Th OIIEGON STATESSIAN, Salesa. Oregon, Tnesday Morniag, October Iff, 1932 page ejgiit Chet and Sailor F-ran Bill Wiles (UirraBBll Preliminary Between Pair Of Rough Boys Also to Draw big Interest The thump of Urge bodies on upholstered planks will be beard again at the armory tonight when Chet Wiles, fast-moving Portland policeman - wrestler, mixes with Sailor Franz, 175-pound champion of the nary. Fans here hare always had a yen for the big boys because the big towns feature them, but sel dom hare they found a pair of heavyweights who could put up the battles which middleweights and welters have accustomed them to expect. But in the 175 - pound class there Is a happy medium combin ing the "best features of each," and knowing Wiles' ability, the fans are hoping to see something tonight. They know nothing about Frans except that he put on a great show in Portland last week and had a good many fans there pulling for him. - A certain large number of fans who value fireworks above science see In tonight's preliminary more of promise than in the main event. This opening event will bring to gether two masters of the off color In mat tactics, Art O'Reilly of Eugene, who always seems to be on the point of committing mayhem, and Tony Cordona, the ' cannibal, who spent his time last Tuesday night alternating be tween private debates with spec tators and biting his opponent. who happened to be Jack Bren tano on that occasion. The lid Is off for this match. and those who hope to see blood shed will have their eyes open at all times. TTE IS TO GATHER Fill Fourth Annual Session Will Be Held Here; Various Topics on Program IS HERE S I The Green and the Crimson Dy HARDIN BURNLEY STATERS F AGE COUGARS NEXT r -By HARVARD JEAM WILL, MISS HIM' r kSSSe r tf n to is .-'HA'RyARP coach HIS ST&OHG cteTtvfeoXj MACHlAiE "CLASHES' WITH TH E ISEEtf OF UJEEK-EODV - "A CiaiQKAreD- : BYM AM IC BALL CARRIER. WHO WILL iu, iwt.ur; FOR. THEILOSSTOF WOOD AMD AAVSf. . mr ir . "w-" - ' u- vT w iy. wg rcwiin ayngcwc. inc.. vreat oomn ngtxs tCTgrve- Washington State Eleven to Invade Corvallis for Annual Contest OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 17 Oregon BUte college football team will meet Washington SUte here Saturday afternoon in the first Orange con ference game to be played at home this season. Oregon State freshmen win meet the Oregon freshmen here Friday night In the ! first game of their annual two- game series. After two weeks rest the Or ange varsity is expected to be at full strength for the strong Wash ington State team. Following a poor opening season start the Or angemen played Southern Cali fornia to a stand-still in their sec ond conference game only to lose 10 to 0. Many changes have been made In the Orange lineup during I the past two weeks in an attempt to perfect the strongest combina tion for the Cougar contest. Oregon State has not defeated Washington State since II 27 when the game was last played here. An Orange team has only defeated a "Babe Holllngbery pro duct" once, in 1927, although past contests have always been close. The score of the game in 1927 was IS to 6; Washington State won in 1928. 9 to 7 at Pullman; in 1929. 9 to 0 at Portland; in 1930, 14 to 7 at Portland; and in 1931 7 to at Portland.- Both teams were faced with the same opening practice problem this fall when first ' string men were missing from tackle to tack le in the line. Much shifting was done in the rival camps to fill these holes to advantage and the new linemen have come through i fairly well. The two teams ap pear to be about on a par as both backflelds are strong while - the lines need bolstering. The annual rook-frosh encount er promises to carry as much ri valry and interest as ever this year. Neither team looks to be particularly strong to date. As a comparison the rooks defeated Chemawa 17 to 0 two weeks ago and the froth stopped the Indians IS to 8 last weekend. IN GIANT-CARDINAL TRADE , y fj " -- I ; r. a ; - h ' - : j : 1 1 1 V - - I! U A :' f '" r . ; j , . A - :V .,. f - . ' t . - : v ? ' : - . - -;; t ' J , feNJi- vft ' SALl HIGH TO KMDEALBAdY Red and f Black Is Stronger Than Bend but Score is AH That Counts The fourth annual conference of high school principals will be held in Salem in the house of rep resentatives, October 21 and 23, yesterday announced C. A. How ard, state superintendent of public instruction. Howard will act as toastmaster at the conference dinner at the Episcopal church at 6:30 p. m. Friday. School boards of all state high school have been requested to make arrangements foe their prin cipals to attend this session, which will be featured by reports of committees on high school prob lems. Reports will deal with phys ical education, high school lib raries, credits outside of school and secondary Interschplastic re lations. Legal aspects of the union high school law will be explained by I. H. Van Winkle, attorney general. The session will open at 9 o'clock. Friday morning, October 21, with an assembly meeting. Ad dresses will be delivered by Gov ernor Julius L. Meier, State Sup erintendent C. A. Howard. John C. Johnson, president of the as sociation, R. E. McCormack, of Pendleton, and H. R. Johnson, of Bend. At the noon business session James M. Burgess, of Salem, will speak on a state organization of honor societies, Ethel Hickey, of Mill City, will tender the report of the committee on administra tion of high school libraries and . O. D. Adams, of Salem, will speak on Smith-Hughes work and the hour period. At the 9 o'clock Saturday morn ing session, greetings will be giv en by Secretary of State Hal E. lloss; Attorney - General Van Winkle will speak, H. J. Hend rlckson, of Merrill, will give ttfe report of the committee on credits earned outside of school and Ward Hammersley, of Tillamook, will give a committee report .on lnterscholastic relations. President of the association Is John C. Johnson, of La Pine: vice-president, J. W. Branetator, of Astoria; secretary - treasurer, R. W. Tavenner, assistant .prin cipal of Salem high school.. Other members of the- executive com mittee are A. F. BUUer, of Port land, and R Putnam, of Albany. H ARVARD'S crimson and Dartmouth's green will mincle this week-end in a football spectacle in which plenty of color will be provided for the many supporters of the respective New England institutions. Harvard is looked to as one of the Dig teams of the East this year, and her record of 1931, in which only one Fame was lostto Yale makes the Crimson an outstanding color in' the collegiate paintbox. Ed Casey, the Harvard coach, has a lot to live up to and the absence of Barry Wood, the boy who earned a permanent niche for himself in the honor hall at Cambridge, and several other stellar performers doesnt help the situation. For his backfkld, Casey relies om the second-string men of last year, and they will be a mighty help to make a good combination. Perhaps the brightest spot in the Harvard outlook is Jack Criekard, who returned to college and his foot ball uniform, and is oat to back up the estimates of experts who term him a great ball carrier. He has his work eut oat for him in making op for the loss of Wood and Mays, bat he has shown that he has the staff that the Harvard team needs. Dartmouth, too, suffers from the loss of several of its mainsprings of last season. Bill Morton and Bill MeCalL both brilliant backs. are missing from the lineup. Bat the versatility of Morton, accord ing to the Dartmouth rooters, will be made up for in the playing ef Captain Hoffman, Holsart, Bald win and Glazer. Coach Cannell has had his hands full filling in the gaps caused by graduations, and he believes that many of his charges have the quali fications to step into those fleet shoes that were left to be filled. There is Sammy Fishman, for examnle. on whom Cannell will de pend to ran the team la Morton's place, and do a deal of ball carrying as well. These boys will have their chance plenty of it when they LIBERTY PARTY IS IE OF ADDRESS At First Fall Community Meeting Club in of Evans Valley Area This la the season for trade winds in the baseball world and above are a few players that have already been wafted hither and yon by the gentle sephyr. They are the men involved in the big deal between the New York Giants and the St. Louis Cardinals, four New York Giants having been traded in exchange for two Red Birds. The Giants are Bill Walker (top left), Jim Moonev (top right), both southpaw pitchers. Bob O'Farrell (lower left), catcher, and Ethan Allen (lower right), outfielder. In center is Gus Maneuso. catcher of the Cards, who, with pitcher Ray Starr, makes the St. Louis end of the swap. There was ne cash involved. Bearcats Being Talked as Championship Timber but Five Hard Games in Sight Successful in their first confer ence flight, the Willamette Bear cats returned to Salem Sunday to faee the not too cheering situs-j tion that they are once more be ing talked as championship tim- 'ber and that all they have to do tt make rood is win from five 'more teams, three of whieh have previously been considered strong er than Willamette and the other two probably as strong. This week, Friday night on Sweetland field, they tackle the supposed-to-be weakest enemy, Albany eollege. Yet what has Al bany done to be classed as weak? The Pirates held Whitman to two meet the Crimson I tetrtiM. 111. 3M Tmbam SwiW. to FELLOWS! PARTY DRAWS 1 WEST SALEM, Oct. 17, The Fellowship party for the youns folks of the West Salem neighbor hood was held in the church base ment Friday night. A brief inter esting program of talks, one a travelogue, "Around the World." by Miss Helen Louise, one by Rev. C. L. Dark, and another on prohi bition, by Mrs. Ethel Talking"ton, was presented and it was decided not to reorganize the two league groups until Sunday, October 23, Following the devotionals, sing ing and addresses, a social period of games, varied and clever, ar ranged by Miss Roberta Peterson and Mrs. Roy Finster, were play ed. At the close of the erenlnS GROWN UP doughnuts and coffee were served to all. Those attending were Rev. and Mrs. Dark, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flu ster, Mrs. Ethel Talklngton, the Misses Helen Louise Byrnes, Los Angeles, Trula Grant, Helen Gos- ser, Ruth Englehorn, Roberta Pet erson, Josephine Tandy. Velma Kelso, Bertha Stevens, Edna Rlffy, Ca therlne Applewhite, Susie Crow. Ruth Maers, Edna Hart, Rnth Kuhn, Muriel Rast er, Opal Brown Doris Tuurman and Carol Snyder, Francis Wise, Dale Watson, William and Leroy Wells, Lester and Carroll Capps, Bob Mathers, Raymond Griffin, Eugene Krebs, Homer Kuhn Raymond Creasy, Winston Oos- ser and Bob Langhoff. PETITIONS NSUFFH Portland to be Control Board r Meeting Place The, next meeting of the state board of control probably will be held in Governor Meier's office la P.ortland, Wednesday. This was indicated Monday when the gov ernor telephoned that he would be enable to return to Salem be fore late In the week because of an operation to be performed on his son. William Einslg, secretary of the board, said a number ef Important . matters were scheduled . for consideration. Caineia Knocks Over One More Z'tf&Sti I, ! J - V ' r s - ' v. x, . . v - y-v ' 1 - V - i " ' - 5 f S - L - c-' i ; ( jJ Car Found Here Believed Stolen By Holdup Pair A stolen automobile which po lice said was the one used by the two men who late Saturday held up and robbed George Sehlos ser, Portland service station op erator, was recovered in Salem Monday. Police said the ear apparently was abandoned, here late Satur day-might or 'early Sunday. It was trieed through a bulletin received i from the Portland police depart ment. - The robbers took 111 from Schlosser and later tied him in the rear of his store. Petitions demanding a special recall election involving Lotus L. Langely, district attorney of Mult nomah eounty, were rejected Mon day by Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state, following receipt of an opin ion by L H. VanWinkle, attorney general, in which he held that the number of signatures was not sufficient. The petitions were sponsored by the so-called "citizens committee of fifty" In Multnomah county, and contained signatures of 17,' 8S6 qualified voters. Attorney General VanWinkle held in his opinion that 20,683 signatures, or an equivalent of 28 per cent of the highest number of votes east for a supreme court position in Multnomah eounty at the last elVtlon, were required before the secretary of state would have au thority to order the recall elec tion. Sponsors of. the- petitions had contended that signatures equi valent to 25 per cent of the high est vote cast for any individual candidate for the of fie ef Justice of the supreme oourt la Multne ah coukty at the last election. were sufficient,' . . EVANS VALLEY. Oct. 17. Evans Valley Community club op ened its .autumn work Friday night with an enthusiastic group present. The principal speaker, Mrs. C. V. Murray, of the Silver ton Hills district, was a drawing card and she ably presented the platform of the Liberty paty, which so many members of the Silverton district have been work ing for this autumn. Other numbers on the Friday night progam were: Reading, Ber nlce Langsev; song, school girls; reading, Mrs. Oscar Loe; vocal trio, Helen Brenden, Bernlce Langsev and Lorene Funrue; pi ano solo, Edna Johnson. Oscar Johnson, president, and Lorene Funrue, secretary, had charge of the business meeting. The teasurer's report showed that 881.80 was netted at the luncheon served at the recent 8olle auction sale. The club voted to make a 850 payment on the stage built at the school. The president appointed two committees Friday night, These were the refreshment committee, composed of Mrs. Conrad John son, Mrs. Albert Dunlfer and Mrs. Myron: and the good cheer com mittee, composed of Mrs. - Oscar Lee, Mrs. B. Storlle and Mrs. And red Pederson. Arranging the program for Fri day night were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson. 1 'rcojiKir 8TTTCHERS TO MEET , NORTH SANTIAM The North Sahtlam - Woman's . sewing - club will hold Its first meeting of the fall Thursday, October' 20, at the home ; of tho president, Mrs. George B. Howard. It will also bo guest day. NEW MANAGER FOR SENATORS LOUISVILLE, Ky.. OctS7 (AP) Primo Camera, hefty Ital ian heavyweight, knocked out Jack Taylor, former Marine of New York, in the second round of a scheduled ten round bout here tonight. Camera weighed SM. Taylor 220. la OUT lips when introduced to Aiken Ris viA. whom m rememoer as a rreaz little girl who won the fancr divine championship of the 1920 Olympic games, one is now mru, uh & viui. ef New York and California, and is shown at White Sulphur Springs, W. V where she is vacationing. Aileea has been married for two .... . . months. Repair Damage To New Fill on Hubbard Route A crew of men were busy Monday north of Weodburn re pairing damage done to a newly made nil on the woodburn-Hub-1 bard road. Roadmaster Johnson was in charge. Saturday night "he I ordered the road closed - when heavy rains washed out the filL Two other new fills on tho road were badly damaged and : must be repaired. - Johnson sent Robert, Cole and crew or men to repair a new till on the road between Waeonda and the Oregon Electric track. A I new concrete box culvert had! been , installed' this" summer. Johnson says other new construc tion throughout the eounty will need some Tepalr. 4 3 - ' " X :"c::-:; BROWN IN HOSPITAL ZENA, Oct. 17 Charlee V. Brown is convalescing at the Dea coness hospital from an emer gency appendix operation per formed October 8. : Joe Cronln (left), shortstop of the Washington Senators, shown as he put his signature to the contract that mad him manager ef the capita) ' ball club to succeed Walter Johnson, world-famous veteran of tho game and one of the last of the "Old Guard ef f-ttT; Wlt& Cronln above -is Clark GrlStk. owner of too Senators. , Most of tho scribee, and most of the witnesses of last Satur day's Oregon-TJcla game . with whom wo have talked, have agreed that It was a "boner" which rave the Bruins their op portanfty for that mircl play. And what do you think? Some -people are already out for Prink CaDJson's scalp, Just for one bobble which, we believe correctly, they lay at Prlnk's door because he apparently sent Elmer Brown In there with in struction to throw a paes on third down. Now doesn't that knock you for a loop? Here Prink has built up, in his first season, a stronger team than the great Doc Spears had last year. Usually the wolves allow a coach to get his "system" going. And then a play that never happened before comes along and licks him and somebody gets out the hatchet. Anyway, don't get us wrong. Wo said it was a boner; that's our story and well stick to It. It wasnt tho pass that was a boner; it was relinquishing the hall needlessly. Handing over the ball on tho enemy's seven- yard Une with lees than half a mutate to play Is a boner be cause there's nothing to gain and everything to lose; but we tniagfno o. thousand eonclM would have done the same If they'd had Prtnka bright Idea. Do you know how many foot- ball games Prink, as a eoach, has lost la the last 10 years? That makes the fourth. And supposing. Just for argument, Prink was a trifle over-confident Just at tho moment, what of It? He has to learn, just like everybody else. It's tho form of insanity ex emplified by those persons who ' are Just now decrying' Mr. Culli- aoa, that creates most of the evils of big college football. It lost tho email boner that burns thorn apt it's the fact that Ore gon lost a Extreme unwillingness to let sport and to take one on the chin occasionally, causes proselyting, underhanded subsid ising, - the conversion - of public funds , to athletic coffers, and What's worse, it causes eoach ts to condone, perhaps . to encourage. possibly even to teach, dirty play ing And . the deliberate maiming of opponents in order to win. j f " A little more of this and well be : preaching a sermon agln football. There's not much of that last thing we mentioned, and we're still for football, but wo like a little nattj along with It. touchdowns and then, reputedly playing far below form, held St. Martins to a similar score. St. Martins, said to be a Univer sity of Washington "football farm, a year ago beat the Albany eleven 51 to 0. That same Albany team defeated College of Idaho and held Willamette to a 25 to 13 score. This year under a new coach, Lappenbuseh, Albany has a lot of new blood and most of last year's men, being, for the first time, well equipped with reserves. Albany Is near enough to Sa lem that its athletes have always felt that universal resentment against the fellow Just a little bigger, and they always fight hardest against any Salem team. Albany eollege carries on that eternal warfare against Willam ette. For the past several seasons Albany, always expected to be a push-over, has forced the Bear- xats to the limit to win. Possessed of an outstandingly strong defensive team. Albany this year may stop tho Bearcats. To date, the Pirates have not shown much on offense, but with in the last week Buchanan, last year's offensive star, has return ed to the fold, and by this Friday he may be clicking with the rest of the boys Back home after a wierd beat ing at the hands ef Bend's Lava Bears, the Salem high school ball, squad Monday afternoon took up tho task of preparing for Albany high, which -will be played at Albany Friday afternoon. Partly through dissatisfaction with his team's showing at Bend and partly because of Injuries which probably will mend before the week is over. Coach Hollls Huntington tried out a new back field combination Monday.. He placed Welsser at quarter, Mar tin at Full, ' WIntermute and Knight at the halfback poets. This combination gives him more weight but less experience in the backfleld. Serrill also will be given a chance to show this wek what ho can do. Hauser, halfback, was not on hand Monday nlrht as he w&s giving an injured knee a rest. Penino,- quarter, waa not out for practice and it was reported he bad injured his back, which was strained previously last baseball season. Albany Is reported to have a fairly strong team this year, but whether that is true or not, it will be a tough opponent for Sa lem, since their traditional riv alry always brings two hard fighting elevens together. The red and black appeared outstandingly stronger than the Lava Bears who, lacking' their chief ball carrier -Pop" Haines, made only two first downs in cluding the one for a touchdown. Salem made 20 first downs but went nowhere when the goal lice was in sight, except for the one time when a pass, Perrine to Engle, scored. Bend, however, had a kicker who -kept putting them out of bounds In "coffin comer." where as about five Salem punts were blocked. Including the one that rolled back over the goal line and was grounded by a Bend player for tho winning touchdown. LOUGH BEATEN BY YOR OIDA PHILADELPHIA, Oct 17 (AP) Stanley Poreda, slugging newcomer to the ranks of the hea vy weights, ' gave Tommy -Longh-ran's comeback hopes a severe setback tonight by pounding his way to a 10-round decision ever the former light-heavyweight of the world. Poreda, from New Jersey, ne?er allowing Loughran to get set, ex cept for a slow first round and a slugging sixth session, kept his 201 pounds rushing toward his opponent. Loughran, outweighed by 14' pounds, put up a beautiful defen sive battle, but could not cope with tarn imnhlnr lft 1ah a-irt Figuring that if he fts beat round-house right hands which Albany it's no use trying to beat Paget Sound, Llnfield, Pacific and Whitman, Coach "Spec" Keene of Willamette would perhaps like to use his "reserves" against Albany, and save the first string men for the College of Puget Sound game that is bound to he tough unless It's a walkaway for the Tacoma squad. But ho hasn't any reserves, and will have to use evervbodv who is -able bodied against the Pirates. Walt Erickson injured his ankle again at Caldwell, and will not play Friday night: he probably win not play against Puget Sound. His absence will make the job of scoring on Albany all the tough er, otnerwise the Bearcat squad came out of the College of Idaho game in fairly good shape. mat, coach Keene asserts, was ue case of a Willamette team which knew it was "up against It" and fought brilliantly especially ib me secona nair. opposed to a strong but over-confident Coyote squad. Reverse the mental atti tudes here Friday night and Al bany will probably do the same mug, Keene fears. Poreda poured at him from tl- second to the sixth rounds ai .1 again in the seventh, eighth and ninth cantos. Loughran's right ankle wei;c bad early la the third round scJ his seconds wound tape over the shoe between every round aftrr that. . The former champion fa vored the injured member to sorre extent after that, but the handi cap did not appear to affect h defensive ability greatly. The fireworks for Lourhrtu started late in the second rouc-1 when with a barrage of batteries lefts, the Jersey boy opened &a old cut on Tommy's nose. The referee ing of JackIemr- sey, former world's heavyweUit champion was popular with tte estimated 9,000 fans assembled for the card. I O- NEW HOPE fe -'llj: r if sT tnumm Grade Gridsiers Alternate Score - And End 30 -30 WEST SALEM The football game held on the public school gridiron at the rear ef tho school house Friday afternoon between the . ball teams of tho Liberty school and tho West Salem school, waa closely contested, with the teams going neck and neck almost alternating touchdowns until the close of the game, whieh hesulted In the score of 30 to SO. The llre- up was: Liberty - West KaJrni Cogswell le Johns Chambers., It...... Phillips Coleman....... lg Jones Murhammer.T. . e Gosser Hershfelt......fb... Bacr Dasch... ...... qb ....... Mseri Dorm an. hb.L... Thorns Flank. .......rcJ...- Watson Gunnell rt '. . Gray Williams.. re...... Hobbl - s?unSS3KS3tS Considered Europe's fcremost con-: tender tor the heavyweight cham pionship of the world. Jack Doyle, insu ngnier, is saown as he pro- nund far m. turn writh . Tlf scheduled for October 17 at Ci-ratal Palace. London. Doyle has attracted attention, even at this side of the' Auanoe, tj his imposing record ef - uiocxoota. Semi - Finals in Tourney Faced The decks were cleared Hi. - day for the semi-finale in tW : President's cup tournament at the Salem Golf dnb when Frank t Lynch defeated Ralph - KTetzine 4 and 2. : Fred Rltner default J i to Walter rClino and CHne w!l meet Lynch In - one - semi-final match. Bob Tartar and Dr. a. ID. Woodmansee,wlll meet in the other. .Taylor defeated Fred Ar- unsen 4 and S and Woodmansre won .from Dave Eyre J up lr i matches over the weekend.