The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 01, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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-m OXIEGON STATESMAN, SaleaV Oregon. Saturdar lorninyOcf ober f. 1532
'Wo Faror Stray Us;
From First Statesman, March 28. 1851 . , -
CHAMxa A, Snucoii Sheldok F. Sackctt, fZisfter
CBARLE3 A. Sprague - j. - - Editor-Manager
StiCLDON F. Sackett - - l JfaneftK Editor
Member of the Associated Press
Tb Associated Press Is exclusively
tloo of all news dispatches credited
this paper. j
r Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives: ;
Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. Pbrtland. Security Bid.
San Francisco, Sharon Bid. : Los A.nsel4, W. Pac Bide.
Eastern Advertising! Representatives :
Ford-Parsons-Stecher. Inc.. New York, Ml Madison Are.;
Chicaao. S60 N. Michigan Ave.
Entered at the Potto ff ice at Salem, Oregon, at Seeond-Claee
Uatter. Publitked every mornfog except Uondag.' Busineet
office. SIS S. Commercial Street. ' y ' L.,.
" ICaU : Subscription Rates, In Advance. Within Oregon : 1 Daily snd
Svmd&y. I Ma SO csnts: X Mo. L!5; Ma. 12.15 1 year $4.00
Klsewber i cents per alo, or Site for 1 year In advance.
, s By City Carrier: 45 cents a month; 15.00 a year In advance. Far
-Copy J cents. On trains and Keys Stands S cents.
No Repeal In Oregon
NOT enough attention is beikg paid by the people to the
threat of repeal of the Oregon bone-dry law. In such a
welter of issues as confront the voters at this election the
confused voters may fail to understand just what a vote to
, repeal means. In the first place; it would not restore the li
Aqttor traffic in legal form, because the Volstead act and 18th
; amendment still control; and the prohibition amendment to
the state constitution would still stand. It would however
open the way to the great growjth of the illegal traffic, and
: bootlegging and speakeasies would flourish far more than at
A. present. ; " ;j -
i k Oregon newspapers are waking up to the dangers of
the state repeal bill. The Albany Democrat-Herald says:
, "Every home, every business: nan, whose trade Is founded
on family prosperity, will do well to oppose the repeal of the
tato prohibition law. It Is unthinkable that Oregon will turn
Its back to this law and by so doing deliver the state to the
'' bootlegging Interests. j :
"Oregon, one of the first states of the union to achieve
prohibition, certainly would be inviting the whirlwind of crime
and disorder, if it should turn Its back on its ideals of the past. -
l The Eugene Register-Guard ? which professes to be a
"wet" paper and desirous of repeal of both state and nation
al prohibition, says of the pending initiative measure:
"We do NOT however believe that this change should be-
Sin by repealing the state prohibition law, and we believe with
the "dry"' that much confusion and lawlessness might result.
Some people see in this repeal bill only a sort of referendum to
test state sentiment. It would do much more than that. National
enforcement, always ineffective, would become almost a dead
letter. A liquor traffic almost unlimited and untaxed and un
controlled would be the logical result. State policy should fol
low national policy, in our belief, j ;
"We recommend: ' j i
"VOTE SIS XO Against the repeal of state prohibition."
, Politics and
U lumbia university, says the
three big questions whose solution is necessary for world re
covery. The problems are war debt revision, tariff reduction
and readjustment of the world's monetary gold supply. For
once Dr. Butler is correct, although there are other domes
: tic problems of taxation and of wealth distribution which
are of tremendous importance. I :
The Impediments to flow
tariffs, and the credit breakdown through burden of war
debts and mal-distribution of
the parties takes a forthright stand on these great issues.
They seem to be chiefly concerned with using a pulmoter on
business in hopes it will revive
Pres. Hoover however did
the impasse when he called for
tional obligations a year ago. could scarcely do more be
cause congress proceeded to tie his hands with a foolish
clause restraining any further!
whichever party is elected in j November will undoubtedly
have to face the realities and permit an adjustment which
will result in a stimulus to world trade.
: The difficulty in the country has been that our political
legislating ran counter to the
sooner we forget party pontics
on of economics the better off
Auf Wiedersehn. Mv Dear
; QONGBIRDS of the radio seem to travel in flocks. At least
: j they appear to light on the same vocal branches about
I the same time. So it is if you ire listening to a warbler on
KFI you may be getting the jsame song you heard over
, KOMO the night before. After awhile these radio favorites
. commence to show their grey
The new is all rubbed off. Just
ecstatic and romantic in singirig something about "so won-
derful. so marvellous, divine".
i we want to shout back at her
; few weeks ago tenors and baritones were whining that cow
boy song about "where the deer!
the basses have, been enjoying
about "Mr. Yuba and his tuba
r umpah", and the auditors groan with every "umpah". One
- tuneful air gave promise of a
antil overmuch radio recital
mustard in the wheat country.
my dear!'. . .
: v- v What are we going to do
We don't have to listen. We
and listen to all those remedies if or female ailments. ,
: "Black top" used to be a scandalous political issue in state pol
itics. But the state seems to be building most all its roads now using
aiphaltic concrete or "black top"i, The new asphalt paving with
non-skid surface is proving very successful. It Is cheaper than con
crete, more easily repaired, laid and cured more quickly, and more
comfortable for riding. The white lane is better for night driving;
otherwise the new black top paving seems superior to Portland ce
ment concrete. j -
The government, which loaned the farmers money for seeding
wheat last spring, is now called on to loan China money to buy
the wheat thelarmers raised. Perhaps the government should hire
the farmers to stay idle next year ;
A man went to Albany and told the police he was from Salem
so they, had him examined for his sanity. That's a cruel blow to
neighborly relations. Now j if it hid been a Corvallls man picked
up In Eugene, well, they'd have sent him to Salem.
' Youngsters were the ones
iir. 1C train riae is a novel
HWB.U.I. auu now many
corse r :
' - The song the boy la the potato patch wants to hear is
last rows of summer". i i
Calllcotte Isn't the only chap who has been asked
suitcases with high-powered stuff to them.
n The opticians make no promises about Improving one's fore
sight . j i - - - .. . .
So far nothing has been done
a rota too, remember. -
' As the campaign warms up the usual bargain rates oa half-truths
will be offered by those ambitious for deprtyshlps.. : : s
No Fear Shall Awe'
entitle.! to the dm for pabHcs-
to it or not omerwise crcuuru u?
BUTLER, president of Co-
big parties have evaded the
of trade internationally are
Ithe gold supply. Neither of
of itself.
take the lead toward ending
a moratorium on interna
steps toward debt revision.
dictates of economic law. The
and pay attention to the rig
the country will be.
hairs. They are worn ragged.
now some lady is waxing
And we have heard it so often
"so marvellous, so terrible". A
and the antelope play" while
a great run on something
down in Cuba, umpah, umpah
long career of melody-giving,
made it as common as Jim nil
I That was "Auf Wiedersehn
about it? Why nothing at all,
can turn to the Mexico station
who rode the special trains to the
experience even to high school stu
ox mem snow now to 'harness a
Tis the
to carry
for Tile forgotten woman. She has
i m l
1 ''!!! iC'v"1' ll"",'J'1"
. r
By Royal S. Copeland, MJ).
TULAREMIA" is not a com.
mon disease, but I am writ
ing about it because several
of my readers have written me re
questing information about the ail
It need to be
believed that
tularemia afflict
ed animals
alone. It men
aced most com
monly the wild
rabbit and
squirrel. Now it
Is known to af
flict maa as eas
ily as animals.
, Tularemia is
caused by a
germ called the
"bacillus , tsla
rense.' The dis
Dr. Copelaad
ease is transmitted, either by han
dling diseased animals, or by the
bit ox insects which have zed en
diseased animals. : Batchers and
laboratory workers who skin or
handle animals are those most ta
danger of becoming infected.
The germ eaters the body
through a tiny scratch or est an
the hand, and at the point of in
fection a postals or pimple sooa ap
pears. The part becomes red and
swollen. The glands about the el
bow and in the armpit are swollen
and tender. Other symptoms are
headache, fever, chills, general
body pains, nausea and vomiting.
Effects of Talsressla
These attacks vary la severity.
The fever may be persistent, laitisg
for sereral weeks.1 Convalescence
may be slow, and : several months
may elapse before the afflicted per
son regains bis normal health.
Most of the cases reported have
been traced to the handling of in
fected rabbits, and precautions
should bs taken arsinst infection
from that source. Dorinr the rab
bit season it is advisable that but
chers wear cloves, and rabbits
should be carefully examined for
any eossible sins of contamination.
The animal suffering from tula
remia appears ill and does not
scurry away when the hunter ap
proaches. On examination after
killing', the infected rabbit shows
many whitish spots on. the surface
of the liver and other organs. When
this appears is found the ani
mal should be discarded
Tkoreaub Coelctsg T tasf '
Fortunately, thorough- cookmg
kills the germ of tularemia. Cases
of tularemic poisoning? from in
fected animals occur only when the
meat has been improperly cooked.
If yon handle i rabbits, wear
gloves and make rare that yon have
no cuts or abrasions on your hands
or arms. Examine the liver and
other internal organs, and if yen
find the small white spots I nave
described, the animal Is probably
infected and should used.
Infected animal meat should be de
stroyed by burning.
Early attention to the destruction
of diseased animals will do much
tc prevent spread of the disease.
Governmental agencies are at work
all the time to wipe tut thb menace.
P Answers to Health Queries
A Reader. Q. What causes
pouches under the eyes?
Kr -This may be das to a kid
ney condition; yon should onsult
your physician, i Puffiness under
the eyes is natural in some people.
A.B. Q Is an operation neces
sary to clear up sinus trouble?
A -Is some instances this Is ad
visable. This condition requires
treatment over a long period of Urns
before it can be entirely cleared hp.
cwrricM. vti im rmii iwiil ( .
SILYERTON, Sept. 29. Merle
Larson, son of Mr. land Mrs. W. C.
Larson, has gone toPortlnd where
ha began work Tuesday morning
in a clothing store there. Mr. Lar
son has been employed at the J.
u. Penney store and at Jenkins
store at siiverton. i
1 l!a'-'!fT !??Jr!?y,y 'l"'
Watchful Yaiting
' 1 """TT"
Walked 109 miles
to enter V7illmette: .
Two boys arrived at Willamette
university a few days ago from a
walk of 600 miles to reach Sa
lem. They came with a total of
ISO between them, as their cap
ital, with tie hope, of being re
ceived as students In the fresh
man class then being familiarised
with the institution, Its plant,1ts
alms and its setting in history.
Inquiry revealed the fact that
they had walked lx miles daily
la attending high school, from
which they were graduates.
Their ease presented one of the
many problems confronting Pres
ident Doney and his faculty and
board - of trustees. It is only a
high light, la the unusual that is
annually ani perennially present
ing Itself at the Institution a pic
ture of the unusual that has
grown through the years to be
rather usual.
m V
The trooping thousands that
for these 88 years have come to
Willamette have been in large
measure made up with such ma
terials as constitute the human
elements and the hopes and am
bitions of these two boys, toot
sore from a trek of 600 weary
miles. They have been largely
from humbto homes near and far;
at first, in the forties and fifties,
from log cabins with shake roofs.
And they have gone out from
the classic shades of this Grove
of Academus to take high places
in the world; governors of states,
members of the two houses of
congress, supreme snd circuit
Judges, physicians, college pres
idents and teachers, missionaries
on home and foreign j fields.
: . . Of Old Salem
Town Talks from The States
. man of Earlier Days
October 1, 1907
Local wholesale markets
wheat 76c. oats .33-35e, clover
hay $10-$12. old hops 4-6c, new
hops 7-8 c, eggs 28c, butter 25e,
wool 20c, mohair zlc.
Manager Meredith of the Grand
opera house will add zest to the
present season by offering Prank
Pixley's and Qust&v Luder's grace
ful and tuneful comic opera, "The
Prince of Pilsen," for tonight.
Mrs. Edith Tozler Wetherred
will arrive here Thursday with
her cortege of Hawaiian belle
The Hawaiian girls all are college
graduates, soma teachers, whom
Mrs. Wetherred -Is taking on an
educational tonr.
October 1, 1023
A. H. Lea, for the past seven
years' secretary bf tha Oregon
state fair board, yesterday pre
sented, his resignation. He esti
mated that the fair that has last
closed made a profit of approxi
. In the' will of Flrucla T. How
ell, deceased, filed yesterday, tha
First Church of Christ Scientist,
Salem is bequeathed tha entire
Howell estate, totaling about
82500. with the exception of $5
for each of three gandchlldren,
and 150 for Mrs. Zora P. Baker.
NEW YORK. New York's
baseball, fandom marshalled its
opposing forces last night for the
battle ot,Coogan's bluff the second-straight
; world's ' series be
tween the Yankees and , the
Ciants. s
preachers, merchants 1 e a d a r s
and workers in their communi
ties, in every honorable walk of
What could be done for these
two new arrivals seeking to join
the lone snd unending proces
sion? They brought pitifully little
in money but they -brought
weaun neyona counting is mere
dollars In ambitious 'hopes for
future of useful endeavor, tha
preparation for which their sacrl
ficles showed -they well under
stood could be had only in such
training as is offered st Willam
ette university.
Well, these two boys are In the
freshman class for 1882. Through
sacrifices on the part of members
of the faculty and kind friends,
and by opportunities for self help
that will in some way or other
be vouchsafed, they will 'be fur
nished the opportunities they
came so far to seek.
There are so many cans of tha
kind, and the resources that may
be resorted to are so meager, that J
may be a case much like that
of Elijah of old, who was fed by
the ravens, and drank of tha
brook Cherlth that was before
Jordan. Dr. Doney no doubt oft-:
en wishes he could find more
ravens, or friends able and will
ing to act the part.
Weary and dangerous wss the
path trod by the messengers who
carried the Macedonian call of
the West In the early thirties.
Weary was the way and - beset
with danger and hardship wss
the wilderness traversed by the
men who responded to that call
Jason Lee and his little party.
la 1884.
They carried across swollen
rivers, over high mountains.
through seemingly endlessly wide
desert places, the charter of the
school they were to found; the
then unwritten charter framed
in the dauntless spirit of their
strong hearts. Feb. 1, 1842, in
the first rude log cabin of the
old mission, they framed the
charter Into written words, gave
the school its name, and elected
the first board of trustees. This
was a part of the answer to the
Macedonian call. It was the part
New Views
Yesterday Statesman reporters
asked this question: "What is
yonr favorite magastna and
Bin. Albert C Smith, . home-
maker: "Good Housekeeping.
Most ever woman likes it.
D. J. Fonlln, bedding com
pany proprietor: "Collier's. Oh, It
gives a little bit of everything."
"Bill' Phillips, Valley Motor
Co.: "I s'pose It one said 'Bally
hoo" he wonld be quoted. Sport
page of Tha .Statesman, and
'Cart Comments in .particular.
'Case and
attorney t
"All of the finest things '
have today were discovered, fash
ioned or conceived by those who
kept constantly In slzht tha mot
to, I may be wrong. If science
or art be tha highest forms of
human activity, "it must be ad
mitted that these are occupations
in which no man can reach the
peaks merely, by bulldog de
termination. Heywood Broun.
hA Football
: . ; synapsis
Ted Wynne leaves bis position la
the sted sn& at Bellport to week
bis tray through college. Ha loves
Barb Roth, daughter of wealth, and
reaCsjs he could never ask her to
marry a mill hand. At Old Do
amnion. Ted shows promise as s
football player. Tom Stone, star
player sad ens of Bellport s slits, is
antagonistic towards him. Wnea
Ted is forced to gjva ap football be
cause it conflicts with bis Job, Bar
ney Made, the coach, gsts him a
position that wffl not interfere. Ted
passes bis examinations with honors
and wins the .respect of ms class
mates. He goes home for a visit.
To inf mists Ted, Barb encowrages
Torn and attends the New Year's
Eve party with him. Ted goes with
Janet, Barb's friend, and during a
snack wedding, Janet kisses him
Barney Mack laid most of his
groundwork for the football season
daring spring practice. He held
lectores at noon and supplemented
these by field work ia the late after
aooa. AH freshmen were eligible
for spring training because they
would be varsity men the next
Fall; after sis weeks of looking
them over Barney knew what he
had to work with and made his
plans daring the summer.
"Get everything yo ess," he
told Ted, "and if yon come through
yoall be second string quarterback
next teasoa."
Second string uarterback for
Barney Mack was aa important
Job because Barney played a heavy
schedule aad started his shock
troops against most opponents;
which meant that Ted might be
called opoa to direct the New Do
minion offense for one quarter, at
least, against the regulars of Army,
Navy, Nebraska and other big
texts. "-
Ted studied; copied all the plays
n his notebook as Barney passed
them out; studied aot only bis own
assignment bat that of every man
- oa each play; ht went into Bar
ney's strategy; covered the rules
carefully; and when he wasn't cer
tain of a point, he talked it over
with Barney.
He had time enough for this
without interfering with his classes.
New Dominion had no fraternities;
athletics and student life were or
ganized oa the Ones of the ten
halls. There were no women stu
dents; tight discipline, particularly
for freshmen, provided little oppor
tunity for feminine diversion, either
with the town girls or with the
students of Weyrick. the school
across the NUes Road referred to
by sophisticated New Dominion
men as Jaundice.
Ted was working three hours
each evening in the law library and
did some secretarial work for Bar
ney Mack; these jobs gave him
plenty of time for football and
classes aad he was so busy on the
campas 'that ht was not cramped
by the restrictions.. . Other fresh
men were aot so happy.
irs the bunk. Stone said to a
. crowd oa the gymnasium grass one
' afternoon. "You'd think we were
S lot of kids."
'"This fa a real place and you
don't know it," Jimmy Pidgin ob
jected. "It's a frosh paradise if you
ask me aad yon should because I'm
aa authority oa schools as this is
my toarth."
"Perennial freshman, eh Fid gel"
Ted asked.
"Bora wrta a suver anchor on
my raJL"
that was destined to be worked
oat Into tha most far reaching,
enduring and Important In all
tha grand chorus of answers to
that call.
The school named that day the
Oregon Institute opened teaching
classes August 13, 1844, and it
was destined to be chartered In
basement rooms of its own build-
tog by tha Oregon territorial leg
islature holding its sessions there.
which wss dona January 18, 1853,
aad tha name 'changed ia the
chartering act to Willamette unl'
(Turn to Page )
. From Other Papers
Anticipating tha conditional or
complete repeal of the eighteenth
amendment, -Dr. Nicholas Murray
Butler, president of Columbia uni
versity. New York, and, a leader
of tha wets, announces a plan to
take private profit out of the li
quor business and, to prevent the
return of worse abuses than he
attributes to prohibition.
Dr. Butler wonld adopt sub
stantially tha .Quebec, Canada
plan. Ha would hare regional li
quor control boards who would
operate sales places, eliminating
the private retail dealer or saloon
keeper of pre-war days. His plan
would permit the private mann-
tacture of beer, whisky, wine, gin.
eto, for profit, apparently regard
Ing public operation of distilleries
aa mora of aa evil than the fos
tering of a great Industry which
will be vitally Interested la In
creasing consumption of liquor.
Dr. Butler-would levy state and
federal taxes oa spirits. Ha would
sell beer and light wine cheap.
thus encouraging consumption,
while restricting tha use of hard
liquor by charging a near-prohlbl-
uva price.
Theoretically tha noted eastern
educator has expounded a pretty
good plan, the 'only drawback be
ing that it won't vork out that
way.. If the weta gala control,
aad they will have to. to repeal
the eighteenth amendment, , they
aren't going to give us the 'plan
most calculated to eliminate pri
vate profit, from tha liqsor busi
ness but the plan best calculated
to foster It, for much of their fi
nancial support' la coming from
"What's so hot aboat this
dump? Stone asked.
Ia , the first place - yoa ve got
Barney: best coach ia the business;
stick . with Barney "and yoall
get an education touring the coun
try which yoall never get listening
to a lot of goofy profs; a guy has
good a chance of making all-
Americas right here as any place
ia the country."
"Sure Barney's the stuff."
Sheets agreed. "Bat how about
Pidge Jumped to his feet Pidge
was inclined to be plumpish.
"Just what I wanted somebody
to say. Say if yoa mugs had been
a freshman as often A as I have at
some of these schools where they
make yoa wear monkey caps and
do the moling, you'd be damn well
satisfied to be where they treat a
frosb like a human being as long as
he behaves like one."
"Yeh but how about parties and
dances r"
"You've had -em all vour Efe
haven't yon? Yoa get 'cm at home
during vacations, don't yon?
There's muggers down town and
over to Jaundice. Fraternitiesl
Fighting over some guys and mak
ing other poor ldds feel tough be
cause they haven't beca pledged
or caal keep op with expenses ;
oasuag ap teamsend yoa guys
sobbing be cans yoa have to live
with a lot of regular guys from all
"You're the oaly one sobbing,"
Sheets laughed.
"Barns me ap," Pidge declaimed.
"Talk about a man's world this
place right here is the only place a
maa can go and not have his retina
clogged op with a lot of thinheads
showing their legs."
"IH take a chance oa that last.'
Stone laughed, "but Wynne will
agree with yoa.
Just a Ettle hard to please. Tom
Whose go tag ia to dress ?
"Lots of time," Pidze replied.
Tve kind o got the spring fever
today." When Ted had cone he
cominuea: xmow tneres a guy
a are
noil get somewhere. Hes sot
"Everything but guts." Stone
I wouldn't say that." Pidze ob
"HeD I know him; he's from
my home town; comes from noth
ing and is four-flushing his way
through here.
"Barney's got him slated for sec
ond-string quarter."
eh; I know; makes a grand
stand play with his notebooks. But
yoa can't run a team with note
books. Wait tilt he hits the big
stun and watch htm fold up.
I can I see it."
"Well, yoa will. Pidge. There's
something wrong with a guy who
plays everything so damned safe.
"Let's get dressed." Pidge said.
rising and stretching raxurianUy,
"Say. what do I do on 52?"
"Ask Wynne." Stone said. "Hell
have it in his book."
There were times when Ted
Wynne wondered whether he had
the right kind of guts; as he sat on
me train, returning tor summer
vacation, he had aa idea he would
sooa find out about that; facing
the rolls and furnaces in midsum
sner beat was ao job for a callow
collegiate; it took a good maa to
do that Barney had told hira to
put in the vacation period at hard
work and coqie back to school ia
shape; he needed the money any
The men would be watching bim
they liked to think that oo fore
those who expect to profit
restoration of the traffic.
Nor Is state control of sales.
area if achieved, going to be a
panacea. It was tried years ago
tn South Carolina and produced
worse conditions than have been
attributed' to prohibition in the
wettest states. In New York it
wonld be operated by the Tam
many machine, ia Chicago by the
Thompson or some equally smelly
ring. In Philadelphia by the Vara
machine, and so on. The liqsor
racket will bo rnn to make money
and votes for the dominant local
political gang Jnst as it was In the
old days. And the high price Dr.
Butler proposes to charge for
whisky will foster bootlegging
Just as prohibition does. It has
had that effect in Canada vrhere
all laws are much better enforced
34 Years Ago
From the Nation's News Ilea
Tha appolntmeata are moat modern and wftl be found
appropriately selected whether tha sarvlco be most elm
ale or one mora pretentions. The completely eq sipped"
Rlgdoa Mortuary has proven Itself helpful to maay .
clients. . i..-.- . : - - -
m 'XT' ij5iM2)to) ysi
man could do the Jobs he bossed.
Ted was going into the mill with '
one Idea to stick until they carried
him out A
The year at college had done
things to him; the kkkoff was over -
he was in the middle of the big
game; aad u sometimes it seemea
that winning was aot wo A the
prior he knew that he could aot
turn back; whether that was cour
age or stubbornness or common
sense,' he would Cod oat later. -
Ted was riding a day coach. Uis
companions were of the class he
wss trying to escape; greasy for
eigners eating oranges; sweaty ne
groes with shoes off. resting their
feet . while they, slept with open
mouths: sad-faces, dumb-faces,
Most of them never had a chance.
Ted didn't want to grow old Eke
that; he had his chance and he was
going to give it a battle,
The tram stopped for tea min
utes at Columbus to change en
gines; a crowd of students from
Ohio State trooped noisily into the
car ahead. Ted got his bag and
Joined them. It was one o'clock ia
the morning and he would be rid-1
ing until five.
A nice thing about life yoa
could always change cars.
More students got oa at Newark;
and Zanesville; their bags were em
blazoned with pennants from Ohio
Wesheyan. Maskiagvm, Ohio Usi-
srsity. .Girls sad boys; young
sters with bright faces and laugh
ing voices.
Groups began to strum at nice-
leles sad to singv gradually- they
got together nice thing aboat
ldds; they made their owa fan
wherever they found themselves.
Songs . . . Cheers Noise.
Somebody saw s New Dominioa
pennant on Ted's bag; generously
they gave a cheer for New Domin
ion; they aQ knew about Barney
Mack aad his Blue Comets.,
Ted thrilled. Big stuff. Next
year he might be a part of it these
kids might know about him.
What a world I
Ao older maa was standing in
the aisle; making a speech.
"Young people," he said, "let us
stop this revelry and turn our
thoughts to God. Let as pray."
Boloney I
Ted knew about God. He had
his religion from the time he had
been bounced oo his mother's
knee; but he didnt think God
wanted Y. M. C A. guys like that
to throw a wet blanket oa a party
ust when a lot of kids were be
ginning to enjoy themselves.
This egg might meaa all right
but he was out of order. Ted left
the car and walked to the platform.'
A girl followed him.
"Got a cigarette?" the askfcd. A
pretty girl; red hair tumbling over
one ear; slanting eyes; a good chin,
healthy color; a little something
different' about her dress.
"That damned psalm singer
burns me an," she stated. "Are
yoa from New Dominion?"
"Yes. Where are yon from?"
"Weyrick; or perhaps yoa call it
Her smile anticipated Ted's sur
prise. "Where do you live. Mister?"
"Well yoa might call this a
coincidence. I'm from just over
the bridge."
"My name's Ted Wynec"
"I'm Rosalie Downs, Shake,
CTs C tiwQ
and obeyed than they are down
There la no satisfactory method
of dealing with the llqaor traffic,
Prohibition is u ass Us factory be
cause it is hard to enforce. Regu
lation will be as bad or worse,
much worse la places where pro
hltion is now reasonably effective.
In the eastern cities where condi
tions are admittedly bad now it ia
easy to see how they can become
much worse whea control of the
trade Is turned over to corrupt po
litical machines.
Dr. Butter Is doubtless sincere
but his idealistic scheme has no
more chance than, the proverbial
snow ball If the country repeals
the eighteenth amendment The
worst plan, not the best, will bo
more likely to be adonted.
Baker Democrat-Herald.
ef test
Washington, D. C Oct. , ISM