The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 16, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESIAN. Saksi,- Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 16V 1932
Lbca 1 News Brief:
. t.v r. Grad Get3 Contract -'
Bucxia Brown.' graduate of Wil
lamette unlvdfriity HMs sprint.
wasTIiursday awarded 1 a. con
tract, to teacli history and geaer
at science la the hUh school at
Monroe, Oregon. s Miss Brown,
who majored 1b ' history, was ae
tire, in, dramatics and was' for
four successive years forward on
the all-star women's' basketball
team : at Willamette. Sbe will
roach girl's basketball and direc
dramaticsr at Monroe and serve
as advisor -for the high school
Paper. She entered upon hex new
duties Friday. 4 ; - , '
Take your' aviation training at
home and receive 10-hour flying
course without j. additional cost.
Write, Phone or. Call at Eyerly
Aircraft Corp-., Salem. " "
CV. A. Howard Jll Charles
A. .Howard,, state; superintendent
of schools, who left here Thurs
day" lor Medford and other southern-Oregon
.cities, was stricken
. with, illness, at Rosebnrg, accord
lug to . information received at
the state educational department
Saturday. As a result- of his illness,-
Howard -' has cancelled ad
dresses - scheduled In Salem and
VanconTerWash., for next week.
He was en route to'Medfdrd-to
attend the Jackson county teach
ers' Institute.
The Statesman . Annual Bargain
Period will end within a tew more
days. Our offer. The Oregon
Statesman to any address in Ore
gon by mall only, S3 per year.
Order today; don't delay.
jks Postponement A motion
asking postponement until Octo
' ber 18 of the answer of the Ore-igon-Washigton
Water company to
the second amended complaint of
the city was filed yesterday In cir
cuit court here. Counsel for the
water company says more time is
needed. The suit is a test action
filed In connection with the $2.
500,006 bond Issue approved by
the voters here December 15,
Vinegar apples wanted. Gideon
Stols Co., 450 South Summer St.
Salem Child Winner Little
Mist Gloria Myers, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver J. Myers of
Salem has been declared one of
the 12 prize winners in a recent
photographic contest staged In
Portland by the Meier & Frank
department store studio. More
than 3000 portraits of children
were Judged in the contest. Se
lection was based on personality
and character as reflected in the
Tho Statesman Annual Bargain
Period will end within a few more
days. Our offer. The Oregon
Statesman to any address in Ore
gon by mall only. 1 3 per year.
Order today don't delay.
Astill Leases Store Aaron
As till, for many years in the
clothing and haberdashery busi
ness in Salem, Saturday complet
ed arrangements for a lease of
the store room at 335 State. The
room was formerly occupied by
A. T. Loe. Jeweler. Mr. Astill
will be manager of the A. A.
Clothing Co., Inc.. which is to
open for business there soon.
Household furniture for sale. See
Mr. Gheer, 212 Oregon Bldg.,
10 to 6. Tel. 7783.
Communists to Rally Alex
Norel, of Seattle, communist can
didate for United States senator,
will speak at Yew Park hall.
South 12th and Leslie streets,
Tuesday, October 18, at 8 p. m.
He will discuss the platform of
the communist party and world
economic problems. Everyone is
t .,...
Practical subjects, skillful, experi
enced teachers, pleasant rooms,
. good equipment, energetic stu
dents, will be found in the Capital
Business College night school.
Starts Monday.
Report en Sale Proceeds of
$15.78 on an execution tale of
11811 were reported yesterday to
the county clerk by the sheriff's
office. The sale was for the case
of the Union Central Life Insur
ance company against Dan W.
Tarpley and others.
rolitkal Talk -Slated The
Tonng People's Forum of tho
First Methodist church will meet
at their regular 6: J bonr today.
Helen Louise Crosby will lead a
discussion of vital political Issues.
Hotel Areo Dinlne Room
Roast chicken and roast veal
dinner served today, ndon and
The Spa -
50e roast turkey dinner.
Marlon Hotel-
It you enjoy home cooking, tue
Marlon hotel is now employing
white women cooks and is serv-
lne breakfasts from 15 to 75
cents, lunches from 35 to 60
cents and dinners fram 50 cents
to one dollar. We are also mak
ing special low monthly rates on
rooms to permanent guest3.
Coining Events
, October 21 - Willamette
ts. Albany, " night football
fine. "
October 21-23 Ore goo
American association o f
University Women. ,
"October 54 -Salem cham
her of commerce bot to
legion dram corps. j -
October S3 Republican
rally for county; Senator
St eiwer speaks -Jaerev
October 2S Salem high
vs. Astoria high, night
football game.
November - Genera,
Brown to Speak Rev, Govern
or Brown of New York city, prom
laent bible, expositor , and ) home
secretary of the Christian and
Missionary Alliance churches In
this country ..will speak Sunday
night at 7 :4& o'clock at the. Mis
sionary .Alliance church 6S& Fer
ry street.
- . rr
Emma B. Hale has just returned
from Hollywood. Cat., and Is now
opening the Paris Dressmaking
Shoppe in rooms 416-417 Oregon
bldg.. Open for business Oct IT.
Will be pleased to have my for
mer friends and customers call
and see us. Phone 8415. ,
Seek Citizenship The regular
citizenship clars conducted by tbe
Y. M. C. A. under the personal
supervision of Secretary Claude A.
Keiis started at the Y last night.
This class - has trained men and
women for citizenship for the past
12 years.
Mr.-D. B. Cooper of 1750 Madison
are., and Anne Stayer of 405 Hoyt
si., wero eaen sward ed diamond
rings at the , Pomeroy & Keene
Jewelry Auction Priday. Two dia
mond rings are given away daily
at 2 and 7:30. , '
Veteran Die . Mrav,. Cora
Hunt received word Saturday of
the death of her son-in-law, . P.
J, Heath, of Salem, in the veter
ans' hospital in Walla Walla.
w!!h;Thb.y W,U be brougat
Ladies Phone Mrs. Forge, 4533,
for appointment. Expert modiste
to restyle your garment, vogue
Shnn 11 A Rninilin hMr
Arrested for Speeding Gordon
King, 1770 S. Liberty street was
picked up for speeding Saturday.
Officer G. W. Edwards, who
mane the arrest, said King was
driving 40 miles an hour between
Jefferson and Marion streets.
Only a short time more to get
those big black grapes at Flala
Vineyards, three miles north in
Pol V Mnlt
Loan Firm Sues Suit to fore
close on a mortgage was begun in
clreuit court yesterday by the In-
termountain Building and Loan
eompany which named Levi M.
Butler and others as defendants.
The total sum sought is 13688.
Mrs. Sticha Favored Mrs.
BIrdelle B. Sticha has been recom
mended for appointment as post
master at Scio, by Congressman
HUBBARD. October 15 Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Scholl, the former
the local hardware merchant, left
Friday morning by motor for
Grants Pass where they will vis
it their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beers.
Mr. Beers is the athletic coach
for the Grants Pass high school.
At the residence, 1610 Mission
street, Thursday. Oct. 13, Charles
T. Bouche, aged 42 years. Hus
band of Mabel M. Bouche of Sa
lem: father of Charles, Parris
and Joel Bouche, all ot Salem;
son of Mrs. Rebecca Bouche of
Alhambra. Calif.; brother of Al
bert Bouche of Los Angeles; Wal
ter D. Bouche of Portland, Mrs.
Pauline Cunningham of Los An
geles, Mrs. Imogene Carter of Al
hambra, Mrs. Pearl Locatelll of
San Leandro. Calif. Funeral ser
vices from the chapel of W. T.
Rigdon and Son, Monday, Oct. 17.
at 3 p. m. Interment Belcrest
Memorial park.
F crimson
In this city Oct, 15, Faith Na
omi Ferguson, aged 2 s years.
Wife of Roy S. Ferguson of Dal
las: daughter of Mrs; Mary Me
Clellan Of Salem; sister of Floyd
McClcllan of Salem, Russell Mc
cletlan of Portland. George Me-
Clellan of Portland, Alton Mc-
Clellan of Oakland, Calif., Mrs.
Rav Seism of Salem and Mrs.
Harry Judd of Oregon City. Fun
eral announcements later by W.
T. Rigdon and Son.
In this city. Wednesday. Octo
ber 12. Ralph Herbert, aged CS
year3. Brother ot Harry Herbert
ot Ogdensburg, Wis., Jesse Her
bert of Ogenta. Wis. Also sur
vived by one sister, Mrs. Grace
Tuttle of Royal Oak, Mich. Re
mains forwarded to Waupaca,
Wis., by W. T. Rigdon and 'Son.
At Hopmere. October 13, C. M.
Tanquary, aged 72 years. Hus
band ot Eva Tanquary; 'father ot
Mrs. Eva Kelly of Portland and
Mrs. Leon Brooks of Gresnam;
grandfather of Howard Kelly and
Burrell Brooks, both ot Hopmere.
Funeral services Monday, Octo
ber 17, at 1:30 p. in. from the
chapel of the Salem Mortuary,
543 North Capitol street. Inter
ment Aumsville cemetery.
In tbis city Saturday October
15, Albert C. Bnrkhart; husband
of Margaret; father of Roberta
and Roger. A native ot Minnesota,
aged 37 year?, 1 raontb3 and 8
days. Remains forwarded to
Portland for services and inter
ment by the Terwilllger funeral
home, 770 Chemeketa street,
phone 928.
Vacuum Cleaners
and FloorWaxers;
V- To Rent - -
Call BIO, t'scd Furnltnre
Department -1S1
North High
M IBBffiTO :-
Numerous Inquiries Come to
Chamber of Commerce;
K? List is Prepared
Among the number ot inquiries
received at the chamber of com
merce here in recent days from
persons desiring to come to Ore
gon to live, are the following: C
R. L. Ford, P. O. box 10SS.
Seminole, Oklahoma, is desirous
lot purchasing a ' small acreage
near Salem for putting up a, serv
ice station and raising some pro
duce. -Claude Green, 24DS Grand Isl
and avenue. Grand Iajand, Ne
braska, is Interested in fur farm
ing and trnit raising in this dis
trict. E J. Schleuter, 1240 Osborne
avenue, Pacioma. California,
writes he would like to receive
list ot ranches for sale in this vi
cinity, as he contemplates locating
here. -, ' .; - -' ' - -
Geo. H. Millhorn, Jacnmba, Cal
ifornia, is Interested in purchas
ing a small tract near some good
game section.
V S fMmmtnw W T V TCi. f
Lorenso, Texas, is. interested in
oc.tins! near Salem.
Edgar L. Koenig, Pacific Pali
sades, California, has in mind
purchasing a walnut or filbert or
Stephen Beres, Rye Star route.
box 3 -B, Pueblo, Colorado, is in
terested in general farming and
poultry raising.
R. F. Holaday, route 1, box 105.
Lindsay, Calif., wishes to buy
some land east of Salem. Must be
improved land.
August A. Brendel, 19 IS Far-
ragut avenue, Chicago, Illinois,
write he intend to buy five to
ten acres close to Salem.
J. Hyman, 8627 Calumet ave
nue, Chicago, Illinois, Is interest
ed in farming and grazing land
in this section ot Oregon.
Clarence C. Languein. 420
Highland avenue. National City.
Calif., Is interested in buying a
meat market in Salem.
W. B. Esklndge, 130 S Harlan
avenue, Evansville, Indiana, Is de
sirous of buying some fruit or nut
land in the vicinity of Salem.
Thos. E. Campbell, room 4,
Santa Fe Building, Dallas, Texas,
wishes to receive prices on ten to
twenty acre tracts of tillable land
suitable for nuts, berries, bulbs
and fruit.
C. H. Murray, 1738 West Bu
chanan. Phoenix, Arizona, wishes
to buy a small farm of 6 to 10
acres or even 15 to 20 acres near
Salem and. so into the noultry
Marriage license business spurt
ed at the county clerk's office yes
terday as the week ended. Five 11
censes were granted during the
day. They were:
Bernard Predeck, 32, Mt. An
gel, mechanic, . to Leona Marie
Meldl, 19 , Mt. Angel, house
Alford M. Downs, 26. Eugene,
to Fay M. McAtistsr, 26. Eugene,
Alois Hassler, legal. Stayton
farmer, to Theresa Miller, legal.
Salem, 'housekeeper.
Lavern R. Reynolds, 57, Al
bany, mechanic, to Lela M. Shedd
legal, Albany, housekeeper.
Edwin Christenson, 26, Salem
route nine, farmer, to Lela Smith
22. Dallas, housekeeper.
HAT great weather tor the
opening ot the duck sea
son this noon." And the
ducks of Oregon didn't do to bad
ly at Portland yesterday either.
Of course this was written before
we left for the game, but the Web
foots this year couldn't help but
make a good showing even if the
season to get them opened. And
what great work on the part ef
Willamette Friday! .
And speaking ef decks Wee
foots and things generally wet
reminds ns of crawfish. We
know of several crawfish feeds
the pest week-r-nd what feeds!
Jest ask Dr. Bey Bird, an eth
ers who enjoyed thews. Did ye
ever eat erawfJahr If nothing
Mill DM)
Attorney General Van Winkle
announced Saturday night that
the legal opinion relative to the
sufficiency of the petitions for a
recall election involving Lotus
Langley, district attorney ot Mult
nomah county, would not be com
pleted until Monday.
The petitions were presented to
the state department Friday and
contained 17,89 signatures.
which was in excess of 25 per
cent of the highest number ot
votes cast for a candidate for Jus
tice of the supreme court at the
last election.
Lankley's supporters charged
that under the state constitution
the petitions shall contain signa
tures equivalent to 25 per cent of
the combined vote cast for candi
dates for one position on the an
premo court at the previous elec
tion. This would mean that the
petitions would have to contain
the signatures ot 20,588 voters.
Hal E. Hosa. secretary ot state,
declared that in accepting or re
jecting the petitions ho probably
wonld be guided by the opinion
ot the attorney general.
Harry Gross, Portland attorney.
and member of the so-called "citi
zens' committee of 60." which
sponsored the recall petitions, in
dieated today that in case Hosa
refused to file the petitions he
wonld launch mandamus proceed
ings to compel him to call the spe
cial election.
In case Hoss accepts the peti
tion there is a possibility of In
junction proceedings being tiled
by Langley's friends.
Brand Assigned
To Libel Cases,
Jackson County
Judge James Brand, of Marsh
field, was assigned Friday by
Chief Justice Bean, of the state
supreme court, to preside at the
trials of a number of libel suits
against the Medford Printing com
pany In Jackson county. Judge
H. D. Norton has been disqualifi
ed. Tbe dates of the trials were
not announced by the supreme
While Brand Is at Medford.
Judge Norton will go to Klamath
county to relieve Judge W. M.
Duncan. Other assignments an
nounced Friday send Judge D. R.
Parker of Condon to Pendleton
to relieve Judge C. L. "Sweek;
Judge George R. Bagley of Wash
ington county to St. Helens to
preside for Judge H. K. Zimmerman.
Smafftl Set. Styles-
Quality . . Comfort . . : Economy
The Faithful The Spectator
An Oxford of Kid Leather, Cuban A real dressy Oxford, light in
Heel, scientifically constructed for weight, dress Cuban Heel, an Ox
fit and comfort. An exclusive ford of Quality, Style and fitted
Buster Brown model for genuine for Comfort. Comes in Brown
comfort. Our new low price .... also ....
$40 $g00 -
. .... .. . - ..-;,- -
' 1 . ... - . . .... -. .
Buster BrdtA
T Qaclity Footwear at the Least Possible Cost
CcrzrTcstvi. Cksslo
jamwy ans
else do it sometime Just for the
edocatlo. The initiation at
least Is worth while.. .
One of these feed was La
form of a double wedding anni
versary, with neither bride pre-'
ont, Ed Rosteln. who married Joe
Adolph'a sister at . the same time
Joe Adolph married Eda sister
staged the event. The two eon-
pies were married 29 years ago
on the nineteenth ef tht month.
Complete registration, report
from the various conn ties' are
coming In slowly. Tbe total
registrations do not indicate
whether Hoover or Roosevelt
will carry Oregea beeaas moat
people do not - now toco tho
straight party ticket. But it
doe ahow one trend, and that
io-Oregon will register more,
voter than it did in 1928.
Billy Mars, many years night
janitor in tho state eapitol build
ing. Is seriously ill . at the Salem
general hospital. It was reported
yesterday visitors were not allow
ed to see him at the present time.
HI co-worker and the friends be
ha made during his employment
wish him a speedy recovery.
Hal E. Hosa certainly start
ed something with his "Walk
oa the Grans' signs. Not only
did that story get world-wide
publication hut several other
sections have adopted the plan.
This week a news dispatch from
Washington, Fsu, said a college
presideat interested more la
student than the lawn pat ont
signs "Pleaae Walk en the
Your correspondent. In com
mentiag to Hal about his stunt,
was taken aback when the secre
tary of state said we started the
move. He recalled one day when
the two of us were walking
through the statshouse park not
ing tbe ' unusual signs, and the
matter ef walking on tho grass
cam up. Thanks, Hal, yon are
generous, but. tbe credit Is all
Word was received here yes
terday that Charles A. Howard,
snperintendent of schools for
Oregon, enronte to Medford
and Marshfield, was taken ill at
RxMeborg and con Id not com
plete his trip. He has also can
celled two local speaking en
gagement in Salem and one at
Vancouver, Wash. The mature
of his illness was reported as
not serions.
An attractive young woman
who apparently bad lost her sense
of direction in the state eapitol
building, entered the press room
this A. M. and Inquired for Mr
Bernstein. Members of tbe press
gallery scratched their head. It
finally dawned upon one reporter
that the woman- was seeking the
Associated Press correspondent.
C. V. Bernhard. Five-cent cigars
were passed around.
inrtu id ie Ninr . .
From $19.50 up
Typewriters for Rent 2L50 per mo, 6.50 3 months
Phone 5802 NEEDHAMS 465 Stale St.
l!ina ?iF,b!tz, -Nurse, Treed
Of Charge5 Brought; by
Former Patient "1 1
A not true bill against Mlna I
JTolts. Woodbnrn nurse, accused
by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Donaldson I
of attempting to poison Mrs. Don- j
aldaon a mean to cementing
Donaldson's affection.! 'wan re-
turned by the Marion county
grand Jury in n report made yes-
terdaymTrnlag. The grand Jury
ha had this matter before it
since June SO. this year, when
it came-up following hearing h
ustic court. ? - -
Two other matters were re-l
ported upon, the Jury returning
true bill In ease of John
Fennyeh. charged wita. aaault AndMW. Warner, eonfsrenc dl
with Intent to rob the Henry Lay- rect0T religion education, will
u wumuumtj . nuouvumi
and n true bill against Lowell E.
Shton. charged :wlth .non-upport
of a, young son. .
The case in which Mrs, Foils, a
practlcal nurse, featured, attract -
ed considerable attention hers
and at Woodbnrn last May when
charges against tho woman made
by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Donaldson
were aired in Justice court here.
Tho Donaldson's accused Mrs.
Folts ot attempting to poison
Mrs. Donaldson while the nurse
was attending Mrs. Donaldson
during illness. The private pro
secutors maintained that tbe ac
tion was done to get Mrs. Don
aldson ont of tho way. because ot
intimate feeling for Donaldson.
Mrs. Foltz is Justice court de
nied Intimacies with Donaldson,
and claimed that lysol which was
given Mrs. Donaldson was done
so accidentally.
The grand Jury will meet again
next Tnnrsaay morning to con
sider a number of matters.
Two-Cent Stamp
May Be Restored
Gibbard Reports
Two-cent postage uny be re
stored, is a forecast indicated by
a sub-committee of congress, stat
ed Arthur Gibbard. assistant
postmaster, In talking te mem
bers ot tbs Salem Ad club about
tho new postal laws. Falling oft
la letter mailings nnder the high
er rate is given ss a reason to
restore the lower postage rate.
Mr. Gibbard outlined tbe new
regulations particularly how they
affect sending out of advertising
material. He answered many j
questions pertaining to postal
laws, and he assured the Ad
men that It was strictly against I
the law for postal employes to
read the postal cards.
Roast Turkey
on the Special
. Sunday 50c Dinner
J a
Classes to 1 be Held Every
: Monday Night; Dr.?M. A.-
' Marcy is Chairman 1 .
Churches or Salem will unite
t xoiiij. October I7," In a six
. . " . . ' .
" . : ,f: -n .k...
i .. -"""ZZZ
5n9I l , !r , ? Ltw vT;,h.;
H,aTf'-".J wiVifSffi
. F1V
chb ere a. f Jjjl
1?JZ .
m .r th C0mJ"V
i J.
mmmnButM Br. -neti to t-
t.--. r 'J. Hall of SUverton
I -in w. nr the achoaK Rev.
i a standardise the worx.
. Tfle following Is list of courses
I rferei and teachers:
I . p-nciaus of teachlns-Dr. Rob-
I ert Ms Oatl. -Willamette nntver-
! alty; A Study ef. the Pupil Mrs.
H G- Humphrey, Salem; The- Old
and New TeStameuts-Dr. D. H.
I Schnlso. Wtllamett nnlvemty;
I Training In Worship Miss Mar-
caret Stevenson. Salem; The
Young Child In tbs Church School
Miss Ruth Burgess. Portland;
Primary Materials and Methods
Wro: Dental Office
Prosperity Not Here Yet.
"kold yon up, ret hfa price
IS Tears rraetfee
Painless Extraction of Teeth
a Specialty
"If It Hurts, Don't Pay w
It Takes
Pry My
E3)i?. So S.
Orer J. C.
Monkeys Do Not Need Lumber
yrji, They Use Trees in Original State
1,1 fKS) remodel call oa ns for your
-- ff t0!S3, Lber and Building'
pO TTTTir) TTP?T7 Powder &
Ss?rl O )J aJ U Ayj Supply Co.
610 N.Capitol TeL9191
H, ' , i
-Marjaf'-turers of--'
- ,V . - ' . "- ' t .'
- ' - - ' 1 ' . ' . ." '
Slippy Oreiron Products
. . - - - -. . ... ; -V .
Spedfj "Salem Blade Piper for Tonr 1
. r,- . Of flee Stationery
Mrs. Ed Comslock. SUverton; Ad
olescent Psychology-Professor E.
S. Hammond. Salem; Th Devel
opment of th English Bible
Miss Olive DahU Willamette ns
tTersity;.Junlor Materials "sad '
Methods Mrs. Roy r Lockenonr
and Mrs. H. G. Humphrey, Salem. :
There will he no let-up In the '
campaign launched recently by tho
state police department to rid the
Oregon highways of motor ve
hlcles eea'Pped with defective
lights. ' -. - : ;
This was announced Saturday
by Charles P. Pray, superintend
ent ot stats police, following tho ' '
issuance ef a second bulletin di
recting his operatives to concent
trate on the enforcement ot the"" "
laws - regulating motor vehicle
lighting equipment. Pray said his '
men had issued thousands of ;
warnings, ibut this action had not '
proved effective. " . ;
"From now on tho department -will
-arrest all persons who drive -thel?
motor vehicles on the high
ways without proper lights. ray
said; Pray declared that ho had'. .
Instructed his operatives to Issue
titations to .operators ef cars hav- -ing
defectlvs lights. Persons re-
celviug these citations will be '
compelled to sppesr in court and.' -in
addition to having their lights "
repaired, will bo required to par'
any cost that may bo imposed.
If your dentist wants to
on your work, then COME
I charge according
to these
Portland prices
SUrer Fiflin;
Porcelain Filling
Plate Repair
Relia Plate
Clean Teeth
HeeoUte Plate
.$20 bt
Per Tooth
Coel. Ufe
Uke, eess
fertalbe New Only
Two Hands to
Plates Loose
Penney Store
i -
i i