The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 09, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning October 9,' 1932
4acE)owdll Qui tQj-PresgafcJ
onaay 1
at Uran
Musical Events 'Take Stellar Position on
Calendar of Social Happenings
For This Week
Juliet Glenn, Young and Brilliant Musician Will Sing Monday Night
At Grand.and Olga Steeb, Noted Pianist. Will Play Thursday
MUSIC Is attracting the attention of Sale m society for this week. Two important pro
grams loom with the first an event of Monday at the Grand theatre with Miss Ju
liet Glen, vivacious and charming young singer, as the guest artist of the Salem MacDowell
dub in the first of its four artist programs to be presented this year.
Miss Glen is charming. She has just re turned from an extended study and operatic
work in FranceT For the past five months she has been in the United States. Part of this
time she has been a guest of her mother, Mrs . I. M. Glen of Dallas, and now is just Com
pleting a tour of the northwest Her concert in Eugene October 20 will conclude this tour
and she will leave again November 1 for more operatic work in Paris. .
For two years Miss Glen lived with the great Madame Calve and was not only her
' ii L .hilArt TVrrof a fVioao two Vio err apt O- "
artist whose fame has been made, and the-forthcoming
youthful artist, toured Europe down into Italy, in a well-4
.known make oi car. a grana experience, ana one rausi
amusing", was the gay comment of this young artist whose
enthusiasm and vivacity must surely be brilliantly expressed
in her concert work. ; :
Monday night she will sing
for Salem and there are an
unusually' large number of Salem
people anticipating this event and
planning upon being present for it.
i The program will include:
t I
DU Forl! Schubsrt
Der Ntmbaum Schumann
Feldelnsamkelt Brahma
Maine Liebe 1st Grun Brahma
- t II
Chanson d Printempa .. Oounn.l
TristeiM Chopin
Chanson d Fortunlo Offenbach
Valas (Romeo and Juliet) .Gounod
R!n K hwan : GrleK
Im Kahne
AUerseelen ..
fv Not Go Mr Love -...Hagcrnan
Lass With the Delicate Air . m
Japaneae Death Song Sharp
Morning Spaks
The concert of Miss Glen will
be follqwed by a formal reception
at the home of Mrs. George Pierce.
Mrs. Arthur Rahn, past president
of the club, will introduce to the
line, which will include Mrs.
George Pearce, Miss Lena Belle
., Tartar, chorus director; Mrs. W.
: 8- Levens, president of the club;
Mrs. Walter A. Denton, vice-president;
Miss Mary Cupper, secre
tary; Mrs. S. W. Starr, treasurer,
and Mrs. Harris Leitz, auditor-.
Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. Wal
ter Zosel and Mrs. D. J. Bowe will
greet th guests and assist about
the rooms.
A second program of the week
-rill be that of Miss Olga Steeb.
well-known pianist and an artisl
ot outstanding merjt. Miss Steeb
hat anneared in Salem before and
vhas a large circle of warm friends
who will welcome her back.
Her artistry is shown not only
State Meet is
This Week's
WOMEN from over the state
of Oregon will start arriv
ing in Salem Monday to be
present for the state Women's
Christian Temperance Union con
vention which will convene here
Tuesday morning at Ihe First
Presbyterian church.
This Is the 49th annuai state
convention and will be presided
over by Mrs. Ada Jolly popular
president of the organization for
the past seven years.
The entire program for the
week includes:
Tvesday Morning, October 11
10 :00 Official board meeting;.
1 :00 Annual praise service led bj
Mrs. E. E. Woodcock, director of
evangelistic work.
Z :00 Executive board meeting;.
Tuesday Evening;
First Methodist Church
Welcomes will be extended by var
ious organizations and friends of th
city. Special music a r ringed by com
mittee and pep singing led by Miss
Byrnes wiir be important part of the
program. Mrs. Lucille McDonald, coun
ty president of Polk county will re
spond to the welcome addresses and
Levi Pennington of the Friends Col
lege at Newberg will be the speaker
of the evening.
Wednesday Morning, October 12
S.iO'i County presidents and direct
ors of departments will hold confer
S :00 Formal opening of convention,
In the brilliancy Of her technique I announcements of committees. Reports
and fine depth or interpretation, ana memorial service.
; . . . .T , , ui.. t- I Wednesday Afternoon
DDI siso in idb iYn.j iulc.:0l- 1:30 State president- annual ad-
ing programs waicn sue pieocmo i dress.
with trn nnderstandlne. county president's afternoon on
it has .Iti hen her lov to ',Th things I d like my county to do."
-give music lovers new works, or
those little heard. Hence hor
choice of the new Respighi Piano
Concerto In the Nixolydian Mode,
which she played last year in Los
Angeles and at Santa Barbara, Dr.
Artur Rodzlnski conducting On
these occasions she scored tri
umphant successes.
This summer she gave a beau
Thank offering service. The conven
tion speaker. Miss Helen L. Byrnes,
will give an address on "Weaving the
Wednesday Night
This will be "Youth Night" and
young people are expected to attend
from a distance. A demonstration,
"The Dry Parade" will be directed by
Miss Margaret Stevenson, Misa Byrnes
Addresses will be given by Misa Al-
drich and Miss Byrnes on, "The Blg-
. -
- - I -I
v - r
Miss Olga Steeb, -known
and loved by many Salem
friends,' and a prominent art
ist of the United States, who
wiu appear in concert here at
Waller hall Thursday night.
tiful -performance Ot the Llsit E I-at Home" and "The Blg-IAbroad.'
Mi . T ,.v 01- tt ih Thursday Morning, October 11
ni uoncervo wnn oir n. Tnere wU1 Teporta anJ election
Importance of my de
partment In building the big program
of the W. C. T. U. by directors.
Thursday Afternoon
More county president's and a talk
on Our Farm Home by the superin
tendent. I. M. Gilbert.
Thursday Evening
There will be a playlet, "Who Elect-
Hartv conducting. Her infallible Qf officers.
sense of rhvthm. ease of playing Reports or
and poise have won for her the
reputation among conductors as
one of the most satisfactory or
chestra soloists of the day.
Miss Steeb is booked for nu-
merous engagements this coming
year, the first bringing her to the ed Maloney," re-written and ' directed
northwest, where she; opened JZ ISTWh
the season for the Vancouver on s,um work m y... and
Women s club witn a recuai ucio- another by Rev. R. W. Nelson on
k S This is to b followed bv a "Oregon at th Crossroads.
i. v. I Friday Morning. October 14
s J? V . Iv-1 Unfinished business and directors
er oympnony orcuesira wiuutr of departments. Reports of commit
t. Miss steeb s appearance in sa- tees.
lam la hslni tnnntnrMl hv th I Friday Afternoon
Beethoven society of Willamette1 ,,00 kU"oB
University. - dry will be discussed by those who
A third' recital to look forward i know the aubiert Mrs. Necla Buck.
' a t that whlh is to h snonsor- Misa Maud Aldricb, Miss Helen Byrnes
ed by the Ladles' Madrigal club
ef ' Salem at the First Christian
chnreh November 1, at which time
the well-now n and popular Port
; land 'cellist, Michael Arenstein.
win appear.
Mr. Arenstein hat played In Sa
lem, having appeared In concert
with Miss Mary Sch nits last win,
let in a very lovely program. His
return will be met with a warm
welcome. It is safe to venture.
Chi Delta Delphians
Will Meet Tuesday
Mrs. Lee Canfield will be host
ess to members of the Chi Delta
Delphians at her home. 1101
South High street,- Tuesday morn
ing at 9:30 o dock.
Mrs.. Carl Nelson will give the
preliminary survey. Topics will be
taken by Mrs. R. M. Walts, Mrs.
Fred Anunsen, Mrs. George Lewis,
CaLm Prr1if Wnmon Mr"- c- M- SPcer, Mra. L.D.
Oalem Vreait Women Lambeth and Mrs. A. S. Hayes.
a-ra wmusmw. I w TIT rr, --J- ill
l4.-.ft V.Vf..t ,lv W.VBMWICI Will BU-
An interesting breakfast club I .,t -k-. s -or
?L;rS-i0, X.! )!m Home Missionary koclety of Jason
iJJSlTS' fiv.?1 Wlnt tret Wednesday after
l 7 OCiOCk at thft Uoon at 1:S0 o'clock. Mrs. Edna
Chairman for general arrange- . z.,.,a n K
a -, m -iaw stvsiaii a ' -ww a-a as a v w aaaa
SlMnrmitT.: 1. i-dni men o the community
5-fnr U.,d" lited to attend tW. meettaf.
...ill . . ...A ws a V v , ai rw . - 1
ome excellent idea, for mating UT"..W iv".'"-."
the meeting, of much Interest and T'l" " "r ."TT "
..I.. . v ..v. v ubiiito. numciuui lutiri
- v- WW WI --.,.,..
aot only include credit women but I " . T. w iTJf T v .1 - ill
also other business women of the 1 !?"i?!?mult lS! dtT
2i?f 1 A01"' Mra!. Will him flSM
. ibii is mm una 0. aucn gisdsi. - . . 7,
to bo organised la the . United 2JTT .T
.Elates, too otner roar are in Be-1
Attle, Portland, Tacoma and Spo
kane. ;:..' ' -
A dab bulletin Is being arrang
ed and a "first Usne" will reach
destinations ' Monday. A largo
ctnmber of women have already
algnlfled interest In this organisa
tion. .
.'-.y" -i-
Mra. William Zosel, recently ar
rived from CoouIUe to make her
home la Salem, was the Inspira
tion for an attractive afternoon
Saturday at the home of her bis
ter. Mrs. Albert Oragg. at whkh
time Mrs. Grace entertained with
dessert luncheon and following
Portland Symphony
Season at Hand
Rehearsal time is drawing near
for the Portland Symphony or
chestra whose 1932-33 season will
open the night of November 7.
Rehearsal time ushering in as
it does the late fall and winter
months, is emphasized by a ca
blegram received this week from
William van Hoogstraten, conduc
tor of the Portland Symphony or
chestra, ip which he says he will
be sailing from Europe October
11, reaching Portland October 27
to start work immediately on the
opening concert. The cablegram
comes from Bonn, Germany,
where the distinguished conduc
tor, following a happily successful
engagement as guest conductor
for the Beethoven festival this
summer, later received an invita
tion to conduct a Brahms concert
October 11. He accepted the hon
or, adding thereby another world
wide recognition to his leadership
in the realm of music.
Although the coming symphony
concert season is slightly shorter
than last year, Portland's orches
tra of 70 musicians will give to
its audiences 14 weeks of Bee
thoven, Brahms, Wagner, Liszt,
Strauss and other great masters.
Nothing will be lost in the excel
lency of the programs offered,
and the shorter season gives the
advantage of lower-priced season
tickets indeed the lowest In
Two separate concert series are
announced. There will be eight
Monday night and six Sunday
matinee programs, the latter so
surprisingly Inexpensive, parents
are urged to rive their children
full advantage of the musical op
portunity provided.
Arts League Will
Begin Season
The Salem Arts league will be
gin 'Its season with a business and
program meeting Tuesday night
in the auditorium room of the
city library.
Th business meeting will take
place at 7: IS o'clock and at this
time committee will be announc
ed for the coming year and plans
will be completed for the season's
activities. President for this year
is Lynn Cronemiller of the state
forestry service.
program will follow at S
o'clock and this will have to do
with tire hasards and with the
natural beantles of Oregon as
shown on illustrated pictures by
W. v. Fuller.
Monday, October 10
Salem MacDowell dub presents Juliet Glenn !
concert at Grand, S: II o'clock.
Delta Phi Mother's club -with Mrs. L. O. Clement.
S4I North 17th street, 2:1 o'clock; a oatH to be tied
for sorority house.
Monday Night Dancing -dub at CastHllaa hall; first
dance of season. '
Chapter A. B. or the P. E. O. Sisterhood, with Mrs.
Ray L. Smith, ISsS Center street,
Tuesday, Octobt'r 11
Baiem Arts League, first meeting of year; bus
iness meeting 7:11 o'clock; program at t o'clock; state
forestry service In charge.
Alpha Phi Alpha Mother's club, 2: SO o'clock; with
Mrs. W. E. Kirk. 14 SO SUte street.
Salem Credit Women's breakfast club meeting at
Marlon hotel, 7 o'dock.
Sons and. Union Veterans and Auxiliary, 7:30
o'dock In Women's clubhouse; election of officers.
Social afternoon of Chadwlck chapter, order of
Eastern Star, in Masonic temple; Mrs. E. B. Wood, chair
man; program and sewling planned.
Beta Chi Mother's dub, no-host luncheon, 1 o'clock
at Spa; election of officers for year.
Chi Delta Delphians, with Mrs. Lee Caafield. 110S
South High street, 9 SO o'dock.
Girls of McCormick elasa of First Methodist chnreh,
first afternoon meeting at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. Paul
Acton at her rural home. -
Women's Republican club with Mrs. C. P. Bishop, 2
o'clock; Mrs. Paul Newman, republican national com
mittee .woman from South Dakota, guest of honor, and
Wednesday, October 12
W. H. M. S. of. Jason Lee church, with Mrs. W. W.
Chadwlck. 1390 North Winter street; Mrs. Edna Live
ly devotion leader; Miss Eunice Packard, lesson.
Ladies Guild of American Lutheran church, 2:30
o'dock in social rooms of church.
Sweet Briar club with Mrs. John Crabtree. first
meeting of year.
Tea and old pottery display at home of Mrs. Scott
Jones, two miles south of Gervais; sponsored by Amer
ican Association of University women.
Thursday, October IS
Special tea hours 3 to I o'clock at home of Mrs.
Frank Neer and "open house" for seeing Oriental mu
seum of Mrs. George Alden; sponsored by Women's Un
ion of 'First Congregational, church.
Concert of Olga Steeb at Waller hall; sponsored
by Beethoven society of Willamette university.
Salem Daughters ot Nile, Masonic temple; regular
meeting; bring sandwiches.
Liberty Women's club, at home of Mrs. W. R.
Friday, October U
Sigma Nu Delphians hostess for annual tea at home
of Mrs. E. T. Pierce, 1610 Fir street; 2 to 5 o'clock.
Woman's Union ot 'First Congregational church
hostess to women's board of Congregational churches ot
state; opening session 10:30 o'clock; Miss Marthlne
Grimsby in charge.
Weekiend Sociail Events Draw Large;
Attention From Among Salem's Busy
Maids and Matrons
Marriage of Miss Simpkins and Mr. DeckebacK Leads. Attention;
Monday Night Dancing Club Will Furnish Gay SoaaVRiirry
THE weekend is one of interest in that it marked the msxrUge of two popular worm peo
ple of Salem, Miss Velma Simpkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E. Simpkins and
Donald Deckebach, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. G . Deckebacn, sr. -
Tli- affair wee a lnv1v ri-rw1 WMlHinir In St. Paul's Episcopal ChurCfl Witn KeV.
George Swift reading; the service before inti mate friends and relatives of the two families.
The bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Kenneth Dalton played the wed
ding marches and played softly during the service. Miss- Kathryn Elgin waathe brides
only attendant and Clayton Foreman was best man for Mr. Deckebach. -. : -
A reception at the home of the bride's parents xouowea me ceremony. iss uyco
Anderson and Miss Frances Sande presided a t the serving table. .-.
: o Mn and Mrs. Deckebach left by motor following the re
ception and will spend some time in Los Anjeles. Tney will
be at home to their Iriends at me viympic apartments wwr
November 1. '
Coming close on the heels of the weekend will be the
opening formal dance of the Monday Night Dancing dub at
i" " y - - '
Castillian hall. This club en-
joys delightful social occa
sions during the winter sea
ion and the beginning dance will
be an auspicious opening for the
Club membership this year includes:
Unusual Benefits
Planned For Year
The American Association of
University Women Is planning a
series ot benefits this winter in
order to swell the coffers of the
fellowship fund.
These benefits will consist of
interesting displays of old and
unusual things which the public
rarely has a chance to see on dis
play. There will be a textile dis
play and wedding gown display,
la addition to the first of the ser
ies, which will be a display of old
china, made up of Staffordshire,
all ot It rare antiques.
Mrs. Scott Jones, who Uvea twg
miles south of Gervais, is the
owner, and has given permission
for the display to be made in her
home. Mrs. J. A. Jelderks Is ar
ranging labels and thns making
the display ot more value to those
who admire but know not so much
about the rareness of such objects
of beauty.
The fellowship committee, head
ed by Miss Beryl Holt, is in charge
ot the plans. Signs will be arrang
ed to lead to the Jones home and
a tea hour will be part of the dis
play. Mrs. J. A. Jelderks, Mrs. David
Wright and Mrs. R. C Reilly will
preside at the tea urns during the
tea hours.
The public is Invited to enjoy
this rare display.
Women's Union Will
Honor State Group
The Women's Union ' ot - the
First Congregational church, will
be hostesses to the Woman's
Board ot Congregational churches
on mday. October .14th. wom
en from all Congregational
r churches ot the state are invited
to attend. The program will be
gin at 10:30 o'clock with Miss
Marthlne Grimsby, state presi
dent In charge. Luncheon will be
served by the local women and
then the -meeting will adjourn to
Chemawa where the guests will
be shown the work of the school
under the guidance ot Miss Ger
trude Eakln. At the luncheon
period. Mrs. Mao C. Gingrich wll
present a short Indian sketch.
Mrs. ' I. F. Humphreys Is chair
man ot the luncheon committee.
Corvallis Women
To be Guests Here
Mrs. R. R. Hewitt and Mrs. C.
A.. Spragne will entertain at the
Sprague home Monday for a 1
o'clock luncheon complimentinc
members of the Art and Needle-
craft club of Corvallis and a few
additional Corvallis friends. Both
Mrs. Hewitt and Mrs. Sprague be
longed to this club when they
were residents of Corvallis.
Guests will include Mrs. J. A.
Bezell, Mrs. W. A. Jensen, Mrs.
J. R. Jewell. Mrs. J. M. Nolan.
Mrs. R. J. Gunn, Mrs. A. M. Gunn,
Mrs. M. Bosworth, Mrs. C. J. Mc
intosh, Mrs. L. I. Noble, Mrs. E.
W. Warrington, Mrs. Burns, Mrs.
W. A. Bates, Mrs. U. G. Dubach,
Mrs. Wallace Martin, Mrs. A. E.
Caswell, Mrs. Sam Walters and
Mrs. D. M. John. From Salem will
be Mrs. Hewitt's mother, Mrs.
Heise, and her sister, Mrs. A. A.
Slewert, and Mrs. Sprague's moth
er, Mrs. Martha Schmuek. -
Mr. and Mrs. David Wright
were hosts tor the first meeting
of the season ot their dinner-
bridge club at their home Thurs
day evening. Mr. .and Mrs. B. B.
Flack will be the November
hosts. Present were Mr. and Mra.
W. 8. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Gueffroy, Mr. and Mrs. George
Rossman, Mr. and Mrs. B. B.
Flack, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neer,
and Mr. and Mrs. Wright.
e e
Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson
and son Jimmy are spending the
weekend in Portland.
Here is the chic daughter
of one Will Rogers, Miss
Mary Rogers, who has just
returned from Europe where
she has spent the past three
months in Pans.
Mrs. E. R. Niles entertained
Thursday afternoon compllment-
iQI a group of friends with lunch
eon and an afternoon of cards.
Mrs. Guy Irwin -won high score
for bridge. Mrs. Niles was assisted
at the luncheon hour by Mrs. Mar
vin Roth.
Dr. sod Mr. W. Wel Blum, Mr.
and Mra. E T. Pterc. Mr. and Mra,
Tom Galloway. Dr. and lira PbU
Kawmrer, Mr. and Mra Marrtll Ohl
tnt. Mr. and Mra O. L Putnam ot
gnaw. Mr. and Mra Lro Pa-. Mr.
and Mra U. WlUett, Mr. and Mra.
Don Roberta, Mr. and Mra RK.Pt
aaeckt. Mr. and Mra Douglas McKay.
Mr. and Mra I C. Smith. Mr. and
Mra H. U. Miller. Mr. and Mra F. O
Byerm, Mr. and Mra Henry V. Cotup
ton. Mr. and Mia V. E. Kuhn. Mr.
and Mra Robert Shlnn, Mr. and Mra
Georse Alexander, Mr. and Mra W. R.
Newmyer, Mr. and Mra Walter Spauld
Int. Mr. and Mra O. F. Chamber,
Mr. and Mra Lrland Smith. Dr. and
Mra G-orre R- Vehra, W. M. Hamil
ton. Mr. and Mra Carl Pope. Dr. and
Mra B. P. Pound. Mr." and Mra E. J.
Soellara Mr. and Mra H. V. Collina
Mr. and Mra R. H. Duncan, Mr. and
I Mra H. I 8tlff. Mr. and Mra Krnet
I Bone-teele. Dr. and Mra O. C. Bellin
ger, Mr. and Mra Oliver Mumon. air
and Mra Paul J on n son, sir. ana Mra
Roast Turkey
on the Special
Sunday 50c Dinner
t Portland, Oregoa
Announces Reopening of
Ballroom Classes
Wed. Nite Oct. 12
Nelson Bid.
Beginners 7:10
Advanced t:99 P. M.
For detailed Information call
Barbara Barnes Dance Studio
Phono 8533
Wallace Booesteele. Mr. aad Mra H.
J. WtednMr, Mr. and Mra. w. J. Bu
sk. Mr. and Mra E. A. Colony. Mr.
and Mra W. J. Braon, MaJovGeneral
aftd Mra T. K. ROea. Mr. and Mra
Leater Barr. Mr. and Mra William mc-
Ollehrist. Mr. and Mra E. M. Face.
Mr. and Mra K. r. wataoo. Mr. ana
Mra B. F. Smith. Mr. and Mra. M. w.
gmlth. Mr. and Mra John Brophy, Dr.
and Mra Burton Myera, Mr. and Mra
W. r Orter. Mr. and Mra A. r.
H-vea. Mr. and Mra. Walter Kirk. Mr.
and Mra O-orca Croleaa and Mr. aad
Mra P. A. Elker.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miller ot
West Salem entertained Saturday
night with two tables of bridge.
A suggestion of Hallowe'en was
hinted in the attractive decorations.
Cyn Cromse
Artistic Lightings ...
. . . Natural Expressions
Ever since it waa discovered that
bifocals rZmn xtKnense - relief
and help toeyeaT thertt has been
v v ,
certain amount d dJBcctnf
a Lst iiirm n wm. a w -nnssr
elorVd Tnew IfocaJ
B m m m ST W AT
eaK t better, f o-4 stant
in getting ixsed
mticKeaxicrXto W
close vision thelpew.
be'fiad to show you the differcace.
Pomeroy & Keene
has a most Interesting and
original Use of Distinctive
. Gift ware. Visit us at SI4
N. Co ml.
Delightful Bridge Prizes
. : HAtR on the FACE .
t tk bedy to Mfely aad savaly ra
SMved ky vemea attaadaata atlaf ear
metked. Skla left saiaatk sad fraa trim
kleailtk. CeaaalUtloa tree, r write tar
liters tare.
te-s It Mmtt Saak rkeaa 4tT
SaUav Oiagoa
Private Kindergarten
Leslie Hall
South -Commercial and . Meyers
Dally O:0O to 13:00 -Give
your child the best pre
school .advantages in character
training and mind develop
ment, . -SALEM'S
Parents invited. Dial SStt or
8J74. Jeaaie F. Bush. KarJoHe
Walker lUtcliffo ':
llsJly44 aac Satariay"
407 Cbirt Street -
Walter E. Rauhut
: Soloist
"' and
1353 Chemeketa St,
Phone 138
Our Repair Departmeai can save ye the price) of a 5
new pen. Omr eetvico tadades -.." Z x - --
- If yon nu-st bay P elect IS from
oar stock of gnarianteed peas
Service on alt Uakea of Fonntaia Pens
, . . : NEEDHAirs . V: Si ,
Miss Zella Long
Special Representative of
Will be at Our
Exclusive Facial Booth
Facials hy Appointment
a " - -
Krank Skin Health
Tissue Cream .
with Jr.
$1 Purchase of Krank
Durinr Demonstration
Ebie Leffinjrwella Licensed Cmetidan. . at j
Oixr Toilet Goods Department at All- TtntJ"
. t ' ;. to Serve You
Court and Liberty
Courteous Efficient Senrite"
this was contract bridge. -
,.- 'U
w V -