The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 09, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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    1 . l5Jr!iL . f?ks&&x!?S
' Fair today 'and .Monday,
bo change la trtnperatara;
Max. Temp. Setarday A8,
Ilia. 40, river -S.4 fet;
Sept. '83
Net paid, dally. 8uaday,6839
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 9, 1932
No. 168
7278 .-? WI.WM V t WWW lit Ha., ffeii h m l wsy i n
1 , -: :V ' . FOUNDED 1851 1 - ,",
Material Courses Failing
c Is Message of Maurer
' " At Meeting Here
Burt Brown Barker Shows
.Duty of Schools for j
Citizen Training
President Starts on Trip Which
Resulted in Political Triumphs
This "machine age" has proven
the nemesla of material educa
tion and colleges are faced with
an increasing demand for a
tralninr which will aid men and
women in the art of living
through self-expression; a re
mand which will increase in the
coming era when working hours
will be shorter and people will
hare plenty of time for leisure.
This was the message given
ty Irving T. Maurer, president of
the Association oi American toi
ler es. in his address Saturday af
ternoon to the educators gath
ered at the regional conference of
the association here.
He sketched his plan for
"dream college" which would
have only 200 students, would
not be co-educational, and which
would limit its facilities to those
students who were "intellectual
It alert." In this college there
would be no emphasis on de
grees but only on stimulating
intellectual curiosity among Its
Democracy's Future
Rests With Schools
"Mankind can never make the
world safe for democracy by
legislation," declared Dr. Burt
Brown Barker, of Portland, in an
address before the conference in
the afternoon. "It can only come
about through education."
Dr. Barker, who is vice pre
sident of the University of Ore
gon and a close student, of in
vestment policies, declared that
a realization of this fact should
compel people to provide in their
eharitable giving for educational
T purposes.
, Methodist Boards
Report of Interest
The analysis of the findings
ef the survey conducted among
35 Methodist church supported
colleges, presented by Dr. W. J.
Davidson, board of education re
presentative, showed that over
a five year period, 48.3 per cent
of graduates went into educa-
x si "-v i
i ? i t -
I Mi If f
' h i
jj V jmmiuui s'mwiii" mm ry f
f tP d'f 'ml
Tusko Again
All Tangled
In Red Tape
Attack, Gets Nearest
Touchdown Line
SEATTLE, Oct. 8 (AP)
With a nice concrete reinforced
pen at the Woodland park too
her and regular meals assured,
it appeared for a time that Tus
ko's troubles were over. But no,
Washington Holds Edge on S?nJ J"1.1! S? i?Jf.1r I Latest Cablegrams Sent to
him from Seattle's clutches.
Tusko, "the largest elephant In
captivity," will not make a per
sonal appearance in court but will
be represented by his owner and
Mikulak Stops big Threat co8e:h ,
staatly grew from his downtown
tent to the too, Tusko was re-
France Suggests New
Disarmament Policy;
Similar to Hoover's
Milan; Grand Jury may
Investigate Source
By Phelan's Athletes
In Third Quarter
moved to the park today from
aboard a huge trailer pulled by
two trucks. Tusko seemed to en-
Brother Martin Freed Under
$50,000 Bond Because
Of Sickness Plea
CHICAGO, Oct. 8. tAP) An
MULTNOMAH STADIUM. Port- Joy the ride and the spotlight of I extraordinary session of the grand
land, Oct. 8. (AP) Battling to
a breath-taking scoreless tie on
neutral grounds in this stadium
today the University of Washing
ton and the University of Oregon
decided virtually nothing as to
either team's chances of winning
the Pacific Coast conference foot
ball championship this year.
Grid experts had looked tor this
titanic battle of the northern di
vision of the conference to bring
out th northwest's best eleven to
carry on against the "big three"
I of the south Southern Califor
nia, Stanford and California but
public gase as he trumpeted hap-(jury to. examine copies of coded
cablegrams sent to Samuel Insull
in Europe, was summoned to
night. Copies of the dispatches two
sent to Milan and two to Turin,
pily while munching a tidbit of a
couple of bales of hay and a sack
of grain after reaching the soo.
Attorney C. W. Pierce, repre
senting Tusko's new owner, H. C
Barber of Kirkland. announced he I Italy were railed for la a snb-
would seek to enjoin the city poena issued by Chief Justice
from holding Tusko, taken be- Thomas J. Lynch. Officials of the
cause the old owner. Dr. M. M. telegraph company refused to sur-
Bull, Eugene, Ore., had not paid render them to Assistant State's
a-license fee of 820 a day for ex- Attorney Charles Bellows, but of-
hlbltlng the elephant since fleet fered to have them ready for
ek. rrand iurr inspection.
Barber said he had paid $5,000 Decoding of three of the cable
for Tusko and had arranged to or.m first disclosed in for-
as it turned out both tha Huskies iWblt the animal at the world's elgn dispatches last night State's
Attorney John A. swanson saia ne
Carrying his campaign for reelection to the middle west, president I anA f v. wahfrmt. win now to!nt falr ln Chicago. But now he cant
and Mrs. Herbert Hoover are shown on the observation platform ( towards the title with remaining get delivery.
ox we speoai train in wnicn iney lerx wasnutgron ror vtm Aiomea, .ames t0 decide which will rank
Iowa, for Hoover's address to the fanners of the grain belt. It was I tne highest.
tue first trip of tbe G. O. F. aominee'a campaign and the begin- Washington showed the most
nlng of the first speaking tour a president has made for reelection I power ln spite of tha fact that
since W ilson's in 1910.
MB 1
Coach Jimmy Phelan elected to
use his second and third string
backfield men most ef three
I periods.
The Huskies drove to Oregon's
11-yard Una in the first period
and battered down to the Webfoot
had learned of the fourth only
today and that it was sent "with
in the last 24 hours to Milan.'
Swanson planned to assign ex
perts to decipher the missives
- The prosecutor said he was
especially interested in determin
ing identity of the sender and how
ha hannened to know that Insull.
after disappearing mysteriously
from a Paris hotel several days
azo. intended going io
and battered aown to tne weoiooi i nfftnA nnA Pnnntw inwnuew uiu ''"
eight-yard line early in the third ClefK S Of tlC6 and COUnty here he was reported today to
quarter, hut these two stabs were
the extent of the scoring chances
of the game.
I Gee Prorea Threat
Substations Crowded
All day Saturday
hav been seen. 8oma of the cabl
grams, he said, were not signed
Pair in Holdup
Case Released;
Evidence Fails
Municipal Judge Mark Poulaen
ordered the release of John H.
Rautlo and William Simons of Se
attle yesterday when city police
were unable to produce concrete
evidence that they were the men
who on Thursday night held up
J. S. Albert. 888 Mill street, on
South Winter street and robbed
him of a watch and small change.
Last night the officers received
wora rrom Aioany mac a noianp
was committed there under clr-
cumstances similar to the Albert
crime here.
Blazing Snag Falls, Kills
Portland man; General
Outlook Improves
Progreiiive Slashing
Of Defenses Said
Universal Security, not
French Only
New Basis
PARIS. Oct. 8. (AP) Dis
patches from Geneva tonight said
the, French delegation there had
formulated a plan Unking the
ideas of universal security and
progressive disarmament over a
10-year period.
. The, Havas (French) agency in
Geneva report said Premier Ed
ouard Hen-iot of France would
made a speech in Alsace tomorrow
that would contain special men
tion of the French suggestion.
It was added that the plan
would bo offered to the world dis
armament conference at Geneva
after it had been definitely ap
proved by the French war eouncil
and cabinet.
The plan will suggest progres
sive disarmament in two stages of
five years each and treat as uni
versal rather than strictly French
the problem of security.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 8 The first oart of the nronosal.
(AP) A second life was added to called the maximum, sets forth the
this week's toll-of destruction ex- extreme limit to which France is
acted by western Oregon forest willing to disarm providing the
fires when John A. Gulry, El, of powers submit to severe armament
Portland, a tire fighter on tne control and engage themselves to
Labish Center Group Gets 150 Millions Sought for 10 ro???
Attendance Award at Western States; Meet
Union Gathering Held at Roseburg
Wilson river blase near Forest
Grove, was struck by a falling
snag, and almost Instantly killed.
Another tire fighter had lost nis
enforce sanctions.
Hoover SaggetJon
Deemed Acceptable
The second part, called the mlc-
BARRIE. Ont. Oct. I. (AP)
Martin J. Insult's plea that ha
nmrnn'i onlv offensive stand I witk Nt U a sick man ana u wouia ne im-
om with the darlnr running of I nr,. ,. . oosslble for him to escape from m, earlier in the week in the Imam, will describe the point b-
Lelghton Gee, when tha shifty substations throughout the eoun- Canada, won him freedom on Dlaxe that destroyed the mill town yond which France feels unable tc
halfback rolled off dashes of 18 t .n t.. 850.000 ball today pending Lf Cochran. disarm providing the conditions
and II yards to carry tha Web- for tha November election hearing on extradition proceed- Tbe burning stump crashed of security are no greater than a
foots to Washlnrton's 80-rard line n.,t r!iv rr n a, linn that will determine whether I across Guirv's body while he and certain degree believed by France
Mllo Ross of Salem was in-1 ROSEBURG. Ore.. Oct. 8 I Uta In th third aerlod. o., i..t thi. he must return to Chicago to race other flchters were "mopping up to be indispensable.
stalled president of the Marion (AP) A federal appropriation Although stopped cold most of j would be a record registration Indictment for embesxlement a DiaIe already brought under These reports followed upon tb
county Christian Endeavor Union of $180,000,000 to be divided the time on his smashing efforts ln Marion county Not onlv was nd grand larceny growing out of control. The man was carried a statement in LeTemps hero that
ai me ciose oi we xao con tea- i among iu wesiera suues xor mm-1 at tne Husay lonrara una, suae i the elerk s office busv TesterdaT I ino couapse oi in iuiu um.v i mut to toe rota oy icuvw muwn nuumi uimi uicm vw&,-u
non nisi uifiui. oc8iuu uyeucu aeTeioniuai w isgicsira u HiKBUx, iiiMnnnE uron wita registering, but a iso during 1 empire. i attempting u aim, uu, i . 6cuo ..
Friday night at the Presbyterian a resolution adopted by the west-1 back, was credited with halting tha past two weeks.
church, and continued through I era Oregon mining congTess in I tha only march of tha contest that
The Chicagoan's plea was pre- I wu dead before medical aid could
yesterday, with 109 delegates and session here today.
members registered. Ella Smith The resolution proposes that
of Salem, retires as president at-1 the federal appropriation be toas
ter two years of service. - ed to Install ore reduction
Installation ceremonies and an- equipment. The money would be
nnnriniaii nf iwlrHi Mm fftl- I hanillAil trnrA nap tv th rvn t I
tionai wora, xti.-s y uk Z. I lowing a stirring address to the lined plan, by a commission ap-
youth delivered by Dr. E. w. Pet- pointed by the Reconstruction Fl-
(Turn to page 8, col. 1)
into home science, 12. 5 into com
mercial and Industrial work, 18.1 tlcoreV pastor of the Evangelical nance corporation and would be
per cent into tbe professions, Chnrch here. Ed Hoover of Port
into religious wors:. ana .i un- iand Btate union president, was
known or aeceasea. the installing officer,
Dr. Davidson pointed out tne other officers of the Marion
ned for better baiancea cum- COuntv union for the new year
loaned on a basis of 71 per cent
of the value of the ore blocked
out and ln sight by tha Individ
ual or company seeking tha loan.
Dr. Warren D. smith, head of I
Th. rirf in .mniATM wnrk. sented by J. C. McRuer, Toronto v. administered.
a nntii n,lriT aMv i..t I attorney, wbo suomuiea mouiw Althourh the Wilson nver niaxe
night swearing In late comers, affidavits saying If his client spent wag nnder control, men on the
From Silverton. Hubbard, Sub-1 "y more time in Jail, his heaitn f lre llne were apprehensive lest a
limity, SUyton, Jefferson and would suffer. sudden wind give it new lire to
several other county registering Edward Bayly, assistant attor- menace the city water supply of
places. Bover yesterday received ney general of Ontario, appearing Foreat Grove
calls for further blanks. He also before Justice Dudley Holmes as Elsewhere through western
n AmawAnrv nnni, n I anecfal counsel tor the state of 11- I and in southwestern
West Salem, where the blanks Unois, asserted the court had ex- Washington the fires that swoop-
provided by the Polk eounty ceeded U junsaicuon oj nngeasonably to nnng uspre-
(Turn to page 3. col. 2)
clerk had proven insufficient. mi Inul
PORTLAND, Ora.. Oct. 8
( AP) James W. Gleaaon. thief
registrar for Multnomah county,
announced tonight that a new
I ,iia Ta.ffa.r I A f 1 Totera wr an tha hooks
Salem; prayer, Ella Smith, Salem; lnds Involved by anyone seeking I ' Chtnowth told officers he when they closed tonight, more
had fallen asleen at tha wheel. than 10.000 greater than tut
From Jefferson reports were I previous record tat in if is.
State police lodged James W.
neuii ii ucuci . .. county union ior tne new jer ui. nmcii u. pmiu, u I MnntT
.!. amnn th MathndUt insti- It .m.. Ti i ow..... U. n..!. . h Chenoweth of saiem county
tutions. Many curricula, he said. secretary, Grace Klampe of Ma- University of Oregon, sug gested 1 J?" on a eoUi-
bave been aistortea Dy aammio- cieay; treasurer. Helen Kruger of runner mat eacn state proviae .. " at 8-80 o'clock last aight he- high record for registration tor
trations ambitious to give courses gem . superintendents of depart- hoard to handle any funds an- !!T ' liaht eouna and a Se- presidential election was set
and grant degrees iar oui oi ments: missionary. Isabel Chllds, propriateo reaerany ana mat ui :HU - p.-im- hih- for this eounty. A total of 180.-
. a. iv. .t.nil. . . ... . . I v.-.a ..V- a..,a I . " . .
nroDonion 10 me "up" """ iisaiom: rp.ntn i virion mi ash. um iunw w
i - - . . . .
ard. Salem; prayer, Ella Smith, Salem; lianas
Association's Aims nnbllcltv and C. E. World. Valmer loan.
KtreMfti bv-Kellv KUmnA T jthich TftntAt- adTUor. Representatives from Lane,
- - - 1 w v v i vVaa wa wwa . . UUB mM VllBl DUM A V5 Wl VMS W W
The morning session was de- Elizabeth M. Hogg. Salem ; pastor tnn . ?m na Douglaa eounUatljv, tn Couoa narrowly missed Of this year's total 108.801
voted to an address by Dr. Kb- counsellor. Rev. Hus:h N. McCal- ttenaed tne oneress. I -trtvi-- oa automobile lust be-1 registered as Republicans and
.bert L. Kelly, executive secretary. iom paBtor Court street Christian I fore It crashed tato tha aedan, I 80,081 aa Cimocrats.
m the subject, "ine rrogreas ehurch Salem. I . which was driven by Alex WI1-
and Methods of the Association or Awards were announced aa fol- lymuPfC HmiPnt lllamson. Jr.. and occupied by Mr.
American colleges. rres. J""" I Iowa- r-rfrlKtraHmi hlffh achool I
F Dobbs. of Pacific university, F-
led the discussion. Dr. E. S. christian church. Salem; analysis.
jpisea oi Buiraio, in. i protes- plan reward. Labish Center Evan
s6fiof psychology at the Univer-! gellcal c E . 8llTer eup for
sity oi uuiiaio. presenveu - vmr tendance, figured on nercenUre
per on compreaensne basis, Labish Center which scored
A MA, X & &a A. k. AVI A aH a A SB A I
lions aiter wnicu luwe g2S volnta
marxs py r reiueni nou Fire state officers were present
man oi neeu louckc
cedented destruction to homes, an
entire town, valued timber, rau
road properties and logging
camps, were reported under con
trol today. And forestry oniciais
were scanning the skies ior
clouds, hoping rain would tall be
fore returning winds-ould start
tha conflagrations roaring again.
Th forest fire situation in Ore-
Young Marion county men and gon was Improved eontlderably
Kit.. interests (Turn to page 8. col. 1)
and Mrs. Alex Williamson Sr.,
in tr iiirvriTiiTr
Organization oi jj tffiSJrSSJg- HH . llW 1 1 1 II 1 1
State Prune Men iSSS JSS"!!Sr JErJ nrr urnr rnniu
m Htlit IUUA1
demolished and tha tedaa badly
Mrs. Marshall suffered undeter-
s aaftw a a4 tiia atAaavaasi m aveV
at m: thimber of commsre. 1 Jna Sa
nlaht ta outline clans for a stale W?U .ot tn f.
. . . . .... . i , avktf, umiiAA ii.nn r mvt r mtw n
--v", 0 iuibmiwwvu vl iiuniil,
wnman Of TenUDUCan
.111 TTAva a the courthouse here
at 8 o'clock Tuesday night to
perfect organisation of a Young
D...iiiBTi rlnh Aside from
HnitnMi. tha program will m
.inia ii abate between George
Rhoten and Ralph Emmons on
. .nnitiA, n nlatform.
kit" wv, w .
Ft., vnrt.and club is expected
to tend a delegation brJ?,r
maatlfir. ImOOC IB Cm Will
irt Weiss, director of
clubs ln Oregon, and Ed Sox
AUSTIN, Tex.. Oct. 8 (AP)
Mrs. Miriam A. (Ma) Ferguson
waa certified officially today as
the democratic nominee for gov
ernor of Texas under supreme
court decision ordering her name
placed on the November general
election ballot. .
The court ruled against Govern
or R. S. Sterling, who contested
Mrs. Ferguson's nomination on
the allegation that upwards of
50,000 illegal votes had been cast
ln the August run-off primary in
favor of his opponent, Mrs. Fer
guson defeated Sterling by about
4,000 votes in the primary.
In compliance with a writ of
mandamus, Mrs. Jane Y. MeCsl
lum, secretary of state, tele
graphed certification of the nom
ination to all eounty clerks, att-
tttbrlted them to have tha name
printed oa the ballot. The tolls
At It o'clock this morning re-
!t JtWT.L ?fVA J'SX Viola Ogden. secretary", and Urt IniVhI. wdl b. oeaTa!- him were terioualy hurt.
social and recreation superinten- I The ehlef purpose of tha pro- mTOIICG OdVC 2 WO
aent, ana wiimer uaraner. re-1 posed organisation would ba to
(Turn to page 3, col. 1) 'attempt to stabilise prune prleta.
eunsion was conducted by Dr.
Jones and President Anderson of
Among those in attendance at
the conference were:
Reed college President Nor
man Coleman, W. S. Tod4: Co
lumbia TJ.. Portland Rev. W. A.
Carey and John J. Margraf; Uni
versity of Oregon L. K.; Snn
xaaker; Albany college M. M.
Etecker, Elizabeth Karpenstein,
Laura Corlett, Alice C. Graham,
A. A. Groening, Daniel Freeman.
Pacific college Pres. Levi T.
Pennington, Russell W. Lewis,
Perry D. .Macy, Mary C. Sutton,
Marie Louise Gould, Oliver Waes
aer. Pacific university Frank C.
Taylor, D. Otis Smith, E. M.
Evans, and .President Jonn r,
Dobbs: Llnfield
Plan Aeronautic Club
Toon; Girl Marooned
. Price Reserve Of fleer
Road Engineers Meet
Dl a .1..V rr Ci ntrar will I r. nalif K Jamaa V. IFtrrDIOI.
thai VOUBIJ .' . ' , I " a- -J
inB receive tha ballot title for repeal I husband of the nominee and a
ibt ln uregon, ana i . Sajam't water bona amena- former governor.
rnTnmittfM will be announcea i i.mMA morning's I Tha eonrt Kroressed no onlnion
hv Jack A. Johnston, who was Recorder Mark Poul- on the merits of Sterling't charges
elected president at the lnmai orwarded the UUa by regis- 0f fraud, or hU primary oppon-
ttnoois at ma vaney wui meet i meeting use wmwj. tered letter, as required oy law. tnV counter cnarges ox megai
at the local Y. M. C. A. building At a meeting of young PH." .ft-rnoon. voOnr ln favor of Sterling. The
fn tha Wfllamatt Tallav Til T I nu. Mm SiUnL Portland Q ..i. tha tlLle. I that It mnulA ha 1m-
- " ' ' - --- iijww aAvHA - I wnu ovitl v-. ' wmawm mv.v . " - - -
Inatltmte. Eurene held at Aioany . U1 immediately seek aavice i jxj.gibU to try the contest and ob-
a at a. a .! N1 w I . . i at a, aa AttAlnl flwl Oil I ... m WW Sa. I 7 . aa a a m a. tw a . X. .
ua nana at tne mwuii wu i nlgnt, jemmona wa - nittrict Attorney s. xx. 1 iam a una juagment or w
the newly organised Salem Hi Y tha state committee tor perman- -hther or not he shall rember 8. Dismissal of SUrling't
accept the measure tor speca i action in district conn was op-
... . .a iv. Vn,.mW alactlon. I v.M
- n.iini h l Liiv, i v - - - udiu.
cars. Jot Baker wu elected pre- GERMANY ACo?,.- Ue said Utt night. He declined I Orville Bulllngton of Wichita
aidant and Phil Brownell secre-1 BERLIN. Oct. 8 (A-F) er- WMf onlnion on ita le-lp-jik reonblican nominee, will
City police aaved two transients I tary. to aet aa such until the first I many today accepted m prinwpi-1 r-... f tnltl electlon until be oppose Mrs. Ferguson la tha gen-
a been so advisea. erml election.
Sponsors of tha repeal measure
Transients From
IS i ITaL-.T-Itoub wn mi tn T lent organixatlon.
EjllglllC S IT IlcCiS 1 night and elected temporary ora-
rrom prooaDie ueatn nnaer wneeis i regular meeting to oe neia . next i tba Britisn-ibviiuub - . i hen
Paelfle yards last light -when they Salem high achool waa tha first .AmeiUne after Oct. 11. ."'" I JitmA initiative peUtions
arrested John Olson and Paul Jsf-1 school In tha northwest to organ-1 tha Raich't plea for tq' " t nn tha ballet a week
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. I
(AP) An endeavor to organise
fire new chapters of tha National
Aeronautic association at Salem,
Medford, Klamath Falls, Baker
and La Grande it included In tha
college Pres. I program Tex Rankin of Portland,
Earn J. Anderson, H. C. Elkm- i. "r
ton. Ralph B. Storey, M. Eugene fVU h." 'Jt i
Storey, Jamet A. McCnab, Friede for his year in off ba
" ' I attttAtinaaul xeaw -
Rankin said ha plana to make
an air tour of tha state in the In
terest of hit program.
lln, Paul J. Orr, J. A. Jonasson.
Paget Sound Pres. Edw. H.
Todd, Dean Rey G. Drewry.
Charles A. Bobbins, John D. Reg
aster, J. S. Bell. Samuel Weir,
F. G. WllUston, O. F. Henry.
: Whitwort Pres. Ward W. Sul-
. A A . I IT.Ia.
KM;w 7 Z;vrrZ aZ M marooned on a small island in
Free. W. 8. Brooks; Gooding eol-1 fh. a f-a
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct.
(AP) A not purporting to ba a
eall for help from a IS -year-old
lege Pres. Charles W. Tenney.
Willamette Pre. Carl G.
Doney, Dean Frank M. Erlckson,
all faculty members.
StaU Supt. Charles A. Howard. K a
tha Hawaiian group and found ln
a medicine bottle picked up en
tha sand spit outside Sllets bay
waa exhibited her today by A. A.
Donaldson, Oklahoma city lum-
Oregon Institute of Technology!
Edward J. Clark.
Mr. Donaldson said ba found
tha bottle and its message while
ha was exploring the spit this
week. The note,-printed in pen-
ell, was partly undecipherable be
cause tha paper had been wet.-It
-MEXICO CITT. Oct. 8. (AP)
-Arch bishop Pascual DIas was I read:
fined 600 pesos today for viola- "S. O. S. July 22, 1882. I am
.. tlon of the religious law requiring I marooned on a small island some
the registration of priests. , I where near the Hawaiian group.
ftra for being drank. One et the I Ue a HI Y group tha ttrtt elub armamenU would be taken up. j Aftef ehecklng tt peUtions
rial- trrina tt nnmi hta nartnar I bain atrtai1 la 11 B under Har- I ' I a m.jh-- .... its names more
Food enough for x xz weeks. Stnd a sUggertng attempt at old EaWn. It baa functioned eon- kmfLOYMKNT GAD?8 11U quired, tha city
help. 18-year-old girl, inNU boarding tha angina was himself tlnnoatly tinea that time axeept dm MOINES, Oetr recorder submitted them to City
rTe"' being dragged toward tha tracks for last year whan the organlxa- Employment In Iowa a.u!'"'7 Attorney William H. Trindla for
a a a m ak aai aa . - ai a-AB ai . v a m. w am aka. a . a. sa aw am. a ran mm wasa - - . . a
APPOrXTMENT MADB wnan poiica arrive-. umeen moo tnD wr c. Kainea -7- r0TMrtttA. a ballot uue.
ontTT iMn n.. r I averred the men eertainlv would I est.
(AP) F i t a Oregon residents tha angina bad
a a - at I V W ibSl Jk PI affl If
aava aeceptea appointments aa ai-1 vr . . I rr'vf v a?
fleers tn tha United SU tea rmy I to""' I HHlSDOrO Man
reserve corps, aecoraing to wora i "- " "- -
received here today from tha I imaginary animaia eonjarea
ninth aorpt area headquarters at tha effects of -dehorn'
San Francisco vraaldlo. iturea aioonoi.
Included among tha five xa I
Stanley Wallace Price, 444 North
Cottage street, Salem, rank ef sec
ond lle-Unant in tha eoast artil
lery reserve.
Hinhwau Commission Will
-Oatiag at l-s v j j
'SJL Oppose Raid on Its Fund
Driver to Find
Furniture Burnt
- TORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 8
(AP) Candidates for offices in
tha Northwest Society of Highway
Engineer! were nominated at the
Strenuoua opposition f to m
.A-A--va a a I . . K.a m ui him -a
WH a.l,l.lo, VII v., utl. 1 utcAAAA-..- ... . am nt
.-. Tt.,..a '.v.. l-i,a-. ... I t.atnn will meet any attempt
Loan associations af tha state on tha part at other state depart-
.V.-ta ..rfl.l..t. .'V. I maata ta divert -UnOS OI VliV
OnComintrHomeUt tit Federal Home Loan bank highway department for the oper
KJ11UIUIU I M pM8Md lm a r68oluUon aUon or expansion of their re-
adapted by tha Oregon League of speetlve mncaons. ib-
. . . .. ... I D-tlAt-a .-a T-taa aa. I aata hv T.lia M. SCOtC Chairman
engineer were nommatea at tne i wnen ueorge u. ovvui, mui ""'." r i .vir ,..f-
Quarterly dinner of the organlxa- truck driver, returna ta alt bouse todaUont at their annual eon- of the wmmisstoiu wband yea-
Uon here tonight. Tha election I at 138- North ,2 1st itmt au uw iv i. J ttT.I hrtV-A di-
will ba held at tha Januaixmaet- morning ba will find his daven- -f H. M.- Partoa at HUJ"boro was Henry M. Hmm , Utt . badge! . di-
I . -r a a a- I ataatad DFaMmt af tha 1aaa-a I -a.fn- an if othar State OiliCiais.
ing. i pon cnima ana conaua uunuir i ---. r - . , V av -.-a v.-
Nomlnatlont follow: gone np ta smokr. Nelghbort taw tucceedlng R. A. Schramm at Scott declared that "'"a-0
a t ttt.v m m. .i .v. v . a I Pnrtiasii. , ' I ranoTtA had reached members oi
i.-a anii iiw a-n-t . x-t I -ai.v ta. ivi .aiimji fiM-u I Other officers aleeted follow: I tha highway commitsion, tnat a
OH. a VII W WAV".. . MAAAAV, V-. AUVIUV.I " ' I - . . A . -
tamvi. -4aa-ata.- v-t.- I iv.. ....a .-a .-,. -.v ,v. I Raoator Tt. T JRAAt of Rossbarc. I nnmber of state deparunentt were
Glenn of Corvallls and J. W. Nash fire before tha elty flghtera ar- first vice president: Kirk Rey- hard pressed for tanda, and that
of Salem; for treasurer. F. T. rived. noldt of tha tUta eorporaUon if- an effort might ba made to e
Young of Oregon City and C. G. How tha first started eonld not partment, re-elected secretary; vert tome of tha BBor.
t.i. . Tt..4. 4i.a.t-. a v. Ji..-, vttti. .vm Parann Schramm. T4n H. Hazen. eommlaaion for their operations.
E. Bate of Vancouver. Wash-1 ago resulted axeeptlng that done Portland; Senator Eddy and Rey I la ona or two eases, tha state e
and W. A. Reeves of Salem, r by tmoka. . I noldt, axecuUva board. I partmenU Interested ta obtaining
Bandit is Slain
Aiterl Wounded
In Wild Pursuit
(AP) Two gunmen attempting
to rob a downtown Jewel aousa
were run down, by police today
and ona of them killed after a
mad three mile automobile ebasa
across town, ln which aevan other
persons, including a mother and
bar daughter, were shot or in
flate high' funds were said to ferci
haV- .Toanded money In excess I Jred.-
" - . a a I "T rtatk aaaa rksa Unix -Tsll lflUIUlira
.cm- to-a. inj. .t .rtmua
.7r -a.i that art denartmanta cauoa at w or man Townsena, it,
uiaaK " . - .- . .. I . rAAl a4 K,V MtiV.,
ahaniii nnar-ta witnin tnair na- v, .uk.
sett, and that -trading funds
J . . a m. .1a-aaJI Tt (
aaouta nw .'' " -r ir . r- a
points out that tne pr; I OZail NOl BUUZ
DIfUWI CVIIII III miva uaa jrv. ,
strictly wuam lit rereauea, a
tbna tar baa been able to meat Its
obligations aad continue eonstrae-
tioa operations witaout reaort-ug
ta bond istnaa. Tbeaa obllgatlona
taelnded heavy bond retirements
and Interest due em October 1 at
this year. Scott repeatedly baa de
clared that ba was opposed to tha
Issuance of additional bonds for
state highway operatlona anlats
tueb action la absolutely neces
sary ta meat tha requirements of
... a..a a a . . .. a
! By Linen Mill
- eBmmmmmaBafaSBmae
Tha MUet linen eompaay Is not
going lata tha fish buslaeet. Hv
stead et erecting a stall for a fish
market, tha company baa merely
leased a small plot of ground
which It awns, along tha Portland
road, to persons who plan to op
orate a market there. Yesterday
morning's piper erroneously lut
ed that tha Miles eompaay was
tha pablie and tha administration, erecting tha bunding.