NOW IS THE TIME "Subscribe now, Th Ore gon Statesman Bargain per on. To any address la Oregon $3.00 per year by nail only. s - , ; WEATHER Cloady '- -with - occasJoaal w rains today and Monday; Max. Temp.. Satnrday , A3, Mln. .00, river feet, rain .54 inch, aoath winds. .Ll EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR Salem, Oregon, Sunday- Morning, October 16, 1932 -. No. 174 I i' POL T1GA L Gil ENTERING FOURTH PERIOD Hoover now Toting the Oval And Making big Gains; Maybe He'll Score Demos Rush in Substitutes When Regulars Fumble And Battle Turns C our son Held Guilty In 'Sweat Box' Case; Higginbotham Freed Manslaughter Charge Proven Against one of Florida Prison Guards as Result of Maillafert's Torture Death CIRCUIT JUDGE H5P0NILE ATTORNEY By SHELDON F. SACKETT Election campaigns resemble football contests in tactics and outcome. The campaign has now entered the fourth quarter. All this side contests: state, county, city matches, are being swallowed up in the concentrated Interest shown in the national battle: Hoover against Roosevelt. While that big game has seen the Roosevelt forces carrying the ball the majority of the time and the republicans playing defensive- ly. the tide of battle has definite ly turned and the only question remaining is whether the Hoover offensive can score in the 22 days remaining. For there is no question that Roosevelt and his followers have used every play in their repertoire and have scored all their possible points. Hoover is Making Big Yardage Now Hoover made yardage heavy yardage when he took the ball at Des Moines and plowed right through the heavy "line" his op ponents had been nsing. The crowds roared approval for the world loves a fighter. "Al" Smith who had sat sulking on the dem ocratic bench, was rushed into the fray, and made a newspaper peace with the substitute quarter who had been calling signals. Speaker Garner whom the democrats had benched because he so often fum bled the ball was trotted out on the sidelines to utter raucous cries to try to embarrass the Hoover side. Meanwhile as the third quarter ended democrat coaches told the boys and the fans that the game was all over and prepared for a bang-up fourth quarter which they eared would see a Hoover comeback and victory. The dem ocratic press chimed in, and hav ing added up the score before the gam was over, told the referees the show might as well be called Iff; they knew they had won isfore the last quarter was played. : No candid person cab deny that the Hoover campaign is gaining strength steadily in Oregon. The ' Roosevelt swing around the west ern end of the country showed the candidate covering a lot of terri tory but making little yardage. People were interested to hear him bark signals but did not see much potency in the plays he pro posed. Old Guard Still Has Scoring Punch Now that Hoover has the ball and Is ripping the democratic line to shreds, some of the band-wag on spectators who thought the Roosevelt forces unbeatable- ad mit the Old Guard is far stronger than they thought and the cam patgn is anyone's to date. For example, the razzle-dazzle tariff play of the democrats look' ed mighty weak. Roosevelt start ed out by handing the ball to the "competitive tariff side but the right and left halves in states like Washington and Idaho, Arizona and Iowa, made a howl and Roosevelt snatched the ball back and passed it to them insisting that his tariff play must, do notft ing to them. " f Then Roosevelt was told by the . Bonus fullbaek that he absolutely must civs him a chance to shine. Roosevelt is still debating that ta- - sue. Meanwhile Hoover In this respect as in the tariff fight has failed his signals plainly and any one on the republican team knows exactly how he proposes tosplay the game. Spectators Decide To Boot for Hoover All manner of spectators are turning to Hoover as a strong, honest, definite leader. They feel If Hoover wins this game, . the team's comeback is assured but if Roosevelt comes off victor, God alone "knows what will happen with the genial F. R. trying to satisfy 11 different players In cluding Hearst, McAdoo, Garner, Smith, Farley, et al. The anti-Hoover cries in Ore gon com from unyielding demo . cratie critics who nave fought the administration in season and out. or from the vast body of disgrunt led citizens who express their en tire thinking by the oft hand re- nark that conditions couldn't be worse" and while they think Roose velt is a weathercock they'll risk anyone but Hoover. These men. ; whether on part-time work in the . lumber Industry, which 'Is begin ning to show an upturn or about to lot their home by mortgage. r are stopping as never before to -. - - (Turn to page 3, coL 1) JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct. 15 (AP) George W. Cour son who testified in the "sweatbox murder trial" that his attitude toward Arthur Maillefert, young prisoner, was that of a benign father, was convicted of manslaughter to day, but the jury accepted Solomon Higgmbotham's story that he applied the Golden Rule in handling Maillefert and : o acquitted him. The two former guards were McMahan Can't Laugh This Latter off is Quick Reply From Carson Invited Jurist to- Appear In Case; Says Slap at Walker Inferred MI 'S CAPTURE RIBBONS win Nine Show; Places Milk at Stock Exhibits Are Outstanding Nine out of Marion county's ten entries in the dairy products show at the Pacific International stock show in Portland placed ' in the contest, results of which were an nounced Saturday. Salem Sanitary Milk Co., with its 98.9 percent perfect entry in the market cream pasteurized class, received one of the four gold medals awarded this year, competing with entries from Washington, California and other parts of Oregon. The only other ribbon taken by a Marion county entry was that awarded to Otto Schindler. whose entry in the goat's milk class, re ceived second place. Silver medal diplomas repre senting a percentage rating be tween 96 and 9S were awarded A. C. Spranger, Salem, and Carl Jordan, Stayton, in the raw mar ket milk class. Bronze medal di plomas went to Capital Dairies, McMillin's, and Creamland Dairy The bronze medal diploma was awarded to entries ranking be tween 94 and 96 percent. In the market milk pasteurized class Salem Sanitary Milk Co, and the Capital Dairies each re ceived the silver medal diploma. Marion's representation at the dairy show was small. According to J. E. Blinkhorn, county dairy and food inspector, this was due to the encroachment of the recent (Turn to page 3, col. 2) harged with first degree murder for the death of the Westfield, N. J., youth, strangled to death in a sweatbox at Sunbeam prison camp last June 3, his feet in stocks and hanging by his neck on a chain locked around a rafter overhead. The jury deliberated two hours and 16 minutes. Counsel for Courson filed no tice of an application for new trial. Throughput the trial, in which most of the testimony was pre sented by convicts who served with Maillefert, the defense con tended the youth, despondent over repeated failures to escape, had killed himself. The state held that he had been so weakened by torture and short rations that he was unable to hold up his own weight in the sweat box and sagged to his death on the chain.. COMMISSION ASKED TIKE JURISDICTION The federal power commission Saturday was requested by Charles M. Thomas, public util ity commissioner, to assume lurisdiction over all stock and bond issues of the Portland Gen eral Electric company. Pacific Mid-West Hears Hoover Message UNDERHAND 5 J ; II : rr V, - Jr mm mm CALLED SUDDENLY Alfred Burkhart Stricken While at Wheel of car; Accident Results Alfred Burkhart, 36. command er of World War Post No. 107, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Port land, died of heart failure tonight as he was being rushed to a hos pital at Salem. Burkhart eouapsed from a heart attack three miles north of Woodburn at 7 p. m. as he was driving south with hla family and friends to inaugurate a new veter ans' post at Independence. The car went Into the ditch and overturned but the occupants were only bruised. A passing truck picked Burk hart up and hurried him to Salem but he died before he reached a local hospital. His wife and daughter, Roberta, were with him. Mrs. Burkhart was shoeked by the accident and sus tained slight face cuts. J. F. Owen, Junior vice-commander of World War Post, and his wife were in the car but es caped uninjured. - Burkhart was a salesman for the Stubbs Electric company in A declaration by Judge L. H McMahan yesterday that "to a man with a sense of humor this case or carson vs. siegmuna is hilariously funny," met last night with a sharp retort from District Attorney John H. Carson that Mc Mahan is "utterly irresponsible". "McMahan cannot laugh this matter off so far as decent people are concerned," Carson declared. "In this Instance as in many others, he abused the high office with which he has been entrusted in order to do a malicious injury to another and he cannot excuse himself by damning everybody else as he has always done." Taxpayers Get Xo Hearing, ts Claim McMahan's quoted statement Saturday was: "To a man with a sense of hu mor this case-of Carson vs. Sieg mund is hilariously funny. "If the payments are illegal then the county judges, the two commis sioners and Mr. Carson are equal ly liable and equally guilty. Mr. Carson Is the plaintiff and the judge and two commissioners are defendants. Both defendants and plaintiff wanted the same verdict. The plaintiff selected his own at torney and the defendants select ed their attorney. "The taxpayers were not repre sented. The defendants' attorney was told by me he could have my brief on the case but did not take It. He wanted tha same verdict the plaintiffs attorney wanted. When stunts of this kind can be pulled off in courts we need no longer wonder the courts are in disrepute with the people." The case at stake was to de termine whether the Marion county court had a legal right to pay S0 a month from county funds for a stenographer for the district attorney's office and to pay 371 a month from county (Turn to page 3, col. 4) CURTIS HURT BUT STILL M INS E OF FALSE TALE I ATTACK ! Opponents' Claim Placing Depression Blame on G. 0. P. Refuted V This scene, showing the interior of the Cleveland, Ohio, auditorium during the republican national con vention of 1024, was duplicated last night when President Hoover (rase) made bis appeal for tne support of Ohio and its sister states of the middle west for reelection, and incidentally made his strongest thrusts of the campaign against his democratic opponent. UN OPPOSES 1 I I Shoots Deer But It's Dead First; Carrier Hit Too KETCHIKAN. Alaska. Oct. U (AP) Mickey Wells, a pros- LOWER VALUATIONS WANTED BY FIRMS Farmers Union Attacks Rate ptor, shot at the moving head Railroads and Lumber Mill ana necx oi a aeer in ine wooas Northwest Public Service com- paafrUnd Portland Traction eomH portiand Be8ides his widow and pany,. penainK me nmo .""''"i daughter, one son. Roger, sur- such jurisdiction Is granted the state utility commission. It is my understanding. vlves him. The body was placed with the Terwilliger funeral home tonight 8 ALT LAKE CITT, Utah, Oct. 1S-(AP) Vice-President Curtis, at the close of a day of campaign ing that Included an automobile accident in which he received sprained shoulder, told the audi ence in the Mormon tabernacle here this evening that a democra tic victory next month would re sult in "years of chaos with American goods swamped in the Of pay for Road Work; Gehlhar Approved BETHEL, Oct. 15 (Special) ''Four thousand dollars of the state highway fund Is being spent on super highway construction in- declared Charles K. Spanlding yesterday at the Marion county convention of the Farmers union at Central Howell. "This is wrong and a dangerous precedent. All of the cities of the state had hereto fore built their own streets." The convention went on record as approving Max Gehlhar's man agement of the state fair. The meeting also passed a resolution against unfair ratio between pay of men and teams on state road work, which was ordered by the stats highway commission Amount set was 10 cents an hour for men and IB cents an hour tor teams. It was the commission's idea to have one driver work a team for five hours and for a sec- or1 driver to take the same team for another five hours work. The union held that this was ridicu lous, since 10 hours is entirely too long ta work a horse in one day. and especially so at highway con struction work, and also that the shifting of drivers and the using of inexperienced drivers from the ranks of the unemployed would (Turn to page 3, col. 3) a below him, and his bullet went through the deer's neck all right. but The deer had already been shot and killed once, and Clyde Han- nagen, 33, was carrying the an imal. Wells reported to authori ties here today. His bullet .went through Han- nagen's arm, and the man was brought here unconscious, suffer ing from the loss of blood. Hanne- gan will recover, physicians said, but he may suffer a permanent injury to his arm. FINLEY WILL TALK TWICE ON MONDAY PROMINENT IDAHO EDUCATORS KILLED power act provides in effect that in states where jurisdiction is not vested in the state utility commission the federal power commission may through proper procedure assume jurisdiction over stock and bond issues of state utilities and retain the same until state jurisdiction , Is granted." - Thomas made it plain that his request was based on certain tes timony offered at the hearing now being conducted in Portland in connection with financial tran sactions involving the Portland General Electrio company. Paci fic Northwest Public Service com pany and the Portland Traction L company. land where funeral arrangements will be made. Killers- of Pie Fined 111 COUrt depression and recon- sirucuon measures taaen oy Devoting particular attention to the tariff in the home state of Senator Reed Smoot, chairman of the senate finance committee and co-author of the Smoot-Hawley I tariff act, the vice-president dlt-'l cussed numerous other issues, ln- TILLAMOOK, Oct. 15 (AP) Three young men who killed a pig by . chopping it with an ax were sentenced today .to two years each in the state peniten tiary when they were convicted of destroying property. The three are Elmer Williams, William Campbell and J. 8. Munroe. Willamette Shares in Lee Mission Memoi ial measures taken by re publican administration. The vice-president's day began at Ogden, where ho spoke last night, and ld him by automobile to this city, with several brief stops, enroute. His sprained shoul der, which was described as pain ful but not serious, was Injured when another machine. In at tempting to turn from the pave ment to allow 4ho Curtis party to pass, struck loose gravel and swerved Into the path of the vice president' automobile. Mr. Cur tis was thrown violently forward, striking his right shoulder against the inside of the car. THE DALLES, Ore., Oct, 15 (AP) The founding of The Dalles Indian mission of the Meth odist Episcopal church Is com memorated in a monument dedi cated here today at the western end of the Old Oregon Trail. The dedicatory ceremony was sponsored by Willamette univer sity as part of its program of pre serving historical places in Ore gon. . ' ! - ' The program,. arranged by Dr. George H. Alden, professor of his tory at the University, was open ed with selections by the Willam ette band. Rev. R. A. Hutchinson pronounced the. invocation and D. J. Butcher, representing Governor Julius L. Meier, gave a brief ad dress. ' - .- . Robert A. Booth of Eugene, who crossed the plains with hm par ents when he was 7. was one of the speakers. The principal ad dress was given by Judge Charles H. Carey of Portland. Other speakers included Presi dent Carl Gregg Doney of Willam ette, Miss - Mylle Lawyer, a Nes Perce Indian; W. S. Kelson of The Dalles and Dr. Fred F. Thompson, mayor here. German Refusal Oi Geneva Meet Deemed AttrOnt concrete bridge abutment. POCATELLO. Idaho. Oct. 15. (AP) Two prominent Idaho edu cators were killed in an automo bile accident near here today and another, with his wife. Is In a hos pital here suffering from serious inluries. The dead are C. E. Bocock, if. president of the Albion Normal school, and Miss Retta T. Martin, St. democratic candidate Tor state superintendent of public lnstrue- tlon. The injured are W D. Via-. cent, state commissioner of edu cation, and Mrs. "Vincent. ' Dr. J. H. Lyon, the attending physician, reported tonight they had a good cnance ior recovery. although suffering from shock. ents and bruises, with Internal in juries, and possible fractures of the chest and hack. Mr. Vincent, who was driving the ear In which the four were traveling from pocatello to Blaek- foot to attend district conven tion of the Idaho Education, asso ciation, told officers he applied the brakes when another car turn ed suddenly in front of him. The Vincent car swerved and struck a William L. Flnley, naturalist author-explorer, who Is to make his appearance at the senior high school Monday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock with his motion picture story, "Alaskan Wild Life and the Kodlak Bear," will remain long enough to repeat his showing of the pictures with the accompany ing story at 8 o clock Monday night at the same place. Principal Fred Wolf of the high school has announced. A small charge will be made for admittance. Mr. Flnley, an Oregonlan, as well as being a naturalist, author. and lecturer, has met with con siderable success as a photograph er of wild animal life. With his wife he has just completed an ex ploring trip to Alaska where for the' past two years he has worked hard to obtain the series of pic tures on wild life In that section which he will show and explain to his audiences Monday. It is re ported that his moving pictures showing himself In close contact with the Kodlak bear are particu larly interesting. Principal Wolf stated last week that the proceeds taken in from the entertainment will be divided and the share going to the high school will be used toward the purchasing of a-new piano for the school Companies to Appear at Equalization Meet Material reductions In property valuations for the year 1932, on which the 1133 tax levy will be based, will be urged by several railroad corporations, lumber and mill operators, and numerous oth er Industries when the state board of equalization opens Its sessions here tomorrow. The state equalization board Is composed of members of the state tax commission. The law provides that the board shall continue in session for 30 dsys. Reports received here Saturday indicated that some of the rail roads would ask a 20 per cent re duction In their property valua tions. The request will be based on reports of their annual earn ings, loss of revenue because of truck competition, and the natural shrinkage in the value of their lines and equipment due to the uncertain financial conditions. Lumber and mill operators who have been suffering because of the reduced demand for their prod ucts also were expected to appear before the state board of equaliza tion and demand, lower property valuations. ' TERMINAL PIM TO 00 BEFORE COUNCIL EMPLOYMENT GAINS WASHINGTON. Oct. 15 (AP) -The labor department today re ported a gain. of S.C per cent In employment and an Increase of 2.1 in payrolls during September, on the basis oi zigures rrom 54,851 reporting establishments. Rough draft of a resolution to be presented to the city council Monday night looking toward cre ation of a 1100,000 river and ter minal dock for Salem was yester day afternoon placed in hands of City Attorney W. H. Trlndle by William P. Ellis, local attorney and member of the chamber of commerce, which with members of the city council. Is backing the municipal proposal. Ellis stated yesterday the reso lution presented to -Attorney Trlndle for his opinion embodied essentially the plan as outlined in Satnrday morning's Statesman. . While the resolution drafted yesterday was done so only rough ly due to haste, it is expected a formal resolution, with any sug gestions made by the city attor ney, will be ready for presentation to the city council Monday night. Crisis Reached 11 Nations Before United States, . Authority Quoted CLEVELAND, Oct. 15.-r-(Al . Asserting directly that demo cratic statements as to the origin of the depression "can be proved absolutely u n t r u e," President Hoover asked for a comparison of the two major parties based upon "actual performance not upon promises." Standing in the same edifice in which Calvin Coolidge was nomin ated in 1924, the president time after time launched out directly at statements he attributed to "the democratic candidate. Franklin D. Roosevelt. j Then, turning to his own per sonal. record, he described as "cal umny" a statement from a "copy of instructions Issued by the demo cratic national committee" to its speakers. He said the statement Implied he had "engaged in the slaughter of human beings" through contracting eheap Chi nese labor in his early engineering days. He denied having employed such labor in the South African mines. "I happen to have in the files in Washington, from the man who first penned those lies," he said., "a statement under oath, humbly and abjectly withdrawing them. Would Ignore Except For Source of Story "Such contemptible statements In a" political campaign would be Ignored were It hot that they were Issued' by the authority of the democratic national committee, and they would be of no" interest to the American people except that It Is proposed that a politi cal party shall be placed in power over one hundred and twenty mil lions of people on the basis of votes secured in this manner." At the outset, the president said his address would be devoted largely to employment and wage questions. He outlined in detail 12 policies and measures which he described as the record of his ad ministration on this score. But before reaching this section of his speech, he turned directly to a discussion of causes of world economic strain. "Our opponents," he began, "have been going up and down the land repeating the statement that the sole or msjor origins of this disruption and this world wide hurricane came from the United States through the wild flotation of securities and the stock market speculation in New York three years ago together with the passage of the Smoot Hawley tariff, which took place nine months after the storm broke. Bourbon . Jeremiahs Conspimoasly Absent The president said "Our op ponents demand to know why government leaders did not fore see the approach of the disinte grating forces. "No one ein foresee the com ing of fear or panic," he assert ed. "I did not . notice any demo cratic Jeremiahs." Contending the thesis of the opposition as to the origin of our troubles is a wonderful explana tion for political purposes, Mr. Hoover repeated several times that the leaders of the democra tic party "appear to be entirely (Turn to page 3, col. 7) ' Big Bounty Offered tor Slaying Japanese, Claim The marker along the Oregon Trail near The Dalles which was dedicated by students and friends of : Willamette university com memorates the establishment - of the first branch of the original Oregon. Indian mission founded by Jason Lee for the Methodist church 10 miles, north of Salem. -. The branch at The Dalles was in charge of Daniel Lee, nephew of Jason Lee. and Rev. H. K. W. Perkins. It was opened in 1338. The buildings of the mission prob ably stood on what is now the site of the high school in The Dalles. It was called "Wascopan" by the Indians. . - Hoover Dry arid Roosevelt . Wet, Church Asserts PITTSBURG. Oct. 15. (AP) Samuel Harden Church, president of the Carnegie Institute and a lifelong republican, announced te- nlghte will vote for Franklin D. Roosevelt for president. Characterizing President Hoov er as "silently dry." and Vice- President Curtis as "vociferously dry." "Church said la a statement meeting, agreed with the French that his switch to the democratic ana imusn mat Geneva do tne i party is tased oa nis opposition 10 place for the conference. . 1 national prohibition. , PARIS, Oct, 15 (AP)-Char- aeterixlng Germany's refusal to. take part in a preliminary four power arms conference at Geneva as an affront both to France and to the League of nations, a gov ernment spokesman indicated -to day that France was unlikely to agree to hold the : meeting . in any other city.. . - The selection of Geneva was made when Premier Bdouard Herriot saw Prime Minister Ran say McDonald earlier this week In London. Italy, the fourth pow er that would partlcplate In the By JAMES A. MILLS MUKDEN, Manchuria, Oct II (AP) A scale of "bounties" for the killing or capture of Jap anese officers, soldiers and civil ians in Manehuria is set forth in documents published hero by the Japanese military authorities. The Japanese officials declare - the price scale emanated from - the Pelplng headquarters of Marshal Chang Hslho-Liang, the former warlord of Manchuria whom, the Japanese ousted. The price en the head of Gen eral Nobuyoshl Muto, the emper ors commaBder-in-cniez ana am bassador in -Manchuria, It the au thenticity : of these documents Is to be accepted. Is 30.000 dollars Mexican (about U. 8, $1,500). That sum is promised his assassin. From this "top" the "bounties range down to a mere 10 Mexican dollars . for - the - capture of an American or European in Man ehuria which the Japanese assert their . Chinese - enemies seek to bring .about to embroil Japan with other powers. Any Chinese who; kills ten or more Japanese will, according to these - documents, receive $ 1,0 0 0 Mexican cash. For the capture of a rifle the prize la 1100; for a machine-gun 3300; for a field gun, $3,000; for an airplane $5,- 000. All awards are In Mexican.. For ' assassinating a Japanese full general (General Muto being the only one in Manchuria) a re ward of $30,000 Is posted; for a lieutenant-general $20,000; for a major-general, $10,000; tor a col onel, lieutenant-colonel or major $7,000. - PREPARE DATA TO EXTRADITE INSULL WASHINGTON, Oct. IS (AP) Systematic preparations for the extradition from Greece of Sam uel Insull, -Sr., despite the first setback, were launched today la U Washington by two assistant state's attorneys from. Chicago fn " cooperation with state department offleisls. ' - v Charles A. Bellows and Andrew Vlaehos. were in conference to- day with Joseph R. Baker, extra- . dltion expert on the department, V ; Afterward, Bellows said he and . Vlaehos were compelled to abas- ;V don their plan to sail for Europe October 19 and will remain here ",v until they ret additional depot!- . tlons from witnesses In the Chlca- : j go proceedings against Insull, so ! to take to Greece. - j - - State department officials still f decline to say what . their next step sDl he,, hat the care with which the-records are belnr as- v sembled ' indicates a desire to he ready to -prove to the satisfaction ot Greek officials the Indictments against Insull are for crimes for t; which refugees may be surrender-.) ed under the Greek law.