It Ore a Statesman, Salrai, Crtsa -. vi i am 7 mm. IN e foresaw the rise hi price of contracted root. !pa the lowest market smee 1918. j ' t U) i ij i ... We do not Know wen agrain, if er ff, w.wnti?e awe o onror Thu PrfriS am WfePAST ftn3 the TUB EASILYV " YouU find a dozen uses for them, Cfewe ami 5se frgjg i 39-in. All Silk Flat Crepe 59c First time In history that an All Silk Flat urepe nas Deen oxiered at tnls low cost. Apart from a percentage of weighing which all Silks have to give extra weight and finish, this Flat Crepe Is All Silk. Beautiful new Fall Shades 59c yard 36-inch Figured Flannel 17c yd. Firmly woven, long wearing quality. Medium weight cotton with plain weave1 back and downy nap on one aide. All tubfast. Nursery prints, florals and modernistic patterns 17c yard "" " - 36-inch Outing Flannel ycr to Yds: f JC Fancy stripes in very fine weight and finish. Ideal for kiddies' Pajamas, Nighties, Sleepers. EtSpecialat.- 8c yard or 10 yards for 75e 81 -inch Longwear Bleached Sheeting 19c pur Best Selling Brand. Used for double beds. For this week only the priee Is lowest we have ever offered for full two and one-half yards width ; 18c yard Si-inch Unbleached Sheeting 17c The same sturdy LONGWEAR weave. Depend on it for quality and wear and a special saving during Ward Week only. .M7t yard 81x99 Longwear Sheets 63c Our own well-known LONGWEAR Bleached Sheets, ' specially spun for unusual wear and wash resistance. Replenish your stock how at this exceptional low Ward Week price for extra long, double bed size, 81x99, torn and hemmed... : , . -ffr. each 21x27-in Pillows $1 ea. All hen and turkey prime feathers. Blue and white ticking $i.qo each 42x36 Longwear Pillow Casc? Two for 25c 25C Made from 42-inch nflVnr ftrfn f mafu r rxr7 WiSAR Sheets. These are a Ward Week Special Tv,'o , . ti- Extra Large Turkish Toyels 25c A.1 a H1?6 hej would C08t today at the Mills 1 Size 22 inches by 42 inches. Colored Borders. The Big Event in Towel prices! Two for 25c 80x105 Dcd Spread A sturdy quality attractive cotton crinkle Spread in assorted colors. Do not misa this at this unusual Sale png each 0x105 Rayeaped -Spread $1.39 Very fine'qjiality and beautiful pattern. Scalloped eresLi rich colors: Hue, Rose, Gold, Orchid, Green. A Extra Special Bed Spread at lowest price you are ever likely to pay ,. . tLS9 each Lace Trimmed Slip 39c Made of fine quality rayon-and-cotton flat c-epe. Lace trimmed at top and cottom, col ors white, peach and pink. fin" . 11,11 4 thwanda of yarde for oar Stores . jvw-4r wun ri ai wwgw r" (Jeghtfu! new Fall patterns! Women's Fall Coats Smart versions in tweed sport coats, polo coats, etc. Just the coat 11 1 II tk for e.rirF.n day.. a( Smart FalLDresses Smart afternoon, sports and party dresses. Tailored wool, rough silk crepes, novelty knitted. One, two and F three piece styles S.eJi rvlfSJ Part ,Wool Plaid Blanket $2.59 I Extra large double 72x84 part wool blanki Assortment of attractive-colors. Sateen' bound ends. Part Wool Blanket $1.09 Size 72x84 single blanket, choice of many at-l tractive colors. A real value at M 72x84 Wool Faied Comforter 52.98. Fine quality wool fillingWeighs SH lbs. Covered in excellent grade sateen (figuredl top; plain back. A regular $3.95 value priced during Ward Weeki$2.98 each-f Colonial Quilts $1.89 Size 72x84. Beautif ul designs, look like home pieced quilts. Size SOrRl -fft.4fl T7 -j i 3 CH3 'e, a 13- - ; A Ward Week Speeid Crepes Jerseys S2.0S Na?y bla la high f aib. teat , Buck ii Pari' e&okft. Trartl pristi ar erery smart worn aa'a faroriu. Dark toned frocks to stmart tor tan and winter too. At tbla prlco tor One Week Onlj MX pcrt Vee, nankct $1,98 4-H F&rKEjTool Plaid Elanket, size 72 hgt$ by ti inches. Doable blankets ia assorted colprs S&tsen bSlciii. Very h& ' ", Sheet and Pillow Case Set $1.98 'Colored border. One sheet 81x90 inches and two cases 45x30. Choice of colors. Made of fcine weave, long staple, heavy cotton yarai. "4 .' W j Turnabout ChatKam Blankets $4.58 ,100 Virgin Wool! Generous 70x80 inch size . f Plaid on one side, plain on the other. Loomed ,18 inches oversize, they are shrunk' to the finished size of 70x80 inches, making them thicker and warmer. ;i : 7V Fall Coats! .We're surprised ourselves ti ' this matchless vahio. In near ; . est rough and crepe wears materials. -' trimmed with furs of quality ManehnrUn Wnlf iAfsvtL . French Bearer, Dymka Fox; Caracul, and other, populat . kindJLIerantIyrifffitIaI!nl 'land fashion. :Hin4iftfnXt - enough for dresgr us an ' - practical for wflity wear, v Jolortt suck, Brown, Win, taatt tits 44 cad 4M4 to S0A the kind el Coat w kowd (ft , 1 am if ia7do la Ward Wek I tta rlnen Qot vt m aoldel V'tJ- imesf rprtcv. - " r- Oj(0 0 i.yv There Here the New Wash Frocks Positively the newest, smartest, and most serviceable WASH FROCKS you ever sawt AndtheyVethrillinglyundeiTrice for Ward Week. If saving money means anything to you, then come and see mem.. .and buy them...- THREE FOR A DOLLAR. ' , All made in lovely vat-dyed Prints ... All washable. Made to stand many trips to the tub ... easy to launder. Sizes: Small, Medium, large. In an assortment of ten charming styles. We're proud of this tow T?rice. " g3 FOR: $U. X Women's Fuli-Fashioned O n n A Climax in Hosiery Value! ' - Women's Pnro" 8flk Fall Faskloaod Bo Two -popular Bumben: Picot Top Ckitton.paro Uk Irom bom to too; or Serrleo Wolckt paro Uk with .1 mercerised cotton top and foot. Both aumber; toll ilansth toll taihloaed perfaet tit with carred eradlt aolo aad hlh cpUctd Preach Heel. Colon Nomad, Haxeblero. WOMEN'S RAYON STRIPED UNION SUITS Picot trim at neck and arm holes. Low neck, ' j-q sleeveless, knee length OuC V It r. X. OS, per pair V WOMEN'S DANCE SETS Run Resistant Rayon An exceptional Ward 1 A Week Special - , 4Sf C a