The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 20, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, October 20, 1932
B Brilliant Program
gxOf '-Music to be
f The "A CpelU" holr of Ik L
f! Unt Preshyteriaa church ot Port-land,-
-with 49 voices, lsi heing pre--seated
la concert by the choir of
: the local Presbyterian church on
Monday night, October 24, at 1:11
o'clock. . v i " iii, ;1-i-:-'1i- .L ".
. ' ' 1 ? It comes from a 'church hick
" kss placed great emphasis on the
;. eTelopment ot musical talent
- among Its members and which em
" "ploys fourpersolf for, that pur-
"pose. Two of these, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Ii Farts; are graduates
- t 'of the Westminster choir school.
.' They deTote their full time to the
' -tire choruses which they, direct.
1 ' These Include arsons ot Tarious
ages from nine years up.
:''y Members ot the"A Capella"
' ' choir must ' be trained soloists.
- , They must rehearse twice with the
choir and take two voice lessons
- each week. With such rigorous re
."" qulrements and plenty of talent
aTailable, the choir has built up a
reputation for exquisite rendition
of Sacred music They sing for the
most part without accompaniment, i
"'-V- To interest other churches In
improving their musical projects,
..'"-the choir Is giving concerts In a
number of nearby cities without
' financial gain. Tickets are being
- gold t a sum Just Urge enough to
f ... coyer Incidental expenses. They
.-A may be obtained at Will's music
store or from members of the
. v local Presbyterian choir.
' The program Includes:
Organ Prelude
"Ofertoire in D Minor Batiste
Evening Bell and -Cradle Song"
f: "Serenata" Op. 15 Mbsskowskl
Prof. Frank E. Churchill
A Cappella Choir
-O Sing Unto the Lord" Hassler
"Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming"
"All Breathing Life'
Baca i
"Jesus, Lover ot My Soul"
"Jesus, Friend of Sinners" Grieg
"In Duld Jubllo" Christiansen
. "Beautiful Savior" Christiansen
"God So Lored the World" Stainer
"Hear, O Lord" Schuff
' "God is a Spirit" Kopyloff
' "Praise to the Lord" Christiansen
- . IV
, "Bless the Lord" Ivanoff
' "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" Hall
'. r "Steal Away" Hall
' "Alleluia" 'f Kopyloff
' ''
''Reception is
': Large and Colorful
The' reception for which Chad-
era Star was hostess Tuesday"
t - . . 1 - . A 1 A
night at the Masonic temple, com-
plimentlng Mrs. Monnie Ha user,
associate grand matron of the or
" ' der, proved to be a smart and col
r: erful affair.
' Matrons and Eastern Star mem.
""bers from over the state were
present to pay respect to the hon
,T or guest and Chadwick chapter
members swelled the number to a
large gathering.
Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mrs. R. W.
Davis, Mrs. Lena Cherrington and
mrs. ueorge uurneii presiaeai
over the supper tables where
guest were seated following the
program given in the lodge rooms
and the receiving of guests in the
banquet rooms.
Mrs. Ida Babcock introduced to
the lino in which Stood Mrs. Mon
nie Hauser, and Mrs. Stella Hen
ry, Henry Bosshard, Anna" M. El
lis, Frank S. Baldwin, Rex W.
Davis, Miss Nellie McKinley, Dr.
Edith I. Phillips, Mrs, Inez Tip
ton, Mrs. Mary Kelly, Mrs. Hal-
lie Huntington, Mrs. Lottie Mc
intosh, Mrs. Mary S. Swart, Mrs.
Echo Benson, Mrs. Hattie Boyle
and Paul Hauser.
. Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Lu-
cille Sweeney, Mrs. Fritz Weisser,
Mrs. Rose . Babcock, Mrs. M. C.
Pettys and Mrs. W. J. Linfoot
made up the committee in charge
of refreshments. t
Council of Church
Women Tell Program
The Council of Church Women
of .Salem and vicinity is planning
for a busy day to be observed Fri
day in the First Christian church:
The sessions will begin at 11
o'clock with devotions led by Mrs.
Charles .Park. Miss Billie Cupper
will be soloist for the - morning
session. . --;
At Boon the women of the First
Christian church will be hostesses
for a luncheon and this will be
followed by a business meeting for
tne council. Rev. Nojl of tne Jap-
anese work of Salem will give a
. report of the work this summer.
This is the main project being
sponsored by the council at this
time. Rev. E. W. Petticord will
- also give an address and a play,
; "Going is Needed' will be given
by the W. W. O. girls ot Sterling
. 'chapter. Mrs. Harry Harms will
. . - be soloist for the afternoon lneet
ing. ...
. ' r ..... ' -
Guests Entertained
At Pitcher Home
Mrs. C !!.' Ringwald and Mrs.
' . Bert Pitcher entertained the mem
bers of the Hi Ho - club at the
home of ' Mrs. Pitcher Monday
: night. Special guests" for the eve
ning of . bridge were the husbands.
' Winning score for cards was held
by - Mrs. E. R. Niles and Earl An-
dresen. : An ; attractive t. refresh
- went hour concluded the evening.
Present were Mr." and Mrs.1R.
, C.'Magee, Mr.' and Mrs. Earl An
dresen, Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Niles,
V ' Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Mathis,- Mr.
and Mrs. ,W. J. Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
' W. Craig, Mr. and -Mrs.,, J.C,
Sande, Mr, end Mrs, Charles Kln
ser, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wlckert,
, Mrr and Mrs.' William Effenberg
er, and Mr. and MrsRoy Dona'
- hue of Dallas, and the hosts, Mn
'. and Mrs. Pitcher and Mr. and
lira. Ringwald,
News and Club
iOUTE M. Doix;
Thursday, October to
Chapter G. of P. E. b. with Mrs. Gordon MeGUch
rUt. J McGUchrlst street, z: 30 o'clock. -
Faculty Women's club - with Mrs. W. H. Trio die,
65 South Commercial street, -1: 30 o'clock.
Creative theatre section -of Salem Arts league, in
"auditorium of city library; session from 7 to o'clock."
' Zonta club dinner meeting, f;15 o'clock, Marion
: hOteL .'- v-"; , ly -... - .-. ,
Ladies of Grand Amy of Republic, with Mrs. Clara
Jordan, tU North 1 4th street. '
Junior, Artisans' meeting, 1:30 o'clock In FraternaJ .
temple- children and. friends interested' in the work
Invited to attend this open meeting. ,
Women's Benefit association "home coming"; pot
luck dinner, (: 30 o'clock; : Mrs. Julia Ward, speaker;
each bring own table service.. - ; -r " ' j '
Lincoln' P. T. A. will meet at school for program. .
Liberty Women's club, child welfare tea at com
r munlty hall, t o'clock; all women of community invited,
Hay eaTille Women's club with Mrs. C. Belwell,
1029 Highland avenue, ' li-Ax '. -
' . r Wonmn's Aid society of W. R. C. at G. A. R. build
ing on fairgrounds, all-day meeting; Quilting; , 'covered
dish luncheon at noon. . - -. . . ; : .
First Spiritualist church of Devine Truth, circle
at Rev. Gordon Fleming home, 253 D street, .between
Chemeketa and Front street, 8 o'clock.
Friday, October 21
Regular Y. M. C. A. lobby programs will begin at
S o'clock with Miss Eleanor Moore as soloist assisted
by Miss Virginia Graham, Portland violinist
A. A. U. W. state convention opens In Masonic
temple. -
Salem and Vicinity Council of Church women. First
Christian church, 11 o'clock. .
Women's Alliance of Unitarian church, one o'clock
luncheon, followed by program.
.. W. W. G. with Dorothy Browning, corner of Liberty
street and Belcrest road; T:30 o'clock.
Mrs. A. T.. Woolpert, hostess to Hsl Hibbard auxiliary-
for afternoon of sewing; all asked to bring quilt
pieces. . -
Oregon Normal School
Club Entertained
a nauoweea, ptny oompu-
A .11 t i I
mented members of the O. N. S. Salem Chapter of American Warlwas "Pedal gnest for the after
club at its first meeting held Tues-1 Mothers proved of unusual inter-1 noon- Club members present In-
aay.nigni ai me nome or Mrs. syi-
via Kraps.
Preceding, the social hour a
short business meeting was given
over to the election of officers for 1
the year and these included: Miss
Marie Westhoff, president; Miss
Helen Prang, vice president; Miss
Mable Dotson, and Mrs. Elsa
Thomas,, secretary-treasurer.
miss uoroiay xayjor ana Miss i
SylvU Paulson will be hostesses
. f n i m. . . . . I
lur ins kioud nvTemufr 11 kl iuo I
Glendora apartments. All Oregon
Normal people are invited to at-1
tend this affair.
The social hour was a Jolly one
and at the late supper hour which
was suggestive of Hallowe'en Mrs.
" "9lated Mlss Ine
The guests were Miss Lois
Reed, Miss Dorothy Taylor, Mrs.
Mabel Goodrich. Miss Grace Gel-
bel. Miss Isabel Bartlett. Mrs. Mil-1
dred Samuelson, Miss Helen Flet-
cher. Miss Svlvia Paulson. Mrs.
Elsa Thomas. Miss Helen Prang,
Mrs. Bernice-Duncan, Miss Fran- j
ces Graham, Miss Marie Westhoff,
Miss Mable Dotson and Miss Ines
. . -iYr c .
Mrs. LlZZie W. Omit
T frv,!: . J
13 Vompiimeniea
a cnarming ainner party was
planned by the Women's Alliance
of the Unitarian 'Church Monday
night complimenting Mrs. Lizzie
W. Smith who celebrated on that
date her 83rd birthday.
The dinner was served in the
church social room. Covers were
placed for about 50 guests. At
the conclusion of dinner a large
birthday cake bearing many can
dies lighted, was carried in and
placed before the honor guest.
Those complimenting her rose and
joined hands and sang "Auld
Lang Syne".
A program followed in which the
response was given -by Miles Mc-
Key; violin sqlo was played by
Leonard Moser accompanied by
Mrs. F. O. Breckenrldge; readings
were given by Stella Culver:
short talks given by Gideon Stols
and Mrs. Emma Minton; and old
songs were sung by Hallle Hinges
accompanied by Ruth Bed ford..
y . '
Zonta Club to
View Politics
. Salem chapter of Zontas will
meet tonight for a :15 o'clock
dinner meeting at the Marion ho-
. tel. The regular business session
will be partly taken up with
I planning the service program for
I me ciuo s wore mis year,
Interspersed with business will
be music for which Miss Nellie
Schwab will be soloist and will be
accompanied by Miss Dorothy
The noon luncheon which will
be the next regular meeting of
the chapter: October 27 In the
Marion will be given over to pol
itics. Miss Grace Elizabeth Smith
will discuss the measures which
will appear on the November
e e .
St. Vincent de Paul's
Mothers Club Meets -
' The Mothers club of the Sr. Vin
cent de Paal parrlsh held ' their
first meeting for the winter last
Mrs. " Kref t was . elected presi
dent and Mrs.: A. E. Wlckert see-.
retary-treas urer.
Tne Motners wul meet every
Friday to sew tor the bazaar to
be given iy the church in Novem- i
ber. After .ther bazaar they will
meet every two. weeks.
Thursday. October 20. they are
sponsoring a benefit "bridge party
the St. Vincent de Paul parrlsh
Additional Society I
on Page 7
Society Editor
War Mothers Hear
Interesting Talks
me, Tueedar meetins- r 4h,
est. Mrs. W. C. Hawler. wlf ftf
Oregon's renresentatiTe tn Pnn. I
gress . t or the past 25 years.
present as a special guest and ad-
dressed the group informally con
cerning the social and political
life of tbe capitol as she had
seen it. Amusing: and Interest
mg ootn. were the rem&rlrB f
this Salem visitor and resident.
W n t Will . ,alH n n h tV 1
w " nua wnu ta-
fressman Hawley to complete the
;u ui oci- i
ce. I
A report ot magailne actlri-l
ues u regara to tbe activities of
the American War Mothers was
given by Mrs. Mary Watson at
ine request of the president, Mrs.
IS!? .'.Y,! !f- . Watson'
report indicated that there are
enapters of the organisation
" the United SUtee and that 13
states do not have a single chap-
ler- Tnese sUtes Include Nevada,
South Dakota, Utah, Arlxona, I
New Mexico, Louisiana. Misslssio-1
IP'. West . Virginia, New Hamp-1
snire, Vermont, Connecticut, and
It was also told by Mrs. Wat-
son that one Colorado chanter Is
giving a "mile of pennies" to the
cnarlty work this winter and this
length of pennies will make
donation of $84.48.
Miss Margaret Ayer- gave
sroup oi readings lor. tne pro
gram nour. At the tea hour. Mrs.
Sarah Peterson, chairman of the
social committee, and- Mrs. An-
tonette Bennett presided at the
tea table. Hallowe'en was sug
gested in tbe tea menu.
Special guests In addition to
Mrs. Hawley . Include Margaret
Ayer, Peggy Peterson, Lillian
Rothlin, Mrs. Eva Quinn, and
Mrs. Nettie Meyers of Pendleton,
a Gold Star Mother, who- exnects
to join the Salem, chapter.
Mrs. Milton Meyers and Mrs.
R., E. "Lee Steioer entertained-for
the first ' meeting of the Leisure
Hour club at the home of Mrs.
Meyers home Wednesday after
noon. - " . - 1 '
Hare's tbe "Wear-Em" Csciic
&ett fti'vt wakri hi
I I ak a4CeMif 1
. Ssdel Itrelwc- t
1 hnrsM. JIMj
$UO ' . .1
KewWis Bstre water
&anM style
te.pfwf XtO
Novf on sale at
115 Cowt St
i -
I Farewell i Gesture
Is Brilliant : -
Soft lights, autumn shades in
flowers and leave and the lovely
guest rooms of the Henry Hansen
i home mad striking and highly
complimentary background -' for
tne many scores of prominent ma
trons and maids of the city and
valley who called there Wednes
day afternoon to bid adieu and
ton voyage to Mrs. Charles Mc-
Nary, who leaves Monday with
Senator McNary for Washington,
r Mrs. -Hansen, a charming kost-
ess In a lovely gown of nasturtium
: georgette, and - her ' distinguished
guest, formed the line to greet
their guests. - : - - -
At the tea:turns durinc the af
ternoon were Mrs. Julius L. Meier, J
Mrs. L u Patterson, Mrs. Alger
Fee and. Mrs, Lawrence McNulty
of Portland ; -Mrs., WUlard Marks
of. Albany; Mrs. John H. McNary,
Mrs. George A. White and Mrs.
L.' H. Tarpley of Salem.
Mrs. Frank E. Smith and Mrs.
Walter Stolx of Portland, Mrs.
R. E. Lee Steiner, Mrs. Victor Bo
velle, Mrs. George Rodgers and
Mrs. Dan McLellan assisted about
the living room where they were
assisted by a number of promin
ent young matrons and maids.
Mrs.. McNary has been the In
spiration for numerous social ac-
i tivltles this summer and there are
still more being planned to com-
pliment her before her early de
Mrs. Charles Byrne
Is Club Hostess
Mrs. -CD. Byrne. ' who with
Mr. Byrne came here September 1
from Corrallis to. make her home
In Salem, entertained informally
Tuesday afternoon in compliment
to tbe Tuesday club of Corrallis
Luncbeon preceded an after
noon of bridge. Mrs. Roy Keene
eluded Mrs. H. S. Rogers, Mrs,
Fred SIdelet, Mrs. P. J. Schlssler.
" toy umb, Mrs. A. L. Sin
ter Mrs- C. V. Lang ton, Mrs. Wil-
11am Mynatt. Mrs. Robert Ball.
Mrs. Ralph Coleman. Mrs. Ray
Tarr, Mrs. c. P. Irvine and Mrs.
R. and P W ClnK
r" T1 i
Umner I UesdaV
, .
The Business and Professional
Women of Salem will meet for a
ainner meeting at the Marlon ho-
tel Tuesday night at 6:30 o'clock,
At this time the second ot a
series of discussions will be giv
!? consolidation
of higher education in Oregon.
At tbe last meeting the afflrma-
"ve side was presented and at
the Tuesday meeting the negative
side wul be presented
The main speaker for the even-
Ing wiu be Judge J. U. Camnbell
His subject has not yet been an-
the rich crepe linings, the;
. workmanship ; . , see how
-the wide, wide "shoulder,
. - lines slenderize. hips in--
" credibly nd youH agree '
- dot the weeks we spent
'in searching: tbe market
" for "best" styles were well
spent and that tbis is yoor.
mo opportttnityl J . -
Don't dtlay
Fetttt I " J Feature
Groim q Group 2:
: banded with
W Assortments
fingers over the lovely o "V f '
creperv4rooletuM.exaizun' X " 1 Selected
the rich crepe linings, the' ' A - f ,
y workmanship : . . see how , t. (vMliiiW
:;rthe wUe,-w1detlooUer;tA j . gnWUe
. lines slenderize. hi di in-' . " ' f "t? xt -rs o - -
:A small deposit holds your. uUction!
Writers Section 1 . :
Honors Miss LavvTence
Aa - . expectlonally interesting
session of , the writers' section ot
the Salem - Arts league was held
Tuesday1 night at the home of
Dr. and. Mrs. F. O. Franklin with
Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. i Jessie
Singleton as joint hostesses. The
members ot the section were espe-'
dally pleased to be honored with
the presence -of Anthony Euwer,
nationally known as a painter 'and
poet, whos two books of -poems.
By Scarlet Torch and Blade" and
"Friendly Fin," haver received
wide recognition. i'" --.
Mr. Euwer entertained for half
an hour- with readings' from his
poems. His humor. was' Infectious
and -wa heightened by his keen
character impersonations.' He re
sponded to several request num
bers.'- '" " ;..,'- :..:
A surprise feature of the eve
ning was the presentation by Mrs.
J. M. Clifford of a box of Sal em
made linen to Miss Rufh Mae
Lawrence, -whose marriage Is
scheduled ' for the near future.
Miss' Lawrence has been a mem
ber of the section for a number ot
years and the present -was a token
of remembrancer given by 'the
group. Mrs. Jessie Singleton pre
sented the. bride-to-be- with. a. hu
morous poem containing friendly
advice on conducting : family ' af
fairs. Mrs. F. G. Franklin present
ed her with " a poem ot remem
brance daintily framed.
As the section is to entertain
Richard Montgomery, manager ot
the J. K. Gill company of Port
land, with a dinner November 21
at the home of Dr. Mary Rowland,
committees were appointed to
look after the event. Dr. Rowland
and Mrs. J. M. Clifford are to care
for the table, and Mrs. Jessie Sin
gleton. Mrs. Blanche Jones and
Miss Grsee E. Smith -are to have
charge of the dinner.
The regular program was con
ducted by the leader. Perry Rel-
gelman. Numbers were presented
as follows: Mrs. Ruth Fargo, sec
ond Installment of a story entitled
"Log House"; Professor Morton
E. Peck read a poem, "I Saw an
Aged Woman on the Shore"; Mrs
Jessie Singleton read sections of
a travelogue poem she wrote in
collaboration with Mrs. John F.
Main ot Seattle; Mrs. Roy Yocum
gave a child's poem, "The Tat
tler"; Professor W. E. Lawrence
presented a poem, "Creation'
Mrs. Edna Daily read a boys'
story. "Roy and the Convict,"
which aroused mueh amusement;
Dr. Mary Rowland, instead of
reading a story, told one from real
life; Mrs. Blanche Jones read two
poems on the autumn theme; Mrs.
Ora Mclntyre gave a character
poem, "The Old Man"; Mrs. Lynn
Cronemlller read a short verse in
honor of Miss Lawrence: Miss
MIrpah Blair of the state library.
a special guest, told of the north
west book fair to be held in Se
attle "at which work of Oregon an-,
thors are to be shown; Mrs. J. M.
Clifford read several poems and
then presented the box of linen,
to which Miss Lawrence respond
special guests present were
Mrs. John F. Main of Seattle, Mrs.
Mary C. Fletcher and Mrs. F. P.
McWhorter. Other members of the
section attending were Mrs. Mor
ton E. Peck, Miss Renska Ladd
Swart. Mrs. Julia Lytle, John Clif
ford, Miss Edna Garfield. Mrs.
W. D. Smith and Miss Grace E.
Smith, Mrs. J. A. Jelderks and
Mrs. W. E. Lawrence.
; 1 i French Beaver I
I 7 - I I Mink (dyed Mainnoc): I
M I ; Maachuriaji Wolf Idoi) I
I 1 Black, Brown and :
lm:ion) debtor
160 N. Liberty St, Salem ;
An attractive evening of bridge
was that for which Miss MarJorie
unnstenson -was hostess at her
home Monday night. Members ef
her, contract bridge club - were
guests., j W "i t, .
Mrs. A t: Woolpert vrlll be
hostess to ' the Auxiliary -.of Hal
Hibbard post 'at her home. Friday
afternoon. ; Guests ara asked to
bring quilt pieces a sewing will;
be done during the I afternoon '
hours. ' , ;. :; . '
in the same sized
WARNING This Is the
gtnmin, Snper-Powered, two
cylinder Fngidaue a product
of General Motors. It gives the
imm ass freezing, lower opexw
ating cost, and dependability-
?lus greater food space;
oa are csndooed against sc
cepting a cheap, nauderpoww
ercd or poorly constructed
refrigerator under the impres
sioa ybo are geidag a gtiutim
Frigid aire. Such a refrigerator
Is expensive at any pricsw Tbe
standards ofTrigidaire bare not
been lowered to make the Dew
price possible; Look for tbe
Frigid aire nameplate found
only oa tbe gtmmmt FagJdairc.
' S47 Court, TeL lit
31 em, Oregon
Dealers eonveniesttly located
i - ; t u u o . - I
n c nri:An PiPl?
The Store
fry for
: Hose S
Aiw still; more crowds are
There llust' bt-atUaji:: ;
VaIues'11ii:ATO Incompalrable ;
Enough Said, Here We GcT; . . ' . ?
-Remodeling Sale
-. , .GBOUP N0.1 ; ,
Full silk lined. values
Our Price 1
Colors Xavy, Browm,
Still more coats to select from, direct from
the eastern Mfg. to you. These coats are
well worth $15.00. Our tfT QC
sale price while they last v I eD
These Coata are all full lined. Main floor.
When Johnson's Have a Sale f
Ifs a Sale, Folks Mean Floor r
Fur collars and fur cuffs.
black, wine, green. All full
values up to $16.75. Our
price during this sale
Oh, yes, dont forget we
agents in Salem for the
Beat them if
That are the talk of the town are at Johnson's, of coarse.
Group No. 1 Dresses in this group are dresses really worth p
to $14.95, hut during this great sale we are going to r Q r
offer them at one flat price '.
' Every Wool Dress
in the store, values up to
" $18.75, for this great.
sale your
Second Floor Section
House dresses, hundreds and hundreds to select from.
Buy values up to $1.95 during this " aa
sale only, your choice - 0JLJ7
Extra Special
-Ladies' Knit Suits and
Dresses. Regular 5.95
values, for Cf OO
this sale .. 04.00
These are all sew
43 ladies' felt hats to
clean out quick. We
need the room so here
- All Jewelry on Sale
lieads, Bracelets', etc, etc, Reg. values Ol' VIA
to $15, during this sale your choice 1 Ol4"
The New Collar and
Calf Sets Are Here
Subject to' Yoar -.
: Approvd - r
; Dunn This Sale, FolksVAlI Sales'
- . . -Will be. for Cash
No Approvals -p, N6 Refunds
464-466 State St
for Lciiet
State St. -
-. -- i . i -.
Still on ia?FiiIl Bbtt
Polo SQtic
Black. Nxea 14 to 44.
COATS!i -r
Colors xavy,r
lined, fcgnlar':
C Mifrifi fi- 1
01 Vtv9 v
are the exclusive
Rothmore Coats.
you can.
Main Floor Section
Another 100 dozen of silk hose, just re
ceived. While they last ?" ' CA
Per Pair " DUC
Every Pair Gaaraateed or a Jfew Pair
Main Floor Section
Wool Sweaters, values up to $1.95, for this
sale only ji nrt
while.they last e?lUU
" " Main Floor Section
Wool skirts just received in all tit
Fall shades. Priced fc
for this sale : p
236 New hats just unpacked and e a
specially priced for this sale
$1.39 and up
li2.95 -
Enough 'said,' we have a
surprise :for you.
All 'regular 1.95 and
2.49 . under garments,
such as step-ins, ted
dies, etc., etc, during
This is Heal Bargala,
folks -
Ladies' Purses
in the new Basket
Weave materials. Spe-
... ; V
'tBayj Your -Xhnsthcs
Gifts i ;
SY c&-. czdiSave ;