The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Ore on, Saturday Mo rain r, September 17, 1932
.PACTS nvc
. -
Local News Briefs SI10HP
Cooper Answer E. M. Coo--per,
defendant In salt for 111
recently brought by Aram Her
rick, say g he Is read? to fulfill
his labor contract with Herrick
but the latter has not shown up
for work since August 16. Her
rick, ia his complaint, alleges; that
Cooper bargained to proride him
with board and room and costs of
his school attendance next year
at Parrtsh Junior high provided
Herrick would work on his farm.
Plaintiff alleges the contract! wait
not kept.
It you en3oy Home Cooking the
Marion Hotel isf now employing
white women cooks and are jaerv
Ing breakfasts from 15 tQ 7R
cents, lunches from 3a to 60 fcentH
and dinner's from 50 cents t on
LauhliH Speaker $. B.
I-aughlin. professor at Willainetto
university, will address the Sun
day night educational prpgrajn at
the Union hall, on "iViir the! Am
erican Lose His Independence
With the Passing of the Front
ier?" This is the fourth of a series
of programs on labor in history
Mrs. Ida Yoder Miller, metaphysi
cal teacher, is chairman of ; this
meetings, of which two more; will
be held. Miss Martha Floor will
be the soloist. The meeting starts
at 7:30 p. m. !
Rockaway band, Dreamland Sat."
Hop Work Don Mrs. Ethel
Blinston of Jefferson route two.
in the Sidney section, was a call
er in Salem Friday. She says
work in the hop yards in ;that
section has been completed.! and
that surplus of pickers and under
erop of hops combined to make
picking of unusually short dur
ation this year.
Seek Freedom E rdeena
Humbracht filed suit for divorce
lpridftv from William H. Hum-
hraeht. She asks custody of aj six
year old son and 25 a month
support money. Humbracht now
resides in Illinois. Hia wife claims
be was often drunk and treated
her badly. The couple married
August 16. 1925.
If you enjoy home cooking.: the
Marion Hotel la now employing
white women cooks and are aerv
las breakfasts from 15 to 75 cents
lunches from 35 to 60 cents.; and
iinners 50 cents to one dollar
Elliott Estate Closed Final
account in the estate of the; late
Francis Albert Elliott, state for
ester, was filed Friday in probate
court here. Marguerite P. Elliott
and John J. Elliott are heirs un
der the will. The net value of the
estate is $15,337; 353 state in
heritance tax being paid.
Rockaway band. Dreamland iSat.
Call for Jars The Seventh Day
Adventist church here is seeking
either donations or loans of Jars
in which to can. fruit and Vege
tables for the charity work the
congregation will do this winter.
Women of the church have al
ready filled several hundred; two
quart jars, says Rev. D. R. Schier
man, pastor. j .
Many young people have decided
it is wise to secure a business ed
ucation when one cannot work.
Many others will make like de
cisions and enter the Capital
Business College next week.;
Wants Note Paid, Suit to col
lect a mortgage note for 16210 to
which interest and principal are
to be added, was begun yesterday
In circuit court by Ingval jEdlad
against B. W. Battle3on and oth
ers. The complaint filed is
amended from one preparrj" and
filed several months ago.
Rockaway band. Dreamland Sat.
Handbook is Compiled -4- Miss
Carlotta Crowley, Salem element
ary school supervisor, hai com
piled a neat 17-page handbook for
the teachers under her. The book,
mimeographed and bound, lists
regulations and proceed u re for the
grade schools, and health work
for the pupils.
Free old time dance, tali open
ing, Saturday, 12th and Leslie.
Marine Want Men Enlist
ments for a number of men are
-still open In the U. S. Marine
corps. Sergeant Mack Sherman,
local recruiting officer, stated yes
terday. Recruits, he said, must be
between the ages of IS and 30,
five feet, six Inches in height and
of high mental ability.
Secure License A marriage li
cense was secured Friday by Carl
J. Posvar, 28, Gervaia farmer,
and Lucille Kleczynskl 18, also of
Gervals. Judge John Siegmund
married the couple. Posvar's par
ents were born In Poland; the
bride's in Ciecho-Slovakia.
Drunk is Released i Frank
Delaney, of Salem, whom city po
lice arrested Thursday on a charge
of being drunk, was ordered re
leased from Jail yesterday. I
Estate at End Final account
for the estate of Jennie T. Chap
man, deceased. "was tiled In the
Sh0rancorJu Ahead but
to closing the estate have been Mifrfrprf 7phnr P!no
- I. nAi.j ! r..
Dance toniirht Kent! HalL . DCIIIIIU ill UUUIU
wiuaniette i mosen - unaries iMAm mrm t.
Heltrel who was graduated from popularity - contest for: Qaeen of
BLn". ,a" uac- ""Uhe state fair rodeo. Winnlfred
requested that his credits, be tor- Senn w, leader on the- second
,..u ......un UBIIWSU7, count of votes, with Mildred Zea-
where he I8 applying for admls-Jner not very tar behind. The be!-
I tviiUQ s vAt tv ins oyu .cu
Man to Vote The 'row now on. Tie publlcja urged
first member of the "Liberty"
party to register in this county
C. Zike registered -at the county didate and dr.P.theb"ot" in th?
to ask for tickets in making pur
chases at the stores, then fill in
the name of their favorite can-
clerk's office. He lives near Sil
ver Creek Falls,
1 yfi "
m J
boxes, one at the First National
Bank corner, the other In the EI
pinore theatre lobby. All ballots
Biggest Old Time Balloon dance must be in by six p. m. Wednea
of the season, Haunted Mill. Sat. day night, September 21.
nite. Willam. Val. Boys, 25c The oueen will be announced
x, . . .... the night of Fall Opening. Sep-
Koad Work Mewed Mem- (4mv
Zl -w 5nty. COOrt Vew sponsored by the Salem Ad club
' ... ; o. ' ine which is offering a new fall out-
v--v oi.,i0u yea- m f the aueen-elect
:Z-''? c"ruer-c' owirea ou Another thing: the winners of
'"I- w!. , 7 . " f second and third will be designa
te. iny. ted M princesses and each will
Carr la Arrested Kenneth "ceive a new tall dress and be
Carr, 330 South 14th street, was prmiegea to appear wiin we
arrested esterdav nn rhirr. of Queen in the festivities of state
1 imV. A ill a !
failing to stop his automobile at ia,r wtBI- luer 100 WI" DO
through atreet, according to po- nouncea ine mgni or upen- i a. distinctly wet audience ts shown listening te dames juwsevere, son ox
:e records. ln"- ! Governor Franklin D. Roosevslt, Democratic nominee for the Preai-
xne ran atyie snow win toiiow
Dance at cool Kenti Hall to- t the Elsinore theatre and local
night. Ten-piece band. stores will display the newest In
n fall fashions for men and women.
Bminess Callers Mr. and Thm mntMtiiiii and thtlr nit.
Mrs. A. B. Wiesner and daugh- hng UD to Thursday night were:
ter of the North Howell com- valera Amort - 10 500
munity out from Silverton were Bessie Brant 10,100
-- f.. fit' a-
jt ii
Gehlhar Says Emphasis to
Be put on Marketing
Of Farm Produce ;
1 v-:f. .-! . ki-'.:'
3 -
Vi 1 I.-- -; "-it
"For the time being, the lam
ber iadastry gives signs of . reviv
al, over a period of several
weeks.'. Harry . Potter.' asaociat
editor of "The Tlmbennan"; told
a group of 20 lamber manufac
turers and dealers who met for
night, l
for mast prodacuen of steel noei
es. Potter declared that lumber
Haior wo a Li "lit to an tn th
low priced house j what was dow
to the automobile.
Arthur Bevan. aecretary-maa-
ager of the Red Cedar Shinrle bu
reau, with offices at Seattle and
Cl iago. said "Jhe competitk
from ateel houses and mass pro-
duction should wake p the lum
Outlining the work of hia bu
reau. Bevan stated that before it
Juaa Acoata. champioa of U wa-organised, there were 4 6 va-
Plaxw de Toros at Mexico City rietiea ot shingles manufactured
meaning . bs a real bull fn the United States. Sine e-.
fighter ami the Spanish eew-l tablUhment of the bureau and its
orita who' will also appear at I program ot sUadardlxatlon. from.
the aUte fal here. Bwt theifiva to 11 grades ot shingles are
bwll firfit'? bere will be ancr I aaade by bureau members, who
ly an exhibition Involvlmg no I number 93 per cent of the shingle
brutality, according to .Max i Industry, in Washington, Oregon
Gehlhar. bead or toe state land British Colombia.
agricultural department who la
Friday business visitors in Salem. I Evelyn Boles
Lindley Named J. C. Lindley if
has been named liquidator of the Brennai
Bank of Stayton, Insolvent. Ho la 6? ii rf,r
to receive 3225 a month and pay- !,lor?nce ; DuTaI
ment of his traveling expenses.
Dance tonight Kenti Hall.
Flavla A. Downa
Kathleen Engle
Helen Engle
Vivian Eiker
Pays Dollar Fine C. W. Marv Ann Heine
Crary paid a dollar fine and costs Catherine Hamlin 10.000
in justice court for overloading Beatrice Hartung 10,000
his truck.
Helen H. Hunt
Alta Johnson
nn visit
ST. PAUL. Sept. 16. Mr. and
Mrs. Peter McDonald left by motor
on a trip to visit with their son,
Arthur, who is in the calvary at
Monterey barracks. They also in
tend to visit with other relatives
in California.
A school meeting was held Wed
nesday night at the St. Pauls
Parochial school
Esther Keusher . 10,600
Dorrla - Kemp 22,700
Gladys Knight 10.000
Jeanne Lou Lunsford 10,000
Ruth Morris 10,100
Bessie Maley 10,100
Grace Maden 10,300
Pauline Marnarch 10,900
Gladys D. Miller 11,500
Ruth McAuley 12.300
Edna L. McCrow
Lugusta Noturft
Ruth Pearce
Ella Polk
Hasel Pruitt
Ines Rowley
Fern Roan
Eunice Robertson 10,300
Lenn fclggi 10,200
vwZTZ'hnn.AfM, Juanlta Reynolds 10,000
Visitors at the home of Mr. and Ma.f Hl ru,r . ,
Winnifred Senn 106,100
Mrs. Edward Faber this week
were Mrs. Susie Bunning and
daughter, Dorothy, of Portland,
Leo Ostrander of Newberg, and
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Becker of
Julius Sprogls, who has been ill
in a Portland hospital, has re
turned to his home. Miss Eileen
Merten. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Merten, is visiting with her
cousin, Miss Elaine Mullens, of
Mona Mae Smith . 10,100
Lillian Semena 10,000
Barbara Walker 14,900
Laurie Walker 10,000
Marjorie Walling 28.600
Lulu Wiederkehr 10,000
Mildred Zehner 93,700
Josephine Zak - 10,000
dency, as he made an impromptu campaign speech for his tr at a
swimming pool in Salisbury. Mass. Shortly afterwards young Roose
velt was compelled to abandon aia stumping lour oi vw nmpiiin
because of what-doctors described as "complete exhaustion."
Salem Ad Club heard with In
terest -Friday the - story of the
state fair as related by Director
Max Gehlhar. The old fair with
its emphasis on production must
change to pay attention to proper
marketing, and must change also
its entertainments to keep np
with the times, said Gehlhar. He
urged Salem people to get behind
the fair and condemned the crit
ics who do nothing to help solve
the fair's problems and do ,not
even attend.
The entertainment this year is
different, in order to Com with
in the reduced operating budget
made necessary by conditions.
However it will be full of interest
and thrills, and will attract the
best talent In the field. Besides
the professional ente rtainers
there will be 18 bands, about
1000 persons from valley com
munities presenting different
The much discussed "bull
fight" is so bull-fight at all; and
sot cruel to man or beast. It is
diverting however and gives color
to the show sad is being put on
In other states.
A fair's appeal is to the masses
and so its entertainment has to for the event, and Fred Com
bo for the masses. No "high-1 stock, as president ot the West
brow" stuff goes with fair I stayton Growers' club which orig-
crowds, but clean, tunning inated the festival, has worked
amusement has a universal ap- I untiring tor success of the event.
Local democrats were uncertain
yesterday whether Franklin D.
Roosevelt, presidential candidate.
Damages of $7000 are sought
from th city of Mt. Angel In a
suit filed in circuit court Frt-
would make a personal appear- I day by Edward R. and Lloyd J.
ance In Salem on hia western trip. Hougham
Governor Roosevelt is slated to I Plaintiffs contend their z30-
speak in Portland, Wednesday, aero farm one-halt mil from th
September 21, at 7 p. m., at thai city has been damaged' to this
municipal auditorium. Officials I amount by th failure of the mu
of the state central committee said I niclpality to check flows of wast
his special train would not leave I from its sewage system down
for the south until 10 p. m. In
that event, the schedule being two
hours behind th one first released
for the governor's trip, the can
didate would not reach Salem un
til midnight
Rest must be had by the candi
date, the officials pointed out, and
small creek running through the
Hougham farm.
The complaint Includes a eon-
tract executed between the city
and the Houghams In 1923
I wherein the city settled previous
complaints regarding the dispo
sition of its wast by agreeing
In general charge of plans for
tbe fair, which opens Septem
ber 2C
Griggs Bobs Up
As Aspirant to
District Office
Fall Festival
On Today at
West Stayton
Program and
will bo held all
afternoon and
Petitions for tbe nomination
of lctor R. Griggs, assistant at
torney general, as an Independent
candidate for district attorney of
Marion county, were placed 1
rfrnlaMMt SrMav
STAYTON. Sept. 16 -Stayton cnnnN nf .V. n.A.m..t
business men. wno nave seen co- Itld th0 potions would b Hied
operating with the West Stayton
growers tor their big harvest fes
tival Saturday, will close their
places of business that day Troin
12 noon until 4 p. m., so that all
may have opportunity to attend
Tomato Pickers
Are in Demand
it is doubtful If the governor will to keep a septic tank system In
be asked to stay up until Salem Is operation. Plaintiffs contend the
reached. If he does, he will speak contract has not been met.
from the rear of the train which
Is equipped with amplifiers.
Rooeevelt is to arrive In Port
land Wednesday morning from
Seattle. He will confer there with
party leaders during the day. His
night address will be broadcast.
Everything is In readiness for th thU moct worXh wkU! affalr-
annuai Harvest resuvai wmcu
will claim attention of this and
neirby communities Saturday.
The large teat was raised on the
scboolgrounds Wednesday, and
booths have been placed in the
tent and the play shed.
The pit is ready for the b!g
barbecue, and everything is form'
ing into shape rapidly.
The Ladies' elub ot Stayton
will h Id Its annual flower show
along with the festival, and West
Stayton will also have a floral
Business men of Staytcn have
offered their services in all ways
with th secretary of state not
later tLan September 28.
Approximately 600 names of
qualified voters sre required to
place Griggs ia nomination. He
would oppose W. H. Trindl. wh
received loth the republican and
democratic nominations for dis
trict attorney at the recent pri
mary election.
P. T. A. MEETS 184k
STAYTON. Sept. if It so
Tomato pickers were called for I happens that the opening ot
the first Urn this summer at the I school falls on the regular meet-
U. S.-Y. M. C A. employment bu- lag night for tbe Stayton P. T. A-,
reau. Only two men wer em-1 the third Monday ot th month,
ployed, however, with wages of I All parents and others interested
15 cents an hour. are urged to attend as matters of
During the day. 12 blackberry Interest will be presented. Th
and two prune pickers, and one teachers will be introduced aaa
I woodcutter were placed. I refjroshments will be served.
Heffron Files
As Independent
For Congress
First Travel
On Railroad
Is Recounted
The certificate of nomination of
F, C. Heffron, of Eugene, as an
congressional district, was filed in
the state department Friday,
The nomination was made by an
assembly of electors held In
Eugene, September 15. His ballot
title reads: "Keep Eighteenth
Governor Meier Friday issued a
statement urging the citizens of
Oregon to Join ia the observance
of constitution 'day today. The oc
casion marks the 145th anniver
sary of the signing of the consti
tution of the United States.
"This day is recognized as one
when special attention should be
directed to the historical docu
ment which is the foundation
stone on which American princi
pals and American Institutions
WACONDA, Sept. 16 Mrs.
Indenandent candidate for renr- rner3un, ior 32 years a pais ana American institutions
iSSRt developed." the
i , j. .,. .ii.i i. I ner 68th blrthdav September 20. statement read.
Lola Ruth . DeSart Patterson "Civic organizations ot every
was born in 1864 in a covered character should Join with our
wagon where the Snake river public schools In impressing on
hits the Oregon trail, while her our citizens the significance of
parents, George and Melissa De- th day, and fn making this event
Sart were enroute by ox team to one from which all of us shall
Oregon. derive' renewed pride in our coun-
Many interesting stories of life try and Increased seal for its in-
in th unsettled country are re- stttutions."
membered as told by her mother.
Times were really hard, then,
she says and people bore their
ZEN A, Sept. 15 Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Nleswander are being con-
T-nlatftd nnnn thn arrival ot a
9 pound girl, born September hardships better than this genera-
4 Th HttlA irl haa been named "" "e ron" or an in
Shirley Eulalia.
brother, Paul Jr.
She has ' one
Ob ltuary
dlan uprising was of more con
cern to those pioneers than the
scarcity , of money.
A faithful shepherd dog used
to guard the DeSart cabin from
pilfering Indians while the men
wer at work in the Red War-
Coming Events
September 15 Freshman
days open at Willamette
September 13-10 An
nual teachers Institute,; Sa
lem high school.
September lO S a 1 m
Tennis club Invitational
tourney starts at state hos
pital grounds.
September ; 17 Upper
class registration opens,
Willamette university, j
September 10 Opening
of Salem public scheotsL
September 22-Annnat fall
opening, auspices Salem Ad
club. ' -- - -j ,.
September 24 Credit
managers Pacific coast start
two day convention her.
September Sift-October 1
Oregon state fair. . v
October S - Opening
O h a m b o r of Commerce
November 0 Genera.
lection.'".., -'';-,,
' Oct. 11-14- State conven
tion of W. C. T. U. at First
Presbyterian church. J
Smoke clouds rolled from th
J. C. Bair sheet metal works.
rior mines near Boise. One day 236 State street, when gasoline I
red man who came begging I being used to clean radiators
for salt for venison was surpris-i caught fir at 2:45 o'clock yes
ed by an attack which resulted terday afternoon. Us of a soda
At the residence of her daugh
ter, at Multnomah Station, Sep- in the Indian's quick obedience fire extinguisher only aggravated
tember 15, Mary is. Kicnarason, to Mrs, DeSart's command to the flames. City firemen, how-
ot Scio. Survived by widower, T. leave. This dog was greatly ever, used other chemicals and
A. Richardson ot Scio; sons, C. trusted by his master who would quenched the fire before serious
G. Gough of Mill City; Dr. A. i. throw a bag of gold nuggets into damage resulted.
Woodmansee of Salem, Verlin a 'ravine, knowing the dog would Forty-five minutes later, fire-
not return without. It. l men were sent to 83 5 D street
airs Patterson was Just past Where it . was reported a gaa
one year old when her parents oven was smoking in an unusual
moved to Marlon county where manner. Smoke from a furnace
Richardson of Oregon City, and
daughter. Mrs. R. L. Berry ot
Multnomah Station; one sister.
Mrs. Laura V. Tucker ot Los An
geles, , Calif., also six grandchil- I she has lived since. She was one
ot toe party mat maae an excur
sion trip on the first narrow
gauge railroad from Silverton to
Mt. Angel built about 1879.
On this trial run flat cars were
used for families, the caboose
being reserved for officials. It
took about eight hours to make
the trip.
dren. Funeral services will ts
held at the graveside at Frank
lin-Butte cemetery, Scio, Satur
day, September 17, at 2 p. m.
under direction of Clough-Bar-
rick company, Church at Ferry
ras circulating from a flue Into
the oven vent, it was found.
South station firemen ex
tinguished a rubbish blaze in a
basement at Howard and Berry
streets about 6 o'clock yester
day morning.
At the residence. 502 N. Win
ter street, Sept. 14, Amanda S.
ws 0wacbv ucVt .a i B Auactuwsn I y m
Johnaorf, aged 82 years. Mother UamaSCS SOUgtlt
ot Claude A. Johnson and Evelyn "?"6
uue to Accident:
Two Years Ago
M. Aufranc, both of Salem, Mrs.
Myrtle M. Hamer ot Brunk's Cor
ners, Polk county, Hiram A.
Johnson of San Diego, Mrs. Clar
ets Spratt ot Cheney, Wash.; sis
ter or saiem Jones oi ronuna, nim.rM "tjfinoa tM h.
Miss Sally Jones Of Salem. Fn- furies rrawfnr outf an accident
neral services Saturday. Sept. 11. 1 n thm mii'i rrrr at limi
at 1:10 . m. from the chapel ot j zi mt are sought' by Esther
. i, aiuob ua ova. t. wood la I ess begun ycsieraay
Howo omciaung. interment uity- i in circuit court her. Judg L. O.
view cemetery. - iLewelllng of Albany Is presid-
inr. Conrad H. Saner is defen-
Nefl . IdanL ; ,
' In Pleasanton. Calif ., Septem-1 puintif f contends that Saner
ber 12, Elmer E. Nell, aged 29 j drove his -car out from a side
years. Survived bywldoW, Mar-1 road Into th mala highway and
tha; daughter, Phyllis ot Pleas-1 in doing so caused the accident
anton. Funeral services will bo which resulted la ber serious,
held from th chapel of W. T. I permanent injury.' Plaintiff . was
Rlgdoa and Son Monday, Septent- j riding in an auto drive by -E4-
W II a(.1'lt n lvari ;. RaTfet . Ow., -.-.J-l
Dr. Chan Lam
Chines Medicine
- Office hours
Tuesday and Satur
day a to B p. m.
148 N. Commercial
1 and S
Card Tables and
Chairs to Rent
Call 0910. Used Fneallare
Depart ment
lt North High '
the Most Economical Performance Gasoline
1 U Alw7 Pr ' ;
la rcanaof Union 76 Ctsolioc, defrrioraria
eVmrstsmrcnMcilae4 by rporial process
cettaia tnbiltsfng intredkan arc iouooWrn
so pceservt bs fmbnesa, '
, Cre Bxtrm Forfranwr)
This frui gaaoCnc broke and stSl bold
every Americas stock car speed record frosa
1 so 300 miles. It establtsbcd S i
bin cUsabuf records.
CbImi TO GmmllmmUmUdhj
wvczst yum-EvoaLi
Vmir aU ssisfr fwrsUlst swam-
pratBrw OTf TUB UOAD, Ifnr
CMswisM IbM ta ElxtMt
QaaCcks vary ia dOcrcs yollars Yo
wB and luoa 7 wkb ks superior nwalkies
jom tbe ceo? of grttr mil up, aad
ft ii II i fall MS-LUOLLI itAiON
tSaiKAlt AH.OW..WAlTfb iTIOH
xniMinan-IOOIn yniriira-KTAE
gxaso iii-aQ
jbWwslfca-tlMQ CtOHY
t LVtlPCT sVakri mb ad mil lfIO!f SKXllCa STATIONS, IXC.