The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salest; Oresron, Wednesday Morning, October 19, 1932
I I . oral News Rrief 1 32SG0UTS USTBJ
1 - - r- ' rnn nnnrv nnnn
Burial Here Today Committal
tot Salem No.- S; Edward Casey of
Chemawa No. 8.
Second claw merit badges: Har
ry Landon, George Cummings.
1 Ore Wiggins, Thomas Plouff e and
Hugh Edmo, all of Chemawa No.
Grmres Kot Guilty Prellmia-
services for William . Bobbins. J ary hearing in assault and battery
280 Cof&elKJOad, Portland, will I charge against Hamr Graves re-
he heldt-the Odd Fellows ceme- j suited in the case' being dtscontln- I Jurine Bett t6 Preside at
Cochran, of the Calvary . Baptist Hayden found Graves not guilty! rTOOram TOniQnt Ifl
vaurca, assisting imperial oage i aner eacn siae naa pot on several
No. IJ;-3L-P.-A-;A. M.fcia. the J witnesses. Mrs. Rosa Koenfg was
- graveside ceremonies. F u n e r a ll private prosecutor in the -case.
services ? wCU, be held in,: Portland lodging assault and battery data ' Thirty-two Boy Scouts .were
. this morning at. Fialey's chapel, against Graves as result of an In- registered yesterday to appear at
and the remains :wlll arrive at the eldent which she alleged occurred the court of honor la the county
cemetery ,-here- b on t 12:80 two or three years ago. ' '- 1 courthouse at 8 o'clock tonight to
v- o'cloeki'irT-??. ;..-; - ; ' ; ' receive "advancements. Judge' H.
. ; r ; , Y,infr Iif0w"t24 - Geon EL Belt of the state supreme court
Take your. i"A ra,ninf at Stols Co 450 South Summer . -1U pre8ld0 mBd T. r. Roae ,erve
. , fVmfcf ItnHn. Tlnxn ' TT II COUrt ClerlC.
course -wunoui,-, auaiuoaai cost, i r wm i.. mia
nr..,. . ' i-I commltt of th TruT' omnnsd 1 Awards will be as follows.
"iiir, ruBUS ur tin i .cjenj -" . --- -
ircrair v-orp., aiem. ' i- i-i . J t 7w t, .t V I L . , rl V ' BlalsdelL Salem trooo No. 8;
Piwd Is Allotted The state de- met at the Y. M. C. A. building I Jlitn' D2n,1
was notified that it has been, at tloa for the local group. The reg-
loted ior the first quarter of the ular meeting of the club will be
year 18SJ a total of $15,877.42 next Thursday night,
for vocational education in Ore- -
gon. Of the total amount, f 12.-1 ! Favors Postoffice Congress,
smiii.u,iiu aiu W.. C. Hawley has recom-
. t. I -t - ,,n.Mi mended 'the establishment of a 1 8 : Elmer Smith and-Eugeae Be
set funds. The money is used for postofflce at Cedar Camp. Marlon 1U Salem No. 12r Connie Hylton,
teacHftjg Vocational agriculture, county, which Is 17 miles south- Tm o. ZQ. .
vocational home economics, voca- east of . Silverton. He has also First class scout Simeon Bean
tional trade industry and teacher recommended the appointment of nd Frankljn Juneau of Chemawa
' iii, ;. , Mrs. Edith F. Filer for Toostmaster No! 8. rv-
. j for the new office. ' " I I rtTst tlaas merit fcadges-Gor-I-awj
er Admitted The state don Carl, Salem No. 12; Chester
supreme court Tuesday admitted Two Permits Two building Lanktree, Salem No. ; Winston
to Dractlce in Oretron sTTI of the permits ware issued yesterday by Gosser. Raymond Griffin and Har
50 young men and women who City Building Inspector E. C, Jvey Griffin, West Salem No. 15;
were successful in the state bar Bushnell; one to Mrs. George I Harlan Anderson, Silverton No.
examinations held, in Salem last Bayne to alter a two-story store! 20; Arnold Otjen, Silverton No.
- July. Tie results of the examin- building at the State Veterans' I 23; Hugh Heritage, Falls City No
ations were announced here last Bonus commission far repair of a I 30; Charles Petrle, Harry Parker,
week. Of the total number taking dwelling at 904 Jefferson street, Warren Elliot, James RlddelL
tho examinations 50 were success- . . I Herbert -Moreland and Leonard
ful while 47 failed. in". ?iai,r.8ma? ??uai . rKn Snider, all of Monmouth No. 28
t-erioa wui ena wunm a lew more SUr MOut Leslie Evans of
K G W broadcast to-nite, Wed., oys. uur oner, i ne uregon chemawa No. 8 and Russell Sheon
Oct. 19th at 6:50 p. m. School statesman io any aaaress m ure- of Monmouth No. 28.
consolidation bill. gon oy man oniy, 3 per year.
Order today don't delay.
Chang Headquarters Head
quarters for the Marion County Watkins Fined W. P. Wat
Republican central committee kins, paid a fine of $25 and costs
were removed yesterday from 332 in justice court yesterday after
State street to the Guardian pleading guilty to possession of
building, corner of State and Li- intoxicating liquor. He was ar
berty streets, where, they will be rested October 7 by state police,
located in the former Salem Bank but made his first appearance in
of Commerce room until after court yesterday.
election. . , ,t Loretta Mae West, a beauty
Principals to Meet Starting w wrht nit n
Crossings Allowed The public this week Salem elementary drcuIt court Tuesday to recover
utilities commission Tuesday school principals will meet every $2350 'in damages from the Ka-
granted the application of the Wednesday for a study class with foury department store, Inc She
Oregon Electric Railway com- Miss Carlotta Crowley, supervisor, cim8 this sum as a result of al-
pany for permission to construct in her office adjacent to the high ieSed misleading statements made
lis rauroaa across l roaas ana 1 scuom Diinumg.
highways In Linn county. The , , .. of this year In connection with
ri?i"t:nd3 from Lebanon to zssbZSu .he: " ? "
I will meet at the chamber of com
merce here Friday, from 10 a. m.
Period will end within a tew more until 3 p. m.. E. N. Walker, state - V' l""2l
P.U' "lT'.J.. IfiZ9 the Oregon building whereas
gon by mail only, 83 per year.
Order today don't delay. Household furniture for sale. See
Mr. Gheer. 212 Oregon Bldg.,
Take Bankruptcy In recent 10 to 6. Tel. 7783.
bankrupt proceedings are listed
th fnllntt-ln Co lam noranna- Will. MISS Long AwJT MiSS Har-
iam C Pickens clerk debts' 310- rlett Lon state librarian, is in equipment purchased for Salem
522 90 credits' 81180- Oliver H tne middle west this month vis- and never used, $408 expense In
m.vt. iawr rtcht. siiQl Iting her parents who live in Ne- connection with the deal and
14 rrodltM 4i'lo- rharles K I braska. She is' expected back by 11000 in travel costs and loss of
u,' .,. t4c17 71 -rfiHita I the month end. trade while the deal was pending.
2Zfi0- Bailey Here E. F. Bailey.
Juniors to Meet Junior mem- former democratic candidate for
bers of the Artisans lodge will governor of Oregon, was in Salem
gather In an open meeting at the yesterday and appeared at the
Artisan building. Thursday at luncheon of the board of directors
6:30 p. m. Parents, children and of the Uons club at the Sna
their friends will be present. A Credit 5Icetin,r Regular week
program will be held and refresh- , meeting of the Salem Retail
ments served later In the evening. CredU associatlon will be neld thi3
jj -AlRRllNDED CAfilNET-llNIgrERaj; I DECIDE tjfltTIGiSrJT
'A .
xf "... t,AT""i I
. . r
Although British statesmea ae popularly believed tbe stlcklersor tradi
tion, refusing to move with, the times,, many of the members of Ihe pres
Jens cabinet are keeping pace with the-forward march of pxtorressw Her
;is Sir John Simon, Foreign Minister, ail equipped iorap aerial journey!
from London to Geneva, Switzerland, t. attend the disarmament con
ference. He is being given a boa voyage by little Angela Manning.
I c daughter of Sir John's stepson.
IS Sib K!
floor space In a store project Ka
foury was undertaking here. She
claims he told her he had ar-
the lease by Kafoury was never
On the strength of Kafoury's
allegations, plaintiff cntends she
lost 81600 on sale of her beauty
shop in Portland $899 on new
Undergo Operations John
Nelson, advertising solicitor for
The Statesman, and Stephen
Mergler, reporter, recently under
went tonsillatomy operations at a
local hospital. Neison was back
at work yesterday; Mergler is ex
pected back shortly.
K G W broadcast to-nite. Wed.,
Oct. 19th at 6:50 p. m. School
consolidation bill.
Copy Voters' List A crew
of girls was placed at work here
yesterday by the State Federation
of Labor copying the names and
addresses of all persons register
ed for the November election.
The names will be used in send
ing out campaign literature.
Saes for 9SOOO . Suit to re
cover 88000 interest and costs
00 a mortgage note allegedly
past due, was filed in circuit
court yesterday by A. T. Yeaton
who names M. and Laura E,
Billings as defendants.
Speaks at Wood burn Judge
George Rossman of the supreme
court will speak at a meeting of
the chamber of commerce in
Woodburn tonight in his capacity
as chairman of the county Red
Cross organization.
Spcase at Rotary John F
Spease. northwest engineer for
the Portland General Electric
company, will give an address be
fore the Rotary club Wednesday
noon, taking as his subject, new
developments in electricity.
' Case Dismissed Suit of Mea
dia Durant against Ray F. Dur-
ant was dismissed yesterday In
circuit court by stipulation of
both litigants.
Eyerly Leaves Lee Eyerly, of
the Eyerly Aircraft corporation.
took off Tuesday morning in bis
new model A Waco plane on a
demonstration trip to Seattle
License to Wed A marriage
license was issued at Tacoma Tues
day to E. B. Newman, of Portland
and Alto A. Richards, of Salem.'
Gccm i uml w m Gossip
m iii m y
-rvit m,l'.. w m a w . swV iA fl sT
Claims Anent Gambling due
, To Mistaken Idea of
4 Daiim AeAPAfl.
. f " ; "'.'
1 Report exonerating city police
men, from blame in alleged, gam
bling at the state fair was submit
ted, at the city council meeting
Monday night by the special com
mittee beaded by Alderman H. H.
Vandevortr The council adopted
the report without discussion. '
, The report sets forth that Vic
tor Barth appeared before the
committee at the- hearing Satur
day, and says:.
' "We feel the criticism of Mr.
Barth was unwarranted and. re
sulted from misunderstanding on
his part a to the legal rights of
officers In making an arrest. The
police department did all in its
power to. protect the .interests, of
thev public at the statar fair -and
should be" commended for the
matter in which they did protect
the!: pubTtc considering the small
number -of poliCemea which the
elty had to assign to duty.
The report! indicated the only
complaint Barth had was that po
lice refused to arrest without a
' The report concludes: "Under
the, law an officer has no, right to
arrest a citizen r without a war
rant, except whea the- citizen is
taught In commission of a crime,
and we feel that no censure. can
be'given the department in their
teliusal to make a requested ar
rest on bare statements of Mr.
Barth had a warrant drawn for
arrest of a gambling operator at
the fair after, he stated, city po
lice officers refused, to arrest.
The council bearing was result
of; considerable . censure directed
at the police and fair management
fos the way in which gambling
was conducted on the fairgrounds
during the fair. The report makes
oj attempt to place blame for un
sBal activity, in gambling' at 'the
Persons r ? Buying Envelopes
With 2-Cent Stamps are.
Said ill Advised
No change In the present three
cent, letter . rate is probable for
some - period ' of time,, and be
cause of thla persons, ordering
two-cent stamped envelopes . ea
aasmuptlOB that the postage rate
will decrease shortly. are advis
ed not to do so, in a postal
bulletin, received yesterday by
Postmaster John H, Farrar of
the local office.
The bulletin la full is:
"Requisitions are being receiv
ed. In the department for X-cent
stamped envelopes to bear the
return card of local patrons
which are unmallable under the
present rate without the affixing
of extra postage. It probable
that-, some post-office patrons are
oxderlag .z-cent envelopes, tn the
belief .thaU the -old rate will be
restored at an -early date, based
oti newspaper publicity for which
the 4 department la not respon
sihleu .
"No change can be- made in
the present 3-cent letter rate
without the enactment of leglsla
tlon, and' It. is Improbable that
any action will be taken at an
early date. Therefore, post-office
patrons should not place orders
for 2 -cent special request envetr
opes, in anticipation of an early
change In the postage rate. Pur
chasers should be advised of
these fac before orders for 2
cent printed envelopes- are accepted."
12th; L. M. Sweet, route 4, box
S2-A; Walter Jensen, f 5 South - .
list;. Andy-Petersen. 1740 WK -'t
lert Harry Park, H4 Ferry;';.
Robert Taylor.. 941 Mill; Geo. S.
Van Cleave. 1835 North Cottage;
EF. Leverlch,' llt7 North Sum-, ;
mer; Dr. Klaley K. Adams, route .
seven: Marion K. Smith, SSt Mar-
ket; H. Casebeer, 1S4S Franklin;
H. R. Robert. 2075 Fairgrounds ? -
Road; Bert McMaOen. 750 North ,
llth; F. B. Beaalnger, 2430 Lee;
Bernadlne Ledforsj 211 S Che- " "
meketa. . - - - J r '
Two Are Granted
1 Divorces Here by
Judge Lewelling
Two divorce . decrees were
handed down here yesterday by
Judge L. G. Lewelling.
Mlna-Cooper secured a decree
of divorce from L. ' Cooper and
the custody of two minor chil
dren. Joan and Bruce. She Is to
receive $10 a . moath for their
support a well as attorney
fees and costs of the suit. '
-. Eva Williams received a dK
vorce from Clark Williams whom ?
she married la 1912 In Topeka.
Kansas. She alleged he deserted J -
her In April,' 1934. '. ; '
m HERE is one big saving being those to be awarded, by the state
s ... ... . ... I . 1 1 1 1 1 ...
ei reeled at tne cspiioi wnicn 1 nnuwj coiuBiun u riunm
has never been brought to I two weeks from today are of vi-
Yamhill School
Case is Argued
light and since so many depart- t intereat to Marion county, j' The state supreme court. Tues
m ovnin thAmaeiv Af One is the Barlow-Aurora section day heard arguments of attorneys
this nrivilege we feel ft should of the Paeltic highway, 3.4 miles .in? "t brought by Roy E. Will
" ' ... I . lKleSk ab V Maw i.
be given cognizance. That is the or regraamg ana repavmg. run- v ui cuu, u
governor's private long distance nlng Into Clsckamas county. An- solving the preparation of bud
nhone connecting his office hete other caDs for a bridge over the 'r high school, districts, the
souia ors: or silver creea near i " ic3, oou m ies-
Silver Creek falls, a secondary Hf of the organization of the Am-
highway, and a third the- reroof-t bigh school district and the
to his store in Portland.
The line is a fall time leased
arrangement and Is being paid
for by Governor Meier person
ally. People wishing to call
anyone In Portland from here
do so over this phone. Taking
down the receiver connects
them Immediately to the store
and from there to outside num
bers or to the governor. And
this without any cost to the us
ers around the state buildings.
And the governor is generous
with the use of his phone.
lag of the highway shops in- Sa
In all the commissi 9a ex
pects to award S7 protects to
cost an estimated f l.OOO.OOO.
TbJs work includes 117 miles
of road Improvement, construc
tion of 34 trestles and bridges
and two buildings, all in 19
different roanties.
pikposed .Dayton high school dis
trict in Yamhill county. The dis
trict boundary board of Yamhill
county and several school districts
there were named as defendants
in the suit.
Budget Group to
Convene Monday
The citizens' budget committee
Obi tuary
noon at the usual place, banquet! Starting Friday night at 7:30
rooms on the fifth floor of the o'clock, a series of undenomina
Masonic temple. tional evangelistic meetings will
- . , t. ... b hel at the Chambers build
Trial Today For alleged theft .. ais Knrth Hih street, with
of window shades and curtains, Lester F. Sage, sponsored by the
Emery D. Hutt will be on trial in KWJJ family altar hour, In
Justice court this afternoon at 2 I charge.
o'clock. He is accused of larceny I Th'famliv itr hour la broad.
by bailee. j from Portland every morn-
T . . . . , .1 Ing at 7 o'clock, with Rev. Wll-
Fire Engine Out The fire de- r fv k.
partment was summoned to 440 -t- .k,..m.
J-'t1 BhMrtly, 0TZ ,n0n Rev. Pope and his radio creW
Jf8 ! eitinsuiKah chimney be prev8ent Frlday nlgat and
a a . J following the opening ceremony
b ponded. 1 ... t.p.i.irt A t,a
Bargain Counter." There will be
no Sunday morning . service, but
meetings at 2:30 and 7:30
o'clock that day; also at 7:30
o'clock Saturday.
Musical talent from the rarious
White I local churches will be procured.
At the residence on route 1. 1 The meetings will last a month.
Jefferson. Tuesday, October 13, according to ptans now.
Ellamay White, aged 2 years.
Survival! h fcnahanri TSJ C Whit a
of Jefferson; daughters, Betty H irfimen S CdSt?
aad Barbara at home: father. X " -CXw
Marion- Davis of Lake county,! 7c Pfrifl0rP1 fit
Cal.: brothers. Ceorra and Emer- 1 VilUCiCU UJ
aid Davis of Kelseyvllle, Cal.;
grandmother, Mrs. N. M. Young
nf Santa. Itnai V.m. Fiinanl hit.
9 " I . n v .
ice from th ehanel nf th Juage . u. eweiig yen
Clough-Barrick company, Thurs- leT took under advisement the
day, October 20, at 3:15 p. m. 5M? 01 w auu omer
with intprmnt in th 1j MUainn t Hulsey who appealed to him on a
remeterr writ 01 review againsx tne recent
reiusai 01 tne avu serrice com-
m 1 a 1
fSritton I mission nere to reinsiaie tnem in
Mr Alio a r.riitan AtaA t ho the Salem fire department.
residence. 2045 Manle avenno The, two men claimed the civil
Tuesday, Oct. 18, at the age of 46 I erv1ce commission had acted 11-
years. Survived by widower, Wil- leBauy m reiusmg to near iueir
Ham A. Gritton of Salem; one Protects when Fireman Olson was
daughter, Agnes Gritton; son, reinstated and they were released
wmarri firitfnn- thrA aitr from the fire department payroll.
Mrs. Velda Bushnell of Redmond, They hol they had priority to Ol
Mrs. Mellie Lehman of Portland aon n.d we" ood tndlng
Thirty girls, most of them who
worked in the secretary of state's will meet at the city council eham-
State officials and employes office during automobile license bers Monday alght, October 2 4. at
im In Una Tnr a rraarer s r "cio kitcu cuiuhjj uicui Kk, l - - v vr.. 11. was aUKa
reduction if the legislature acts fth capltol for a few days this following the council meeting
favorably udoh what Governor wees. iaey are copying me onuay nignu
Meier will recommend. A five to names of about 100.000 regis
25 per cent cut is being worked tered voters for an outside firm,
out including everybody on the The firm did the employing, and
state navroll. The governor who I conducting the work in the
is to urge it and Hanzen who isleap'tol basement
working out the schedule, both
will take the maximum reductions.
An an usually large list of new
comers to Salem are noted in the
group Just compiled by the cham
ben of commerce-. The list In
cludes: Jeff Williams. 1195 Shipping
street; Feed Wasmer, 4(0 Divi
sion; Lynn G. Richardson, CS
Gerth; Wm. H. Batman. 104S
Oak; L. M. Birch, route 9. box 22J
C. D. Byrne, route 2, Kmgwood
Heights; Louise B. McClendoff,
250 Strand; Stewart Johnson,
149 S North Liberty; Don H.
Smith, 1SJ0 State; Chas. F. Bit
ter, 1320 State; Maude Courney,
435 Jefferson: Maude G. Ekman.
359 North Liberty; Mrs. Frank
Hanenkratt, 2170 South Winter.
R. J. Davey, 1140 South Com
mercial; Flossie Andrews, 94S
South 22nd; Rev. Glen Rinard.
2345 Maple; Earl Stewart, 340
Wyatt Court; Rose B. Terry, 1065
Garuett; Mrs. Hy C. Peterson,
200 5-North Fifth; Mrs. Lula Mc
Carthy, 78 C South Winter; J. E.
; Fisher. 1149 Hall; H. G. Lincoln.
1792 North Church; G. M. Slentt.
2235 North Liberty; Amos Ross
Smith, 2086 Turner Road; H. W.
Libby, 955 Tamarack.
Fred D. Moxley. 910 Market;
Thomas Crowley. 700 North High;
J. F. Godfrey, 1441 North Com
mercial; J. F. Beulter, 1805 South
Pf! y ill .-.1
1-SI f '' - !
Hara ma ring te&sf.faom that
aaisetable dogged-op fssltng of
head colds sod nasal catarrh. The
new Vicks Drops open air
peaaagas rdac swoUaa
branes and soothe
irritation. Used in
tima, a few drops
P' each nostril
will prayant many
colds altogether.
Introduces New
Colds-Control Plan
Yon have Vicks VapeBub, of
eouraa the family standby for
trHog colds. Now gat Vkks
Nose Drops the new aid pr
yrmting colds and fellow Vkks
Plan for better Control of Colds.
It is folly axpUinad in each
Vicks package. Colds will be fa ar
and lass severe tbir costs cut
more than haJTl
Judge Lewelling
and Mrs. John Boeck of Bend;
two brothers, Orville Morris of
Bend and Oscar Morris of Red
mond; and her mother. Mrs. Rob
ert Morris, also of Redmond. Fu
neral announcements later by the
Clough-Barrick company.
otherwise in the department.
v Coming Events
October 21 Willamette
vs. Albany, night football
game. .
October 21-22 Ore go a
American association of
University Women,
f October 24 Salem cham
ber of commerce host . to .
legion drum corps
October ' 28 - Republican
rally for eonnty; Senator
Steiwer speaks here.
October 28 Salem high
vs. Astoria r high, t night
football game. ' ' -i
Xovembcr 1 - Dr. Dan
Poling addresses prohibition
rally at Salem armory.
November 8 Genera,
Ralph Quine is
Made Sergeant
Ralph Quine, member of the
White state police, nas been promoted
In this city. Monday. Oct. 17. to the rank of sergeant, and will
Alfred Georea White, aeed 76 I be in charge of the Roseburg dls-
years. Survived by widow, Mrs. trict, it was announced Tuesday
Olive White of Salem; daughter. y v;naries tr. r-ray, Bupenaieuu-
Miss Emma White of Grass val- ens oi lue eio yuuee uevwimcuu
ley. Cal.: sons. Evan James of Sa- I T. J. Sheridan, until recently in
lem. Raymond v.. of Ran Jose, the state patrol service at MeAr
Cal., I. W. of Houlton, Ore.; sis- ford, has been transferred Ao
tT Xfra Kellla VnrA nt TlVr I KOSeOUTg. . . ' -
hrn thorn Walter. Thnmaa and
Fred, of Portland. Funeral serv- Found Not Cnflty K. Hart,
in h hM at thA rionh. I accused of operating a car with
R.rrioV jwtmtian Torn, rr at I I PTOPer license plates. Was found
r.hureh Thnrsdav. Oct. 20. at 2 n. t guilty when tried in Justice
m., the Rev. S. Darlow Johnson r.u.,
officiating, and music by the
Clough-Barrick quartet.
A new system will be used
in presenting the bndget this
year, Henry Hansen says. He
will have the complete simpli
fied budget out on December 1
or December- 13 at the latest.
giving legislators- a month to
study It before the session"
Miss Aileen Phillips, secre
tary to Hal E. Hoss, figured
out that should. all the more
than 400,000 names be copied.
It would require the steady em
ployment of one girl for more
than a year. How fast then can
80 girls do lOO.OOO names.
They are scheduled to complete
the Job Friday night. Figure
it oat yourself.
We haven't heard of many
Following this up and for the I hunters having any extra luck In
first time in Oregon history, he I hunting birds the past few days.
will prepare measures for every I In fact the reverse has been the i
department's appropriations and I story. But perhaps the remarks
In blank form turn It over to I are maue lor tne benefit of their
the ways and means committee I friends who expect gifts of fine
to save time and work on the bird dinners.
part of that body. This should
bring out the appropriation bills C0 17-;- "Drtrl
In the middle of the session In- Oiait? r ail DOUU.
stead of at the end. T-, L
Met This Week
Interest on 343,000 in out
standing state fair bonds Is to be
met this week, it was announced
here yesterday following the
meeting of the state board of ag
riculture In Portland Monday.
The Interest was due October 1,
but was not paid. Principal on
due bonds will not be available at '
th nr9Anr tima
Today, the 19th of October, . erth.r An, it. t.
is an important date, at least so tntlag cosU of tne falr will ta.
m ibb mum 01 oui w- elude an additional salary redee
mer secretary of state. Not only for Mrt E1U wnson, fB
is it the anniversary of the sur- eB of exWWtSi )t ,earB
1. it- luvi.. ,r- ir.. I cu ycieruy.
By round-about methods we were
able to learn it Is -his 61st anni
A conference of the state
board of control which Is ex
pected to tarn Into a meeting
of the board, has been called
for the governor's office In
Portland today. The meeting;
will start about 10:80. Flax,
bndget estimates and other
matters will occupy the time Of
the board members for what Is
considered will be s long session.
October seems to be a
lucky month tor particular of
fice of secretary of state. The
last two secretaries and the
present one all were born that
month. In addition to Sam Ko
xer's birthday, that of a former
secretary of state and former
governor. Ben Olcott occurred
October 15, and Hal E. Hoss's
October 7. Olcott was born CO
years ao and Ross 40.
V Threa 'projects listed among
We are paying
() C pound for
W. J. Lee & Son
840 Ferry Street
. Arrested John Reraeik,
charged vrith drunkenness, was
sentenced to tire days in Jail yes
terday when he appeared before
Police Judge Poulsen. .
Reeves rO Mr. and Mrs. Hal I Kins in Charge L. L. King, of
Reeves of Tacoma, Wash a seven J Oregon City, will be manager of
pound son. born yesterday at the I the Crazy Crystal store now being
Bungalow Maternity home. . ' opened at J18 Couth High str.eetj
Does Your
Roof Leak?
Let us help you with your
Roofing Problems
High Grade Cedar and Min-
eral Surfaced Shingles
Hansen & Liljeq-tst, Inc.
. Dealers tn Lumber and
Building Materials - ,
Chnrctt and Mill r TeL 9181
Card Tables and
. Chairs to Rent;-1
Is'l USJM, tard Kurailure
leparteat v
151 North Hls
" Wow no I?ii?ogr?ecs
11 Piece Beirom ifip ;f
Especially Priced at II
1 E
i 1
a . If
t - m . -(
Bed, Chest, Vanity. CoQ Spring,
Inner Spring Mattress, 2 Pillows,
1 Spread, 2 Rugs, 1 Bed Lamp
Here is a most unusual opportunity to pu rchase the complete furnishings for a -
modern bedroom, at the extremely low price of Jl75. Tnis group consists i
an Enamel Bedroom Suite of bed, chest and ranity with Venetian style mirror.
One coil spring and inner spring mattress covered with floral art ticking. Two
villows weihin 3 pounds each, bine and white stripe ticking. One Rayon Jao
I jt quard Bedspread, two 27x54 Cheni-t 'Bugs and one Rayo eorered Bed Lamp.
The Bedroom Suite is Similar to Illustration, but Vanity Has
a Venetian Style Mirror . -
Salem, Ore.
Phone 8774
?- -