The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 15, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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Rain today and Sunday,
moderate temperature; Max.
Temp. Friday 71. Mia. 57,
rain JiO Inch, river - -SJI
feet, aoathwest wind.
Sept. '33
Xct r.&M, daily. SuntTaj ,63lJ
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, October ,15, 1932
No. 173
Water Bond Opponents say
City Laws: Will Govern
Election Matter
No way to Certify Issue to
County Clerk, is Claim
Of City Attorney
Decision on requested mandam
us writ against City Recorder
Poulsen and County Clerk Boyer
rests with Judge L. H. McMahan
until next Monday, the court an
nounced late Friday afternoon
after hearing counsel for both
sides of the proposed mandamus
actions present their respective
Immediate appeal from the cir
cuit court's opinionjiere is antici
pated Inasmuch as Walter E.
Keyes, attorney for the repeal pro
ponents, says he will appeal if the
writs of mandamus are not grant
ed and City Attorney Trindle says
he will appeal if the writs are
Says Cities Given
Right to Determine
Keyee, representing T. M. Hicks,
who seeks the mandamus against
Poulsen and August Hucksstein,
who seeks the mandamus against
Boyer, contended in court yester
day that the state law and con
stitution permits municipalities of
more than 2000 population to con
duct initiative . and referendum
votes under the provisions of their
own ordinances. He cited a por
tion of the state constitution In
defense of his position.
Keyes held that City Recorder
Poulsen should now have printed
special city ballots containing the
water bond repeal proposal. Poul
sen in addition, Keyes contended,
should give legal notice to all
voters, 10 or more days before
the November g election, and
should leave the ballots with the
judges and clerks of election, to
gether with special ballot boxes.
The administration of the voting
and the counting of the special
ballots Would be left to the var
ious boards, Keyes contended.
Claim No Method
To Certify Measure
City Attorney Trindle declared
to the court that inasmuch as the
city ordinance provided no way
for the city recorder to certify the
proposed repeal measure to the
eounty clerk within the time the
state law held mandatory, there
was no legal jvay in which the
measure could come before the
voters at the November election.
He also contended the state law
expressly provided that the county
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
LONDON, Oct 14 (AP)
Two days of negotiations between
Premier Edouard Herrlot and
Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon
ald resulted today in a Franco
British agreement to hold a four
power emergency disarmament
conference at Geneva to deal with
Germany's demand for arms
But the Germans balked at this
arrangement, and tonight the cri
sis over world disarmament cen
tered again in Belgium. Prom
persons in touch with the negotia
tions here, it- was learned that
American influence probably
would be needed to smooth out
this latest difficulty.
Italy immediately expressed her
approval of the four-power parley
plan. Germany, which previously
had agreed to such a conference
In London with certain reserva
tions, objected to a change of
venue from the British capital to
Geneva en the ground that her
statesmen would be re-entering an
arms parley under league aus
pices without having been grant
ed their claim to equality in arma
ments. It was this question of equality
that caused Germany recently to
withdraw from the world disarm
ament conference at Genera.
Col. Ralph Cole
One of Legion's
... Founders Killed
WARREN. O., Oct, 15 (Satur
day) (AP) CoL Ralph Cole,
one of the founders of the Ameri
can Legion, its state commander
and formerly a member of con
gress, died early today from In
juries received Tuesday in an
automobile accident.
' The colonel, who helped found
the Legion In Paris, France, at
tbe close of the world war, was
known by thousands of. veterans
throttghoutthe United States.
: Mrs. Cole and their son, Ralph,
- Jr., Were with the colonel when
he died.
PRANG INS, France, Oct, 14
(API prince Louis Napoleon
grand neohewof Napoleon I, and
former general. In , the Russian
army, died, et pneumonia-today at
sis c oate an here.- ile was
Did Callicotie Do This in 1916?
Tom Mooney Hopes He'll Prove It
-:-F -7.' Hf
:vir w'; : "V : . : x - ; : ft
' "ii ,' mi 'Win, : . .,
- mn 'fry KMMBfc.ii mmm mi .
Paul Callicotte", Portland mountaineer. Is shown carrying a suitcase
from a cafe on lower Market street
of Market and Stenart, just as he
ments before the Preparedness Day bomb burst and killed ten per
sons. Callicotte thinks the suitcase contained the bomb. San Fran
cisco police have ridiculed his story. This week Callicotte went over
the scene, picking out locations without hesitation. Organized sup
porters of Tom Mooney and Warren Billings, still In prison for this
crime, are hoping Caliicotte's story may be the means of freeing
and vindicating the two men.
He and Attorney Sapiro at
i)uts; Callicotte Case
Held in Abeyance
(AP) Disagreement between
Tom Mooney, convicted San
Francisco preparedness d a y
bomber, and one of his leading
defenders, Aaron Sapiro, New
York attorney, was revealed here
today as Sapiro announced his
withdrawal as counsel in the 16
year old case.
Sapiro's withdrawal, announc
ed in a letter to Mooney at San
Quentin prison, came upon the
heels of renewed pardon demands
for the ageing life-term convict.
based principally on the express
ed belief of Paul M. Callicotte.
Oregon mountaineer, that he un
wittingly placed the bomb which
killed 10 persons and injured 40
The New York attorney, who
came here by airplane to ones
tion Callicotte, said Mooney had
reiusea to accept legal sugges
tions under which two objec
tives were planned: a new par
uon hearing before Governor
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 14.
(AP) A dedicatory eeremony
and picnic lunch at Canyon creek
park tomorrow will formally open
the new Woodburn-Mount Hood
loop road, providing a shortcut
from Clackamas and Marlon coun
ties to the Mount Hood area.
A caravan wUl traverse the new
route, state highway commission
Chairman Leslie M. Scott will be
the principal speaker at the dedi
MED FORD, Ore., Oct. 14
(AP) Racine Welser, 80-year-bld
Klamath Indian, was sen
tenced today to life imprison
ment In a federal prison, A
federal court jury convicted him
this week of second degree
murder in connection with the
slaying of his father, Sylvester
Welser, August 4.
Federal1 Judge Alger Fee In
passing sentence said:
"There are no extenuatiag
. drcomstancee, and the fact that,
the defendant admitted on the
witness stand that for con
siderable period he had harbor
ed a plan te slay his father,
weighs against him In this howr
ef judgment.
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct 14
(AP) Sweepstake honors for
milk and cream entries . In the
17th annual Pacific International
dairy products show were award
ed to the Crown City creamery of
Pasadena, Cal., Dr. G. H. Wllster,
manager, announced today. The
show, held In connection with the
Pacifle - International Livestock
Exposition wilL open tomorrow,
but . Judging .; was completed to-
dar. ... .
I 4
In San Francisco, to the corner
says he did in 1010 a few mo
Will Talk From Platform
Of Train on way; Hand
Is Giving Trouble
Continuing work on tomorrow's
Cleveland address, despite a band- i
aged hand, President Hoover pwh
pared himself today for a start
shortly after daybreak upon his
second campaign trip into the
Between dawn and dusk to
morrow, the president plans to
make ten rear platform appear
ances in swift succession while
traveling across four states. He is
expected to arrive In Cleveland
only a few minutes before time
for ,hls speech at 8:10 p. m.,
(Eastern Standard Time) and in
tends to start on his return trip
almost immediately after con
cluding. White House aides told news
papermen they were not at liberty
to disclose the subjects upon which
the chief executive will speak.
Postmaster General Brown,
who helped arrange for the presi
dent's appearance - in Ohio, said
several days ago Mr. Hoover prob
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
Hood Shortcut Opens
Indian is Given Life
Salem Dairy is Victor
Inquest is Postponed
The awards Include the follow
ing: Pasteurized market cream: Sa
lem Sanitary Milk eompany, Sa
lem, Ore., 98.9.
MED FORD, Ore., Oct. 14.
- (AP) An Inquest Into the
death of Glen Fabrick, 55, Med
ford business man fatally shot
while on a hunting trip yester
day In the bills near here, will
be postponed tmtfl It has been
determined whether the trag
edy occurred In Jackson or
Klamath county, the coroner's
office here announced today.
Ellsworth Konkle, 42, Fab
rick's hunting partner, was
held on an open charge today
after admitting, police said,
that he fired the fatal shot.
The officers said Konkle told
them he fired through some
- brush at what he thought waa
a deer, then was ''horrified te
' catch the flash ef a pair ef
.boots falling over a log. Fab
rick was dying whew Konkle
reached the spot..
EUGENE. Ore- Oct. 14 (AP)
Legislation to aid In solving
present problems of Oregon com
munlties win - be sought by tbe
league et Oregon- cities. Closing
its two-day annual session here
today, the league moved to ap
point a committee to draft-legis
lation. :
William H, Brlggs of Ashland
president et the league, appoint
ed the committee, with which he
will serve. Other members in
clude: J. I Hope, Astoria; F. P,
FarrelL Medford; . C. . Schuebel
Oregon Ctty: Willametta . McEl-
roy. Portland; E. C Smith, Hood
River; Celia U. Gavin, The iaues
J. W. Melntnrff. uarsHflftld.
naBsflPJ inn
riP.r.isinn is RiVfn Qllinklv
By Judge Walker When
Case Heard Here
Salary for Stenographer,
Assistant to District
Attorney is Legal
The full legal right of the Mar
lon county court to pay a stenog
rapher for the district attorney's
office out of county funds and
to pay for an assistant district
attorney from the county prohi
bition fund was upheld here yes
terday by Judge Arlio Q. Walker.
The case at Issue was that of
John Carson against the Marion
county court and Judge Walker's
decision came on a demurrer filed
by the court to Carson's com
plaint. Walker overruled the de
murrer offered by the defendant
without asking for briefs or com
pelling litigants to extend him
for the decision.
Judge Walker was sent here
yesterday by Chief Justice Bean
to hear the case Inasmuch as
Judge L. H. McMahan and Judge
L. G. Lewelllng both disqualified
Stenographers Pay
Is Discretionary
Walker held that the payment
ftt ISA il nllf tn Parann'. itMAir.
rapher was purely a matter of dis-
- - - a - o
cretlon on the part of the county
clerk which could make the pay
ment or not as he saw fit. He made
the same ruling in regard to pay
ment of 75 to the district at
torney's assistant from the county
prohibition fund.
The decision marked the legal
determination of Issues which siz
zled In the pre-prlmary campaign
here last May. Judge L. H. McMa
han in the last fortnight before
the campaign Issued statements
accusing the county court and
Carson of illegal diversion of
After the primaries John Car
son brought the suit to test the
payment in court.
Allan Carson represented his
brother in court yesterday while
Lara nrrrrlk renreaented th
Marlon county court.
(AP) A statement saying "I
cannot and will not snnnort Mr.
Hoover" was UmnnA w. tndav
h 9...I1, TnhaA. r-.ii-
fornia progressive republican, in
reply to representatives of 70
.nnfhsm p.iifnimi. n...n.n.
a pnb-
lie declaration
national and
tickets. -
ln favor of the
state republican I
Johnson, whose
criticism of
the administration
brought words of
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
tic presidential nominee, asserted
the president had "justly earned
the title of ultra-conservative"
while he, Johnson, was a progres
sive republican "elected by men
and women of all shades of po
litical opinion.
The California senator as
serted the difference between the
two political philosophies could
be particularized In a hundred
acts of the existinsr national ad -
ministration. He described the
Progressive as bellevin the aov-
ernment belongs to all the peo-
pie, "not to a favored or pitril -
eged few."
Postoif ice Query
Stopped Because
Oe y
T InSinUatlOnS
CHICAGO. Oct. 14 (AP)
The congressional postofflce in
vestigating committee today ad
journed Its hearings until after
the elections because of "Insinua
tions' that It was obtaining evi
dence for political purposes.
Congressman A. J. Sabath of Il
linois, 'sponsor of the resolution
creating the committee, said that
'insinuations ' have been made
that we are presenting evidence
for political purposes. Of course
that Is not true. I think, however,
that it would be better to wait un
til after election when we can ac
complish more.,
Brvan's Daughter
EjnXerS KampaiSn
LTNCOLN. Nb Oct 14 fAPl
Back in the eltv where her fa -
ther, William Jennings Bryan,
started the career that made him
ft presidential nominee) three
UIIIIUUII ilfilllli.ll
Br aides
no hoover en
times, Mrs, Ruth Bryan Owen to-1 nounced at the executive depart -
nirht renewed her campaign forlment. . 1 " t . .
the democratic ticket.:
- In ft speech tor delivery in the SnOT PROVES FATAD ; lAldrich. G res ham, national Wom
city auditorium, she attacked the! VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 14 lea's Christian Temperance Union
record of the republican ad minis-1 (AP) Edward B. Ylasleh. 3f. motion picture .'chairman, and
tratlon and urged the election of
Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt j was shot Sept: 19. when his com-1 field lecturer and national se
tnd Speaker John N. ; Garner as 1 panlon - Ballard - Taraer. Seattle erttary- of the . young - people's
men wlth years xt puhlte life inifederaoftlexrpwar'skot -to- death I bran ek of -the organlxatlon. Boyd
which the -pitiless light of psbiic -
fty has lailed to flnd -a stalii.s :
Accused as
D eath (Near
SEATTLE, Oct. 14. (AP)
Theodore D. Weed, 50, a business
man, was brought batk hero from
central Washington tpnight while
his friend and hunting companion
of a week and a half ago. Frank
Simpson. 56. who has accused
vi wa v yueuiua aiaua es
foot cliff, lay In a death coma at
an Auburn hospital from injuries
received In the fall.
Found hunting jackrabbits on
a ranch near Ellenaburg. Weed
was arrested today on a first de
gree assault charge, but Chief
Deputy Prosecutor Emmett G.
Lenihan, who went te EUensburg
to question him, announced that
a; new complaint charging first
degree murder will be filed
against him as soon ' as Simpson
dies. His back was broken In the
At the Owen Taylor 'hospital in
Auburn, where Simpson was tak
en after receiving his injuries on
the Green river while- hunting on
October 5, physicians: said Simp
son was in a death coma, and
probably would not live through
the night.
On arriving here. Weed express
ed the belief he would have no
difficulty establishing his Innoc
ence and through a friend retain
ed an attorney, James A. Dougan.
reirCe ana U. r. b. UTTICer
Group Dealt With Selves
Is Claim of Clark
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 14
(AP) A charge that inter-cor
porate transactions Involving as
sets of the Pacific
ruDiic service company were
"presumptively fraudulent" was
made by Alfred E. Clark, attor-
ney for interveners, at today's
session of State Public Utilities
PnmTniMi,,,.,,. rwi M Tm.
as' hearing Into the relations of
the Portland utility with the cen
tral public service corporation of
Chicago, Its holding., organization.
Clark sought to develop
irn? examination of Claude
woKiiMser lor me
eommissionythat Albert E. Pelrce
ana memoers oi me uenirai jr no
lle Service corporation, had sat
as officers and directors of the
five corporations involved In the
transactions and had, in reality,
dealt with themselves. He de
clared that similar dealings had
been held "presumptively frau
dulent" by the United States su-
preme court.
To Clark's direct charge that
the deals had been "bad bar
gains" tor tne . ri. p. a. com-
P""- Cassius R. Peck, attorney
for the utility, renlled that the
defense expected to combat vig-
orously the points raised against
ine lnier-corooraie deals. He m-
dlcated that exhibits and test!-
mony to throw new light on the
matter will be introduced when
the hearing resumes Tuesday.
(AP) Billy Tressler. re
gained consciousness today and
from a hospital cot supplied po
lice the names of two men who he
1 eld hit him. He Is the lone sur
vlvor of a slayer's attack that
i killed three members of his
l. 7 was struck Tuesday
I night when his mother, Mrs.
Nellie Tressler, 28, his grand
mother, Mrs. Armanda Harden,
2, and his sister. Sadie, 11, were
killed with an ax.
Police are holding Clyde Hard-
I en, zs, orotner or Mrs. Tressier;
Philip Renda. $0. her suitor and
George Lobr, SO, in connection
with the crime.
The boy Is unaware that his
mother, grandmother and sister
were killed. A triple funeral was
held tor the two women and girl
today. .
Howe to Resign
As Chaplain oi
Oregon's Prison
Rev. D. J. Howe, ex-pastor of
the First Christian efcnreb. here.
wfll resign as chaplain of the Ore-
gon state penitentiary as of No
vember 1. This was announced by
Howe Friday In ft telephone con
secretary of the state hoard of
.Ravi Mr. Htvi baa aervad aa
1 chaplain of the eenitentlarv for
I the past three years. Half a doxen
Salem ministers are ; anxious to
I suceeed Rev. Mr. Howe, it was an -
I 1 ; ' 1
I Tacoma prohibition officer -who!
1 duringa liquor raid, f died ; today
Ifxom- kls wf unds, - -v .r i
x mm
Walt Erickson Joins Team
Again and Gallops to '
- First Touchdown
Willamette Line Crashes in
To Cause Idaho Fumbles
In First Quarter
CALDWELL. Ida.. Oct. 14
(AP) .Willamette university of
Salem.. Ore., mowed down the
College of
Idaho Coyotes
in a football
game here to
night 26 to 0,
S u r prising
local enthusi-
7 lasts who had
expected the
Coyotes to go
V J C rUfa' In the
Tcjjthis year, the
uregon eleven
under the lea-
dershin of
lUaford oison "Walt Erick-
?i nferece v nalfback n
1931, rolled unchecked over the
local team.
Willamette amassed 16 first
downs to seven for the College,
The first score for the invaders
tne ctyofes"ebughtfTbout8 il
part by a solid aggressive Bear-
eat line
The second and third periods
went scoreless but in the final
period Willamette piled un 19
points. Erickson brought the first
score 10 me uregon team witn a
flashy run around end in the
first quarter. Oravec kicked goal
u i" iiuiti penou uison len
the scoring with a nlunre
through the line, Frantz scoring
til VfT-r ' k- .tK
ff." 5 TlS,
ckson .cored .n 25
Erickson, scored with an end run
ana oravec completed the rout
by Intercepting a pass and car-
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
(AP) Military officials tonight
investigated the killing of a coal
miner, while Christian county
mines were free from striking
pickets for the first time since
National guardsmen had com
pleted control of the situation.
marked this week by a series of
ciasaes in w men one person was
l -. a earn ana several
Picketing ended as soon as the
soldiers escorted across the coun
ty line, with warnings to stay
I way, the last of the strikers from
other coal fields.
Behind closed doors a military
board of inquiry investigated the
death at Tovey last night of An
drew Ganis, one of the strikers,
Corporal Russell M. Myers is un
oer military arrest, whUe war
rants charging murder have been
issued tor Colonel Robert Davis
and Captain Charles Meacham.
guard officers.
Two other 'miners were shot
and wounded today as soldiers
drove strikers from the mines.
Pray Appointed
On Parole Board
Charles P. Pray, superintend
ent of state police, has been ap
pointed a member of the state par
ole board to succeed Father T. V.
Keenan. who has resigned. Pray
served as state parole officer for
a year prior to being appointed
head of the state police depart
ment, and is conversant with the
duties of the state parole board.
i. tun ai4t
Pep Rally Marks Close
Ot W. C. T.
The closing - program of the
state W. C. T. IT. convention here
Friday was marked by a "pep"
rally and an address by Mrs. Ne-
1 Buck of this elty and ft na
tlonal organiser of the union.
Resolutions condemning gambl
ing at the state fair and urging
Uvi were adopted ftt the closing
session. Portland was chosen ftna-
nlmouslr fta the Place tor the
I II 2$ convention. This meeting
1 wui ne xeainrea as ue ume ior
I ceienrating ine vu anniversary
1 of the founding of Ue W. C. T.
1 U. ,
I . Other speakers yesterday at
I ternoon included: Miss Maud U.
Miss Helen Byrnes, Los Angeles,
I P.- - Doty. special r representative
1 e t tho jOTexoa' aad WashUgton
Water, Truck and Rail Facilities Would be Built Here at
$100,000 Cost; Reconstruction Finance Firm to be
Petitioned for Loan in Jhat Amount, Payment to be
Spread Over 25 Year Period
Chamber of Commerce Through Industries Committee is
Taking Lead; City Would Assume no Obligation bat
Would Furnish Land on Waterfront, Receive Building
And Property at end of Quarter Century
CJALEM chamber of commerce
O of
the city council joined
oi a tentative plan to provide
terminal and dock, construction
as plans could be completed arid
m , fj tmi.
Ane P"t proposed Dy vv
and endorsed and forwarded by
man of the chamber's industries committee, follows:
1 Fwtinn hv a Tmn-nrnfit
000 mern, fireproof, water, truck and rail terminal and
dock, the terminal to be operated as a public facility, open to
all users on equal terms.
2. The city council by deer
front property now owned by
Wall of Water Sweeps off
Ice Fields; Family is
Just Able to Flee
TACOMA, Oct. 14 (AP) A
wall of water 20 feet high swept
down oft Nisqually glacier this
afternoon, washed out the $21,-
000 concrete bridge five and a
half miles above Longmire and
nearly caught a family that was
picnicking a short distance below
the structure. Rainier National
park officials reported tonight.
The family, name of which was
not learned by park officials, es
caped by rushing up the road
through, water which was reach
ing above their knees before they
gained safety.
Like a keen knife the great
avaianche of water came down
wUn a thundering roar, carrying
large rocks and debris in its path
and cut the bridge off sharply at
the approaches, and ground it ln-
( Turn,' to page 2, col. 4)
Rising two-tenths of
dnrlnr th ftrftt ttirw dftvs 4f fall
"Ins. the Willamette river yes-
terdsy reached -3.Z reel nig nest
level In two months. The addl-
tlonal two and one-half Inches
of water mean the river f reighter
cari Increase its tonnage eonsid-
erably and make better time on
the three trips weekly.
Intermittent heavy showers and
mild drlstles yesterday brought
the total rainfall for the week
and month to one and one-half
lnehee. Overnight .50 Inch fell
and .22 during the day.
More rain will fall today and
tomorrow, according to the gov
ernment forecast and tempera
tures will remain moderate. Yes
terday the temperature rose to
71 degrees while the minimum
'was 57.
U. Convention
Anti-Saloon leagues, stressed the
necessity of retaining the prohi-1 eoverea mm wun ine gun. vopew
bition laws.' haven said he reached for the
Reports of department heads!"" switch to tnrow the oepet
w.r. mmwm tnfiT anA eanaidar -
ed on the floor of The" conven
tion. These reports showed the
organisation to bo in ft good fi
nancial condition, with ft steadily
growing membership.
In aa Incisive report made la
the last day of the convention,
Mrs. Ada Jolley, reelected as pre
sident for tho coming year, made
the following recommendations:
Emphasise scientific temper -
anco education In public schools
aad plans for essay contest work
should bo presented : early In
Tear;.; v , .
- Every, effort should be made
tor each anion to secure six new
members early in year;
Each anion divide Into Iff
rmnlm - nA t tvn nMn Wi from
each-group be assigned to call on
members of their ' group 'to col
i ITnn tA nara 9 -mens II - ''
- - - - . .
leaders and eight members
last night in hearty approval
Salem with a $100,000 river
of which would start as soon
financing arranged.
n 1
1111am sr. ruis 01 ine cnamoer,
William M. Hamilton, chair-
VtnMinv rnmnanf nf o tint).
or lease, to provide water
the city between Court ,arid
inemeketa streets.
3. Immediate application to te
Reconstruction Finance corpora
tion for a $100,000 loan to be
amortized over 25 years.
4. Execution of a contract, fer
operating purposes between local
holding company and Salem Nav
igation company for a period ef
25 years, on a basis which will la-
sure interest, insurance, upkeep
and principal in 25 years. As
surance has already been obtained
that such contract would be ob
5. City of Salem to create no di
rect or Indirect Indebtedness and
to receive back land and buildirg
at end of 25 years.
Water Transportation
Important to City
Mr. Ellis, in presenting tee
plan, declared that industrial de
velopment In Salem thus far can
be attributed In large measure to
water transportation. Its expan-
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
ALBANY, N. Y.. Oct, 14 (AP)
Franklin D. Roosevelt turned
tonight toward his Hyde Park
home for a quiet weekend before
setting forth on his sally Into the
middle western, border and south
ern states that may bring ft dec
laration of his views on the bonne
before he returns.
Thus far,the democratic? can
didate has not touched upon the
bonus in any of h 1 r eanrpalga
speeches and has declined to dis
cuss It In his press conference,
but Wend" i of the ovmor to-
of "
on " before the campaign
A letter to Thoaau B. Delker,
tne editor of a Hammonton, N. T.,
psper, from the governor, made
a.xa a a
pubyc today, said he would an
nounce his attitude in the near
Espee Agent is
Held Up; Money,
Checks are Loot
PORTLAND, Ore, Oct. 14
(AP) At the point of a sawed
off shotgun two men held up W.
D. Copenhaven, night agent at the
East Morrison street depot of tae
Southern Pacifle railway, tonight
and escaped with 110 inesnh
and $1,000 In travelers' checks,
the agent told police.
Tho robbers appeared ftt the
ticket window, the agent said, and
I WDe nexurnea xo greet ipem.
1 into darkness, but his ftssaUants
- 1 stopped him, then forced mm to
lie on tho floor - while they re
moved tho cash and checks from
tho cash drawer and the safe.
I T?riJ & A
n. I uiu lis uftaa waa
Radio for Hoover
1 NEW YORK.-Oct. 14 (AP)
I The republican national commtt-
I tee announced : today, that Henry .
I Ford will . make ft radio appeal
I next Wednesday night'tor thore-
election et Herbert Hoover.
I This will be Mr. Ford's first pe-
llltlcal address, the national com-
Imltteo sald.
I ' ThtrvtAilnM m Ka . m rrlA ;
lover a eoast-to-eoast hookup an-"
- 1 wm te broadcast from Dear bore
- ' If teblran at ?1S ..
- r