.v .mm. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Saturday Morning, September 17T1932 page seven::;:; - T f DAY MEET 111 AT CLEAR LAKE Will Honor Centennial of Evangelical Church; Program Listed One hundred years of Sunday school work Is the history now written by the Evangelical church The first Sunday - school of the denomination was organized in Lebanon, Pa., in the autumn of 1832. This event is being cele brated everywhere throughout the church by a special program stressing the importance of Chris tian education. Clear Lake, Labish Center, and Middle Grove, the three societies of Labish Mission of the Evan gelical church are cooperating Sunday In a program at the Cleat 'J each point participating. The El dridge Sunday school has been Invited to unite in this anniver sary memorial. A pioneer of the work. Dr. W. C. Kantner, will be the special guest speaker of the occasion. The program arranged by Rev H. R. Scheuerman, pastor of tbe mission follows: 10 a. m. Sunday school, w. P, Collard superintending; hymns: "The Church in the Wild. Wood, 'Savior Like a Shepherd Lead fa;" devotional reading; invoca tlon; hymn, "Yield Not to Temp tation:" class sessions; hymn "Stand Up For Jesus;" scripture and prayer; offering for Missions historical sketch of the Sunday chool work; Clear Lake, Alex Harold; Middle Grove. C. J. Bar- run; LADisn center, a. u. Horns chuch; special music and address "Leadership and Increase", by pastor, H. R. Scheuerman. 12:15 p. m., basket dinner 2:00 p. m. afternoon session; song service; scripture; hymn, "He Leadeth Me;" prayer; ten minutes addresses on "Our Task," by Mrs. W. H. Scharf; "Accomplishing Our Task by Miss Grace Klampe; "The Glory of Our Task," byJMiss Gladys Brown; hymn, "The Church's One Foundation"; offer ing for missions; "Reminiscences of the Beginnings of this and Ad jacent Work", by Dr. W. C. Kant ner; hymn, "Lead On, O King Eternal", and benediction. j Song leader. Miss Grace Klampe; pianist. Miss Katherine Scharf. I Former members and friends are invited to Join in this centen nial celebration which will fol low the old custom of a basket dinner at the place of worship, TO TALK HERE j 73 t - I u HUE YOUTHS L 1 - :vsm EWE Rev. Louis Adams. Indian evan gelist, who will preach Sunday night at the Alliance Gospel Tabernacle. i li EVANGELIST : Rer. Fletcher Galloway, pastor of the Nazarene church, h .s been invited to be guest speaker for the student body at Northwest Nazarene college at the time of the recent meetings there In Oc- 1 tober. Rer. Galloway Is a mem ber of the board of regents. JL number of young people irom me cnuren here are K. .nt to attend this college at Nampa, Idaho, and last -Sunday a brief send-off" service was held for them at the church. Youths leav ing are: Kenneth Asberry, Daniel Hardy. Robert Huston and Glenn Huston. Galloway Is continuing the two series of sermons which started last Sunday. The morning message tomorrow will be. "The Queen of the Graces" in the eer- ies, "Gifts and Graces." The eve ning message will be, 'Thy Such World?" which will deal with ..Oe-old problem of evil. In commenting upon this subject Rev. Galloway said, "Humanity either had a fall or e!;e a mighty poor start." The choir directed by John Friesen, will sing Sunday morn ing "The Songr of Victory" which was written by Chas. II. Gabriel who passed away this week. Sun day night. Earl Miller will sing a baritone solo, and a mixed quar tet composed of Clyde Holier, Stella Hotter, I la Fo'ter, and U E. De Vault will sing. in GIVES TEXTS FOR SERIES The Sunday night services at tiie First Evangelical church, at announced by the pastor, Dr Emory Pettlcord, will be evangel istic in nature. The text will be taking "The Meaning of Bible Terms" such as forgiveness, con viction, consecration, sympathy, peace, sleep, hope and many others In order, which will be of interest to all. These announced subjects will be treated seperately each night. The different departments jo: arc Prayer mediae Wore evealaf service at v:30; orre preiaaa T:ie, Mil Miliar, argaaist. Sesmiac set lire t:0. spans! rhair aair 'flil imii'i flml mple Taa Heasa aa4 taa PUlara." This It tha aacaaa aarmom af aariaa at threa. Prayar Baatiag aad kibr atadr Wcdaeadar :0 P- - rsotajrtrxx xaptut Caraaa Uatal aad Aeadaatr traata. Baa- day aebaat 10 a. at, leaaaa: X Saaaal, IX. JTaaafeiaff at 11 a. m. aad T:0 p. m. MMwee prapar aa taatimaar bnUu Taanday S p. at. srixmrixisT chttkch or DIVOTS TKUTH Kel oa kalL CaaaiakeU bwaa LfWr- ty. aad CaaaMreiaL (?ardoa Flestac. paa- tor. Saaday ftatrieaa t U !:N k a. me tarn aad kaaUar. S p. tn. feetara aaa- Jact "Tha Aitral War id" followad hv Miiipi. Mldvaak aaaaaara aaniaa at 251 O atraat. aatvaaa CemaMrdal aad Frost. Tharaday 1 p. a. OOTJXT STKEXT CHZMTXAST Obraar lTth aad Oawt atraata. Hack V. McOatlaaa, paatar. raatdaaca ITaa Chaaaaaata. pa aaa 1104. Biala aehaot at t:S a. am, Mra. Iraaa WalUr. aaparia taadaat. ataraiag aranhip aad Lord's Sap par at XI, aaaraa Utaaa "Is Ua Kaal Ckrisliaa Uapapaiart" Taaac paapla's O. K. aociatiaa at T p. a. lawaiar aaaa talUtia aarriea aad aaac-faat. S. Saraaaw UaaM "Tha Maker af Hear Thimsa." Mid week aarriea Wedaeaday. S p. at, "Brotherhood." MISSIONARY i ?. -..v - si XT Rer. Louis Adams, Indian evangelist, will speak Sunday night at 7:45 o'clock at the Al liance gospel tabernacle, G55 Fer ry street, on "Just Who Stall See God?" He will appear iu full trt bal regalia. Adams in his youth lived a wild, reckless existence, but cast all that aside wLen he became in- sled I- r ligion and then the m'nlstry, he has told Rev. W. H. Caldwell, pastor of the local Alliance. Bert McManus. sheriff of Che lan eounty, , Washington, "at tests" to the early life ot r.v. Louie Ada is , whom he has known during the 35 years he has been a law enforce lent officer in Washington, as follows: "Adams' czrly life was rather a wicked ana vicious me, dui since his profession as a minister has began, I find that he is ap plying his education and all his energies in an effort to benefit mankind. MI r SPEAKERS At the regular monthly meet ing of the First Methodist church Men's Bible class, Monday night at 7:30 o'clock, a program of general interest will be given in the church auditorium, and will be open to the general public as well as all men, women and child ren of the church. . Dr. Robert Gatke of Willamette university and Dr. M. A. Marcy. district superintendent, will be tbe speakers, both to give ad dresses on Jason Lee. Musie for the program Is being arranged by Mrs. Darlow Johnson. This Is the first of a series of educational programs which the class will sponsor this fall and winter, with Robinson Spen cer, librarian of Willamette uni versity, chairman ot the program committee. Rev. H. G. Humphrey, of Goodlnc Idaho, who win arrive here Sat urday and fiuuday morning will preach his first sermon a pastor of Jason Lee Memorial M. E. church. He succeeds Iter. Hugh B. Fouke, Jr. Rev. Humphrey has been superintendent of the east em Idaho conference district for the last fonr years, and has held pastorates in Kansas City, and St. Louia, Mo., Helena, Bloat and Twin Falls, Idaho. He is a graduate of Baker university and Drew Theological seminary. The family Includes Mrs. Humphrey, two daughters and a son. nrOLswoos tjtmitkp bkxthw Ceraar North 17th aad Nebraska. Bar. &. V. Wilaoa. paster. Raaday aehaol 9:4S. wains; worship 11; easject "Oa to the Peak." Breaiaf worship 1:19. Yang people's ateetiaf 6:30. sabjret "My Share la My Home." leader. Mias Ida Mas Lyons. SOUTH SALEM rKIEIDS Sooth Commercial at Wabia(toa atreet. Charles C. Haworth, pastor. Saaday school 10 a. at, Nathaa Cook, saperioteadeat. Monti a r worship aad sermon, 1L. Ereaiac worship T:S0. Thursday prayer aseetiaf aad bible stady, 7:10 p. m. PBESBTTXBXUr Winter aad Chrmeketa streets. Grovar C. Birtcaet. D.D.. pastor.. Church school SjSO a. as, L. M. Ramace. eaperintaad Bt. Merninc worship 11. aermoa tonic "Eridearp of God's Election." anthem, "Ajsgel Voices Ever Siacinr"- (SheUy). Solo, Mrs. U. J. MilUe, "Rest ia the Lord" (Stickles). Christian Endeavor so cieties 0:30 p. as. Krcaraf aerrirr 7:30 sermoa "The ChallcBra ot the Diffifnlt." Anthem, "He Waa Wonadrd for Onr Tra n s (re tai on s. Saj r LESLIE BICE I n M eId tit 9 . . ji j. U I ' , Ira E. Gillet. mlaalonary to Afri ca, who speaks Kanday night at the Pint Methodist church here, and tonight at the Ford Memorial church in Wrt Salem. Rally Program v Sunday Morning For Lutherans The Leslie Memorial church in South Salem has secured the ser vices ot Mrs. Marjorie Walker Ratcllffe as director of music for this year. Mrs. Ratcllffe enters upon her duties this week and has plans for many special mu sical features and services during tbe year. She comes to her work with a backgrossd of 17 years spent -in the concert, church aad teaching fields, including wort as soloist or director with the Baptist Tem ple church of Philadelphia, Met ropolitan Methodist church of Vie toria. B. C-. the Piedmont Pres byterian and Rose City churches ot Portland, and St, Paul's Epis copal church of Salem. The members of Leslie Memor ial eh arch are greatly pleased to have a musician ot such wide ex perience and recognised ability to eontinue and enlarge their pro gram ot mudc Mr.' Ratcllffe is enthusiastic about the musical possibilities of Leslie and South Salem. She invites the members and friends of the church to at tend the musical at home at the new Ratcllffe residence, 1841 Falrmount avenue, Sunday after noon, September 25, . and hear several out-of-town artists in vo cal and instrumental music. GBAOB eO&PZL H1XX, Snndsy school at 10. Praachiaf at 11 V m. and 8 p. m. Fred Stliott of Port land, speaker. Gospel meet! of erery Fri day niht. SUNDAY in the Churches n hiohulbtd nmros Hi ah land and Church streets. Olea Sia- asrd, pastor, residence 235 Maple are ana. Sunday school 9:43 a. m., E. M. Beckett, superintendent; maraiaf war ship 11, sermon snbjret "Tha Meaaeafsr of Lore. Junior C. E. C:S0 p. a, senior and intermedials 0. E. 6:80. ETsniells tfe service 7:80 p. at. Midweek prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. XVTOHY MXMOK1AX Terry and 19th streets. H. O. 8torer. minister. Morninr worship 11, sermon "A Victorious Faith?' Kreniaf aerriea 7:10, theme. "A New Bone." Mntie by tha choir st morning; aad evening. Church school meets st 10 a. m., C O. Harris, superintendent. Tonaf people's saeetiag at 6:45 p. as. rxaST OOIGREQATTOITAJ. Ceater and Liberty streets. J. K. 81m- oods. pastor. Sundsr school 9:45 ev m morniar worship 11; tabject, "Pear aad God's Gifts." Sola by Mrs. Harry Harms. rrasi baptist Marion and North Liberty streets. Brlt toa Boss, minister. Bible school 9:45 a. as., Pred Breer, saperiatendeat. Morning wor ship it, special masie by the chair. s moa "The Redemption Story. Junior KVAKGELISTIO TABEUfACLB Terry and ISth streets. C. G. Weston. Pastor. Sanday school, 1:45 p. m., R. C Pergnson. superintendent. Church service t p. m.. evsagelistie service 7:45. Special masie at each service. Maaday aicht at S. farewell service fer Miss Mary Phaa win be bold at North Howell grange hall. Tneeday. 7:45 p. ss message by Rev. Janes. Devotional service Tharaday 7:45 P- as. Teang people'a service 7:45 p. as. Satarday. choir at S. riBST OEBJCAir BAPTIST Keith Cottage and D streets. O. W. Botecb. minister. Saaday school 9:45 a.m. Sam Schirmaa. saperintendent. Morniag wersaip it e cteefc. aabject. A With ered Haad." Choir anthem. Toans- ee- o s meeting 7 p. m Henry It presHleat. Evealer service, a tonic. "tioiy ieeislon Tor Christ." Male et. Regular midweek prayer aerriea at o p. m. weaaeeaay. PTBST EVAJTGEXJCAL North 8amaser at Marion street. Emory W. Petttcerd. D.D.. minister. Sunday wheel. 9:45 a. ., L. L. Thoraton, super intendent, morniag worship 11 a. m. Ur gaa preroda aad oHertery. Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps. Sermon, "The Reason e Uhrtst's Sovereignty." Christian Eadeav and senior B. T. P. V. at p. as. or t p. at.; evangeliitie service at 8, ser- Rally Day will be observed Sunday in the American Luth eran church, announces P. W. tsriEsen, the pastor, when a pro gram of special merit will be pre sented. Dr. A me 8. Jensen of Monmouth Normal school will giv the morning address on George Washington, the Man The rest of the program fol lows: old gospel hymns; scrip ture and prayer by the pastor; the call ot the Sunday school .year 1932-133, Supt. Arnold A. Krue ger; solo: "The Lord is Mindful of His Own." Mrs. J. A. Sholseth; The Appeal Not tbe Primary De partment. Mrs. C. M. Byrd. Supt hymn; male quartet; offertory and announcements: anthem; ser monet: "The Lutheran Church in the Days of the Revolution," the pastor; prayer The Doxology and the congregation standing in silent prayer. First M. E. to Hear Ira Gillet Sunday Evening Ira E. Gillet. Methodist mis sionary to Africa with headquar ters at Inhambane district, Port ugese East Africa, will speak at the service at the First Methodist chureh. Sunday at 7:30 o'clock. He will show moving pictures ot the country and of the natives, and will display handiwork ot the natives. Mr. Gillet hag been a mission ary in Africa for 13 years, where he is also an Instructor In a boarding school for boys, where the Portugese language is taught. He is a dynamic speaker and his message will be educational and Inspiring. moa. "Convictirc." Goapel soag service led by J. H. Prieten. Special musir by ms'e quartet acd guest soloist. Bible ttudv and prsrer Thartdsy 8 p. m. ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL LXTTBXBAM MUssobtI Synod Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor. Kncjuh acrv ices at 9:43 s. m. German at 11 o'clock. (Continued en Pare 10 SPECIAL DDIOXSTRATIOX ELDRIEDGE. Sept. It The Daily vacation bible school class will give a demonstration at the Sunday school here Sunday mor ning following the regular lesson study, with Gladys Brown and Virginia Sahll la charge. PARKER IS LEADER The Young People's Forum of the Flr3t Methodist chur-h will meet at 6:30 Sunday evening. Rev. B. Earle Parker will lead the discussion. MICKEY MOUSE 'Watch the Birdie! By WALT DISNEY STAND BACK Afrv0U0rtT0DUR EARS! the church are well supplied with pianos, yet a friend has donated another for the main auditorium. This will make a battery of two pianos, one on each side of the pulpit, with the large pipe organ in the back ground. These three instruments will be played by Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps. Miss Helen Rex and Miss Glayds Helficker. J. H. Freizen will conduct an old fashioned gospel message in song. f Cross -vford Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFEK TSHTO W ALL RIGHT. PETE! S I ZZ v. s a i tir t .i or 1 1 , -. Js 1 ".wc,k i i . i -v a a vi n i'ir.t r 1 1 aassTJs'a jr rn:i i v v-i i ii . nw l i i r -v THIMBLE THEATRE Startrnii Pooeye Now Showing "Guns Are So Noisy!" By SEGAR 1 2 P I4 K5 I6 I1 h l,? lu 12 pin "pin 15 ' 6 TT 18 VTA 25 26 27 A a 28 31 32 33 W 35 I 36 H3 44 H5 H6 41 46 SH 55 56 57 98 A I 1 Wr VW- VOO Sia5PlNrCH EKTER-VLL MrXKt A HOMeXcA rfM80R3Erl -vOF YOU Y KO McXTTER HOW XJ I f n.1. NOT SlfXND 8V I 1 I IKS aB amsak a m s-mem mSat I II S"W sSBrVj a,Bm AT. a . S .v'BB J I IT li z Mill wnct"frt j 11 rur.7o-iu. wuwi -y s I 1 tAI l.lAft-e vjxrr-a mm -iirz is a, wg Asm Vr Finr3 wnrvi v&rs r-t 3 1 iv mr.oruimw m 1 . , KNOW fncfi ARE WrXTCKlr wr rT- l I 1 - " o-rr WR BUSSTEO I WANTS PCfN QUIET UMIX ITH a) I S a I LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY "The Departing Guests By DARRELL McCLURE HORIZONTAL 1 large pack age pre pared for 5 beverage 8 serpents 12 top 13 plan 14 to foretell 15 chairs 17 accom plished 19 age 20 suffix 21 period 0: tune , 23 makes a 1 low pitched f vocal sound 25 finished 27 mistake 28 molt 80 to obliter ate 32 parent 34 lubricate 35 prepares for publica tion 36 by way of 37 old pronoun 88 set again 39 row 0 thrnuarh 41 ceremonies 43 boy's name 4ft vehicle 47 life guard (abbr.) 1 49 arm pit j 60 organ of hearing 52 track eft a coarse I rigid hai 56 annoy 58 one time 69 sow 60 prefix 61 garden implement VERTICAL 1 bottom 2 imitator 8 meadow . 4 lengthen 5 part of to be 6 youth 7 heroic poem 8 like 9 sharp pointed weapon 10 playground 11 oceans 16 earth 18 female apparel 22 wants 24 metal-bearing rock 25 elongated Ash 28 less wet 28 sauce pre pared in China 29 hasten 81 garret 32 pastry 33 river in 85 fhostly 86 Burmese unit of weight 09 soak ( WS MAO A sJaWTS 1S7TAJC CAPEOP' 2-500D8VE.V fm&C 1 r MDlCSTwaBCe-XSUSTlJOJE RAMCHC$Y. PMEVMJO RXX5 -DOTT SEEM AS A GRAKO WSTt SUM TwOv VCXJRSEXr; QJ80XIJ GOSbEI. A .W -wfHEyBOCVOeOMCTOMEVTS-eEV tAPOa?lirrOM A RAMCH ASHDObV1 SO LOUS MSi9 TsLl----TSrT3S 7 HAD A y X-v r i OOUr Tt?EATMC UKE AM ORPHAU-ii CrraE3.AjB5CMETM4 VV HAWKW3 .1 ?Y-I L , JL 16WEU-X r-r5kV knyWftVTrVACrntXJTTVesJ I e4 . BEEAU5C FRJt5 AfJD UEi)-(BOPS ARE V-'l'l-tlsEy r YT1A .GOOO-j .!HAllVOU&iKKlHDK&A& SO SCARCC--VOE. MAVC"TsMTD STUDV J 1 'e- AfS i! E TOOTS AND CASPER Two Imaginations" By .JIMMY MURPHY terday's Puzzle. e-n mm EH 40 idly boast . bout 42 make lace 48 crowd 44 on the shel tered side 45 center part eta chureh 47 lap 48 Joy 51 cords i surface textile f abrie 58 prefix 55 paid advtr 'tisement. 57 Roman TKT SECRET IS OUT AT LAST! STRANEKWJTM THE BLAaCtvUSTKSl FOlJLOrvuNl CASPER IS A DSTECnVS FROM POUCH HEAD-QUARTERS tVHOWAS ASSIGNED TO 6UAR0 CASPER AT ALL TIMES, VilTHOUT LETTIN6 CASPER 'l DlDrTT KNOW THAT CrUY WTTH THE BLACK MUSTACHE IS A DETECTIVE, COLONEL, HOOFER! I THOUGHT HE WAS A DESPERADQ TRYING TO BUMP M OFF J ITS A LUCKY THIN I OiDNT PUT A BULLET INTO HlMl - THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A AOOO JOKP , j. - - l :SL rea MeI W W W SIBBmtfJ WHY SHOULD ANYBODY WANT TO BUMP TOU OFF, SHRIMP? YOU HAVENT ANY ENEMIES! YOU 0U6HT T0 KNOW tHOT PEOPLE WHO D0NT AHOUr4T TO ANYTHING. UKE YOUKSeU HAVE NEVER DOKS ANYTHtNir -TO MAKE E3 Y THAT BEJNt BUMPED OFF BUSINESS REMINDS fit OF TH5 STORY ABOUT THE 6UY WHO SAID HE WISHED HE KNEW THE TOWN HE WAS 40NNA OlE IS, BECAUSE IF HE DID, HED NEVER f I IMAGINED I WAS liONNA BE DUMPED f. VsCLLIVE BEEN OFF'AND ALL SORTS OF THINGS, TOOTS! V IMArCNft THAT I U JUSTUS TO SHOW YOU THAT , I YOU'RE -cOtMr TO tcTaaTY"llVE PER CENT OF EVERYBODY 5 cjtVEHEA NICE I WORRIES ARE tMAr!NARYl FROM NOW ON FAT CHECK TO BUY 1JL TAKE MY FTVtl Pd CXMT OF A -fa MYSELF ACTUAUTROVLls ANOLETrrO I &A5 ALOTOF 'V AT THAT! VVi5W mJL 7frr'J 7 ys-i- jjaxTTrfES, Aaa ,fiCL STANDI HOPE (V., w AS? . Srf I WONT BE - i Q WW, etmci I kikticue, ax. Ores Bcisaia fihs memc tia.