The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 13, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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The OltEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Mominjr. October 13, 1932
Society News , and Club Affairs
Olive M. Doak, Society Editor
Mrs. Bilyeu Calls
- Oregon
Dallas Clubs' of the Oregon
Federation are renewing activi
ties and indications are that a
"basy year is in prospect, accord-
tar to Mrs. Chas. N. Bilyeu, the
president, who returned Snndsy
from a week's trip Into. eastern
Oregon where she attended the
annual conventions of the Fourth
nt iMfth. districts.
Mrs. Bilyeu was the guest, Oc--toher
V t luncheon of the
L. Grande Neighborhood club.
nf ' the-two following days the
mtfc district held its meetings.
resided over by Mrs. E. D. Tow
ler A two-day session Is a new
denarturs for district meetings
but the attendance held up very
well. The newly elected president
la Mrs. Jsmes Rose wall of Enter
prise. ' nt.
Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Bil
yeu was a gueet pf the Pendleton
woman's club and also at a
luncheon Friday. An all day
meeting was held at Fossil Sat
urday by the Fourtn msinci,
where Mrs. Elva Bryant of Moro
was re-elected president. There
were 100 delegates In attendance
at this meeting. A new dish serv
ed at the lunchewn was lambur
ger. made Into a meat loaf. This
is one pf the methods being ueed
by,-the auxiliary of the wool
growers association to boost the
- use of lamb products.
. The third district federation
,wiU hold an all day institute at
St. Helens, October 18. the exe
cutive board of the third district
being entertained the previous
' Bight by the local club. The an
nual meeting of the second dis-
- trict has been set for November
l at Albany, when there will be
an election of officers.
Mrs. Iloise A. Anderson, teach
er of audition in the Irvington
school, Portland, is the new
! chairman of the fine arts depart
: men t. and will head the division
of literature. The November is
sue Of the Oregon Clubwoman
will bo the directory with revised
constitution, district officers, de
partment chairman and directory
of clubs and officers.
, Mrs. R. C. Aiken was elected
president of the Beta Chi Mothers
club at its first regular meeting
held Tuesday noon at the Spa
Mrs. S. H. Boardman is vice pres
ident; Mrs. W. A. Marshall, secre
tary, and Mrs. Frank Power is
treasurer. Plans were made for
the season's meetings, and a party
was planned in compliment to sor
ority members and pledges for the
x November meeting.
The Spiritualist Church of Di
vine Truth will hold a circle at
the home of Rev. Gorden Fleming,
253 D street, between Commercial
and Front street.
Thursday, October IS
; Special tea hours I to o'clock st home of Mrs..
Frank Neer and "open house" tor seeing Oriental studio
of Mrs. George Alden; sponsored by .women of First
Congregational church. . .'. V:;; v, -';;,;,,.",:;
Conceit jof Olga Waller hall; sponsored
by Beethoven society of Willamette university. ' . .-
Salem Daughters of Nile, Masonle temple; regular ,
meeting; bring sandwiches. - , A -
Kaiser Ladies Aid society meets In business session
with Mrs. Robert McClay; 2 o'clock. ...
, Golden Hour dab guest of Mrs. B. E. SIsson at her
home, 1635 Saginaw street; one o'clock luncheon.
. Thursday club breakfast at home of Mrs. Marie
Flint McCall on "Wallace road; 10 o'clock, v
Red Hills grange Home Economics club, all day
meeting at home of Mrs. Oscar Dencer.. ,"
Willing Workers class and Loyal Women's elass of
First Christian church. Joint meeting, - 2 o'clock in
church parlors.
Auxiliary to Capitol No. 11, Patriarchs Militant, S
o'clock in L'O. O. F. hall.
Zonta club -luncheon, at Marlon hotel; reports of
Olympia conference.
First open meeting of year for Artisan; friends In
vited; dancing to follow elaborate program.
Friday, October U
Sigma Nu Delphlans hostess for annual tea at homo
of Mrs. E. T. Pierce. 110 Fir street; 2 to 5 o'clock.
Woman's Union of First Congregational church
hostess to women's board of Congregational churches of
state; opening session 10:30 o'clock; Miss Marthlne
Grimsby in charge.
Women's Missionary society of First Baptist church,
with Mrs. Mackey. 691 Highland, 2 o'clock. -
Sewing club of Business and Professional Wom
en's club, 0:30 o'clock potluck supper with Clara Ur
laub, 1582 Court street.
Women of the Salem Dakota club with Mrs. George
Cummings, 1396 North Fourth street; election of of
Nuptials Solemnized
An attractive home wedding of
the season was solemnized Tues
day evening, at the bride's home,
when Miss Floy Eckstein, only
daughter of Mr. W. J. Eckstein,
became the bride of Mr. Clifford
Reibhnft of Kossuth, Iowa.
The bride wore a - gown of
wine color with white accessories
and carried an arm bouquet of
white gladiolus. The
room was very attractively decor
ated with fall flowers. After the
ceremony the wedding cake and
Ices were served.
Th young couple will leave
soon to make their home In Iowa.
Those present for the wedding
Mr. and Mrs. rfeibhuff, Mr. W.
J. Eckstein, Mil Eckstein, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Eckstein, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Eckstein, Mrs.
Austin, Helen Austin, Gary Aus
tin, Arna Babb, Joy Greig, Mr.
eDavis Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wea
thers and Delia and Eugene
Miss Florence Utter entertain
ed with merry dancing party at
the home of her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. Floyd Utter, Saturday ev
ening. Members of one of the
younger sets were guests for the
delightful affair.
A Hallowe'en menu was one of
the Jolly, features of the evening,
Guests to enjoy the party includ
ed Jean Marshall, June Johnson
Marguerite Smith,. Betty Baker
Laneta Bellinger, Sldonia Keith
Theo Beck, Fldrence Utter, Lou I Singer. Henry Singer, Earl Win
3 I Tim c j rtl!fA.J
termini, cm snewis, umuiu
Warden, Merle Waltz, Jack Luns
ford. Elmer Barkus, Bob Hugg
Bob Elgin. Lewis Stutt. Zolly
Volchok and David Hoss.
i jl uttvi a a M
. I,, ,
- I -s.
An ultra smart way to combine
many of those new details that
spell winter 1932 ... namely that
beltless silhouette to accent
broad shoulders and slender hips,
the chic collar and cuffs, tucks,
gathers, and perky buttons., De-.
Ugntiui, you a agree! select a
satin or crinkly crepe in your
most-becoming -shade and you'll
bo more tban pleased.
-Pattern 2447 may be ordered
only la sites 12 to 20. Size 16 re
quires 34 yards 39 Inch fabric
and yard contrasting. Illus
trated step-by-step -sewing In
fractions included with this pattern.-
- .v
Silverton. Forty members of
the Woman's Home Missionary so
ciety of the First Christian church
motored out to the new home or
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Heater Tues
day 'afternoon and enjoyed their
regular meeting and a housewarm-
Ing. Hostesses were Mrs. E. Jay
McCall, Irs. E. G. Oeder, Mrs.I.L.
Stewart and Mrs. J. W. Jordan.
Mrs. W. W Neal Is chairman of
the program committee. A paper
was read by Mrs. J. A. Bennett,
past president of the society, on
"Our Yakima Indian Work"; Mrs.
S. A. Gav talked on A Visit to
the First Yakima Indian Home";
a reading taken from the "Festi
val of the Roots" was given by
Evelyn Davis; Mrs. Adolph Heat
er gave "A Visit to the Second
Yakima Indian Home"; Mrs. Eva
Wolfard gave a song in Indian dia
lect: the "Third Visit to the Yaki
ma Indian Home" was dramatiz
ed by;Mrs. Kate Morley, with Mrs.
J. W. Jordan impersonating Mrs
Dallas Rice, who with her hus
band is supervisor of the Yakima
Indian mission and who compiled
"The Festival of the Roots."
I Waconda Mr, and Mrs. Dave
Keene entertained at dinner Tues
day night for the pleasure of Mrs
Keene' s brother, E. J. Becker,
whose birthday it was.
Present were: the honor guest,
and Mrs. E. J. Becker and sons,
Hollls and Norris, Mr. and Mrs.
Johnnie Kables and daughters,
Bobby and Janet all of this com
m unity and Jacqueline Kene of
Denver, Colo., granddaughter of
the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Keene
Monmouth -The American Le
gion auxiliary entertained a group
of women Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. O.C'Christensen. The guest
list included the Independence
auxiliary members, and many oth
era -who are eligible for member
ship. Mrs. Jl. B. Dixon, president
of the Independence organization.
spoke on the work of the auxil
Mrs. Jack Aiken of Dallas,' state
vice-president, was a visitor. Tea
was served following a program
of musical numbers.
Mrs. Clyde Kaiser entertained
for her contract bridge club Tues
day. Mrs. Malcolm Smith and
Mrs. Robert B. Brennan held winning-
scores. Mrs. O. Neelans as
sisted Mrs. Kaiser in serving a
dessert luncheon. Mrs.-Elma. Mc
Millan will be hostess to the group
in s fortnight.
Kiwanis Men Will
Honor Their Ladies
Tonight, members of the Salem
Kiwanis club will be hosts for an
evening in compliment to their
ladies. The affair will be a
banquet at the Marion hotel and
it will observe the 11th anniver
sary of the club's organization.
An excellent musical program
in compliment to the occasion
has been arranged, and will be
presented by Prof. T. S. Roberts,
Miss Caroline Parker and Miss
Josephine Alberts. In addition to
music there has been arranged
Roseburg Wedding .
Ut Interest Here
Announcement has been. receiv
ed from Rosebarg of the wedding
of Mis Frances Miller and Earlo
Miller, children of, Rev. and Mrs.
Clarence A. -Miller of that city.
Raw and Mrs. Miller and family
maao tneir oomo is SaJm,for,a
long time and have many friends
here who will bo Interested U the
announcement Mrs. MlUer has
been visiting ra Salem for the Bast
few day. The account of tbo wed
ding as given by a Roseburg pa
per ionows:
A double wedding of much In
terest In this city was performed
at tbo residence of Rev. and Mrs.
Clarence A. Miller In West Rose
burg October 14 at 8 o'clock wben
their son. Earlo Chester Miller of
this city, was married to Miss
Mario Fandrlch of Salem, and
their daughter, Miss Frances Isa
bell, was Joined in holy, wedlock
to John Cramer, also of this city.
An Interesting part ot the don
ble wedding was that Rev. Miller.
xamer oi Kane and Francis, per
formed the service, using the ring
ceremony in unltlnr the two cou
ples. Following the ceremony, a
wedding supper was served at a
table brightly illuminated with
tan tapers.
All of the young people, with
the exception of Miss Fandrlch.
are well known in Roseburg and
will make their home here. -Mr.
Miller is one of Roseburg's popu
lar musicians and singers, while
his sister, Frsnces, hag been In
terested In art tor the past sev
eral years. Mr. Cramer Is employ
ed as a bookkeeper.
Alpha Chi Omega
Alumnae Entertained
Mrs. Lewis Griffith entertained
at her home Wednesday for the
regular meeting of the Alpha Chi
Omega alumnae dub. The even
ing hours were spent in discus
sion. One of the features of Jhe
program was a paper on"Preven
tative Medicine" which was read
by Mrs. Burton Myers.
Included in the group Is Mrs
Monroe Gilbert. Mrs. Ernest Bone-
steele, Mrs. Robert Shinn, Mrs
Martin Ferry, Miss Louis Wil
liams, Mrs. Carl Pope, Mrs
Claude Steuslof f, Miss Dorothea
Steusloff, Mrs. Ted Chambers
Mrs. Gordon Hadley. Mrs. Burton
Myers, Mrs. James Young, Mrs
Gardner Knapp, Miss Billie Cup
per, Miss Mary Cupper, Miss Eth
elwynne Murton. Mrs. Nellie Ro
land Green and Mrs. Griffith.
Church: Women Plan
Joint Meeting '
The' Willing Workers elass sad
the Loyal Women's class ot'the
First Christlat church will hold a
olnt meetln Thursday afternoon
at 2 -o'clock in the church, parlors.
Mrs. Ferol Gobs on Is In charge
of the program. The' program is
being worked out. by a Joint com?
mlttee from each class including
Mrs. E. A. Steinke, Mrs. Lucille
Hunt, Mrs.. Dorothy. McDowell.
Mrs. Llda Bowen, Mrs. Dora Ken
ton, Mrs. Let Homes, Mrs. I. B.
Lepley. Mrs. Thomas- Clark, Mrs.
Roth, Mrs. M. E. PlumxnetY Mrs.
W, P, Ellis and Mrs. Mary Craw
ford of the willing Workers, and
from the Loyal Women's elass,
Mrs. Arthur Welch, Mrs. C. W.
Moore, Mrs. Van Why, Mrs. BIllo,
Mrs. George Hickert, Mrs. Bella,
Mrs. Mauk and Mrs. Wachute.
Anton Piers Art
To be Exhibited
t x
The art of Anton Piers will
again be exhibited in Salem the
last of November according to the
report of Mrs. Ella Hathaway, art
director for the Salem Arts Lea
gue, at its first regular meeting
of the season Tuesday night In
the city library auditorium.
Plans were made for the com
ing year's work and . general re
ports took up business meeting.
Officers of the club Include for
this year: Lynn Cronemiller.
president; - first vice-president.
Mrs.' Edna Dally; second vice-
president. Mrs. Blanche Jones; re
cording secretary, Mrs. " Ora F,
Mclntyre; financial secretary.
Mrs. C. A. Lytle; treasurer. 8. H.
Van Trump; publicity director.
Mrs. J. M. CUf ford. . Section lead
ers sre Perry Prescott Retgelman'
writers and creative theater: J.
M. Clliiord, history; Mrs. Gustax
Ebeen. art appreciation; Mrs. Ella
G. Hathaway, art director and
Sketching class.
A program under the direction
of W. V. Fuller on fire and Ore
gon beauties wss well received.
A much commanded program
was played by Albert Crietx. as
sistant conductor ot the Portland
Symphony orchestra,' in CorralH
last week, -Mr. Creita la still a
young man but his musicianship
Is mature and splendidly rounded.
Unaffected and sincere, he won his
audience at tbo very beginning ot
ma program and held It. . Mr.
Criets has been the directing fores
In the excellent progress", of the
Oregon ; 8tate college symphony
group for the past several years.
Younger Set Enjoy
Bridge Evening
Wis Marguerite Smith enter
tained with a pretty and inform
al evening at her homo Wednes
day evening complimenting a
group of the, sub-debutante with
Dnage and a late supper. At the
supper hour Miss Smith wss as
sisted in serving by her mother.
wrs. w, u. smith.
Guests for tbo evenlnn- includ
ed Betty Baker. Betty Parker,
Klorenee Utter. Laneta Bellinaer.
Theo Beck, Julia Johnson. Elea
nor Trinaie, Margaret Gillette,
Eleanors Tonslnr. Katherina
Tonslng and Mrs. H. Hooker.
Monmouth. The Homelike so
ciety of the Evangelical church i
furthering plans for a harvest
home festival sale to occur some
time In November. Committee
members working out tbo plana
are Mrs. Frank Moreland. Mrs.
J. E. WInegar, Mrs. Rachel Miller,
Mrs.. L A. Davis and Mrs. Charles
Silverton Mrs. H. E. Johnson
was hostess Monday afternoon at
a little coffee party at her home
in the Inman apartments. Invited
were uer mother, Mrs. Albert Sa
ther, her grandmother, Mrs. A. O
Legard and Mrs. Andrew John
son of Woodburn, Mrs. H. 8
Hsnsen, Mrs. E. Holden. Mrs. Jo
sephine Jscobsen and Mrs. Chris
tena Jacobsen.
AUBURN. Oct. 12 The Au
burn Woman's club has postponed
Its October meeting as so msny
are busy with their fall work. '
The1 first meeting of the com
munity dub will be October 21.
All ' residents of the community
are urged to bo present, as there
will be election ot officers and
plana for. the winter made.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawkins
spent the weekend at Pacific City
as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Harris of Brooks. Mr. Haw
kins was tbo only successful fish
erman of the group, landing a 2f
pound chlnook.
The grading and graveling of
the road from -the 4 Corners to
Mitchell's corner la progressing
rapidly. ?
Boy$ Have Monopoly
In These Families
Mr. and Mrs. A. MJ VIstlea of Mc-
Keo are being congratulated on
the arrival ot a son. This Is the
fifth boy in this family and no
gins, a coincidence is that Mr.
Viatica's nearest neighbor. John
Beyer, has seven boys and no
- Monmouth. Mrs. A. L. Boyn
ton entertained the Missionary so
ciety of the Baptist church at her
home Thursday afternoon. Assist
ing her were Mrs. O. P. Calef and
Mrs. S. R. Skeels: "Working with
the King in Africa" was the topic,
Mrs. Fred Aebl acting ss leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rehfus
left for a two weeks' visit at Great
Falls, Mont, Tuesday morning.
They will make the trip by motor
Net $400 at
Oregon Fair
DALLAS Oct, 12. Polk eoeV
ty 4-H boys and girls succeeded In.
placing in nearly all events i&thcj
crops and livestock projects of the
state fair. Thirty-nine had earner
and the-' cash '.awards totaled al
most 400. Walter Smith ot Mo
Tlmmoads valley, placed third as
a-senior els a-: worker. ''Age limit
for this grooVi'lf-lo 2i, and
they carry! Irentrser projects. In
the esse otyusSail ho almost
completely operates' the home
tariff. . " ' - "- f"
Because the" first place winner
In the- Jersey calf elnb eould not
Qualify. Elbert . Rsgsdao of Rick
re all,, second -praco . winner, was
stepped up to recelvotho scholar
ship. First prise in the special pig
feeding congest -sponsored by the
Valley Packing company was won
by Russell LIneg2r6l Saver.
. The Monmouth sheep club tool
second place lvJh-estock Judging
snd the Oak point team fifth pines
in crop demonstration.
The Kiwanis; club ot Dallas
each year awards a trophy to those
making records in S-K dab work
snd they will undoubtedly con
tinue to encourage - participation
In this activity.
BETHEL, Oct. 12 Mrs. Lttrs
O. Emory of Portland Is spending
a week at the homo ot Mrs. J. M.
Nichols.- .
11:30 P.M.
Lincoln Mrs. George Boyd en
tertalned with a party Monday
afternoon honoring the 12th
birthday of her daughter, Edru-dell.
A lively treasure hunt, guess
ing games and a Jolly telling ot
fortunes furnished diversion for
the group. A color scheme of pink
and white was used at the table
at which the six young guests
were seated at the lunch hour.
The centerpiece of pink pompom
many other feature attractions Jahlias was flanked by a dainty
: Snd fifUea enu (1J) la
'' cotaj or stampi eoini prfurre4),
for eh pattern. Writ plainly
, roar name, address and tyl nan.
' ' Taa fall tad Inter edition of
' th Aan Adnata . Pattern eatalot
j ready! Charming, flattering naS
ala 8 J pate ' of th -newest 4
beat bouse, atreet and . forma)
I frocks cleverly deiifned atylea
for larre .figures and beautiful,
practical module for junior and
kiddies. Lovely lingerie patterns,
aad eagrestion far rifts that can
a easily aad inexnenaiVely mad,
are alt iactnded. Send . or the .
new atalog. Trie of catalog, fif
' teea cents. Catalog and pattern to
gether, twenty-five cants. Address
all ssail orders to Statesman Pat
tarn department, 344 W, ITU
stret. New York eity.' ;
17th street. Hw Tors City. .
for this annual banquet and "la
dies night" always an affair
anticipated by the honor guests.
Zena Mrs. T. O. Horten of
Zena entertained a group of
friends with an evening of cards
Monday. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Stephens snd
children Gertrude, Marguerite.
Raymond and Emmett, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Sohn and daughter,
Nadine, Ivor, Ted and Olga Hor
ten, Easter Oren and the hostess,
Mrs. Horten.
Kingwood Two interesting
meetings of the Laurel Social
Hour club were held within the
last week. The first was in the
form ot a picnic at Falls City,
Saturday, the hostess being Mrs.
Carrie Page, a non-resident club
The club membership met Tues
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Robert Hall on Cascade
Drive for their regular semi
monthly meeting Annual election
of officers resulted as follows:
Mrs. J. B. Smith succeeds Mrs.
Glenn L. Adams as president, Mrs.
Bert B. Flack succeeds Mrs. The
odore Bernard ss vice-president
and Mrs. Warren B. Baker was
chosen to serve a second term as
Mrs. Bernard Benson will be in
ebarge of entertainment features
at the next meeting Tuesday, Oc
tober 25, when Mrs. ' Raymond
Com p ton will: be hostess at her
home :on Glenn Creek and Wal
lace roads.-
Wallace Road. Mrs. C. L.
Blodgett and -Mrs. S. P. Kimball
were hostesses at the recent meet
ing of the Willamette Lodge coun
try club at the clubhouse. Thirty
five persons attended.
Baskets of golden marigolds
were used effectively In the din
ing room and bowls of vari-col-
ored sinnias made the upstairs
clu broom bright and. cheerful.
Mrs. .M. C. .Pettys and Mrs.
Ralph Allen were appointed
hostess committee for the next
meeting. . v
. Mrs. Emma Wilkens will lesvo
for her home In Chicago today fol
lowing several weeks' visit in Sa
birthday cake on which 12 can
dles burned.
Those present Included the
guest of honor, Edrudell Boyd,
Marlon Walling, Naomi Merrick,
Wilma Crawford, Verl McKInney
and Merrilyn Boyd.
Mrs. George Cummings will be
hostess to members of the Salem
Dakota club at her homo, 1391
North 4th street Friday afternoon.
There will be an election of offi
cers as a feature of the business
Members of the Past Presidents
club will not meet today as an
nounced because of the death of
L. H. Llckel. husband ot one of
the members. A later announce
ment will give the meeting date.
Brush College The Jolly
Old Timers club, which was or
ganized in 1931, held an enjoy
able meeting at the spacious rur
al home of Mr. and Mrs. Fer
dinand Singer when members
and their husbands were the
guests Sunday. An attractive cov
ered dish luncheon was a feature
of the day, followed by a social
afternoon. Included In the guest
list were Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Walling and Mrs. Anna Neiger
of Lincoln, Mrs. Tina Kildee.
Salem, Mrs. Albert Bouffler and
children Dorothy and Billy and
Mrs. Prudence Bouffler of Or
chard Heights; Mr, and Mrs.
John Schindler, Mrs. F. J. Woelk,
Mrs. Margaret Hadespeck, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Himmel, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Foche and daughter
Irene, Mrs. Anna Bayer, Mrs.
Peter Krall, Mrs. C. Linden ad
the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdin
and Singer, all of Brush College
First open meeting of the fall
for the Artisans lodge will be held
tonight in the newly decorated
lodge rooms in Fraternal temple.
A program will precede an eve
ning of dancing. The program has
been elaborately planned, and to
this friends of Artisans are Invit
ed. The lodge sponsors these open
meetings regularly through the
winter season.
Silverton. Memorial services
for Mrs. William Towne, charter
member and past matron of Ra
mona chapter 58, was featured at
the Eastern Star meeting held
Tuesday night Mrs. F. E. Sylves
ter, worthy matron, arranged the
service. At the close Mrs. G. B
Benson and Mrs. E. Holden sang
"Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" as
a duet.
HAIR on the FACE
r on the body ia safely and surely re
moved by women attendant! naing our
method. Skin left smooth and free from
blemish. Consultation free, or write for
literature -t
904-5 1st Hat'l Bank rhone 427
Salem, Oregon
EQtmcn'3i?srr: Se?v2e ;
For the " .
, sponsored by the Gas Company, Bnsicks and j
, , .. The Statesman y ' -
at the Capitol Theatre
Wednesday and Thursday Afternoon-
?. .Furnished by, -. . j
'.TOeCajpifoV City Laundry;
v " Attend the school -then
Call 3165 For any Laundry Service or Dry Cleaning s
,.. ! ....... ...
make a great hit
wherever Sports
get together
look mU the heart ef any
eolkge wardrobe, and yoH
find a flock ef Marmettes
living la gay expectations ef
a busy campus Ufa, They're
sakest so fast by that ao
tfve young crowd tm the knew,
that we nrcdkt this will be ft
great "Marinette year for every
college la the country.' See
then ia October's fogae, ihea
eetae hero for these sew ar
rivals ef which were snighty
laToajd; all set for big thfasga. . ;
is ewr m Ue price ef
Other Knitted Frock-
9.C5 40 16.50'
' Quality Brerchandise Popular Prices '
Cooking School
Perfectly Pasteurized, Bottled the Sanitaa-y Way in
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And Place Your
Order Today
Sponsors of the Cooking School Portland Gas, & Coke Co,,
Basick's Grocery and The Oregon Statesman
Utt TPJM. Pay Yono 1? AitttccadI
It la Being Conducted For Your Bcqc5it
will give you valuable information on home (
economics and the products she uses in her worlc,;
Be sure and notice her demonstrations using
the economical and efficient
25 Ounces for 25c
The dexnonstrator will show
you how la using this double
tested double-action baking
powder you get Fine Texture
and LaTgeVolume In your bak
Ings why K C Is economical
and cjjlcicnt, requiring only
one level cearpobnful to a cap
of Hour. It Is not necessary to
pay high prices for baking
powder to get best results , .
After seeing the deinonstradons
use K C in the same way in your
. own home. Give it the oven
test and judge by results.' " 7
tniTIgaa cl Pcnnc! t Used
; by Cor Corcrxrscat
1 3 ; ;