lie OREGON STATESSlANrSalenu OiegoiC Friday Moraing, October 14, 1932 PAGE TWO 1 4, ! I I I I; m rte0eal Movement Branded j As Direct Slap Against Legal Government rContlnund from page 1) age, Mrs. Elizaheth BuckJ public ity. Mrs. Necla Buck; scientific temperance instruction, Mrs. O. L. Tiniand? aocial ' morality. Mrs. Varraret R- Martin: soldiers and Bailors, Mrs. J. R. Nickalson: Sun day schools,' Mrs. Erma Lewis; ? mperance and missions,- Mrs. H. fianoe. " ' r ' -''. Friday afternoon's program will Orlnde: i;. Grayer .Mrs. Etta Whit Keport of resolution commute. Tlnftnished business. field Service Work to Keep Ore- ; Ron Dry" i Mrs. Neci Buck. ; 'jtls Maud M. Aldrich. t Miss Helen L. Byrnes. Address Hon. Boyd P. Doty, spe ! elal reoresentatlves of the the Anti-Saloon league of Ore- " gon and Washington. - v ' Presentation of guests, from coun .. ty organizations formal closing "of "convention. The Call Board By OLIVE fil. DOAK Warner Bros. TShdaor. . Today Rlcardo Cortes In 'Th Vanishing; Fron tier". in -Is Uf race Eedf Priday Johnny Mack Brown The Grand T. o 4 r Richard Bar thelmesa in "Alias th. - Doctor". ' Friday Tom" Keen in "Bo- rond the Rockies'. e . - e Tha Hollywood Tf o d a j Robert Mont- gomery in -But the riesa is Weak." njh caa1 fx "AM. era of the Desert". Mickey Mouse NOTES HAMILTOW HELD FIR10BJEGT0R Thomas Concludes West . SalemNews I ore WEST SALKM' OcC 1X- The first ccfpx of a new periodical,' to bo kncwn" a 'rTho West .Salem Paper II t b off th press' this Salem Division Manager c! SopST town-th. it t th intra.. ; am lwek.:iw' UUUiy waa opicu uti, i Keatl wk Mrs. Floyd D Lapp th clerk of the west palem school district will tak th school inana. . v-:... . . --. . ,f ; ' - - (Continued from page 1) j At relay school election held th pants, wasnt ttr Thomas i by th student nay wi w vA ."Hi t uumm to w-1 uarmirau rvriawa wmm tm,vou tended to Impress yon that Col-1 president of th school and Mary onel Pelrc had his eagi y bi kia juiibt, tio preaiaenw .. An laterestlnc and wnusnal ear Is spendlnr a tew day at th Cap- r eonld. res." Hamilton tsm 1 Ital To-irist camp this week, whieh t iia eaiiiKi in -ttooxmoDua-. u enmmlaslonor . lntrodoced I come1 from New Tork city. Is you. H waa th man wh conld with Just' a woto ie lob away couldn't nrr plled. Th for am h Good morning! Or if you're out ia the coun try good evening! Or if you -read this at noon goodasatternoon! - M M O Congratulations "Peewee' Parks. Why? HaTen't you heard that Rupert ! OTtdene purporting to show that I owned by Mr. and Mrs. TV J.-Ho-Pfliree renresentatlTe took an ln-lutaehlin, and Is fitted up with terest in sUte politics her. ' He book ihelres so that It has th said they wer ectlT In mortng appearinc of real trarelllng 11- to defeat th Grange power bill braryv Th car 1 filled with rol- and other nubile ownership moaa- nmes but out by th Associated nn. Their letters stated. Com-1 Pcbltshlnr Houses, and th Mo- missloner Thomas said, that agl-1 Laughllns business is to tak or tatlon for nubile ownership in-1 dan tor thee books. The senior league ana tne uoi lesre E J worth League of the Ford Memorial church will hold ft fel lowship meeting or party ftt the community hail rnuay Tning. terferrod with the selling cam-nafrn. The C. P. S. stock. Is at present paying no dMdends. B ULT SILENT UPOf Miss Helen Goaser Is president of the senior league aad Lyle Thom as et th older group, aad this joint meeting la tot th purpose !t! 00T11 BEBSV r Good News! , NKW TORR. Oct. 1(AP) n nil din r nermits increased It per mbI la Bantemher oter August.1 Bradatreet'a resorted today. Th total reported by til dtles was S 0,4 27 J II for September com-j RECAPTURED DECATUR Oa-. Oct.. IX (AP): t orgnmuo ana xor sociaou- i-ifsx UOngregailOn n 0105 pared to tT,l.7 ta August Florida conTicta ' wh " ' ;.!r?- I ii o-.t-f n.MMMm. land waa in im; dicjw Hires opeuwu nuyioina NoTembor, mi. Sunday and Monday lahUi grad so ax lnrlted. Mem bers ol -th entertainment com mittee ar Miss Roberta Peter son, Lyl Thomas aad Mrs. Roy Finster. Refreshment eoamiue members ar th Misses Ruth En- glehorn, Josphin Tandy aad Vi olet wauae. PITTSBURGH. Oct. II (AP) Announcing sledge of th Th SOth annlTrsary f th United SUte Steel corporation. Tlrat Consretational ehurch will the Standard Oil company of New b celebrated In thro special I Jersey. Remlngton-Raad. !L "-"T" j " nmmmi on Sundar and Monday. 1 InghouM. NaUODU Bll. colds in and around West Salem. among the Tlctlma ar Halor Charles A. Robertson. Dorothy Johns. Robert Pattiaon and a number of others. IuTitatlon ar oat for gut shower to b held on Saturday afternoon ' compUmenang Mrs. Otto Schmld. formerly Miss La Mire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George La Mire, Mrs. B. A. Shoff of th Tourist An to camp Attended th Colum bia rlrer branch meeting of the W. F. M. S. held last week In Eu gene as a delegate from th or ganization at Castl Rock, Wa., and upon her return ; ah found her sister. Mnu Dolly Robinson aad daughter, Berfiice from Port- I land here to visit her. .. . West- Pitts- .Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. I burgh plat glasa and other com- eaped from Jail la Jaeksonrina, Fla-, wher they wer fcla held, a wlUesses la th murder trial f two former prison guaraa waited her today, tor officers who will tak them back to what : they called .s " -hell-hoi oa earth -; -. . Th men were captured as they. attempted t steal an automo-, bile to coatinae their flight.. iimti Wofford. Xt. who etur th pastor. Rot. J. R. Simonda, I panics for Increased outputs, E. T. nvaii th annlTeraarr aer-1 Wair. TM) cnairman oi am um- aertaaA w.a u ABia viAsai T n n n m i r ia a wj -Rock of Ages", by Dudley Buck. habUltatlon. said today, -America ha. 11 Jo J fb; wiU b sung by ft quartet compos- is on its way oui ot wi jan i yr. r-"u . Vl Jy ,Vk .A Ap ; Mr, warr Harms. Mrs. I tha denreasien." . th JaeksonTtU 10. . to which. m . 1 & m At- . MMM Vvm am aaia mu w . ed of ' Mrs. Harry Harms. Mrs. M. D. McCalllster. Mr. H.- B. Ola liyer and R. D. Barton. Mr. GUI syer will als sing "Th list Psalm". An "old time serrice" has been arranged tor Sunday erenlng. An interesting featur will b an old fashioned choir, la coetumes of former days, singing many ot the well-loTed gospel hymns. This choir will be led by- William Me- W AS KINGTON. Oct. IX (AP) A contract for I.SSI.1IS.O0O stamped enrelopes aad newspaper wraonera at a cost ot in,6Ji.ii waa awarded today to the Inter national EaTeloo corporation ok Nw Tork and Dayton, O by tne poetotflc department. CURE taring north, no destination was aiToa. A sal of th household goods of th Howes was net aero earlier this weea. how naa oeen castor ot the local church for fire rears, nrlor to - resigning th charge late thlsummer. illecil ray IS rmclGO. Oct. II (AP) Gilchrist, Sr.. and will Include I With ft capital if morethan II.- many who bar sung la th First I OOV.Ot xourteea own wn rKnM iih tn rnmm .uri. 1 A inaiir new aad reopened I banka laat week, a report ot Rand- lal ehureh, whose congregaUon Is I McNaUy and company said. .Th taint t ttiia imtIm. win tuiit I number is SI nor ceat greater Rer..W. C. Kantnr will recalU in I than the II J J weekly average and the sermon, many memories ot by-1 indicated general improTement minister. He said th man gar them eight steel saws; telling them he wanted them to "get out of that hell hole." Wofford and Us companion. Oleo Drew, IT. who is serving X years for a payroll holdup, said that after sawing ' out ot meir cell they sawed through th outer walls, climbed to an attic and dropped to th groana oa ropes mad-from bed clothing. - Both men displayed scars on legs and bodies which they said were caused by beatings at the hands of guards, and chains aronnd their leg' ' while they worked. In stamps. PIEMHPI CHICAGO. Oct. IX (APH l- STAYT O N, Oct. II Mrs. Maude Rodgers, Enterprise, and president ol tne Keoeaan wom- the schools bfy. paid her official tisit to Eva M M C Rtbekah ' lodge here Tuesday N(w thAt the pet paraie Is nigtt- There was a fine attend- OTer tB4it vas a real success) ance members coming irom sa--i jet.8 beelll thinking of Mickey's (in real life) has been elected eMmmm4mn A ., Trpasnnr Ogden yell leader of Salem high school. . tonight opened the republi c's ono of our most active mem- drive for Chicago's million bers. Just watch him put pep into and a half votes with a speech iirin Franklin D. Roosevelt had "malntalaed eomplet silence regarding what methods he would use to cure tne aepresaion. Mills' speech was delivered In m rhlcirn eoliBenm. scene oi SC0IIT1STERU ensra is yeih gone days Baaqnet Plaued Monday Monday, at l:XI p. m4 will bring th aniversary banquet. Special musie. greetings from friends and from former pastors DALLAS, Oct. II Spud Murphy waa arraigned la circuit court hex today on a possession ot liquor charge. He) pleaded not! yrieadB ot th church who wish! and Chicago. guilty and his attorney, Je uel-tto attend may man: reservauoas gerson ox rorxiana, enierja i mrougn aars. w. jb. imbbb. throughout the country, the re port said. CHICAGO. Oct. II (AP) Movemeat of retail merchandise h air Increased II per cent duf- and an address by Rev. Raymond I lag the last two weeks, the United Walker, D. D. of th First Congre-1 Air Uses reported today. Most rational efcnreh mt PoHland. will I at tha laereas cam from New bo th features ot this oveat. I Eagland, th east and Cleveland Deaths in Auto Crashes Double Figure for 1931 FonT AW. Corvallis. Gervals, "wiwlU JJtK bo held on the 29th of this I niy real issue of cam- Mill Cltv. Gates ana Lyons i A o'clock potUick dinner was m0nth lust two l weeks from to-1 .. jLn!-I a n, LliL In enjoyed after which tne- morrftW. . ( .- w."-T.Vs Tven out by Wh. wastlhS said never JjTttrtS The nascadTareTfor womtmal l0"?"" eJ?f! L. Jt W."l! 07KH .t,7- win nndnptR(i I against Murray ir"? M-"1. " IV a vui j wa on different plans than last year. Executive O. P. West aanonnced yesterelay. The course will be an Ladieg Program advanced one on Scodtmastershlp,' gist of IX hours "Principles of and will con- itudy. Classes that his room at th hotel had I appoiated th foltewlag commit- been entered by officers with-1 tees: tickets Mrs. W. E. ttan- out a warrant. Jadg Walker 1 son. Mrs. v. E. Neer aaa Miss rare District Attorney Barahart I Eula McCully. Table Mrs. KU- srday won the cup for the third M9 th word free? Was it Long- " te, osm JJVg rea will not be held only in Salem time at the district convention, feiiow-no. maybe it was Doak. c?m.Pi;, . 1 i?i as in the past but Instead will be and thereby gets to keep it. put Anyway 1 wont uga it But every- Pc on the work. The team manes a most pleasing appearance, me women's dresses all being white silk and Just alike, with a cape, half, of which is pink, lined with green, and the other half being green lined with pink. R. G. Woods, captain of the team wears a white suit and slso one of the capes. c Following the loige work, Mrs. Rodgers showed moving pictures she had taken at tne 1. u. u. jr. home In Portland, and spoke of Conditions there, llrs. Hallle In gles, of Corvallis, past president of the assembly alto make a few brief remarks. The local lodge also made thejf donation to the scholarship loan fund at this meeting. At a late hour sapper was served to about 75 members 1 present. Gibbard Speaks Knrt- will ret a hi treat riven Ana lno '--"r'. center throughout th are. to them on the bir birthday In te?.?" " V. ZtZXZ . West and F. Howard Zlnser, 1 over s,vuv muo w - party. M M C As a special attraction tomor row we. will have Haas the ma gician on the stage, and what he can't do. Just wait till yon see him eat fire, and swallow things. Oh boy! M M C Who stole the show last Sat urday? You can't prove it by me. I tnink honors snouia De aiviaea 1 . y e among rauiine -oe cnamoers, 1 ji jrt I00UC? ll famine Berry, tieiene iTeaerica son and Orville Beardsley. M M C But wait until you see Alva Ratfety the drummer do his stuff tomorrow. , M M C Now that Lincoln School is having their paper drive, I don't even get to read the papers in the house any more my little rmtiwA to face it: refused to tell the people what, If any. plans he has made to fleaiwua 11. Ha has dlseussed vaguely what he would like to do after the depression is over; he has virert varaelv of th causes of the depression; but as to how it is to be overcome, be is complete ly silent." Clarion Coming Out Here Today LJoma club members at their iinrhMD veaterdar nlaaned for time to prepar affidavits sup-1 tie Graver, Mrs. E. L. Myers aadludies' program to be held la the nortlnr aeareh of the room as I Miss Prlscilla Fry. Flowers Miss I vonIa temple next Thursday leraL I Oda Chapman, and Mrs. L. H. Me-1 nirht in olace ot their noon meet No definite date has been I Mahan. Supper Mrs. E. J. Don-1 tr. Harry W. Scott is chairman set for th trial, and Murphy I nell and Mrs. B. B. Flack. Moaic 1 in rharra of arrangement. K. k. is still at liberty under bond. I Miss Edith Hasard, Miss Mary I Boardman told about the Olympic In th trial of Robert wn-IFako and Mrs. Stephen Stone. Veiu vu . rr --I7 1 in from th accident two weeks 1 at th anniversary is W. I. Staler, aenmt pians xor iu cuuin 1- whlcb Wllllama waa the In. jr. Hendricks. XT. C. Kantner. . ma IimI. If InnU I Wm V V mttl IfM IP T Ttnu. .. . ... . I I IUIIW m I v. mm ww u.v. mm. m. vwu m.uij i v. ' 1 . iTtirka !llA. time for the trl-l fll. At th scoutmasters' ronna- Vkv i tabl her this week, the leaders conducted at the various scouting For the first nln months ot the year, th number ot persons killed ia automobile aeddents la 1XX has exactly doubled over last year. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas. nf j y 7- county nealta oracer, announcea Planned Dy LlOnS yesterday. T. October 1 this year. 3 Z persona, uuw i air- tember, Jtad died as tho. resalt of aeeideats. Heart disease was th. loading cans, ot death last month. Ten persons died from this ailment, five from kidney disease, five from cancer, four from apoplexy and nln from miscellaneous causes. game. effected a permanent organisa tion, A. J. Arnett, scoutmaster of Salem troop No. 4. was elect ea president, and T. C. Roak, master of Salem troob No. S, secretary, Monthly meetings will b held by thq group. al was set tor October XI. WU-1 I Hams will be represented by I B. Handley of Portland, former member of tho state public ser-j vice committee. ! Ti Art tJllh Man brother gets them before any of t Arthur Gibbard, assistant post master, will be the speaker at the Salem Ad club totfay noon at the Bonemianrresiaumni. tie wui aia uss tho postal laws with partie--ular reference to regulations gov-1 lerbing direct-mail advertising, tsecond class postage, etc. Since members are Interested in use of jtnails for disseminating advertis ing matter, a profitable session Is anticipated. chance to. - M M C So until tomorrow at 12:45 So long, Zollie Election Officers Taieiav sit A . . J JY . I ser; feature editors, David Hoes community IVieei land Marion Minthorn; society ea The first edition of tho Clarion, Salem high school newspaper, will be ready for distribution today. It is published every two weeks throughout the school year by the Associated Student body. Lynn Martin is manager for the year and Francis Barnes, editor. A temporary editorial staff se lected by Editor Barnes for this first Issue includes the following students: Managing editor, Mar tha Sprague; associate editors, Elizabeth Abraxas and Roberta McGilchrist; news editors, Mar garet Doege and Margaret Hau- Charge of Auto Theft is Faced Harry Medwld, II, was being held in city Jail last night on a charg of auto theft. .He was ar rested on the highway south of Salem driving a machine alleged ly stolen out of Portland. Police said th youth was on parole from a Washington state training school. TriCounty Demo League is Talked In addition to completing or ganisation ot a xnarloa county Toung Democratic league, plana for a trl-county league will be discussed at the meeting U rooms Xl-XX, Ladd A Bush building, at I o'clock tonight. If tho proposal meets with approval tonight, the matter will bo tak en 29 with officers ot tho Polk and Yamhill groups. HAZE! HTDE BETTER HUBBARD, Oct, 11 Hazel Hy- den. son of Mrs. Maud Hyden who has been seriously ni for the past two weeks at .the homo of H. C. Reed is somewhat better and is alio to be up. , MARION, Oct. IX The open inr date for the Marlon com- Wrkrlror nn I raunitv dab is Tuesday, October rrr .. V ".t . Not only will there be the reg- YlSlt VYILQ farems alar business session and program but tha semi-ansual election of ' NORTH HO WELL, Oct. IX. .Joseph Reznecslk, oldest son ot Mr. and Mrs. Adam Reznecslk, who is devoting his life to mis sionary work In India, visited his parents here last week, and, with his little son, Joseph, Jr., aged 9, apent a few days at Neskowin with his brother Ray, who owns 4 number of cottages there. He expects to return to India in the near tutnre. Itors, Iris Jorgenson and Dorothy Blalsdell; sports editor. Jim Beall and exchange' editors, Helen Pur trine and Edna Savage. officers also falls on Jhis date. A group of men worked two days of last week reshlngling the lends church, while the women : served dinner for the men at the home of tho pastor, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Rev. D. . Howe Takes Departure Rev. D. J. Howe, former pastor of the First Christian chureh here, left Salem yesterday morning, and while it is understood he was mo- ; REFUSES PASSPORT $ ATHENS, Oct. IX. (AP) Samuel Insult, who is wanted In Chicago to answer a grand lar ceny and embezzlement Indictment 'based on the downfall of his utili ties interests, refused today, pond-' inr a consultation with his law yers,' to surrender his passport to 'the American eonsul. ; 10LLYU0OJ Home of 25e Talkies Today A Saturday Tonight we Present . COMMTJjnTY VAUDEVILLE Three Prizes $5.00, $2.00, fl.OO TKt RAMUS MM MMN MBB CACIM rtAIMS WMTN KCAOV ftCMS WW W 1 1 i - .3 . : .-. ' i : Now fwer Stops faster Running Tim) ' B0CSS9 TBI? BARGAINS Sen FrcndJcoMO60 Enjoy is good eight's sleep, ia a comfortable berth, Extra IVlSlTOHSff 1 FARES T3ii w FARE AND ONE-THIRD ROUND TRIP VIA PORTLAND TO . To San Fraacwco wt Aim NlMiC 51 tm At DeMtt Vw BcMtoc BWI aMt 41" Oenver Omoho : Kansas City JAlanftopoIU St. Louis Mlhrvlce) Siottx Oty Ds Moinfts Dwhith Chicago . St. Paul ' Council Bluffs Anphla NowOrloons (Lew feres wUl mint f mtmnyX eelSHeotf el Chicegewfld St.U4a Onem rovf4 panalRad DorhiraalM-0hib 2 v.a.ix,i,Tt. o OecS,10,Ty,,S1 s hir Umttrahr ry M, 1933 , Certola ktopordrprWHifeM ' ewmut utiiEMotft A atorv as swAft as wild Yionesoaad as pewrtWl Also Sammerville Comedy. Sews Cartoon Comedy and ser ial., rrhe Shadow of tho Eagle. Mickey Monse Matinee : -v Saturday, 1 tSO STARTS TODAY o o Romance and Roaring Action! Ride with Kirby Tornell to adventure, excitement and love. Gallop at suicide-speed irith this Robin Hood of the plains vrhoeTobs the rich to help the poor . nd dodges the bw to ileal a senorita's love! joaninrimcROWii yrygj ; -k - IN WHY not spend th holidays lath Old Country this year! Canadiaa Pacific's combined rail aad ship serrtc dtoectfrom th Pacific Northwest to Eoropo makes your, trip coavenlent, ecooooueal im thoreulhly pleasant. Travel from Vancouver, B. oTtV sTiot John, N. B. 00 Canadian Pad! transcontinental train - then cross the Atiaatl oa a Canadian Padfic Uner that affords snpenor cuisine, stfcommodatlons and aenrfce. Get com plete information at the office below. Convenient Sotting Dattst Km. M - S. $. Dwcbcaa f York M Cla, Mm. UwtmL (SaiUa bftm Qic tHe. t - S. ft. Dc1m ef Ricteowl tm OMrbovrg. SMth- n. - S. S. MoBtclm te OHM. Brifatt, UwrpooL Dee. IS - S. S. Dufte mt Athoft t Ctaaw, Bctfaet, IPlaiiJilPid ai tHDiijiaats t-. V -4 1, i. 03'.v..,...v.,.,...v... V .iL r!jrwrv.-.v.v..v.'..v.'.'..'..v.v.. Abe taqeire about tew en-way Coach end Toorat Cor fwMeotfi end, bgimilK9 Oct. 1 6, tow rond trfp wfc d end dotly furM be tweee rlucHiwail pelnti. f&t ImmftfWmmHommt Cd ft efea 0t i ' V General Passenger ) C' Bopt, r l " 37 Plttwk Block, t ) rortUal. re." OOMIS Mitt PtOMT TO UVt, TO iOVt AM N iOVtL . mm wmr v..- ADDED ENTERTAINMENT o EDGAR. KENNEDY in The Golf Champ" A Roar ot Comedy LILLIAN ROTH "Dow Among th Saga Caae -A radio queen, at her best Grantland Rice SPORT REVIEW SCREEN SNAPSHOT WARNER BROS. NEWS AN 7SLSINORE SUPERB SHOW It Bargain Off&r! By Mail s O Per Year IN OREGON ONLY BOIVT DELAY IlErJIT TODAY TOD AY1 jD PAPEH ORDER NOW RENEW NOW TODAY Tr'V ti:s cszat Kovti.. SCREEN IN A BLAZ I fa n sua. l. KOWONTHS i OFCLORYI Fan1 Hurst's , ; . " - : . t " ' DUimS ;J0HH BOLES M -nm mm I f Ml-V l Ibttaae I 1 . k.i m r I I . - Name 1 Cot This Out aad Mail With Your Check The Oregon Statesman, SakiR, Oregon - . . ( -) New Subscriber ( ) OldSabacriber Find enclosed $3.00 to cover jny subscription for ono year to.Tha Oregon Statesman. t . . ,. -Address Box. - ."s for Accident Policy. "tWelind $ - 'I :. . ,-- ' - ) Renewal Policy . ( ) New Polky 1 il" II (I . ! ;t 1 :r II II 'II- ir ; 11, ' ir il' 11 il u II 4 LciLirnw.o.iR.E-.1. I1 I. r-s 3 - A STARTS StJXDAT HOLLYWOOD .V