The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 13, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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: weather ; .
- UasetUed with oreaalonal
raia today and. Friday,
mUd; ' Max. Temp. Wediie
dajr CI. Min. 64, rirer. 8.4,
feet, raia Jtl inch..
Sept. '33
Net paid, daily, Sunlay,6g3g
Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning:; October 13, 1932
7278 - ip imv m,. iitmu uy uuirauut"
1 FOUNDno 1851 ; v; . - v- ;- -
., .... , ..
To Talk Today,
State Session
Plea That Lawlessness not
Be Turned Loose Here
Made by Speaker
Asserted Misstatements by
Wets are Attacked at,
: W.C.T.U. Meeting
A plea that "lawlessness shall
not be turned loose" In Oregon
as delivered last night by Miss
Maude Aldrlch to (00 persons in
attendance at the night session of
the state W. C. T. U. convention
held at the Presbyterian church
"I appeal to all the people to
rote no on ballot measure 313,"
Miss Aldrich urged. "To turn
loose the people of this state to
law violation by the repeal of the
.state enforcement law. for prohi
bition. Is too big a price to pay. I
appeal both to people who do not
favor the 18th amendment to the
federal constitution or the consti
tutional amendment" to the state
constitution and to the people who
favor prohibition," she empha
sized. "To leave the state with a
constitutional amendment against
prohibition and no power to en
force it would put a ballot on Ore
gon not to be removed for a gen
eration. Absolves Dry Law
As Crime Producer
Miss Aldrich, speaking on the
"Four 'L's in the united States
protcWed oft-made statements
that nrohibition caused lawless
ness. She declared that the traffic
in liquor before prohibition was
a consistent law-violator and held
as her belief that more liquor was
- - v
V if);
Ji If
? A.
Picketing at Howard Lake
Halted, Agreement is
Made on Shipping
ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 12
(AP) Farm strike picketers and
livestock shippers who clashed at
Howard Lake today with result
ant injuries to four persons, to
night reached an agreement
which brought an end to the
picketing in that section.
Under the agreement, the pick
eters allowed one carload of live
stock that had been assembled
Hundreds Patronize
RF FAST HITS lUIill Allium PvnnUe
- . - I blbj m Kfa av av BBBaVBHaajBajaaiaM H aa
4- t n -wx2-- f 7 At VAAAUAlA a
Interest is Gaininal nmnn i wr r AUSCMQ DV III
- m i . ii i ii ' w a i mM .
UHUUHL -ll-'Uill
More Expected Today Judging From Response
At First Session; Instruction, Displays
In Lobby Draw Wide Attention
rriHE first fall rain did not deter some 850 women of Salem
1 frnm pttJno nut to attend the first session of the two-
Will Tell Story Only for day cookins school at the Capitol theatre Wednesday after- Many Arrested; RelieT tor
I m ni . a 3 j j i
Open Meeting of Grand S00": "e ej1!!!:: Jobless Being Talked
Certain About Locations in
His Version of Tragedy
1 Sixteen Years ago
One Killed, Over 30 Hurt;
British Troops are
Rushed to Scene
Before Bar Leaders
Report on City
Budget Will be
Jury Says Goodman
(AP) Irvln Goodman. Portland
attorney tor. the Tom Mooney
moulders' defense committee, de
clared today that Paul M. Calli
eotte, Portland mountain guide,
who believes that be unwittingly
placed the Preparedness day bomb
here 16 years ago, would tell his
story here only before the grand
Jury at an open hearing.
The statement was made after
Callieotte, accompanied by mem
bers of the, moulders' defense
committee, police and newspaper
men, had retraced the steps be
says he took In placing a suitcase
at Market and Steuart streets. An
explosion occurred there a few
minutes after be had left the salt-
case and as the parade was pass-
the response to the program yesterday the theatre should be
crowded today with interested auditors. Miss Elizabeth Re
- , , . i .. ..?ger. borne economist with the
Portland Gas and coke company,
had charge of the demonstration.
assisted by Miss Alma Brnns of
Salem, in charge of demonstra
tions for the company in the Wil
lamette valley. Today's program
starts at 2 o'clock.
Many dishes were prepared at
yesterday's school. One that bad
a good sound for a Salem audi
ence was "Nut Prune Souffle",
while cup cakes with butterscotch
To Remedy Crisis
Jim Palmer Speaker; Says
Character Building is
Vital Right now
The institutions for character
building are more Important than
ever In times of national stress
when the spiritual Qualities of a
nation must be preserved, James
Ing. Ten persons were killed and Palmer, assistant secretary of the
40 inlured. Tom Moonev and War- Portland T. M. C. A., told 40 lo-
ren K. Billings are serving lite
sentences for the bombing.
Sure of Location
Despite. Changes
Callieotte stepped directly to
the spot where the explosion took
nlace, despite the fact that a new
modern building has replaced the
old shack that occupied tne
promise that the local stock yards
operators would not attempt to
load any more cattle until the
sold illicitly even in the days of strike has ended,
the saloon than is consumed now. The compromise was brought
She pointed to the fact that 83 about principally through the ef-
per cent of the autos owned m torts of John Boscne 01 Atwater,
the world are In the united states presiueiu 01 tne Minnesota Farm
during the day, to be shipped to er0und at the time of the bomb-
1L . a. . n A. - - 1 A. At I
tne soma raui mar&ei on ints i in-
cal workers in the annual drive
for members which opened last
night at the "Y" here. Palmer
scored a public statement made
by a business leader who declared
the Boy Scouts, the Y. M. C. A.
and similar public service insti
tutions should cease operating in
times of stress.
Using the topic, "What's up
BELFAST, North Ireland, Oct.
It. (AP) British troops were
harried Into Belfast today to cope
!'lB!?r:iirAoj. r-aT wi nry?
Final report ef the eititens'
committee on the city budget for
1933 probably will be completed
some time next week. Chairman
Douglas McKay stated when ask
ed last night. The committee fa
ience in which one man was killed
and more than 30 persons serious
ly wounded.
A nnlt of the Inniskllllng Fusil
iers was brought in from the bar
racks at Hollywood. The King's
Royal Rifles, it was announced.
made thexnouths of a lot of folks will arrive Friday.
Interesting displays in the lob
by held the attention of visitors.
One was" abetting of a table, made
by Gahlsdorf's; another was an.
attractive display of Salem-made
linens by Miller's.
Cooperating with The States-
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
Your Sleeve," Palmer cited a Brit-
Stepping up the high curb be ish captain who at the opening of
remarked: ine world war orougni nis snip
"I didn't have to step up like saieiy across tne Atlantic aiier a
this the last time. It wasn't high pursuit oy uerman cruisers. i
(Turn to page z, coi. 3j-
as indication that the country had
prospered under prohibition. Can
ada's problem of handling drunk
en drivers has Increased measur
ably under the "Canadian system"
she declared. Arrests for violation
of laws for driviBSwhIle-lntoxl-cated
have increased 1300 per
cent In Canada, she averred.
The speaker scored the idea
that in the
good liquor was
ers Holiday associatiou and Coun
ty Attorney Thomas P. Welch,
who addressed more than 300
picketers at the stock yards late
-Previously the Wright county
sheriff had sent an emissary to
ask the governor for troopa..
After hia trip to the capitol.
however, the representative did
still had several knots left to use"
the captain said after the voyage.
Palmer said these days called for
similar reserves and fortitude.
The occasion was a dinner
where team workers headed by
Paul Wallace, general ehairman
of the drive, came together.
Workers were seated with their
captains. Proceeding Palmer's ad
dress a number of Y. M. C. A.
members told how the activities of 1
wmXYWOOD. Oct. 12 (AP)Ithe organization was conducted.
Nominations for Hollywood's I Northwest championships In wres-
Numerous Accidents Caused
By wet Pavement; Girl
Suffers Injuries
This afternoon, after consider- row night
able shooting in the western part
of the city brought armored po
lice ears Into action, the authori
ties announced they bad the situ
ation well In hand. '
Numerous arrests were made.
In one street police took 39 prisoners.
The police announced curfew
restrictions effective at 8 o'clock
tonight in the area of the most
serious disorders. Last night ev
eryone was ordered off the
streets by 11 o'clock.
The lord mayor and represen
tatives of the workers met to dis
cuss methods of relief for the
Thirty prisoners were arraign
ed in court on charges of unlaw
ful assembly and rioting. They
were remanded in custody until
Tuesday. Most of them were heav
ily bandaged.
"It is pretty well completed
now,': said McKay. "We have
given it quite a lot of 'attention.
We hope to show the taxpayers
a reduction but don't know yet
whether we can or not.
The committee will bold an ot li
ed of its informal sessions torn or
'How do you Like the Rain'
Query is Answered by
Harmonious Chorus
Disastrous Theories
Of Government r
Warned Against
City police last night were look
ing for the driver of a roadster
that smashed into the rear ot a
coupe owned by L. Pike of Au
burn Lane road and parked in
front of the Salem General hos
pital while -he was changing a
tire. The roadster driver, Pike told
the officers,, stopped long enough
to address rude remarks to him,
then" drove awarretore the police
How do yon like the rain?
Everyone was asking everyone
else this question yesterday and
the answer was almost unanimous
ly one of satisfaction with the
turn of the weather. The farmer
is no "forgotten man," it seemed,
for many were the comments of
pleasure that his dry-as-bone soil
was getting the much - needed
moisture. Relief, too, was general
that forest fire haxards were be
ing wiped out and the unpleasant
smoke cleared from the air.
The Intermittent driitle was
the answer to the farmer's invo
cation. The gentle fall of rain
proceeded to do the needed task
NEW YbRK, Oct 12 (AP) of moistening the soil where a
Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt I downpour would have flowed away
presidential candidate, will leave taking the land surface with it
T.ftHA 1mma)sral w A ATI A A tfiA
. I a, i j it j i ; . m- I A i -m s a l wV v " v I nriuiaenumi cauuiutic. nm -
gooa oia aays omy u0l ior .u i -' highest honors, tne annual wu. wins, in voueyoau ana- ,n .w.m- b t the headlight,, radiator er0 October 18 for an eight-day Inauguration of the rainy eea-
raa sold." She cited men as deputies had regained of the Aeademy of Motion Picture ming have been Von by the local .ndwllld8nleld on the roadster rmoal trio of 3.000 miles .on was mild, with the maximum
through the middle west tne nor- temperature reacning si oegreee dappB broujht Blm to nU
a -nt th, inntll I --4 minimum Aiwn nfih tn I ' nivuju,
instances of bootlegging in pre- control of the small Howard Lake, Arts and Sciences, were announ-I organization in the last two years, arokft
Simplified Procedure
In Courts Favored
By President
(AP) Contending . that or
very form ot government la -a
trial," President Hoover toctgkt
nrged members ot the American
Bar association to stand smart
against "false prophets of a aCJ
eniam." Applauded as he entered Con
stitution hall to address an Au
dience containing Justices of the
supreme court and International
ly recognised legal leaders. In Us
audience, the President assert
that some men in public life te
day are offering "seductive ut
unworkable and disastrous theor
ies of govenmsnt"
Chief Justice Charles Evans
Hughes himself accorded an ela
tion introduced the chief execu
tive. He said the Bar association'
members welcomed Mr. Hoover
"as American citizens, regardless
of party, a lawyers devoted to
the institution of our govern
ment." The president was accompanied
by Mrs. Hoover. For a minute a2
ter be rose to speak there was ap
plause. The president spoke with
out gestures ana in mrutrtd
President Accorded
Extended . Applaase
The audience followed the pres
ident's words with close attenttee,
interrupting several times with
applause, particularly when
told the delegates "Yon have a
duty to simplify these (judicial)
procedures, ... to make the aoV
ministration of law terror to
evildoers by Its promptness aaJ
At the conclusion of hie ad
dress, the entire andlenee arose to
applaud. Mr. Hoover sat down taw
a moment, but the renewed
prohibition days. "Good old stuff
sent home? Yes," Miss Aldricn
declared, "in the bodies ot men
who went home to beat their
wives and their children.
Taxation of the liquor traffic
means the money ultimately must
eome from the poor man who
consumes liquor, she said. Every
cent of Income tax paid by the
DuPonts and the Raskobs on li
quor profit is an Income tax
wrung from poor people, she said.
for the higher farm produce prices
and their opponents fought
stockyards where pickets ced today and again Marie Dres
sier, adjudged the Dest screen
actress of 1931, was m tne seieci
Singularly, a famous family ot
stage and screen also was includ
ed in the final balloting, wnien
will continue until Nov. 10, with
the announcement ot awards
made at a banquet on Nor. 15.
They were Alfred Lunt and Lynn
Fontaine, each nominatea tor
best actor and actress.
Six pictures. "The Guardsmen
it was pointed .out
President W. I. fitaley of the
(Turn to page 2, eoL 3)
Geneva Lacey, 13, Parrish jun
ior high school student was
struck by an automobile as she
was leaving the school Tuesday
and suffered Injuries to an arm
and leg, it was reported yesterday.
der states and into the south.
Mr. Roosevelt will make three
major speeches, at Pittsburgh,
Oct. 13; St Louis. Oct 31 and
Raltimore. Oct 25. Important ad
dresses will be made at Indian-
and the minimum down only to
(Turn to page 2. col. I)
She la the daughter of Mr. and I apolls, Springfield, Louisville and
Mrs. John o. Lacey. .Neitner me i Derhaps other stops
By The Associated Press
Obstacles In Samnel Insult's
rnwiKni i Annual i . . . .. ...
Addresa Offered Kennetn nay, niii ,.B,d olrl uTh champ." "Dr
The annual address of the state """ mvv
president Mrs. Ada Jolley, fea- court yesieraay ana oniuw con- ijn Md "Arrowsmith, pro- dom from criminal .Iproseentlon
tured the afternoon session of tne BU"" " - Tided a majority of tne outsiana-1 were plied higher yesterday as
convention Wednesday. ""' v"""""- in- efforts from wfilcn tne nom-
ldentity of the car driver, a wom
an, nor the license number on tne
machine was ascertained.
Henry Palmer, route 4. who
suffered a crushed 'chest In an au
tomobile crash on the Pacific
,ii..l I "Baa Uin," -iam vuaiuy, mji . i iosiaciee in omuw ,!,- Tffnrnn lata Sat-
!f. in? 'kyd Mr. Hyde," "Shanghai apparently desired path to f ree- Prw j Si hf, hoi,
lined con- , . mnA Arrowamith" ore- nm from ,rim!ii. nrotAontlon rday, was removes to nis nome
from a Hospital yesterday.
Four Tears ago three of the
states ot the old south voted with
President Hoover and against Al
fred E. Smith. West Virginia,
Maryland. Kentucky, Tennessee
and Missouri also were In Hoo
ver's column.
Mr. Roosevelt will cross Onio,
SEATTLE, Oct 12 (AP) A
declaration that he had been push
ed off a 30-foot cliff by another
hunter a week ago on the Green
again In acknowledgement
"It la your task." said ttx.
Hoover to the lawyers, "to prvs
again what none knows better
than yoa, that the very eitadet -art
the rights of the poor against thsi
oppression of rulers and agalsstt
the extortions ot the rapadooa w
the judicial system of the coaa
try, and that the impregnable astt
of that system Is the snpresoe
co art of the United States."
False Tbeories of
Government are Hit
He said it could be "a da
ons thing If explanation
Th TYi.n who iptualW does of Intoxicating liquor. Judge Poul- ..
tlnna r made.
the drinking pays the tax as he sen reieasea mm on au ou.
pays the money over the bar," Day's appearance in court
taken up in Athens,
said .Mrs. Jolley, referring to the result of a police raid on his fI7aTr A mtnf1m(nt
(Turn to page 3, col. 1) residence late Tuesday night. The J W 3 CCi 1II1CI1U1J1C11L
Repeal Up Before
at the house by a young worn- j tf rp j
named Reta Carr, who said LeWeUWg 1 0(1 ay
officers, armed with a warrant
issued by Judge Poulsen, were
met at the house by a young wom
Day was not home and 6lammed
the heavy screen door in their
faces. Before returning to un
lock the door, she is said to have
gone to the rear of the house and
poured out a quantity of liquor.
were nlied higher yesieraay as "77. ".n., . I ti,. m.w. nunier a we ago on m r s-iTea me xeopie as xo now n
the United State, government ord- . "XX?" r7ta3Z: - f A d- ? ! bUtory .'th.people'. Inte
ered the former utility magnate s 7;ri Ii.7rfr t.. f- Tha democratic nominee likely nei?."? ?ST " MT 7 " iaise propweve
, .v. ... in physician told mm mat ne coma of a miuenlum promised throwi
vt. .nu nil! for a I aot recover from his injuries, was seductive but unworkable theeriee
night run across that state. He
has twice before appeared in
Ohio, first when he opened his
campaign in Columbus August 20
and again at the beginning of the
western swing last month.
At Chicago, prosecutors prepar.
ed to leave for Athens to return
him there to face charges of lar-
ceny and embezzlement
State's Attorney John A. Swan-
son, of Cook county (Chicago),
said It the passport is taken up.
Hearinc on the alternative writ t- nil will ha nrnYnnted from en
of mandamus granted Tuesday by I tHnr anv other eountrv from
judge u. a. ieweumg to me wi-i Greece.
er repeal petitioners, comes up in rronn of Chicaco citizens
circuit court at 2 p. m. today. I made a public demand that three
cidents in the city yesterday. Driv-
(Turn to page 2, eol. 1)
given to authorities today by
Frank Srmpson. of 8eattle, from
a hospital bed at Auburn.
He said the man, who bad also
been hunting in the vicinity, ac-
ot government"
"The menace is doubled, no
said, "by the tact that these vals
allurements are today being of
fered to our harassed people ey
12 (AP) A triple
t. tiA imait In w.i tv- I . .1 i mother, her aaugnter
SHANGHAI. China. Thursday, L.;rrr; -lii:!; .11 .-71a " - " v '.I" Tr w BumL BTCulr.cS,.7.i grandmother baffled authorities
Oct 13 (AP) Sharp fighting f1a.v. ,5 mt, ri. hot
between the Japanese troops and t,e8 Rnd n t t gal,oa Jug,8
uninese voiunieer soiaiers aions ..nn- whi.v in Salem
the Yalu river on the eastern durIn tfle t two year, may
iroraer w ine wancnurian proT- flJlTe nere been to ts
ince or i-enguen was reporter 10- Rftm. , . .mnU hnltlM
Recorder Poulsen and County
Clerk Bover to put the measure
on the ballot November 8. Unless
these officers are compelled 07
ganlzatlon which Insnll founded
cease paying him a - pension of
121,000 a year. -
Also at Chicago, a represenU-
Pa., Oct
killing 1
and a
The victims were Mrs
Convict Beaten
Claims Witness
m m 1 low UU nuamiut uwif"" " "
tor Defendants three men appeared and took him
la a car 10 me nospiuu.
VTVMI- I a nrtntnnr T v VI- rti 1 I lie WlinnetQ Ul CW I i
-.-..i ot i, ri.nrkfr. R-dle. a -,t,tw wlt... for U menus ana reiauve. w. t.
coated bim for hi poor marks- I men of public reputation in
manship after firing twice at a omics and -even by men In public
bear and missing the animal. Dur- life. . . .
Ing the quarrel, Simpson added, "Yon have your duty In this
he was pushed over the cliff, land- area to expound the history ot tfaa
Ing on his back on the rocks be- painful past through which rights
low and remaining helpless unm and liberties hare been won.
I warn of repetitions ot old and fa
tal experiments nnder new srad
glamorous names, to defend ear
system ot government against
11.- and her mother. Mrs. Amanda the defense in the murder trial ot original reporx w -. "fr ""B W4
Harden. 2. I two former prison camp guar" -m tu
Mrs, Tressler and Mrs. Harden testified today that a "walking Lirv X., iL -I i7 tTL v i iV.V inWina
vni ontnht. while the vA.. k-. awhnr Vanufert taL Informed him be could not re- his legal audience that Amertea
the mandamus to put the repeal tire of the senate banking and
measure up to the Toters, the W- currency committee began prep- wre . kIUed ontrIfntt wW1. tha b0.. beat Arthur Maillefert.
fhl l!ri.r 2. neB 1bel 8 will lie dormant for lack ot .rations tor a complete study of Sri died sYveSSus after being iJ?t J.rsli convict three cover. HU baek was broken la the citizen, now were more secure to
the vernacular press here. .1 ti..,iM ..4 irn, niu LM. . min th vnai I 1. .-.-.- I diea several jioua kw oem 1 young New Jersey con vici, nre 1 nonm amt HhertlM and am
The dispatches said the hostili
ties :were the outgrowth of a Chi
nese rejection ot a demand by
the 'Japanese general,' Nobuyoshl
Muto, that the anti-Manchnkuo
government of Fengtien province
at Tnnghwa be dissolved.
The advices continued that
Chinese forces totaled 100,000 in
that area, including 10,000 Kor
ean "revolutionaries. General Mu
towas said to have ordered ad
ditional Japanese troops from
Kwaagtung leased territory and
Korea into the affected area.
club, London" and "English man
proper time in filing the repeal ) insnll financing
before the .election.
Acquit Clackamas Man
Leaburg Man Drowned .
Poverty Causes Death
Pole Falls, Kills Man
Wife of Former
Senator Victim,
Sudden Illness
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 12. (AP)
found tn the Tressler home. . . I minutes with a heavy stick be-
Mrs. Treasler's son, Billy, I, is I causa the youth refused to drink
la a hospital suffering from a a second half pint dose of castor
fractured skull. oiL 1
' Coroner Samuel A. Baits said I -j-he testimony came on cross
the women were slain with a hat-1 examination ot Lonnle Foster,
ehet found in tne iressier nome,
OREGON CITY, Ore., Oct 12
(AP) Walter W. Johnson, 33,
ot Clackamas, was acquitted by a
jury in circuit court here today
ot a charge ot first degree mur
der in connection with the death
September 11, ot Natala Varesio,
Council Gambling
Committee Going
T TJvZV Co-ffiravr lv4. Italian gardener.
X U ff fcj i.wMjr t Johnson testified In the trial
. . , that he killed Varesio with a club
The city council ronuBiiw ls geif defense,
eharged with Investigating gamb-J
Hn ooratlona at the 1832 Stat FIND BODY IJf - CANAL
fair," will meet on Saturday Chair- . EUGENE, Oct 12. . (AP)
nan H. H. Vandevort slated last Frank McDowell, 82, of Leaburg,
sight He said nothing had been drowned in the municipal water
Ant as far toward determining system canal below Leaburg dam.
where lay the blame tor alleged where his body was recovered to-
"fleeelng" of the public that went day after having been In the water
on throughout fair week. - about 24 hours. ' " '
The expectation Is that the -com- McDowell, "who lived alone, had
jnlttee will report exoneration of I been missing sinea yesterday.'
city police, who patrolled tie fair-
..4 oatt'tha! IllkIM OB
the talr'management- Police have ROSEBURO. Oct "--AI )
averred they could not entirely Three-year-old Jnlianne Phillips
shut out Jhe games of chance, died hera this morning fom an
- When eompUInts wera mafia on Intestinal disorder whicb physl-
.hr the fair manage- elans said they believed due to
ment ordered certain types of I a diet of corn meal and eondens-
gamee closed but permitted others 1 ea miis. v
- ?r .-Rnmeiaint. ontinnea ta Tha Phniips family had been
' t. mtr thia ehansa. - 1 fighting agaisat starvation - for
weeks with nothing to eat but
the corn meal and milk.
Harry. 2. the girl's younger
brother, died Saturday from a
similar disorder and four more
children are in critical condition
from the affliction.
Mrs. James A. Reed, quiet In the rear yard of her home.
helsmate for it years of a dls-l Police battered down a door
tinruished husband, in whoso sue-1 and found Mrs. Harden dead la
cess she found her greatest joy, 1 feed with Billy, deep gasnes in
died unexpectedly of pneumonia 1 his head, beside her. Sadie was
at a hospital here today. 1 oa the living room floor. She ap-
The wife of the former Miss-1 parently had been struck down
oari senator was stricken while I as she fled from the killer.
he was at Dee Moines, Ia Mon-
Secretary -Chapln today told
Pfianla Fla Tonth. after the I newioanermen that renorta from
The eoroner had not determined I defenf6 had eMnd witnesses to 1 140 trade and commercial asso
how the children were attacked. ttM eoBtntIon that Man- eiationa of the country, show soma
Mrs. Tressler's body was found Ief-rt commuted suicide when ha I degree of business Improvement
died la a sweat box at Sunbeam I He said general business activity
prison eamn last June. 1 still is advancing.
their persona and liberties and
the possession ot their properties
than at any ether time or la any
other nation In the history ot that
Late Sports
no io,"i. iiia lor ro.r, ' ? Mine Massacre
,l. Ail k.l,. rlil.ivi nui,iug .c-.-1
OX Bino-inuniui-v.u I -- VTaat.v'. flr.r m.W mHArmm
of the presidental campaign.
$100,000 Cut in County
Road Taxes is Probable
ma, 3, and Gerald, 0, are serious
ly ill but Fred, s, is given a
chance to recover. .
The parents collapsed last night
from the strain. With their sur
viving- children they are being J
treated at a hospital here.
BEND, Oct " 12. (AP) Jack
MUliorn, 32, died la a hospital
here last night from Injuries re
ceived when he was struck by the
top of a 42-foot pole. He lived
nearly five ' hours, although his
neck was broken In two places.
The pole, being erected in con
nection ..with a water tank, con
struction job. broke. 1 Mllllorn is
survived by bis widow, his moth
er, Mrs. Nora Williams ot Pendleton;-
two brothers- Earl- and, Tom
MIlliom ot tho East Oregonlan
staff and a sister, Mrs.' Daphne
Branstetter,- ot Pendleton.
Anniversary is
Hoover Upswing
Noted Downtown
A canvass ot II business men la
downtown mercantile esUbllsb
ments - made yesterday by - this
paper, wealed that all but two
reported .noticeable swing to
wards Hoover In the sentiment
expressed by t h e I r customers.
"People are stopping to think
now," one man reported. ,L find
they are far less belligerent ana
ready to ehange than a month
ago." The Hoover speech in Des-
Moines and the Coolldge address
Tuesday night ta New York city
were frequently referred to ey
the' merbcants.aa. basic reasons
for the .Hoover upswing. u
Redaction ot at least $100,000
In road taxes levied la December
by the county court here seems
yt p j-j . 1 ty tne county courz nere iwmi
l.ailSP TOT KIOT entirely nrobable. Desire to reduce
1 , , - I the millaca oa property aa well
as the completion of the market
road system begun la ills makes
this outcome likely.
In tha It 12 budget the county
(AP) The . annual commem
oration ot tha anniversary ot the
" Vlrf ntn m " rtt 1111
was turned Into a rout today by I court provided $105,0fl i for mar-
,flni,1 .marA ' t-iuim whft ar 1 ket roads Of which IJO.tQO CafflO
rmtA .,. tiia hoi atrikiiiv rrem siaie aai ucvora. w
mi,.., mAit f thom I orovlded SI 4.3 5 1 for market road
only after they promised to leave bonds and Interest, all ot this
town. - f -: ? I money cii uwu iu -
- Tear gas was used Uta la the I cense fees. M
dav ta t)UDersa a narade of men I With, tha payment of the bonds
and women, from memorial exer- these moneys eaa bo used for con-
cfsea at the crava. of one ot the struetion so in addition to the
Vlfden TlcUms, Injuries flOO.tOt budget 'fT
were reported. Mora than Id men may ba from f . to tl.0l0
.are viiied in the Vlrden riot additional reduction through the
which resulted from an attempt to I use ef state moneys for road work
nrnnda ih firat mine natan' la-1 Instead ef bond retirement " "
the state! - - -:- .'. the county budgeted aad levied
317B.00O last December for gen
eral county roads. This, xaeiuaea
SEATTLE. Oct. 12. (AP)
Andy Bundy, Portland negse
I featherweight floored Abie laraea.
Seattle, la the first rouad tonlshl
with a left hook to the ehia ana
then slashed out a six-round -
elzion, coasting heavily u
his advanUge ta height aad
reach. Bundy weighed 124
pounds aad Israel 115.
PORTLAND. Oct 12. (nP
tha cost ot road maintenance, of I Ed pon George at Michigan, far-
road machinery, of bridge build
ing and of ferry maintenance.
Part ot tha state moneys received
from licenses may go ta offset
aad reduce this large tax cost.
The remaining road item in the
1132 budget was one of fS2.70t
tor county roads outside Salem.
This. tax. under tha provisions ot
Salem's charter, cannot be levied
within the city limits but It does
provide a levy ot mora than three
mills oa all property outside of
mer claimant of tha heavyweight
title, defeated Aba Kaplan at Ne-v
York. two falls out ot three, ta
tha featured match of tenigafe
wrestling card hera. George
weighed 212 aad Kaplan 211.
- George took the first fall wtsa
a flying head scissors. - Kaplan
came back to take the second wit .
a wtnglock and a double arm bar."
Tha final aad deciding tame)
want ta George. Who downed Kaa-
laa with a flying tackle, the fla-
UUW vm jf j 1 ' ... r -
Salem.' This tax may ba cut dowa I lahed.the struggle with a aeriaa
tor the coming year. ; . -: - ax
- m. .Vaa Mil,, larva t Pat TtelllT. 303 BOStOS- WO
funds an hand aa a carryover from I two out of three falls from AlPe
. ..j jvi. .ni Mtn no. Portugal, ta tne zive
rouad special event Fred Uaraerf.
IT 8. PorUand, , took tha stacUieB
from Sailor rraaz. n. iwrwifi.
former years and 4hls reserve wni relra, 320. P01,
enabla It to operate 1133 wua
diminished taxes. The' court u
pledged to provide liet.teO an-
" rtu'ra to page 2, eoL 1) 1
'ta the'three-TouuA'bpener; .5cs