TOREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Sanday Slornii, October 2, 1932 y m . i m E1.VN - - vi j m rp , n n t . - i ; Statesman Classified Ads J ! Call ClaesJtTletl Advertlsta .. ! I . Single Insertion per line.lDe Three lnsertlona per . I line Ibe Six Insertion per line. .tOe One month per line.. $1.00 Minim am charge . . . .2S Copy tor this pace cepted until 6:30 the even ing before publication tor " classification. Copy re- ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify j The Statesman assueaea HELP WANTED WANTED: Names men-women, 18 to 60, wishing steady post-depression government Jobs. 105.0e-lSt,08 month. Common education sufficient. Full particulars and sample coaching FKEE. Apply today. Box 1283 F, care ot Statesman. f WORK FOR "UNCLE SAM". $10S. $191.60 month. Men women, IS to 50. Steady. Hundreds post-depression Jobs. Prepare now. List positions EREE. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 384 F, Rochester, N. T. NEW LIQUID MET Alt MENDS Ob jects of metal, porcelain, rubber, glass etc. without beat Agents-distributors make to 860 to 8200 weekly. Write for free sample showing uses. Metallic X, Elkhart, Ind. I SALESMEN WANTED 77 MILES ON 1 GALLON New auto gassaver oiler. 261 profits. One free. GASSAVER, B-264, wheaton, EL . . , , . j ; Experienced stenographer wants po sition, full or part-time. Dial 549 1 SITUATIONS WANTED Middle aged lady wishes housework er housekeeping. Christine Olson, 1610 8. 12 th. WANTED, housecleanlng. Tel. 8377. Exp. refined woman wants clerical work or responsible sec. or other posi tion 6245. r i Harley Davidson, singler motorcycle. Fine condition, $60.00. TeL 8796. Stan ley Net. ; FOR SALEr Miscellaneous FOR SALE Mi1 papers tee ban al Statesman office. ATTENTION SPORTSMEN i We have a big selection of deer ri fles, shotguns, pistols; also a large asst. of cartridges ata big savings. Do not buy a gun until you see us. Tes we do all kinds of trading. REINER3 SPORTING 8TORE 150 North Commercial St. Guns for rent WMMMM Grapes Inquire 979 8. Cora'L : Fancy canning tomatoes, 45c bu. box. Good grade fall butter pears, 25o bu. box, fancy. 35c and extra fancy 60c Puritan Cider Works, West; Sa lem. : MOTORCYCLE Good shape, 'si li cense, must sell immediately, all of fers considered. Phone 47F21. Ladles' full fashioned silk hose; Im perfect, 7 pairs $1.05, postpaid. Satis faction guaranteed. Economy Hosiery Co., Asheboro, N. C. FOR SALE Combination gas ' and fuel range. Price $10.00; see it at 844 a ComX St. Grapes, apples, filberts. 2J94 N. Front. Peaches last call Salways and late Fosters- M. P. Adams orchard, h ml. N. on Wallace Road. Late Foster peaches now ready.' Im lah Fruit farm, Wallace Road. Phone tIFIL j Choice tomatoes at the Brown tent on Riverside drive. 1 TRADE Miscellaneous Will examine your eyes and fit them to glasses in exchange for farm pro duce, potatoes, fruit, wood, etc 333 State Rtreet, Salem. WANTED Miscellaneous All kinds ot rifles, pistols, "shotguns, eld gold 'nd Jewelry Condition no ob JecL Name your price. REINER'S EXCHANQV 150 N Commercial WANTED Used pianos. In ex change en radios, -phonographs, oi fur nlture H L Rtlff Furnlrure ('om:ii WANTED Large Vaughn drag saw. Must be cheap and In good condition. J. C Fidler, Cutler City, Ore. WANTED 1000 Iba cucumbers. The Spa. POEMS WANTED THE (monthly) St. Louis, Mo. POET, MISCELLANEOUS Kodak prints 8 foT 25c and up at ghewle over Fcey'a store. ' FOR RENT ROOMS Rooms, garage, 318 N. Church.) Comfortable rooms for ladies. ! 809 Chemeketa. Tel. S539. j HutM rooms, close In. T?1. 6785. ROOM AND BOARD Board, rnx, steam heat $20 up. Ph. 483. i B-R. PrtT. home. 330. 276 N. 14th. Board, room, day. week or month, 1617 Court BU phone 7882. -""" " """ " " -r n ir r it.-ltlt Furn. rooms, board, garage, pricate borne. Phone 9584. 677 8. Com'L I , POLLY AND HER M Ml 9101 mo financial reaponilblllty for errort which may ap pear la adTerUsements pub llahed In lta columns, aad la case where thla paper Is at fault will reprint that part ot an adrertlaement la which the typographical miitake ocean. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tional adTertlBlng. It far ther reaerrea the right to claailfy all adrertlalag un der the proper olaaalflca tton. ROOM AND BOARD Room-'aiul kn. vr. , ... steam M. Till - 1 - - . irnnrii i. iiini Inar men preferred, 1041 a 18th. I I II SoAtX . a ' - WWW)V, to Tl - w parsons modern home near state buildings. ?,'H Seated, excellent meals. $30. Box 89. .. Statesman. . " waaf BOalssVTUaUlaV XUaW' lnesa people only. TeL C639. FOR RENT APARTMENTS . . , . , .irin .IJLU Fatton apartments downtown. Call fatten book Stara ..f .,a. B?Wrn n heated apta. MSB winter ratea Phone ea si w " . ' " 2261 Haset Tel 76641 Lovely &Ut& TaL tt4 tstA r.M "i"s)-w'stm.wi jrarfwann-ftrfbas . ,Apt Garag. i2.5fl. 891 N. ComX 1st floor furn. apt 1338 State. LOVtlV MU1I4 ktlnnl. -t . M fireplace, hdw. firs., garage, elec. range, 380. Phone 5154. FOR RENT HOUSES r " inrnrini.iii.KjuuL ,R.EN.Tr "ST SALEM HOMES w $121755 South Capitol. 2 rms, bath, garage. 22-5 1860 a Winter. 4 rma, fur- fireplace, garage. $30 956 Tamarack, I rooms, mod ern. A few of these have electric range, all Immediate possession. We have others all sixes and prices for rent and sale like rent BECKE A HENDRICKS " nwu uign street 4 R DIM hunrnlAw ff""u via xm. uottagre. TeL 7204. Coxy 5 R. furn. duplex. 1 block from U. campus. Light, water, phone, gar age furnished. T. G. Albert, 860 Mm street jfUa7?,'. buPlow in Oak Villa Court; sum. riwas 290. AQUltl. ZQ. 3 -room tii i n im Inv fA . jl-l. unfurn. 1248 Chemeketa St Furn. and unfurn. houses. R, A. Forkner. 1610 N. CotUge. TeL 3031. 7 room mod. house. Double garage. 665 Shipping. TeL 8896. Strictly modern 4 room house, hard wood floors, electric range, walking distance from town. Call 695 S. Com'L 3-houses $12 and $15. TeL 6980. Geo. H. Stoddard. FOR RENT Modern six room, large grounds. 1240 N. 21st St $42.50. ' Modern 7 rooms, 2S53 State St, $50. Modern except garage. 745 Stewart St $30. Five rooms, 555 Kingwood Ave., West Salem, $12.50. Four rooms, 1586 Franklin St West Salem; $15, W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. U34 South Liberty Street 4 room' modern furn. house. $20 month. 920 Mill St TeL 6131. 7 R. mod. Close in. TeL 4553. v FOR RENT 1325 N. 19th St. 4 bedrooms, dou ble plumbing, modern, $25.00. 1615 Nebraska, modern, $22.50. 795 N. 17th St., modern, $22.50. P. H. BELL Phone 7162 or 9678 3 modern houses. 8 "5 ShiDDlmr St Attractively furnished flat of 3 rms. and enclosed sleeping porch, hwd. floors throughout frigidaire, automat ic oil heat garage, this IS a real home with grounds, rent reanonable to right person at 145 N. 14th ttreet TeL 6408 or 6524. Completely furnished 7-room. house, reasonable. Inquire 1511 N. Summer. FOR RENT Barber ihon mmnlnt.lir fnmiihaii Also 2 shower hatha Good Industri al town. pop. 2500. Rent $15. Mrs. A. L. Porter. Lebanon, Ore. Garage and filling station. 1610 N. Commercial St ARE YOU GOING TO MOVEt If so SEE BECHTEL or THOMA SON, 341 State for best rentals. Choice furnished houses and apt, $18-$20-$25. Others for less. Mod 5 R. buogalow, unfurnished for $14; has frirnace. FOR SALE Real Estate Good semi-raodem borne surrounded by beautiful shaded grounds, fruit nuts, hemes, grape arbor and gar den Six rooms, fireplace basement lot 121x135. garage. Near Junior high and grammar j school Paved street, nice view. $3500. terms, might accept some carpenter work on deal. Owner 768 Rural avenue, phone 8854. BARGAIN 12 room modern house, two sets of plumbing, two lota Full price $2250. SEE Art Madsen with ..LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 6708. - - PALS (POLLY SAyS THAT IP T TO BE ELECTED TO THE i dX fA LOTTA ? sassi MS rm sT" 6jaas Will be FOR SALE Real Estate BUT LIKE RENT NOTHING DOWN 'i - - fin r tm tin.. f f V furnace, wonderful view. This can be roiiwt ivt f m m oniu is inciuae in terest i . vu, ore -complete baths, furnace, flreplaca, garage, fine bearing fruit, blocks from state house, $25 a month will buy thte and VOtt san eAt tlisa. si 1 1 si i 9 ssi a Lt Tnaa t11 vrni mnM saewm V... M umqmX opportunltlM. WINNTJI PETTYJOHN lift smth Hlgfe Street A' W fiAnessai mm w m tif a w m. - "sss w avsBvaiaMej if Locust St. mm m , -1-,-,-,-,,-- ryoo qmji - - si vaaauw f svvv sell for $1700. Owner Rt f. Box 827. "---- mnnnn ri.n. uuvwm CFrmmo ttat.w iron Close In paved road, priced at half value. 8350, only the price of a cheap lot 8KB BECHTEL er THOMASON 841 8tate Street- Room 4. THREE WONDERFUL BUTS IN ., HOMES Capitol street home, old house, large lot 63x158 ft, street and alley paved and paid. Full price only- $1170. part terms. . Strictly modern stucco home, 4 rooms, hall, closets and plenty of bunt Us, garage, nice lawn, shrubs, flowers and pooL Price reduced from $4800 to $3000, part terms. Maple street home, rooms, large east front lot walks and paving la and paid. Price cut in half. Only $L 000, part terms. For REAL BUTS In homes see oa LEO N. CHILDS CO. Realtors 829 Stat Street' Phone 6708 a i-i-i- -yruij-iru"j'ui $1800. S rm house, basement- fur nace, garage. Easy terms. 6 rm. modem home, furnished. Only $2780. Term R. A. FORKNER 1618 K. Cottage TeL 803L CREEK PROPERTY : Good six room home newly decor ated on the Interior, garage, shad trees, large grounds, fireplace, base ment price $2600. $50. cash, bal. $26. per mo. te include Int NEW HOME Attractive 7 nice rooms, modern In every detail, cor. lot good location, til bath and drain board, double gar age, priced at $4500. for Immediate sale, which is leas than cost $500. cash, bal. term Many other good buys from $1000 and up. SEE US FOR BARGAINS , W. H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 134 a Liberty St Phone 8468. HERE IT IS: One acre good land, family fruit good st, close in, 4 room house, price $1600. $50. down, $17.60 per mo. Call and see us, we will be pleased to show you this bargain. W. IL GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty Street 30 A. 18 under cultivation, 7 in ber ries, 4 in orchard, springs, 6 rm. house, barn, etc A real buy at $3000. 319. A. stock ranch, 70 A. under cul tivation, timber, pasture, running water, fair bldgs. Only $6500. Will consider some trade. 45 A. all under cultivation, new T room house, good barn. $3500. wilt consider smaller acreage. Beach income property, cabins, 10 boats, an piags. rurnisnea. mem $5000. Will trade for Salem prop . erty. rooms and nook, strictly modern, good location in North Salem, $2300. rm. house, six lots, fruit trees, grapes, etc A real buy at $2300. J. FV TILR1CH COMPANY 325 State Street Phone 8672 EXCHANGE Real Estate Salem property to trade tor coast property. 791 S. 13th. TO TRADE Tillamook dairy ranch. excellent location, for good valley farm for information write Rt 6, Box 148 D, Salem. Small apartment house to trade for any kind of farm equipment leased, all furnished. See me about this, you will like it 40 cords of 4 -ft second growth fir. I don't need It make me an offer. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8302. FOR SALE FARMS 6 $-4 A. 3 ml. from Salem, S room house, mostly ; all In fruit, $1176. Term 10 A 5 ml. from Salem, new 5 room house, all plowed ready for seeding; $1750. 16 A. 1 ml from Salem, 1-2 mi. to school, all cultivated, family orchard, S room house and other farm bldg Water piped to house. $3500. Trade for larger farm. 160 A. 6 mi. from Salem, all In culti vation, fenced, 8 room plastered house, bath, lights, electric water system, good berrn. 10 A. mixed orchard, ex cellent soil, on hard road, $82.50 per acre. MELV7N JOHNSON 320 U. a Bank Bldg. Phone 6796. RANCHER HERE'S TOUR CHANCE This ranch' Is a splendid ranch. Sold for $19,000.00 in 1929 must be sold now. Has $6000 ntortg., runs for 9 years yet. Just think $2000.00 down and assume this mortgage will buy this fine dairy ranch. 100-acres all In cultivation except 1-acre timber and It Is good soil, plastered 7-R. house, bath, toilet modern dairy barn, poul try house, hog and slaughter house. Family orchard and nuts, windmill. Hot "and cold water In house, all fen ced. Only 13 miles of Salem on good gravel road. Don't look any farther this Is it Better hurry SEE SEARS TUCKER, Realtors .133 South High Street ACREAGE . We have a good 50 acre farm, run ning water, fair Improvement. 30 acres tillable, a little timber, balance pasture. 8 miles Salem. Price $2500.00. A splendid Salem home for Improved acreage. 30 acres, good land, extensive Im provements, stocked and equipped, worth $6000 want Salem home. . McJJILCHRIST ft PENNTNGTON 209-10 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg. 'One Way to fjOTTA KISS BABIES.1 FyPrVT I I If VEAJ-ll Ri rr TC arwrr V t' I I ' 1 i in.,- i ' I I fjic5pPo-. , r ' i i ri i fjzzmrr v to f rn Filled. Quickly and Ecohdimcallya ACREAGE -vw, ii-m-u-ij-u-u-Lfui . l mm t . . . -AfTRTOArxw eviM Five mrmm wm . t m J "-.x ?m Pla-1 house, 1 !L vr1, tood rod Pr' . I asy term I MM EDI- 1 ATE "rOSSESSION. fU m. -rrvrw I ..... . ------- - a viun I tot? 1S pcr mo to include 1 SEE W. H. GRABENHORST COL 114 fiontH IJhv rrr...i . III I. XX . . . . . . . BUT TOUR RINm Mnw 11 8-4 acres. 10-A. cult. 3-A. alfal fa, F. orchard, living stream. 4-R. house, good barn, eloctrls light; all for $16OO.OO$70O down. 160-A. TIMBER Cruised at 16 M ft Douglas fir. rood road, spring, price $3000. Trad for 30 te 60 acres. SEARS sV TUCKER 133 South High WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED: Small stock farm : rood building; no agents; apply room 200, 381 State street MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS MADS on furniture, car salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1553. Bells of Harmony1 Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that ta really, really different. TOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PftlVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS 810 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New Bllga Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 616 State St- TeL 3-7-4-0 PERSONAL INSTALLMENT iOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 11$ Oregon Building, "2nd Floor. Office hr 10:00 A. MVte 8:30 P. M Telephone 778X State license No. S-166. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS contracts Kenaancea Arrange to reduce yout payments You keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phono 4733 Saletn. Ore. LOANS WANTED WANTED : Real estate loans, best of security, at 7 lnt New residence, $3750. One acre sub urban home $1108. 6 acres In bearing cherries $700. See us at once. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty Street LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FDR RAT.R rhnlra T..-.. xrv.i. Giant and Lamona pullet 6 months oia, reasonaoie. &. W. U. tested. J. W. oiiaiiucn, uauas, uregon. Pnll1tf-v want Col.m T)n, , i . . r.. - ' " ' --. , vuiii U. We dress poultry to order. 255 E. Mil ler. Phone 870 L Carload work horses all broke. 1200 to 1700 lbs. Tel. IFIt Ra, A A. mm Monmouth, Ore. FOR SALEWOOD Dry wood at Tracy PUona 298C DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, on I snd fuel elL Call oo us for price We give good measure, good quality and good servleei. LARMIER TRANSFER ft STORACP Teleohena 8181 Catl Rrr1 tttr An rir nalr .K and maple. Reasonable price Phone 3739. m m m mmm mmm, - m. m. iry- 1 1rU- n rijl Jlnj-UTJ Old fir. oak. TeL 9769 Earhart eeeeeasWsrfaaeassi niTARAMTITTrri HOT mwM t TeL 6000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade ft CotUge. Dry oak. 4 ft, $5. TeL 8708. eaOaSfcesaasfc mn, m m - m. ii-rwrsrsrwxastjajc' If tn. drv Ttnirisa wrtrwl. Knma Ka. or more cord Phone 4696. LOST AND FOUND TjCIST IT attMlvcwl fmiaU Dah Bull twior. Ffnitr vem rail 4010. FOR SALE USED CARS SALElf TTSWm PIT) fTTVTPD Operated by VALLEY MOTOR CO. 1928 Bulck Standard Coupe $275 00 1926 Bulck Standard Coupe 165 00 1918 Chrysler 73 Sedan, 'JJ He. 265.00 t aea - - 1930 Chevrolet 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 345.00 Coach 325.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan. '33'iicT 29500 1918 Chevrolet Roadster 125.00 115.00 350.00 iszt uodge Coupe 1931 Ford Sport Coupe rora Mta. coupe 285.00 J 1929 Ford Roadster, 33 lie. , 163.00 1920 Ford Coach 225.00 195.00 192 Ford Coupe , 16 Ford Coach. '38 11c 1924 Ford Sedan with lie 1924 Ford Coupe with He. 1926 Jewett Coach with lie. 60.00 50.00 40.00 75.00 146.00 116.00 65.00 lSZfl Plymouth Sedan 120 fHude Duplex Teur. 1925 Oldsmoblle Ch., '33 He. TERMS TRADES Jim f" rHr1lA Phone 7910 Marion ft Liberty Streets CASH W A TTT Kjn For your old or- wrecked car. Save 50 to 75 on all part HI-WAT AUTO WRECKING CO. - TeL 8653 2875 Portland Road alongside of Valley Packing Co. . 1926 W K Pnun If On ,.. dirt. Box 74. Sthtesman. SllS.Ot) frr fx mitrfcr assail cat - - - -m wwmm,m-m aV WW care Statesman. Make a Hit" On urn wtth a Man. v,.u .win,, w, . .rTr . r-nr 1 1(1 ajntt smacked a infant r! I J I rr ij T I I C SINCE POLLY VAS A ' I XC t ) U t c m w v mmmm a tr a w sa aaBBBBaw r-w a FOR SALE USED CARS f oTT A V TTSrn naoa WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 192$ Overland Touring $ 25.00 PsUje Cuack 'fl license Z 136 00 1928 Durant Coach U 3 license 165 00 cl ucense !. 58.00 i.c crrvun 389.00 srM. m WU Victoria 865.00 1925 Graham Truck '33 lie. 86.00 436.00 1938 Plymouth BmIih "" ich 'a CHETROLETS !!!! S001 its.0 13 Coach 3S license , 285.0 lfio Coach '88 license , 845.00 1931 Sedan '38 license . , 486.00 1921 Track 125.00 We pay cash for late model light used car McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center Phone 6169 430 N. ComT. STOCKS MAKE GAIN IN CLOSli ILLY , NEW YORK. Oct. 1 (AP) Stocks remained la a state ot sus pended animation today, although the market did manage to master enough activity In the last quarter hour to bring a slightly higher closing. Routine transactions of floor traders agala accounted for the major part ot the mornlng'a transfers, which reached the low total of 338,330 shares, the email, est Saturday's business since Jaly 9. Brokers who sought a clue as to immediate trends after this week of stagnation were disap pointed, unless absence of selling pressure was a point ot encour agement. Fluctuation were fractional for the mo$( art, Weekend cov ering lifted prices slightly at the dose, giving some leaders a gain Of as much as a point, these in cluding American 8melUng. U. 8. Steel and American Water Worka. Fractional Improvement waa made by American Can, Baltimore ft Ohio, Southern Pacific, Anacon da, Harvester, Case, Southern Pa cific, Union Carbide and Allied Chemical, among others. NEPHEW DIES SUDDENLY KEIZER, Oct 1 Mrs. Harriett Miller of thla community and Ben and Arch Target, are sister and brothers respectively of Mrs. Frank Mohney whose son, Doug las, 15, was injured fatally in Portland on Thursday night when with his bicycle he crashed head on into an auto. He died at the Portland sanitarium from a frac tured skull. His aunt and Ben Target, hia uncle, went to Port land today to be with the parents. T Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D Barton Battefee 8frtr and goneraror work. S48 Clwneketa St. CHIMNEY"SWEEP Telephone 4SB R 19 Nnrthnesa CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor 2S N High Tt km SSTt FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decoration a C. 8 Brelthaupt. florist 6ST Court street TeL 6904. ALL kinds of f lorn I work. Luts 8ler 1st 16th A Market Tel OS 91 FLOOR CONTRACTING -fHwr. Floor Oe Tel till INSURANCE BECKE HENDRICKS 189 W Hlrh Tel 494T LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LACNDRT THE WE1DER LAUNDRY 266 & High l TeL 6166 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY -We Wsih Everrthlna to Lux" Teleohooe tl8 ItMR roadway LAWN ftlOWERS Sharpened and repaired. Also trades H. W 8ott. 141 S ComT TeL 461 S. AIATTRESSES Unt tresses frarn fnciocy to bom. 6prlna mattress 88.08. Renovat ors snd fumlgators. Capital Bedda Ca TeL 4089 3086 North CaplioL New mattreaa asade te erder. aid anattress remade; earpet cleaning, sis I'll : fluff rug weaving. Saletn Fluff Mattress ractory. Itth m Wllbar. Tel 84 4 L Otto F..Z wicker. Km. im MUSIC STORES GEO C WILL Plan oa. Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet muato. 6nd plane studlea Repairing vhon fraphs aad sewing macblaea 688 Ptsle Rtiwet. Salnv MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lara Chinese Medicine Co. Hoora Tuea. and Sat. 8 to t p. m. 141 K. C munerclaL By GRAINS ARE STUBBORNLY SjTRONG STORED BUTTER SHORTAGE i 0 LD Winnipeg Rumors add To Upward Trend At Chicago CHICAGO, , Oct. , 1. (AP) Stubborn advancing tendeaeiee de veloped la Chicago grain values today. Influenced by suggestions that the Winnipeg wheat market waa receiving powerful support. Evening up of accounte to "pre pare for monthly unofficial do- 1T1 featf jivah anm ty a la ITam Jeep vi wtw, aaa aaaejaa low aUUllllSi served also to give wheat prices a firm ntidortn.. rw firm undertone. One private monthly report issued today eoa- suik mucu luuii con - tained a forecast that United - .a w& 183S would be about per cent !s man iasi year. Wheat closed steadfast at the dav'a ton level. H-A hlehr than yesterday'a finish, corn unchanged " y$, tti"CB, oaia uncnangea 10 U no. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: Dec, .54; May, .58- .59. Corn: Dec., May, JI- OaU: Dec, .1T; May, .10- Well Drilled to Irrigate Ladino Clover, Hoffman INDEPENDENCE, Oct. 1 Slo pe r Brothera finished a well-drilling Job in Hubbard Wednesday. A 10-Inch well waa sunk 220 feet, and has a flow of 80 gallons a minute. It waa a rush job, so the drill worked 24 hours a day. Slopers are now finishing a well on the W. T. Hoffman farm, northwest of Independence. It is to be used as an auxiliary water aupply for Irrigating ladino clover. Willard has re-entered Oregon State and his brother is now the director of operations, with his father as consulting engineer. VISIT LAYTOX8 ORCHARD HEIGHTS. Oct. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lavton and Boa Harold and baby daughter, La Vanne Lou, and her mother, Mrs. Stetson, are her$ from Crawford, Nebr., for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Layton, his brother Ted and sister Mardell. They drove through. Directory PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and work. Qrsber Bros. TeL 6594. general repalt 168 So. IJbenv PAPER HANGING PHONE nr.rvN imu rn. k. decorntlna, peper .hancina. tintlna etc. Reliable workman. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pampa leta erograma hooks or eny kind of Printing, call The Statesman Print lng Department 918 a Commercial Telephone 811. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves fjjr ale. rebuilt and repaired. An klnde ef woven wire fence, fane? and plain, bop baskets, hooka lowsn hooka Selem Fence and Stove Worka ttl Chemeketa. TeL 4 774. a R Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Ca 228 State SL TeL TTT8 Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty Oet our ratea FOR locaj or distant transfer stor .esJI 8 1 31 j farmer Transfer Co f rucks to Portland dally. WASHING MACHINES AH Makes Rented, sold aad repaired. Ear A-,"- C, afarta. Con Ion. Meadow and Autornetla 818 and up. HOQQ BROS. ... S MANfltTM. Msnns 889 H. nigh Tel 6082 O O Real Estate j Directory BECKE a HENDRICKS 18 N. High TV 494T EARLS 224 N. High St. TeL 6Tk SOCOLOFSKY m SON 84-6 First Net Bk, 8Jdg. TeL 7807 821 Stat Street TeL 6678 HOUER D FOSTER nsaiTV r S79Vb AUate 8t Tel 7883 W H URinKNunnvr a m 116 & Liberty St TeL 616k CLIFF STERRETT Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 rmllk. co-op pool price, f 18 per baaared. Sarplas 82c. (Milk based ea Asgast hatUr fat evente.) Bntterf at, awect, 20c Batterfat, sovr, 18c I m e. .."t I PU r."" Selem esrers. (Tke prleee bets, sepplled by a leesl I o-w itrauN if a Meal EfS; lVL!-!' "rtrt vsMiwr llll.Mri, toi I Hote escssiben. des .10 80 10 .10 te .15 SO BeiO.ioeVl.-4e.7tZ I Tnrnipi, ioei, doa. Peppers. IK .04 mmm! . Vb-aehe, 01 20 ! 20 4 te 1-00 2.50 i mw "'"'f I 9Bioa in- esacsct New Mtitau Sweet pets tees, 100 lbs." ?,u7 h,,rt 0 -80 Local eelery, des. Lscal letteee crate Reatvle Uttaee . Sweet eera. des. Splaaea, crate Apples, be. .45 S.1 0S te .07 T5 50 nam, io. 0S Pears, be, leesl -Strtag beaaa. IV. Aprieeis 4 retail) , Peaches, Balwsys, rag 8S 0t .J5 01 -.15 40 S5 mi, eoeat Toaiatoea. log Toaaateea. bu. Cantsloenea. crate Oaten. Walls Wall. . Oalena. Lebtih. SS Ik. .20 f'WMaifqalit (wbelesale) '.80 riefcliat'cStletts wkolcale) ueBisl aqaaab. dos. 45 '' BiB-aieIeaa. lb. n Herkleberriea, retail. IV "4 rials crapes Strawberries, ermte 1 50 HOPS Tep. 1932. lb. is Too. 1981. lb. i Baying Prices Extras Ptaadards Mediaaa r leta ..54 23 ..19 -13 CHICK TS Celered heat blediosi best 11 .0 0T 14 12 14 Light heea Rprinf cbickrnt Lefhera broilers . Colertd broilrri GIVAIjr AJTO HAT Wbeat. westers red White, Ko. 1 . 5 50 to .55 "arte too in iim Oats, toa, tep 18.00 te 19.00 n7. Diiigi prlei Oat aad rrteh, ton .TOO te 7 50 Alfalfa, rallej. 1t rntting 00 10 00 MZAT i-imbi. top : , 73 Kwea p Hofa, top .... s 75 Hofv tint rote 8.50 -01 te .04 Hteera C owi -01 14 to .03 03 U MH 08 06 H Heiferi Dressed Tea1, top urease. Bora WOOL Medium Coarse Moaair . 15 10 .Do oarkpt General Markets PSODVCB EXCHANGE POSTLAMj, Ore Oct. 1. (AP) Predate i:nir.. K-r priees: Butter ea trae 30e. atandards 20e. prima firsts 19Hr. firsts 18,.. Egj,, frptk extras 26. f I4ub aiediDins 22e. Portland Grain POBTLAXD, Ore.. Oet." 1. (aP) Wheat Open Hick Low Close 7 - 54 5S 5V 56A Derember 5S 53 4 53 5314 lash wheat: BTj Bead bluestcai 60: soft white 51H: wrstent white, northern sprier i0i; hard winter 51; wester red 9i. Oats Se. 2 white. . Cere No. 2E yellow. 819.75. Alitlroa Standard. 813.50. Portland Prod uce PORT LAX D, Ort.. Oct. 1. (XV) Butter pr.ets. 82 seoie or better 8S ZZc. standards 21 23e. , Ete Paeifie Poultry Produrers' sell inc prices: Fresh extras 26r. standards 34c, saediaais 52c. pallets 15c Cenntry Meats Selling- price to re tailer: Couatry killed hoes, best botch era, ander 150 pounds. 64c: rralers. 0-10e ponnds. (IHe peoad: Iambs. 8-8e pound: Trarliars. 5e pound: heavy ewes. 2U'3c; eaneer cows. 3c; bulls, 4 -5c. Mohair Nominal. Kate Oreroo walnuts 1i 19c poond peesuta 10c. braxila 1314c. almonds 15 I8e. filberts 20 t2c. pecans 20e. Caeeara bark Buy inc price. 1932 peel. 8e round. Hpe Nominal. 1932. 14 15c pound. Betterfat Uirert te shippers autios, l-e pesnd: Portland delivery price I7e. Lire poultry Set bayinr price: Heary bens, rolored. 4Vs pends 14c. mediums 9e: rlchts. 7e; rpriarx. celered. 6e; all wetjthta. white. 18c: o!d raoeters. 7e: decks. Pekin. 1011c. Onions Selling price te retailers: Ore res 90c eeatal. new Walla Walla SO 75e teetsi. Tskima SO 90e eeetaL FetaUtea Local 75e eranre box. Takl ass Oems 811.10 cental. ' Wsl 193 clip, nominal: Willamette tjalteo 10-I5c pound, rasters Ortfos Hay Bayiar erlce froes producer: Ab tstfe fl2-13.5. ele r 99 9.50. eaarerw Orate limetby 8 1 7-17.50. eats aad tetrk 1. FruitSs Vegetables POBTLAXr. Ore, Oct. 1. (AP) Oraesea Califeea is Valencia. 98 4.TS bee. Cenuleepea Dlllmrd. atandards 81.13 L2J crate; The OnlWTaks. Slaadsrd. 91-1. 1 crate. . Oraswfrait Col if i. 93.25-4.25. Uswm-CeKfoe-sia. 91 rase. Umss box ef 100. 91.25. Befnaa bunch 5e. baada. 8 He poend. Bec-lobrrioa hlat-l- Inewad: Mil a .m.J P..v I 8ellee rikertaa. XO SAr Tekl-a vrTWr- I tan. SO Sic: 3. n - Hslee. 4 J 0: Verrs. -evc: ennra. a-we. urspfi It mm Mm m Si ia wit- r.u- ai 95c-l: It. Maenka. 9I-A5 US: Babier. SI Tokay. $1 bar: Oecaed. 40e lac. Water saeleeie Oreews, 70 SOc cental. Cabbage Lara t. I peenA OeTiriew er lecaL 40 SOe crate, rwewtebera - 35c hex. Spieer fcel. 9 SOc eeaaye box. Celery 81.75 half crate: hearts. 45 Oe deaea beeches. - Teenaleea re-e. 79 85c hex. popperv screen. Se: rest 11c. Paes Coast stock. 4 it pewsd: hMree Ce4 eaabla. S &C Sweet Pmt a tees 91.10 r-a tat lettuce The THtlea and kx-al. 75 a5c crate, flenno lwal. lt4.Se poaed. Corn Xo L eo 7e sack. 8tesb Vlsr bVScad. IHe noend: Daamb. 3c: aa mater. &0e peach no. v BExxrrrrs uayk cxests I KINGWOOD. Oct. 1 House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ben nett at their home oa Glen Creek read ere Mr. and- Mrs. Carl Gam ble of Chicago and their son and daughter-ia-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gamble of Mollno, Oregon. Mr. Gamble la a train dispatcher thw Northwestern railway and always spends hia vacations In Oregon. . - . . HM Interested Party is. However, Listed as ' Source PORTLAND, Oct. 1 (AP) Rumors of mat sbortar to up-, plies of batter to storaje her appaar the chief factors to the trade at the moment. Moat of the rumors which appear to com from one aource. lodieat that there are, no available stocks fa ice house her and that former speculative holders are scrambling; for their needs. Surrey of the situation fails to diselose this alleged shortage. The rumors name several leading storage Interests as bain sold out. but these stoutly deny that they have aold. The rumors come chiefly from one party said to have great stocks of hotter piled up in store. There was no change ia the price of butter for the weekend session of the produce exchange. Butterfat values continue steady. Trade in the egg market re maina of very favorable charac ter. At the weekend there was no change in; values which recently have been, generally sustained at the high mark. Market price on chickens here is still kept at the weak point with California and direct ship pers to California getting the benefit nt tH fA nt- j,. wiiiauu , " u iu luipuicau 10 ins jsoum. OF Fill EXCELLENT BROOKS. Oct. 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Rlggi are enjoying a sec ond crop ot strawberries from their large patch east of here. The fine weather Is ripening an excellent crop of berries. Their son. James. Jr., who haa been ill for the past month, is up aad able to walk about without crutches now. Mrs. Leslie Roll, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Murdick, has returned to her home In Roches ter, M. T., after spending the sum mer with her parents. Mrs. Roll planned to visit frienda In Cin cinnati, O.. and Texas on her way home. Mrs. Virgil Loom Is and chil dren have returned to their home in Brooks after spending part of the summer with her husband near Silver Creek falls, where he is employed. The Brooks school opened Mon day with Clyde Hoffer as princi pal. Miss Alice Massey intermedi ate teacher and Mrs. Emily Vaal Santen as primary teacher. There are 42 intermiate. 22 primary and 2( upper grade students- Secretary of the Treasury Og den Mills, of Washington, D. C, will visit Oregon via the radio route next Monday evening. Octo ber 3. at S: 30. Secretary Mills will speak at Trinity auditorium ia Los Angeles. Arrangements havo been made to bring hia voice to Oregon and pnt him on the air over KGW. Portland. Secretary Mills is one of the, outstanding orators ot the pro Hoover campaign, but the west will probably not hive saw nthew chance than Monday night to bear mm discass ine isues. "We hare hoped to have Secre tary Mills visit Oregon in nerson. said Thomas C. Elliott. stir chairman of the republican organ ization, "but cp to thla time wt hare been unable to complete ar rangements to that end. The next" best thing Is to get his argument over the radio, and I hope every body who haa one will Invite in his neighbor who may be less for tunate. Make a party of IL O I ACE LOST Ilero of many a doc fight in the ctrods during the World War, Ernst Udet, German air hero, ia feared to have perished somewhere la the icy wastes that surround Greenland. - Udet, who waa em ployed in rr.svking an Arctic film, volunteered to search for the lost Hutchinson family, ainee rescued. The fiver haa not bees heard from since be took off oa hia errand of . mercy. STRAWBEHRY CHOP OSDEIJ MILLS WILL SPEAK OVER Ml iy ' I ft'..