The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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    - - PAGE SIX
The OREGON STATESMAN Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, October 19, 1932
- -
Society News and Club Affairs
Ouvb M. Dqk, Socitty Editor
" Nancy Thielsen to
Be Presented
: In Recital
, An Interesting announcement
to Salem people Is that Albany
' college la presenting? Mlse. Nancy
Tblelsen la recital Toesday night,
October 25, at the first Presby
; terlan church In Albany, at S:15
, o'clock. Ulii fllga Jackson Is ac
companist. ' '
.. Miss Thielsen is a member ot
-the Albany college faculty this
- year following her graduation
from the University of Oregon
',. last spring. Her brilliant , Toice
work is well known to Salem and
'."I the alluring personality and de
7 llghtful stag poise: of. the young
- Tocallst Is well known to her
- man friends here.-The program,
... -which follows, bids v fair to be.
. splendidly fitted to aonuy oi
- v 'the young-singer. ' . -V
'Giordan! Caro mlo ben
..'Prodi .. Air and Variations
"Brahms O wuesst lch doch den
v . Weg turueck
' Brahms . .- .Mlnnelied
. Brahms Wiegenlied
t Rinken Aut Fluegeln
Donizetti, "Regnava nel Ellenzio"
- (Lucia dl hammermoor, Act I)
" Staub L'heure dellcieuse
I , Du Pare Chanson Triste
' , Dellbes Bonjour, Suzon
Debussy Air de Lia
; t (L'Enfant Prodlgue)
' Perrata Nigbt
Grieg My Johann
Kounts The Sleigh
Flotow The Last Rose of Summer
. C. T. U. Elects
New Trustee
f Mrs. C. F. Nilson was announc
ed as elected to the boad of trust
... ees for a three year period at the
, regular W. C. T. U. meeting Tues
day aftenoon in The organization
s Announcement was made that
- an lnritatlon had been received
from the Salem Woman's club by
the group inviting it to attend the
club's legislative session Saturday
afternoon, at which time measures
for the November ballot will be
The next meeting of the W. C.
T. TJ. will be devoted to the dis
cussion of ballot measures, it was
A popular and prominent wo-
- man. Miss Helen Byrnes, national
., director of young peoples' work
. In the W. C. T. U., was speaker
, - for tho Tuesday meeting, and
, gave an interesting outline of
work that can be carried on by
the young peoples' branch of the
union. Miss Byrnes also advocated
the formation of an information
bureau for prohibition workers.
Mrs. Ruth Tooze, it was an
nounced, ' will be director of the
Wednesday, October 19 ,
Past Noble Grands club, with Gertrude Cummings,
I o'clock. .
Leslie Home and Foreign Missionary society, 2
o'clock at home of Mrs. Mason Bishbp. 1359 South Com
' mercial street. - " - . -, ; . f.-. .
Federated Patriotic orders, 8 o'clock In T. M. C. A.
North Salem W. C. T. U. -business meeting called
for 2 o'clock; convention reports to be made.
West Central circle ot First Methodist church, with
Mrs. N. LaRaut. 775 North Church street, 2:30 o'clock.
East Central circle Of First Methodist church, host
ess to Yew Park circle at home of Mrs. W. T. Rig ion,
299 North Winter street, 2:30 o'clock.
McCormick class of First M. E. church, social eren
ing at T. M. C. A., 8 o'clock.
Women's Aid society of W. R. C at G. A. R. build
ing on fairgrounds, all-day meeting; quilting; . covered
dish luncheon-at noon. ' '
Sewing club of Royal Neighbors, with Mrs. Gene
vieve Olsen, 245 North 29th street; all-day and poUuck
dinner; bring own table service.
Naomi circle of First Methodist ehurch with Mrs.
C. C. Gilbert, 468 North 18th street.
South Circle of First Christian chursh all day
meeting in church parlors; covered dish luncheon.
South East Circle of First Methodist church, with
Mrs. J. S. Green, 968 South 20th street, 2:30 o'clock. .
Lucy Ann Lee circle of First Methodist church,
with Mrs. F. A. Legge, 1499 State street, 2:30 o'clock.
Thursday, October 20
Chapter G. of P. E. O. with Mrs. Gordon McGilch
rlst, 360 McGilchrist street. 2:30 o'clock.
Faculty Women's club with Mrs. W. H. Trindle,
1965 South Commercial street, 2:30 o'clock.
Creative theatre section of Salem Arts league, in
auditorium of city library; session from 7 to 9 o'clock.
Zonta club dinner meeting, 6:15 o'clock, Marion
Ladies of Grand Army of Republic, with Mrs. Clara
Jordan, 516 North 24th street.
Junior Artisans meeting, 6:30 o'clock In Fraternal
temple; children and friends interested in the work
invited to attend this open meeting.
Women's Benefit association "home coming"; pot
luck dinner, 6:30 o'clock; Mrs. Julia Ward, speaker;
each bring own table service.
Lincoln .P. T. A. will meet at school for program.
Friday, October 21
Regular Y. M. C. A. lobby programs will begin at
8 o'clock with Miss Eleanor Moore as soloist assisted
by Miss Virginia Graham, Portland violinist
A. A. U. W. state convention opens in Masonic
Salem and Vicinity Council of Church women. First
Christian church, 11 o'clock.
Women's Alliance of Unitarian church, one o'clock
luncheon, followed by program.
W. W. G. with Dorothy Browning, corner ot Liberty
street and Belcrest road; 7:30 o'clock.
Friday Council Meet
For Church Women
Pertinent aneations murrain'
women's relation to the ehureh
educational program will be dis
cussed - br ..Presbyterian
from churches throughout , this
section or in state at a round ta
ble to be held under th ananfoaa
ot the Presbyterian board ot
unnsuan Education In Salem Oc
tober 31. . - .
Arranged throurn th ffn?-f
Dr. W. L. Van Nuys of Portland,
field representative of the Pres
byterian board ot Christian Edu
cation In the Synod ot Oregon, in
cooperation with a local commit
tee, this conference is one of
twelve such round tables being
held In Washinrtnn aari
in late October and early Novem-
ThI and all other eonrrAnM
will be under the Immediate di
rection of Miss Mary Amelia
sieer, director of Women's Work,
Presbyterian Board of Christian
aucauon, who has come from
Philadelphia with a union riu-
cusslon program which she be
lieves will aid In solving the prob
lems oi women workers in the
Presbyterian church.
"The Relation of Women to the
Presbyterian Program for Chris
tian Education" 1 th anrt-MtAri
round table theme, to be adapted
ana developed by local leadership.
The round table will open with a
devotional period, to be followed
by discussion on the home and the
cnurcn as tney are related to
Christian education, nr?nfzri
women's work and the Christian
euucauon program, ana the possi
ble nrocednre bv which n in
the field of Christian education
can be met. Miss Steer has out
lined numerous TjOSSihla anfiRtlnna
which will be discussed nndor
these topics as the delegates de
Miss Juana Holmes. M v w
Steusloff, and A. R. Holmes re
turned Monday night from a two-
weeks automobile trip through
Washington and Northern Idaho.
They encountered snow according
to their report at Government
state W. C. T. U. young peoples'
work for this year.
A prayer meeting will be held
In the local hall, November 7, be
ginning at 3 o'clock, to which all
Christian people are invited and
especially all W. C. T. U. workers
are urged to attend.
A delightful Hallowe'en party
was enjoyed by members of the
Auxiliary to the American Legion
Monday night in their club rooms
in Fraternal temple. A short busi
ness meeting was presided over by
Mrs. J. T. .Delaney, president
Hostesses for the party included
Mrs. F. N. Waters, Mrs. A. M.
Johnson, Mrs. Henry Fournier,
and Mrs. Glen Seeley.
Lincoln Parent Teacher's as
sociation will meet Thursday
night at the school. Mrs. Mil
dred Wyatt will be soloist and
Walter Lansing of the state po
lice department will be the
World Wide Guild ; s
Girls Entertained :
Miss Jean MeKlhinnr . assisted
by Miss Carol Stoddard enter
tainer the world wide Guild !
the Calvary Baptist ehurch at
the ' McElMnny . horn . Monday
nlgbt. - - i -. - -.
At the business meetlnr a. Hal
lowe'en party was planned tor
October 14 at T;i6 a1aV In
the ehurch parlors. Plana were
also made for the W. W. O. as
sociation rally to be held la Le-
Danon vctober 28-29. -
The devotional program for the
eveninr .was In chirr a f Hal an
Alexander and LaVinla Jiairrr.
That business and program hours
were followed by a delightful
social hour. ;
Present were Vra TT. R r,iu.
Mrs. Earl Gregg, advisor, and
Helen Alexander. Mildred Tiring
Lola Cochran, Clara Jane Harms,
Mrs. Dave Willis, Mrs. Leo G ra
cer, Mrs. Kenneth Braber, Ber
nice Zlelke. Ruby Vasbnrr. VeU
ma Alexander, LaVinla Bulrgy,
jeweu Howell. Ruth McAllister.
Carol Stoddard and Jean McEl-hlnny.
r . -,.v' .-L V rf
Albany Wedding
Of Interest Here :
A wedding of Interest here was
solemnised In Albany Saturday
evening when Miss Jennie Freerk
sen, sister of Mrs. Asa Elgin ot
Salem and daughter of Mrs. S.
Freerksen of Albany, became the
bride of E. A. Griffeth of Hills-
The weddine ceremonv n nr.
formed In the home of Dr. Wat.
lace Howe Lee, president of Al
bany college and Dr. Lee read the
A wedding dinner was served
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Elgin.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Griffeth, Mrs. F. Molander of
Los Angeles, formerly Mrs. ET. J.
Seely of Portland, Mrs. S. Freerk
sen of Albany, C. L. Moores and
Mrs. Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffeth win make
their home in Hillsboro.
Mrs. William H. Trindle will be
hostess to members of the Faculty
Women's club at her home on
1 aW V' .
w vr
wm tivffu a a.i r la a i u
Jumper frocks express the vital
in inH dash nf vnuth. This is
narttcnl&rlv true of this model for
Its every line reflects trim smart
ness. : Aside from the darling
blouse . . . boasting' a prim collar
and puffed sleeves ... other
l blouses and sweaters may be worn
creating a bevy of fresh changes.
Contentment for every Junior
' heart . . . a sheer woolen with silk
or cotton contrast.
Pattern 2387 may be ordered.
only in sizes 12 to 20. Size 16 re
quires 2 yards 54 inch fabric and
ii virda S9 inch contrasting II-
- lustrated step-by-step sewing In-
; structions included with tnis pat
tern. :
Win a Prize-Enter Our Yarn Contest
There's A Chance And A Prize For Everyone!
Good news for Knitters! A Yarncr aft Contest for women of all ages! You
or your little daughter can enter this contest . . . there's no age limit! All
you have to do is purchase some Bear Brand or Bucilla Yarn here and fash
ion a hooked rug . . . sweater . . . suit . . . afghan ... or any garment of
yarn, and then submit your finished work! And think of it, each contestant
entering a finished article to be judged receives a souvenir prize provided
her article does not win one of the grand prizes.
- Bead filtt easts U5e) fa
- toimt or stamp (colas prtlarred).
for oea pal tarn. : Writ plainly
vast name, addr ot ttyla ! .
WAKTID. .. . , v. .
Tba fall and r inter edition of
taa Anaa-AdaaDa Psttern eaulof
It raadtl Charminf, flattering mod
ali S2 pairs of th acwetl and
boat 1 hoaia, atrccl sod formal
frocki -elerly deiignad style
for tart firnrea and keastifai.
practical model for Junior and
kiddiaa. Lonely Ksj-eri patterns,
and amt ' tu n ef
b sily ad Inexpensively made,
are ls Sncloded. Send for h
a aw catalog". Price Of catalog", tit
te sta. CaU!o and pattern lo
retber. twenly-fiT eea's. Address
aU nail orders to StB'
tera 4eprtn. 343 -.W. ITth
atret, New York eisf."
17 th ret, Kew lorlt Glf. :.z-
All articles submitted will be prom
inently displayed together with
names and addresses of contest
ants at end of contest.
rrast wtzi
ChMerc lh
faa- Im Chair
W 1 la) Beaailf a
Walaat FfaUihee
Frame . .
' tbiko ram
aadsamctr Carr
4 TT slant TsMe
. ncoNB rmiza
,KWstito rtriaa
An tmverteo) Ihw KaHtiM Ba.
aaaa eaikraldaree la Wt ear -
I ,weds inu,So; I
Vlolei Ji
Is steal she to
be marrM ta the Uatte4 States,
rther tkaa tm Bjuraaiin, Coltm
Ma, where paUrioUe wetnea are
cefctribvtlag wedding riags aad
ether Jewelry for a f and to finance
an army. She sailed to Saa Frma
ciaee e the Uner Santa Ana to
wed Walter C Danten, geologist.
Her parents ttre la CelemUa,
South Commercial street Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs. C. H. John
son. Mrs. Herbert Rahe and Mrs.
Egbert Olirer will be assisting
hostesses. The group will meet at
2:30 o'clock for an afternoon of
Informal conrersatlon oyer the
coffee cups. -
The South Circle ot the First
Christian church will meet for an
all-day meeting in the church par
lors Wednesday. There will be a
covered dish luncheon at noon.
Hostesses include Mrs. B. W.
Macy. Mrs. J. D. Sears, and Mrs.
W. S. BIrdwell.
Qiarrning Teat !
At Lamport Home
eharmlnr tea complimented
Mrs.'Thomas Holmaa Tuesday at
teraooa at which time Mrs. rred-
erlck-XAmport and Mrs. W. Coa-
aell Dyer entertained la her honor
at the Lamport home.
. Tea hour were between 4 and
C o'clock. delightful part of th
tea was the surprise shower which
had been arranged la compliment
to Mrs. Holmaa. Gifts for th new
horn .-which th Holmans are
establishing following th lose of
their residence by fir recently
war Included la th shower. -
The tea table was a pretty Study
la tall Oowers and burning tapers
la complementing colors to the
flowers. "
Guests who called to compli
ment Mrs. Holmaa and for a cup
ot tea and Informal chatting-about
the tea table Included Mrs. Harry
Hawkins, Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs.
Curtis B. Cross, Mrs. Prince Byrd,
Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., Mrs. Linn
Smith. Mrs. Archie Holt. Mrs.
Karl Becke, Mrs. Don Young, Mrs.
T. A. liTesIey. Mrs: Darld'Eyre,
Mrs. Arthur Rahn, Mrs. Edgar
Pierce, Mrs." P. D. Quisen berry,
Mrs. Frits Slade, Mrs. Chester No
land, Mrs. Clifford Farmer, Mrs.
Gas Hizson. Mrs. Chester Cox,
Mrs. John Carson and Miss Ro
Tena Eyre.
Third district of the Federation
of Women's clubs of Oregon met
In session In St. Helen's Tuesday.
This district comprises the coun
ties of Marion, Yamhill. Polk.
Tillamook, Washington, Clatsop,
Columbia, and Multnomah. At
tending from Salem were Mrs.
William Fordyce Fargo, past pres
ident, Mrs. Hannah Martin, Salem
Women's club president, .Mrs. T.
A. McBride, official delegate from
the local club, Mrs. Harry Weid
mer, past president ot Salem
Women's club. Miss Helen Louise
Crosby, Miss Eula McCully, Mrs.
David Wright, Mrs. C. C. Geer,
and Mrs. Clifton. Mudd.
An open meeting for all chil
dren Interested In the work of the
junior Artisans will be held at
Fraternal temple Thursday eve
ning. Guests and friends are In
vited for 1:30 o'clock. A program
has been planned and tills will bl
followed by a refreshment hour.
V!u norotfcr Srowalar will
tertala members of ith W- W. O,
at her bom at th corner ot Lib ,
art ntrt and BelerestToAd. Frla
day night. Th meeting Is set to
T:Si o'clock and will n a.-aan
Test" meeting. . .
un r.J c .- Gilbert assisted by
Mrs. Townsead will be hostess ui
MTnSr af Nsoml Circle of the)
First Mothedlst church Wednee-
day afteraooa at I:3t o'eiocr.
Tb Tow aniaCsfrn dab will
obserre Jtilirstttlng of th
fall seasoa at Lausann ball Octo
ber 17. -' .r-
ECONOMICAL, convenient
rU-end thap eerrico from
: the Paciftc Noctnwest direct
t the Old Country tU
Canadian Padac trains and
liners tb Ideal holiday I o
you this year. SaHlag from
Saint John, N. to Cher
bourg, Southampton, Glas-'
gow, Belfast, Liverpool. Get
information at th office
Soiling Dafs:
Nov. 34 - S. S. Dncaeao of York;
to CUaaow. Bdf sat, Liverpool.'.
Sailit irwa QoaW.)
to Caorboajrg. Sewrriaiript .
jZc - S. 8. Montcalm to CUs
gow, Belf aot, LfvcrpooL
XMC. i aw a. iwbiw
M Claatew, Bat, Urerpo. afHs
t: j
r v ?aw laV 0oVawawa CaWtV awflal
CnaaaawJal aTwaafnT iy"BaPor4SaaWswt
Umbrella Sale All
Ths Week
New suede Jackets
Wanted Styles
Here's An Event That Will INTEREST Salem Women!
Values to $22.50
Fashion Thrul
Here's a brand new fash
ion thrill for the younger
generation! A sale of
salesmen's sample dress
es at Miller's today, be
ginning at 9:00 o'clock in
the 2nd floor dress shop.
Dresses fhat were pur
chased from a manufac
turer's line of samples at
one third off regular
price! We'll price them to
you the same way! -
:. i i I t :
If you are small we can fit you
... If you are la between your
size Is here ... up to 38 regulars
will be featured and the sis
range runs like this:
13, 15, 17. 14, It, It, M yean . , ,
3ft, 31 bast meaawr .
Color Range
Ebaa Browa . . Biwoaeea
Deep Brown ... Navy Bine . t
Ughter Thaa Navy . I . Deep Kei
. 1 . Wlaetea . . , Deep Greem
Black. - ,
New Woolens
Ostrich Feather Wools ... Bab
bit Hair Wool , . . Crrpene . . ,
Jersey . . . Sheer Wools . , , Nov
elty Wools . , . . '
. . i i i n i
These are mostly TTJJCW
KAYE" Nationally known -dresses
direct from New , York City!
Oome see them ... try them on
and make your selection early!
(Sn4 rigor Dt&s hopi , .
. 1 ' - - .
, ti ! rtH
x i .
A feature howin of new Sunday Nite frocks will be
placed on sale at f 13.50 giving Sa
lem, women "choice of many ' new Q
afternoon and evening fashions in oj)
the season's newest at this very
low price! . - .