Waiter Johnson Not to Manage Washington Club in 1933 UCM1T Clark Griffith Declines to Discuss Matter; Maple Expresses Regret WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. (AP) Walter Johnson Is oat as man ager ot the Washington American League club. . Clark Griffith, owner ot the Senators announced tonight he bad decided to make a change. He aid he had no one in mind as - Johnson's successor. Johnson, one ot the greatest pitchers that the game has ever known, had .managed the Wash ington club since 1929. Ail nis mayor league career has been snent with the Washington ciuo. He serTed as manager ot the Xew- ark club in the International league in 1923. his only departure from the big time. LEADS DUCKS AGAINST HUSKIES Regret that Walter Johnson would not be in charge of the Washington club next season was expressed here Tuesday night by Howard Maple, member of t h Washington catching staff the past season. "Johnson has always been a credit to baseball and I am sorry to see him go." Maple said. When Maple returned here re cently to resume his work in the athletic department at Willamette unlTersity, at a time when rumors that Johnson might be replaced had apparently died down due to the team's rapid Irive toward the top of the list late in the season. Maple declared that all of the players worked hard for Johnson and that there had been bo dis sension on the club. N The Sena tors finished in tWrd place be hind New York and Philadelphia. 1 o 1 . . ; It. CS-.vfa'iji'. ' ' , x r ? OLD WRI5TL0GK DDES ITS WORK Denied his Revenge Parrish Meets Salem B Squad Parrish Junior high school's football team will enter Its first competition ot the year Thursday afternoon at 3:30 on dinger Field when it plays the Salem high "B" team. Coach Harold Hauk, with an almost entirely new squad, fears that his boys will not show much polish on this occasion, but his games with out- of-town teams start next week and this game was scheduled to give the players an idea what it is all about. toe hold. encounters by Brentano, who had abondoned his usual grin and went Into this bout In deadly earnest. J Newton did most ot the son- nenberglng which relieved the monotony of this exchange ot holds, hut Brentano made his Barrackman Blocks it Most first round Jack butted the Prof. nt n..A u.. 1 out ot the ring and when the edu Ul DUUl uui JUIies IIUl ctor came back, badly shaken. Brentano pinned him In short order The second round lasted a mln- Mervln Barrackman figured out nte longer and ended when New ! a "break" for Henry Jones' fam- ton Taried his short arm scissors ous whin wristloek and stonned with a reverse wnicn prevented it cold;, but he slipped once and I Brentano from breaking it with a rones won. retting his revenue toe noia. for a previous beating. In the third round Brentano That MAnt tnr ni-i managed to throw Newton out or wind of flying feet and elbows uu 7. which prevented either grappler r times and Newton was pretty from rttfnr mnrh ftf . YnA I badly used up. Finally, in break- throuithout most of the match. 1 no,d' Brentano kicked New- intt hnt tii. ti. f t.- ton clear over the top rope and - j - - i . i . dar nlsht'a main Tent at th wnen n cam oaca ia ume. trmnrr. pinned him again Henry was Jast a little more - Charlie Castro of San Fran Tieious than nsual and hm didn't cisco, was introduced as the Span confine his rough work to kicking "h weiterweigni cnampion. wun and elbow Jabbing; sereral Umes tn Intimation left unexpressed In the first round it looked very mai ne win d maicnea wun much as though his "slaDDlne" Jones nere oeiore long was done with closed fists, and I on one of these occasions Referee Harrington Jerked him up so roughly that Henry squared off rith the arbiter but nothing came ot It. Barrackman, looking much stronger and In better condition i than when he was here over a year ago, gave Jones about the busiest S3 minutes of his career in the first round, but Jones fin i ally got him at the end of that time with a short arm scissors They slowed down somewhat in Finding Ends Is Issue For Coach Keene HI N'1 7m i nrm"'1 : FOB LIFE SIMELT (ECyEWTS MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 4. (AP) Myron Ubl fought with his back up against his own goalposts to night, bat the University of Min nesota halfback, critically UL re fused to concede an inchv or a point. For two days he has faced death as a result of pneumonia and an abscessed lung which followed an Injury in football practice with the latest word from his physi CURTIS Hark! The aavil chorus is beginning! Dedicated, aot lov ingly, to Paal J. Hcblssirr of r coarse back of it at all times is that incessant demand for champiOMhlpa which makes very coach's me soa rw bashesu Only one coach owt of the tea la the Coast eoaf ereace caa g4vo real aaUsractioa, aiw the m that did It last 7r also won the ational cham pionship- ' Tha. aame mania reaches Into professional baseball; If Portland had lout out la tbe-eloslng weeks Oregon State. And probably 0f tha recent pennant chase the hni m 1 9 iiia kMM I mir harcabouts woald DO Illled hell go. If the rhoras keeps oa. They generally go. with howU ' and moans, even though the Ducks bad finished .nt hirher than In many Now we are not fond of Mr. I .Mra aB now we have the spec- Schlasler and hold no Bneclal brief i nrit&r TnSnma walkine clans In University nospital say- for him. On several occasions we th6 -lank at Washington, despite Ing simply "he is holding his U.T- been rather vexed at him. 1 vJ.TT i-u. i- third lace re- uui u jusi goes 10 snow now in- i hInd the mnDeuble Tanks a consisieni me anvu cnorus can oe. th Athletics, regarded own." In an outer room throughout the day remained a delegation representing the gopher squad which through Ubl's Illness has lost for this year Its best passer. one ot its most dependable ball carriers, and an outstanding de fense man. broken breast bone, suffered in a practice scrimmage last week. led to Ubl's Illness. Presidents Cup Tourney Nearing First Round End It's not been many years since Schlatter was heralded aa a wonder coach; when be was knocking over ail his interaeo tlonal foe, beating Oregon year after year, giving even the great Call form la schools plenty of trouble. Well for that matter, he hasn't stopped winning Intersections! victories. How many games did he lose last year? Three, to exactly the same teams that beat him the year before; Stanford, U. S. C. and Washington State. Two years alV tabl tie over a year ago as nnbeatabl No. wo won't feel sorry for Schlatter if bo goes. Theao big time boys are in the aanso das with political ornco noiaer; they co into it with their eyes open, accepting the risk for the profit and the pnbUcity. And there doesn't seem ' to t much cause tor pity: tor Schls<r, unless he retires voluntarily as he Is reported to have promised to u. in case he loses to Oregon. tr to collect that salary tor three Several matches have been 1 ago he beat Oregon, last year that I years more, whether he works cr Discovery of more wing talent is the principal aim ot Coach Spec" Keene of the Willamette the second round, which Barrack- Bearcats as he prepares for the man won in eight and one-hair Washington State game at Pnll wlth an arm bar. I man Saturday. The third round was short and "Welnle" Kaiser and Hunt sweet. Jones caught hold of Mer- Clark, the latter a freshman. vln's wrist and the bear handler, I have been doing well In this de- ln attempting to siap it loose, sup- partment but some of the others pea ana went neea over neeis. who essayed to keeD the Wolves Jones came up with the wristloek headed inward last Friday nlrht at last, whipped uarraexman over did not do so well. Clark Is one round bout here tonight. Choco- to within 45 days preceding an a couple of times and then smack- Qf the "casualties" of last week's late, who won nine of the ten election. ed him down with a blow to tne game not previously mentioned. rounds, weizhed 129. Farr 133.1 naff nnminti it an (face, legally open-nanaed tnis i Enamel and Martler. a nair assembly of voters which met at I time, it was enougn to nawen i who have previously been deslg- This la Captain BUI Morgan, Oregon's all-coast tackle, who win lead the Webfootera In their opening conference game at Portland Saturday. Morgan la one of the greatest tackles ever developed at Oregon and to one of the Dock oandldatea for the all-American team. He waa a star in the Husky battle last year, which Oregon wen at Seattle, IS to 9. played in the Salem Golf club's president's cup tournament, but there will be a rush this coming weekend to complete the first round, time for which was extend ed because of the team matches at Eugene last Sunday. In the championship flight Rit ner defeated Lengren. In the third flight Cox defeated Scott Page, I to 4, and H. Smith won from Ash by 3 and X. In the fourth flight Heltzel beat O. Johnson 3 and 1 and Loder beat McOinley 4 and S. In the sixth flight Keenan defeat ed Hartman 1 up. a HEFFRDfJ SEEKS TO E E Eugene September IS. Judge Lewelling gave Hoss un til 10 a.m. October 7 to answer the alternative writ. HAIN GETS BIG ONE W. L. Hain, ot Hain's Top and Body Shop, has reason to stick oat his. chest these days. Sunday on the Siletz river be landed a 32 pound Chinook salmon which measured three and a half feet and was the largest caught that day. Mr. Hain was accompanied by Charlie Jackson of Salem. CHOCOLATE WIXXEtt DETROIT, Oct. 4 (AP) Kid Chocolate, flashy Cuban boxer. won an easy decision over John ny Farr of Cleveland in a 10- Representatives of owners and seamen of the Chilean merchant marine have agreed to rotate F. C. Hef fron of Eugene -yes-1 available Jobs to relieve the un- terday filed a mandamus pro-1 employment situation. coerilnp in thA rSronit court here to compel Hal E. Hobs, secretary MICKEY MOUSE 01 state, to accept nis cercuicaie ot nomination for the office of representative In congress for the third congressional district. , Heffron's certificate was re ceived at the state department here September 1, but was re fused by the secretary of state on the ground that the time for filine expired September 13. The complaint charged that the law under which certificates of nomination are filed is dis criminatory and unconstitutional. 1 The election laws provide that certificates of nomination by as semblies must be filed 55 days prior to the election, while nom inating petitions may be filed up Barrackman out for the fall which I nated as centers, are being tried came In a minute and 15 seconds, at end and both may see action preliminary Bout there, along with Carson. la Likewise lively Erickson, Jones and Drager of Jack Brentano too tne aecia- the-Oregon State came cripoles lng fall from Prof. Newton after are out In suits but so far are an equally wild affair. Both grap- not able to do any running piers were nursing injuries from They will not be used In the previous encounters, and the bout I Washington State game and nei was a succession of short arm I ther will Grannis and Boyd, hurt scissors put on by Newton ana while playing the Teachers. Silverton Team To Come Friday game was a tie. And the Orangetaen started this season by loeiag to Stan ford, which was what most peo ple expected. Bat that's not the point we were trying to make. Whether be wins or losea games rights now, Schissler mast be Jast aa good a roach as be was la the days when be was being landed to the skies. No, the main complaint seems to be that he sent in too many substitutes at Portland last Sat urday and kept people from going home la time for dinner, which probably was good for them. not. It's the Bagthaw sltaatloa ail over again If it really devel op oat of the preaent threat is going to ask. pretty soon, who was the idiot who Invented long term con tracts for football coaches. Game Division Headquarters Will be Here We're not saying the aavil ehoras is all wet; we're Jnst pointing owt that, aa asuaL it is Charles H. McCleese. for tbo past 18 months in charge of tto SILVERTON, Oct. 4 Sll- I pointiag owt that, aa nsnaL it ! "h""" , v " r' " I rerton high school football boy. inconsistent. fVo Portia" tTMamTrn wui go to Salem Friday to meet I O tranfr t mnnnni h the Salem team there. The prob- Probably Schissler brought it cbarw P Pr ni. ante lineup from Silverton will on himself. If be didn't take all f th. -t.t. n,- , n nu UyJ,,hni. 't: vK Ray' !8e h.n'.ly ,a,0n' drap McCleese will continue to direct lg, O. Cllne, It; E. Johnson, c: them all the way along one side the activities of his division froti E Egan. rf : J. Scott, rt; D. Mar- of the field and send nearly all of the Salem office amslon rro" .U..I, n. nous, x; a. jonn- mem into every game, the fans Sergeant J. H. Price has bei son, q; G. Hoyt. rh: C. Morler. 1 wouldn't know be had thm and (r,.. .v. o.i - -- - IV IB. VABldB t nl( III mnoll D.rf1..J A J. r - aMw... I i VI ll,uu UlcLI Itl. 'A Titch Battle" Cross - Word Puzzle ' By EUGENE SHEFFER m Kanked ev AM ARMV OP APES, MICKEY SWINGS INTO ACTION AGAINST iHEL PIPATEJS, "THIS TIME. HE. out numbers! THEM By WALT DISNEY THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye Now Showing "On the Horizon ' i2 13 r b 4 x r r w WZZ2LWZZ. i zzzm --m?-- " . : w "I53" tWZZ ; A VM 11 w 11 1 VJEU.-TrS THAT-1 VUUA..tP Tr UJirAO HOLDS. 3 a . - - ' - ' I -?crn VLHLV..1P Tr Yl i i v i irtinj j I It- I - E T." " w VJG'Re RlO OF 'CM .KIK61 - nouj pjjl ide. dor to the x.rv! rrwb s rAWB 50. BOT I BETS YA AlKT GOT MO UX5RRS lUiCH TRcr&UKc UXWIDNT FIX- TO LOOK. R)R UMEH GETS TO THE. eiCVTH. v 1 i KZ VX FOrAa U0 TOX LOOK FOR f VwVLF- 5UBMeCaEO AHQEHT IMUlMCn riTV r 1 THREE WEEKS LATER. I YAM GOtH" AJjOFT W OUGHT TO BG GETTlNf 50MEWHEB; KtiSR TO VJUHLRE lUEKE COIN By SEGAR l 5EES SUMPtM'T 5EGS SUMPIN' STICKIN' UP OOT of the DCAD AHEAD X LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Time To Start BIoTfag HORIZONTAL 1 laughable 6 barrel- k abapedYee- scl 10 at home 12 musical drama ' 18 issue from a source - ' IS jumbled - yp IS month in the Jewish calendar , 18 tarred pole for warding off evil ' 19 conclusion 21 newspaper paragraph 23 ripped 24 observes 26 eject 28 dance step -'29 wing 81 mountain in Thessalj S3 note of the musical ' scale Si places : where T : caravans rest 88 indefinite ' article 19 Persian . fairy 40 fabulous . Krdof Arabia 41 involuntary twitching 43 tumult 46 theocd- dent 48 man's name BO combat be- tweentwo k ' persons ' '. 82 female of the deer 83 Axed rela . tion of number r 86 reprimand 67 egyptlan sun god r 13 erlastinf 60 stories 62 note of the musical scale 63 wriggling 64 uneven, as if eaten away VERTICAL 1 struggles t aupposa 8 pronoun 4 man's name 6 Mohamme dan inferior judge o pompously 7 part of no be- Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Purxle. m cnjiaaa int. Ka 8 posed for a portrait 9 tie 10 repeat 11 retributive justice 14 above " 17 consumed 20 expensive 22 fail to bit v 25 bit with the open hand 27 former Rus 4 sian ruler 80 declare 82 in order 84 one who ar ranges ban qpets 85 give life to . 86 dry 87 frozen 42 icote 44 number ' 46 places where the . skin is ; ruptured 47 vex 49 Italian coins 61 musical instrument 64 unit i- ' f 66 impede - nicknam 61 behold 1 - THERE MUST BE SOME1 SAW THE NOTICE OM THE J AMSTAKE-THAT POOR. wtrw i W11H J KA&GE.D CHILD THAT WOWU EVES I C3 CALLS MB?SELFANMI& KOOWEV CAW be: LTTL VX KNOW IT5 AAISWTV 5TTRAUGE- BUT rT SAID SHE CALLED HERSELF AMMtE kOOMEV -AWO $HE AWSWER5 TUE TJESCRiPTlOM COMT FORGET, TWERE3 ATCUSAKlO DOLLARS fTEVOApD RDPAWV WFORMATTOM ABOUT WEftff m IT - J! ViK. K we: wocrSAVAwoRO "TDTHe CHILD -.lAORROW WetLDRTVC HERTO ARKVU.LE IT WILL BE FOR HER OWM GOOD AWO WEIL SEX THE. THOUSAMO DOLLARS I L II - S22 By DARRP.LL McCLURB GEE, ZERO DlD VDU HEAR WHAT .THEV WAS SAVlMG ??-! 60TTA - HUNCH AAR&MEAM7 IS HUMTIMG US WE GOTTA DO SOMETUiu' . . T IXlkltJO lAAJATt Birr i. rcr V : GOTTA DO ITS ft if TOOTS AND CASPER "Absence Hakes the Heart Grow Fonder m OUST 601N6 AROUND THE CORNER I MI&tfT HAVE TO ORDER MY GROCERIES, CASPER. KNOWN, WHEN" BUT I HAD TO DRESS AS CAREFULLY DANNY AND v AS THOU4H TM 6ointoaparty BECAUSE COLONEL HOOFER XiV r5 ACROSS W T US ALL THE TIME rv fmy r MEJ JA W L MABEL RENTED TUE HOUSE ACROSS THE STREET THAT Hen SPEND HALF OF HIS TIME THERETO SPY ON l. ri . i s v n i i i fin V 'if I J I. ' II 1 - VOU CaJiHT TO BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF FOR HAVING YOUR BINOCULARS FOCUSED ON MY HOUSE ALL THE, TIME AND FOR STEAMr INfc OPEN A LETTER OF MINE THAT WAS LEFT AT YOUR PLACE - k srism BY MISTAKE.! ' 'I' M I nil I -m-9 . aw OWN BUSINESS?, 1 :::i.vr IX YV J AM 4 SUPPOSED TO MIND MY OWN . BUSINESS SHRIMP? 600O HEAVENS1. ' YJHAT5 THE WORLD t5C ) BY THE WAX CASPER. NOW THAT DANNY AND MABEL HAVE MOVED HERE WC WANT TO BE SOCIABLE I II "WITH OUR NEIGHBORS! WE WANT TO T 6ET ACQUAINTED WITM THEM AND , MAKE "EM UKE OS! DO YOU THINK, TT WOULD BE A 4000 IDEA TO 41VE A PARTY AND INVITE , ALL OF OUR LV rmLf' j NEIGHBORS By JIMMY MURPHY WELL, COLONEL. HOOFER . IP m i REALLY WANT TO MAKE A HIT WTTH THE PEOPL.E. AROUND HERE IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THEM UKt taJU AND LOVE YOU ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO PHONE FOR A VAN and MOVE!