The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 08, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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-ho OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Saturday Morning October 8, 1932
Salem Heights Children
Name OrvlIIa Beardsley
. Leader of Year ,
Th first "Current Brent" club
meeting of th serenth and eighth
grades was held Friday under the
superrlslon ot Cecil Wlegand,
principal. A program committee
was appointed by the newly elect
ed president as follows: Clear
Bartlett. - Florence - Ball, v Julia
Stewart and Fay Rlmley, Orrttle
Beardsley was elected sons leader
for the year. Florence Ball.
George Wright, Clear Bartlett
aad Ramon a Nixon were elected
yell leaders.
'The name ot the club is "News
ot the ' Nation Current Brents
clnb". Th officers of th clnb for
this year are: president. Orrllle
Beardsley. rice president; Clear
Bartlett, secretary; Betty Biles.
The health work this year Is to
be handled by the children as so
cialised ' recitations.
Dorothy Datton. fifth and sixth
grade teacher has completed the
organization of th Campflre Girls
o-nA tVi nttlrara nhran tnr tha
y school year are: Lillian Berg,
president; Irene Fischer, rice
president; Muriel Robinson, secretary-treasurer.
"Miss Dutoon re
ports that th girls sine the first
meeting hare become rery much
Interested in the work.
Wanda Phillips, third and fourth
grade teacher has Just completed
th organization ot her rlolin
school orchestra and reports a
membership of 12 pupils the
first lesson to be giren next Tues
day. Hjlda Foster, primary teach
er has organized a school basket
ball team anor sererai practices
hare already been had. Miss Fos
ter will also be in charge of other
athletics actirities in the school.
'Members of the community
club are considering the possibil
ity of using th community hall
for the basketball games when
bad weather sets id this being
tae procedure taken by other
nearby communities.
.Tuesday and Thursdays of each
week- Miss O'Dell and Miss Cle
ment, practicing music teachers
of Willamette unlreralty will con
duct classes in the Heights school.
'Cecil Wlegand, principal re
" ports that the total enrollment
new totals ios pupils, many com
ing In since prune picking is
With City Attorney Trlndle
still "busy" with other matters
and th legal limit of fir days
" .not expired, the proposed repeal
measure for resubmitting th
$1,509,000 water bond issue to
'the people was yet in his -bands
led the petitions for repeal Wed'
; nesdsy by City Recorder Mark
( iPoulsen and asked to prepare a
' ihaiiot title.
i Trlndle is exoected to finish
!the title some Mm today In or
der that Poulsen may file the pe
titions with County Clerk Borer
and ask him to put the repeal
measure on the sen oral election
! ballot. Boyer baa indicated he
iwlll ask legal adrlc before act-
inir. It la nrnhflhla th mal4r
iwlll go before the attorney-gen'
eral Inasmuch as authorities are
vdiTlded on whether the state law
requirements of a 45-day time
-.limit before flung a petition shall
, govern or whether the city or
dlnanco S 0-day limit shall pre-
(Continued from peg 1)
Y. Jenkins received a. tolemm
from Mathew Brady, district at
torney at Ban Francisco, saying
'be would recommend a rrand
Jury Inquiry of the man's story
ii a means tne trip of his own
iree wiu.
; Dr. Kelly Answers
College Questions
: In Chapel Address
At least three ralld answers ex
ist to the question "Why go to
College", declared Dr. Robert L.
Kelly, Thursday morning tn a
- chapel address to Willamette uai
.veraltv students. Dr. icll 1
.reUry of th Association of Amer-
'a . ...
ican colleges ana is in the city lor
.me norinwest meeting of col' ego
executtres which convenes today.
The opportunity In the tour
years in colleg to find some con
suming vocational interest, the
chance to derslep evocations! in
terests and the "grounding in the
.faith of your father and moth
ers" is available for all liberal
arts students. Dr. Kelly said. De
; spit current criticism of the eol
' leges they are doing worthwhile
work, be averred.
WATERLOO, la.; Oct 7-( AP)
The Mt, Angel College stock
,farm at Mt. Angel, Ore., was
awarded second place In the one-year-old
bull class la the Holstein
Hrision of . the National ; Dairy
"Cattle congress. : - V -
r: NEW YORK, Oct. 7 (AP) -Bradstreet's
reported that busi
ness failures in September were
'29 per cent under August and,
for the first time in nearly a year.
were eelow fhoso of the corres
ponding month last year.
The Call
Todsy Bostsr Keaton In
"Speak Easily.- Midnight
nrarlaw af "The Crash-
TodayTim McCoy tn "Th
Texas Cyclone.
Today Hoot Gibson la "A
Man's Land. Midnight
DMTltv "nhtmlM-a of
High school boys from all orer
th ralley will eonren at th T.
M. C. A. Sunday tor th Willam
ette ralley Hl-T institute, start
ing at 10 a.m. and lasting until
K in the afternoon. It is not ne
cessary for representatires at th
meeting to be members of th
Hi T. Program leaders here for
th institute will be Henry Rlch
ter ot Portland, Fred Crosby ot
rortiana, Charles Crumley ot
Oregon Btate college and
Matthew Thompson, Ashland T.
Th Hl-T was originated as a
moral uplift tor th high school
boy, and as an aid to his school
work. Its purpose is four-fold
it stress th four side of a
man's lite th social, intellec
tual, physical and devotional.
Salem high school started this
branch ot th T. M. C. A. pro
gram about li years ago. being
th first school in th northwest
to organize such a group. It was
continued up until last rear.
when mainly through lack of in
terest in the work, it was drop-
pea, a more . is being mad to
Bring back th organization this
year, and Principal Fred Wolf of
the high school; Bob Read, stu
dent body president, and C. A.
Kells, T. secretary, met Thurs
day to talk orer plans. Its forma
tion, this year will depend entire
ly upon the Interest shown br
the boys.
Orerriding objections ot the re
construction corporation. South
Trimble, clerk ot the house ot rep
resentatires, today made pnblie
its second monthly report, show
ing that loans aggregating f 181,-
309,310 were authorised In Au
gust. Contrary to the contention
of Atlee Pomerene, chairman of
the corporation's board, that th
nonse clerk was without authority
to release th reports, Trimble
said the Garner-Wagner relief act
"does not glre me any discretion
to withhold these reports."
The report showed that $111,
377,141 was adraneed to finan
cial institutions, Including insur
ance companies and railroads, la
August for relief purposes, gor
ernors of states were authorized
to borrow f 13,911, til. The Amer
ican cotton coeperatire associa
tion was authorized to borrow
SIS.OOt.OM aad the cotton stabil
ization corporation $16,000,000.
Dp to September 21, these last
three sums had not been dis
Checks covering the final dlvi
dend in th liquidation of th
Bank of Sherwood, were issued
Thursday by A. ATSehramm, state
superintendent ot banks.
These checks cover a dividend
ot t.2 per cent on deposit claims
la the commercial department and
3.2 per cent In the savings depart
ment. The total disbursement was
$13,257.99. Dividends aggregat
ing SS per cent In the commercial
department and 35 per cent in the
sarin rs department nrevionslv
1 were paid.
Deposit claims tiled In the com
mercial --department totalled
$14 , 186. 91. with claims in the
sarin rs department aggregating
Completion ot the liquidation
proceedings was delayed sererai
months because of supreme court
Smith to Stump
For Roosevelt
In Four States
Alfred 15. Smith will campaign
for a democratic victory in Mas
sachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode is
land and New York.
Delegations from these states
supported him in the Chicago con
rention. and Massachusetts and
Rhode Island gar him their elec
toral rotes la 1928.
Although It was announced, la
Illinois Smith would speak' there,
it was learned be has not added
that state to th Mst,
DALLAS, Oct. 7 Girl's gym
classes at Dallas hisrh are
engaged In playing: a series of
piaygrouna aan games on the
campus. This series is being
played under the direction of
Miss Helen Hull. ffrrg : physical
education teacher. As soon as
the stormy weather sets in the
girl's gym eissees will bo held
indoors whero they will work on
olloy ball.
Season's Work to be Opened
At That Time; Farm
... Thieves Appear
Willard Woman's dub will tak
UP th year's work Thursday, Oc
tober 10. Th first meeting, to bo
held at th bora of th new
president, Miss Vra Otto way,
will b president's aad taost day.
Th club will study England, Scot
land and Ireland and in additlCs
will take up the lire and wori
ot Oregon authors.
Other officers tor th year ar:
Vice-president, Mrs. P. J. Neus
wanger; secretary. Mrs. Robert
Bye; treasurer, Mrs. C. R. Rich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand. Rao,
who sold their farm la Brans Val
ley la July, moTed this week to
th A. A. Geer farm bom aad
will take car of th place this
winter. Th Goers ar In Salem.
A record-breaking crowd at
tended the William Kaufman farm
sal Tuesday. Articles brought
good prico and bidding was brisk.
Farmers in this neighborhood
are keeping a close watch on their
property after bearing . of two
places being visited by thieves. B.
B. Ray bad bis gas tank drained
aad th next night someon re
moved the lock from th Frank
Bowers garage door. They wer
probably frightened away, as they
carried th lock with thorn. .
Delia Kellerhal underwent aa
operation tor appendicitis Monday
at Salem Geaeral hospital. -
Disposition of th cases ot
Rhea Luper, former state en
gineer, under indictment tor us
ing interest from stat funds for
himself, and of Charles Archerd,
indicted for Issuing talso ware
house receipts, will b before
Judge L. H. McMahan when be
sets th docket for th October
term of court hero next Mon
day. Luper was la court sererai
months ago but has nerer en
tered a formal plea to his in
dictment. The first Indictment
returned against him was de
clared inralid when the grand
Jury which returned th indict
ment was held not to hare been
properly continued by Judge Mc
Archerd has pleaded not guilty
to his Indictment. His counsel
mored at th last term ot court
for a continuance which was
granted. He Is now living near
Grants Pass but was in Salem a
few weeks ago.
A nnmber of ciril claims are
being adjudicated in federal
court in Portland this week, th
claims growing out ot warehouse
receipts held by depositors with
Archerd who wer unable to se
cure their goods apon demand.
Wanted persons who hare suf
fered from infantile paralysis to
glre their blood tor immunizing
serum. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas,
county health officer, yesterday
Issued this plea. As no animal
serum for preventing this disease
has yet been found, human serum
is the only alternative.
This serum wonld be used
chiefly to lnnoeulat persons who
became exposed to infantile para
lysis. Its value Is as a prerentlre
rather than as a treatment after
the disease is contracted. Dr.
Douglas Is desirous of obtaining
a supply ot the serum tor emer
Four cases of infantile paraly
sis hare recently appeared, three
near Silverton, in young children.
and on between Salem and 811
rerton. In a 16-year old boy. "
Re judging Gives
Third Prize to
" Son of Dr. Davis
Due 'to an error made In" the
age ot on child entered, rejudg
ing in the boys' dirlslon of the
KenneiEllls- Oregon Statesman
photQgraphI contest became ne
cessary. Monty, three-year old
son of Dr. and Mrs. C. Ward
Daris was awarded third place,
whereby ho-will receive the book
prise from the Atlas Book store
First is Joseph, son of Mr. and
Mra. J. A. Jacobs, aad second,
Glenn Lee. son of Mr. and Mrs.
E..D. Boyer.
Th boy eliminated from the.
oontest, tt was discovered, was
orer the age limit.
- ' -
Grand Jury Meet
Is Set Back Day
Because next Wednesday Is Co
lumbus day, th Marion county
grand Jury will reconvene Instead
on Thursday morning, at It
o'clock. Foreman Arthur H.
Moore announced last night.
When the Jury adjourned late last
week, the date tor next meeting
had been set for October 12.
Dentists Gather
; First Time, Fall
1 ' Th Marton-Polk-Yamhm Jin
tal society win hold its first meet
Is ot th fan at the Bohemlsa
restaurant at t:Sfr o'clock tonight,
according to Secretary C Ward
Daris. Members who attended the
Pacifle coast dental conference at
Seattle last July will rsport on the
Is Tomorrow
DALLAS, Oct. T Dedication
sorriee for th new Sereath Day
Adrentlst church ea Washington
street ar scheduled for Sunday
October 9, at 8 p. m. This an
nouncement was mad by Rer. C
J. Cole, pastor ot the local church.
Rer. Geo rg W. Petti t. a. mis
sionary who recently returned
from India, will preach th ded
ication sermon. H will as as
his subject, Th Awakening But
Its Meaning,1" which .will tell
th meaning of Ghandrs opposi
tion to England's rul ot India,
Th new church was built, to re
place th on which was destroyed
by tiro a tew months ago. The
ehnreh was on ot the buildings
ueetroyea coring in ouioreaa OZ
Incendiary fires her.
(AP) A general feeling that
Oregon State's grid eleven enter
tains strong hopes ef banding
the TJnirsrsity ot Southern Cali
fornia football team Its first de
teat tomorrow swept tnto the
Trojan stronghold as Coach Paul
Sehissler brought his St players
her today.
Th Bearers declined th prir-
Ileg ot a preliminary workout.
hut instead war entertained at
chalk talk in th afternoon,
and ther was aono ot th talk
of other years that Oregon State
was primed for th Trojans. All
hands admitted the outlook, was
bad for th Bearers. Schissls
took his annual drubbing at golf
from Coach Howard Joas,
Southern California meator and
smiled, for be snared two bir
dies while shooting a 92 against
85 for th head man.
Ther was no change la th
hospital list at Troy, with Bob
Erskine, Ernie Smith, Aaron Ro
senberg, Dirk Barber, and Larry
Stevens not expected to so ac
tion. Coach Sehissler announced
that Arnold Helkeaen, who was
to. hare started at right end, did
not make the trip south, being
detained by his brother's death.
Rev and Mrs. Guy Drill were
welcomed to their work in th
First Christian church at aa en
thusiastic reception held Wednes
day night in th ehurch parlors.
About 250 attended Including
members and friends of th
church. For th churches ot th
city. Dr. Grover C. Birtchet ot
the First Presbyterian church ex
tended greetings. Rev. R. V. Wll
son, pastor of tbe TJaited Breth
ren church also spoke.
Ed Townsend, a veteran mem
ber ef tbe church, reviewed the
history of th organisation. An
Interesting feature was the en
trance of the bey scout troop No.
4, tn uniform. This troop 1s spon
sored by th church. A vocal
duet was given by John Schmidt
Jr.. sad Lorn Plammer. Rev.
Drill, who has com from Pen
dleton to undertake this paster
ate, and Mrs. Drill responded
aad outlined something of what
they hope to accomplish in their
service fa th enure a.
A pleasant social hoar followed
the formal program.
Police Discover
Holdup Suspect
Has Pen Record
Communicating with Seattle
police by telephone yesterday, Sa
lem officers yesterday found that
William Simons, who with John
H. Rautlo is suspected of baring
held up J. S. Albert. 888 Mill
street, Thursday night, has a no
lle and penitentiary record Jn
tbe state to the north. Both men
refuse to answer questions and
stock to their story-that they had
como hero from Portland by stag
aad ar on rout to San Fran
cisco. This morning th pair probably
will bo taken before Municipal
Judge Poulsen to enter plea to a
charge of being intoxicated. Po
lice ssy th two men were drunk
on barbatol when arrested after
the hold-up. Albert's watch, taken
by his accosters, was found la
yard yesterday.
Many Rainbows
Are Planted in
County Streams
Tea thousand more rainbow
trout were planted in SUrer creek
yesterday and lt.ttt win be
placed la the Ablqua this after
noon by state game commission
workers, Earl Adams, Marlon
county sportsman who Is assist
ing, t ported last night. Tbe Sil
ver creek load of three-inch fln
gerliags were placed over a three
mil stretch starting half a arils
above Silverton.
Before the end ot th fan, 309v
00 1 more fish wfll be planted la
county streams, he said.
TURNER, Oct. 7 Mr. and Mrs.
O. W. Fsrrls and son. Leonard re
turned Sunday night from their
three weeks' trip to Alberta. They
visited two daughters and their
families. -
. ,. All ycm'vi hoped for la
Gmgh Shop medicated with
V VaooRus
ST. PAUL. OcL 7 Mrs. Ann
Marten ot Salem accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. John Darldsoa left
Taesday morning for Redmond,
where they will visit with Dr. and
Mrs. Ray Jones. Dinner guests at
the home ot Mr. and Mrs. B. C.
Davidson Sunday wer Miss Leoaa
Davidson of Portland end If r. &d
Mrs. Albert McKay and children.
BODDie. nary jan aad Bilil ot
Champoeg." " '
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dreber aad
ehlldroni Marie Robert and Jo,
Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Louis La
Bount returned fram TOaMnmt
Miss Theresa Ernst, th daughter
oi w. and Mrs. O. H. 'Ernst, is
spending a "vacation in Portland.
Miss Ames Vande Wlel la vis
iting at th J. O. McKlllipp resW
uene. maunc smith and Lester
Kirk returned from deer hnntinr
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Eaton re
turned Monday from a trip to the
aoi springs.
DALLAS, Oct, 7 As th result
of aa accident occurring at th
Junction ot th Salt creek aad
Perry dale road yesterday, Mrs.
Clinton Cenklia Is la th Dallas
hospital suffering from a crushed
skull. Her condition Is reported
as serious and her chances tor re
covery slight.
Mr. Conklia was driving; the ear
in which were riding besides his
wife, Mr. aad Mrs. Cler Sears ot
Sand lake. Not being familiar
with th road, Mr. Conklia is ho
llered to bar driven at too great
a speed down the Dunlaa hill with
th result h failed to make the
turn at th bottom. Th car
struck th loos grsrel and turned
over oa its top. Mrs. Conklia was
thrown through the door aad
pinner under th machine.
David C. Herron
Called by Death;
Services Sunday
SILVERTON Oct. 7 David
Cornelius Herron, died at Silver
ton this morning at the hem of
his sister. Mrs. Jennie Gibson at
117 MTmat Vftla atrAt at AS
o'clock. Funeral services will be
at Wllsonville, Or., Sunday aftr-
nooa ana interment will also ie
there. UnMl 12: St th body win
bo at th Larson A Son chapeL
Herron was born at Middletoa.
Oregon. December 7, 18C8. Be
sides his sister here he is survived
by on ether brother.
School Teachers
Guests at Annual
Church Gathering
popl ot the Calvary Presbyter
ian church held their annual tall
get-together social la th bass
meat of the church Friday night.
Th faculties of the high school
and th trainlac school were th
special guests ot th erenlng.
A group ot students from Al
bany college pat oa a program of
vocal sad Instrumental music and
readings as part ot tho entertain
ment feature ot tho evening. Th
Presbyterian students of Mon
mouth Normal were also special
guests that evening and cars wer
provided to assure their attend
ance, a large crowd attended.
Class for Younger
Married People is
Organized. Gervais
GERVAIS. Oct. T A wHm,
ot members of tho Presbyterian
aunany scnooi met Tuesday night
at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Rnk.
ert Harper to organize a young
mamea people's Sunday school
class. J. D. Brow was ml--A
president; J. O. Adams, rice-prea-
laenz, ana Mrs. Ross Cutsforth,
Those nresent war Ifr. ad
Mra.. Ralph Harper. Mr. and Mrs.
oss uuuiorta, Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine
Brown. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Adla-
son, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. GraQoas. Mrs.
A. B. Mlnsker. Mra. Bart Rark-ev
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper.
Library at Gervais
Open Twice Weekly
GERVAIS. Oct 7 Ti." !-
ealatlnx library wUl bo opoa
Tuesday and Friday afternoons
xrom to 5:00 as it was last
year, beglnalng this week. Mrs.
Virginia Booster, bead librarian,
aad Mrs. M. D, Henalng: win b
la share darlnr GetAhmr. Thm
ar 175 a books la th library,
covering all subjects. .
Last Day
Taesday Only
Teacher Has
Praises For
New System
BETHEL, Oct. 7 Mrs. Car
mailt WeddJ. teacher of Beth!
school, made preparation, during
th summer vacation, for teaching
tho school by the new method
evolved by Mrs. Fulkerson The
school Is aow In tho second week
and Mrs. Wed die Is very much
pleased with th success of th
new venture and declares It a
wonderful time saver.
Th first four grades ar
taught In th regular, way. but
th mora advanced grades ar
combined and th subjects ar
combined' most interestingly and
The. pupils are giren tests at
th beginning of th achool year
so that tho weak subjects msy bo
brought ap during th year, rath
er thaa to giro the tests at th
close of the year and perhaps al
low a pupil to fail.
Tho bora of the n
are building and painting a stage
coach. Ther mv work- ft Ha,
they bar completed their studies
tor u a ay, ir they bare made
good grades. s
Th third and fonrth mitM
ar making maps of th conti
nents ia moaennf clay.
Pupils doing eighth .grade
work are Lois Hsmriek. Gertrude
Froehllck, Clarence Boling, Dean
Lauderbaek and Edward Scbnls.
The beginners are Norma June
Botes, Lorraine Klrseher and Dor
othy Froehllck. Pupns who ar
newcomers in tn district are Wil
liam aad Walla c Kirk.
Increase of Five
Pupils Over Last
Year, Millershurg
group f men are hm? itinriinr
th south sld of th roof ot
in kv angelical church this
Week. The Cathalla rhnrrh wtn
also bars a aew ahtngted root
put on, before th rainy weather
sets In.
Tho Millershurg school four
miles southwest ot Jefferson
began last week with an Itmut
of fir pupils over last years
registration. The primary class
haeladesr David Meeker, Phillips,
Boanlo Arnold. Jackie Wright
man. Delbert Wilson end Llnvd
Johnson; two pupils. Donna Lou
rarls. and Normal Barnes, wha
formerly attended eehnal t rw
vor, are attending MIHersburg
scnooi this year.
Reorganization of
Card Club Slated;
Church Meal 27th
GERVAIS. Oct 7 Th Com.
inanity Stt club will meet at the
Masonic hall next Tuesday night,
October 11. to orcanlza for the
winter season. Mrs. M. D. Hea-
nmg ana Miss Sophie Nibler will
act as hostesses. All rami mm-
bera and these wishing to become
memoers ar invited to attend.
The date for tbe PrMhrteHin
women's chicken pie supper has
been chanred tn Tharsdav alcfcr.
October XT. because the aa dltor
ium waa taken for th former
data. A good program and excel
lent supper will a tae featares.
Funeral Rites For
Mrs. Towne Today
8ILVERTON. OcL 7 Funeral
sorvfc for Mrs. William Towns.
wh died Thursday morning will
bo held from the Jaek aad Ekman
chapel Saturday afternoon at 1
o'clock with Interment at th Mil
ler cemetery, past Matrons of the
oruer ot tho Eastern Star will be
ia charge of tho services.
If Af0wncdTfeatre TjV
Homo of 25c Talkie
Mickey Blouse alallnee
Today 1:30 P.M.
First Shewing Ia Salem
Also Sidney aad Marry Cesnedy
News. Cartoon Ooasody and
Serial Tb Slmdoar of tho
Attend oar Nino o'clock Show
aad Ttosssla tor osv MidnJto
llstlnes 11:15 Free
Cosntsx Sanday Moa. Tfaea,
rcoi imi
- with
fcT I ft I m im
GERVAIS. Oetl Th Par ant.
Teacher association met a.t thm
dltorium Monday night to organise
ror ine winter season. Mrs. Ber
tha Barker, tho president, presid
ed. Tho n resident ennainted tr
J. B. Suae. Mra.. Helen "rta do.
lo, Mrs. I A. Essoa. Mrs. A. B.
Aausson ana a. t. wadsworth
oa the membership committee;
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth aad
Mrs. J. A. Ferschweilor, finance;
greeting committee, J. H. Tumble
son, Mrs. Ida MInaker and Mrs.
A. Dejardin; publicity. Mrs. M. D.
Hennlng and Mrs. L V. McAdoo.
mrs. Barker and Mrs. MInaker
served light refreshments and a
abort lmnromota nroKram was
giren. About 21 were present.
Tne association planned a re
eentlon for the achool teachers to
be held next Monday night. A mu
sical program under direction of
Mrs. MInaker will be given and
refreshments served.
Laura Cammack is
Honored Prior to
Sailing For Orient
ROSED ALE. Oct. 7 Mrs. Jssu
sie Plowman of Belllagham.
wash., entertained with a lunch
eon Tuesday noon at tho homo of
her mother la Salem in honor of
Laura Cammack. who is leaving
this month for the orient. A Jap
anese motif was used for table
decorations, with asters and xin-
i nlae as a centerslece. Oneats urea.
lent wer Miss Cammack. Esther
ana Elisabeth stayton. Esther
Spiers. Lillian Frailer and Nellie
Fred Judd has built a nice barn
ea his ranch this summer and Is
now havlnr a small addition mad
oa tho houso. HI new walnut and
liibert orchards are looking fine.
Several parties her have sold
their prunes aad are burr bant
ing them to Salem.
Keller, Rohhins
To Enter Contest
For Medal Honors
PIONEER. Oct. 7 Far Kallar
and Truman Bobbins represented
this community in the W. C. T. IT.
Gold Medal contest held at the
Presbyterian church Friday night.
Tho Dry Defenders held a meet
ing bare Tuesday night The fol
lowinr nrocram was rirea? Or
chestra selections by Ben Lang.
Arthur and Gus Schroeder. Harry
Markwart. Lawrence Turner aad
Jake Voth; ouartet by Dick Bar-
tell, Harry Markwart. John Welb
ana Ben Lang; duet by Mr. and
Mrs. H. Markwart; talk by Mrs.
tt. L. TurrelL resident of the or
ganisation: and Dr. Carnes rare
th address of th erenlng. Dick
Bartell Is tbe captain of this dis
trict. Law Enforcement
On Part Citizens.
Brotherhood Topic
TURNER. Oct. 7 The Meth
odist sfen's Brotherhood mmt
Monday aisht In rexalar month
ly mooting. Tho president. Iran
uaaiey. presides, it was decided
tD larito Clrd Winiamaan. at
Albany to como at a later date
aad give a report ot his trip to
tno last general conference. Rer.
IN. Sherman Hawk gare a hu
S i
n 2'
s -
7 ogether!
The scroeas greatest
lovers ... America's
foremost artrea aad
tend star la their
Creates screen tri
smaph ... far sbmw
thriUtec, thaa MTho
Rich Are Always With
ftrrtrirtr-t szar n rr'nh.
morous raadlnx Th Educated
Shirt. Lillian Peterson gave a
piano solo with accompaniment
by Katharine Hawk, Mrs. tooso
gave a vocal solo and was accom
panied by Mr. Tooso. -,
Fred J. Toots. Jr ores Id eat
ot th Marloa county Christlaa
federation was tho guest spoaser
who used tor his subject. "Th
Cltisa's Part la Law Enforce
Budget Meeting of
Bethel School : is
- Slated on Monday
v v - t
BETHEL, Oct" 7 A meeting
ot v&troua ot th Bethel school
district Is called tor Monday
night, October It, at t o'clock.
This Is a budget meeting end a
special meeting will bo held at
the same time. S. Hamrlck, chair
man of tbe school board, desires a
fuU attendance,
Tho continued dry weather Is
holding up the fall farming bad
ly. Silo filling is being done at
the J. M. Nichols farm, and tho
Klrseher Brothers outfit Is cutting,
ensilage at tho Chapman farm.
The Zake-Kuneiter wood saw has
Just completed 1 big Jobs st tho
farms ot J. B Carruthers, A. R.
Darr and George Bahnses.
Farmer Union Group
Has Listen-in Party
MARION. Oct. 7 Mrs. A. F.
Larky and children Albert Jr
Frances, Wendell and Laurance.
have moved to Corrailie to stay
with her mother. Mrs.' Morgan for
tho winter and to send tbe chil
dren to school.
A number of Farmer Union
numbers assembled at th Elsy
Piekard homo last night to listen
to the Farmers Union program
ever KOAC. Th Marion Union
orchestra played. Those In tho
party were, Mr. aad Mrs. Fred
Sehermaeber. Warren Gray, Rose
Hntton aad tho host sad hostess,
Mr. and Mrs. Piekard. '
Student Body Votes
to Print Own Paper
The first regular student body
meetlag was held Wednesday to
discuss plans for obtaining a new
machine for printing th Margold
News, school paper. It was decid
ed to get a mimeograph. The dra
matic club, the Margold club and
the student body ar to stand tho
expense. The machine now in us
is worn out.
It was also decided to hare
programs every ether week be
fore asembly. Th senior are to
give the first program.
VALSETZ. Oct. 7 Hanso Posh
ing and family hare mored into
tho house formerly occupied by
Bfttner Haddelstos. Friends ot
Donald Deaao will bo glad to
kaow ho is improving and will re
turn home soon.
Buster Keatoo says,
e me as
Mickey Moose Club
Satarday, 1 ML, fat
Chapter Two-"Jaagie Mystery
Last Times Today PI
Face and a Nose . .
put them to
gether and yon ,
have the funni
est picture on
record 1 1AUGH
Ml , m j !HA,