The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 20, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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The OIIEGON STATTSMAN, Salm; Oregon, Thnrsday Bforn!n?. Cktctsr 2 1932 ?
' -JF 1 I, hi.
1 H
i i
"M Faror Swayt Ut; No Tear SHU Awn
' ' From First Statesman, March 28, 1851 " ' . '
Chasxxs AJ Snuccz : - - Editor-Manager
SilEUXM F. Sackett -
- lfafcafffeff Editor
Member of tb Associated Press
' Th Associated Preaa U exclusively entitled .1 the dm tor publlea
ttoB of all uwi diapatchea credited to It or not otherwise credited t
" ' , t" - Portland Representative
; ' , Gordon B. Bell, Security Building; Portland, Or.
r Eastern Advertising Representatives
Bryant. Giirtlta A Branson, lac, Chicago, Maw Tork, Detroit
' 1: Y" Boetoa. Atlanta. : '-. - - - - .
Entered at the Pottoffic at Smlen, Oregon. u Second-Close
Matter. P 'shed every morning except Menday. Busineee
ffiee, tlS S. Cmmercial Street..
Mail Sutecrlptton Rate. 1n Advance, tvithln Oregon: Daily and
8uudy. Ma SO Mnts: 3 Mo. SUtS; -4 Ma. 3JtS; 1 year $1.00.
Elsewhere (0 cents per Mo or SS.Oil (or 1 year to advance.
By City Carrier: 45 centa a mectta? S3. a year to ad ranee. Per
Copy 3 centa. On trains and New Stand S centa.
The Leap From the Frying Pan
Truth About the Ha wley Tariff j
PROBABLY no tariff measure ever enacted in American
history has been more lied about than the Hawley-Smoot
tariff. The democratic spellbinders are now damninsr it from
Maine to Texas and laying on it the burden of our woes. At
, the same time the democratic nominee as he travels from
place to place assures localities that their specific tariffs will
be preserved. What is the tariff but a compilation of local
femands? YY' i Y Y.
. This editor is not a high-tariff republican. In our opin
ion the change in our national status from a debtor to a cre
ditor nation called for alteration in our tariff policy. But
the democratic position on the tariff is now thoroughly hy
pocritical. In their-1928 platform they approved the prin
ciple of the protective tariff and Al Smith campaigned with
the definite assurance to wall street that high protection
would be. maintained.
. : When ; individual schedules were up for adoption the
democrats voted precisely as the interests of their districts
dictated. Thus we had Dill voting for a tariff on lumber,
Thomas of Oklahoma for a tariff on oil. Walsh of Montana
for a tariff on copper, Broussard of Louisiana for a tariff on
sugar. When the whole list is completed the democrats rage
with fury and brand the tariff measure as one of the deadly
sins. . .
, :Pres. Hoover urged a revision of the tariff in his first
message to congress with particular application to agricul
ture. Most of the tariff upping which was done was on ag
ricultural items. While numerous changes were made in in
dustrial items as well, the tariff was distinctly one for the
protection of agriculture.
The Hawley-Smoot tariff has been assailed as the high
est in our history, which is not true. The average rates of
duties, for the several tariff acts at the date of passage as
applied to imports for the preceding year were :
McKinley tariff 48.49
Dingley " 46.59
Payne " 40.83
' Fordney n 38.85
Hawley " .41.24
Thus the Hawley-Smoot tariff was lower than the ave
rage rates of the republican tariffs of the last 40 years.
At the time of its enactment the tariff act of 1930 show
ed a net decrease, weighted average, in four schedules of
SJ.7Jf. : and a net increase in 11 schedules of 7.41 ; or a
net increase for the act as a whole of only 2.39.
The average on all imports, free and dutiable, is about
16. or an increase of 32 over the act of 1922. Siich ave
rage was 23 under the McKinley act, 20.9 under the
Wilson (democratic) act, 25.8 under the Dingley act, and
19.3 under the Payne act
Now take the matter of change of items. In the 1929 tar
iff there were S3(fo dutiable items. Of these 890 were in
creased in the Hawley-Smoot act, 234 were decreased, and
2170 were left unchanged.
The percentage of imports admitted DUTY FREE un
der the Hawley-Smoot act is the largest with a single ex
ception in 40 years. The percentages are as follows, of the
items which come in free of duty:
McKinley tariff 52.4
Wilson " 49.4
- Dingley " 455
Payne n 525
Underwood n 6.3
Fordney " 63.8
Hawley " 66.0
We cite these fisrures. not to defend the tariff of 1930;
but to refute the false assertion made by democratic spokes
men who nreach low tariff and practice tariff high-jacking.
For example AFTER the Hawley-Smoot tariff was adopted,
those who really led the fleht for MORE protection on oil,
lumber and copper were DEMOCRATS. Democrat Henry B.
, Van Duzer of this state was lobbyist for the increase in the
lumber tariff; and he was ably backed up by daily editorials
in the DEMOCRATIC Portland Journal. Democrats or ax-
uona and Montana worked for the copper tariff. Democrats
fwri Olclnrmm and Texas worked to Dut across the oil
The republicans are at least honest in standing con
sktentlv for the nrincinle of the protective tariff.
v Tn a subsequent issue we will eive the facts, about how
the Hawley-Smoot tariff gives protection to Oregon agricul
tural products adequately FOR THE FIRST TIME in post-
war history. .. . -
- Discounting 'Panic Propaganda ; Y
rnHE Statesman supports Herbert Hoover for reelection as
i X president and opposes the election of Franklin loose-
Ivelt But We are not waging a campaign on tne assertion mat
the election of Roosevelt means panic We do not believe that
Rftftspvplt will rmt into effect policies which will injure bus
iness in this country. Wall street will soon put a ring in his
nose the same as it did when he was governor of New York
and the orgy of speculation was at its neignt m nis own state.
a rhn fro of administrations would however create un
certainty and uncertainty often breeds fear. We think the
. a a m . "t ' s1 J
thill that has gone through business in recent weeics reiiecis
this uncertainty. - Y - . '
Hut nnnnitinn tn Roosevelt ia not based on fear that
he will damage "business but conviction that he has nothing to
offer which will do business or the country any good. At one
time he berates Hoover for what he has done; at another
f.'ma ha fnmo nmnnri and adoDts as his nrocram xnaior points
of the Hoover policies; again he claims institutions like the
R. F. C are reauy patternea alter tne aemocrauc war n
The country should get over the idea that a particular
party has a corner tm business prosperity. The republicans
cannot honestly claim that. The democrats however are de-
Kft v f Aaf itiitvnartv nrincinles and of able leaders to
v,l4 av wm uvw wrf a -x -
heb conduct a party administration successfully. And Roose-
velt; if he is elected, will fluiciciy una mmseu emoarrassea
by his new-found friends : worns, lAroueue, et au
What wlll 'tho klxertdft la Kew York wkar ta repubUcana
... a iL . - t jfcJhi aa Tam adHAf
nara nominated . a cawouc ana vim w w
Both toar good reputation so tho aUte yrm not jo under no mat
ter wnlen u elected. ..
A Football
twoi Hew Texk Harald-Tzlkaaa
On Arm Brown again:
Start of the- Modoc war: '
C. B. Woodworth. 274 Fourth
street. Portland, sends a second
letter about the activities ot this
historic character who was so well
known In the Oregon of pioneer
days. Mr. Wood worth's letter
reads: .
V V '
"An article that t wrote con
cerning One Arm Brown has been
Questioned oj a correspondent as
to its accuracy. I stated that
Brown carried his arm in a sling.
Tour correspondent disputes this.
asked Miss' Lillian Applegate,
who knew him well, and also Al
Croasman. They both verify my
statement. At to my own mem
ory, my father was chief clerk of
the Indian department under Bay-
era! superintendents for many
years. X was in the offle almost
daily and was la close contact
with Brown.. X also rode around
the country with him many times,
sometimes on horseback behind
him. My memory is clear; he did
carry his arm in a sung, hut It Is
or no historical consequence.
'm S
"Tour correspondent also cen
sures Brown for his failure to
warn the- settlers of danger daring
the Modoc war. No on will ques
tion the memory or a statement
that capt. o. C. Applegata of
juamatn rails would make nor
tha Justlca ot his conclusions. I
therefor wrote to him about the
Incident, knowing that ho took a
rery prominent nart in the war.
and was in Jiopes that ha was an
ye witness. My hope was real
ised. He was there at the time, I
am enclosing with this the ans
wer in full to my inquiry. This
letter contains much more matter
pertaining to the Modoc war. and
am placing it In the hands ot
Mr. Hendricks, the editor of this
column, to publish in full or ex
cerpts therefrom concerning that
wnicn is pertinent to the subject,
that there may be no Question as
to the correct presentation of the
subject. ;
v V
"As to the 'morals ot Brown.
which were also mentioned. Those
husband who objected to their
wiTes riding around or going
around with Brown, were prob
acy trespassers upon their neigh
bors - pastures and did not keep
their own fences up. Eren if they
did, he might have crawled
through the boards. It Brown had
relatives whom this statement
might offend, I would not make
it, but if he were alive today and
read the above he would laugh
and say 'it is a good advertise
ment. Or in the language of to
day, that I was a good 'press ag
ent There Is nothing rital to the
stories that I have been writing
about the old time residents of
Salem. I have tried to be fair to
all of them, to show up their good
qualities ana pass lightly over
their defects.. If I have erred in
any statements X am open to cor
rection. Tour Correspondent
should hare, made his nam
V -"All
f those who knew Brown,
and with whom I have talked,
speak well of him. His faithful
ness ai d his kindness and depend
ability and bravery. Ha was a
Pled Piper to the children. Some
parent would ask Brown to take
his children to a. elrucs and b.
for Brown got to the circus ho
woaia have a band of chudren in
tow and they an went to tha cir
cus, wnere he filled them no with
pink lemonade, peanuts, and can-
ay ana oiner sweets. They all had
such a Jolly time. A man that chU-
aren cotton to cannot be very bad
la any way."
nr. woodworth says la a pri-
Tta note: "I enclose Unci Oli
vers. (Capt. O. C. Applegate's)
letter, which ought to be publish
ed in full, but us what yon wish
of it. But I would particularly
Ilk to have you publish the Items
that I have marked, to show that
he (Brown) did not lack bravery.
The conclusion Is that Brown was
'officially responsible' for the
failure to give warning to the
settlers, but being, as Unci Ol
iver skys, 'out ot his rang, was
the reason for his not doing so.
No on eould possibly say It was
negligence on his part. H did
not realize the danger untti it
was too late." (The letter ot Capt.
Applegat will follow In this aer
ies, in full.)
- It
Mr. Woodworth also writes: "X
knew Odeneal well. I also remem
ber a lot about the Modoo war. X
recall well the day that Uncle
Clarke (S. A. Clark started for
the scene ot battle and how wor
ried my Aunt Hattl (Mrs.
Clarke) was." (S. A. (Hark was
on of the outstanding newspaper
correspondents who wrote on the
ground th story ot the Modoe
war, for big New York, California
and. other newspapers.)
Mr. Woodworth says: "X also
remember well hearing A. B.
Meacham (General Meachant) toll
th story of th peae eau!s
sloa that met th Modocs. at
which meeting General Canby and
Rot. Thomas were killed. When
Meacham told th story sitting
under th atad of th old maple
tree which stood in our yard, it
was dramatic. Th seal wound
encircling his head was not yet
healed and he presented a 'gory
( Continued tomorrow.)
... Of Old Salem
Town Talks from The States
ma of Earlier Day
September 21, 1SCS
Furnished by H. C. Porter of
- Aumsrill
Copied from THE AMERICAN
UNIONIST of Salem, dated Sept.
around Marlon Squar hah been
down for several days.' All th
loose atock in town has taken
advantage of th condition ot th
same. It is presumed that this
tact is not known lo th proper
persons or It would have been
fixed up. Th fence has cost the
taxpayers congiderahj amount of
uvuey na snouia oe carea ror.
A Little Unpleasantness Some
parties attempted last night to
disturb the Hurdy-Gurdy saloon
at a 1st hour, by. arresting a cul
prit whom it was supposed had
perpetrated th recent burglary at
maepenaenc. sundry shots of
pistols and shot-runs war a
changed, but th parties being not
much accustomed to th use' ot
tnat kind ot weapons, nobody was
' Th pubil wOI regard it as a
calamity, first, that such a row
occurred tn th aainently quiet
town f Salem, and second., that
th parties thereto war ha -.n
killed. That Hnrdy-Gurdav salaaa
Is aa abomination which ought to
b suppressed. It inveigles young
ma and boys, who are not de
praved, into vice, and lt-BAndar
to th Yicioms indulgence of old
er men. IT LAW cannot retfeh It,
wast coma a hub do? " ;
- . j
Citliens, we have no 'nee for
ucn mu laaumuon. uannot w
aoai kt i th nam of God and
morality let us try.
The Safety
Valve - -.
Letters from
Statesman Read era
Stayton, Or4 Oct. 14, lit!
To Th Editor:
It Is impossible and impractica
ble to make a country dry. Sine
th impracticable eauae mer im
morality than others, they are tha
tnost Immoral. Look at th re
sult. Results don't lie. Th dry
maa well. Bo sloes a baby. Hall Is
paved with good intentions and
heaven lacks many good bricks la
its pavement. On ta a theusaad
thinks cloe up to th truth. On
ta ar hundred thinks half way up
to th truth. After w study and
experiment a century on a qaea-
uon w turn around near correct
upon it.
Experience haa taught us it Is a
great wrong to put a llcen r
tax upon liquor beeaus such cre
ates a monopoly for th rich, jails
for th poor, taxes for th Uttl
man and crime for alL All profit
should be taken from all Uqra.
There ar about four rood ways
to control liquor:
1st. Let the state, county or
city under strict regulation, make
and Mil pur liquor at cost.
sad. Allow th Mopto to raak
and sail light liquors fre from
ail Means and tax. bet let th
government xaak and an strong
liquors at cost and limit th sup
ply par person.
Srd. Allow all people to make
all kinds ot liquor and make a se
vere penalty for Its sal.
4 th. Allow an peopl to make
and sell any kind ot liquor.
It la likely th first plan Is the
best and th fourth next best.
Gothenburg city tried th first.
with th best results. - Th con
sumption of liquor decreased CI
per cent and eria SSI Can yoa
beat it? W do not want the pri
vately owned taxed saloon, but
the rich do. Today th only ones
wanting a dry law ar th moon
shiners and impracticable dry-
th on to purposely mak mon
ey, th other to unwittingly mak
crime: Th worst kind of liquor
condition, is a dry law! Results
don't lie,". .
: (Signed) V VAN. CAMP.
J,iY,Y stMorns n; vi
Ted Wmae aspire to" the Ugher
feings la His so fee Uavas his post.
tUa ia a steal xaZt and worka Us
way through Old Dominloa CoSere,
H atRxeeds crcdltaUy. Uads
Coach Barney Hack, Ted bacoans
oarterback oa the BhM Comet.
loamg only oo gxnu daring the
ion. ills only enemy at school is
Tom Stone, who coaaidsta Ted hi
Inirfor. Both boys are rival lor th
lam of wealthy and spoiled Barb
Roth. Following a fntamderstaad
aog, Td ignores Barb, bat bis
thought ar always .of bar area
wh2o with lovely Rosalia Down.
At th Cbxfatsnaa dance. Barb slight
Ted. Roaalle tries to mak him aa
dsrafaad be has U Ideals centered
aroend the wrong girl. Later la the
erewing. Ted, for tha first time.
realises how- lovely RosaS ml Days
of happy . cotnpanlonahia follow.
Barb is DTBxled, . Back at achool.
Ted tboogbts retora to Barb.
ridge leaned : his head oa an
elbow, looked at the ceiling and
said: I doat claim to be smart
bat IVe learned on thing about
women. Th best remedy for a
broken heart b a pretty face aad
th world is full of them."
"If not their faces that worry
"Well, yoa' look too deep: yoa
take things too seriously. . Kid em
along, boys, aad if they ton yoa
to ateoe. Ilka that baby la my
thology, th acxt oa w2l briag
yoa to Ine.
-Maybe -
' Ye know what yoa better
dor" PMg asked quickly, yoa
better come down to the Scholar
ship Dane with me this week. Yoa
deal have to drag a wot
they're there; and yoa kind of get
together. IT1 bet if yoa came down
youH see a. face that will launch
yoa oa a thoasand dates."
Pldgt weald have woo hi bet
Betsy bad the face of a kewpi
do8 bat behind it a dam ore pre.
occapatto. Her figure was bil
lowed with parabolas that snog-
fled softly to her partner daring
dance. She langhed readily, was
oarfly am used, childishly diverting.
Her home was a asodest cottage
wttb a swing ta th veranda
shadow. After the daae they
chatted there It was an effortless
evening aad a pleasant owe Ted
enjoyed the freedom iron strain.
He decided to see Betsy often
a a harmless divers!: an anti
dote to his high powered romance.
Baxaey told repocteis at a lunch
eon ia New York that he would
to fear games the next season.
They laughed He explained that
his first eleven would graduate,
that be wooM hare to depend on
new material. That was old staff
Barney Lad bad eleven graduate
Oa hiss before bat hs always had
others ready oaly twice during
bis ala years of coaching had he
teat two game aad be played the
tonghest who were wuling to take
a chaac with him.
H bad baCt op bis schedal
asa scaanioaisicig was no easy
lob. Nobody wanted to lose, and
there was th item of filling th
tradla. By solving the Utter with
great term. Imputative teams,
teams the spectators Eked to
watch, the Bin Comets bad be
come th greatest boa ofiiot attraa.
Boo of them aO. Aad Barney got
games wherever bt wanted them
except from some social schools
with prestige whfafc did not want
their Ivy soiled by getting Bcked
aa long as they coald El their big
steel teats with team they coald
Shortly altar making ais arwf3o
tioo, - Barney rerarnea to w
Dominlo aad started viator prac
tie ia th gyn ia order to pr
vent bis prophecy from coming
true. ;'- -Y-,
Ta key to bis system was Ms
aff-4akle olav. most of hi iorma-
tioas starting that way, as aS sky
rockets shoot into th sky. bat
brealdac into . whatever design
the quarterback aad called for to
salt th particular situation. Bar
sev stressed soeed. deception, aifty
handling of th baQ and all this
reonired detaiL He rot th detail
by practicmf ia th winter aad
spring. There was nothing mys
terious about his system tnat was
why he . could girt it away at
coaching schools but ft was tedi-
oos and intricate; that waa why he
taught- It better than any of his
oaoils. spread throughout' the
Barney Hack probably knew
little more football than other
great coaches: but be excelled prin
cipally because ha was teaching
something a step ahead of tnem
and because be was a great teacher.
Having th freshmen eligible for
varsity' the next season oat in track
salts in the gym daring the winter
was one of Barney's tramps. They
worked easily, without strain;
learned the plays aad signals, th
batkneld shift; and when it was
time for spring training outdoors
they were ready to start the rough
Hard Times, Dance. '
Pidgc was active for days before
the annual hobo pageant
Letam take them shoes. Have
yoa got a hat that looks worst
than this? How about those old
pant with the seat out?"
Where k came from nobody
knew auddenly the Hard Times
Dane had adopted New Dominion
like a vagabond pap and became a
part of tradition. .
ridge. Tea, nt Moynton ana
Brute Foreman bad chartered an
ash wagoa,' driven by two mules
and decorated with tintinnabulat
tag cans. Dressed m the wonct
clothing to be found even at New
Dominion, they drove ia stare to
th castles of 'their ladies aad
picked ap their gingham princesses.
Ted was dragging Betsy, who
whoa she saw the equipage,
squealed aad Battered. Pidge bad
dieeoverad a aew one in the west
end Pat and the Brute had lo
cated a pair on Garter Heights.
Only regular nude the Hard
Down the main drag, Pidg
standing p in the front, crackiag
the whip over mules which Just
coaldnt be bothered: Pat, partly
Morteaiea, staaamg ta tne rear.
nhmng amused spectators.
roar hours of aoisc; a contura-
oos vaudeville aa tndindnal got
hoc, left bis partner aad did hi
interpretation of Jack Donoho or
BIU Robinson; a group gathered
abort urged him oa others
CoHeginte version of th Vir
ginia ReeL . . . Big Pat doing a
spring dance football snea imi
tating chorus boys. . . Dervish
dancing. ... Two orchestras bang
ing cootiatsous pandemonium.
Eleven o'clock. . . . Barney on
to stag aDaoaactng prise winner.
. . . Everybody the Boor tike
Indian at a powwow. . . . Barney
trying to talk:
"Ladles and bums m
-Two minute applause.
Allow ma to tell yoa
. "Loader."
"Much loader."
Sustained applause. . . . Barney
talking against the mob. . Fl-
oafly aaaooacing th wiener
male and female "and the Grand "
Exalted Bum James Pidgin."
PUra' acknowledrfna bis trf.
amph, rtceMag a bras cuspidor,
Everybody cheering. They - m
Pidg. ;. . . . -
Riotoas boars; blood running
wild: Betsy lushed and pretty, ;
dancing dose.
Cissiac Betsy oa tha shadowed.
veranda. . . . Kissing her again. . . ,
Betsy gmrgliag; Betsy Uong KJ
Betsy's round 'eyes, hiatlag every
thing, saying nothing..
. . .
More evenings wua oroy.
Honting the shadow. for warm '
kisses dinging to each other a
they said good aight; taSdag leas
and less aboat aouung. xicr up,
were warm, like Rosalie's: bat she
did at capture the imagination; aba
left the jnlna ire to uunje row
Betsy's kisses were Eke Betsy.
Talking to Betsy!
Betsy, we've got to do som-
"We're aot doing each other any
Nor ; .
No. Tm still to school aad .
cant be serioos; bet we're moving
too fast It eems w cant go oa
as we did before."
"Let's try."- . .
He met her folks; friendly peo-
pie, the man a small contractor.
Crazy aboat Betsy, an only chad
aB the mora res foe being ear
fuL The foor of theta played
bridge; he liked her parents bat
was bored with bridge. .,
He tried to talk aboat nothing
again bat they coa4dat find the
way back to that Betsy wasat
msicb befp.
They said good night under the
porch light after that
It waa a perverse world; peopl
continually ateppiag' oat of th
characters la which h had them
east... -.' "
Betsy was Intended to be a barm
less diversion;' Kk other girls she
became only a problem. .
Ted had enough problems. He
dropped Betsy from his schedule.
Barney sprang n aew on at
spring football lectures. These
were designed to give the theory -which
was later worked wot oa th
field. It was ao task to attend Bar
aey'a classes; b taught football
with common sense tinctured by
satire, flavored by ham or; his die
tioa was apt at any tint to borrow
from Freud, Mencken, Edison, Pas
tear or . CabelL He wanted his
teams to be smart these lectures
did a lot to achieve th result; he
aimed to have a squad of quarter
backa. ."All right he opened ap one day
at the blackboard, "we're playing
Soother Cal next year aad we're
starting aow. Wynne kicks off and
Drury bring k back to th 2S-yard
On where Barker steps blot What
play should they call, Garoldi?" .
Garoldi was a bear-Cke freshman
with every physical attribute of a
great star bat lacking la experience
and mental alertaesa.
"Pass," be answered. The squad
"Funny, ehT" Barney replied
quickly. "Pet knows bis porsoa.
oeL that's aS. Drory passe over
the Ha to the end; Pidgia, who
hook be covering, b looking lata
the stands to see if bis aow est girl
is la section 23, Row F, Seat 13
and the pass is good for flftees)
yards before Sheets makes the tac
kle What play. Brater
"Off-tockw." f
CTa a
OPEN FORUM ' - ' r
According to th Union Signal.
official organ of th W. O. T. U
there is a shortage of Vodka la
Moscow da to its us in th man
ufacture of synthetic rubber.
much of which Is used tn th man
ufacture of tires and tubes for au
tos. Here's hoping that synthetic
rubber wOI consume th full out
put of aleohoL
Our weta might take th hint
and sart synthetle rubber faetor-
io w uia up vBsir aiconoi. taus
saving us from drunks drivers.
t -I. Y, R. j.
New Views
Yesterday reporter askd this
question. "What d yoa think of
tho political altaatlon la Oregoa.
aad who wOI earry thla sUtaT"
The following answers war re
ceived: , , .:i
R. E. Itevtdaoa, aaechaalct "I
navan't tlm to bother with that
ra not Interested." i ' f
J. Sharpew caa stotloa
WelL som peopl seem to think
Hoover -i snaking a greater hit
aii tc tun". - . r
Leo N. Child, local realtor: "I
miM me eiecuoa win b very
do hero tnt that Mr. Zloovar
will carry this state as well as
most or th others. - i
Daily Health Talks
From a paper read by Mrs.' Dr. W. W. Baam before a recent
meeting of tho Ladle Auxiliary f tho Medical society.
On of th most Important sub
jects which Is before us today is I
tn matter oz tn penocie neaitn
Th periodic health examina
tion Is probably an outgrowth of
th anti-tuberculosis campaign,
and th ehild health and well-baby
work. Aa yon probably know, th
death rat from tuberculosis has
been lowered greatly In th past
25 years and thla haa been accom
plished entirely by early examin
ation and treatment: there haa
not been any great change in the
method of treatment Then work
began to be don on infanta and
school children and health de
partments established is our cit
ies and tn our schools. As a re
sult of ' thee campaign, th
death rat among infants, chil
dren and youths was markedly
lowered and thla resulted la aa
increase la th average span of
life brought about, yon under
stand, by saving th Uvea ot In
fanta and children who would
have otherwise djed and not by
Increasing th length of life of
persons who lived to bo 60 br so.
As w lowered th death rata from
tuberculosis and other disease of
childhood and youth; th death-
rate trout heart disease, cancer
and such maladies ot middle lif
and old age became correspond
ingly higher and brought mor to
our attention.
Thla emphasise th necessity
of the practice health xamlna
tion. W must do as much for our
middle-aged as we hav for our
youth. Thes disease which earry
us on at , is, so or 10 ar
largely of th so-called degenera-
ov typo, gradual and Insidious ta
onset aot due to, acute Infections
ao can only be cured and con
trolled if discovered and treated
arty. And they caa only be dis
covered and treated early If th
person Is examined regularly by
tha family physician. -;,
A Periodic- health examinatJaa
la beet don by one's family phy
sician. It ahouid consist of a care
ful history, not only personal hla
tory but family history for the
valuation at hereditary tenden
cies. Tha examination la complete
different type from that mad by
th doctor when looking for a
specific disease. Tho physician
should keep complete record of
each examination and should sup
ply th patient with a record in
th form of advice as to proper
methoda ot living for hi partic
ular case. Too can see how much
better equipped the doctor would
be to combat disease If called to
your bedside if he already knew
your body and Its condition thor-
Th periodic health examination
should, ot course, start In child
hood. Her In Salem with our ef
ficient department ot health (still
efficient la spite of a constantly
dwindling, budget) our children
are assured of at least som as
sistance m. their start in life end
In school. No child, of eonree.
should ever enter achool without
first behur carefully checked for
paysicai defects which may hand
icap him unduly. Jnt before
scnoor starts Is a very good time
to make th suggestion to parents
ior inis wore
Th Tea Commandments of
Good Posture
ia tn material handed ma I
una a very Interesting pamphlet
entitled The Tea Commandments
of Good Posture. The importance
ot good posture, of course, we all
realise not only from tho stand
point 01 appearance but to insure
tne proper support aad nositlon
of important abdominal orrana.
w sometime forget that th
apln Is a flexlbl rod; eapabl
aot only of being bent; but with
a tendency to remain la a crooked
position if kept there hahltnaliv.
Dr. Lewis gives his tea command
ment or rood nocture aa follnw
(1) Stand tall; (2) Sit tall; (2)
waia , tau - ana "chesty with
weignt transmitted to haiia r
feet; (4). Draw la abdomen, pull-
ua; k oaexwara ana upward; (I)
Keep shoulder hlrh n"d eoner:
(I) PaU chin straight toward col
lar button; (7) Flatten hollow of
back by-rolling pelvis downward
ana backward; (I) - Separata
shoulders from hips as far aa poe-
n; if lj ten aad flat;. (10)
From Other Papers
Oregon is a fine state, but this
tlm of year we yeara for a Jug
ot good old Missouri Sorghum mo
lasses. Salem Statesman. Is. that
so? Well, a feller Jest phoned into
this office saying he had aent to
uisrurf for a barrel of It and
wanted to know If we could as a
gallon on subscription. So. we are
telling him to save a gallon for
yoa too. Yes, we Ilk It. W used
to help make It whea we were a'
kid. Ever feed th luiev stalk
thru a sorghum mm and witch
the "ap" tfrln into the vat? ei
lick the sorghum "aooon -hn
It was resting from stlrrln tlm
simmering Juice? Remember the
ioam"T u-ra-m, U-m-m! Fall
sorghum days! Their only equal
for kids are spring "sugar bush"
daya with the sniles drlnntn ftA
bright tin palla. It was all tine,
oui tn sap yoke. Guess we
are talking; a linroir
kids know nothing about But;
anyhow, Charlie, you will get
your Jug o aorghum. Corvallia
Gazette Times.
Daily Thought
Th trust thata give guard,
and to yourself be Justv Dana.
Coming Sunday
- "i
thrilla in a real
American drama
Now Xtsmalag Serial Story ta
. (Concluded tomorrow.) .
.nan morpngn.ana M 01 o.ttlt a