The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon Saturday Morning. September 17. 1932
V 5
j4 ttr active Party at
Jean Beutler
m - Home :
A baca- door-picnic" party. is as.
:t original. invitation tent -out
to group of friends by. Mrs.
Jean- Beutler 1 for Thursday night
v at her -home.
: " A- detour lgn greeted the
guests at the front door and took
' them to the back of the house.
. Brerythlng had been planned" as
picnic The first hours of the
- evening . wore spent In Informal
conversation with the feature an
'enjoyable-Informal talk by Miss
Lola Millard concerning her sum
mer European tour.
- Toe latter part of the evening
' was spent In playing brl. . and
rook. ' Winning scores were held
by. Miss Mary Cupper. Miss Fraii
ce Welch, Mrs. Elm a McAllister,
and Mrs. Sylvia Paulson.
-' TtAfmnhmenui were served m
unique manner. Each table ap
pointed a hesteas and to her was
l- .avna a market basket villi
- m-terlal. from, which to set the
table. Mrs. Beutler was assisted
by her sister, Mrs. Clara V.
v Guests Included Miss Myrtle
1 Beaver,- Miss Ann E. Boentje,
Ulss Elizabeth Boylan, Mius MH
.dred Carr, Mirs Fannie ioa:;:as,
Mine. Jxi"s Fellows, Miss r.jer
Ferguson, Miss Gladys Humph
rey, Miss Margaret Knapp, Miss
I Sylvia Kraps, Miss Florence
l Krou,l MIes Evelyn McKlnT-
Miss Lola Millard, Miss Catherine
O'Nell, Mrs. Clara Pomeroy, Miss
Helen Prang, Miss Lois Red,
Mlas Inez Reigsnyder, MUs Cath
erine Slnims, Miss Elsa .Th-zs,
Miss Grace Thompson, Miss
Glad?. Tipton, Miss Lois Tipton,
Miss Elizabeth Vance, Miss Etta
White, Miss Vera Newbauer, Mrs. Creech. Miss Lillian Dav
Mrs. Vera Wright, Miss r ! -tta
Crowley, Miss Mary C - . -i-i-Frances
Welch, Mrs. Elraa McAl
lister, and Miss Sylvia Padlson.
Birthday Surprise
Pleasing Event
An event of pleasing informal
ity was that planned by Mrs.
Claire Inman Thursday night in
t compliment to the birthday of Mr.
Guests called at the Inman
.home during the evening and an
info: al social time was enjo
At a -late hour coffee was sc. . -d
and gifts were presented to the
honor guest.
Invited by Mrs. Inma.i to jr
; prise Mr. Inman were Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Bowenrox, Mr. and
-Mrs. William E. Moses, Mr. and
' Mrs. iJo. Martin, Mr.' and Mrs.
Leon Gleason, Mr. and Mrs
Fatton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Har
vey, and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. De
lano. Pattern
On cold, cold winter nights kid
dles, welcome nothing, betters then
.comfy -warm pajamas. If s your
duty to start them oft right .-
, the kiddles - we mean. There are
flannels and crepes that are just
; the thing to use. A touch oi braid
i I- and some perky buttons make in-
; teresUag details. " -
Pattern 2 198 niay. be ordered
only' In sixes 4 -to 12. Slse 8. re-
attires S yards 3S inch fabric. Il
lustrated step-by-step Instructions
included with this pattern. -
Send fifua cents (15c) ta
' or tUmpa (coin praftrrtej,
; for each pattara: Writ plainly
jroor name, addrcoa and styla nn-
- wASTpp. . v.:vr-. ..--r..
'Tka'fB and winter edition at
Aana. Adaa Fattaxn catalog -
Tfj Chaminf, flattarinf aa4
a la 82 parel of toa- aawaat- and '
bait " feaaaa. aaraet and formal
frocks eletarly. datienW styles
for larra fijnirea and beatuiful,
prartical models for Jnniors and -kiddles.
Loraly? iinserio pattortts,;
aad sarresiioat for rifts that can
aoMly and ineaprnxirely made,
aro atoo- iaetnded. Send for ibm
m cstakr. Priea of eatalof,- fit
t tee a eanta Catalog and pattern to
retker. twenty-fira eanta. - Addreas
- all Wail ordrra f Statosnaa Pa
tare . df Dartateat. X4S W. 17th
atreoi Kaw Totk city.
Iltk street, Jfaw TorJt.Cay.' t
News and Club
Olive M. Doak,
T "s, - - .... - - .
" - " Saturday, September-' 17
'. . W. H; a will meet at Miller's hall. J o'clock: reg-
n!a meeting. . - '
; A. A."- 'TJ. W. ' first meeting of year, fifth . floor of
Hasonie -temple, Miss" Lola Millard speaker; one o'clock
luncheon. ' ' . '; - ". ' i"-.-
Golden Hour club with Mrs. Everett' Millard, 1119
D street; .one o'clock luncheon.
; Sunday, September 18
' First district conference of Business-and Profes
sional Women, all-day . meeting in McMinnville; one
o'clock luncheon, reservations with Julia Webster or
Ruth McAdams before f o'clock Thursday.
Farewell Party
Tonight, McCall Home
An J interestingjLperty will .be
given Itonlght at the lovely Mc
Call country home as a farewell
gesture to a. group of young peo
ple who will leave immediately
for scBooL
Included in . the guest list will
be Rosalie Sundin, W o 1 e t h a
Knappj Vera Fisher, Roland Stod
dard, and Harold McCall all of
whom will attend Laurelwood
academy; Irene Shierman, Au
drey Ashbey, Virgil Larsen and
Kenneth Grant all of whom will
attend Walla Walla college at
Walla Walla, Wash.
Miss Elenita Stiff ler, and Glenn
Freeburg who will leave by mo
tor with Miss Evelyn Freeburg
and Miss Lois Ferguson for Cal
ifornia to attend Junior colleges.
An informal evening of games
and outdoor sports will precede
the supper hour.
Iowa Guests Are
Mrs.; Lloyd Drorbaugh 'was
hostess for a charming afternoon
at her home Friday at which
time she entertained in compli
ment to her mother, Mrs. Marion
Sammons and her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Roy Sammons of Creston,
Iowa, i Members of the Postal
Clerks ;auxiliary were the invited
Cards were in play during the
afternoon hours and at the con
clusion! f tn's pastime tea was
served. :
Additional guests for the after
noon wjere Mrs. John Farrar, Mrs.
Arthur i Gibbard, and Mrs. Leslie
White. j Auxiliary members pres
ent In i compliment to the visit
ing matrons, were Mrs. J. F. Mc-
Kinlay,! Mrs. W. G. Ross. Mrs.
Charles Eyre. Mrs. Faye Collins.
Mrs. W. C. Cavender, Mrs. Jack
Wright; Mrs. U. S. Rider, Mrs
a. Price, Mrs. Ben Rider. Mrs.
a. jjougneny, Mrs. mil As
plnwall and the hostess, Mrs.
Interesting Visitor
In Salem
An Interesting visitor in Salem
this weekend is Mrs. Curtis. D.
Wilbur, wife of ex-secretary" of
the navy under the Collidge ad
ministration, and sister-in-law of
Ray Lyman Wilbur, present se
cretary of the interior and presi
dent of Stanford university.
MrsJ Wilbur, with Judge Wil
bur, now ludze of th Hmilt
court iof appeals in San .Francis
co. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. I Wood. En route east she
stopped over for a short visit
with Mrs. Wood with whom she
attended St. Mary's semlnarv in
Faribalt, Minn.
Alpha Chi Alumnae
Will Meet Monday
Members of the Alpha Ghl Ome
ga sorority alumnae group of Sa
lem vfill be guests of Mrs. G. F.
Chambers and Miss Dorothea
Steusloff Monday at the Chara-
rfs home.
As I part of the program Mrs.
artip Ferry will give a book re
view.! Mrs. Gardner Knapp is
president of the group which will
open! its fall and winter season
with the Monday night meeting.
: -.x--" : ji.-t. .:.. -I . '.-
An :nravmg photo, UoWinr former King Alfonso of Spain holding the
baby of Princess Ileana of Rumania, for which the sx-ruler acted as god
father. With Aixonso is Queen Marie of Rumania, mother of Princess
Ileann . Photo was made ea the occasion ef the baby's christeninr at .
Vienna. Austria. Princeco Ileaiia is the wife ef Arch Duke Anton ef
-1 Hapsborgv A ft s of te
-r. T-v'-r-' barg, va
Society Editor
O. N. "S. Luncheon
Excellent Success
The luncheon meeting at 11
o'clock la- the- First Presbyterian
church dining room proved a de
lightful success for members of
the Oregon, Normal school club
and Its friends Friday. Lovers
wt .ou .... o v. wuests.
Special guests were Dr. J. S.
Landers, George Hug, Mrs. Mary
Fulkerson, iad.Dr. H. R. Laslet.
The program ' topic centered
about "Teacher Loyalty" and was
in co: -tion with, the general
theme of- the institute . meetings
being held In Salem the past two
days. .
Speakers included Dr. Landers,
Mr. Hug, Miss Sylvia Paulson.
Miss Ruth Draper, Miss Edith
Starrett and Miss G retch en Krae
mer. who lntjuuced the speaker.
Miss Frances Laws presented a
piano solo and Miss Mary Cupper
accompanied by Miss Lois Plum
mer sang.
Miss Helen Prang. : Miss Marie
Westoff, and Miss Mildred Wyatt
had charge of the program. Miss
Laura Eaton was in charge of th-
decorations and Miss Helen
Prang led the singing of school
songs accompanied by Mrs. Fred
D;: .can.
Miss Lois Reed, president of
the club, was general chairman
for the affair. The first regular
club meeting for the group is
planned for the second Tuesday
in October.
Unique Golden
Wedding Planned
The parents of both Mr. and
Mrs. John Carkin are arriving In
Salem this weekend to be present
for the joint golden wedding cele
bration of their marriages.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Turner, of
Los Angeles, parents of Mrs. Car
kin, arrived in Salem Friday. Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. L. Carkin of Med
ford, parents of Mr. Carkin, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
O. Taylor, Everett Carkin and
daughter, Carol . Carkin, will ar
rive today, and mill remain until
The golden wedding celebration
will be observed Sunday at the
Carkin home.
Cards Enjoyed
At Martin Home
An enjoyable evening of cards
was spent at the George Martin
home Thursday night at which
time Mr. and Mrs. Martin enter
tained in compliment to a group
of their friends. Following cards
a coffee hour was enjoyed.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. R
Sammons, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sam
mons, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dror
baugh, Mrs. Lillian Cadwell and
Mr. and Mrs. Martin.
narian uoais presented an
hour's pipe organ program in the
attractive studio of Prof, and
Mrs. T. S. Roberta Friday night.
This was the first recital to be
given by Mr. Boals and was pre
sented before only a small group
of Invited rfrlends.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dow will
leave Saturday for a ; motor trip
tnrougn several. Canadian pro
vinces. They expect to be gone
ror at least a month. Miss Fern
Dow will accompany ! them to
Portland where she; will .visit
with friends and later return to
enter Salem high school.
baby, who wm naradrtf n rea Heps' ,
thewwlsi tnset.; .'' -" r
Assembly G r 6 u p
Plans District
r yjUeetihg v
The Mld-WlUamette valley dis
trict assembly of JJelphlan , was
represented in. Salem Friday . by
an executive meeting at the home
of the rice president Mrs. Glenn
raxsoa. .
Flans were made for the com-
Injr district meeting to be held in
Salem the latter part of October
or the first part of November.
The chapters of Salem. Sigma Nu
and Chi Delta, and the Monmouth
Independence .chapter and the
Dallas Observer make up this as
sembly group which will meet.
Mrs. E. B. Millard of Chi Delta
chapter, Salem, was appointed as
sembly treasurer. Mrs. J. CvCol-"
iiaB-u jsuepouuence was appoint
ed song-leader and Mrs. Hal Host
was appointed as accompanist. ' '
Present for this executive meet
ing 'were Mrs. Ivan E. Warner,
Dallas, president; Mrs. Glenn
Paxson. -rice president, Salem:
Mrs. R. D. Barton, recording sec
retary, Mrs. George Rossman. cor
responding secretary; Mrs. Claude
Gnn, program chairman : Mrs.
Frederick Decjtebach. h o s t e s a
committee chairman; Mrs. L. .D.
Lambetn, decoration chairman;
and Mrs. D. A. Hoag, Monmouth,
publicity chairman.
Mrs. Ralph Barnes
Will Address Group
The opening meeting of the
fall season for the American As
sociation of University Women, is
being anticipated today, when the
group will meet on the fifth floor
of the Masonic temple, for a 1
o clock luncheon meeting followed
by the usual program.
The program today will be out
standing in that the speaker js
Mrs. Raipn Barnes, recently re
turned from the Continent, where
she was with her husband, for
eign correspondent for the New
York Times. Much travel and
many unique experiences give a
rich background from which Mrs.
Barnes will draw her remarks.
Miss Marjraret Simms will be
soloist for this meeting. Prelim
inary arrangements will be made
for the year's work, at the as
sociation's business meeting.
Helen Louise Crosby
To be Delegate
Miss Helen Louise Crosby was
selected by her fellow club mem
bers to represent them as delegate
to the sixth district convention to
be held in Olympla October S and
9. Mrs. Winnlfred Herrick was
selected as alternate. Mrs. Ora F.
McLQtyre secretary of the district.
win also attend, according to an
nouncement made at the regular
meeting held Thursday night at
the Marlon hotel.
It was also decided at this
meeting to resume weekly -business
sessions, two luncheon meet
ings on the second and third
Thursdays' and dinner meetings
on the first and fourth Thurs
days. This schedule will begin
with the October dinner meet
ing. Golden Hour Club
Luncheon Today
Mrs. Everett Millard, assisted
by Mrs. Brown Sisson, will enter
tain members of the Golden Hour
club at the Millard home this
afternoon with a 1 o'clock lunch
eon followed by an informal soc
ial afternoon.
This is a special meeting aside
from the regular club meetings,
which usually come on Thursdays.
Wallace Road Mrs. Fred Gib
son and Mrs. James Smart were
delightful hostesses at the recent
meeting of the Willamette Lodge
country club when they served a
delicious' 1 o'clock supper to a
group of 26 guests and members.
Special guests at the affair were
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Barker of
Zena, Charles McCarter, president
of the club appointed as a hostess
committee, for the next, meeting.
Mrs. s. P. Kimball and Mrs. C. L.
Included in those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Kugel, Mrs.
Eleanor Steiner, Miss Margaret
sterner. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chaf
fee, Mr. and Mrs. A.-E. Utleyand
son Billy. Corydori Blodgett, Mr.
ana sn. cnarles -McCarter. Mr.
and Mrs. Roy E." Barker .Mr. and
Mrs. Lou Grote. Mr. and Mrs.
James . Smart, Mr. and Mrs. Frid:
uioson, Mr. and Mrs. W..D. Hen
ry, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimball
and Mr. and Mrs. Mese Adams.
- . see
jerrerson The Triangle dub
met at the home of Mrs. C. Pratt
two miles west of Jefferson Mon
day night for their regular meet
ing. During the business meeting
uoromy Atarcum was elected sec
rotary and publicity manacer. is
the place of Helene Weddle, re
signed. Following the business
session, a brief program, was xtv-
u, uu me resi oi tne evening
was spent in games. Later a wat
ermelon treat was enjoyed. .
TUose .present were Jnanlta
ana Margaret Hult. Gladys Cala
nan. Alice calkins, Margaret and
Frances Ooln, Mina Wright. Jes
sie Hart, jean McKee. Ethel Tru
ax, Callsta and Lucille Pratt, and
Mrs. cnaries 'Hart and Mrs. . C
Praai-c...:.:J'W . ;
Robert Boals Li ieavlnr Mbn
aay ror Illinois wbere he will en.
ter Northwestern Medical college
at, Evanston. He Is a eon of the R. T. Boals. and was' a
graduate" with: the June class
from the University of- Washing,-
. miss Clementine cnaries Is a
guest in Salem, her former home,
for, si .tew. -days. .Miss. Charles is
bow of San-Francisco. --
- ' . . t
At North Howell; High Stu-
dents go to; Sitvcrton
"And Gervais
North Howell-grade school opeoa
Monday, September 19. wi'h. Mrs.
Minnie , Beckett of Salem as prin
cipal and Mrs. Susie Prultt. also
of Salem, as' primary teacher.
All Sllverton blfh -achool. stu
dents will report for duty Monday
morning and school hue will inn
on the same schedule as last year.
Cella and' Raymond Jefferson and
Anton Woelke have registered at
Gervais where the boys will be
active in athletic affairs. -
Prune picking'-. has' been. In
progress the .past week and will
continue during next week.
Prunes are being, delivered at Sa
lem and Woodbum canneries.
Mr.- and Mrs.. K.' D: .: Codtnler
were, hosts Wednesday evening at
their "home for a group of friends
Including Mr. and M j. S. Ai Har
ris of - Brooks, Ray Shaner ot
Woodburn, Mr. and Mrt. A. B.
W;cner, Albert and La von Har
ris, Wayne. and Mary Lou Wies
ner, Lois and John Coomler.
Mrs. Florence Oddie and son
Gilbert visited Crater lake and
southern Oregon pointa of Inter
est the past week.
STAYTON, Sept. 16 The Wo
men's community -club held its
first meeting of the season
Thursday. Mrs. B. A. Schaefer,
new president, presided. The
meeting opened with all singing
the club song, led by Mrs. W. H.
Lyman, with Mrs. H. A. Il--vi-champ
at the piano.
Mrs. Schaefer next gave a read
ing, typical of her creed as c:ub
president. Along the lines oi
business were Instructions to the
library cm 'tee t work out
plans for financing the library;
see about securing the services of
some or.e 1' buiiu .
Mrs. Nell Jones, ('airman of
the program committee for this
occasion, then took charge. The
first number being a vocal solo
by Mrs. W H. Lyman accompan
ied by Mrs. II. A. Beauchamp.
The remainder of the time was
taken up with an informal "
cusslon of flowers led by Mrs.
Everette Downing. Later the com
mittee served punch.
The club Is making extensive
plans for their display at the
West Stayton Growers festival on
Saturday, September 17.
As the business houses here
are all closing on that day from
12 noon to 4 p. m.. It was decid
ed to open the library that day
at 4 p. m. instead of at 2: SO n.
m. as has been custom.
mm dies as
AUMSV1LLE, Sept. If Mrs.
W. J. Brauner received a tele
gram from her son Ray Braun
er of Nampa, Idaho, telling her of
her hj-band':. . ...i at a II ''ne
hospital. Wednesday morning Mr.
Brauner had gone to Idaho to
visit a brother that was sick, and
took sick himself and was taken
to the hospita. and underwent an
operation from which he died.
Irs. r left at once for
The funeral will be" some time
- .Tampa. Idaho, their
former 1 . ae. Mr. Brauner Uaves
his wife and two sons and ' a
daughter in Aumsvllle and a son
in Idaho. The Brauners moved
here from Nampa and pprchased f. c. Fulton come t years
The Community club will have
a miscellaneous booth at the Har
vest carnival at WeU Stayton
Saturday and will also furnish
some numbers for the program.
Miss Gladys Burgess has re
turned from Seattle where she at
tended school this summer. She
Is the English teacher in high
school. Miss Mable Kullander
has arrived from Portland and
will teach the commercial sub
jects and glee club here.
W. C. T. U. WilL
- Give Reception
F or 'Teachers
TURNER, ' Sept. 1 C The W.
C T. U. met Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Susan
Glrardln. - Devotions were con
ducted by Mrs. N. Gunning; Mrt.
E Cunning was. elected delegate-
to the state convention, with
Mrs. M. A. Hill the alternate.
It was voted to hold the usual
public receptin '"for - the school
teacher Friday, night. September
22, at the school auditorium.
jCiticerg re-elected, wer presi
dent, Mrs. Ora H. A." Beer. vice
president, Mrs. . E JS. HarrbOn.
corresponding s cretary. Mrs. N.
Gunning, . . recorliEg secretary.
yv Musical . Kindergarten'.
For chlldrem, ages 8-, Mon
day .Wednesday, - Friday B
11:30 A. M. Openias; SeptexaW
bcr.lBtfi - . -'.; t;
Singing, ear .. training, rhyth
mic, orchestra. piano, hand
work, tool craft,' pre-school
work, ' dancinjg.- storles and
iT ' dramatisation V
Mrs. Frank Iilbnrn
Mrs. Fred. Lane; and Ulse Lois
Plnmmerj Assistant..
For information call 4 CIS or
- Nelson Building Tel. 74SS
Price 15. monthly, with ear
service. 17.00 ,
I 11 1 ! ii
West Salem News
and Mrs, E. L. Mintr and chil
dren, Wesl errand Eunice Jean, re
turned the first of .thU , week
from a' pleasant vacation spent
in Portland with ker parents. Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Wilson, and his
parenU.-Mr. and Mr. W L. Mill
er, all 'of Portland, wlthv her sla
ter and. family. Mr.: and Mr. 8.
J. Martinson ef Cletskaaie. With
the Martinsons, they motored . to
Cannon Beach i or a few days. 're
turning y the Roosevelt high
way, loop to Nov port and home
by CorrallU. . .
, Edmund Wetsner left Monday
for Mountain View. Calif., to en
ter SL Joseph Seminary, for his
third -year. .. He, ' motored down
with two Portland youths.
Lsmbcr Ccmcera BalMs
The Peed ee Lumber company,'
Is erecting enlarge, lumber shed
for - the winter storage of their
lumber. The shed, which will be
SO by SO feet by IS to II high
will have a .storage capacity of
from 2S0.000 to 300,000 feet of
lumber. William T. Grier is pre-,
sldent and manager of the com
pany with offices on Edgewster
street. Engene Krebs Is doing the
work of "erection.
Mr. and -Mrs. Arthur. Sprout.
nee Lucy Needham. are the par
ents ot a baby daughter, Sharron
Lee, their first child, who weighs
IVt pounds and. arrived Sept. 10.
Trade Auto Camp
The Capital Tourist Auto camp,
belonging to Hawkins and -Roberts,
has been, traded to Mr. and
Mrs. B, A. Shoff, of Castle Rock.
Wn., and the new owners will
move n and. take possession the
Mrs. M. A. Hill, with Mrs. E. Gun
ning elected treasurer. The Octo
ber meeting will be omitted on
account of tha state convention
In Salem October 11-14.
Each of the first. 25 persons entering our store Thursday morning win receive a
sealed envelope containing a ticket.
One of these tkkets will entitle the holder to the choice of any pair of shoes
in the store. Fire of these tickets will entitle each one of the holders to a free
pair of 11.50 Ladies' Silk Hose. All the other tickets will be taken as 50c cash
when applied on any pair of shoes fro m $2.95 up.
Ladies' Pumps
Black dt Brown, Kid and Suede
regular 5 to 6.00 values
Now go at
Ladies' Oxfords
and Ties
Suede Calf & Kid, both brown and
black. Very dressy shoes, ranging in
price from 5.00 to 8.50
SS9S e
Ladies' and Girls'
Sport Oxfords
Moccasin toe, brown and smoke com
binations. Hundreds of pairs to select
5.00 to 6.00
. - . " - -
Lakes' Strap . Ladies snk 1Iose
Saede and Kid, both in black and
brown, .wonderful values at.-5.00 to
7.00. All go one price . .
"; The Moor Shoe Co. Are Liquidating Their Large
J Wholesale Stock ( v
: And the Hamilton Shoe Co. has purchased a large quantity of this high grade
'stock at a tremendous reduction. and these shoes "will be placed on aaleTburs
, day morninar alorur .with . thousands of other pairs of fine shoes at roch. ridlcu-
Nr;lously. low 'prices vthat.
not purchase their shoes ixoni.the ;
1 1 i
first of October. In the trade
deal the new owners turned la a
farm of ISO acres. V. O.-Barton
has been caring for the camp and
may contlane to assist In the op
eration of the 1 place when the
Shorts take It over actively. :
R. D. Elliott and Charlie Stew
art ot. Monmouth are pea tag a
new. and need furniture exchange
on Edgewater street. In the Green
building-, and .will .deal also la
nsed automobiles, and expect If
business -warrants it te eetabllsb
an auction market. Mr. Elliott
made a tentative start la the busi
ness la the spring, bnt closed It
for the summer, and now the two
expect to open & good business.
Telegraphic communication an
nounced the arrival of a baby son.
Donald Wilbur, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O. Lewis In
Los Angeles Wednesday. Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Lewis are the grand
parents. The Glenn Lewises resid
ed here for a number of years.
This Is the second child, both
boys. Mr. Lewis has been fa Los
Angeles for fonr years, and Is with
a rubber company. .
Want Hill to fUm
A petition bearing the signa
ture of SCI voters of West Sa
lem . was presented to Lloyd U.
Hill this week, requesting him to
declare himself a nominee for
mayor, for the November election.
M.r and Mrs. Roll Walker of
Portland, moving to Rogue River,
made a visit of a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur P.
Lewis en route to their new home.
Guests this week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Fisher
were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Suetor
of Fontana, CaL Mr. Suetor, who
Is In charge of a government ex
periment station. Is having a 10-
day, vacation, which they are
spending here and at the Oregon route, by way of the Grand Can
beaches. I yon and California.
it will cause serious financiaHoss to any one thai, does
SOS State
BETHEL,' Sept. 1C Caan, A.
Nichols baa- Jast received word
of the winnings of the Kkhets
swine on the California fair, cir
cuit. At the state fair at Sacra
msnte the- .Poland Chin boar
Brookalde - Crusader. won - the
grand - ehamptenakl They, also
won a Junior fcajnpxnshtp: tint.
and second nrtsen a taed herds.
and first prlsemt!jesms herd. .
In the Chester. Wailaa they won
all but one of h-chgiptonahlps
and first pr&e -on aged herd.
Rleek Brothers x the Meadow
Grove dairy won! two grand cham
pionships on ' - their- Berkshire
swine which were with the Nich
ols shipment.
. Oscar Mlkesell who accompan
ied the shipment received first
prise for the finest kept pigs and
pens of the fair. . .
The Nlebole exscthat axe be
ing exhibited ,! .Montana fair ,
circuit are dot ax well and taking
many prises. This. herd will be
exhibited at the Oregon state fair.
Kings en Route
To Home State
BETHEL, Sept 1C Mrs. P. A
King and son Edgar King- left
Thursday by auto on n five week's
trip to Nebraska They wfn visit
relatives and friends at various
points In that state. Nebraska was
formerly Mr. King's home, and
this will be the first time she has
been back la IS years. The Kings'
will go by way of the Yellowstone
National Park and the nortnern
route, raturnlnsr the soatnern
A. M.
Brogues for
Women and Girls
Black ifepd brown Scotch grain in all
widths Vnd sizes, regularly sold up
to 7.50 go at
Pontiac Arch
Black Kid Straps, Black- and Brown
Kid Ties, leather and covered heels,
regular 7.00 and 8.00 values go-at
Ladies' House
Green, black, blue and redv leather
with covered heels. All styles, sizes
and colors, ranging in price from
3.00 to 3.50 go at one price
Chiffon and Service. All sizes and all
the new fall shades, 1.50 to 1.65 val
ues, go at . . "
3 Pairs 91.05.
-.-v .
s - -
5 t,
. i