OREGON CTATCS!IIAN. Calsru . DreroTU Fxilay Hornfe October II, 1S31 PAG 2 FTVU Cannery Workers : brought deeserta for the dinner. Kellner. Mrs. Xd Lytla, Mrs. a J. I Guests at All-Day; , Picnic Silverton SILVERTON HILLS, Oct. 13 ilp.' and lS.ia.iKJ. O. Nelson were hosts here; InT an all day picnic Wednesday? for the worker at the Sllyerton Food Products company from Sllverton. Mr. and Mrs. Nel son killed .and prepared a year old lamb, potatoes and other Tege tables for the group. The Tisitors Thoao attending were Mr. and lira. L 1 Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. StoraastL Mrs. Ben Zollner, Mrs E. Jay MeCalL. Mrs. Camp bell, Mrs. Ed Holden, Mrs. Qarl Haroeek, Mrs. - Xdlta Barstoad, Mr. and Mrs. E. Verbeck, Frank Terbeck, Beulah ChorL Mr. ' and 1 Mrs. H. o. Nelsos mad Frank Nel son. JJUy-ttr,- tXg-j t ! STARTS SUNDAY ( r ; i. HOLLYWOOD i i . 7 Mi Aide ihiekie Do your buying with your home merchant v Keep Salem money in Salem - NOT A CHAIN STORE For the Economic; L v Ladies Home Sewer UMBRELLAS , 31 In. Percale Prints. 8Uk J?nllnViJknl Suk new patterns, yd. . . . . IC "jL0'- Blk lrow' 31 In. Fast Color i ft'- Seen bine, ,M AO Percales, yd IOC grey. Each .... . 31 in. Fancy Ontlng Q ! Ladies' Flannel, yd. GALOSHES 80 In. Qndrlga Percales, Famons TJ. S. Rubber Co. 80 square. Fast to Wash- Brand, any style heel and Ins;, perspiration and colors black and AO 1 brown, a pair iOC Pre-shrunk, yd.. . Iwt L ' Children's LADIES' SILK RAINCOATS DRESSES with Beret to match. All i Sizes 44 to 50 ien7 t QQ C CO 7Q doth covered .. VltJO 3)i)eeJ and U(o Boys Men's Winter UNIONSUITS UNION SUITS ;ht- ?QC Chalmer's Part Wool, extra random colors J3C heayy. Reg. IMS. on Ladies' Part Wool 8peclalxs;le, WC UNIONSUITS VLlFfyj - Strap shoalder, knee length. OVERALLS Reg. 98c quality. Blue Denim, high back. " ' uJC rpa?rr.ma.dg:.;:...49c , COATS Children's v, . ... CI rCDCDC $16.50 Coats, black, silk ji-tLtUr HiIVD lined. Fox and wolf far col Fancy flanned, A Okg lar and dQ o fast colors ........ cuffs, now $?JiO BLOCH'S ORE Salem, Oregon 220 N.Liberty Phone 8805 Unequal ed ? Unheared of Prices A remark dropped by a 'stranger in this market while making a purchase: I can't remember of paying so lit tle for such a top quality of product as the Hams and Bacon that are sold here. So we continue to sell those choice S2 We never use any old or off grade hogs in our market. Our pork and pork products are the very best. At these low prices there are some real bargains here for you. Pork to Roast 8 and 10c. Fresh Spareribs . 10c Pork Hocks .. .5c Back Bones 3c Fresh Pig Feet ... -2c Pure Pork Sausage 10c The "quality of our beef , is always good Beef to Roast ..8 and 10c Beef to Boil ................ .... .. ..6 and 7c Loin Beefsteak -10c Prime Rib Roll . .: .15c ; Hamburger ,!...lQc No. water no cereal no water . . : This Hamburger is the best we know how to make. Useless to pay more. Veal Stew ...... -15c Breakfast Bacon . . Back Bacon Z Bacon Squares Picnics 1. Cottage .Roll ........:.lc 8c - -St ............9c ...r.10c IcMiilillarlie' Where jt dollar does its duty ' ' : 173 S. Commercial St.' : " : V - Phone 8757 We close at 8 p. m. Saturday - Since 1895 WilersMartet 178 S. Commercial St ,. SraQ(UQll''I?I?S(3GC ; : For Friday and Saturday . 4 - r HHaraburgGr, lb . Shortening, S jb . . 22g Irauf 9 quort ' . J6e; Pork Roasts . 1 :. .80 Lean Shoulder Oofs '' Steak . . . . 12c Sirloin, T-Bone or Round. Sugar Bured Bacon . ISc Sugar Cured Bacon Free Delivery Dial 8686 Open Till 9 p.m. Saturday Night See Page 16 for Lee's Market Meat Ad LOWEST IN PRICE 1 (S 137 S. 'Commercial Tel. 4010 HIGHEST IN QUALITY Pure Cane Sugar, 10 pounds 1 Limit 39c AIRSHIP FREE with JELL-O J Packages 13c MJB Coffee 0 Pounds 89c 2 Pounds Rice Free Royal Club Peas Fancy 0 " OKn Peas . for mvC Royal Club Corn Fancy O 1 Qn Corn J. -.L for Ul . Speny Factory Deal 1 Package S perry Pan cake, 1 Package Sperry Wheat Hearts 2 Pkgs. . 16c Leslie Iodized Salt Pound Package LIMIT 5c Celery Hearts 3c Bunch Lettuce Solid . t3c Head Blue Bell Flour Hard Wheat : 49 sack - 73 c Amaizo Corn Starch Amazo Gloss Starch N 5c Package Fresh Corn Meal 7 Pound Sack 15c Rolled Oats 7 Pound Sack 19 c Alber's Flap Jack Albert Pearl Wheat Packages' 25c Kellogg's Pep : Scpkg. Sweet Potatoes , O Pounds 8c Camay Toflet . Soap cake camay) 5c . 'Tl iw"""! ; , Large Package Lux, pkg. 17c Large Package Itf RDiso, pkg. . -, -.. lUC Life Buoy Soap 3 Cakes 16C : Lux Toilet Soap O Cakes 17c Cap! ans Grocery 137 SO. COMli. PHONE 4010-. Tbese are the ehdice Thompson Seedless Grapes from the heart ef the famons Fres ao Tineyards that are selected U become Fred Meyer raisins. NeSw Crop Candied Peels 29c ft Xztra faney citron, eranje, er lemea peel for yonr bakinc Freak from the Sunny Southland cornea the season's first ' large shipment of eaolee raisins destined for Fred Meyer Shops. New Crop! They're snjary-sweet, clean and para, Delicious for between-meala-Blbbllnc. cookies, ralata. plea, paddings and other tasty dishes. (1 lb. bag only lie) New Crop Black Figs, 4 lbs. 25c Extra choice figs. Hare stewed figs for breakfast (21 lb. box 11.21) Prices .Good . Friday Saturday Monday " Cigarettes Paul Jones, White Rolls, .? Wings, mPkS8 Bright Stars 1UC 20s 1 Cartons of 200s 95c Cigars 10c Aurelia, Mossetto, Corina O 1 C -Zfor IOC ; Box of 50s $3.75 Cigarettes Lucldes, Chesterfields Old Golds- Flat 60s 28c U1.10 DalnUe Bits Xna Brand Broken Slices' Crystal White Soap 5 S 9c Pet Cknnecl Milk 4 'SL 15c Schlitz Malt SyriiD a 42c Grapefruit 3 r 27c Piric-apple 2 15c Corn Sugar 3 P". 15c Libby or Ql (s) 11 Del Monte OcUlllOn cans 1 IC Fancy Blue Rose Rice 3 J 13 c Cut Stringless Beans 2 B 1 5 C Regal JSSSd Tomatoes 3.250 Crystal White Cleanser 4 cfa0nr5 9C Camay Toflet Soap 6 25 C Tender Sweet Peas ItHQr 4DepU. Featuring. Salem's Lowest Prices Hallowe'en Candy Specials 1 lb. Spiced -I r Midgets IDC 1 Ty 10c lb. Peters Choc. Bars a for 25c 13c can Armour's Canned Hams (2y2-3 lbs. ave.) 30c lb. Stuffed Manzanilla Olives (3 oz.) 2 bots. 19c Sunny Jim Pure Preserves 2 lb. jar 25c Schlitz Old Milwaukee Brew 6 bots. 49c Portugese Sardines (s) 2 cans 25c Van Camps Oval Sardines 4 cans 25c Snowdrift Shbrtening 3-lb. can 43c Jello or Jell-Well 4 pkgs. for 19c Dromedary Pimentos 2 cans 15c New Crop Italian Prunes 2 lbs. 9c Heinz Tomato Juice tall can 8c Wesson Oil pint can 19c At Fred Meyer Grocery Dept. Cabbage for Kraut Fancy solid fA lbs. heads 50 49c Celery Hearts Fresh from Lake Labish L for 1 7c Cauliflower Large white o -t heads t for I C ' Lettuce Large solid n heads & C each Sunkist Oranges doz. for 25c H case of 14 dox. for fl.40 Sensational Close-Out! Zerolene Motor Oil 5 gab. i nr bulk Oi.OD First Quality Zerolene Oil. No. ONLY! Special prices In bar rel lots. Let your motor profit by this sarlng. At Fred, Meyer Grocery Dept. Highest Quality Goods At Deep - Cut Prices Save on Every Item!, 50c Tek Tooth Brush 25c Mnikew QQ All For DJC Dona Rosa Toiletries WiU Delight You With Their Superior Quality, New Gem Razor and 5 Blades 25c $1.50 Houbigant Dusting Powder 89c 1.50 Houbigant Face Powder 89c $1 Houbigant Bath Salts 59c Giant Size Kleenex 39c (120 tissues 15x18) 60-Watt Frosted LJght Globes 5c Scott Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 19c $1.25 Pinaud Lilas Vegetal 79c 1 Pint Rubbing Alcohol 15c 1 50 COTY Shaving Crcan uriZkXAu. Lg. Bars Conti Castile (about 4 lbs.) $1.19 1 Pt Guar. Vacuum Bottles 49c Prescription Products 125 Haliver Oil 98c Super D Concentrate 3.69 U .80 10 C.C. Insulin 1.69 (Any Brand) 50 C.C. Viosterol 2.98 i Face Creams 50c Woodburys 33c 60c D & R Cold 39c 50c Milkweed 39c $2.Pinauds 19 60c Pompeian 39c 1 Lb. Lemon 49c Lotions 50c Santiseptic 29c -50c Jergens 29c 50c Hinds H & A 29c $1 Coty Hand 49c 60c Italian Balm 33c 50c Chamberlains 29c EftfcyjSrf c pup o fc" xggj Any Brand Face Powders $1 Yardleys 79c $1 Mello Glo 63c 75c April Showers 39c $1 La Blache 69c 50c Java Rice 33c 75c Melba IxVMe 39c Tooth Paste 50c Lyons Powder 36c 50c Pepsodent 29c 50c Strasska 27c 50c IpLoa 29c 50c Pdeco 27c 50cRegum 29c I 77m Sanitary Napkins lt COUPON fe g Ponds Toiletries 35c Beauty Box 25c 25c Tissues 13c 25c Complex. Soap 13c $1 Cold Cream 59c $1 Face Powder 79c $1 Astringent 59c Shaving Creams 50c Ingrams 33c 50c Mennens 29c 35c Barbasol 23c 75c MoUe Jars 49c 50c Frostffla 23c 35c Life Buoy 19c Oronite Cleaning Fluid, Pit. 26c Shell Dry Cleaner, pints 27c Medicated Oils 1.50 Petrolagar 76c 1.50 Mai tine Preps 98c 1 Pt. Norwich OL.O. 39c 16 Oz. Upjohn Super D 1.19 4 Oz. Meads 10 D.CX.0.59e $1 Nujol 53c Antiseptics l Listerine 69c $1 Pepsodent 59c jl Lavoris 63c $1 Zonite 63c 10 Takara 79e 1 Pt. Peroxide 19c Shampoos 50c Woodburys 29c 50c Packers 29c 50c Conti 29c , 50c Wildroot 25e 15 Fitch 89c 60c Hoppers 39c 1 Vi ox. X.A Af IN C MetitKWaikanJ Garble 2 tvetJiMuiL fosyiceir a. Ointments 25c Zinc Oxide 15c -25c Carbolic 15c 75c Balm Ben gay 49e . 30c Men thola turn 19c 50c Petts Salve 29c 35c Yapo Rub 23c Pills and Tablets $1 Marmola 63c 50c Yeast Foam 29c 30c Bromo Quinine 19c 75c Doans Pills 49c . 25c Feenamint 19c , 50c Choc Exlax 39c Remedies 1 Qt. Russian OH 59c 1 Qt. Antisep. Solution 49c 1 Qt. Mflk Magnesia 33c 1 Qt Cod Liver Ofl 53c . 10 Lb. BathlniT Epsom 3$c 8 oz. Glycerine 23c Rubber Goods $1. Hot Water Bottle 29e it. Fountain Syringe 29c : Rubber Gloves Pr. 10c" S FL.Tubing 15c $1 Ladies' Douche 49c " il Bath Sprays 39e s Inhalants 60c VIcks Nose Drops 33c 50c Arzen 29c v . r t 75c Vapex 59c '- ? 15 Ephedrine 00 85c .' 1 Pinoleum 79c 1 65c Mistol 42c Health Foods 5 Lb. Coco Malt 1.69 , 75c Borden's M. Milk 39c 1 Lb. Toddy 33c . 5 Lbs. Psylla Seed Wh. 2.69 5 Lbs. Lacto Dextrin 3.29 15c Gerbers Vegetables 9e ToiTef Soaps "' 25c Packers Tar 16c 30c Resinol 19c : 25c Woodbury's 16c : 25c Conti Castile 15 10c Colgate Big Bath 3e 10c Mission Bell 3 for 10c Micky Mouse Tooth Brush Holder with Child's Tooth Brush an for 19c Remedies 1.50 Citrocarbonates 98e ' 10 Sal Hepatica 69c 1J20 Bromo Seltzer 69c 85c Jad Salts 47c , 85c Kruschen Salts 59c 1.00 Scotts Emulsion 79c . Value Sensation!;; - My-Te-Fine Coffee w 1 : ;2 lbs: 356 : : : Oregon .roasted, 0Ten-feeh coffee. Real: good,; economi cal blend. r i . - : .Best Coffee. 25c, lb Fred Meyer Superior Blend.' . ' r At Grocery Dept. -" . ZJrr f yk 1 ' I i,. r T K i t I 1 i. . " 170 North Liberty Street ' " ' ; (Between State and Court Streets) . We. ReserrO' the llgnt to Reasonably IJnQaaaUtJea 3 , Bars Palmolive and 25c Cashmere Bouquet Soap r " at Toflety Dept. ,