pagu Tizcrn . .- EiQtl t I i i I Prescript io n s C. L. WELLMAN, Ph. Gl 470 N.' Commercial St In 'THE MARKET" Dregs & Sdsdries Buy your drugs with safety: from your local druggist wKo has spent years of study and apprenticeship before he - gets the jtitle of Druggist, or "Doc," he is generally called by friends and customers. Trust him to put up your everyday medicines and prescriptions. The few cents you sometimes save is not worth the risk you take at buying from pine board stores that do not even have a pharmacist in charge. i .. T - ". Specials Friday - Saturday - Monday Toiletries 50c . Santiseptic 50c Vitalis .. 60c D. & R. Cold Cream 50c Woodbury's Cream 30c Day Dream Powder 50c Wildroot Hair Dresa $1.00 Ingram's M. Cream Laxatives 50c Choc Ex Lax 50c Phenolax 25c Feenamint : 50c NaWreV , Remedy 100 Hinkle Pills . 25c Aromatic Cascara, S oz. 36c 39c 39c 36c 36c 39c 69c 32c 32c 16c 32c 19c 16c Spices for Cawing . Remember your druggist has. the purest of Cloves, Cardamon, Dill Seed, Ginger Root, Anise Seed, Mustard Seed, Sodium Benzoate, Saccharin, Tu meric, Caraway, Alum, Cassia Bark and Buds. For Baby 25c Mennen's B. Talcum 25c Johnson's B. Talcum . $1.20 Lactogen $1.00 Ovaltine 50c B. & B. Gift Pkg 75c Mead's Dextri-Maltose $1.20 S. M. A 1 lb. Borden's Malted M 16c 16c 79c 69c 39c 59c 89c 49c AU Shaving Supplies All 60c Shaving OG Creams . PUG All 35c Shaving OO- Creams OC $1.20 Eveready Shaving Brush, pure 7Qf" badger hair '. I C 50c Eveready Q Q Brush u. OuC -Hot Water OA. Bottle OjC 2 qt. Goodrich,-1 yr. guarantee Oils $1.60 Agarol, 1 pt. 1 pt. Squibb's Petrolatum 1.00 Nujol, 1 pt $1.00 Super D. $1.50 Petrolager $1.00 Haleys M. O 89c 69c 69c 69c 98c 69c No limit) buy all you want, no coupons to clip. We give you merchandise at the! advertised price whether you see it in the ad or not Millers Returning To Arkansas Home ; Farm Here Traded LIBERTY,' Oct. IS The 'John Millar family atartad eat Wed nesday morning oa a motor trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas, their former homo. - They plan to re main there, ', !. ' t ' The A. B." Keener place hat boon traded to a Mr. and Mrt-." Meyer et f.lerraa Madiera, Calif. The Keeney'a reeeirlng a homo and lot In the California city for the farm here. The Baker family will continue to lire on the place here as the Meyera are spending the winter In Omaha at work.' ed his family Into the honse vacat ed by the Black family. Mr. and Mttv George McCoy and family. who hay been living la th bona JEFFERSON, Oct. 1.' J. Black and family,, who had the D. M. Burnett place Juit north . of here leased for the past year, hare moved to Salem. William Lake has rented the Burnett place for the coming year, and has mov- t."i it ; r 1 . Ol .Keen, iimJerlabU visum is m prim requisite in tit sports eur glasses givi tksi. s i mwa m i rr mm COMING SUNDAY HOLLYWOOD 4m SOAP Mt. Hood Liberty White Feldman's Naphtha These Soaps are the Very Best Manufactured in Oregon - .... - oskps D t: Phone 3527 - 294 N. ComT. St. Mrs. Housewife Here are some except! onal values that will help your lean dol lar set a prosperous table for your famil y. Yon always save at Irish's. ' Friday, Saturday and Monday October 14, 15, 17 RAISINS OOn Shortening o?3 New Crop- 4 ZC 4ZS5C CORN, PEAS, STRING BEANS, TO MATOES, SALMON, OYSTERS -AND SHRIMP. YOUR CHOICE S cans 2gc SAW DEANS Reds O Tbe.' e&hse Fancy g MARSHMALLOWS lbs. lb. Kerr's White Eagle 'Fbir bag Bbl. $3.15 Kerr's Full Cream , . lb. All Flavors O O pkffs. TOILET TISSUE 4 for Pure Cane and Maple Med. Bucket Special SHREDDED WHEAT ? i n package Graham Fine or Coarse No. 10 Bags lbs. In Shopping Bag ; 50 lbs. SWEET SPUDS 10 lbs. age mi 2c Golden No. 10 Pafl Fre 1 Am&ixo . Toy Aeroplane Starch Amalzo Corn or Gloss 4 pkgs. 29c BSC sic lc Deal Sperry Pancake, regular 5e Pfc Now Free 1 Pkg. 20 oz. Sperry Wheat Hearts Whib they last Hot Sauce tor seasoning 3 Cans Juat loata of ti tcbool tine lut Ml,' bar rtntcd a farm two axllet aorta f Ifarlon, oa tbe Tsrntr road, od bar uorad. BEST I J t kind of wheat may h i good lor one kiad of baking, but not for another. There fore, a flow made from only one kind of wheat may not b what yoa need today. Thla balanced flour ta aafer. Ita a blend of different ktnda of the finect wheat. It works perfectly for all jour baking, aU the tlmo. PILLSBURYS Watch For ' COPELANEfS Regular Cut Price Specials. You'll. Save " -. FOn THIC WEEK prices GOOD AS LONG AS QUANTITY LASTS 2" x 4" in 10 12 and 14 foot CC flfl lengths. Rn1 ' DUlf 1" x 6" Kiln Dried Flooring. Suitable for poultry nooses, brooders, A TA -1 per M attics, etc. Special per M 1" x 4T Flooring. 100 vertical Cft -1 grain. Best quality. Special OlU.uU per.H f ALL OTHER STOCK PROPORTIONATELY REDUCED These low prices effective October 15th to 22nd inclusive West Salem -'''Ar'f TeL 627 , ' Torn Rlfht oa Wallace WomA 200 Tde. to Yellow Bvngalow Of flee V? In nJ These Values Are Made For Lean Purses Prices Effective Friday and Saturday, October 14th and 15th Blue Seal Flour Crown Best Patent V Excellent Results 49-lb. Sack 49-lb. sack 9ac - GPECIAL lc DALE OFFER Sperrys Pancake Flour . . . pkg. 18c UPOttEa Sperrys Wheat Hearts .... pkg. lc 0i? aDc IE0 (m Fancy Broken 10 lbs. 25c Beans "XS'SZ 5 lbs. 15c; 10 lbs. 29c Airway Coffee 1 lb. 23c; 3 lbs. 65c Edward's Dependable Coffee 1-lb. can 29c New Crop, 4-tb pkg. Mayonnaise, Best Fooas Full Pint 17c T? TP Buckeye CO v - The Favorite Kind, large can 43c SiTpHsS.a bars mlt Spitzenberg Apples Nice Ripe T Fruit, l lhs ' L3 )V per box 59c Pay9 n Takit Quality Meats AT BARGAIN PRICES DeoC SttGQEt ri the same Quality that yon always find st Pay's Takit An Cots BEEF OR PORK -Choice Lean Shoulder Cuts V2 .r - - - r. -r Tune In 7:15 to 7:45 A! M- - Erery Wek"Dy Morateff We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities None Sold to Dealers v.- : .-.V."'-" 1 '