The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 18, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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The OnEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning; October 18. 1932
ill " . - . g-
Society News and Club Affairs
iOLIVZ M. Doxx, Society Editor
New Patronesses
Will be Honor
Tea Guests
A mart' affair in university
circles will be an event of Thurs
day at the Delta Phi sorority
homo on Court street at which
time a -formal tea Is being siren
honoring the new patronesses for
this year. V
Honor guests will be Mrs. Ho
mer Smith, Sr., Mrs. W. T.
Jenks, and Mrs, Hal Patton. Miss
Midge Hewitt is in general
charge of plans for the tea.
A pretty event at the Delta Phi
bonse Monday night ' was the din
ner given In compliment to mem
bers of Sigma Tan fraternity
house In the "exchange" dinner
idea carried out by the two
houses. '
The dinner table made an at
tractive appearance nnder the
glow of tapers and centered with
a festive arrangement of fall
Covers were placed for special
gnests, Mrs. Lillian Hageman.
Miss Phyllis Denlson, Sam Bowe.
Frank Haley, Py Hillway. Reo
Yonng, Forrest Mills, Ralph
Stearns, Iowell Eddy, Phil Arm
strong, Herbert Hardy, Tho Hat
ten, and for sorority members,
Miss Janet Weil, Miss Ruth Cha
ncy, Miss Frances Laws, Miss
Faith Sherburne, Miss Brenda
Savage, Miss Lois Wilkes, Miss
Margaret Notson, Mies Dorothy
Minnlch, Miss Elizabeth Clement,
and Miss Ruth Clement.
At the Sigma Tau house the
decorative motif for the dinner
table carried out an oriental idea
and oriental music played softly
during the dinner hour emphasiz
ed the idea.
Covers were placed for special
guests Dr. and Mrs. George Al
den, Cynthia Delano, Aletba Kel
ly, Pauline Livesay, Alvis Love,
Naomi Hewitt, Beulah Cramer,
Frances Stewart, Ruth 'Chapman,
Elaine Chaney, Gwendolyn Hunt
and Marie Leadbetter. And for
the hosts, Don Egr, Earle Pot
ter, David Moser, Robert Magin,
Ralph Foster, Arthur Smith, Ray
mond Griffith, Olvln Bowe, Mel
vin Zahrly, Malcom Barber and
Bliss Leslie.
Church Reception
Large Affair
The reception planned at the
First Methodist , church tonight
for Rev. and Mrs. B. E. Earle
Parker, and family, and for Miss
Margaret Stevenson, Prof, T. S.
Roberts, Prof. Cameron Marshall
and the church choir, promises to
be one of the very large and Im
portant social functions of the
church year.
Guests will begin to -arrive at
8 o' clock and will call during
the evening to greet the honor
The reception committee in
cludes Mrs. F. A. Legge, Mrs. M.
C. Findley, Mrs. B. L. Steeves and
Mrs. Tomas Holman. Mrs. Her
bert Ostlind has had charge of
the decorations and the refresh
ment committee Is Miss Elsie Mill
er, Mrs. B. E. SIsson and Mrs.
A. A. Schramm.
The address of welcome will be
extended by John H. Carkin and
the response will be given by Rev.
Parker. Miss Hortense Taylor will
play violin selections, Miss Jose
phin Albert will sing, and Mrs.
Leon Brown will give a group of
Assisting about the rooms will
be Mrs. Raymond Walts, Mrs. W.
M. Pennington. Mrs. D. H. Mosh
er, Mrs. E. C. Miller, and Mrs.
John H. Carkin.
Members of the church and
friends are invited to call during
the receiving hours.
Monmouth An attractive
social affair of the season was a
tea at the Winegar Apartments,
for which Miss Edna Headrick,
Mrs. Mrs. Florence Hntchinson
and Miss Emma Henkle . were
hostesses Sunday afternoon from
three to five. Their guests were
faculty members of the Oregon
Normal school, wives of faculty
men, and husbands of faculty
Autumn flowers made gay
groupings of color about the
large reception rooms; and on
the tea table where green tapers
contrasted smartly with the hand
some cloth of cut lace and filet
Presiding were jars. W. H. Walk
er of Independence, an aunt of
Miss Menkle: and Mrs. White
who is here from South Dakota
to spend the winter with her
Jt .. A V V - .
oaugnier, jars, nuicmason. i, i
'Assisting about the rooms were
MisS Dora Scheffskey and Miss
Oma Belle Emmons. Serving the
gnests were Miss Barbara Nel
son, Miss Opal Armstrong, Miss
Faith Kimball and Mrs. Marie
' A trio of stringed Instruments
added to the afternoon's pleasure.
Miss Lola Linette of Portland.
Miss Marie Patton of Salem, and
Miss Edna Bird of Eugene were
the players.
V West Salem Saturday- after
noon a lovely . gift shower was
given Mrs. Otto Schmld, by her
mother, Mrs. George La Mire.
Sunday was her birthday and
number of relatives united in
sponsoring this pleasant social
: On the guest list were Mes
dames Otto Schmld, J. W. Va
lech, Howard Olson, Emma
Maori, Anna Fast, A. J. Smith
Ina Denton, William Hanson, E.
J. Loynes, Charles Taylor. C. C.
Boyer, John Friesen, Avery Ap
plewhite, Al C. Hennlngsen, F. A.
, Berkey, John Jansen, Horlow Ol
sen, and George La Mire and the
Misses La Verne Olsen, Martha
Maerx, Eleanor McCanley, Evelyn
and Almeda Working, Argyle La
Mire. " . v
Members of North Salem W. C,
T. TJ. are urged to attend the
called meetlnr for the group Wed
nesday afternoon at I o'clock.
Convention reports will follow the
transaction et Important feslaau
Tuesday, October 18
Etokta club with Mrs. Harry Elgin, 1478 North
Liberty street; Mrs. J. D. Scott "speaker.
P. L. E. and F, club with Mrs. L. B. Hlxson, 117 1
Myrtle avenue, 3 o'clock. - ,
Mrs. C. A. Park, begins her bible study class at her
home at 2:30 o'clock; any woman Interested may come.
South division of First Presbyterian Ladles Aid,
with Mrs. Edd S. Byers. 1077 South High street, 2
Regular W. C. T. TJ. meeting in organisation hall, 2
o'clock; Mrs. Q: N. Thompson to lead devotions.
Reception to Rev. and Mrs. B. Earle Parker and
family and Miss Margaret Stevenson, and music depart
ment of church; 8 o'clock In First' Methodist ehurch.
Writer's section of Salem Arts league with Mrs.
F. G. Franklin; Mrs. Jessie Singleton assisting hostess.
Art exhibit at Gilbert's Art and Craft studio; open
to public.
Y. W. C. A. membership dinner in T. W. building,
6 o'clock.
Reception to Mrs. Monnle Hauser, by Chadwick
chapter, order of Eastern Star.
O. N. S. club with Mrs. Sylvia Kraps, Ambassador
apartmenU; election of officers; first fall meeting.
Salem War Mothers social and business meeting in
American Lutheran church, 2 o'clock.
Guest day for drama class of Mrs. Robert M. Gatke
at home of Mrs. Karl Becke; Mrs. Robert Brady Joint
. Potluck supper celebrating third anniversary of
Berean Bible class of Calvary Baptist ehurch; program
to follow supper hour.
Wednesday, October 19
Past Noble Grands club, with Gertrude Camming!,
8 o'clock.
Leslie- Home and Foreign Missionary society, 2
o'clock in church.
Federated Patriotic orders, 8 o'clock In T. M. C. A.
North Salem AV. C. T. TJ. business meeting called
for 2 o'clock; convention reports to be made.
, ' West Central circle of First Methodist church, with
Mrs. N. LaRaut, 77S North Church street, 2:10 o'clock.
East Central circle of First Methodist church, host
ess to Yew Park circle at home of Mrs. W. T. Rigdon,
299 North Winter street, 2:30 o'clock.
McCormick class of First M. E. church, social even
ing at Y. M. C. A., 8 o'clock.
Thursday, October 20
Chapter G. of P. E. O. with Mrs. Gordon McGllch
rist, 360 McGilchrlst street. 2:30 o'clock.
Faculty Women's club with Mrs. W. H. Trindle,
1965 South Commercial street, 2:30 o'clock.
Creative theatre section of Salem Arts league, in
auditorium of city library; session from 7 to 9 o'elock.
Friday, October 21
Regular Y. M. C. A. lobby programs will begin at
8 o'clock with Miss Eleanor Moore aa soloist assisted
by Miss Virginia Graham, Portland violinist
A. A. U. W.- state convention opens in Masonic
temple. -
Salem and Vicinity Council of Church women, First
Christian church, 11 o'clock.
Jefferson The first meeting of
the year for the Jefferson Wom
an's club was held at the country
home of Mrs. James Pate, north
west of Jefferson.
Mrs. J. G. Fontaine, chairman
of the social committee, reported
that plans are on the way for a
benefit for the library, to be held
the first week in November.
The following members.
elected as delegates from the local
club to attend the County Federa
tion, held at Woodburn October
27, are Mesdames Karl Stelwer,
John Terhune, C. J. Thurston,
Herbert Looney, and James Pate.
Alternates are Mesdames W. H.
Sherman, R. C. Thomas, C. M.
Smith, Fred Wled, and M. D.
Mrs. C. J. Thurston, chairman
of the program committee, out
lined tho work for the coming
year, and also introduced the
apeaker. Dr. V. A. Dfluglas, who
gave an interesting and instruct
ive talk on, "Child Welfare". Dur
ing the social hour following the
program, a plate lunch was served
by the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
George Palmer atfd Mrs. Rex
Members present were Mes
dames Karl Steiwer, D. H. Loon
ey, M. D. Looney, John Terhune,
D. Y. Hammil, -W. H. Sherman,
A. B. Hint, Herbert Looney, Fred
Looney, L. W. Patton, F. J. Wied,
J. G. Fontaine, R. C. Thomas, H.
D. Mars, C. M. Smith, C. J. Thurs
ton, Miss Marguerite Looney Sr.,
Miss Eleanor Looney and the host
ess, Mrs. Pate.
Guests for the afternoon were
Miss Edith Libby and Dr. V. A.
Douglas of Salem; Mrs. O. L.
Hartley, Mrs. Rex Hartley and
Mrs. George Palmer.
Aurora, Mrs. Elizabeth
Kraus, prominent pioneer, was
honored Sunday with a dinner at
which the members of her family
were present, to observe her 80 th
birthday anniversary. Mrs.' Kraus
wears her.years.. well and smiling
and happy, greeted her guests.
Retaining a keen sense oL humor,
In- her quaint . way she . relates
many entertaining Incidents et
early cojpny times. Mrs. Kraus,
wire of the late George Kraus,
has been a resident of this place
since she was 10 years old. Her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John GiesT.
apd later she and her late hus
band had an essential part in
the upbuilding of this community.
Extending felicitations, were
her two daughters. Miss Orletta
Kraus and Miss Georgia Kraus,
her two sons and their families.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kraus and
family and Mr. and Mrs. John
Kraus and family,' Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Hendricks of Salem, Mrs.
Anna Beck, and Mrs. Louise Erb-
saland. Mrs. Hendricks and Mrs.
Beck are sisters of Mrs. Kraus.
A delightful surprise was a
telephone call and the voice of
another sister, Mrs. Ernest
Greenwood of Salt Lake City, ex
tending birthday greetings.
West Salem A recent wed
ding of interest to West Salem-
ites was solemnised at Vancouver,
Wn., October 7, when Miss Le
nora - Burke,- daughter - of - S. L.
Burke, was antetly married to
Clell Halteen of Salem, Mr. Hal-
teen's sister accompanied them.
The young couple will make their
home In North ' Salem. - Miss
Burke, who . graduated a few
years ago from the West Salem
public school, and attended the
Salem high school is well known
- Cloverdale Mrs. Ivan Hadley
complimented Miss Olga Garner
at the home of her mother, Mrs.
M. Garner Wednesday afternoon
with a miscellaneous shower.
Miss Garner's wedding to Mar
tin Schmld Is to take place soon.
A short program given Includ
ed readings by Mrs. Arvllla Had
ley and Mrs. Gay Barnett. a game
appropriate to the occasion, solo
by Mrs. I. Hadley; bridal picture
enacted by little Joyce Kunke and
Norval Hadley as bride and
groom; and humorous ten-years-later
picture portrayed by Edith
Schiffer and Florence Garner.
Mrs. Hadley was assisted by
Mrs. Garner. Mrs. A. Kunke and
Mrs. J. Cook.
Those present for the afternoon
were Miss Garner, Mrs. E. Whe
lan, Mrs. L. Glrod, Clearlake,
Mrs, Jean Pearcy, Mrs. G. Moored,
Mrs. R. Jones Allan and Jimmy
Jones, Mfs. J. Craig and Jackie,
Salem, Rev. and Mrs. Hawks, Ka
thryn Hawks. Mrs. Dr. Ransom,
Mrs. J. Cox, Mrs. E. Prather and
Margaret Ann, Mrs. T. Smith,
Mrs. F. Gunning, Mrs. I. Small,
Mrs. G. Barnett, Lillian Petersen,
and Mrs. T. Whitehead Turner,
Mrs. F. Cook, Mrs. J. Morris, Mrs.
J. Schifferer and Robert, Mrs. J.
Schilling. Mrs. J. McKlnney, Mrs.
A. Dumbeck. Mrs. K. Schilling.
Mrs. K. Russell, Dorothy and
Norma June, Mrs. N. Prince, Mrs.
G. Sherman-.
Mrs. F. Feller, Ida Feller. Mrs.
W. Morris. Mildred Schifferer,
Mrs. A. Hadley, Mrs. L. E. Ben
nies, Mrs. A. Hennles, Mrs. N.
Hamilton. Mrs. F. Schifferer, Mrs.
P. Davis. Ellen Hedges, Mrs. L.
Hennles, Edith Schifferer, Homer
and Norval Hadley, Joyce Knnke,
Marie Sherman, Eleanor and La
dorls Prince, Rachel, Florence,
Alvin and Glenn Garner, Mrs. M.
Garner, Mrs. J. Cook. Mrs. A.
Kunke and Mrs. .Ivan Hadley.
Y. W. C. A. Dinner
Large Affair
A. red letter event on the calen
dar of the T. W. C. A. affairs for
the year li the annual "member
ship" dinner. The dinner for 1932
will be an event of tonight In the
T. W. O. A. dining room and Is
planned as a colorful and Inter
esting event.
Tables will be arranged so that
each department will be seated to
gether. Special music will be giv
en nnder the direction of Mrs.
Priacilla Melslnger, leader of the
two orchestra groups of the T. W.
organisation. Mnsle will be given
by a trio of Marie Lippold. Gwen
Gallaber, and Agnes Moore accom
panied by Mrs. Melsinger.
Mrs. W. D. Clarke has been
general chairman for the arrange
ments for the dinner and will act
aa toastmlstreas. Mrs. L. O. Cle
ment and Mrs. Claude Glenn are
the receiving committee.
Mrs. Milton Meyers and Mrs.
Kitty Graver are In charge of dec
orating for the function.
An interesting part of the pro
gram will be one minute speeches
from a representative of each de
partment concerning the work of
her department. Mrs. R. R.
Boardman . will speak for the
health department; Miss Helen
Richardson tor the Enclnltls slab;
Mrs. M. L. Wag staff for employ
ment; Miss ' Elisabeth Hnghha,
Girl Reserve work; and Mrs. Elis
abeth Gallaher , local secretary,
concerning general work. .
" Mrs. X. B. McNanghton ot Port
land and a member of the nation
al board, will be a special guest
and will address the dinner group,
' Reservations for those wishing
to attend may be made at the Y.
W, C. A. otflee on North Liberty
street. .
Mrs. W. T. Rigd on
Church Group Hostess
" Members of the Yew Park circle
ot the First Methodist church will
be entertained by the East Central
circle at the home of Mrs. W. T.
Rigdon Wednesday afternoon be
ginning at 2:80 o'clock.
Assisting hostess with Mrs. Rig
don Is Mrs. F. G. Myers, Mrs. O. C.
Wolfe, Mrs. J. A. Rise, Mrs. B. H.
White, Mrs. George Moorehead,.
and Miss Elsie Miller.
Mrs. J. A. Mills Is in chsrge ot,
the entertainment, hour.
Creative Theatre section of the
Salem Arts league will meet
Thursday evenings In the audi
torium of the city library Instead
of Wednesday evenings. The ses
sion holds from seven until nine
Additional Society
on Page 9..
Farewell Extended
William Gossers .
As a farewell I gesture among
the many attractive affairs given
In compliment to Mr. and Mrs.
William Gosser before their de
parture to make their home la
Marshfleld. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. In
dlcott, and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph
Campbell entertained wlth a
smart supper party Saturday
night la the clubhouse at the Sa
lem Golf dab.
Bridge and' dancing were en
Joyed daring the evening hours.
Invited to compliment Mr. and
Mrs. Gosser by Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Endl
cott were Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hein
leln, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. William Braun. Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Armstrong, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Bonesteele, Mr.
and Mrs. F. Ivan Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. William Staeey, Mr. and Mrs.
John Beakey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson,
Dr. and Mrs. Verdon Hockett, Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Chariton, Mr. and
Mrs. Al Adolphon., Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Christmas Seal Sale
I Work Commences
Marlon countv nubile health aa.
'soclatlon has begun work on its
ZSth annual Christmas seal sale.
This Is one of the Important pub
lic spirited activities of the year
and much Interest will be called
to the work during the campaign
O'1 closes December 3E.
Members of the Entre Nous
slab will enjoy a Hallowe'en card
party and dance at the clubhouse
Wednesday evening.
Allan, Mill City, treasurer. -
The seal sale committee In
cludes Mrs. William A. Bchalts.
bounty chairman; Mra. J. E. Bllak-
horn, finance secretary; Mrs, V.
R. Griggs, publicity.'
War Mothers Will .
Meet Today
Salem chapter of American War
Mothers will meet at the Ameri
can Lutheran church ot the regu
lar social meeting ot the month.
Mrs. W. S. Hawley will be a
special guest for this meeting, and
members are urged to be present
to pay compliment to Mrs. Haw
ley who for the past many years
has been Oregon's representative
In the social life of Washington.
D. C.
Hostesses for the afternoon In
clude Mrs. Sarah Peterson.' chair
man, and Mrs. I. L. Patterson, Ma
ble Rlngo. Marie - Wilcox. Rose
Shafer, Ella Toothacre, Mra. Rus
sell CatUn. Nora Busey, Antonette
Bennett, and Emma Beckett,
Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin
will entertain the Writer's sec
tion of the Salem Arts league
Tuesday evening at their home at
1868 Marion street for the Octo
ber session. There will be a con
tinuation of the report of the
convention of the League of
Western Writers, which was held
in San Francisco last summer,
and original work produced by
the members.
New Drama Guild
Enthusiastic Group s t
Construction ef the scene set for.
"Back Seat Drivers," the comedy
to be presented as the first of
fering of Chemeketa Players, was
practically completed Monday af
ternoon under the direction or
Lee Schenennan technical di
rector of the group.
It Is expected that It will be
completed for the first full re
hearsal ef the play by next Fri
day night. Members ot the group.
Including the director, advertis
ing manager, and several players,
wielded hammer and saws in put
ting the frames together.
"Back Seat Drivers." by Lau
rence E. Johnson, had a success
ful run on Broadway and will be
presented four nights, commenc
ing Monday. October' 21. Mem
bers or Chemeketa Players are
highly pleased at the Interest
evinced by Salem business man In
assisting U getting the venture
under way. Tryouts were held
Monday night for a cast te take
up work In the play te follow.
"Back Seat Drivers."
Mrs. Ronald Craven left for
Portland this morning where she
will spend a few days with friends.
I oi it Muttons gnarwaw
An interesting and enjoyable
J. Y. p. L. rally was held Sunday
evening at the Hayesvllle ehurch
with Tommy Ogura In charge.
Short talks were given by Ross
Knotts, former president of the
league, who gave a talk oh "Sense
of Value," and by the Rev. Noll.
who spoke on "Missionary Spirit."
The main address of the even
ing was given by Eugene Smith
who gave an Inspirational talk on
Musical numbers which added
much to the program were a vo
cal solo by Paul Watanabe, and a
trumpet solo by Gus Klempel.
with Hoshie Watanabe accompanying.
After the main part of the pro
gram, the young people adjourn
ed to the church parlor, where re
freshments were served and a so
cial period was enjoyed.
Approximately 30 young people
attended the J. Y. P. L. rally.
. North Santlam. Mrs. R. W.
VanNuys of West Stayton was
hostess Friday afternoon for mem
bers ' of the North Santlam Wo
men's Sewing club for a bridal
(Haxel Spies). The rooms were
decorated with fall flowers. - - .
-Two wee girls, Lenore Hammer
and Mary Loa Kelthley, presented
the gifts, -s . ?
' Those present . were Mesdames
May Bond, Frances McLaughlin,
Etfle Tripp, Mlna Kelthley. Myrtle
Howard, Delia Kelthley, Virginia
Hammer, Evelyn Spies, Haxel Al
lltAn Wntv Wr!lAllan Vf rv 1 in
and Betty Joe Kelthfey, Lenore
Hammer,, and the hostess, Mrs.
VanNuys. Mrs. : W. W., Bone of
West Stayton, was a guest. ;
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