The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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Average 'j
Sept. '82
: Cloudy, probably rala
4my , and . Wednesday, nor.
ma temperatvre. Maximum
Temp. Monday 69, Mia. 41,
river -S.4 feet, u variable
Net paid, daily, Sunday,6&39
r Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning October 12, 1932
f r IT III ' f I . : ' - .a .
-"awx 1 j -mmw sav .t-v a -s- -
" - " -- i
Liquor Consumption is not
35 per Cent of Former
Volume, Declared
Pennington Banquet Speak
er as State Convention
Of W.C.T.U. Opens
Challenging members of the
W. C T. U. throughout' the state
to "Swat That Lie.- President
Levi T. Pennington of Pacific col
lege last night delivered a force
ful, sharp bat good-humored ad
dress refuting recent declarations
of pro-liquor leaders in the state.
His address marked the high spot
of the opening sessions of the
state W. C. T. u. convention now
meeting here and came at the close
of the annual state-wide banquet
attended by 400 persons in the
First Methodist church basement.
Pennington's statements chiefly
concerned material recently re
leased by Harry B. Critehlow. who
seeks repeal of the Anderson law,
Pennington, a Quaker, laughingly
characterised Critchlow's ' materi
al as "grossly exaggerated."
Not 83 Per cent of
1914 Consumption
He cited United States govern
ment figures for the year 1929
1930, which he said showed con
clusively that not more than 35
per cent as mnch liquor was con
sumed in the United States then
as the amount legally used in
"Anyone who says that 'more
liquor is consumed now than be
fore' simply takes the public for
fools," Pennington declared.
He said Critehlow had declared
"prohibition is filling our jails"
and cited the latter's statement
that 267 men were at that time
in the state penitentiary because
of liquor violations. Pennington
said he checked the figures as of
the day Critehlow cited and found
only 34 liquor law violators in
prison here.
College Drinking
Said Exaggerated
Evidence gathered by J. W.
Crabtree, secretary of the Nation
al Education association, shows
conclusively drinking in schools
has waned in the last decade, the
speaker declared, while he scout
ed contentions that college drink
ing had increased. "Of course
drinking may have increased in
Columbia university," Pennington
stated. "Its president is wringing
wet, the state is wet and its gov
ernor urges. In contraditlon to
his oath to uphold federal laws,
that state enforcement be repeal
ed. "There's not much chance to
fight prohibition if you wish to be
accurate," Pennington stated. He
remarked that in a nationwide
auto tour of 10,000 miles he saw
only one man drunk.
Toastmlstress at the banquet
was Mrs. Ada Jolley, state presi
dent. The invocation was given by
Rer. B. Earl Parker, followed by
a vocal solo by Ronald Craven.
Welcome Extended
By Local Officials t
Welcome to the visitors was ex
tended by Chris J. Kowitx, repre
senting the city; Attorney General
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
The margin by which Capital
post drum corps won its national
, championship at the national
American Legion convention In
Portland last month was revealed
yesterday when Manager Tom Hill
received the official figures on
judging from C. C. Hawks of Win
field, Kan., chairman of the na
tional Legion committee on band
and drum corps competition.
The Salem corps scored a total
of 90.04 out of a possible 100
points. South Pasadena, second,
earned. 21.875 points. Salem's
margin of 2.1 15 points was larger
than the ordinary in national com
petition, according to Hill. When
Salem took second at San Antonio,
Tex., it was only 0.3 points behind
the winner.
' In the five divisions of finals
scoring. Salem was first In drums
and bugles, second in eadence,
second In marching and maneuv
ering and fifth In inspection.
Salem won the state champion
ship from LaGrande In the pre
liminaries by 9.231 points. The
local eorps scored first In drums
and bugles, first in marching and
maneuvering, first la Inspection
and sixth in cadence in the com
petition with other Oregon organ
' Aimee Now to be
Called Grandma
LOS ANGELES. Calif., Oct. 11
(AP) Aimee McPherson Hut
ton, spectacular evangelist, he
came a grandmother tonight with
me Dirm of a daughter to her
son, Holf McPherson and Mrs.
Lorna Dee McPherson.
The baby, weighing tight and
one-half pounds, was bora short
ly before 10 p.m. la a Los An
k celes . hospital.
:-...?--" , ' w- .
"Queen Mother" of Oregon Said
To be Oldest Pioneer oi State
; 5-$"'.
j 0
1. --Tv-J---.
(f -
Mary Hfll Dunn, 06, was elected "Qneea Uother ef Oreeon at tbe
recent 57th annual reuniom of the Sonthersi Ortoa Pioneen ma
sociatioa. She Is claimed to he the oldest native of the state, bat
there am lot of pioneers in the Willamette valley and some of
them may dispute her claim. , .
Decision Delayed Because
Of Revenue Questions;
Deadline is Near
With little else confronting
them, Salem school directors at
their meeting last night ponder
ed 1932-33 budget problems for
two hours. They were unable to
reach a definite decision on final
figures because of uncertainties
in revenues; finally they decided
the superintendent should draw
up a tentative budget as soon as
revenue matters are clear and
submit it to the citizen's commit
tee for approval or revision.
-Since the new school levy mast
be determined by mid-November,
little further delay is possible. It
Is expected the citixens' commit
tee will have approved a budget
by the next board meeting, Octo
ber 25, so that publication may
be ordered and the public bud
get meeting be held early In No
The paramount question at
last night's session was whether
the legal six per cent Increase In
the school levy should be used
this year or be eliminated as a
tax reduction measure. After con
siderable discussion, all the di
rectors expressed opposition to
cutting the . levy in this fashion
because of 'necessity for paying
off warrants. Clerk W. H. Burg
hardt reported that Interest on
warrants at present Is being
paid at the rate of approximately
128 a day.
Facing the directors is the
problem of meeting probable
tax delinquencies and these war
rant payments and still show the
taxpayers a reduction In the levy.
In addition there is the probab
ility of a reduction in property
evaluation In the district, with
lower return resulting from the
same mlllage as last year's.
Warrant Indebtedness of the
district has Increased 12815 In
the past two months to a total
of $171,252 as of yesterday. De
linquent and uncollected taxes
yesterday amounted to 1224,016,
the same as in mid-August.
payment of the hirh school
tuition money, due October 1. la
being held up pending decision
of the attorney general as to
waetner or not interest shall be
paid the districts on the overdue
runas. The amount this year for
tTurn to page 2, col. 2)
Racine Weise, 20, Klamath In-
aian youin. was convicted by a
Jury In federal court here todav
of second degree murder In con
nection with the slaying of , his
father, Sylvester Welser, Angust 4.
ne jury, receiving the case at
noon, returned the verdict after
taking one ballot. 8entent !
scheduled to he passed Friday
morning. The penalty under fed
eral law Is from 20 years to Ufa.
ALBANY. Oct.- 11. (AP)
Three wsrehouses wer destroyed
nd two large oil ; tanks were
threatened by a fire that broke
oat at Brownsville last night. Tht
loss was estimated at 14000.
The three buildings were owned
by the defunct Brownsville bank.
EUGENE, OeU 11. (AP)
Dropped from Oregon university
because she dree the family au
tomobile to school In violation of
a non-automobile rule Instituted
by the state board of higher edu
cation. Ruth Ardls Gorrell, Eu-
V SSS iiiS.y :& :---i
Mandamus Hearing Cannot
Be had Until Thursday
On Water Squabble
Attorneys for August Huckes-
tem and T. M. Hleks, and other
petitioners for a new vote on the
$2,500,000 water purchase bond
Issue, were balked again yester
day when they found that 'no
hearing on their mandamus pro
ceedings against local officers
could be had until Thursday, Oc
tober IS, In clreuit court here.
Then Circuit Judge McMahan will
hear arguments why County
Clerk Boyer and City Recorder
Poulsen should be compelled to
place the water repeal measure
on the November 8 ballot.
Walter E. Keves. rernlar
counsel for the Oregon-Washing
ton water Service company, ap
peared In court yesterday to urge
the writs of mandamus and with
him appeared John H. Carson,
representing with Keys, the pe
titioners In this case.
Contention of the netltfnnAm
is that the city ordinance should
govern the election officials in
putting the repeal measure on the
ballot. This ordinanV nrnTtdoa
that initiative measures filed 10
or more days before election
shall be voted upon.
County Clerk Boyer has held
that he would be guided by
state statute requiring 45 days
for filing,-unless mandamused to
the contrary.
Sentiment Swings
To G. P.P. Found
A noticeable swlnr of Am
sentiment from the democratic to
the republican side, especially
slnee President Hoover made his
speech at Des Moines, Iowa. Is
reported "by courthouse officials.
Any number of voters, checking
In there from time to time, have
told county officials that they
were going to stand ft with
Hoover. Some of the voters con-
ressea that a month ago they had
fully determined to cast their
ballots for the demnra.tfa nnn.
inee. One courthouse official said
yesterday that he felt confident
of a Hoover victory provided the
president would continn
orous, personal campaign.
.. yj-!.im. 1
Indian Youth ConvictedT
. Brownsville Has Fires
Car Driver Reinstated
Johnston Gets 6 Tears
gen student, was reinstated by
the faculty committee today en
payment of a $2 re-registration
fee and application for a permit
to drive the ear.
Omar Hosklns of Cottage Grove
was the second student to be ex
pelled for driving on the campus
without permit. He said he
would apply for a permit and re
instatement was expected to fol
low Immediately. He drives 49
miles to school each day.
PORTLAND, Oct. 11, .(AP)
Carl H. Johnston, president of the
Prudential Savings eV Loan associ
ation here, was sentenced today
by Circuit Judge Lvsk to serve
six years In th state penitentiary
following his convention by a Jury
last week on a charge of larceny
by embezzlement of $5 85 of the
asociation's funds. -
Robert O. Smith. Johnston's at
torney, indicated a motion tor a
new trial will be tiled with a view.
If denied, to an appeal to the slat
supreme eoart. . v v,
Johnston Is at liberty nnder
SUM ball.
fist ran
Light Fall Late Tuescfay is
First Since August 29;
To Prove Helpful
Forest Fires Balked, Farm
Work Aided; Additional
Precipitation due
. Rain! 4:25 n m. ft nm
belated, light, but unmistakable;
the first fall rainfall for the val
ley! Alonr the lour Hn nf ft
fighters, unsuccessful trrlnr to
stop the most severe blazes In
Oregon's timber In a decade,
there was new hope.
And farmers, balked In fall
plowing, were made happy.
citizens, glad once again to
turn an their coat-collar or
don raincoats, were tn h
For the rain had come!
It was onlv an inrnr at fall.
the snrlnkle which arriTd l&t
yesterday, . but. clouds hung low,
the wind was shifting and wea
ther prophets said more preci
pitation was in sight.
Tne drouth which ended yes
terday had extended ner from
August 29 when there was a 10
minute sprinkle. Not since August
10 had there been a heavy rain
fall in the valley.
September broke records for
dryness with not enough rainfall
to make a weather report. On
the other hand, September. 1931,
was fairly satisfactory with 1.59
Inches of rain reported. Rain
fall last October was 4.48 inches.
The year of 1932 has shown
light rainfall, below normal, tn
date. Only .22 of an inch fell in
June and .65 of an inch in
July. The August precipitation
was .54 of an inch.
PORTLAND. Oct. 11. fAPl
Rain in comparatively generous
quantities visited this city today
for the' first time in four months.
Most of the smoke enshrouding
the city for days aa the mnlt nf
forest fires in western Oregon Ala-
appeared before the driving mois
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 11
(AP) A charge that Franklin T.
Griffith, president, and other
operating heads of the Pacific
northwest public service company
were forced to submit to the will
of Albert E. Peirce and company,
Chicago brokers, during the stock
sales campaign of 1930 and 19S1
was made directly by State Pub
lic Utilities Commissioner Charlaa
M. Thomas at today's session of
his hearing Into the financial re
lations between the Portland util
ity and Its Chicago Daren t. the
Central Public- Service corpora
Commissioner Thomas said cor
respondence of the local offle of
the brokerage firm Indicated pres
sure was applied from the Chicago
office and that executives of the
Portland utility were given their
choice between aiding In disposal
or tne central public service cor
poration stock or losing their jobs.
"It seems perfectly clear,"
Commissioner Thomas observed,
"that Mr. Griffith and Tirf. nf
the several departments war re
luctant to go into this stock sell
ing campaign the way Peirce
wanted them to.
It also annears clear that. Mr.
Griffith had the choice of going
on with this sale or Quitting his
Firemen Catch
With Blaze
On Car Bumper
SEATTLE, Oct. 11 (AP)
Never again will E. C. Parks
transport a bale of straw on the
rear bumper of his automobile.
He was en route home tonight
with a bale there when" the ex
haust set it on fire aa n IravAlMl
along. A fire department com
pany, summoned by a pedestrian,
caught up with Parks and extin
tlnguished the flames.
Banks to Close;
Honor Columbus
All statehouse and county of
fices will be closed today as win
local banks In clahratlna r
lumbus Day, a legal holiday.
schools will continue but special
programs will be given through
out the Oregon system. In honor
Of Columbus' discovery of Ameri
ca, October 12, 1491. The day
Is not a legal holiday for schools.
Police, offices at the eity nail will
be open but all judicial offices.
Including ustlce court, will dose.
BEND, Ore., Oct 11
(AP)-Ef forts . to resuscitate
the three-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Newell of
Coostoa failed this morntnr. Th
child fell Into a fish pond.'
Pu Yi May be
Head of New
China Regime
(Copyright, 1932, The Associated
CHANGCHUN, Manchuria,
Wednesday, Oct. 12 (AP)
Sources close to the palace of Pu
YI, chief executive of Machukuo
asserted today that the former
"boy emperor" of China had re
ceived emissaries from China n ro
per and discussed with them the
possibility of restoring at least a
part of the Chinese monarchy un
der the Manchu dynasty.
These sources declared that PI
Tn. the last of the Machurian
kings that ruled China for three
generations, startlnr with th h.
cleus of .their native Manchuria,
cherished ambitions to restore the
glory of that monarchy If possible.
- -It was asserted that PI Yn ani
the Mancbu-Chlnese-members of
nis entourage hoped that the op
portunity for such expansion of
Manchukuo would hm nrnvMl
after the Japanese military occu
pation or Jenol bad occurred.
Remedial Action ProDOsetf
By Board, Estimates
On Work Sought
That the city fire deDartment'a
recommendations on fire hazards
in the public schools may result In
remedy of the dangerous condi
tions this rear became anoarent
at the school board meeting last
mgnt wben the building and
grounds committee was instructed
to solicit estimates on various al
terations of the buildings. Report
on costs will be made at the next
Chief of the changes recom
mended by the fire inspectors is
fire-proofing of the high school
furnace room and removal of gas
meters from ventilating tunnels.
Consideration has been give to
construction of a new furnace
room, leaving the old one free for
classroom use. It Is understood.
Few other matters than financ
es came up at the meeting. H. D.
Trover addressed complaint to the
directors that photographers were
being discriminated against by the
nign school student body In con
tracts for Clarion Annual pic
tures. He asked that either the
work be divided up among all pho
tographers In the city or the con
tract be given to a different con
cern each year. The directors
took the matter under advise
ment. Request of T. T. MacKenzie. di
rector of vocational education, to
proceed with plans for an adult
night school was laid on the table
pending further investigation of
costs, which would probably be
borne by the students.
The board approved Clerk W.
H. Burghardt's borrowing S900 to
complete the district's $10,009
bond Interest payment now due.
SEATTLE, Oct 11 (AP)
Tusko, "the largest elephant In
captivity," may go to the Chica
go world'p fair after all.
But the question as to who
owns - the 'giant elephant .must
be decided first.
This was revealed today by
Dr. M. M. Bull, of Eugene, Ore.,
who once again appeared as Tns
ko's owner after H. C. Barber, of
Klrkland, who last week said he
paid 15090 for the elephant, had
dropped from the picture.
"The mayor felt that Tusko
might be of even greater benefit
to Seattle In Chicago than In
Woodland Park zoo. It he were
advertised as Seattle's own record-breaking
elephant," said C.
W. Pierce, attorney for Dr. Ball,
after a conference with Mayor
John F. Dore.
Late Sports
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct 11
(AP) Don. Fraser of Spokane
took a six-round decision from
Tony Portlllo of Los Angeles to
win the featured bout of tonight's
fight card here. Fraser and Por
tlllo each weighed 147.
The blond welterweight from
the Inland empire pelted 'Portlllo
with a steady barrage of stinging
blows while managing to keep
clear of most of the answering
punches. t
Jimmy Britt. 147, of Belllng
ham. Wash,, won a decision In the
six-round semi-wind up with Tony
ODelL 147, of Klamath Falls,
Ore. : -vV
Whitey NeaV 117, Vancouver;
B. C, declsioned Johnny Lorutne,
127, Los Angeles, in six rounds.
Torehy . Yaraell,- - lit, Eugene,
Ore., knocked out Carl Smaglick,
114, Portland. In the first round
of their .scheduled four-rounder.
Pete Sumskl, 197, Portland, took
a four-round decision from Dave
Humes, 197, Port Angeles, Wash.
Paul Karen; 110, Portland, knock
ed 'out Jack Hibbard, 147, Klam
ath Falls, In the third .round et a
scheduled tour-round match.
no is cuce
One Killed, 31 Hurt Badly
After Demonstration
Brings Violence
Sniping at Police is Only
Activity After Order
Finally Restored
BELFAST, North Ireland, Oct.
. tweanesaay) (AP) Bel
fast was a heleaniArfwt fv
throughout the night after a dem
onstration by 10,000 jobless men
and women vesterdaT had tnnA
Into a series of riot rMnitin, in
the death of one man, serious In
juries to at least 31 other per
sons. Including three women, and
many minor casualties.
A cordon of police was drawn
around the city and no one was
allowed to enter
missable bo sines a until dirhru
The eurfew law was enforced after
H p. m. and as a result the eity
was quiet except for constant snip
ing on the ponce in the Falls
Road district.
More than 2000 nolle natmllfut
the streets on foot and In innnmi
cars. Bus and tram services were
There were 12 outbreaks nf rtr-
durlnr the eveninr. all of win)
were placed under control around
midnight. Until 11 p. m. thousands
of persons thronged the thorough
fares but unwillingly went home
at that hour as police began to
rouna up everybody they found
Five hundred extra nollca ar
rived in the city during the night
ana me autnoriues were under
stood to have sought reinforce
ment from all tha mix north
counties. The infantry regiment
at Hoitwood near Belfast was kept
In Its barracks yesterday ready to
march on th dtr. iccordinr tn
the exchange telegraph, but no
sucn can. proved necessary.
Financier Freed by Greek
Police; Half Million
His Salary, Word
(By the Associated Press)
As Samuel Insull was released
from custody Tuesday In Athens,
Greece, authorities at Chicago an
nounced they would appeal for
President Hoover's aid In obtain
ing his extradition to face charges
of larceny and embezzlement.
Athens police said Insull was
"absolutely free" and 'would not
be kept under police surveillance.
He was free to leave Greece at any
time, and did not discuss his plans
upon leaving the Jail where he
slept Monday night.
Testimony that Insult's salary
from his various enterprises at the
peak of his career totaled 1500,
000 annually was given at the
mldd lowest utilities bankruptcy
bearing In federal court, Chicago.
State's Attorney John A. Swan
son at Chicago prepared with two
assistants to leave for Washing
ton and ask President Hoover to
assist In the extradition activities.
Swanson also announced an as
sistant was ready to leave any
time for Europe.
Pierce Assails
Butler, Hoover
(AP) Walter M. Pierce, demo
cratic nominee tor United States
representative, urged taxation on
large Incomes and attacked the
farm board and the tariff in a
campaign address here tonight.
Pierce charged that his republi
can opponent. Representative R.
R. Butler, and President Hoover
had contributed to the depression.
Statesman Gas Cooking
School Starting Today
Today Is the day. The Capitol
theatra is the place. . The time Is
from-2 to 4 In the afternoon. The
occasion is the gas cooking school
sponsored by The Statesman, with
the aid of Portland Gas and Coke
company, and - Busick's Grocery
and. Market and other, business
concerns catering to home needs.
The school will continue Thursday
afternoon. ,
: Miss Roger arrived- yesterday
from her home in Portland and
hat been busy completing prepara
tions for the opening of the two
day schooL She is no stranger to
Salem, having worked In cooking
schools here before. A good many
people who lave tasted some of
the good things she has prepared
In : times past will be hanging
around fbr any left-overs this
year. Alma Bruns of Portland Is
assisting Miss Reger. , '
Feeding friend hufEand and
growing boys and girls taxes the
Ingenuity of housewives. So they
are delighted to attend 'school'
: loover Given
Odom Awakened,
Told His Car is
Stolen, Wrecked
When state nolle v v.
Odom, 1478 Center street, out of
bed early yesterday morning to
ask him If his automobile had
been stolen and waa tkm . ah
wrecked near Aurora, be was not
incunea co oeueve It posalble. Bat
after the receivers were hung up,
he went to take a look in el ra-
rage anyway. It was empty.
in9 troopers, discovered his
large sedan, abandoned and badly
damaged, on a hlrhwar hill north
of Aurora. It had rolled over, then
oeea ngntea.
6. 0. P. TO SUPPLY
All-County Rally Planned
Oct. 27 or 28; Kowitz
Is Compiling List
Speakers for any public meet
ings to be held In Marion county
between now and election will be
gladly furnished by headquarters
of the republican central commit
tee, Chris J. Kowlts, chairman,
announced yesterday. He said he
was compiling a list of excellent
speakers who would be available
on call.
Tentative plans have been made
for an all-county republican rally
to be held at the armory in Salem
on October 27 or October 28. Ko
wlts expects that Senator Freder
ick W. Steiwer will address the
Large quantities of up-to-the-
minute campaign literature have
been received by headquarters
here, 132 State street. This Is
available, along with Hoover but
tons, to voters who wish the ma
terial. Kowitz said he expected to sum
mon all the precinct - committee
men and the women's workers In
to Salem next week for a general
The finance committee Is now
busy securing contributions for
the county expenses, all of which
must be supported from funds re
ceived here.
The newly elected board of di
rectors of the Salem Chemeketan
club met last night at the offices
of W. M. Hamilton to choose of
ficers tor the eomlng year. The
following were named: Dr. C. A.
Downs, president: Mrs. Ruby
Hoffnell, vice-president; Leah Su
ing, treasurer: Walter Robinson,
membership secretary; Cora Ran
dall, chairman of publications
committee: Dorothy Taylor, chair
man of entertainment committee;
W. M. Hamilton, chairman of an
nual outing committee; J. A.
Burns, ehairman of local walks
The Chemeketan hike next Sun
day will be to the summit of Snow
Peak, east of Seio. Those rotnr
will meet at the Senator hotel at
a. m. from where they will pro
ceed by automobile to the Roaring
river fish hatchery. The rest of
the trip will be made on foot a
total distance of about 20 miles.
Otto Gronke will lead the group.
in tne case of Inclement weath
er Sunday the long hike to Snow
Peak will be given un. and a
shorter trip taken.
again to get new Ideas, new reci
pes, and a touch of something dif
ferent. '
There will be the customary at
tractions at the cooking school;
and this year the Pillsbury people
are handing to an who com a
coupon tor ten eents on a par
chase of their cake Dour. Ladles
should bring pencil and note
Firms In addition to those men
tioned who are Joining in the
school are: K. C Baking powder;
Capitol Dairies, butter, milk and
cream; H. L. Stiff Furniture Co
dining room furniture; Block's
Golden Rala Store, ladles'
smocks; Capital City Las a dry,
laundry service; William Gahls
dorf, dishes, kitchen ware; Mil
ler's table linens. -
Through the cooperation of the
Salem. Ltnen Mills and Miller's
store, a unique display of Uaen
products win be shown In the foy
er or the capltol theater daring
r (Tarn to age J, col.'l)
- . ; - . -
President Has Averted
Disaster, Claim of
His Predecessor
Roosevelt's Silence on
Bonus is Hurtinjr
Business, Held
New YOTi ,"Z?ut-
daring the republican party -the
. vuiubui instrument for
DOSular m-ram m. . .
!r l!l tb "11,d"ce of a great
nation." raw.. r Tr
vuujt mm a m
- uxeiy t fled
frof In holding fast" to Her
bert Hoover.
The former president's sddresa
wss three-fold:
-An attc OB "Pending 4
nocratie treasury raids" aid
criticism of Franklin D. Roose
velt for his "silence" on tae
question of bonus payments.
, 2 Praise of republican' poli
cies, past and present
A complete endorsement eT
President Hoover's leadership
daring the depression
President Averted
Worse Conditions
Standing under mammoth ail
paintings of HoovV and Curt,
with speech slow and delilwrare,
the former President brought the
thousands In the garden off tbebr
seats amid cheers and stamps y
declaring: " '
"Some people are saying thst
as things could not be any worse,
we might as well try a change.
TTat is a very dangerous princi
ple to apply to the discharge at
the duties of America citixes
ship. Things could be a gTeat deal
worse than they are and would
have been much worse had it
not been for the vision, the cour
age and the leadership of Presi
dent Hoover."
The lower sections were filled,
but the upper galleries of the
Garden were but partly filled as
the nrinf offfM r
-va at vui iw crisr
ampton was Introduced by Gee-
1 T.M.. -
-luc w. xnrooira as:
"One voice In our country that
has never fal4 .
w ii conn.
dence. one high faith In Amer.
"". nam nererxaiiered. i
For five nlnniM h v
cneered: thousands of flags wav
ed, two bands Joined In. The Gar
den's capacity is about 25. Oi.
Tlh A m a -
u iwrmer president add revs
Was followed r7rlv Trv, - ...a
again the crowd broke out with
laughs at torn ne t. m .
cries of "No no." "Tes. yes" st
ua miesuons.
The lanrha r inno . t .
when Cool id ge described his years
as president by saying:
wnen i was in Washington."
-j vi uim par
ty S leaders. Including National
Chairman Everett Sanders. Coe
idxe traced th h -
- - ' 1 . IBW
republican party's efforts "fee
sound money" and said "the de
feat of democratic greenback
v,a ua me iree silver ls&ae
were both rntiAvi h
.v..v Vj w
prosperity under republican ad
ministrations." Democrats Planning T
nam upon TTearary
Turning to the democrat!
Dartr and fta frsaMm f.ltA
said the assurance that f tk
pending democratic raids on tke
republican victory In Novemb
would no doubt have the samo
effect In reviving all kinds of
aw j-av0sv-zufc urxiatrw
that "an early and timely word
from the democratic candidates
tor president that he would re-
lu V . . I a. ..
v .u .rupuaai i(j increase lam
national debt by 2.20.000.ff
to pay a bonus would have bee
a great encouragement to busi
ness, reduced unemployment, aad
guaranteed the Integrity of the
national credit. While he remain
ed silent, economic recovery wst
measurablv imneded "
Two houses eatehinr fire tra
in a flve-mlnutes nerlad earta
yesterday morning gave eity fire
men a ousy two nours. Ths thru
alarm, eomlng tn at 1:1$ o'clock.
was tor the J. Patxer resides-
on Lansing road, east et the fair- -grounds.
Five minute later, aa
alarm was rung tor tne Joseph
Barber - residence, , 14 8outh I
High street. : V .-. ; , V
' Gene Barber, a son discovered
the : rear portion of ; the hone
sort wnen ne was awsxsnea ey
ehoking smoke. Assisted - - by '
neighbors he saved a small por-
tlon ot the furnishings. Ta
house, . however, - was almost te-,' .
tally destroyed. Loss was parti-; ,
ally covered by . Insursnce. '
Th Patter bouse burned U ;
the- ground end most -ot tt
furnishings with it. Firemen tssed
A .... ' . . -I. f, to &
9 .gallons OX caeiuiti tu mw
tempt to extinguish the flame.