The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1932, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 17, 1932
I' i
111)6 TO T011
Geer Continues as Com
munity Club President;
Meets October 14
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Geer and
daughters, Vesper and Reba, are
moving (his weekend to Salem
where they are to locate in an
i apartment at 943 Center street.
The two daughteis have enrolled
in the high school in the soph
omore class. Mrs. Geer is em
ployed in the state tuberculosis
hospital. For the present Mr.
Geer will drive back and forth
to the farm until other arrange
ments can i be made. Mr. Geer,
who is president of the Waldo
Hills Community will continue
In that capacity. Mrs. Geer's mo
ther and sister, Mrs. W. W.
Moore and Miss-, Myrtle Moore
will accompany them.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Purvis are
looking for a new location. They
lived the past year on the II. J.
Cutler farm. They motored to
Wilsonville Sunday to look at a
farm. Mr. 4 and Mrs. Herman
Holm are soon to move to Tur
ner. For two years he has rented
the Mrs. L. R. Linn farm on
Drift creek.
Prune picking and drying is
In progress on the H. J. Cutler
Roger Comstock spent the
week until Friday at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
son Comstock. Roger has been
employed in Portland since early
June and his mother motored in
for him Monday. Friday he left
for Eugene where he is a Junior
In the university.
The Waldo Hills Community
club will begin the year's work
October 14. The president, Mr.
Geer, announces that entertain
ers of the Artisan's Life Insur
ance company under the direction
of Jerry Sailor will be present to
give the evening's program.
Miss Martha Goodknecht,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Goodknecht, will leave Sun
day for Monmouth where she will
enroll In the normal. Martha was
graduated In June from Silverton
high school, being salutatorian of
aer class.
Bits for.Breakfast
o- o
p . j (Continued from Page 4)
him, and all hi wealth of beads
and trinkets at his feet, the dead
Indian lay, waiting for the flood
of life which should some day
come in like the tide from the
sunset ocean.
The elegance of some of the
Indian garments may be under
stood from the following account
given by LewU and Clark: "Two
of them (the Chinooks) being
chiefs, we went through the cere
mony of giving to each a medal.
and to the most di tinguisheJ. a
flag. Their names v.-ere Concom
tnoiv and Chillahlawil. One of the
Indiana (Concomly?) had a robe
made of two sea otte? skins, the
fur- of which was the most beau
tiful we had ever seen; the own
er resisted every temptation to
part, with It, but at length could -not
resist the offer of a belt of
blue beads which Chaboneau's
wife (Sacagawea) wore round her
waist." While the women's gar
ments of the lower Columbia peo
ple' may not have been character
ized by any particular elegance,
they were distinctive enough to
receive more than passing men
tion by Lewis and Clark. The
hula-hula effect of the skirt seems
to have made a considerable im
pression upon the intrepid explor
ers; of 1803. The costume of the
Wahkiakum women is thus graph
ically described: "The women are
clad in a peculiar manner, the
ro$e not reaching lower than the
hi, and the body being covered
in cold weather by a sort of cor
set of fur, curiously plaited, and
reaching from the arms to the
hip; added to this is a sort of pet
ticoat, or rather tissue of white
cedar bark, bruised or broken in
to small strands, and woven into
a girdle by several cords of the
same material. Being tied round
the middle, these strands hang
down as low as the knee in front
and to mid-leg behind, and are of
sufficient thickness to answer the
purpose of concealment whilst the
female stands in an erect position,
but in any other attitude is but a
very ineffectual defence. Some
times the tissue is silk-grass
twisted and knotted at the end."
Much has been written concern
ing the repulsive appearance of
tho natives of the lower Columbia
region. No doubt the physical
eharacteristis of these natives
most disagreeably affecting the
whites was the head deformity,
artificially induced. Sloping fore
heads were quite the fashion
among the Chinookana; accord-
ugly, each toad mother who was
a member of 'those tribes, -with
the aid of a board fixed upon the
plastic brow of her babe, practiced
the gentle art of beadflattenlng.
Slaves were not permitted to al
ter the cranial conformation of
their offspring. Hence, the sharp
ly sloping forehead served as a
mark ot distinction, indicating
membership in the dominant
class. Chinookan head-malformation
was a painless process which
resulted In no real injury to the
(Santee, in describing the boats
of the Chinook?, inserts a foot
note -taken from Smith's "Begin
nings in Oregon" In which the
claim is made that "the model of
the clipper ships was taken from
the early Chinook canoes." This
is a claim worthy to be generally
known, If true.)
(Concluded tomorrow.)
JEFFERSON, Sept. 1. A. J.
DeVaney and his daughter. LiUace
Samuelson, arrived home several
days ago from an eventful trip on
board of the Fort Bragg, which
was wrecked at Coos bay recently.
His son-in-law, Captain John Sam
uelson, Is expected here in a few
days. Mrs. Samuelson, whojwis ill
for several days, following 'the
wreck. Is slowly improving.
A grass fire on the D. H. Looney
farm four miles north ot Jeffer
son, spread very rapidly Wednes
day, getting into the timber, and
later in the afternoon spread into
timber on the Chehack farm ad
joining Looney's. All the men of
the neighborhood got out to help
get the fire under control. A num
ber went from here to help fight
fire. "Late last night the fire was
put out, without doing any ser
ious damage.
Caryl Miller of Eugene, arrived
in Jefferson, Thursday afternoon
and will spend the week end with
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
E. F. Powell. Miss Miller will go
to Scio from here, and will attend
high school there. She will stay
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Merritt, daring the
school year.
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center: Rev. P. W. Ericksen. castor.
Rally in Sunday school at 10 a.m. Luther
league rally at S p.m., followed by lunch
at o p.m. jjevouonai program at 7 p.nv
Church Notes ,
(Continued From PatiM)
Sunday school 9 a. mH TwiUiaaa O'Saill.
superintendent. ' . ,
Xelstfn bnildloc. corner C heme' eta and
Liberty streets. Sunday school at 10 a. s.
Preaching at 13. Mutual Improvement as
sociation. Tuesday 7:30 p. as.
fibst cHtntcH or chxxst,
Chrmeketa and Liberty streets. Sunday
school, 9:45 and 11 a, sa. Services 11
a. mi and 8 p. as., subject, "Matter."
Testimony meeting Wednesday. S p. no.
Kesdinr room at 406 Masonic temple open
from 11 to 6:30 except Sundays aad
State and Church streets. B. Ksrle Par
ker, Minister. Church school 9:45 a. .,
Dr. D. H. Schurtie, superintendent. Pub
lie worship 11, sermon by paator. Mixed
quartet. Young people's forum 6:80 p.m..
Dr. Parker, leader. Evening service 7:80,
Ira E. Oillet, mjtsionery from Porttifraese
Ksst Africa, will show moving pictures
and tell of his work.
swnlar at 7:10. Prayer aad praise aea-
vioe. laursaay, i :tv P-sa. vneir an or
chestra rehearsal. W. Xarl Cochran, pas
tor. -
Corner 19th and Ereyman streets. J. H.
Brisco pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a. n..
Wendell Cross, superintendent. Morning
worship 11, "A Willing Mind." Young
people s meeting A :30 p. m., Mrs. Lee
Cross, leader. Evening service 7:30, ' He
Believed in His God." Special music by
choir. Prayer and bible study Thursday,
7:30 p. m.
Center and 13th streets. Fletcher Gal
loway, paster, residents 2025 Market,
phone 9630. Sunday jschool 9:45 a. ra..
F. M. Litwiller. superintendent. Morning
service, 11, subject "The Queen of the
Or aces." No. 2 of a series oa "Gift and
Graces." N. T. P. 8. and Junior society
8:30 p. m. Evening service-7:30. "Why
Such a World I" No. 2 ot a series on
"Disputed Truths." Prayer meeting Wed
nesday, 7 :30 p. m.
labtSh evangelical
H. R. Scheuermann pastor, 1161 Union
street, Salem. Clear Lake A centennial
program of 8unday school beginnings of
the denomination, all-day sessioa and bas
ket dinner at noon. Dr. W. C. Kantaer,
guest speaker. Labisb Center Will unite
with Clear Lake in centennial program.
O. E. society 7 p. m., evening worship at
8. Midweek devotions Thursday 8 p. ra.
at the Starker home. Middle Grove No
Sunday service, cooperating with Clear
Lake In centennial program. Bible study
and prayer service Wednesday, 8 p. s.
Dr. Ira E. Gillet, missionary on fur
lough, will give aa address Saturday, 8
p. m.. at Ford Memorial. Tho address will
be illustrated by asotion pictures, stereop
tieoa slides, and exhibit ot African ar
ticle. Sandsy tho psstor will presch at
Oak Grove at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. at
Ford Memorial, subject. "At the End of
the Trail." Sunday school at Ford Mem
orial, 9:45: Summit and Oak Grove, 10.
North Cottage and Chemeketa streets.
Rev. Fred Alban Weil, minister. Snnday
service at 11 o'clock. Sermon "What
Doth It Profit !"T5rganist, Mrs. Walter A.
. Sunday services at 9:40 a.m., with
church school. Mrs. W. A. Bark us. Supt.
Preaching services st 10:50 a.m. and 7:80
p.m. B. Y. P. C.'s at 6:30 p.m. A. M.
Giants or Grasshoppers." P. M. evan
gelistic services. This week: Wednesdsy
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South Commercial street at Myers. 8.
Darlow Jokasoa, pastor, 848 B. Myers
Bt4 psoas 987. Marjorlo Walker Bat
oUtfo, director of asasie. Morning worship
ot 11 o'clock. Women's day service spon
sored by the Woman's aTCaaiaatieaa. Ser
mon by tho pastor, "Glorious . Womaa
hood." Happy Evening boar aorriea at
7:30. Maaie by Janier ohoir. Sermoa aa
"Beyond tho Horiaoas" by Rev. Ormal
B. Trick. Church school, V. M. gaekatt.
Gen. Supt' asoeta at 9:45 with depart
ments aad classes for all ages. Leslie
leagaa la Live Wiro room at 0:80 led by
Visa Liniam Gernlobtt. Aabary loaguo ia
LoaU HsU-a 9:89 tailnf ay le ueo
tioa at "What to Dl" Mid-wook hoar
for prayer and'study Tharsdsy at 7:80.
Choir rekearssL at 8:18. -
- Chareh aad "Cheaaoketa street. Holy
Communloa at 7:80 svaa. Morning prayer
and aorsaoa at IX u. Chareh aehool 8:45
Mich aad OsaUr streets. D. 1. Howe.
paator. fraaday aehool 9:48 aja. Morning
worship 11 e'sJeck. The ebserraneo af tho
Lard' a linn followed by vroachlag. Ser
mon by tho pastor. Eveaiag worship at
8 o'elock ; apoeial asaaia at each service.
Xooag People s moeUag at 7 o'clock. Mid
week servteo, prayer aad Vfbla arsdy.
Wednoodsy at 7:89 w-sn. ---
Market aad Sorth Winter street. J. B.
Stewart, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Morning' worship 11 a'cmck. Eveaiag war
ship 7:80 o'clock. Yaaff People's meet
lag la tho basement prayer room at 8:80.
Jeaao Walter, loader. Rev. Stewart is
hoasa aad will have charge of both morn
ing aad evening aarvt
855 Ferry street. W. H. Caldwell, pas
ter, phone 8498. Re. 458 Bel moat street.
Suaday aehool at 9:45 am. Mrs. Gilbert
Whiso, Sept. Moraing wershlp, at 11 a.m.
Theme "Tho Last Message to tho Chareh
at 8mvrna." Evening evangelist is aer-
vie at 7:45. The anbestra wfn pHy ah '
4 :aOs- Re-v Louio- Adasaa tlodioa r
Relist) will bo tho speaker of tao ores
ig. Prayer service . aa Taoaday aad
Friday evenings. Orchestra prartie om.
Wedaesday evening. Teoag peoplo'a slight
Tharsdsy evening. George Wiiaoa, a stu
dent of the Pertlaad Bible Institute wi'l
speak. Btreet service Saturday evaainr.
Serrica at Belle vee chareh Sunday at 11
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Ivaa Bad
Ley. Bapt. Chareh sorrieo at 11 o'otort
with Ue second seratom oa "Si. laha. tho
Artist.' Epworth loars at T o'clock,
Wiikard Bear, leader. The 'alack ser
vice wiB be conducted by the - Men a
brotherhood. M. 8eermaa Hawk, pesrsor.
Around the corner and down your way
he comes with his mellow accordion ... a song on
his lips and the love of song in his heart, like a
wandering trouhadour of old.
Light up your Chesterfield, fling wide your-radio
window and listen . . . for he has many tales to tell you.
Every Tuesday and Friday night.
Chesterfield Radio Program Every night except
Sonday.ColuiTibU coast-to-coast Network.
Begins Monday
Are You Ready?
We Are
...J ...
Back To Grade, Junior, High School Or College
Means Caref id Planning In Order To Arrange A
Wardrobe Of Qualities That Outwear And
Smart Fashions That Aitrovel
Why not torn them loose here today and let them have the fan of
choosing? They know the vogue for school clothes . . . and plaa their
elders Judgment In making selections a good time will be had by all!
Boys will be interested In suede Jackets, cords, tin pants, tweeds,
sweaters, shirts, sweat shirts, brogues, box, suits, caps, ties, and
school supplies.
Girls will shop for dresses, coats, skirts, sweaters, suede
roy Jackets, hats, brogues, hosiery, lingerie, robes,
school supplies.
Over One Acre
of Floor Space
Plenty of Room,
Fresh Air,
light, Cool and
Best of All
Big Assortments
of School Togs
for Boys and
and cordu- SA V Cl
Girl's Wool Skirts $1.39
Blue, green, brown and red skirts. 8croe with kick pleats.
These arc ot be found In children's Dept. Bises 10 to 16 yds.
Girl's Corduroy Jackets $2.95
Belfte, blue and red corduroy Jackets are new! Look t
these in th? hMdrpn's Dept. today. Sizes 6 to IS yrs.
Girl's Wool Dresses $1.98
Two piece effects with light colored tops. Xxcellent values
for school wear. Children's Dept. Oreen, red, blue, brown,
Childrens Ankle Sox 2 pr.for 25c
These ankleU selling at the rate of 2 pairs for 25c are, in
deed, values worthy of your consideration. See them on
Main Floor.
Boy's Leatherettes
Rainproof Dupont lea
therettes seQ here at
only 12.73. These have
sheepskin linings, gen
uine Wambo collars.
Coats are faced with
navy blue corduroy. I to
II years.
Main Floor and Basement
Wool Flannel
Fore wool flannel robes for
school girls, plain colors with
trims of darker shades. Mono
gramed effects on pockets.
Pongee Pajamas
Pure silk pongee pajamas with
all-over printed trims or plain
with print trims. These are cx
eeellent values for school girls.
Good wearing . . . practical, tod
Misses Brogues $2.95
Scotch grained brogues with kiltie tongue, etc. Heavy solas.
Dark brown. Sizes IV i to 3, children's slaes i to 11. 93.7S.
Enna Jettick School Shoes
Fine leathers, built la arch supports, combination aiaea to fit
the hard-to-flt Brogues, scout, etc Main Floor 44.40.
School Hose By Holeproof
Holeproof makes splendid wearing school hose. For Junior and
high school girls we recommend Holeproof full fashioned all
silk at 79c
i j
School Supplies
Come to Miller's book department lor the bast tn school
supplies. Pencils, tablets, writing paper, pens, erasers, rulers,
Im fact everything oce can think of that will be used In the
class room except text books.
Special Typing Paper
Regulation typing paoer will be on sale here for school
opening at 43c a recm. tiet y'onr and save
Rayon rough knita in short
sleeve, crew neck' style-
tad Floor.
astuM aawcMrruot conrv nor,
Jumbo School
Jumbo school tablets
will be given away with
school shoes today. Halm
floor aad basement!
Ll sLlaUii.e.iJijLa