The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 02, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    TE OUTGOrT STATTSIIATT, CaissS, Oregon, BnngajF Morning, OctofreF ttl
page Tnrjnj
Since 1883.
Record of Fair Going is
Continuous One, They Say
.Silverton Pioneer, in
Weeks, Dies Sometime
Friday Night
Rlt-VRRTON. Oct. 1 tlMrs.
Fannie Drake, pioneer of ttie Sil
verton district, was found! dead
In her bed this moraine i at 7
VWV Mrs . Drake had I been
111 for aereral months but; was
eemlnrlv no worse recently.
nr nier.e. Mrs. Georre! Cusl
ter and Miss La Verne Herrick
called on Mrs. Drake Friday
lirht and resorted that! 1 she
l ! folt hottAr tha.n nmsl
Ttnr nhTsleU.n said that she had
been dead some hours. She was
fnnnil Edith Benson who has
made her home with Mrs. Drake
far the vast 1 4 Tears. . .
Mrs. Drake was born May S,
1858, at v the donation 1 land
claim of her narents. R. L. and
V'niT Hlnklft Minster on' the
Meridian road between Mount
Angel and Monitor. She was mar
ried to Charles Wesley Drake
on Jsjinarr It. 1877 and ! had
llred in her present home at
401 South Water street at Sil
verton for oyer 40 yearsi. Her
finshnnil AleA In 1911. I
Mrs. Drake la surYlved. by . two
nn n r. Drake of Sacramento,
Cal., and June D. Drake of Sil
Brinii' three grandchildren.
Wallace Drake of Seattle ; and
Charles H. and Ardlth urine 01
Silyertdn; five sisters, Ida Craves
nil Tiprtha Woodside of Moialla,
Delia Smith of White Salmon.
wiii T .fit tin Davenoort of Ten
nessee and Beda Keriurscn 01
Alaska. I i
Funeral arrangements are in
charge of Jack and Ekman and
interment will be made ttj the
Silverton cemetery. Arrange
ments are not completed as word
Is awaited from the son in pall
fornla. i
Mrs. Drake was a charter
member of the Pythian Sisters,
of the Neighbors of Woodcraft
and of the Women's Relief Corps.
mr.TTET Oct. 1 When asked
how many years ahe had attended'
the state fair, Mrs. W. H. Humpn
reys answered promptly that she
could not remember ever missing
a year since 1883, the year sne
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Asnby, moved from east
ern Oregon to Marion county.
Mr. Humphrey laughed ana
Must could not remember" when
he began attending.
'His parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
("Doc") Humphreys came to Mar-
inn conntT in 1853 and Mr.
Hnmnhreva sunnosed that he be
gan attending as soon as he ar
rived, as the family had always
attended, the fair and he cannot
remember ever missing one so he
supposed that they always took
him "along. Mr. Humphrey! fath
er used to exhibit Merino sheep
and was among the first to exnioit
Shropshire aheep.
Mother Was Exhibitor
His mother nsed to exhibit hand
work and won a first prize on a
cushion when she was . past iu
years of age. Mrs. Margaret, Wil
son, his granamoiner, exniDitea
"pieced" quilts which wero work
of art and : on which she won
prises. i . V
Mr. Humphreys used to exhibit
driving horses. The Humphrey
family formerly camped hut since
the advent of good roads they go
back and forth, and though' Mrs.
Hnmnhrevs la not able to attend
all the time; Mr. Humphreys sel
dom misses a single oay.
Bell Takes Offices
In -Taylor Building
RTAYTON. Oct. 1. Georce H.
Bell moved today Into his new lo
cation in the C. E. Tylor-A.
Schlndler building, where he will
conduct a real estate, insurance
and notary public business. Mr.
Bell had been in charge or ar fairs
of the Bank of Stayton for the
past several months.
. The Catholic : Forester picnic
Is en Sunday, October 8, at Jordan
park, and all members ana friends
are lnyited. Following luncheon at
noon, at which free coffee will be
served, there will be games and
various sports.
Ooens Kindergarten
Class, Jefferson
JFTTVPttKON. Oct. 1 A branch
of Mrs. Lilbum's musical kinder
garten of Salem has been organ
ized, here. The school will meet
thrAA time a. week, on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays, irom s
SILVERTON, Oct. 1 Mrs.
Arthur Sallenger was brought to
kAr mother's home here -this
week following a serious opera
nines at the Sellwood
hospital at Portland. She will re
main with her mother. ; Mrs.
Andrew Hodges here until she
Is sufficiently strong to return
n hor nwn home. Her husband
accompanied her to Silverton but
returned to his work at Portland
later. ! ;
school rooms of the Christian
Th nrorram will include mu
sic, piano preparation ana singing,
Mr treinlnr rhythmic orchestra.
recreational ! games, folk games.
handiwork, pre-senooi wora ana
stories dramatization.
Teachers .will he Mrs. Frank
Lllburn and Miss Lois Plummer of
Salem, assisted by Miss Lores
Hart of Jefferson.
Th a following nnnils have en
rolled: David Jordan, Esther Ost-
ling. Jack Tofte, Billy Barna, Hoy
Trembley, Oene Powell, Joaa Lis-
terude and Jimmle McClain,
Willamette Will
Sponsor Program
Willamette university will spon
sor a radio program over siauon
koac. or Corvallis. every second
Tuesday evening. This was decid
TRVIriair in Accordance with an
invitation extended by W. I. Kld-
derly, manager of the station. Mu
sic end talks hv faculty members
and students will make up the
j : ;
r ' ', ' "H
RatclUte Sells
Out Milk Route
HUBBARD, Oct. 1. M. A.
Ratcllffe sold his milk route in
Hubbard and Woodburn to John
Fikan south of Hubbard. Bob
Smith, formerly connected! with
the Foshay dairy farm, will he a
co-partner with Fikan in the ven
ture. He has been getting milk
from Carl's dairy farm whien is
the only dairy in this vicinity
equipped to deliver grade A milk.
. j
Henry Oberson left Thursday
morning for Eugene where he will
be employed with the Union Oil
company. His family will remain
here for the present. He has been
with Calbreath's grocery.
Do you som
in front of
your eyes? '"I
made before
Ful-vue bif
eyes and y
about them, an
eumes miss oDiev
)u Dovousee An
rUati t t-rauc vritiY
a wwwww j w t
ctotical science oisc
I. -
. -A
our vision, ukxi us;
ts that are right
linbows" before
bifocals were
ivered the new
tter for your
'tell you more
Pomeroy & Keene
IN COMPETITION with the pick ef racing
drivers, the four cars using Cllmoro won first,
acond, third and fifth places, In comporttiea
with th antira field vslng rhor gasolina. Stapp
also used Uon Hood Motor Oil, tho soma at you
can purchase from j any Independent Doctor.
Tho Duosonborg 8
used Gilmoro RED
UON Gasolino and
Uon Hoad Motor
Oil. Avorago spood
' 102 J m.p.h.
kfiito fEEB
A tm m Ento
9 itra, iTniii
If. Cot Roccoo Tumor,
piloting tho Gilmoro
Cub . usod Gilmoro
RID UON troatod Gas
olino and Uon Hoad
Motor OiL
AH thoso marvelous
domorutrationt woro
mado In
Sunday, 'Soptambor
35th, and ghro throo
1 should uso AED UON.
'A circumstance has . arisen whicK makes this action absolutely ne
cessary. Litigation with the owner . oe building we now occupy
forces our hand . Hili?r
Our Time is Fast Coming to an End
Wt art Quitting
Business so Our
$8.95 Coats
New F
W Are Quitting
Business so Our
$15 Coat
Brand New $2.95 Hats
Our Quitting Price
Brand New $4.95 Hats
Our Quitting Price
Brand New $5.95 Hats
Our Quitting Price
We Art Quitting
Business so Our
$5 Dresses
And $2.95
Wt Art Quitting
Business so Our
$8.95 Dresses
Wt Art Quitting
Business so Our
$22.50 Coats
We Are Quitting
Business so Our
$39.75 Coats
the of oar manufacturers scad; "Cancel
yoar order? No, Mr. Kay. Our factories
accepted your order in good faith, and
we made the coats especially for you.
We sympathize with your position be
cause we realize you haven t much time
to sell them out, hut we insist you ac
cept delivery of these coats.n
Wt Art Quitting
Business so Our
$16.75 Dresses
All colors, all sizes, every
lining guaranteed for 2
years' wear. Every eoat
Is all wool and expertly
' There is not one coat in
this group that isn't
worth $12.75 to $16.75.
Our Quitting
Coi? Soto
Safe - Desks
Tables - Mirrors
Chairs, etc.
460 Slate Street, Salem, Oregon
-i- i
Sport Coat$
01 OS
! I
As Sketched
We Are Quitting
Business so Our
$25 Dresses
As Sketched
Will Hold Your
Coat or Dress .
, For 2 Weeks