The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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    The UKKUUN STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning; October 12. 1932
Society News
eOUVE M. DOAK,, Society Editor :
Dt a nn Prncrram is
. Attracting Much
The piano program to be played
by Olga Steeb. nationally known
pianist, Thursday night at Waller
hall, promises to be one ot the
musical treats of the year. Miss
Steeb has played la recital here
before and is farorably known and
anticipated by those who hare
heard her.
Her program will Include:
i --. . -
Variations In F minor Haydn
Toccata and Fugue In D minor
N Bach-Busonl
Barcarolle Chopin
Nocturne in C Sharp minor
Etudes: Opus 10, No. S
Opus 25, No. 12 Chopin
: , HI
Soiree dans Granada Debussy
The Fountain of Acqua Paolo
- Griff es
Concert Etude In F minor Liszt
Campanella Paganlnl-Liszt
, Miss Steeb has played In con
cert all oyer the United States and
now has her own school of music
-la Los Angeles. Her appearance
here it of 'especial interest to the
mnsicians 01 iui wij.
Not only is Miss Steeb known
.... & L - A A
musically nere dui sue umw
'very admiring friends who are an
ticipating her Tisit A reception Is
' being planned in her honor at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Darid Bennett-Hill
at which time special
guests will be Miss Frances Vir
ginie Melton and her students of
music, and Miss Winifred Byrd,
Mrs. William H. Lytle. Miss Eliia-
Bern Vienicuii yicsiucuk
BeethoTen society of Willamette,
'which organization is sponsoring
the appearance or Miss bteeo,
Miss Helene Price and Miss Helen
Mrs. John Carson
Is Hostess
Mrs. John Carson entertained
Tuesday afternoon with a lunch
eon complimenting her club on
the occasion of first meeting of
the season. Bridge followed the
luncheon hour, and Mrs. Paul
Hendricks received high score.
Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs. T. A.
LiTesley and Mrs. Allan Carson
-were special guests for the after
' noon. Members of the club Include
Mrs. Prince Byrd, Mrs. Fritz
Blade, Mrs. Keith Powell, Mrs. R.
M. Hofer, Mrs. Harry Hawkins,
' Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. Arthur
' Rahn, Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., Mrs. W.
Connell Dyer, Mrs. T. A. Roberts,
Mrs. Ercel Kay and Mrs.-Carson.
Mrs. Byrd will be hostess to the
, group In two weeks.
rt Wednesday, October 12 v
W. H. M. S. of Jazon Lee ehurch, with Mrs. W. W.
Chad wick, 1390 North Winter street; Mrs. Edna Live
ly deTotlon leader; Miss Eunice Packard, lesson.
Ladles Guild of American Lutheran church, 2:50
o'clock in social rooms of church.
Sweet Briar club with Mrs. John Crabtree, first
meeting of year.
Tea and old pottery display at home of Mrs. Scott
Jones, two mUes souh of Gerrats; sponsored by Amer
ican Association of University women.
Knight Memorial church, Missionary tea at home
of Mrs. Harry Ross, 233 North 24th street, 2:30 o'clock.
Foreign Missionary meeting, church parlors, 2:30
o'clock; Important meeting. . . .
Official opening of W. C. T. U. state convention at
First Presbyterian elrireh, 9 o'clock. . ;
Display of Staffordshire china, at home of Mrs.
Scott Jones, two miles south of Gerrals; sponsored by
fellowship committee of American association of Univer
sity Women. .
Parent-Teacher-Student association of high school,
meet in auditorium at 8 o'clock. .
Women's Missionary society of First Presbyterian
ehurch, 2 : 8 0 ' o"clock.
Thursday, October 13 -
Special tea hours 8 to 8 o'clock at home of Mrs.
Frank Neer and ''open house for seeing Oriental studio
of Mrs. George Alden; sponsored by women of First
Congregational church. . '
Concert of Olga Steeb at Waller hall; sponsored
by Beethoven society of Willamette university.
Salem Daughters of Nile, Masonic temple; regular
meeting; bring sandwiches.
Kaiser Ladies Aid society, meets In business session
with Mrs. Robert McClay; 2 o'clock.
Golden Hour club guest of Mrs. B. E. Slsson at her
home, 1838 Saginaw street; one o'clock luncheon.
Thursday club breakfast at home of Mrs. Mare
Flint McCall on Wallace road; 10 o'clock.
' Fast Presidents club to meet with Mrs. Norma Ter
williger, 770 Chemeketa street. .
Red Hills grange . Home Economics - club, all. day
meeting at home of Mrs. Oscar Deneer. .
Friday, October U
Sigma Nu Delphlans hostess for annual tea at home,
of Mrs. E. T. Pierce, 1610 Fir street; 2 to 5 o'clock.
Woman's "Union of First Congregational church
hostess to women's board of Congregational churches of
state; opening session 10:30 o'clock; Miss Marthine
Grimsby in charge.
Women's Missionary society of First Baptist church,
with Mrs. Mackey, 691 Highland, 2 o'clock.
Tiny froeks for tiny tots always
find a ' welcome . place - In . their
wardrobes. In real "grown up
fashion, contrast is applied' as
youthful yoke and' sleeve details
- What young one wouldn't love to
have them, while- mothers will use
the practical, tub-table cotton
prints to make them? Bloomers
Included. .
: : Pattern -2356 may -be ordered
only In sizes 4 to 10. Size 4 re
quires 2 Va1 yards 36 inch fabric
and 4 yard contrasting. ;-
; -. Pattern 2326 may' be ordered
only in sizes z to 8. size 4. re
quires 2 yards 36 inch . fabric
and : yard contrasting. Illus
i trated step-by-step sewing lnstruc-
.tions Included with each. pattern.
Nuptials Are Held
Jefferson. The country home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee
was the scene of a pretty wedding
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock,
when their daughter, Miss Vir
ginia McKee, became the bride of
Lincoln Waterman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Waterman, Sr., of
The bridal , party entered the
living room to the strains of Loh
engrin's Wedding March, played
by Miss Mary Louise Fontaine,
taking their places before the fire
place banked with autumn leaves
and flowers, where the impressive
simple ring ceremony was read by
Rev. F. A. Glnn, pastor of the
Methodist church.
The bride was charming in a
gown of brown triple sheer crepe,
and carried a bouquet of tea roses
and ferns. Miss Jean McKee, cou
sin of the bride, was bridesmaid
and was attractive in a wine col
ored dragon crepe dress. ' The ,
groom was attended by his broth
er, Virgil Waterman ot Portland.
Bbth young people are wen
known here. Mrs. Waterman grad
uated from Jefferson high school
in 1929. attended O. S. C, and is
graduate of a Portland beauty
school. Mr, Waterman Is a gradu
ate of Roosevelt higrr school jn
Portland. , "
The rooms of the .McKee homo
were beautifully decorated for the
occasion; the living room in gold
and yellow, with yellow tapers,
and the dining room in pink flow
ers and pink tapers. Following
the ceremony, refreshments were
served , to the bridal party ana
guests by Florence Thomas, Jean
McKee and Marjorie Fontaine:
The ' bride's golng-away costume
was; a brown swagger suit witn
accessories to match.
After a short wedding trip, they
will be at home to their many
friends in the Allphin house on
.second street. , ,-
Those present zor.tne ceremony.
were Mr. and. Mrs.-Virgn water
man. Sr., Virgil, Wesley and Mary
Waterman, Brooks Gordon, Ben
nett Swanton, all - of Portland;
Jack Cathey. Albany: T. A. Mc
Kee. Mr. and Mrs. Paul MCKee
and daughter Jean, Mr. and Mrs.
T. O. Kester, Mrs. Earl Lynes,
Mrs. Harry McKee and son Tneo-
dore, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Fontaine
and daughters, Marjorie and Mary
Louise, Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Ginn,
Mrs. R. C. Thomas and daughter
Florence and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
McKee. . .
8nd ftft eeatt 1S) In
coil or ataapa (coini prfrr4).
- for ' aaet pattern. . Writ ylaral?
'. War nior. addreta and style am- .
: Tit Itlf ad "wite edition' of
taa Anao Adam rattan catalog'
la ready! CbarminftV flattering Jod-
ola 83- pajra of h nawaat and
kert koou,- ttml - and i formal
frock cleverly doaigned atylea,
for. large ' figurea and .bcantirel.
, practical moJeJt for junior and
r kiddtea. Lorety llaxeri esturaa.
aod ncgeationt for gift that eaa
be easily andf lnepnuIy madv
are also Ineloded. Send -for the .
' aw caUlog. Price of eaUlog.-f if
leea eeata. Catalog and paUvr to
gether, twenty-fire eenta.. Addreaa
all nail order to Stateamaa Pat
. ten dPrtmBt, 14) - W. lTta
. atreet, Kew, York city. - i
i 17th trrt-Kw York .City. , -. .
- , t
Stayton The Women's Com
munity club has named as dele
gates to the county convention to
be held at Woodburn, October 27,
the following: Mrs. H. A. Beau
champ, Mrs. C. A. Beauchamp,
Mrs. L. W. Lindley, Mrs. W. V.
Adams and Mrs. B. A. Schaefer.
Altercates are Mrs. G. F. Korin
ek, Mrs. Nellie Jones, Mrs. H. J.
Tate, Mrs. Edward J. Bell and
Mrs. O. E. Gardner. Mrs. C. P.
Neibert of the local club is treas
urer of the county federation and
Mrs. C. H. Brewer, past presi
dent. The local club has planned a
number of events for the coming
months. A tag day for the benefit
of the library, is the first, and
this Is to be election day, Novem
ber 8. Later there will be a pot
luck supper and In two months
another "home products" dinnex,
since - the one given last year
proved so popular.
Hubbard Mrs. Wilma Leffler
will represent Arion temple and
Elton McLaughlin is represent
ing Arion lodge at the annual
convention of the grand lodge of
Oregon Knights of Pythias and
the grand temple, Pythian sisters
in Portland Tuesday and Wednes
day this week.
Mrs. Peral Harris
Is Hostess
An attractive evening was spent
at the home, of Mrs. Pearl Harris
Monday at which time members
of the J. U.' G. dub were enter
tained, Miss Lena Rlggi was as
sisting hostess. .
Fall flowers made a delightful
decorative note for the guest
rooms. A short business meetlngj
was presided over by the -club
president, Dorothy Walker, and
this was followed toy an Informal
program. Musical numbers were
given by Mrs. Frank Snyder,
Pearl " Harris, Effie- Wlneheomb,
Jennie Shelton," and Lena Riggl.
A reading was ' offered by Flor
ence Bressler and Nora Busey
told an interesting story.
special guests were Mrs. Curk
and daughter. Lena Curk of Pen
dleton; Pearl Bassle, Mrs. Fres
sler, and Mrs. Chance of Walla
Walla, house guests of Dorothy
Walker and Mrs. Belmont Russel,
daughter of Mrs. Pearl Harris.
Bridge was In play during: the
evening hours. Winning scores
were held by Hally Lynch, and
Dorothy Walker.
The evening closed with a late
supper hour. The tables were ar
ranged In a color scheme of pink
and orchid carried out through
the medium of sweet peas.
Auxiliary Elects
Auxiliary to Marlon county
post, veterans of Foreign Wart,
elected ofticera at Its regular
meeting Monday night. Mrs.
Henry Sim was the unanimous
choice for president; other offi
cers Included: senior vice presi
dent, Mrs. Christian Floer; jun
ior vice president, Mrs. Web
Moorman; treasurer, Mrs. H. M.
Baker; chaplain, Mrs. Peggy
Hanks; guard, Mrs. Ben Woelke;
conductress, Mrs. John Gram; 18
months trustee, Mrs. Anna Bork
man; trustee to fill unexpired
term, Mrs. ' Bryan Conley.
Committee appointments will
be made at the next meeting and
other appointive officers will be
made known at this meeting also.
The first meeting of the season
for the Alpha Phi Alpha Alum
nae association was held Monday
night at the sorority house. Plans
were made for the coming year.
The next meeting will be In two
weeks. There are about 30 elig
ible members for the association
who live in Salem.
Miss Eleanor Moore will be the
soloist for the first of the reg
ular Friday night lobby programs
at the Y. M. C. A. Miss Caroline
Parker will be accompanist and
Miss Virginia Graham, violinist, members had accepted the invlta-
Comriiittees Named j
At Opening Meeting
SUrerton Committees were
appointed and the- general work
of the club' outlined and discuss
ed at -the first autumn, meeting
ot the SUverton Woman's dub
held .Monday afternoon at the
First Christian church, the so
cial rooms of which were beauti
fully decorated with baskets ot
leaves and flowers. Mrs. G. B.
Bentson, Mrs. W. R. Tomlaon
and Mrs. J. E. Hosmer had
charge ot the decorations.
Mrs. Hosmer, president et the
club, presided. Mrs. Hosmer out
lined the work of the club In
relationship to . the country, the
state and the general federation
club. . .
Memorial services ' were held
for Mrs. William Townes. mem
ber of - the SUverton - Woman's
club ' for many years, and who
died last week, and tor Mrs. Wil
liam S. Hull, of St. Louis, Mo.
Mrs. . Hull, had many friends at
SUverton and visited here last
summer when she was a delegate
to the National Convention at
Seattle. At the time of her visit
she was an honor guest at a
special meeting of the SUverton
Woman's club. Mrs. Hull died
last Thursday. .Mrs. Laey M.
Wray conducted the memorial
services for Mrs. Townes and
Mrs. G. B. Bentson was in
charge of the services tor Mrs.
Delegates were appointed to
the county convention to be held
at Woodburn October 27. Mrs. F.
Glen McDonald, Mrs. W. R. Tom
ison, Mrs. Wray and Mrs. Lowell
HobUtt will be the delegates,
with Mrs. Henry Aim, Mrs. Jon
as Byberg. Mrs. S. Ames and
Mrs. J. Ballantyne as alternates.
An Invitation to attend the In
stitute or the Third District was
also read. This will be held at
St. Helens: on the 18th. Mrs.
J. Ballantyne, vice president of
the third district, and Mrs. J. B.
Hosmer, chairman of the Junior
clubs of the third district, will
probably go as delegates. Mrs. G.
B. Bentson, Mrs. George Hubba
and Mrs. Hosmer are honorary
delegates to the county conven
tion. Mrs. John Hosmer resigned as
secretary and Mrs. Lowell Hob
Utt was chosen to take her place.
Mrs. John HobUtt, chairman of
the cemetery committee, reported
that the committee was endeavor
ing to curtail expense, but would
try to keep the city cemetery
cleaned up as they did last year.
Others on the cemetery commit
tee are Mrs. Josmer and Mrs.
Bentson. '
Mrs. G. B. Bentson reported
lor the library committee, listing
the names of the new books add
ed recently. Mrs. H. B. Latham
is chairman of this committee
and has been for the past 19
years. Besides Mrs. Latham and
Mrs. , Bentson, Miss Lillle Mad
sen was placed on this commit
tee this year. Mrs. W. R. Tomi-
son, chairman of the membership
committee, reported that five new
Roberta The women of the
G. T. club surprised Mrs. Alice
Coolidge on her birthday Monday
night. -A cafeteria luncheon was
served with a large birthday cake
and tall tapers forming the cen
ter niece on the table.. .
: This, being the first meeting of
the season . electing officers was
held. Mrs. ' Alice - Coolidge was
ananimously elected ' president
which she has had the honor of
holding f of mpre than 17 years ;
vice president. Mrs.-Esther Query;
secretary and treasurer, Mrs. .Ma-
ble Hlggins; flowervandisick com
mittee, Mr. S. C. Davenport ana
Mrs, Mable Hlggins. -
" The annual , dinner was plan
ned,, which is held each year for
the husbands. . The " women ; will
entertain; at the home ot Mrs. W.
Cr Pettyjohn ? Saturday i evening,
October, 29 at; 8 o'clock. . ;
Two new members, -Mrs. Wood-
ardor Astoria and Mrs. Lalnson
vere,gTeeted. "
lub- msmbers present . were?
honor guest; Mrs: Auce , Coolidge;
Mesdames: Statesman, Johnson,
Kugie. Meyers,' Blankenship, Jud-
son, Orsbofn; Davenport, - Query,
Rice, Zleike, Lott, Edwards, na
left , Pettyjohn; Carpenter, Wood-
ard. Lalnson, Honey. - Bowman
Demonstrators at the
are wearing
Furnished by BLOCHS
You may buy similar (1 QQ
Dresses for only i. 50 Cand v 1 VO
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.Salem, Ore.
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. . it has an important effect on your
success in baking!
Some flour is made from only one type of
wheat. It may change in quality every time
the crop changes. And, even more important,
It may not be perfectly suited to what you
want to bake. Pillsbury'a Best is not a "one
wheat flour. It Is a "balanced' flour made
from an exclusive Pillsbury blend of different
types of the finest wheats. It Is always exactly
the same, month after month and year after
year; PUlabury's Best is always exactly right for any kind of baking bread,
biscuits or the most delicate pastry. It is the stand-by of good cooks everywhere
r-the leading family flour of America for over sixty years. - v , . -
r ir .'.tL
Uon to Join the elub. Others on
this committee are Mra. flaorra
Hubbs and Mrs. H. H. Waldner.
Other committeea are th rm-
gram committee, Mrs. H. B. La
tham. Mrs. W. W. Swift and
Mrs. E. -Glenn" McDonald; nomin
ation committee,- Mrs. J. Ballan-
iyn, airs. r. M. Powell, Mrs.
Mary Tewnly; publicity commit
tee. Mrs. John Hoblltt md Mr.
James Manning; leglslaUve, Mrs.
Mary Towniy, Mrs. Edson Com
stocky Mrs. H. B. Wells; music,
Mrs. J. W. Jordan, Mrs. Powell
and Mrs. T. E. Sylvester; Oregon
products, Mrs. O. B. Bentson,
Mrs. J. J. Byberg; Girl Reserve.
Mrs.' M. C Woodard. Un. Rnhrt
Goets. and Mrs. Lee Alfred; Good
win, Mrs. I. L. Stewart, Mrs. E.
tioiaen, ana Mrs. George Cusiter;
4 S3
Although Dame Bumor predicted some time ago that the Prince of
Wales' engagement to Princess In grid of Sweden was only a matter of
days, it now transpires that Wales' brother, Prince George, is the lucky
man. It is reported that a royal romance is blooming in Stockholm,
where Prince George is visiting with the Prince of Wales. Above are
recent pictures of George and Ingrid. H is the third son of King
George and Queen Mary of England. The Princess is a daughter of the
Crown Prince of Sweden.
hospital,' Mrs. Ballantyne and
Mrs. McDonald; courtesy com
mittee, Mrs. Henry Aim, Mrs. A.
W. Kleeb, and Mrs. S. Ames.
Mrs. W. R. Tomlson read a
delightful poem on the rising
At the next meeting, Mrs. H.
B. Wells will be in charge of the
program and 'Travelogue.' will
be the subject.
Hostesses at the tea hour Mon
day were the officers. Mm j. v..
Hoamer, president; Mrs. Tomison,
vice president; Mrs. W. E. Satch
well, treasurer, and Mrs. Lowell
HobUtt, secretary. Assisting the
officers as hostessea were Mrs.
Jordan, Mrs. Aim and Mrs. By
berg. Mrs. Hosmer snd Mrs. John
Hoblltt presided at the tea table.
Birthdays Are
Celebrated ; "
: Ona of the gala Wants at Laos.
anne nau is ue custom oi . oo
serving birthdays which is ' de
lightfully planned by Mrs. J. A
Mills, house mother. Tuesday
night the birthdays ot the Sep
tember and October maids' were "
observed, with a dinner.
Covers were placed for 11 hon
or guests at : two tables. One ta
ble . was arranged in pink aad
the other In yellow and the tap
ers, favors, and cake all har
monized with the table color
scheme. -
Miss HahSih ;mi4ldne extend
ed eongraluIatI6h "to. the honor
guests and MI 'Btherine Hor
ton responded for-the guests.
Those observing.' birthdays In
clude Miss Margaret Stevenson of
Salem; Miss Agnes Gordon; Port
land; Miss Elaine' Chaney, Olym
pla; Miss. Roberta Smith, Sande;
Miss Marguerite-. Gueffroy. Ore
gon City; Miss- Joyce Hugill.
Hubbard; Miss-"Marian Beezley.
Portland; Mis -Fenee John
son, Amity; Miss. Virginia Heath,
Payette, Idaho; . Miss Katherlne
Horton, Seward, Alaska; Miss
Frances Maida, Portland. "''
" - ' . , "
West Stayton Mrs. Seth Dow
ner was honored Friday afternoon,
with a bride's shower. -
Those present were Mrs. Ben
jamin Chamberlin. Mrs. Henry
Snoddy. Mrs. Fred Dickman. Mrs.
Verne IrishpMrs. Downer's moth
er, Mrs. M. Downer, mother ot
the groom, Mrs. Ivan Royse, Mrs.
Edward HankeL Mrs. Howard
Gilbert, Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mrs.
Carl Gibson, and Mrs. Charles
Darley, hostess.
Orchard Heights The Orchard
Heights Women's dab will hold
the first meeting following the
summer vacation at the home of
Mrs. William Knower Thursday
afternoon, Oct. IS. A full attend
ance is requested as important
business will be on the docket, in
cluding election of officers.
; O
I Additional Society
on Page 7
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BRELLA SALE "designed to bring the greatest value to you.- ;
Think of buying sixteen ribbed silk tops, solid wood ferrules, bakolite tips and
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-Bain Hats -
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; Library 1 .
' Itldodrichv Bressler. ' ' - '
Wii II l. 1 1 I iiid ut ti n U tL Mm tiM I H ,yti I -.i. ton 1 . mM UtU U JMit ti4 L4 n.,- i. 1 ,f i . ,. , . . , . .' 'V.7T 7; ,