t- i .- i MirfflUSTRY IKES BIG SHE lant at West.Stayton Does Eight Times Business" ' - Of Last Year .WEST: STAYTON., Oct. ' 1 0. An Industry in this community which -was started last year has grown to about eight, times Its size when tart fed, This Is the sorghum industry, quite new in Oregon. HV If. Crane ef this community in troduced 4t to the growers here. He grew cane a number of years ago in the east. , The arerage yield of finished product la 75 to 80 gallons an ere. More than four-fifths of the Juice boll away, and it takes bout seven eight gallons of JnIi to make one gallon of syrup. The process for making the syr up Is simple. The cane is pressed through a large group of rollers, leaving the stalks like pulp. The Juice la then placed in a rat and boiled about three hours. When this has been -finished it is ready to put in containers. There are three men working at the mill, and It is run br horse power. An average of 30 to S& gallons of the syrup Is finished day. Next year the growers hope to Improye their mill by haying an electric motor installed. With this they. plan to turn out about 100 gallons of syjnp a day. Mr.-Crane, who has had much experience with cane, says it does better on irrigated land. The mill is located on the Crane place. Efi n 131 Oregon hop markets held steady last week, with prevailing quota tions practically unchanged from those of a week ago, lt32 crop Choice Clusters were netting growers 15c to 16c per pound, for the few hundred bales which changed hands during the period. These prices are about one cent higher than those at this time last year. Purchases during the week were confined to small lots in scattered areas, since the larger growers continued to hold firmly lor nigner values, with many not placing a price on their holdings at this time. Demand was good from domestic buyers, who were taking the light offerings readily at current prices, although re luctant to advance their bids. No new foreign sales were reported in Oregon markets this week. Baling is nearlng completion In Oregon, but it is still too early to a aeiinue production figure, such as win be available later when dealers have had time to complete the check of all yards. Trade es timates still place this year's Ore gon crop at from 65,000 to 68,000 bales, as compared with last year's production of 85,000 bales . M. a . . . aboui cwo-imrqs or tnis year s crop is reported still unsold in growers hands. The light and un der-normal business for the sea son to date In Oregon, is in con trast to the unusually free selling by California and Washington growers tnis season. Stocks of old hops remaining in growers hands October 5, in Ore gon, according to trade figures. were as iouows: 1931 crop, 2140 bales; 1930 crop, 678 bales; 1929 erop, 342 bales; 1928 crop, 169 bales. s ncinT LABISH CENTER, Oct. 10 Portland onion buyers, both W: I. Swank and H. I. Anderson, have purcnasea onions In toe past week zor s-ipment to China. Both buyers are attempting to obtain the oriental market for La- bish onions,; a market which has been filled by California growers in the past, it is reported. The quality of the California crop this yeaff seems : not to warrant the risks of shipping to China, and if tne local onions prove satisfac tory, it is hoped the market may be held permanently. Approxi mately 200 carloads or about 1-4 01 me locai crop may find an opening In the new market. Growers hare received from 21 cents to 40 cents a cwt. for recent purchases. The onions are being hauled by truck to Portland for loading on the vessels. tOTSDAT. OCTOBEX 11" XOW Portland 620 So 8:40 Mrs. Skeel' Better Entfish Talk. uiui vrpoaa abbis, aaU. 8:45 Croeeetite intra the Lm ef tha Day, NBC. 8;30 Cooklaf school. 10 :0O Martha l(t4 seeieir. 10:15 Throe., the Looking 61mC 10.-J0 Wom'i HiKasin f tfe Air. 13:13 Wntcn Trm a4 Host ltsr. lJOO Kelly's Mk areliMtre. -1S45 Harlbnrt't PiBoln. 9 :0O Tea Tim Bssaar. f:4S Back at th Hava la Waaalactaa, JfoO. - 4:15 Timcl Oaxdeaa, JTBOL S:O0 BaUadett, KBO. S:80 ETaratt Foettr. KBa :00 8amM Ialaadara. J. S?1S Mas txtm tha Soatt. :00 Asm aady. NBQL :5 Maraorr tana, KEa " . k:45 Book Obat, BfeharS KeatfMiarr. 0:10 Baa Barai aid His Bloa &ibboa ,'. . , prkttra. BO. - 11:15 Tha Bvaaiaf Stan gOrg FortTind- 9t Ks, ..',.:00 KOUT4 KJoak. 845 Gold lfidia. -'if Herrod'a rrkaatni. CBS, :529,,In,DW cbs. iJ?J2rS!,n?bJS5 ,0 CB9L I . 11:80 Frank Wotphal's araiuttra. tUS. 8 its 110 ID STEH 6 un ii 1 . Radio 1 I Piogtams BUTTERFAT WHEATMEPS TO DOT Wool, Tomatoes x Fall Celery Hearts are Selling at 25c Butterfat started the week at 19 cents on sour, and 21 cents on sweet, a one-cent gain oyer the previous week's market. nwi uroppea a cent on me dium, to 14 cents a pound, while tu continued at 10 cents. eiers conunue to report market on mohair. Tomatoes dropped 10 cents ousnei, to 3Q cents paid to the grower. Isle of pine grapefruit coming onto the local markets, wim we retail figure running about two for 25 cents. Celery hearts are weaker and more plentiful, at 25 cents a dosen to we grower. General Markets PBODTJCE ZXCHASQB PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 10. (AP) f.V . ,M Pne: Butter, in- i- . . ' -u C prim linta Portland Grain PORTLAND, Or.. Oct. 10. (AP) yvr 'f iw cio December 50 50 40 ? Mfl whr 47- .-;--- a-- . . .T era ntiit VMltn white, 40; weotora Oate Xe. 1 white $1T. Cora Ho. 3E yellow $19.2$. MUlrwa States rd 818.50. Portland Livestock rwTUiRD, ore., Oct 10. (AP) throuch, calret 100; alow, wtuk. 00-800 pounds, medium $4.50- , f i.DO-a.z j ; 800-1100 pauada, medium 84.SS-5.50. toman . rieiiers, 630-850 pound m. diaa 83.35-4.50. en mm on tl asls k Cw , CAM. 2-S.2S; low enttar and eat tar, S1.Z5-S. Bnlle, yearliasa eidadad, feod and ahoica (beet), 82.50-3: cotter. common and median, 81.50-2.50. Veal . k Seod and choice, 85.50- ..., nranmi, a-.au; CD II and COa mon, 82.50-4. Calves, 250-500 poonda, goa and choice, 4-6; common and me dium. iloa BeceipU 1700, iacludinr 854 wniwoj nr3o lower. , i.isat lifhtm, 140-100 pounds, good and tau.ee, .a-.jj. Uflitweights, 1S0 18 Doanda. S4.2S-4.a5- lao.snn nn.j. f-25-4.S5. Median weisht, 200-220 pound, f 3.85-4.85; 220-250 ponnds, 8S.50-4.25. Hearyveishte, 250 to 290 Fvoaoa, poonda, 8S l-arunf aow, 275-500 poondc medium aad eood. 82.75-8.25. Feedera JSe!' 7"-130 PnoI. goQi and choice, 93.Z5-4. SlaughUr aheep and Iambi Receipt uv, mvmmnuj l ea a J. Lmi, 90 poands down, rood and caoic. aa.zj-4.si); medium. 83.50-4.25: an weights, common, 82.50-8.50. Tear lias wether, 90-110 ponnds, medium te moica, tt.ia-3.85. twee, 120 pound, medinm to choice, 75e-Sl; 120-150 penaas, medium to choice, 75e-Sl; ah wciuu, cnu H common, 50-75e. Portland Produce roKTLAND, Ore., Oct. 10. (AP) x-rini, 3 Boor or better, 88- sianaara. H'J-aac Eg?s Pacific Poultry Producer aell- tog price; jreiti extra 28c, standard ic. meaiume sc, pnileU 16e. Country meta Selling price to r tailera: countrr-kllled hcxr. k-t vn.i.. 150 poands. 6Ji-6e; realera. 80-100 nonnd. SV-9e: lamba t.au.7 yearlings 5e. heary ewes 2U-3c. cannar cew 8c, boll 4-5e. Nnt Oregon walnuts 15-10e. naa. nata 10c. Braiils 12-14. almonds 15-1 8c. &uuv&(a ,v-c, pecans uo Cacara bark Buying; price 1913 peeL 3e pound. . ; Hop Kominal. 1932. 15-16 niJ Butterfat Direct to (nippers, atatioa, 16c Portland delivery pries, charniag cream 18-20e pound, aweet cream sirker. Lire poultry Ket bayiaf priea; heary tmreu, powaaa, lee; aa sae diums. 10c; lights, 8c; springs, colored, 16c; all weights, white, 18-lSe; old oa ter. 7e; Dueks, Pekia, 10-Ue. Oniens Selling pric te retailers; Ore son. 70-7Sc cental; Walla Walla, 50-8Oe cental; Takima, 45-70 cental; . Potatoes Local, 76e orange box; Dea ekntes Gem 81.10; Takima Gems, 60e-l cental. Wool 1932 clip, nominal; WlllametU 12-15e pound; eastern Oregon, Hay Baying priea from producer; al falfa 813-12.50 ton, ctorer 89-9.50, oast ern Orejen timothy 817-17.50, oaU and Tetck 810-10.50. Fruits, Vegetables PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 10. (AP) Applet Jonathans far anl fill n. . Winter Banana. 40e; SpiUenbargs, 0 TOc jumblo pack; other Tirleties, 80 40 box. Turnips Stw, 20 S0c dotea baaebea. Beets New crop, 20e dosea buneha. Carrot Bunched, 15e doxea. Onions Ore ro a 65-75 i.rV V.vi. 60-70c, boiler 60. Kaduhet New erop 13c doz-a bnnchee. Cabba re Local mil n, n.n.. 60-SOe crate: red 70-7 Se csntaloap crate. Souath Daniah. SO Hililomu . Hnbbard -lHe peaad, MarblehesA oav, a-Q it c pouaa. Besot Green lV.lUc m. w.tl 8-4e, shell 4c. limss 40c Inf. - Celery Jumbo. 50e dnzra mrm t. esl. 65-75c dozen bunches. 8uembers TMe size 25e, piekim 38 40e box. .. .. Ptams Itsltaa prnnes, 20-25o box. Peaches ElWtaa iA-n r tt tt.i. 18-20l Orsnce Clinn af-55- (ulm an. CaatalonDea MeUlnnrtna 0.1 1 R-1 c Graasl Island SOc-81; mnsfaaaeloa 70-75. aeaaatoea e. zoc oox. o. 3 10-15c Pamokiaa H. l grade. 1-1 He box. Ratabagaa Local, 40e lag. Cauliflower Na 1 s.wo mf, V 10 3OO. " " Oiapes Concord tvo. rasa. 31-SAa? rates, 80 85e; Zinfsndel. SOe tag. Strawberries Ka. 1 81.15-1 45 - - ' 1 :00 The Book at Ufa. 8:00 FeaUaiaa Fancies, DLBS. S:00 Steamboat BiU. 1:13 Skippy. rS?"7 9 uPr-cis; CBS. T:30 Chaada taa KagleUa. Columbia rrmaao-r are-eitra. : oa Bdaaaa'a areaeatra, CBS. 8 :00 Band ceaecrt. 8:SO Mldwaak JuK!1. rtTTtB 18:80 Tha SUamW lt - - 11:00 kfeKlrar'a Ar-ata- A ..(... . . U:00 Jack as JUl'i Tarara are.estra. m KOAO Corraia--8 kc. T:00KrBMedks, M Vy Xt. 8:00 Hosm Kni - lt:lS Matt Cerriraa. ehsirmaa ea 11:15 L a J. aetec . lt:U -Isrket and crops reports, aad . ' weather ieretast. 1 KS Kctaaaee Isle. 9:88 Better Health aad. La-fee Ufa. :0e YearseU Mrs. Sara Watt lreV tlsa, s-reasaer f a.ild deralaa- !"t and paraal eduratloau . Jtar-et aad area reports. T:10 ktun Xlarrt Car el tha Haw T:I0 Tbe Cttlsea aad his School: "D- r iwreeaai. : terKiaina a Cnnti MMtu,i T:5t The Hamsa Side ef Baakiaa - ir. Job. r , The BTorld ia e-Iw TT lO-WinsmwWe salrsrslty pngnm. 1?Thg 'OREGON RISES ONE Grade R raw 4 mUk co-op pool price, S1.2S per baindrecLr -Surplus 82c (bink based oa Aagast better rat aTerage.) Butterfat, sweet, tie. Butterfat, sour, 19c nHXTT AS1 VEQETABXES lea paid to grewara by Salem barer. - October 10 (TA prices below, snppUe4 by a local poeor. are indicative of tha daily ssarket sniee ny vaa etateemaa) cncBmoers, m Hothouse cucumber. Jw. , Carrots, dos. ; , in Beet. locaL daa .10 t Turnip, local, do. Green pepper, in. Local cabbage, lb, top Radishes, dos. bunehel Beattle cm h bags Onions, do, bnaebes .IS .35 .04 -20 .03 .20 new potatoes .75 to L00 Sweet potato, 100 lbs. , Celery hearts, dos. Local celery, do. Lettaea. erata Sweet corn. dos. Spinach, crate Apples, bo. -3.50 25 80 50 .05 to J01k 75 50 03 85 01 - ... 35 71 01 - .18- 80 70 Plums. lb. Pears. ba local String bean a. lb. Aprieota (retail) Peacbea, Salwaye, lag rm, eoasi Tomatoes, lug Tomatoes, ba. . Cantalonpea. erata Onion. Walla Walla .85 ubiobs, lWsn, 25 lb. . 20 Sowdlasa grapes. CaBt. (wholesale) JB9 ioo cream melotta . ,,, , "li Pickling onioaa (wholesale) nsiT Danish squash, dos. . Local maskmelons. Ib. of Rackjeberriea, retail. lo. .13W Fiala grapes Strawberries, crate s 84 Islea ( Piae grapefrnit, retail 1 for 25e HOPS Ton. 1931. la n Top. 1931, lb. if -OQa Baying r rices Extraa .34 -23 -19 .18 Rtaadarda Uedinma . Pallet CHICKEKS Colored beaa bfediam hens Light hens -11 -08 -Of .14 Fryera . 13 and Wheat, western red -e White. No. 1 ka U1U1H A MIX HAT Barley, ton, top 15 00 Oats, white, ton . 15.00 Oats, gray. toa. top 18.00 to 18.00 nay. aayrag prices ' . Oats 1 aa4 etek. toa T.00 to t.50 Alfalfa, valley, lit euttiag9.00-10.00 Lambs, top . 4 00 Ewea 01 nogs, toa . a Hogs, first cats ,, s 88 oteers ,, 09 t- o Cows -01 to .03 -.03 to .08 .07 03H Heifers Dressed real ton Dreseed bogs WOOI. Medium Coarse -14 .18 Unhair -aa market Salem fjarhets 1 1 -Tii,r i miu5i -. TOJ ; . l . rw ar r bl r aai sar ar at ai ar - r -"c wiaow enurenmouse's Husband I EElTN. f SO AM T ta.1 rr t?i . .--AI j " r ' m . . . . - a -mm m r a a a k. arwi - t if e si ' . -aa - TH MBLE THFATrV T- W'ZZZZ jfifi& .fp -- rJi otarnngr fopere Vow Rk.in.n,. Hfwcrl .-t-- TT-a - 1 ' - . - a , lujoHtivua uiCc 1 ,.00K;wtACi j Hvjell 1 , . LirT roonct L: ll li) ! -. , " Cash on Delivery j nAPPCI I . :Vsa-r: VSsassssMissssasnSSi Ss-. . 1' f ; v-t Cl.epHAAr " aAiair-v. -. c ' --" -vf. i &if v ew we. y: uustabsoomas S-1 V lfelL 7 iGOMr4AlwrrAU3RC ,w. i V'lrnr TXT t TMCAMoJj'j NfU trA003TO fef TOOTS AND CASPER r7 BE SURE TO TELL TV HOW MUCH YDU ENJOYED REA3r4 Tua OUa lCErsTLY. CAKNY! YOU'D BETTER TALKA LITTLE OLf. TOO! OLFIS r5 I t'rrjr - t wk-j 1U YCSJ A IJTTLE. M3111 1: ft. fB - - , . 7 iWtKmg F-nm SrxLoite.Inc, Cl -rw ATJIAIC Balm,, OreTHBioridr ktiir 'ill iivt CENT HERE Corn and Oats Change T al - r . fc jl-luc; i5umates Prove Bearish CHICAGO, Oct. . 10 (AP) ' 07 pnsattlenient of seeart. les. tne wneat rnarket -leagred ao wnwarfl today, an deli-eriea ouiuoia arrwli te season's bot tom price record. . rrospeeure bis; .arrlrala oC wneac ut Europe, togetber with bearish, croo reports from Armn. tlna, and Australia were a disturb- ios factor. Gorernment crop estimates is- suea at Washington after trading Ban enuea were construed as bear ish in regard to corn aad oats, the new official figures oa JSSI corn production being 31,000.000 bush els in excess of those of a month back, although 27,000.000 bushels under the arerage of recent nrl- vate returns. Wheat elosed nervous at almost the day's bottom lerels 7-8 to 1 1-8 cents lower than 8t-rrfa- finish, corn unchanged to 3-S down, oats unchanged to 1-8 oft loaay's closing- quotations: Wheat: De. 48 5-8 to 8-4: May 58 8-4 to 7-8; Jly. 54 7-8 to 65. Corn: Dec 20 1-8 to 5-8; May 31 3-8; Jly. 32 3-4. Oats: Dec 15 7-8 to 10; May 18 5-8 to 3-4. Honey Supplies Eound Abundant Honey supplies are abundant ta many parts of tha Paciflo north west, while hi others one of the poorest seasons oa record has been experienced, renort. t the, Oregon State eoller exte-atnn serric show. Oregon sections re port. crop good to aTerasra with quality generally high. Prices are so low that mora than nanai being sold to bakers. Some grow ers are bartering their honey, mora Is being left ia tha hires, and some beekeepers are holding iur Doner prices. 400-BaIe Sale of Hops Reported Sale of 400 bales of bona at Mt. Angel Saturday at 15 -10 U is reported nere. with Hart the buyer. The largest nurchasa waa from John Morley. who sold 250 oaies at the top figure. fvsa t him .to Briaie n j-lm tnrrrd. . i if ' tnn nAirwvf i .. vi i --a p , - If rJ3M5N4KJ5HEiL5lN THAlYCJl 11 1 Vi i ' 'f "WERE HEROES WTO ahew vcatisrt N1 llli Arc actually III f-trsrra tret a . . I fJ - --- rs I V . . ,A I t I r fra TPFa i W--I uwe aeurr- Bt - , , TO MAKE OOO TOR V JiUTl " '.r B 'fJj"' fS3-- vi , MA8ELS SAKE I 1 i- f I CH I OUT TO FACE A -y7rj tv-- i iii r. ( i Scsm nr. i r--jvrirt.1, i 1 1 i ,1 c" -ikhui i STOCK MART BREAKS BESISTffi LEVEIS NEW TOBK. Oct. 10 (AP) J stoc-s broke through last week's resistance letela today coincident wua losses of a cent bushel la waeat aad a sofr boa4 market. Prtssura was most proencel against so-called plrotal shares, especially rails and a few miscel laneous issues, which were feebly supported against tha. Increased liquidation and professional sen lag mat followed aubUeatton at United States Steel's back leer im port, prior to this announcement the market had been doing fairly weu, up ii to 2 points or so. but the amount of increase in nanriaw orders seemed to hare disappoint ed traders; it was well under most estimates. -U lOn Pacifist bad a arlrama - . loss of more than 8 point aad San ta Pe, at the worst, was off &, New York Central. Southern Pa- ciric, Northern Pacific and Penn sylranla skidded 2 to 3 or so be fore a flurry of short co-erlna- at the close generally reduced losses. American Telephone arts con spicuously heary. breaking under par. it xuusned at 100. down 2 net. tj. S. Steel, Preferred, drop ped nearly 4. although the com mon net loss waa onlr a rlnr Al lied Chemical. Westlnghouse, Case, Consolidated Gas. North American. Pabllc Serrlcai of New Jersey and Bethlehem Preferred gare op 2 to 3, and a largo assort ment of others was down at least a point.. Sales totaled 2, 211.940 shares of which rouchrr 8 80.08 a shares changed hands in the last nour. . The gain in steel corDorslien tonnage amonnded to 15.495 tons. Business Phases Community Club's Meeting Postponed 8WEOLJ2. Oct. 10 Swerle eon. nranity elab held its first meeting Friday night. The busineaa -art of the meeting was postponed un- m next month on account ef the O. P. Bond tire. Howerer. a short program was enjoyed. The pri mary room put on a clererlr ar ranged costume Chinese song. A poem oy Howard Whitehead, ne per room, in honor of Columbus day, swegle school sons; composed by Mrs. GreweU and Miss Slebeas. teachers, was a pleasant and wel come surprise to the elab. Re freshments were serred. Mr. aad Mrs. William Rnrr- of Red Bluff, Calif., hare been rls itlng in the neighborhood for the pasc week. Mrs. Boixman waa a teacher here two years age. "Aa Ordeal for ,1, -amaaaaMa. .v- -- -. a. n M J M M - w . 1, - im-B W . t - ! ::a . . B m rn . .. . - " ' " ini " r .1 II 1 l"u" I I K'lv-.- 8:1 1 II- . J'f . 1 k .-. fc.. 4a7. I IT-' 111 ler-T K Z fM VvVV-I III 1 JIM Ufa .aJ ' . 1 -wi,.r T-TT- rVrVLlJI itll Jli 11' PlfA 1 f i EGAN BEGINS - - - : : .. . o . - -V ' '" ''.:T"'.'v- , JL. , : I j ',A t. - jty . ' I .' V .J ' .4k fc .4 ' - . former 8aa Wnatiatm xmbtte cf eader. Is sJaewn here with Warden Jaaaes B. Belea fkA) aa? Ram Omemtim iri-i. .t Kg-n mast aerra a life sie-ce aeca-M be was e-rlcted ef flr-t dcrree murder tar the dcaOh Mrs. Iwate Seett Hushes. Sheep Sales By Breeders Held Hopeful MONMOUTH, Oct. 10 Stock men of this section are feeling gratified orer recent sales of reg istered rams both to coast and alley buyers and to eastern Ore gon, Washington and Idaho range sbeepmen. Most of the earry-orer of 19 SI and of the present crop has either been disposed of or will be, it Is belle-red. br the end of October. The sales made ta dis tant range breeders were largely maae possieie through persistent efforts of County Agent J. R." Beck who made a personal trip to Pendleton and adjacent regions to contact buyers and promote the tarnorer. Those from this section who bar been selling are: C J. DeAr mond, ZJncolns; MeCrae Broeu, Romneys; McCaleb Bros.. Rom- neys; Monmouth bank, Romneys; Edward Riddell, Llncolns and Cot rolds: James Riddell. Lin- coins; John Clow. Llncolns: Wil liam Riddell. Rimaeys; J. B. Dannj SERVING LIFE 1 Stamp 4k Son. Llncolns; and J. B. Lorenee, Cotswolds. Many of these went to Pendleton and way points. A. H. Craren and George Carroll aold most of their Rom neys to coast and ralley buyers early La the season and at the state fair. The prices receired varied con siderably, bat all agree that rea sonable returns hare been achiev ed which seems to indicate a more prosperous ontlook for sheepmen next year. A final carload went to Baker prior to the state fair open ing, and it is hoped that these will all be sold. This would bring the total sales of local rams to sround 280. Harvesting of Nuts Started on Bottom MISSION BOTTOM. Oct. 10. A- L. Lamb has finished with his Clbert harrest. Miss Hattie Skel ton on the new Wheatland Ferry market road is harrestlng about 17 acres of Alberts, employing a number of local people. In about at Miss Skelton s farm. WlF harTe8t '-'r crop of both walants aad fllberU this J WaVg e v, PAGE S2VLN iEl'lWFIBfill CBE li'J BUTTER PORTl-Ainj, Oct. 10 (AP) ' Market for batter reflects two eoaditlons. the decreasing local ojply. which is seasonable and the Increasing stocks from out- state points. Prices are uniform and generally unchanged. Butter fat Is steady to firm. ' Zgr trading" continues to rtv." fleet more or. less firmness. Ka ' Chang, U. current ralues Is sar- gested. RecelpU showed a frac tional Increase last week bat the chief trading is in cooler offer- lags. Leading cash, burera hare raw- daeed the buying price en spring chickens here with an weights of lire birds as low as 12e lb. aw ' though some operators bar not yet lowered their price to that mark. farther carload matcmMt of Deschutes poUtoes is renortl in this direction. A car came to the Pacific rrnlt and waa nrir-t 31.10 or but A dime aber that H-r Taklmas. Owing to the lateness ef Initial delirerles of Oregon stock, which is not yet aratlable. California new crop walnuts are finding a rather fair aale. Three carloads hare already anired from ta south. Restricted tradinr La renart ia the onion market at Willamette ralley sources.' The oriental bus iness has dwindled and buyers are -not keen seekers while growers ' are-not anxious to sen at current- figures. Poultry, Eggs Are. Active in Last Few Weeks Poultrr and ere- mart-eta been showinr considerable arM -ir is the last few weeks as seasonal a .ranees in egg prices carried quotations to within two cents of list year's figure on Oregon ex tras, reports to the extension econ omist at the state college sho-r. Trading la futures contracts at Chicago for Korember delirery was quite heary the past month. ss failure of production to show the gain expected lent encourage- -icu, iu usio laii markets. Both the size of farm" Uylns; flocks and the number of eggs produced per florviarA vn fi. ing behind the comparable figures of a year ago. Should prices ad Tance much further, howerer. It is considered probable that flocks will be coiled less closely this fall and a larger proportion of pullets wfll be held back for laying pur poses. By WALT 'DISNEY By SEGAR By eJIMMY AIUlffY tV1KsOtV srvcrrvsEarAwiY rOTTHEOC OR NOT, BUT tNTHEKEAN- Tirsvnunf n T32Siirri!:ti; C,. v - i ttA.IUL? AjLk-VueaU