very Special, Pair. OUC Women's Better Grade Panties and Bloomers ' Lace and applique trimmed. Very' AQV Special Ut New Rayon Spreads, 80 x All colors . . ... $1.00 .30 Inch All Linen Luncheon Napkins . . 69c .New Printed Rough Crepes, tweed effects, Fall CQ colors, yard ....... DC Women's Outing Gowns. White and . fancy x Women's Outing Pajamas, slightly soiled thru display. Values to S1.4S to close out at . . 59c 88c One piece Rayon Pajamas, beautiful Cl 1Q combinations ... v Open Every Saturday Night Until 9 o'clock . Elliott Dry Goods Company 176 N. Liberty St. Exeella Patterns, 15, 20 and 25c Now Showing "BLUE HERON" 4.70 "HOSE n CREPE it Takes 546 Hours to Twist Enough Silk to Make One Pound of the Crepe Yarn Used in These! NO WONDER THEY'RE SO CREPEY! SO SHEER! SO SERVICEABLE! UFFON WILL NOT SPOT! J?. Tn nn h CREPE CHTFFOS" WILL NOT WRINKLE! "r crepe chiffon will; not shrink! Seal of. the , United . . , . - CKilLfJii ULJbTFON WEAE TiTfTR GEORGETTE! States testing bureau! Blue Heron BEVENTY-4-SEVENTY is made from true crepe f yarn, two cords seventy- turns right and - left, doubled four turns right SEVENTY-4-SEVENTY is tested regularlf and certified to by the United States Testing Company, Inc., the of ficial testing bureau of the Silk Association of America. For other information, ask any ealelady at Miller's this week! - - Hundreds of Salem women' insist on 70.4v 70 because they're PRACTICAL ; w eax longer, don't shrink, won't spot! They're SMART; sheer with the dullness of geor gette! Fit without a wrinkle! Correct with cottons, silks and wools! Sizes 8V& to 10 ; ASK ANY MILLER SALESLADY TODAY! , ! I i-Iiiat weU-grdoined a mark p ftiMiM good-quafity "PRiNTZESS"-''STilO()KS'' . . "BETTY ROSE" Fashionable Goats :$17,50 to $69.50 The next time you say to your friends f'YOU CERTAINLY KNOW HOW TO WEAR YOUR CLOTHES'.' just ask them how they shop! 99 .times' out of a 100 they'll tell you all . "about style, fit and quality without a .word about price ! While w,e maintain Iqw prices . . . our quality is never sacri ' . ficed! YouH find these fine coats by PRINCESS, BETTY ROSE, and 8TR00KS a revelation when it comes to style.: The fur that adorns the greater part of your coat, the waist ; lines', the sleeves and linings are just right. Come and be convinced! 2nd -Floor. PMllipine Hand Emb. PAJAMAS $ H .29 Sale Salesmen's Sample DRESSES $X3-50 Ostrich feather L'ghtness is the dominating feature oi the wool fabrics used in fashioning these frocks that we have on sale this week-end! Samples that represent at least one-third off regular price. Dresses that sell regularly at $22.50 are shown here! The sizes are medium and small, 13 to 20 and 36, 38. They are very carefully tailored and give that "chic" effect so much desired in wool frocks this fall. 2nd Floor. WHY I SHOP AT MILLER'S Don't you enjoy shop ping at a store where ralespeople permit you to indulge your own taste . . . where they are not constantly urging something upon you that you know is not your type at all? This Is one of the reasons why youH like shopping here . .You will always find intelli gent service service that knows when to give an opinion and when to refrain. But should you need advice, youH re ceive competent assis tance, too. Ton must see the dain ty band embroidered Philippine pajamas w recelTed only yester day. Bits of hand ap plied applique, drawn work, all on a rery fine quality French batiste. Washable cov ers, durable, lnezpen slTe. Bare nearly, naif en these today and Saturday! 2d floor. Well! Well! Well! 69c Sale of Dance Sets Stepins! .In Miller's 2nd Floor Lingerie Shop! . Welcome Balem cus tomer!! , Out first sale at Wc . . ima gine ttl Well, we st ridently came across & manufacturer who had these for sale and they looked so food we couldn't . turn them down, fiteplnsl Dance 8etsl Oowns! Come See! FIRST QUALITY! FULL FASHIONED! ALL SILK HOSE! Pair 4000 pairs of silk hose on one order, for Salem la a big- order, especially when they represent one style num ber! It's prlceprotectlon! Unless you'Te already purchased enough ef these to last for some time, wo sug gest an early shopping tour to our hosiery section today and Saturday and stock up. We know' the price Is going up. . FINE CHIFFONS IN FICOT TOPS SJad SnjC HEMS, SUM FOOT AND .ANKXJS WITH REINFORCED EOLH ALL' ARK FULL FASHIONED FIRST QUALITY. NEW FASHION ABLE SHADES FOR FALL AND WINTER! MAIN FLOOR. VICTORIAN NECKWEAR White collar jobs are plentiful. Just look In your closet and youTr find at least one dress that can gtre one of these fashionable collars something to do. Quick changes . . . pique, satin, sharkskin, crepe, organdie. . .What! .... No Hips! ; No Hips! Hooray! "Slim Miss slenderis ing reducer by Sidney makes her bow at Min er's. Great for morning wear . . for sports, etc 2nd Floor. Here at $1.00 New! Wool Blanket Ends, large size, two tones, priced by the pound - v 09c FREE! A "A HEARTBEAT" BOUDOIR CLOCK FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! FASHION DICTATES THE STYLE YOUR STATE OF MIND THE COMFORT! EASHION 'AND COMFORT AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES HERE! Fashionable footwear must also be comfortable! We hare at least for weQ .known brands ot footwear that will ftw yom bothl Beginning today and lasting until all are gtren away, we present an enameled boudoir or kitchen pendulum 'dock In all the smartest pastel shades, also f black with nickel trim with each pair ot $4.40 and f I.S0 ' shoes or purchases In the main floor shoe department ' equality" these amounts. NOTE . . . . . ; t . ' ' tt gLEASB BUINa THIS ADJZBTISESIEJiTi r" V MEReANTfllE-GC MAIN aaaa; - nun ' I LOOXl V