PAGE TWO I Th'i OREGON STATES31AN; Solent, Oregoti. Snnday Morals. October 16, 1932 D rama 11S1ETK ilTB Fannie 'Hurst Story With Irene Dunn and John Boles Featured One of the outstanding screen dramas of recent years comes to the Elsinore today. The picture la "Back Street." adapted from the widely read no Tel by Fannie Hurst, with Irene Dunne and John Boles in the fea tured ' roles, and directed by the master of human, domestic dra ma, John M. Stahl. "Back Street" tells the story of a woman who considered no sac riflcik too mat to make in the name, of love, and a man who gave freely of his love but at the same time retained his social po sition as a husband ana lamer. The story covers a span of 20 . -vnra And l said to zive an espe cially affecting picture of the trials of two people wnoee love is outside, the law, notwithstand ing its sincerity and depth. )It is Universale most ambitious nrodnritnn of the season. "Back Street" presents"' to Miss Dunne and Boles the most sympathetic roles of tneir careers. 'THE LUST MILE' IS AT HOLLYWOOD 'The Last Mile." as a stage lay, was laid entirely within the one setting of a great prison -death house. It's the story of the doomed men faced with the in evitable, yet hoping; their last fight made, and lout, yet watch-, ing, waiting, dreaming of a chance to fight again. The world wide film at the Hol lywood today, "The Last Mile," in motion picture form, is a faithful reproduction of this sensationally gripping play: It's action laid al most in it3 entirety within the same setting as the play, its char acters practically the same. With the added scope of the motion picture, the film version, naturally augments the produc tion with more realistic sets, greater and more effective light ing, fof the action which lays bare the quivering souls of seven con demned men. Sam BIschoff directed the film at the California Tiffany Studios, with Arthur Edesoa at the cam era. The convict roles are handled ' by Preston S. Foster, Howard Phillips, Alan Roscoe, George E. Stone, Paul Fix, Al Hill and Dan iel L. Haynes. And the prison of ficials ate played by Frank Sheri dan, Alec Bi Francis; Edward van Sloan; Albert J. Smith, Kenneth MacDonald and William Scott. Budget Committee Will Work Monday SItVERTOX. Oct. 15 The cit izen's budget committee will hold its meeting Monday night at the city hall with members of the city council. At that time the needs of the city will be outlined and ap proved or disapproved. Serving on the budget committee are H. B. Latham, P. L. Brown, R. B. Dun can, M. F. Conrad, H. W. Preston and L. SI. Larson. SUNSHINE CLUB -MEETS RICKEY, Oct. 15. Plans for the coming year were made at the first regular meetlrg of the Rick ey Sunshine club which was held at the home of Mrs. C. C. McNeil Thursday afternoon. Present were Mrs. O. Binegar, Jlrs. C. Court nies, Mrs. J. Courtnies, Mrs. F. Minier, Mrs. F. Beard, Mrs. D. Stewart, Mrs. William Carothers, Mrs. C. C. McNeil. Wife Was Fat No Longer Attractive LostHusband'sLove The above headlines appeared In a -New York newspaper of April 4 la connection with a divorce trial that has attracted wide at . tention. "She was a beautiful woman." one witness testified, -"but she got fat - nnd is not attractive, any - more."- , Thousands of women are get ting fat and losing their appeal just because they do not know what to do. If you are fat how would you like to lose it and at the same time gain In physical charm and acquire a clean, clear skin and eyes that sparkle with buoyant health? And gain in energy And ac tivity? Why not do what thousands of women have done to get rid of pounds of unwanted fat? Take one half teaspoon of Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast and keep it up for 30 days. You caa help the action of Kruschen by cutting down on pastry and tatty . meat and going light oa potatoes, butter, cream and sugar. Then weigh yourself and see how many pounds yoa have lost. Kruschen Salts are a blend of I mineral salts most helpful to body health. Best of all, a bottle of Kruschen Salts that will last you for 4 weeks costs but a trifle. Ask Perry Drug Store, Capital Drug Store or any. druggist for a bottle and start to lose fat today." " It'a the aafa way to reduce but be aura you get Kruschen your health cornea first and remember this If you are not Joyfully satis fied with results money back. Adv. " - - Sill LSI " 111 strong wn L -) g"-!nn l.iwi fiyiu . iijiji n fuiwtsi..7V H,v - $ y 14' - ' w li " ' it ', ' i ' i : .il : j. v. J '.v. v. ;-; . :". -a. .w4 - - : - An attractive pose of Irene Dunn in Fanny Hurst's novel in picture "Back Street" now showing at the Elsinore. ' :"?i tJ""'-t I-- Here is one of the tense moments in the feature "The Trial of Vivienne Ware" now being umenarx ana Lilian Bond are V :'SJmm i VMiuiiiiiiMir-,i;;rii ).1':7:ii: A glimpse of action in "The Last Mile" a dramatic produc tion now being shown at the Hollywood with Howard rmuips ana rreston foster 42d Street" Big Picture To Be Produced Soon With Nine Stars; The, biggest and most preten tious all-star picture siaee : M tro-Goldwyn-Mayer made "Grand Hotel," will be started within the next few weeks at Warner Bros. Flrst National studios, when "4 2d Street," a musical drama with nine stars, goes Into pro duction. The nine stars who will appear in this, the biggest picture of the year from this studio, are Warner Baxter, Bebe Daniels, Ginger Rogers, George Brent, Dick Powell. Ruby Keeler, Guy Klbbee, Glenda Farrell, Frank McHugh. "42d Street," according to Jack. L. Warner, president of Warner Bros., pictures and Daryl Zanuck, Is a unique picture in that it brings to the screen aa entirely new departure in motion picture entertainment, being a drama with music and quite apart from the usual musical comedy. It Is also unique In that prac tically every one of the nine roles are of equal Importance. In addition to the nine stars, there will be a cast of four hun dred of the most beautiful girls to be found oa both Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. A special pho tographic crew with sound re cording apparatus will tour the Pacific coast from San Francisco to Coronado, and a second crew will make a search of bathing spots oa the Atlantic Coast, from the Maine resorts to Miami. Girls who are chosen In these nation vide tests will be given roles In the picture. . ?42d Street," is an original story by Bradford Ropes and will soon appear as a novel, as well as a Broadway stage play. The melodies of "42nd Street" will be written by Harry Warren, who has many famous song hits to his credit, The story of "4 2d Street" is laid largely in the old theatrical center of New Torkr and much of the action deals with backstage life. 42d Street,."- in - addition to having a cast of nine stars, will Thi enng ' Ait' .. ..'::-..-..,'. V,-.' :vi V ' Vi i'V f if vX6.u.4tWl'w .t. i .jr 4 f 'V shown at the Grand. Allan here. playing the leads. on Warner Lot be the first motion picture ap pearance of Ruby Keeler, former Broadway favorite and interna tionally known tan dancer who Hn private life, is the wife of none other than AI Jolson. "4 2d Street." will be bonkd for an engagement at Warner Bros. Elsinore theatre as soon as the film has been released for snowing, it was announced. OLIYUOOP nome or 25c Talkies '.. Today, Mon. and Tues. : Special Matinee Blonday and Tuesday First showing in Salem of the picvore mat na aroused the world FROMTHX PUDfTHAT ROCKED THE NATION! with PRESTON FOSTER HOWARD PHILLIPS NOEL MADISOM GEOECt STONE - J l eeic "Trial of Vivienne Waren Murder RJystery Based On Ellis' Novel " Joan Bennett plays the leading role in "The Trial of Vivienne Ware," the Fox picture at the Grand today. Based oa Kenneth X. Ellis' ra dio drama and widely read novel. The Trial of vivienne Ware." de picts the thrills of a murder trial and ahowa to what extent circum stantial evidence may be employ ed la convicting an innocent per son. As Vivienne Ware, the beau tiful society, girl and heiress, Mls Bennett Is tried for the murder of Damon Fenwick, the millionaire architect to whom ahe was affi anced. The circumstantial evidence is so convincing that conviction seems certain. But the girl's in nocence is finally established aft er the district attorney has de manded her life and her own at torney advises her to plead guilty and aceept a life sentence.- How all this la brought about. forma the basis et what is said to be one of the most powerfully dra matic and tensely absorbing pic tures to "reach the screen la many months. Donald Cook, dark and hand some, appears as counsel for the defense who Is la love with the fair prisoner. Allan Dinehart Is the prosecutor and Herbert Mun d in, the star witness. Others con tributing to the success of the pic ture are Lilian Bond. Skeets Gal lagher, TWaude Eburne, Ruth Sel wyn, Noel Madison, William Paw ley and Jameson Thomas. Besides the court room scenes. the backgronds include a preten tious and ornate night club, a hockey rink, a furniture store and street scenes. More than a, 000 extra players were required In transferring the story to the screen. William K. Howard di rected. The Call Board . By OLIVE M. DOAK HOULTWOOD Today Howard Phillips and Preston Foster in "The Last Mile". Wednesday "Make Me a , Star." Friday "Whea A Feller Needs a Friend". THE GRAND Today Joan Bennett In "The Trial of Vivienne Ware". Wednesday Edward O. Rob- - iason in "Two Seconds". Friday Buck Jones In "White Eagle". WARNER BROS ELSINORE Today Irene Dunne and John Boles In "Back Street" Wednesday "New Morals for Old", with Lewis Stone and Laura Hope Crews. Friday Rlcardo Cortes la "The Phantom of Crest- v w ss) PLANS BIRTHDAY PARTY HUBBARD. Oct. 1 S William woirer will he honored Sunday on his 85th birthday at the home of his daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spagle. His three cnuaren, Mrs. Albert Spagle, Mrs. G rover Hershberrer And Vta Wolfer will be present besides otner relatives. ACUTE APPKXDTOma INDEPENDENCE. Oct. 1 K George Graves has been confined to his home for the nait fw Amvm with an acute case of appendicitis. An operation may be necessary: Get The Inside Story of IVha W7" VV m M5M LEAD DOLE, GB Threw Tills Knife! Huriad of Htm baouti ttf Mlsias)e to sJtvncv bar forpvari Hwsjt wrery rkr2g datalt of th tiryttwy that rhrdad yoo en th radio! From rb Miuatloaal err to th Motional vordktl , MAX f oa " " . : . ' iwaassl'ssBssjBBSMaiisiss til - MMrniwiwiBawBJsss HOT LO!l MS BEFJSCIIL Community Club to Sponsor Food Idea; Newcomers Are Introduced KEIZEH. Oct. IS A most In teresting and entertaining meet ing of the Keiser community dab was held at the school house Fri day night. C. a Cole, the newly elected- president, 091 ducted the business meeting, with Dorothy Ackraan secretary. It was decid ed to again, serve the hot lunches tor the school ehildrea during the winter months, a committee to be appointed to devise the plana for same. It was also decided to have aew committees appointed for each meeting instead of the routing system formerly used. Roy Mel son introduced ethe new teachers, Mrs. Purdue and Miss Mildred Kirk, also the former teachers, Mrs. Sva Kelso and Miss Bernlce Zlelke. Mrs. Thompson, chairman of the courtesy committee, thea pre sented the. Keiser newcomers who were present: Mr. and Mrs. Bun nell, Mr. and Mrs. Putnam, par ents of Mrs. Bunnell, Mr. and Mrs. Kunze, Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Mr. and Mrs: Hicks and Mrs. Lobdell of Chemawa. Mr. Cole Introduced Victor R, Griggs of Salem who gave a short talk on "Unnecessary taxation". Mrs. Melson had charge of the program which foltawAd? piann selection. Miss Irma Keefer. B. E. cooper, Salem sanitary health In spector, gave some Interesting and timely information en "Rat Con trol". Two vocal trios given by the Savage brothers, with Miss Keefer at the piano. Rose Mary Hicks gave two readings, and the Saucy brothers gave two Yodel ling selections. Herman E. La fry of Salem was a guest. Refreshments were serv ed and a social time enjoyed. Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Ack man were la charge of refresh ments. BUM IS SHIED II WEST STAYTON. Oct. 15 At the first meeting of the women of ine u rowers' club Thursday after noon It was decided to hold the bazaar on Saturday, November IX, at the West Stayton school. This will be the second basaar ever held here. Mrs. Elmer Asche, president, appointed Mrs. Weston Lacy, Mrs. Bell Woosley, and Mrs. William Royse oa a novelia committee, and they will probably have a very pleasant surprise In store for the next meeting. The next meet ing will be held at the office Oc tober 27." A small group assembled at the Elmer Asche home Thursday eve ning to prepare IS quarts of beans for canning. The beans were to be canned for the Aumsville school's cafeteria lunches to be served during the winter months. Those who helped were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hendry. Mrs. William Royse, Harry Rishel, Mrs. Elmer Asche and Miss Velma Royse. 'USEilif IS L SALEM HEIGHTS, Oct. IS At the Salem heights school, a short nerlod will be devoted h Friday afternoon by Cecil Wie gands, seventh and eighth grade pupils on how to do or make something useful. Mable Walters and Francis Ball demonstrated this week how to make a "De pression flower" also Muriel Rob inson and Irene Fischer showed the class how to decorate vasaa and other ornaments with a paate made from crepe paper. Miss Wanda Phillips who is conduct ing a violin orchestra for the UJKniXWlKUlHUUC I 0 FOR NOVEMBER 12 ADOPTED AT SCHIUl pupils, this, week gave the first leesoa to the organised group and the yorrnxf oik are showing ' a high, f degree ;ef - enthusiasm -for the, work. ThiaaronUt and oighUi grade beys; this week- erected new Indoor baseball backstop. 4 " Dorothtt P?ttoa " Hft sixth : grade pupils this week; er CanUed s rTMiscellaneoua Club " Hylda Foster la charge , of ath letics, has fcar aaVthlt tn fully Organised and Is practicing"! aauy. MONMOUTH, Oct, 15 An open meeting was held by Rlck reall grange at the hall last night, of f aria g opportunity tot discus sioa of measures to be .voted on at the November election. A repre sentative of the Marlon county tax league epoke In favor of the Zorn McPherson bill. H. W. Morlan and C. F. Gillette of Monmouth each spoke against the proposed measure to move higher institutions of learning. There was a large crowd present. Others from Monmouth who at tended were, O. A. Wolverton, R. B. Swenson, I. C. Powell and E. C. Cole. The Business and Professional women of Monmouth and Inde pendence win sponsor a benefit card party Monday night, October 31, In the Legion hall, proceeds to be utilized for club activities. Youth's Publication Is Eagerly Awaited WALDO HILLS. Oct. IS A new newsnsDer mad a it nnr. ance In the neighborhood today. us name is the Centervlew Weekly Times and it is published, at the Centervlew school. Th A- itor Is Janet Comstock and gen eral reporters are Mabel Lord, Fern Ray, Norman Rice. Each grade has a representative report er: second, Wilms Hobbs; third, xorma Wilson; fourth, George Haberly; fifth, Harry Cutler; sixth. Martha Lord: aATanth. Pau line Cutler; eighth. Helen Good- xnecni. miss Edna Goodknecht is the teacher. Old School Idea is Theme For Program SDLVERTON. Oct. 15. The Pythian Sisters will hold an in teresting meeting at the Pythian hall next Tuesday night with "Old Sch6ol Night" as one of the fea tures. Conducting the school will be Adah Ekman, Ethel Kleeb, Henrietta Loe and Chloe Staynor. Members of the order are asked to some dressed as school girls. Fam ilies of members are specially in vited guests. WEXDT FAMILY MOVES STAYTON. Oct. 15 The Mike Wendt family, who have been living on the Tom Ruet place, east of town, hare moved in the Harry Rumphreys house opposite the high school. BICIElli DUDE IUS POUTIGS TALK 5coGe mils seu mm 7 SHELBURN. Oct, IS Mrs; Roy Bates was taken Tuesday. W Willamette sanitarium, where ahe underwent an appendicitis opera tion. Mr. and Mrs. George Odeathal and three children are moving on to Russell place. This will add two new pupils to the Shelburn sehooL Lowell Fox and fanfily are moving to a farm near Mon mouth. Mr. Fox has been living oa the Fred Roadarmel place for the last two" years. Will Dono van and family are moving to the Mt. Pleasant. Neighborhood. The Donovans are taking three pu pils from grade school and two from high school. A number from Shelburn at tended the recital given In Scio Friday night by Frank Nadvor nik. who demonstrated his ability by playing on 12 different musi cal Instruments. Weekly Activity Schedules Made For High School Weekly activity schedules at the senior higti school have now been arranged for the winter to become effective next Monday. The schedule Is arranged cover ing a period . of four weeks at the end of which time it will be re peated. Following Is the schedule for the week beginning Monday, Oc tober 17. Monday: Girls' League cabin If you are. perhaj extra help whi tyt txamine&j ask us about khe comfortable vue bifocal, hatl "juittpoYUi voiding rainbow! -NEW F.UL.-VUE BIFOCALS ' a Pomeroy & Keene 379 STATE 'V. "... - . . V. - v 4. t - o SQ3GXDS, ri UlKl . .- . . i v- i " .... ': i r 1 v ,: : " : - ' ' et meeting, in room 21; atadent " : council, meeting in . the : office: Crescendo clab .in room 41: home room work;' Tuesday: Girla! '. League assembly? : Future Craftsmen of America meeting la machine, shop; boys" double quar tet meeting is room 4 A; Wednes day: French dab assembly; S clab meeting la room IF; mixed nia elnh la room 4Ar Thursday: Sophomore class meeting; Fri- ' day: scienee club meeting in room JC; girls' double fuartet Lin room 4 A. Work in Yakima Fruit Harvest is ' Available, Word Contrary to previous warnings that no work for outsiders ex isted ia the Yakima, Waslu. fruit district, a telegram was received at the U. 8. - Y. M. C. A. em ployment bureau hero Thursday stating that 2S0 apple pickers were needed la the orchards there for a 10-day period. Pickers should have automobiles or camp ing equipment, the telegram said. Wages offered are two and one half cents per box. Onion growers entered the la bor market Thursday aad em ployed 24 .persons through the bureau. Twelve others were put to work on the highway, three at common . labor and one each at soliciting, powder and bakery Jobs. Monmouth, Oct IS Louis H. Blackerby of Oak Grove, has been elected president, of the In ternational club at the Oregon Normal school. Other officers chosen are: Vera H. Graf, Shedd. vice president; Charlotte Martin, Portland, secretary; and Mary Jo Stalker, . Silverton, treasurer. ARE YOU FORTY? are crying out for -will help yoq, new so much mora modem. Ful- reduces imcornf on able ary bifocals and your eyes. ST. SALEM at 2 p. tn. OO . .. . rn you reaa nnexmn - LTnen, if plfocah type that ii 1- tfor vnir tm thi An found irrbfdin VTTAPHO.Va La "Snuuh Your Bagssge " Maskal Comedy ' "I WUh I fled Wings- . Warner Hros. Carrent Sreata H 1 . ... .. - m ' mi -if lliinai 11 mi 11 1 ' I llMBBBBSHiaK I